
Lesson Plan Template: Day 1
( # 2,3,4 only)
1. Learning Target(s): (What will students know & be
1. How do you find
able to do as a result of this lesson?)
agreement errors in
Review Information: Students will be able to find and correct sentences?
agreement errors dealing with singular, plural, masculine, and 2. How do you fix
feminine concepts.
agreement errors in
New Information: Students will learn to conjugate regular –
3. How do you conjugate
AR verbs.
–AR verbs?
2. Relevance/Rationale: (Why are the outcomes of this
You must learn how to
lesson important in the real world? Why are these
make sure your sentences
outcomes essential for future learning?)
agree with the nouns,
These are both fundamental concepts needed to effectively
verbs, and adjectives.
communicate in Spanish. Because some of these aspects are
unique to Spanish, students must have a solid understanding
before moving on.
3. Formative Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will You will be able to
you & your students know if they have successfully
complete the class work
met the outcomes? What specific criteria will be met
on your own with 80%
in a successful product/process? What does success
on this lesson’s outcomes look like?)
You will be able to
Students will be able to correctly identify and correct 80% of complete most of the
the agreement errors in the class work provided. They will
home work on your own.
also be able to complete the following homework
Study for Agreement Quiz
WB. Pg. 33 Act 5
4. Activities/Tasks: (What learning experiences will students engage in? How will
you use these learning experiences or their student products as formative
assessment opportunities?)
(5min) Do Now: Write down steps to find and correct sentence agreement mistakes.
1. (20min) Review: Peer Tutoring
In groups, students will correct paragraph and use a step-by-step process to find and
correct mistakes.
· Noun
· M/F
· S/P
· Subject Pronouns
· Pairs before class
· “Ser”
When students are done: go over answers group came up with.
2. Class work: Students will individually write a response paragraph explaining their
favorite season and clothes they wear.
3. (~10min) –AR verbs Rassias Drills, slowly shift responsibility to students.
5. Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in
this lesson?)
Paragraph for students to correct:
No me gusta el inviernos. Hace mucho, mucho frío. Cuando hace frío me pongo el
sueteres, el botas, y el gorro. Mi suéter son gris, mis botas son negras, y mi gorros es rojo.
A mi me gusta el verano, hace mucho calor. Cuando hace calor, me pongo la camisetas,
los shorts, y los tenis.
6. Access for All: (How will you ensure that all students have access to and are able
to engage appropriately in this lesson? Consider all aspects of student diversity.)
All instructions will be provided on power point slides. Visuals will be accessible and
visible for all students.
7. Modifications/Accommodations: (What curriculum modifications and/or
classroom accommodations will you make for Students with Disabilities in your
class? Be as specific as possible.)
Visual aids are provided for students.
Lesson Plan Template: Day 2
( # 2,3,4 only)
8. Learning Target(s): (What will students know & be
What are the
able to do as a result of this lesson?)
conjugations for the verb
Students will learn the conjugations for the irregular verb
9. Relevance/Rationale: (Why are the outcomes of this
lesson important in the real world? Why are these
outcomes essential for future learning?)
New Information: Using the “to be” verb ESTAR is essential
when communicating location or emotions.
10. Formative Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will
you & your students know if they have successfully
met the outcomes? What specific criteria will be met
in a successful product/process? What does success
on this lesson’s outcomes look like?)
Students will be able to use the notes they take to begin using
ESTAR to communicate emotions and locations.
Students will be able to complete the following home work
You need to use ESTAR
for feelings and
You will know when to
use ESTAR.
Study for AR Quiz Thur
WB: Pg 34 Act 7
11. Activities/Tasks: (What learning experiences will students engage in? How will
you use these learning experiences or their student products as formative
assessment opportunities?)
(5min) Do Now: Conjugate the following –AR verb in I, you, he/she, we, you (formal)
1. Review Homework
2. Agreement Quiz 2 (~15min)
3. Direct instruction: The verb "estar" (10min) Estar- notes
4. (2min) Donde - Where? Use technology vocabulary
5. (10min) Practice: individual practice for –AR verbs
6. Check Point: Rassias drill for –AR verbs
1. Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in
this lesson?)
2. Access for All: (How will you ensure that all students have access to and are able
to engage appropriately in this lesson? Consider all aspects of student diversity.)
Students will have notes to support their learning in this introductory lesson.
3. Modifications/Accommodations: (What curriculum modifications and/or
classroom accommodations will you make for Students with Disabilities in your
class? Be as specific as possible.)
Visuals will be used throughout the lesson.
Students will make flashcards to aid their learning at home when studying.
Lesson Plan Template: Day 3
( # 2,3,4 only)
12. Learning Target(s): (What will students know & be
1.What are the
able to do as a result of this lesson?)
differences between SER
Students will know to use SER for time, occupations, and
and ESTAR?
physical characteristics and ESTAR for feelings and location. 2. When do you use each
3. How do you ask for
the time?
13. Relevance/Rationale: (Why are the outcomes of this
lesson important in the real world? Why are these
outcomes essential for future learning?)
This is an essential skill, since there are two forms of the
form “to be” in Spanish, they must understand when to use
each one early.
You will learn when to
use SER and ESTAR.
14. Formative Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will You will learn when to
you & your students know if they have successfully
use SER and when to use
met the outcomes? What specific criteria will be met
in a successful product/process? What does success
on this lesson’s outcomes look like?)
Students begin to use the to forms of “to be” to
communication location, time, physical traits, feelings, and
Students will be able to complete the following homework on
their own:
Study for AR Quiz Thur
WB. Pg. 35 Act 8
15. Activities/Tasks: (What learning experiences will students engage in? How will
you use these learning experiences or their student products as formative
assessment opportunities?)
(5min) Do Now: Write 5 sentences using ESTAR. Use the words on the board.
1. Review Homework
2. Direct instruction: Teach when to use ser and when to use estar
YouTube Video
3. Student Guided Notes On Board
(10) ¿A que hora? Students will practice user SER to communicate time.
1. Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in
this lesson?)
Youtube video
2. Access for All: (How will you ensure that all students have access to and are able
to engage appropriately in this lesson? Consider all aspects of student diversity.)
Students will watch entertaining videos that explain when to use each form of “to be” and
acronym to remember when to use each one.
3. Modifications/Accommodations: (What curriculum modifications and/or
classroom accommodations will you make for Students with Disabilities in your
class? Be as specific as possible.)
Visual, aids, and songs will be used to facilitate students’ learning.
Lesson Plan Template: Day 4
( # 2,3,4 only)
1. Learning Target(s): (What will students know & be
You will use SER and
able to do as a result of this lesson?)
ESTAR in a skit.
Students will be able to apply what they have learned during
the previous lessons to write skits demonstrating proper use
of SER and ESTAR.
2. Relevance/Rationale: (Why are the outcomes of this
lesson important in the real world? Why are these
outcomes essential for future learning?)
Using both forms of the verb “to be” are essential for
effective communication in Spanish.
3. Formative Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will
you & your students know if they have successfully
met the outcomes? What specific criteria will be met
in a successful product/process? What does success
on this lesson’s outcomes look like?)
Students will be able to write skits demonstrating proper use
of SER and ESTAR with minimal help.
Students will be able to complete the following homework on
their own:
Pg. 36 Act 9, 10, 11
You will need to learn
how to use SER and
ESTAR to be fluent in
You will be able to write
skits without my help,
using only each other as
a resource.
4. Activities/Tasks: (What learning experiences will students engage in? How will
you use these learning experiences or their student products as formative
assessment opportunities?)
(5min) Do Now: Ask your classmates three “donde” and three “a que hora” questions.
Write down their answers.
1. Review Homework
2. (15min) –AR verbs quiz
3. Guided Practice: Ser/Estar (venn diagram)
Students will lead the discussion and help the teacher create a venn diagram using SER
and ESTAR, while providing correct examples.
4. Independent application: Students write and present skits using "ser' and "estar"
(In class time to prepare skits)
5. Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in
this lesson?)
6. Access for All: (How will you ensure that all students have access to and are able
to engage appropriately in this lesson? Consider all aspects of student diversity.)
Students will have the teacher and each other for support but will work primarily as a
class and small groups.
7. Modifications/Accommodations: (What curriculum modifications and/or
classroom accommodations will you make for Students with Disabilities in your
class? Be as specific as possible.)
All instructions and tasks are written on board so students can follow and complete at
their own pace.
Lesson Plan Template: Day 5
1. Learning Target(s): (What will students know & be able
to do as a result of this lesson?)
Students will demonstrate their mastery of SER and ESTAR
through skits.
2. Relevance/Rationale: (Why are the outcomes of this
lesson important in the real world? Why are these
outcomes essential for future learning?)
Using SER and ESTAR in conversation is an essential step to
3. Formative Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will
you & your students know if they have successfully met
the outcomes? What specific criteria will be met in a
successful product/process? What does success on this
lesson’s outcomes look like?)
( # 2,3,4 only)
You will show me you
have learned how to use
SER and ESTAR through
your skits.
Practicing saying SER and
ESTAR will help you learn
how to be fluent in
You will be able to
successfully use SER and
ESTAR in skits.
Students will be able to work in pairs to write and prepare
skits using the correct forms of SER and ESTAR.
4. Activities/Tasks: (What learning experiences will students engage in? How will you
use these learning experiences or their student products as formative assessment
(5min) Do Now: What are the differences between SER and ESTAR?
1.Assessent: Skit presentations and class review
2. Review: Rassias Drills
· -AR verbs
· Ser
· Estar
5. Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this
Students will create all the materials needed for class today.
6. Access for All: (How will you ensure that all students have access to and are able to
engage appropriately in this lesson? Consider all aspects of student diversity.)
Students will use all their resources
7. Modifications/Accommodations: (What curriculum modifications and/or classroom
accommodations will you make for Students with Disabilities in your class? Be as
specific as possible.)
This will be a primarily student led lesson. However, instructions and guidelines will be on
board, easily visible for all students.
Monday Nov 4th
The objective of this lesson was to review students’ ability to identify and correct
agreement errors. At the start of class, the paragraph with errors was projected on the
board at the front of the class. I asked the students to work in groups to find the errors.
Students were initially overwhelmed by the assignment, there were a lot of questions and
it was clear that they felt they did not have the vocabulary. They felt they could not
understand the content of the paragraph. Since this was more challenging than previous
of activities because it was using the agreement errors in context, I scaffolded the activity
by finding cognates as a class. As students found cognates and paid attention to the
vocabulary they already knew, they were able to figure out that the paragraph dealt with
seasons and clothes appropriate for the weather. Once students understood the content,
they looked for agreement errors individually. Once they felt their comprehension of the
paragraph was solid, the students were comfortable tackling the agreement errors they
were familiar with. As students finished, I walked around and asked individuals to go up
to the board and make their corrections on the board. The corrected mistakes were easily
visible to the rest of the class and I left it up to serve as a model for the next activity.
While I feel that the way I scaffolded worked, I could have predicted this and highlighted
the verbs and vocabulary the students already knew to encourage them to use the context
and struggle with the meaning individually. Nevertheless, doing it as a class eased
everyone and ensured everyone was comfortable enough to attempt the task. This served
as solid evidence that students had a solid understanding of the task and agreement.
Since the task required the students to write about their favorite seasons, it required them
to use some vocabulary which they don’t have yet. I provided support by writing the
seasons and translations on the board. This reduced the cognitive demand on the students
and allowed them to focus on the task and learning goals, which focused on grammar and
agreement, not the vocabulary for seasons per se. After several students asked for the
basic structure to say “My favorite season is ___”, I wrote it on the board. With all the
vocabulary and structure students needed on the board, they were able to work with their
partners on their compositions, using correct agreement. After they had enough time to
write, I asked the students to share their paragraph with the rest of the class so they could
practice their oral speaking skills. This proved to be effective because the final products
demonstrated that with proper support, students could produce their own paragraphs
communicating the target information.
Tuesday Nov 5th
The goal of this lesson was to introduce the two “to be verbs” SER and ESTAR and give
the students an opportunity to being using them. After I introduced the verb "estar,"
students seemed to pick up on the fact that SER and ESTAR both mean “to be,” this is
probably due to the times we have previously used SER and ESTAR. I had the students
create flashcards that included the conjugated forms of ESTAR on one side and pronouns
on the other. I also drew up the conjugation on the chart and did Rassias style drills so
that students could practice using the verb. As the week progresses and students learn the
verb, I will ask them not to use their flashcards. For these drills, students were
comfortable because they had ample support and minimal pressure. I also began shifting
the moderator role to students, which they seemed to enjoy. Students demonstrated they
met the objective by correctly using the verbs SER and ESTAR at a level expected for
this introductory lesson.
Wednesday Nov 6th
The goal of this lesson was to provide additional information to help students learn when
to use SER and ESTAR. Students seemed to enjoy the videos presenting the differences
between ser and estar. Before starting the videos, I had the students prepare a T chart to
take notes on which cases each verb was used. This was effective since both videos made
it really easy to identify when to use SER and ESTAR. One video even included “Stop
the Elf,” an acronym (SerTimeOccupationPhysical for SER and EstarLocationFeelings
for ESTAR), which students voiced, was “easy” and began using when finishing their
The video served to teach students the difference between ser and estar, and based on the
notes, I was able to assess whether each student had examples of the circumstances under
which you would use each verb. Students demonstrated learning through informal
formative assessments in which I asked them to communicate basic information that
required the use of SER and ESTAR.
Thursday Nov 7th
The objective of today’s lesson was to give the students an opportunity to apply what that
had learned the previous days to demonstrate their mastery of SER and ESTAR.
Following yesterday’s lesson, today’s lesson encouraged students to use ESTAR in
context. They were very responsive to the task and worked individually for most of the
class period. I only scaffolded by providing vocabulary or phrases too far outside from
their current level. This was a primarily student-centered class day with minimal
instructor input. This was an effective use of time because as I reviewed the work
students had I saw minimal mistakes and motivated students struggle but find ways to
accurately incorporate both forms of “to be” into their skits.
Friday 15th
The objective of this class was to allow students to perform their skits to demonstrate
their mastery of SER and ESTAR. Students performed their puppet skits today and
demonstrated good gains in their understanding of when and why you might use ESTAR
vs. Ser. Some students were really creative in their skits and required some vocabulary,
but this only made their presentation more interesting. I think this activity could involve
the students more if I provided a list of ideas the audience had to pick up from each
dialogue. This would encourage the audience to be active listeners and also gain more
oral and auditory competency. Students demonstrated a solid understanding of SER and
ESTAR by using them correctly in their skits.
Planning Commentary
1) What is the central focus of the learning segment? Apart from being present in the
school curriculum or the student academic content standards, why is the content of the
learning segment important for your particular students to learn?
This week has four learning goals:
1. To review agreement concepts which requires a solid understanding of how to
identify if nouns are masculine/feminine, singular/plural, use corresponding definite and
indefinite subject pronouns.
2. Students will also review the conjugations for SER and know how to use the
information gained from their understanding of subject pronouns to conjugate SER
accordingly. They will also be able to use SER to indicate time, occupation, origin,
personality and physical characteristics.
3. Students will learn ESTAR and its present tense conjugations. Students will be able
to use estar to communicate location and feelings.
4. Students will learn how to conjugate regular -AR verbs in the present tense.
Learning how to understand and create subject-verb agreement is a fundamental skill for
Spanish learners and can present a unique challenge because all nouns are gendered in
Spanish. This proves to be a challenge for English speakers since English does not use
gendered nouns. Once students have learned how to determine if nouns are masculine or
feminine, they can determine whether it is plural or singular to use the appropriate subject
pronoun (also gendered).
The content in my learning segment is essential for beginner Spanish students to learn
because SER and ESTAR, both meaning “to be,” are among the most fundamental
components of the spanish language. Since Spanish has to forms of “to be” while English
only has one, it is vital that students learn the correct use each one as early as possible.
Because both SER and ESTAR are irregular verbs, students will have memorize the
conjugations according to the subject of the sentence.
Learning how to conjugate regular -AR verbs is essential for students since it is a skill
that can be transferred over to -IR and -ER verbs in the future. While memorizing the
endings for -AR verbs is straightforward, it is the underlying understanding that the
conjugation depends on the subject that is most important for this lesson. In order for
students to understand these conjugations, a solid understanding of subject pronouns is
2) Briefly describe the theoretical framework and/or research that inform your
instructional design for developing your students’ communicative competency in the
target language and familiarity with the cultures using that language during the learning
My theoretical framework is based on Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
(Glisan & Shrum, 2005). This approach requires the teacher to scaffold according to the
student’s level and allows them to grapple with the language to gain communicative
competency. This is the reasons my lesson plans contain group or pair activities. For
example, in Day 1 students work with a partner to analyze a paragraph and find
agreement errors. In this activity students must use information they learned the previous
week to understand and correct the presented paragraph. In addition to understanding the
grammatical information embedded in the paragraph, students must also work together to
produce their own response to the paragraph. I have provided the foundational skills for
students to be able to do this and scaffold by asking probing questions and directing their
attention to useful information for their question. By using this approach, I am integrating
the target grammar concepts with a communicative paragraph instead of presenting
Spanish as a segmented set of rules.
3) How do key learning tasks in your plans build on each other to support student
development of communicative proficiency (both productive and receptive) relative to
the academic standards and related language objectives, and their familiarity with
cultures that use that language? Describe specific strategies that you will use to build
student learning, specifically comprehension, across the learning segment (BeforeDuring-After). Reference the instructional materials you have included, as needed.
The concepts covered in this learning segment are subject-verb agreement, SER and
ESTAR, and conjugating regular -AR verbs in the present tense. Since we covered
subject-verb agreement last week, the activities are intended to identify if students have
learned the necessary skills to perform this task and also produce content themselves.
This task builds on this week’s primary lesson, SER and ESTAR. In order to succeed in
this lesson, students must understand that SER and ESTAR (which both mean “to be”)
vary in use and in order to find the appropriate verb, must use information they learned
when working with agreement errors to decide which to use. While verbs are not
gendered, students must still understand how to to use all the other concepts
(plural/singular, subject pronouns) to properly conjugate them. This in turn builds on -AR
verbs which we started last week. These too, require the ability to identify the subject and
use that information to decide how to conjugate the verb. However, before students can
do this, they must first have the endings for -AR verbs memorized. In order to scaffold
this process I will use Rassias Style Drills throughout the week. On Day 1, I will provide
a chart with the correct endings on the white board and have the students create their own
flash cards with the ending on one end and the subject pronoun on the opposite side. On
Day 2, I will not provide the chart on the board and encourage the students to use their
flash cards only when they cannot recall from memory. On and after Day 3, I will
encourage students to rely on their memory more than flashcards. By doing this, I will be
able to assess the students’ progress and I hope also help them self-monitor and identify
which endings they have not memorized yet.
4) Given your description of students that you provided in Task 1. Context for learning,
how do your choices of instructional strategies, materials, technology, and the sequence
of learning tasks reflect your students’ backgrounds, interests, and needs? Be specific
about how your knowledge of your students informed the lesson plans, such as the choice
of text or materials used in lessons, how groups were formed or structured, using student
learning or experiences (in or out of school) as a resource, or structuring the acquisition
of new language functions and text types to take advantage of specific student strengths.
Students had previously responded well to Do Now’s and I continued this in my solo
week. Students knew that as soon as the bell rang they were expected to begin the task.
This consistent structure created a routine for the first couple of minutes of class. While
some students required a little more motivation, having the instruction written on the
board allowed me to direct their attention very easily.
I used powerpoints for the main lesson of the days so that students could see and read the
instructions. This left the whiteboard free for me to write additional instructions or
answer questions that were asked repeatedly. When students had simple vocabulary
questions that were too complex for me to explain as they completed the tasks, I would
write them on the board and make it clear to the rest of the class. However, since I used
vocabulary (clothes, classroom objects) that the students already knew, the students were
able to use each other as a resource often.
Since I noticed that the school culture encourages the students to pack and prepare to
leave a couple of minutes before the bell rings, I placed my Rassias drills at the end of
class. This way, even though students had packed and were ready to go, I could call on
them individually in an attempt to keep them engaged until the bell rang. This also
provided additional daily oral practice for the focus of the lesson.
5. Consider the language demands of the oral and written tasks in which you plan to have
students engage as well as the various levels of language proficiency related to classroom
tasks as described in the Context Commentary.
A. Identify words and phrases (if appropriate) that you will emphasize in this learning
segment. Why are these important for students to understand and use in completing
classroom tasks in the learning segment? Which students?
All students must be able to understand the following words and phrases:
 Words
o Subject pronouns
 Phrases
o SER: (subject pronoun)+ (conjugated form of SER)+ (time, occupation,
origin, personality and physical characteristics)
o ESTAR: (subject pronoun) + (conjugated form of ESTAR)+
Since conjugating both verbs requires an understanding of who is performing the action,
subject pronouns must be understood and memorized. If students do not know the subject
pronouns, conjugating both verbs will be impossible because they will not know which
subject to conjugate it for.
B. What oral and/or written academic language (organizational, stylistic, and/or
grammatical features) will you teach and/or reinforce?
The main focus of this lesson is for students to learn when to use SER and ESTAR. In
order to do this, I will reinforce subject pronouns throughout the week. I will use a video
and have students take notes as they watch them. We will then compare answers and I
will have students provide oral responses so they can practice each one. I expect students
will have trouble with this since there are two forms of “to be” in Spanish. I will reinforce
which one is used for specific cases as well. I hope that through constant practice,
students will learn when to use SER vs ESTAR.
C. Explain how specific features of the learning and assessment tasks in your plan,
including your own use of language, support students in developing communicative
proficiency in the target language relative to your language objectives. How does this
build on what your students are currently able to do and increase their abilities to follow
and/or use different types of text and oral formats?
I use academic language when referring to the skills students must know in order to
successfully complete my assignments. For example, students know that subject
pronouns are essential and an important component of the language to watch out for.
When something is incorrectly conjugated, there is a step-by-step process I am trying to
instill so they can eventually complete the tasks on their own. The tasks I make up are
limited to language they have already learned. When they ask questions that relate to
topics they have not covered yet, I provide the answer but also highlight that the material
will be covered later. By doing this, I ensure that my tasks are assessing their mastery of
the target concepts and are not limited by their limited vocabulary.
6. Explain how the collection of assessments from your plan allows you to 1) evaluate
your students’ acquisition of the target language in cultural context relative to the
expected standards/objectives that you have selected and 2) provide feedback to students
on their learning.
I use constant formative assessments throughout my lessons in order to gage my students
learning and also determine what they need to practice. The Do Now’s serve as formative
assessment for the previous day’s lesson. Ideally, students should be able to complete the
Do Now’s on independently. When they can’t, their questions help me understand which
concepts they are confused about and help me adjust my lesson plans to address these
misunderstandings and I hope also serves as feedback for what concepts from the
previous day they have to practice.
The tasks themselves also serve as formative assessments. I limit my scaffolding to
providing vocabulary or phrases that are too complicated for them to learn on their own.
These assessments require the students to produce their own artifacts to demonstrate their
mastery of the standards. This is also an opportunity for me to provide feedback for
pronunciation or simple errors.
The Rassias drills that I have incorporated into my lessons give me information over
specific student’s understandings, but if most students cannot respond to a specific idea
can also provide information for concepts that the whole class is having trouble with.
Since the Rassias method is designed to practice, if my students cannot participate in
them, I know I have to review the material.
I have two summative assessments in my week. The first is a straightforward three-verb
conjugation test using -AR verbs the students are familiar with. This assessment made it
obvious that while most students mastered -AR conjugations for yo(I) and tú(you), there
is more work needed to master the rest of the subject pronouns. This is probably due to
the amount of time we spend practicing these in class. My second formative assessment
required the students to write and perform a dialogue using puppets in which they
exchange information using clothing articles(vocabulary for last week) and the correct
form of ESTAR. This assignment provided two means (the written work and the skit
itself) for me to assess the students mastery of the content. Depending on their produced
work, I will determine whether we need more practice on these concepts or if we are
ready to move on.
7. Describe any instructional strategies you have planned for your students who have
identified educational needs (e.g. students with limited exposure to foreign languages
outside of school, accelerated or advanced students students with IEPs). Explain how
these features of your language tasks, including assessments, will provide students access
to the curriculum and allow them to demonstrate their acquisition of the target language
in cultural context.
Since most students with IEPs and 504’s benefit from visuals, I will have all instructions
written on the board or on powerpoint slides. These will remain on the board as long as
the students are working on the task. I also provided a basic structure and found a video
that provided an acronym so students can remember when to use SER and ESTAR. My
summative assessment provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate their master
of the material through written work (their skit) and also orally (through their
performance). I also offer the option of puppets to ease the stress for any students who
might get nervous in front of an audience. The Rassias drills also give the students an
opportunity to practice and show their mastery orally. A particular challenge for my class
is that some students are accelerated and require more of a challenge. I tried to provide
this by giving them the opportunity to lead the Rassias drills. Students seemed to enjoy
and embrace this opportunity even though they voiced nervousness. As the advanced
students become stronger, I hope to have the Rassias drills become completely student