MasterClass on Graduate Employment Feb 2014

of presentation
Applying for Graduate
Name of presenter
Title of presenter
School / Faculty / Division
20 February 2014
xx Month 201x
Career Development Centre
La Trobe University
CRICOS Provider 00115M
MasterClass: Applying for Graduate Employment
Workshop Overview
• Introduction to and researching graduate programs &
graduate positions
• Resumes
• Online applications & responding to behavioural questions
• Interviews
• Graduate Employers Panel, Interview Activity, Q & A
• Psychometric testing and assessment centres
• Networking
• Attending employer events
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Introduction to Graduate
What are graduate programs?
• Structured professional development programs designed
specifically for new or recent graduates.
• Generally range in length from 1 – 3 years.
• May include rotational or fixed roles.
• Typically commence after completing final year of study.
• Aim to develop professional skills and abilities of new
graduates to suit the particular needs of that organisation.
Source: Graduate Careers Australia
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Eligibility for graduate programs
• Applications are open to final year undergraduate students.
• Some organisations are looking for specific disciplines, while
others recruit from a range of disciplines.
• Some organisations require that applicants are Australian
citizens and/or have permanent residency.
Source: Graduate Careers Australia
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Typical application timeline*
February – March
Applications open
March – early-April
Applications close
March 
Selection process
May 
Job offer
Early 2015
Positions commence
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Typical selection process*
Online application
Psychometric Testing
Phone Screening
Assessment Centre
Face to Face Interview
Reference and Probity Checks
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Researching Graduate Programs
Who offers graduate programs?
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Researching graduate programs
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Graduate program info and resources
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Your Resume needs to give employers...
clear evidence of the qualifications, skills,
experience and qualities you have that
match their specific job and workplace /
organisation requirements.
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1. Keep it simple
Make sure the first page includes all key information.
Try and keep it from being too long – 3 pages at most.
2. Pay attention to layout and presentation
Keep the layout clear, simple and uncluttered.
Use clear headings and make use of dot points where you can.
Include page numbers.
Proof-read it!
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3. Include relevant information
Limit content to relevant information.
Organise information so it’s easy to follow. Present information in reverse
chronological order, listing the current or most recent activity first.
Highlight your key skills and provide clear evidence of these (and qualities) you claim
to have.
Adapt your resume for each job application so it accurately reflects the key skills,
and other requirements, of the job you are applying for.
Use key words that reflect essential aspects of the position description and
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Your Resume is a marketing tool but...
will anyone read through it?
 Only if it looks professional, clear, relevant and easy to follow.
Use and demonstrate your skills in...
paying attention to detail.
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Your Resume is a marketing tool but...
will it get you an interview?
Only if it clearly demonstrates the specific skills, knowledge and
personal characteristics that the position requires and the
organisation is looking for.
Use and demonstrate your skills in...
researching, assembling
and presenting
relevant information.
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Research and think about what employers want.
• Interpersonal & communication skills (written and oral)
• Passion/ knowledge of industry
• High calibre academic results
• Work experience
• Teamwork skills
• Leadership skills
Selected requirements from 2012 Graduate Outlook Employer Survey
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Use your Resume to show employers you have what they want.
Interpersonal and communication skills (written and oral)
quality of your resume, studies, activities, communication with employer
Passion/ knowledge of industry
studies, professional development, prof. memberships, practical experience
Calibre of academic results - special achievements and awards at uni
Work experience
relevant employment, internships, volunteering, p/t work
Teamwork skills - p/t work, uni projects, sports, clubs and societies
Leadership skills - p/t work , mentoring, positions of responsibility
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Communicate your selling points in your Resume
Career Objective
Skills (industry specific + transferable)
Awareness of, and participation in, the relevant
Qualities that match the needs of specific graduate jobs and
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Career Objective
– what can you offer and where are you going?
• specific & targeted
• demonstrates your motivation and awareness of the
different sectors of industry
• not vague or general
I am seeking a graduate role in government where I can contribute my research
and analytical skills to the development of policies in youth justice and
community engagement.
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Achievements – what makes you stand out?
What extra value or potential do you have from...
holding positions of responsibility
increasing sales figures
running a project to change something in your university, community, company
winning an award or prize
achieving good results in exams or assessments
gaining additional qualifications
receiving customer service / quality awards
managing achievements outside of your studies or workplace, such as raising
money for charity, being elected to a committee
achieving as an individual or in group sports
being awarded a promotion
working as part of a team that…
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Provide evidence of your achievements
• Detail your achievements in different sections of your resume (e.g.
education, employment) or create a single list of examples.
• When and how did you positively affect a project, a community, an
organisation, the bottom line, your boss, your co-workers, your clients?
• What awards, commendations, publications, etc., have you achieved that
relate to your career objective?
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Show your awareness of, and participation in, the
relevant discipline/industry/profession
• Student placements or internships
• Volunteer work
• Paid work
• Active membership of professional association/s
• Extra-curricular activities
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Skills–what can you do for an employer?
• Don’t assume that anyone reading your Resume will know what
skills you have gained through your degree, placements, parttime work etc.
• Including details of your skills or competencies in your resume
increases your chance of being offered an interview by 30%
(Bright and Earl, 2007).
• Assess and know your own skills and strengths. Make them
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Make it easy for the employer to see that you have
relevant industry and transferable skills.
• Include key skills words from the position description / duty
statement in your resume to connect what you can do with what
they want.
• You can include a separate skills section, with sub-headings for
the skills that you want to highlight and examples of what you’ve
• Use action verbs to show what you can do e.g. research,
manage, plan, create, analyse, install.
• Provide evidence of where and how you’ve applied specific
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Organisational Skills
• Planned and coordinated training sessions for the Eltham Junior
Basketball Team for 3 years
• Planned, managed and filled fortnightly rosters for up to 12
staff at the Toys ‘R’Us Brunswick store for 18 months including
two peak Christmas periods.
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1. Tailor your resume for each job and every application.
2. Do your research.
3. Identify and communicate your skills using action verbs.
4. Use key words that show you match the requirements of the
job, and the needs and interests of the organisation.
5. Get input from others – online career resources, a skilled
proof-reader, La Trobe University Resume Booth.
It’s not a lottery – you can take action and optimise your chances.
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Online Applications
Online application forms
• 77% of employers have an online application process.
• Designed for you to provide evidence that you have the skills
and attributes matching the selection criteria.
• The selection process has started – applications will be either
shortlisted or rejected
• Filling out application forms can be time consuming - allow at
least 1-2 hours per application.
Source: Unigrad 2012
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Tips for online applications
• Diarise the application closing date and submit your application
well before then.
• Allow plenty of time to complete the application form.
• Read and follow the employer’s instructions!!
• Stick to word limits!!!
• Proof-read for spelling, grammar and punctuation.
• Ensure your documentation is of a professional standard.
• Save files in a version that anyone can open.
• Keep a copy of your submitted application.
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Strategies to succeed
 the position (what questions are likely to be asked?)
 the organisation (what attitudes & skills are valued?)
 your background (what evidence can you provide?)
̶ your motivation, experiences, skills
 summarise your key selling points
 keep it simple and structured
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Online Application Questions
•Closed questions
•Requiring right/wrong or yes/no answers
•More common in assessment tasks, exams, tests
•Open general questions
•Behavioural questions
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Typical questions relating to your goals, career objective,
knowledge of company
What’s the achievement you’re proudest of?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
What four words best describe you?
What appeals to you about our firm and why you would like to
work here?
Why are you interested in joining our graduate program?
What are your long term aspirations?
Please describe what interests you about a career in ......
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Sample Online Questions
Why do you want to work for the Victorian Public Service as
opposed to other graduate opportunities? What do you feel you
could contribute to the work done by the Victorian Public Service?
Please limit your response to 250 words or less.
Information that exceeds these limits will not be considered.
(42 words in the question)
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Developing answers to open general questions
Demonstrate self-awareness on main issues
• your skills and qualities, both personal and professional
• how you chose this career pathway
• motivation: why working in this industry and occupation is
important to you
• what makes you passionate about your work in general and
this job in particular
Link your own story to the industry and the organisation
• use your research – what skills & capabilities are valued for
this position, by the organisation, and by the industry?
• based on this, identify your key selling points for this
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Behavioural Questions
Types of questions: behavioural questions
Behavioural/Competency-Based Questions
• Used at application and interview stages
• Companies identify the competencies required to do the job
– these form the basis of the questions
• “We can predict future performance from past behaviour”
• You are asked to discuss concrete EXAMPLES from your own
experiences to prove you possess the required competencies
• “Can you tell me about a time when….?”
• “Can you give us an example of a time when…….?”
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Example Questions
“Can you give us an example of a time when you had to
deliver a difficult message to an individual or
“Can you give me an example of a time when you have
been part of a successful team?”
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Sample Online Questions
Please provide an example of a time when you had to work as part
of a team to accomplish an objective. Describe the task, what your
role in the team was, and what outcomes the team achieved. Please
limit your response to 250 words or less.
Information that exceeds these limits will not be considered.
(46 words in the question)
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Tips for answering behavioural questions
• Don’t provide general statements such as “I have extremely
well developed communication skills” without backing it up
with evidence.
• Provide real examples from your studies, work, and extracurricular activities that are relevant and specific.
• Include an indicator of success or the result.
• Try to use examples from different areas of your life – study,
employment, extra-curricular.
• Adhere to word limits.
• Don’t exaggerate or apologise.
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Structure your response in a four-step process: S T A R
S ituation – What was the situation/context
T ask – What was the task/event you encountered
A ction – Describe the action you took
R esult – What was the outcome
Use specific examples - ideally within past 1-2 years, from
your studies, placements, employment, voluntary activities.
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Describe the situation / environment you were in
Include context, details and time.
What did you need to accomplish to deal with the situation?
What was your role concerning the problem, issue or assignment?
What did you do?
Set out the steps you took to resolve the situation
Provide detail – how you listened to the unhappy customer. What
strategy did you use to manage your time? How did you influence
your team?
What happened? What did you accomplish? What did you learn?
Promote yourself and your achievements
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Can you tell us about a time you have demonstrated excellent
organisational skills?
I have developed excellent organisational skills through my parttime job as an event assistant at XYZ Events. In this role I am
responsible for booking staff to set up marquees at private
functions. To perform this job I need to identify all jobs booked for
that day, calculate how many staff are needed to set up each
event, and ensure that there is sufficient time to set up each
event by the time required.
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Example - action
Excellent organisational skills
Last month I discovered that one of the sales staff had booked an
event, but forgot to enter the booking into the system. As I had
already created the schedule for the event staff to follow, it was
too late to make changes. I quickly made some phone calls to
other event staff not rostered on for the day and found two
people who were able to come to work immediately. I then
arranged for a spare truck to be loaded with the marquees, so
that when the event staff arrived, they were able to deliver the
marquee to the customer immediately.
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Example - result
Excellent organisational skills
The result was that the marquee was set up in time, thus avoiding
a major disruption to the customers’ event. My supervisor was
very impressed with the work that I did to resolve the issue and
started giving me tasks where I could use my initiative and work
more independently.
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Building up your own examples to answer behavioural questions
Selection Criteria
Example – Uni
Example – course
Example employment
Example – voluntary,
Problem Solving
Planning &
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Why an interview?
The employer’s objective is to attract and appoint the best
candidate for the job. An interview is used to find out:
• Can you do the job? Do you have the skills, knowledge and
experience appropriate for the role?
• Will you do the job? What’s your motivation? Are you
enthusiastic about the position and the organisation?
• Will you fit in? Do you fit into the team, within the
organisation’s culture and workplace environment?
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Phone screening
• Many organisations conduct a brief phone interview early in
the selection process.
• This can happen when you least expect it. If the timing is
inconvenient let them know when would be more suitable.
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Tips for phone interviews
• Treat a phone interview as seriously as a face to face interview.
• Have your resume and application handy but don’t be
distracted by them.
• Ensure your phone is fully charged and that you have good
• Answer your phone in a professional manner.
• Take the call in quiet place, free from interruptions.
• Speak clearly and smile.
• Ensure that your voicemail message is professional.
• At the end, thank the interviewer for their time.
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Example open and behavioural interview questions
Open questions
Why are you interested in this graduate program? Qantas
What do you know about our business? PricewaterhouseCoopers
What would you do differently if you were given the opportunity?
Schweppes Australia
Behavioural questions
Give me an example of a time when you used good judgement and logic
in solving a problem. St George Bank
Tell me about a time when you saw an opportunity and drove it
forward? How did you spot the opportunity? Victorian Public Service
Tell me about a time when you lead the team to a positive result?
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Example Technical questions
Questions may relate to the content of the job, a case study, a
clinical scenario (e.g. for health science) or current trends
within the industry.
Can you explain what a public good is, why the government may
provide public good and give an example? Economist stream,
Victorian Public Service
What do you consider to be the essential elements of an effective
classroom management plan, particularly when working with a
new group? Victorian Department of Education
How has online media affected the way we consume technology?
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Preparing for behavioural interview questions
Review the selection criteria and think of questions related to
each competency or skill.
Prepare specific examples from a range of recent experiences.
Use STAR approach. Practice responding to questions out loud.
Make it clear what you specifically did if you worked in a team.
Describe the Situation and Task concisely so you can focus on
your Action and the Result.
Be prepared for negative questions Tell me about a time when you were part of a team that
did not accomplish all of its goals. (NAB)
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Strategies to succeed at interview
Research and prepare
• The position and the organisation
• Know yourself – your motivation, experiences, skills etc. (What
can you offer? )
Prior to the Interview
• Organise your dress, journey and ensure your phone is off.
During the Interview
• Build rapport using interpersonal skills (eye contact, smile, firm
• Communicate clearly – keep it to the point, structured and
balanced between not talking too little/ too much.
• Try to relax
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Additional interview resources
• Attend an interview workshop – dates on Career Hub
• Book a practice interview with a Careers Consultant
• Youtube employer channels for interview tips e.g.
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Panel Graduate Employers
Andrew Williams
Manager, Graduate Recruitment and Development Scheme
State Services Authority
Maree Schipano
Graduate Program Manager
Australia Post
Heidi van Wyngaarden
Scientific Consultant
Kelly Scientific Resources
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Interview Activity
Choose one of the following interview questions to practise
with another student:
• What do you believe is a key characteristic or experience that
sets you apart from other candidates?
• Can you tell me about a time when you were “thrown in the
deep end”? What steps did you take to cope with the situation?
• At times, we identify opportunities to do things better, even if
that is not a role requirement. Please tell me about a time
when you found a better way to do things.
(Follow up questions > How did you identify the opportunity? With whom
did you communicate? How could the change benefit your team or
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Psychometric Testing
What are psychometric tests?
• A series of questions which aim to objectively measure
attributes like intelligence, aptitude and personality.
• Can be used to assess ability as well as potential.
• Administered online or using paper and pencil under
standardised conditions.
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Types of psychometric tests
Two most commonly used psychometric tests for recruitment are:
Ability &
Aptitude Tests
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Why employers use psychometric tests
• An employer utilises psychometric tests with the aim of
gathering information from a candidate to build a profile of
their abilities, personality and motivation to help them to
assess and predict:
 The candidate’s capability and suitability for the demands of a
particular job
 The candidate’s capability and suitability for the organisation.
• Approximately 70% of large Australian firms use psychometric
testing as part of their recruitment process
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Personality inventories
• Focus is on preferred ways of behaving in situations within an
occupational context (e.g. how you relate to others, your
problem solving style etc).
• Personality is measured using a self-report questionnaire. Asks
you about aspects of your own personality.
• Typical format forces you to choose between two or more
options or use rating scales. Responses are used to develop a
• Think about a typical day in a work context.
• There are no right or wrong answers. Usually untimed.
• Personality inventories are able to detect if you are portraying
yourself to create a very favourable impression.
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Ability and aptitude tests
• Measure intellectual abilities as well as potential to learn and
understand new information in a limited timeframe.
• Measure skills and abilities relevant to a position.
• May simulate elements of a task to assess your ability to
perform that task.
• Typically cover a broad ability area (e.g. Numerical reasoning),
not knowledge (e.g. algebra).
• There are right and wrong answers.
• Administered under timed, exam conditions.
• Questions become more complex as the test progresses.
• Designed so that very few will be able to complete all
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Types of ability and aptitude tests
Many different types of ability and aptitude tests including:
• Verbal reasoning*, Verbal critical reasoning*
• Numerical reasoning*, Numerical critical reasoning *
• Abstract reasoning* (also called conceptual reasoning)
• Spatial ability
• Diagrammatic reasoning
• Mechanical reasoning
• Perceptual ability
• Technical (e.g. fault diagnosis )
• * Tests most likely to encounter
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Sample verbal reasoning questions
Which of the following words is incorrectly spelt?
(b) Separate (c) Success (d) Receive
Verbal analogies
Letter is to word as sentence is to:
(a) Verb (b) Paragraph
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(c) Phrase
(d) Book
Preparing for psychometric tests
Find out from the employer relevant information such as:
• What sort of tests they conduct?
• What do the tests measure?
• How long will the tests go for?
• Can you use a calculator in numerical tests?
• Best preparation is to take practice tests to familiarise yourself
with the types of questions asked and the logic used.
• With online testing, try to undertake your testing when most
alert (mornings usually). Complete tests in a quiet place.
• If completing multiple tests, take a break between them.
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Tips for during the test
• Listen to and read all instructions - note the time limit.
• Read each question carefully before answering.
• Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t understand the
• Use many of the same strategies as you would for an exam (e.g.
don’t spend too long on any one question etc)
• Try not to compare yourself to others and how they are
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Assessment Centres
What are assessment centres?
• A standardised evaluation of behaviour based on input from
multiple assessors and multiple techniques (including
• Purpose – To predict performance on the job based on a
candidate’s performance during simulations and other
• Highly structured
• More reliable method of selecting candidates
• Can last from half a day to three days.
• Commonly used by large companies.
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Source: DDI
What do they measure and what are typical activities?
Example of how an employer is assessing key skills with various
Ability to work in a team
Individual Presentation
Problem solving task
Problem solving
Group exercise
Analytical skills
Psychometric tests
Customer focus
Interpersonal skills
Ability to influence others
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What to expect on the day
• May begin with employer welcome and briefing with
information about the company and role.
• Several candidates will be present.
• Some activities will be in a group setting involving other
candidates, other exercises will be on your own.
• There will typically be multiple trained observers or assessors,
evaluating you against multiple competencies in multiple
• Your behaviour will be observed throughout the entire day.
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Tips for the group task
• Read the written instructions fully and carefully.
• Ensure you contribute to the group.
• Make your contributions relevant and useful
• Speak confidently and clearly.
• Demonstrate listening skills.
• Always have the desired goal in mind – watch the time.
• Be mindful of your body language (eye contact, voice tone etc).
• Ensure you are a team player and include others.
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Tips for during the assessment centre
• Listen to and read all instructions carefully.
• Don't make assumptions about the way in which you are expected to
respond. Be yourself and respond honestly.
• Be professional, friendly and respectful of ALL people you meet.
• Avoid being either passive or aggressive.
• Employers will be looking at you to see how you interact with others,
during the activities and in the breaks.
• Don't give up if you perform badly on one task. There will be other
opportunities to demonstrate your skills.
• Try not to compare yourself with others.
• Show enthusiasm and be your best self!
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“Networking: the exchange of information or services
among individuals, groups, or institutions;
specifically: the cultivation of productive relationships
for employment or business.”
Source: Merriam Webster Dictionary
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Why network?
• develop two-way, mutually beneficial relationships
• find out about your industry and learn from other people
• share your knowledge and skills
• work collaboratively towards common aims
• be aware of opportunities for career advancement
• stay in touch with the right people to get “things done”.
• communicate your strengths
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With whom?
People with shared professional interests...
• family
• friends, or friends-of-friends
• at uni
• in professional associations
• in your industry or allied professions
• in organisations you might volunteer with or work for
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How to network
Networking is a skill.
• Actively listen and observe.
• Ask thoughtful, relevant questions and be
interested in people’s responses.
• Ask open-ended questions.
• Be mindful of where you are and other
people’s interests (and time).
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• Informal occasions in day-to-day life
• Clubs and societies at uni
• Professional events
• Online
• Employer events and expos
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Networking Tips
1. Think ahead.
What’s your aim? Who would like to meet? What do you want?
Names, ideas, introductions? What can you do for others?
2. Get comfortable.
Practice skills. Put yourself into environments you’re comfortable
in as well as getting used to new settings (and people).
3. Go to the right places for your career objective or industry.
4. Follow up on the information and contacts you make.
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Social networking
• Will anything be embarrassing if seen by an employer?
• Ensure privacy settings keep employers separated from friends
• Best for professional networking
• Upload your resume
• Have a professional summary and photo
• Keep up to date with referees and ex-colleagues
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How to use LinkedIn
• Add people that you meet including recruiters at the Expo
• Join a special interest group related to your field
• Contribute to conversations in the interest groups
• Update your status regularly “seeking opportunities in...”
• Use the resume builder
• Ask former colleagues and employers to complete a
recommendation on your account
• Follow up your contacts regularly, use the in-built email or go
directly through their email address
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Use social networking for research
• Use Linked in and other sites to gain further info on graduate
opportunities , employer expectations and company culture
• Forums can be a good source of info on what to expect from
those who have been through the process
o e.g. whirlpool, gradconnection, wikijob etc.
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Gradconnection – employer forum sessions
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whirlpool – posts by Ericsson’s
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If you want a professional job,
behave professionally
whenever you network, wherever it happens.
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Attending Employer Events
Preparing to attend employer events
• Research the organisations before attending and find out which
are hiring graduates from your discipline.
• Make a list of organisations you want to talk to.
• Prepare questions to ask employers you are targeting.
• Bring your résumé, a notepad and pen, and a card with your
contact details to give to potential employers.
• Have an opening line you can use when introducing yourself to
• Have a neat and tidy appearance.
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Develop your elevator pitch
A brief summary that introduces who you are, your
interests, skills and experiences, and states what you are
“Hi, my name is ... I have recently graduated from La Trobe
University with a health science degree majoring in public
health. I’m really interested in Indigenous healthcare, especially
in children living in urban environments. I am interested in the
research work your department has undertaken in this area
especially relating to ...”
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Develop your elevator pitch - Activity
Action: Take 5 minutes to draft out your elevator pitch
What do you want to say about yourself?
• qualification/s and experience
• work competencies and personal qualities
• interest in the position, the organisation and industry
• current situation and availability to commence work
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Networking at Expos
• Be proactive and approach employers
• Introduce yourself using your elevator pitch
• Firm handshake, maintain eye contact
• Ask questions about the industry not just the recruitment process
• Explain a little about you
• Ask informed questions
• Enthusiasm counts
• Always be polite and friendly
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Examples of questions that impressed employers
• Will the … affect your graduate recruitment intake?
• I researched … on your website and would like to know what you
think it takes to make a successful…?
• What qualities are you looking for in … role?
• How does … differentiate itself from other organisations?
• What are the challenges and rewards of working for …?
• What is the most critical stage in the selection process?
• What are the opportunities for training / career progression?
• Why do you like about working for …?
• What type of work will I be involved in as a graduate / what is a
typical daily routine for a graduate?
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And some that did not impress …
• What does your organisation do?
• Do you have a graduate program / graduate positions?
• Why do you have to be an Australian citizen?
• How much do I get paid / what is the starting salary?
• Do I have to wear a uniform?
• I have a major in … – would that do?
• What happens if I lie on my application form?
• Do I have to work 40 hours a week?
• Will I like the job after I complete the training?
• What are communication skills?
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Source: careerone .com
Ending a conversation
“Thank you for your time / for speaking with me. I’ll let you talk to
the other students waiting, and will submit my application soon.”
“It’s been great speaking with you. I’ll send you a copy of my
resume tomorrow. Do you have a business card?”
“I can see that there are a number of students waiting to speak to
you, so I’ll let you go. Do you have a business card I could have?”
“I plan on circulating the room, but it’s been great meeting you.
Do you have a card?”
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Follow up
If you don’t follow up, what was the point going to the event?
Consider sending an email or message after the event:
• Thank them for their time
• A document or web link you discussed
• Your resume if appropriate
• Send an invite to join your LinkedIn network
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2014 Graduate Recruitment Events
Graduate Jobs Month
11 – 28 March
Level 1, La Trobe University Library
The Big Meet
Monday 17 March, 11am – 3pm
Victory Room at Ethihad Stadium
CPA Australia Career Expo
Thursday 27 March, 5:30pm – 8pm
Palladium at Crown
Engineering Careers Expo
Thursday 26 March 12pm – 5pm
Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
CA Employment Evening
Thursday 13 March, 4:30pm – 7:15pm
Grand Hyatt
Society run cocktail events check relevant society Facebook sites
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Ground Floor,
Peribolos East
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Thank you
Contact Us:
Level 1, Peribolos East
9479 2459
CRICOS Provider 00115M