Nama : Dwi Ambaretno Ningtyas NIM : 2012083001 FAKTOR

Nama : Dwi Ambaretno Ningtyas
: 2012083001
1. Latar Belakang Masalah
Alat komunikasi Internasional adalah bahasa Inggris, dan bahasa Inggris memiliki
posisi penting dalam setiap aspek kehidupan, bukan hanya di bidang pendidikan tetapi
juga dalam bisnis, sosial, pariwisata, dan lain-lain. Pentingnya berbahasa Inggris dapat
dilihat bentuk sisi lain. Saat ini banyak hal telah ditulis dan dicetak dalam bahasa Inggris
yaitu, majalah, koran, dan buku ilmiah.
Dalam dunia pendidikan bahasa Inggris telah terpilih sebagai salah satu subjek yang
harus dikuasai oleh siswa, di sekolah SMP, SMA, dan universitas. Di Indonesia
pengajaran bahasa Inggris fokus pada empat keterampilan dasar, yaitu: mendengarkan,
membaca, berbicara dan menulis.
Menurut Clark dan Starr (1986: 270-271) Membaca adalah keterampilan yang sulit
untuk dikuasai. Kebanyakan dari kita mengartikan bahwa mempelajari keterampilan
dalam kehidupan dewasa kita. Tidak diragukan lagi kebanyakan siswa terbaik belum
tentu telah menguasai semua keterampilan yang mereka butuhkan oleh karena efisien,
efektif dan beberapa siswa akan benar-benar dinonaktifkan pembaca.
Menurut Harmer (1995: 6) Apakah pemahaman membaca yang detail itu? Untuk
mencari informasi yang detail atau bahasa, harus dilihat oleh siswa sebagai sesuatu yang
sangat berbeda dari keterampilan membaca yang disebutkan di atas. Ketika mencari
rincian, kami berharap siswa dapat berkonsentrasi pada hal-hal kecil dari apa yang
mereka baca.
Menurut Bartlet di Nunan (1995: 68) pemahaman wacana adalah proses
memanfaatkan linguistik isyarat latar belakang pengetahuan untuk merekonstruksi
makna, schemata ini penting, terutama untuk belajar bahasa kedua yang asing.
Bahkan, banyak siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami teks bacaan bahasa
Inggris, kesulitan dalam mendapatkan informasi umum, informasi tertentu, kosakata, tata
bahasa, dan gagasan utama paragraf teks (Lusiana, 2007:2). Blok Putri (2003:11)
menyatakan bahwa ada sejumlah penyebab lemahnya daya tangkap, seperti; kurangnya
pengetahuan kosakata, pantas strategi membaca dan kecepatan membaca, beberapa faktor
yang terkait dengan siswa (kegiatan membosankan dalam membaca), teks (rendah bahan
bunga), situasi (situasi yang tidak nyaman terhadap pembelajaran), dan waktu tidak
cukup dihabiskan dalam membaca. Ini berarti bahwa faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan
siswa kesulitan dalam memahami teks bacaan, tidak hanya dari strategi guru, teks dan
juga siswa sendiri. Interaksi antara guru dan siswa juga memiliki pengaruh kepada siswa
dalam memahami teks, beberapa alasan mungkin metodologi yang digunakan guru dalam
Kurangnya kemampuan dalam memahami teks bacaan, karena siswa tidak tahu
untuk menerapkan beberapa keterampilan membaca dan mereka tidak memiliki
kemampuan dalam memahaminya, seperti; ketidakmampuan dalam scanning, skimming,
menebak arti dari konteks, dan lain-lain siswa tidak mampu dalam memahami pesan dari
teks dan mereka akan gagal dalam menjawab pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan teks.
Berdasarkan fakta di atas, penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian ini dengan
judul “Faktor penyebab kesulitan siswa dalam memahami teks bacaan bahasa Inggris
pada kelas VIII SMP 2 Bantul”
1.2 Permasalahan-permasalahan
Batasan Masalah
Pembatasan dalam penelitian ini hanya terbatas terhadap faktor-faktor
yang menyebabkan kesulitan siswa dalam memahami teks bacaan bahasa
Inggris kelas VIII SMP 2 Bantul.
Rumusan Masalah
Penulis merumuskan pertanyaan-pertanyaan sebagai berikut:
1. Apa kesulitan siswa dalam memahami teks bacaan bahasa Inggris?
2. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan siswa kesulitan dalam memahami
teks membaca bahasa Inggris?
3. Faktor dominan apa yang dihadapi siswa dalam memahami taks
bacaan bahasa Inggris?
1.3 Tujuan Penelitian
Tujuan penelitan sebagai berikut:
1. Untuk mengetahui kesulitan siswa dalam memahami teks bacaan bahasa
2. Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penyebab kesulitan siswa dalam
memahami teks bacaan bahasa Inggris.
3. Untuk menemukan faktor dominan yang menyebabkan kesulitan siswa
dalam memahami teks membaca bahasa Inggris.
1.4 Pentingnya Pembelajaran
Pentingnya pembelajaran ini sebagai berikut:
1. Membantu guru dan siswa dalam memahami teks bacaan bahasa Inggris
setelah guru mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kesulitan siswa
dalam memahami teks membaca bahasa Inggris.
2. Berguna bagi para siswa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam
memahami teks bacaan bahasa Inggris dan menjadi lebih aktif dalam
mempelajari bahasa Inggris.
3. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berguna bagi para peneliti-peneliti yang
lain di kemudian hari.
2. Kajian Pustaka
Bab ini menyajikan: 1) konsep membaca, 2) kemampuan membaca, 3) konsep
pemahaman membaca, 4) kesulitan dalam pemahaman bacaan, 5) faktor-faktor yang
menyebabkan kesulitan siswa dalam memahami teks bacaan, 6) terkait dengan studi
2.1 Konsep Membaca “Reading”
According to Elizabeth (2008:1-2) Reading is the process of constructing
meaning from print and from other symbol. Reading involves not just the print and
the illustrations, but also readers bringing to the process their knowledge of the
world and their past experiences. The reading process does not involve reading every
single letter and that is why proofreading is so difficult: when you are very familiar
with the ideas you hardly need to read the words at all.
Reading is interactive process---as conversation is because is both reader and
writer depend on each other. The interaction is complicated by the fact that the writer
is absent at the time of reading; so he gets no feedback and cannot know what parts
of her text will cause misunderstanding. He has to guess and shape the text
accordingly, but as he never knows who the readers will be, he will never completely
succeed (Nuttal, 1996:11).
According to Rudd (1989:5) Reading is a highly complicated process which
relies on great variety of skill, and skills is the operative word here. Reading is vital
to daily life. Not, a day goes past without reading, even if it’s only selecting the
correct packet from the kitchen shelf or reading street sign.
Reading is seen as selective process taking place between the reader and the
text, in which background knowledge and various of language interact with
information in the text to contribute to text comprehension.
Based on explanation above, its can be concluded that reading means a process
between the readers to understanding the messaging that is written from the text.
2.2 Keahlian Membaca “Reading”
Reading skills should be taught functionally. Therefore, as you as a middle or
secondary school teacher must teach reading skill in your regular contents courses.
Besides, learning to use these skills while reading material they must study anyway
gives students a reason for trying them. (Clark and Starr, 1981:271)
According to Cochran (1993: 12) Reading skills contents of :
1. Vocabulary
Learning terms to English (e.g., apostrophe, adjective)
Learning English (literary or grammatical) meaning for common
words (e.g., romantic, subject, act).
Understanding words change in meaning and pronunciation (e.g.,
edelweiss, croissant).
Understanding how new words are coined or how they enter our
language (e.g., snafu, morpheme).
2. Comprehension
a. Selecting significance details, classifying convergently, formulating
main ideas.
b. Following directions.
Recognizing sequence
d. Inferring time, place, mood, motive of characters
Making comparisons
Responding to imagery
g. Recognizing semantic and literary devices
h. Distinguishing between fact and literary devices
Detecting fallacies of reasoning.
According to Inmon and Lenier(1992:156-157) There are four basic
types of reading: study reading, rapid reading, skimming, and scanning. Each
type suited to a particular type of reading material and reading purpose, and
each should be practiced at different speeds.
1. Study reading on difficult textbook or technical material when your
purpose is thorough understanding and/or memorization. study reading
rates usually do not exceed 250 words per minute.
Rapid reading should be used when your purpose is to get a general idea
of what you read and when the material is not extremely complicated.
types. types of material suitable for rapid reading include newspapers,
magazines, novels, and light nonfiction.
Skimming is quickly looking over a selection to get the general idea
rather than reading every word. it is used (1) when surveying a chapter or
article, (2) when all you need is a general overview, and (3) when
reviewing something you once read to refresh your memory. to give you
an example of skimming, we have emphasized some words, in the
following article.
4. Scanning is locating specific information, such as a name, a place, or a
date. For example, when you look up something in the dictionary or in
the telephone book, you are scanning. you run your eyes over the page
and read only the information surrounding what you are looking for. You
may also use scanning in textbooks-for example, when you particular
name or date in a chapter.
2.3 Konsep Pemahaman
2.3.1 Definisi Pemahaman Membaca
Comprehension is understanding the meaning of what is the read from
the print, illustrations, layout and design (Elizabeth, 2008:190). Stop think for
a moment. You are probably a very proficient reader, and proficient readers
take comprehension for granted. As you read this book the written symbols
create meaning. When you comprehend the words, does this mean that you are
making that you are making a mental image of the information in the words?
Does comprehension depend on decoding and pronouncing the words on the
pages? Comprehension is both of these things.
According to Elizabeth (2008:190) is the act simultaneously and
constructing meaning from the text. Students have to extract meaning from the
printed words on the page by working out how print operates to represent
words. They also need to build new meanings by integrating new ideas with
old information. In doing this , they are constructing meanings.
According to Hornby in Lusiana (2007:10) reading comprehension
means reading with the power of understanding of the printed symbols.
Reading comprehension is the goal instruction in reading and
recognition is a means to help achieve that goal( Choate, 1995:153).
According to Bartlet in Nunan (1995:68), discourse comprehension
involves a transaction of utilizing linguistic cues and background knowledge to
reconstruct meaning, these schemata are extremely important, particularly to
second to second and foreign language
2.4 Kesulitan Dalam Memahami Keterampilan
According to Edna Wagman (1984:95) Much greater difficulty in measuring
comprehension is apparent when one tries to evaluate the reader’s understanding in
the more intangible areas of critical reading and thinking, judging, evaluating, or
applying understanding gained from the printed page.
According to Perera (1894:274 ), there are types of difficulty in reading
comprehension, they are:
illegible handwriting, print that is blurred or uncomfortably small, or
lack of contrast between the words and the background.
when the subject matter is outside the reader’s knowledge and
experience. In this case, it is possible for all the words of the text to be
understood but for the whole not to make sense.
presented by unfamiliar vocabulary. Some of the book written for junior
school pupils, contains several words which are unlikely to be known by
young children.
there may be grammatical difficulties in the text.
they overall of discourse organization may be unclear or unfamiliar.
According to Burgmeier, Eldred, and Zimmerman (1991)
the difficulty of
reading comprehension can divide; establishing a context, understanding words,
putting words into sentence, and the last using word in context.
According to Cutler (1993:2) for faster reading with comprehension, you
certainly should be able to make reading and study time a more meaningful valuable,
productive, and enjoyable experience.
In Jaya (2005:25) found that the students’ difficulties in comprehending the
reading text, they are; Vocabulary, Grammatical structure, Literal comprehension,
Inferential comprehension, applied comprehension, Critical reading, and Format of
reading text.
According to Markstein (1981: 6) Comprehensive word or phrase related to the
reading write it on the chalkboard, and then ask the students to freely associate any
words that come to mind until there are perhaps 30 to 40 words phrases on the board
2.5 Faktor Yang Menyebabkan Kesulitan Siswa Dalam Memahami Teks Bacaan
According to Block in Putri (2003:11) states that there are number of causes
poor comprehension such as; lack of vocabulary knowledge, inappropriate reading
strategies and reading speeds, some factor associated with students boring activities
in reading), text(of low interest materials), situation(uncomfortable situation towards
learning), and insufficient time spent in reading.
According to Latulippe (20-21) there are two groups of words that give
problems to students of a second language: references and connectives.
References. References are words or phrases that are used as substitutes
for words or phrases used either before or (less often) after the reference
in the reading material. They are used to avoid unnecessary repetition of
words or phrases.
Connectives. Connectives are words that are used to link (connect) ideas
together in some kind of relationship. Connectives can be used to signal
a cause-expected result relationship in which the result follows logically
from the cause.
Prosedur Penelitian
Bab ini menyajikan: 1) Metode penelitian, 2) Definisi operasional, 3) Populasi dan
sampel, 4) Teknik untuk mengumpulkan data, 5) Validitas dan Reliabilitas, dan 6)
Teknik untuk menganalisis data.
3.1 Metode Penelitian
Metode yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif.
Dimana tanggal menjelaskan obyektif atau berdasarkan fakta. Metode ini akan
digunakan karena penulis ingin menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan
kesulitan siswa dalam memahami teks bacaan bahasa Inggris pada siswa kelas
delapan SMP 2 Bantul. Gay (1976:189) menyatakan bahwa deskriptif melibatkan
pengumpulan tanggal untuk menguji hipotesis atau menjawab mengenai status
subjek penelitian.
3.2 Definisi Operasional
Judul penelitian ini adalah “faktor penyebab kesulitan siswa dalam memahami
teks bacaan bahasa inggris pada kelas viii smp 2 bantul” Untuk menghindari
kesalahpahaman tentang istilah, penulis mendefinisikan hal tersebut sebagai berikut:
faktor, penyebab, kesulitan, memahami, dan Inggris teks bacaan.
 Faktor-faktor penyebab yang mempengaruhi seseorang atau sesuatu yang
termasuk dalam proses pembelajaran, seperti kosakata, tata bahasa, dan teks.
 Penyebab secara langsung atau hal yang membuat sesuatu terjadi.
 Kesulitan adalah sesuatu yang sulit, sulit untuk dilakukan atau mengerti.
 Memahami mengacu untuk memahami sepenuhnya, tindakan pikiran atau daya
 English membaca teks mengacu pada semua jenis bahan bacaan yang digunakan
oleh siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, misalnya, teks bagian buku, pertanyaan
worksheet, cerita pendek, kelicikan bunga, dll
3.3 Populasi dan Sampel
According to Fraenkel and Wallen(1990:84) states that the population
refers to all the members of particular group. Ini adalah kelompok yang
menarik bagi peneliti, kelompok yang peneliti ingin menggeneralisasi hasil
penelitian. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas delapan SMP 2 bantul,
jumlah siswa adalah 152 siswa dan dari 4 kelas.
No Classes
8. B
Sample is any group of individuals on when information is obtained
(Fraenkel and Wallen, 1990). Arikunto (2006:134) says that if the samples are
less than 100, take all the sample. And if the sample more than 100, take 1015% or 20-25% or more. Depend on the researcher ability in time, energy and
In this research, the writer will use cluster random sampling, where the
sample will be chosen as group rather than individuals. In determine the
sample; the writer will do the following steps:
Writer the name of the four classes in piece of paper.
The writer will roll the paper.
Put the four papers in the glass.
Shake the paper and take of them.
8. B
3.4 Teknik Pengumpulan Data
Teknik pengumpulan data penulis menggunakan test dan kusionare.
Test is examination or find the it quality, value, composition, etc; trial or
examination of something, his powers, knowledge, skills, etc (Hornby,
1955:1233). The writer will give written test about reading comprehension to
the students, and it will be used to measure the students’ difficulties in
comprehending the English reading txt. The test consist of 20 multiple choice
questions and it consist of six reading skills, they are:
1. Specific information
2. Detailed information
3. Gist idea
4. Specific main idea
5. Detailed main idea
6. Guessing the meaning of words based on the context.
Questiannaire is written or printed list of questions to be answered by a
group of people, especially to get facts or information, or for a survey
(Hornby, 1955:1952).
Kuesioner akan digunakan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang siswa
kesulitan dalam memahami bahasa Inggris teks bacaan. Kuesioner siswa terdiri
dari 20 pertanyaan, dan kuesioner menulis di Indonesia.
3.5 Validitas dan Reliabilitas
Validity is the most important idea to consider when preparing or
selecting an instrument for use ( Fraenkel and Wallen:127). It will be used to
the check the validity of test materials.
Dalam penelitian ini penulis akan meminta kepada guru dan
berkonsultasi dengan penasihat untuk mendapatkan saran, nasihat, dan koreksi
dalam memberikan tes dan kuesioner kepada siswa.
Specification of the test items
Reading to measure
Number of test items
Specific information
5, 10, 11, 13, 18
Detailed information
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 14
Gist idea
Specific main idea
Detailed main idea
12, 16
Guessing meaning of the word based 7, 8, 15, 17
on the context
Reliability refers to the consistency of the scores obtained—how
consistent they are for each individual from one administration of an
instrument to another and from one set of items to another (Fraenkel and
Wallen, 1990:133).
In this research the writer will be used KR21(Kurder-Richardson 21)
formula to measure reliability of the test items. The following is the Kurder –
Richardson 21(KR21) formula.
KR 21 = K + M
{Fraenkel and Wallen(1990:135)}
KR21 = Kurder Richardson reliability coefficient
= Number of items in the test
= Mean of the set of the score
= Standard deviations of the set of the scores
3.6 Teknik Untuk Menganalisis Data
3.6.1 Tes
Dalam menganalisis data, penulis akan melakukan langkah berikut:
1. Penulis mengumpulkan kertas siswa setelah siswa menjawab pertanyaanpertanyaan.
2. Mengelompokkan jawaban yang benar dari siswa.
3. Pengelompokan jawaban yang salah dari siswa.
4. Hitung rata-rata persen dari nilai mahasiswa dalam memahami teks bacaan.
Dalam penelitian ini penulis akan menggunakan rumus berikut:
N = Total jumlah barang
3.6.2 Quesioner
The data from the student response to the questionnaire will be analyzed
by using percentage. In order to get percentage scores, the total of the students’
choices is divided by the total number of sample students and multiplied by
100%(Lusiana, 2007:24).
N = Total jumlah barang
Jika respon siswa memberikan jawaban "ya" adalah sama atau lebih dari
50%, itu berarti item mungkin menyebabkan kesulitan.
Daftar Pustaka
Fraenkel, and Wallen. 1990. How to Design and Evaluate Research in
America: Mc Graw-Hill, Inc.
Arikunto, Suharsimi 2006. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka
Elizabeth, Susan. 2008. Developing Literacy: Assessment and Teaching. China: Sue Hill.
Abudulaziz, and Stover. 1989. Academic Challenges In Reading. New Jersey: Prentice
Hall, Inc.
McCracken, and Walcutt. 1969. Basic Reading. Sacramento: California State Department
of Education.
Cochran. 1993. Reading In the Content Areas for Junior High School and High School.
America: Allyn and Bacon.
Latulippe. 1987. Developing Academic Reading Skill. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
Cutler, Wade E. 1993. Triple Your Reading Speed. New York: Prentice Hall.
Linda Markstein. 1981. Developing Reading Skill. America: New Bury House Publisher.
Rudd, Shirley. 1984. Time Manage Your Reading. England: Gower Publishing Company
Jeremy, Harmer. 1998. How to Teach English. Longman: Cambridge University Press
Hornby. 1955. Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary of Current English. Great Britain:
Oxford University Press.
Nunan, D. 1996. Language Teaching Methodology: A Textbook for Teachers. Great
Britain: Redwood Books.