FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE AT JACKSONVILLE COLLEGE CREDIT COURSE OUTLINE COURSE NUMBER: MAC 2313 COURSE TITLE: Calculus with Analytic Geometry III PREREQUISITE(S): MAC 2312 with a grade of "C" or better COREQUISITE(S): None CREDIT HOURS: 4 CONTACT HOURS/WEEK: 4 CONTACT HOUR BREAKDOWN: Lecture/Discussion: 4 Laboratory: Other __________: FACULTY WORKLOAD POINTS: 4 STANDARDIZED CLASS SIZE ALLOCATION: 25 CATALOG COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is the third course in the calculus with analytic geometry sequence. Topics included in this course are polar coordinates, parametric equations, vectors in two and three dimensions, calculus of functions of several variables, multiple integrals with applications, and Green’s and Stokes’ Theorems. Four contact hours. A.A., A.S., A.A.S. SUGGESTED TEXT(S): Calculus, Early Transcendental Functions, (latest edition) Larson, Hostetler & Edwards, Brooks/Cole Calculus Early Transcendentals, (latest edition), Briggs & Cochran: Addison Wesley Calculus: Early Transcendentals, (latest edition) Tan, Brooks/Cole IMPLEMENTATION DATE: November 16, 1987 REVIEW OR MODIFICATION DATE: Fall Term, 2000 Fall Term, 2002 (20031) Spring Term, 2005 (20052) Fall Term, 2007 (20081) Fall Term 2008 (20091) - Outline Review 2007 Fall Term, 2012 (20131) GER Outline Review 2012 Fall Term, 2015 (20161) – Outline Review 14-15 (No Change) 1 COURSE TOPICS CONTACT HOURS PER TOPIC I. Polar Coordinates and Parametric Equations A. Parametric forms of lines and circles B. Derivatives in parametric form C. Conversion to and from polar coordinates D. Graphs in polar coordinates E. Area in polar coordinates F. Conic sections 12 II. Vectors 16 A. B. C. D. E. F. Vectors in 2-space Vectors in 3-space Dot and cross products Vector-valued functions Surfaces in 3-space Lengths of curves, normal vectors III. Calculus of functions of several variables A. Functions of several variables B. Limits and continuity C. Partial differentiation D. Chain rule and directional derivatives E. Tangent planes and normal lines F. Maximum/Minimum problems 14 IV. Multiple Integrals A. Double integrals B. Double integrals in polar coordinates C. Surface area D. Volume under a surface E. Change of variables F. Iterated integrals G. Triple integrals H. Triple integrals in cylindrical and spherical coordinates 14 V. Green and Stokes – discussion 4 2 Florida State College at Jacksonville Course Learning Outcomes and Assessment SECTION 1 Semester Credit Hours (Credit): Contact Hours (Workforce): Course Prefix and Number: MAC 2313 Course Title: Calculus with Analytic Geometry III 4 SECTION 2a (To be completed for General Education courses only.) TYPE OF COURSE (Place an “X” in the box next to those that are applicable.) General Education Core (If selected, core discipline area will be identified in Section 4.) X General Education (If selected, you must also complete Section 4, Section 5, and Section 8) SECTION 2b TYPE OF COURSE (Place an “X” in the box next to those that are applicable.) A.A. Elective A.S. Required Course A.S. Professional Elective A.A.S. Required Course PSAV/Clock Hour/Workforce Upper Division/Bachelors A.A.S. Professional Elective Technical Certificate Development Education Apprenticeship Other: If selected, use this space to title “other” option. SECTION 3 INTELLECTUAL COMPETENCIES (Place an “X” in the box next to those that are applicable.) Reading Speaking Writing Listening X Critical Analysis X Information Literacy Qualitative Skills Ethical Judgement Scientific Method of Inquiry Working Collaboratively SECTION 4 (To be completed for General Education courses only.) GENERAL EDUCATION DISCIPLINE AREA (Place an “X” in the box next to those that are applicable.) Communications Humanities X Mathematics Social and Behavioral Sciences Natural Sciences SECTION 5 (To be completed for General Education courses only.) GENERAL EDUCATION LEARNING OUTCOME AREA (Place an “X” in the box next to those that are applicable.) Communication X Critical Thinking Information Literacy X Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning Global Sociocultural Responsibility SECTION 6 LEARNING OUTCOMES TYPE OF OUTCOME (General Education, Course or Program) Students will identify the nature of mathematical problems. Gen. Ed /Discipline Students will formulate /translate problems into mathematical language. Gen. Ed /Discipline Students will use various mathematical methods to correctly solve problems. Gen. Ed /Discipline METHOD OF ASSESSMENT Curriculum-embedded multiple choice questions from a standard test-bank developed by the department. Curriculum-embedded multiple choice questions from a standard test-bank developed by the department. Curriculum-embedded multiple choice questions from a standard test-bank developed by the department. 3 SECTION 6 (Continued) LEARNING OUTCOMES Students will use critical thinking in interpreting data and/or drawing conclusions from the results of a mathematical problems Students will use technology as appropriate in analyzing data or solving mathematical problems. Students will be able to represent and explain mathematical information graphically verbally numerically and symbolically. TYPE OF OUTCOME (General Education, Course or Program) Gen. Ed /Discipline Gen. Ed /Discipline Discipline Convert from polar to rectangular coordinates, and from rectangular to polar coordinates. Course Graph a function defined using polar coordinates. Course Calculate the area of a region defined by polar coordinates Course Graph curves defined by parametric equations. Course Calculate arc length of a curve defined by parametric equations. Course Demonstrate understanding of vectors in 2 and 3 dimensions. Course Show familiarity with vector valued functions. Course METHOD OF ASSESSMENT Curriculum-embedded multiple choice questions from a standard test-bank developed by the department Curriculum-embedded multiple choice questions from a standard test-bank developed by the department Curriculum-embedded multiple choice questions from a standard test-bank developed by the department Students complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include one or more of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects Students complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include one or more of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects Students complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include one or more of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects Students complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include one or more of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects Students complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include one or more of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects Students complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include one or more of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects Students’ complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include any one or a combination of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects. Some assessment may require the use of calculators or computer programs. 4 SECTION 6 (Continued) LEARNING OUTCOMES TYPE OF OUTCOME (General Education, Course or Program) Draw surfaces in 3 dimensions. Course Work with functions of several variables. Course Calculate limits of functions of several variables. Course Understand continuity of functions of several variables. Course Calculate partial derivatives of functions of several variables. Course Calculate the total differential of functions of several variables. Course METHOD OF ASSESSMENT Students’ complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include any one or a combination of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects. Some assessment may require the use of calculators or computer programs. Students’ complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include any one or a combination of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects. Some assessment may require the use of calculators or computer programs. Students’ complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include any one or a combination of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects. Some assessment may require the use of calculators or computer programs. Students’ complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include any one or a combination of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects. Some assessment may require the use of calculators or computer programs. Students’ complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include any one or a combination of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects. Some assessment may require the use of calculators or computer programs. Students’ complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include any one or a combination of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects. Some assessment may require the use of calculators or computer programs. 5 SECTION 6 (Continued) LEARNING OUTCOMES TYPE OF OUTCOME (General Education, Course or Program) Apply the chain rule to functions of several variables. Course Calculate directional derivatives and gradients using functions of several variables. Course Find tangent planes to surfaces defined by functions of several variables. Course Find normal lines to surfaces defined by functions of several variables. Course Calculate the value of double integrals in rectangular and polar coordinates. Course Calculate surface area and volume under a surface. Course Change from rectangular to cylindrical or spherical coordinates. Course METHOD OF ASSESSMENT Students’ complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include any one or a combination of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects. Some assessment may require the use of calculators or computer programs. Students’ complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include any one or a combination of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects. Some assessment may require the use of calculators or computer programs. Students’ complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include any one or a combination of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects. Some assessment may require the use of calculators or computer programs. Students complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include one or more of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects Students’ complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include any one or a combination of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects. Some assessment may require the use of calculators or computer programs. Students complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include one or more of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects Students complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include one or more of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects 6 SECTION 6 (Continued) LEARNING OUTCOMES TYPE OF OUTCOME (General Education, Course or Program) Understand how to evaluate iterated and triple integrals. Course Evaluate triple integrals using spherical and cylindrical coordinates. Course Demonstrate familiarity with vector fields. Course Demonstrate ability to evaluate line integrals. Course Understand how to use the fundamental theorem of line integrals. Course Demonstrate familiarity with Green’s Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem and Divergence Theorem. Course METHOD OF ASSESSMENT Students complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include one or more of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects Students complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include one or more of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects Students complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include one or more of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects Students complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include one or more of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects Students complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include one or more of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects Students complete in-class, out-of-class or online assignments that may include one or more of the following: homework, quizzes, tests, oral or written presentations, article critiques, reports/minute papers, portfolios, or projects SECTION 7 Faculty name(s): Cyrus Kitto Date: 03/12/2011 CS20150615 7 SECTION 8 (To be completed for General Education Courses only.) KNOWLEDGE AND VALUE (Place an “X” in the box to indicate primary or secondary option.) KNOWLEDGE Global and Historical Knowledge and Understanding Comprehends a general knowledge of the nature, origins and contributions of major civilizations Comprehends the workings and interrelations of personal, business and government economies Comprehends political, social and economic systems and their effects upon society Primary Secondary N/A X X X Cultural and Aesthetic Knowledge and Understanding Comprehends the contributions of the arts and humanities to the human experience on a personal, national or global level Comprehends the historical development of the arts and sciences Comprehends religious and cultural systems and their effects upon society Primary Human Awareness and Understanding Comprehends the dynamics of human behavior and the process of increasing self-awareness, growth and development Comprehends the stages of human development and the dynamics of human relationships in diverse cultures Comprehends the factors that promote physical, mental and social well-being Primary Mathematics, Science and Technology Comprehends the basic concepts and investigative processes of the natural sciences Comprehends the breadth, significance and development of the mathematical sciences Comprehends the ways science and technology have shaped and continue to reshape human cultures and the environment Primary Secondary N/A X X X Secondary N/A X X X Secondary N/A X X X VALUE Description Primary Intellectual honesty Curiosity and openness to new ideas Recognition of one’s own creative potential Acceptance of and respect for differences among people and cultures Civic Engagement Lifelong Learning Secondary N/A X X X X X X SECTION 9 Faculty name(s): Cyrus Kitto and Bill Meisel Date: 03/12/2011 CS20150615 8