First Pre Board –(2014-15)(SET A) Accountancy Class:XII Time allowed–Three hours Max Marks 80 General Instructions: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) This question paper contains two parts A and B. Part A is compulsory for all. Part B has two options-Financial statement Analysis and Computerised Accounting. Attempt only one option of Part B. All parts of a question should be attempted at one place. PART A: ACCOUNTING FOR PARTNERSHIP FIRMS AND COMPANIES 1. Any change in the relationship of existing partners which resultsin an end of the existing agreement and en force smaking of a new agreement is called (a) Revaluation of partnership. (b) Reconstitution of partnership. (c) Realization of partnership. (d) None of the above. (1) 2. Karan,Nakul and Asha were partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio 3:2:1. At the time of admission of apartner, the good will of the firm was valued at Rs.2,00,000. The accountant of the firm passed the entry in the books of accounts and there after showed good will at Rs.2,00,000 as an asset in the Balance Sheet.Was he correct in doing so? Why? (1) 3. Anu,Bina and Charan are partners.The firm had given a loan of Rs.20,000 to Bina.They decided to dissolve the firm.In the event of dissolution, the loan will besettled by: (a) Transferring it to debit side of Realization account. (b) Transferring it to credit side ofRealization account. (c) Transferring it to debit side of Bina’s capital account. (d) Bina paying Anu and Charanprivately. (1) 4. Differentiate between ‘Capital Reserve’ and ‘Reserve Capital’. (1) 5. Metacaf Ltd. Issued 50,000 shares of Rs.100 each payable Rs.20 on application (on1stMay2012); Rs.30 on allotment (on1stJanuary2013); Rs.20 on first call (on1stJuly2013) and the balance on final call (on1stFebruary2014). Shankar,a shareholder holding 5,000 shares did not pay the first call on the due date.The second call was made and Shankar paid the first call amount along with the second call.All sums due were received. Total amount received on 1st February was: (a)Rs.15,00,000 (b)Rs.16,00,000 (c)Rs.10,00,000 (d)Rs.11,00,000 (1) 6. Abha and Beena were partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of3:2.On April1st2013,they decided to admit Chanda for1/5thshare in the profits.They had are serve of Rs.25,000 which they wanted 1 To show in their new balance sheet.Chanda agreed and the necessary adjustments were made in the books.On October1st2013,Abha met with an accident and died.Beena and Chanda decided to admitAbha’s daughter Fiza in their partnership, who agreed to bring Rs.2,00,000 as capital. Calculate Abha’s share in the reserve on the date of her death. (1) 7. State any three purposes for which securities premium can be utilized. (3) 8. Ankur and were into the business of providing software solutions in India. They were sharing profits and losses in the ratio 3:2. They admitted Rohit for a 1/5 share in the firm. Rohit, an alumni of IIT, Chennai would help them to expand their business to various South African countries where he had been working earlier. Rohit is guaranteed a minimum profit of Rs.2,00,000 for the year. Any deficiency in Rohit’s share is to be borne by Ankur and Bobby in the ratio 4:1. Losses for the year were Rs.10,00,000. Pass the necessary journal entries (3) 9. Newbie Ltd. was registered with an authorized capital of `5,00,000 divided into 50,000 equity shares of `10 each. Since the economy was in robust shape, the company decided to offer to the public for subscription 30,000 equity shares of `10 each at a premium of `20 per share. Applications for 28,000 shares were received and allotment was made to all the applicants. All calls were made and duly received except the final call of ` 2 per share on 200 shares. Show the ‘Share Capital’ in the Balance Sheet of Newbie per Schedule VI of the Companies Act 1956. Also prepare Notes to Accounts for the same. (3) 10. Drumbeats Ltd. had a prosperous shoe business. They were manufacturing shoes in India and exporting to Italy. Being a socially aware organization, they wanted to pay back to the society. They decided to not only supply free shoes to 50 orphanages in various parts of the country but also give employment to children from those orphanages who were above 18 years of age. In order to meet the fund requirements, they decided to raise 50,000 equity shares of ` 50 each and 40,000 9% debentures of ` 40 each. Pass the necessary journal entries for issue of shares and debentures. Also identify one value which the company wants to communicate to the society. (3) 11. Following is the Balance Sheet of Punita,Rashi and Seema who are sharing profits in the ratio 2:1:2 as on 31stMarch 2013. (4) Liabilities Amount(Rs Assets Amount(Rs .) 38,000 Building .) 2,40,000 Creditors Bills Payabl e 2,000 Stock 65,000 Capitals: Debtors 30,000 Punita 1,44,000 Cash at bank 5,000 Rashi 92,000 ProfitandLossAccount 60,000 Seema 1,24,000 3,60,000 4,00,000 4,00,000 Punita died on30thSeptember 2013. She had with drawn 44,000 from her capital on July1,2013.According to the partnership agreement,she was entitled to interest on capital @ 8%p.a.Her share of profit till the date of death was to be calculated on the basis of the average profits of the last three years.Good will was to be calculate don the basis of three times the average profits of the last four years.The profits for the years ended 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12 were Rs.30,000,Rs.70,000 and Rs.80,000 respectively. Prepare Punita’s account to be rendered to her executors. 2 12. Kanika and Gautam are partnersdoing a dry cleaning business in Lucknow,sharing profits in the ratio2:1with capitals Rs.5,00,000 and Rs.4,00,000 respectively. Kanika with drew the following amounts during the year to pay the hostel expenses of her son. Rs. 1stApril 10,000 9,000 1stJune 14,000 1stNov. 1stDec. 5,000 Gautamwithdrew Rs.15,000 on thefirstday of April,July,OctoberandJanuary topayrentfortheaccommodationof hisfamily.HealsopaidRs.20,000 permonth asrent forthe office of partnershipwhichwas ina nearby shopping complex. Calculateintereston Drawings @6% p.a. (4) 13.(a)AfirmearnedprofitsofRs.80,000,Rs.1,00,000,Rs.1,20,000andRs.1,80,000during2010-11,201112,2012-13and2013-14respectively. The firm has capital investment of `5,00,000. A fair rate of return on investment is 15% p.a. Calculate goodwill of the firm based on three years’ purchase of average super profits of last four years. (b)Kabir and Farid are partners sharing profits andlosses in the ratio of 7:3.Kabir surrenders2/10thfromhisshareandFaridsurrenders1/10thfromhisshareinfavorofJyoti,anewpartner.Calculate newprofitsharing ratioandsacrificingratio. (6) 14. (a)Sunrise Company Ltd. has an equity share capital of `10,00,000. The company earns a return on investment of 15% on its capital. The company needed funds for diversification. The finance manager had the following options: (i) Borrow `5,00,000 @15% p.a. from a bank payable in four equal quarterly installments starting from the end of the fifth year (ii) Issue `5,00,000, 9% Debentures of Rs. 100 each redeemable at a premium of 10% after five years. To increase the return to the shareholders, the company opted for option (ii). Pass the necessary journal entries for issue of debentures. (b)Walter Ltd.issued Rs.6,00,000 8%Debentures of ` 100 each redeemable after 3 years either by draw of lots or by purchase in the open market. At the end of three years, finding the market price of debentures at `95 per debenture, it purchased all its debentures for immediate cancellation. Pass necessary journal entries for cancellation of debentures assuming the company has sufficient balance in Debenture Redemption Reserve. (6) 15. Ashish and Neha were partners ina firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio4:3. They decided to dissolve the firm on 1st May 2014. From the information given below, complete Realisation A/c, Partner’s Capital Accounts and Bank A/c: CapitalAccountsandBankA/c: Dr. Liabilities Tosundryassets: -Machinery -Stock -Debtors ToBank: -Creditors Realisation A/c Amount(Rs.) Assets By Sundryliabilities: 5,60,000 -Creditors 90,000 -Ashish’s wife’s loan 55,000 Ashish’s By Bank: wife’s loan -Machinery -Debtors 3 (6) Cr. Amount(Rs.) 40,000 25,000 4,80,000 10,000 To Ashish’s Capital A/c: -Ashish’s wife’s loan To Neha’s Capital A/c; -Realisation expenses expenses -Realisation To profit transferred To profit transferred to: to: Ashish’s Ashish’s capital capital A/c A/c 4,000 4,000 Neha’s capital A/c 3,000 By Ashish’s Capital A/c: 34,000 -Stock 1,28,000 -typewriter 70,000 1,98,000 7,000 By Neha’s Capital A/c -Debtors 40,000 Neha’s capital A/c 3,000 7,000 7,93,000 Dr. Particulars ToRealisation A/cToBankA/c Dr. Particulars ToBalanceb/d ToRealisation A/c Partner’sCapitalAccounts Ashish(Rs.) Neha(Rs.) Particulars By 4,50,000 4,00,000 By By 7,93,000 Ashish(Rs.) Bank A/c Amount(Rs. Particulars ) By Realisation A/c 4,90,000 BLJAshish͛sLoaŶA/Đ BLJ Ashish͛sCapital A/Đ BLJNeha͛sCapitalA/Đ 16. AandBarepartners inafirmsharingprofitsandlosses intheratio3:1.They admitCfora¼shareon31stMarch2014 whentheirBalanceSheetwas as follows: Liabilities Amount(Rs.) Assets EmployeesProvidentFund 17,000 Stock Workmen’s Compensation Fund 6,000 Debtors 50,000 InvestmentFluctuation Reserve 4,100 Less provision for Capitals: A 54,000 doubtfuldebts2,000 B 35,000 Investments Cash Goodwill 1,16,100 Thefollowingadjustmentswereagreed upon: (a) C bringsinRs.16,000 asgoodwillandproportionatecapital. (b) Bad debtsamountedtoRs.3,000. (c) Marketvalue ofinvestmentisRs.4,500. Liabitities on account of workmen’s compensation reserve amounted to `2,000. Prepare Revaluation A/c and Partner’s Capital A/cs. OR 10 Cr. Neha(Rs.) Cr. Amount(Rs. ) 4,000 4,00,000 Amount(Rs.) 15,000 48,000 7,000 6,100 40,000 1,16,100 X, Yand Zarepartnersinafirmsharing profits in proportion of1/2,1/6and1/3 respectively. TheBalanceSheet ason April1,2014was asfollows: Liabilities Amount(Rs.) Assets Amount(Rs.) EmployeesProvidentFundS 12,000 FreeholdPremises 40,000 18,000 MachineryFurnitu 30,000 undryCreditors 12,000 re 12,000 General 22,000 ReserveCapitals Stock 30,000 Debtors X 20,000 Y 30,000 19,000 Z 28,000 Less provision 7,000 fordoubtfuldebts1,00 1,30,000 0Cash 1,30,000 Z retires fromthebusinessand thepartnersagreethat: (a) Machinery is tobedepreciated by10%. (b) Provision forbaddebtsistobeincreasedtoRs.1,500. (c) Furniturewas takenover byZ forRs.14,000. (d) GoodwillisvaluedatRs.Ϯϭ,ϬϬϬoŶ)͛sƌetiƌeŵeŶt. (e) The continuing partners’ have decided to adjust their capitals in their new profit sharing ratio after retirement of Z. Surplus or deficit if any, in their capital accounts will be adjusted through their current accounts. Prepare Revaluation A/c and Partners’ Capital A/c’s.. (8) 17. AmritLtd.issued50,000sharesof Rs.10eachat a premiumof Rs.2 persharepayableas Rs.3 onapplication,Rs.4 onallotment(includingpremium),Rs.2 onfirstcallandthe remainingonsecondcall.Applicationswerereceived for 75,000sharesand apro-rata allotmentwas made toallthe applicants. AllmoneysduewerereceivedexceptallotmentandfirstcallfromSonuwhoappliedfor1,200shares.Allhissharesw ereforfeited.TheforfeitedshareswerereissuedforRs.9,600.Finalcallwasnotmade.Passnecessaryjournalentri es. OR VelcoLtd.issued30,000sharesofRs.10eachatadiscountofRs.1persharepayableas Rs.3onapplication, Rs.2onallotment, Rs.2onfirstCalland Rs.2 onsecondcall. Applicationswerereceived for 40,000sharesand apro-rata allotmentwas madetoall the applicants. AllmoneyduewerereceivedexceptallotmentandfirstcallfromMohitwhohadappliedfor2,000shares.Hisshares wereforfeitedafterfirstcall.Subsequently,thesecondcallwasdulymadeanddulyreceived.Thereafter,theforfeit edshareswerereissuedforRs.9fullypaid.Passthenecessaryjournalentries (8) PARTB: ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 18. Cash depositwith the bank withamaturitydateaftertwomonths belongstowhichofthefollowingwhilepreparing cash flowstatement: (a) Investingactivities (b) Financing activities (c) CashandCash equivalents (d) Operating activities. (1) 19. FinserveLtdiscarryingonaMutualFundbusiness.ItinvestedRs.30,00,000insharesandRs.15,00,000indebe nturesofvariouscompaniesduringtheyear.ItreceivedRs.3,00,000asdividendandinterest.Findout cash flowsfrominvesting activities. (1) 11 20. ;aͿNaŵethesuďheadsuŶdeƌthehead͚ CuƌƌeŶtLiaďilities͛iŶtheEƋuityandLiabilitiespartoftheBalanceShee t asperScheduleVI oftheCompanies Act1956. (b) State anytwo objectives of Financial StatementsAnalysis. (4) 21. (a) Fromthefollowingdetails,calculateOpeninginventory:ClosinginventoryRs.60,000;TotalRevenuefromoperati onsRs.5,00,000(includingcash revenuefromoperationsRs.1,00,000);Totalpurchases Rs.3,00,000 (includingcreditpurchasesRs.60,000).Goodsaresold at aprofit of 25% oncost. (b) CurrentAssetsofacompanyareRs.17,00,000.Itscurrentratiois 2.5andliquid ratiois0.95.CalculateCurrentLiabilities and Inventory. (4) 22. NimaniLtd.isintothebusinessofbackofficeoperations.Honestyandhardworkarethetwopillarsonwhichthe businesshasbeenbuilt.Ithasagoodturnoverandprofits.Encouragedbyhugeprofits,itdecidedtogivetheworkers bonusequaltotwomonthssalary.FollowingistheComparativeStatementofProfitand LossofNimani Ltd. for theyearsended 31stMarch2013and2014. (a) CalculateNetProfit ratioforthe yearsending 31stMarch2013and2014. (b) Identifyanytwo valueswhichNimani Ltd.wantstocommunicateto the society. Particulars Revenuefromoperations LessEmployeebenefitexpenses Profitbeforetax Taxrate40% Profitaftertax Note No. 2012-13 (Rs.) 20,00,000 8,00,000 12,00,000 4,80,000 7,20,000 2013-14 (Rs.) 30,00,000 10,00,000 20,00,000 8,00,000 12,00,000 Absolute Change 10,00,000 2,00,000 8,00,000 3,20,000 4,80,000 Percentage change 50 25 66.67 66.67 66.67 (4) st 23. Followingarethe BalanceSheets ofKrishna Ltd. ason31 March2013and2014: Particulars EQUITYAND LIABILITIES (1)ShareholdersFunds (a)Sharecapital (b) Reservesand Surplus (2)NonCurrentLiabilities Longtermborrowings (3)CurrentLiabilities TradePayables ShorttermProvisions Total Note No. 12 2012-13(Rs.) 14,00,000 5,00,000 10,00,000 4,00,000 5,00,000 1,40,000 2 1,00,000 80,000 25,80,000 60,000 60,000 16,60,000 3 4 16,00,000 1,40,000 9,00,000 2,00,000 1 ASSETS (1) NonCurrentAssets (a) Fixed assets (i) Tangibleassets (ii) IntangibleAssets 2013-14(Rs.) (2)CurrentAssets (a)Inventories (b) TradeReceivables (b) Cash and CashEquivalents Total 2,50,000 5,00,000 90,000 25,80,000 2,00,000 3,00,000 60,000 16,60,000 Notes toAccounts: S.No. 1. Particulars Ason 31.3.2014 (Rs.) ReservesandSurplusSurplus (i.e.balance inStatementofProfit andLoss) Ason 31.3.2013 (Rs.) 5,00,000 4,00,000 80,000 60,000 17,60,000 (1,60,000) 10,00,000 (1,00,000) 1,40,000 2,00,000 Preparea CashFlow Statementaftertaking intoaccount the following adjustment: (i)Taxpaid duringthe yearamounted toRs.70,000. (6) 2. 3. 4. ShortTermprovisionsP rovision fortax Tangibleassets Machinery LessAccumulated depreciation Intangible AssetsGoodwill 13 Marking Scheme Accountancy Class:XII Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. OutlineAnswers Marks 1Mark (b)Reconstitution of partnership. No,the accountant’s decision is not correct because according to AS-26, 1Mark goodwill should be recorded in the books only when consideration in money or money’s worth has been paid for it 1Mark (c)Transferring it it to debit side of Bina’s capital account. ͚Capital Reserve͛ is there serve that is created out of capital profits/gainswhereas,that part of the share capita lwhich has not yet been called and has been kept as reserve to be called up in the event of the winding up of the company is called ‘Reserve Capital’ ‘eseƌǀeCapital ͛ Rs.16,00,000 Rs.12,000 The amount received as securities premium can beused for following purposes (anythree): (a) In purchasing it sown shares. (b) Issuing fully paid bonus shares to the members. (c) Writing off preliminary expenses of the company. (d) Writing off the expenses of,or the commission paid,or discount allowed on any issue of securities or debenturesofthecompany. (e) Providingf or the premium payable on there demption of any redeemable preferences sharesor any debentures of the company. Journal 1 Mark 1 Mark 1Mark 1 x3 = 3 Marks 1½ 1½ = 1 ½ +1½ =3 marks 9. Balancesheetof NewbieLtd. asat: 1 mark 14 Particulars BankA/c Dr. ToShare Application and AllotmentA/c (Beingtheamountofapplicationmoneyreceivedon50,000shares@Rs50 per share) ShareApplication and AllotmentA/c Dr. ToShare Capital A/c (Being the amount transferred to share capital) BankA/c Dr. To9% Debentures Applicationand AllotmentA/c (Beingtheamountreceivedon9%Debentureapplicationandallotmenton40,0 00 Debentures@Rs. 40 per debentures) 9%Debenture Application and AllotmentA/C Dr. To9% Debentures A/C (Being The amount transferred toDebentures A/c.) Particulars To P&LA/c ToPuŶita͛s edžeĐutoƌ͛sA/Đ F Amount(Rs Particulars .) 24,000 By balanceb/d 1,22,880 By interestoncapital ByP&LSuspenseA/c BLJ‘ashi ͛sĐapitalA/Đ BLJSeeŵa͛sCapitalA/c 1,46,880 16 Debit(Rs. ) 25,00,000 Credit(Rs. ) 25,00,000 25,00,000 25,00,000 16,00,000 16,00,000 16,00,000 16,00,000 Amount(Rs .) 1,00,000 4,880 6,000 12,000 24,000 1,46,880 forthe answer = 3+1 =4 marks 12. Calculationof Interest ondrawings: 2 marks 3,00,000 2 marks = 2+2 = 4 marks 13. (a) ½mark ½ mark 1 mark 1 mark = ½+½ +1+1 = 3 marks (b) 1 mark JLJoti ͛sshare=2/10+1/10=3/10 1 mark 1 mark = 1+1+1 = 3 marks =3+3 = Sacrificingratio=2:1 17 6 marks 14. (a) (b) Date Particulars LF Debit (Rs.) BankA/c Dr. To9%Debenture ApplicationandAllotmentA/c (BeingDebentureapplicationmoneyreceived) 9%DebentureApplicationand AllotmentA/cDr.LossonissueofDebenturesA/c Dr. To9% DebentureA/c ToPremiumonredemption of DebenturesA/c(Beingissueofdebenturesatpar, redeemableataapremium) 5,00,000 OwndebenturesA/c Dr. ToBank A/c (Being60,000debenturespurchasedforca ncellation@Rs75) 8%Debenturesa/c Dr. ToOwnDebenturesA/c ToGainonCancellation ofDebenturesA/c(Beingdebenturescancelled) GainonCancellationof Debentures A/c Dr. ToCapitalReserve (BeingthegaintransferredtoCapitalReserve) DebentureRedemptionReserveA/c Dr. ToGeneralReserve (BeingtheAmountofDebentureRedemptionRe serveTransferredtoGeneralReserve) 5,70,000 18 Credit (Rs.) 5,00,000 5,00,000 50,000 5,00,000, 50,000 1mark 2 marks = 1+2 = 3 marks 570,000 1 mark 5,70,000 30,000 1 mark 6,00,000 30,000 30,000 ½ mark 3,00,000 3,00,000 ½ mark = 1+1+½ +½ =3 marks 15. Dr. RealisationA/c Liabilities Tosundryassets: -Machinery -Stock -Debtors Amount(Rs.) 5,60,000 90,000 55,000 ToBank: -Creditors 40,000 ToAshish͛sCapitalA/Đ: -Ashish͛sǁife͛sloaŶ 34,000 ToNeha͛sCapitalA/Đ; -Realisationexpenses 7,000 Toprofittransferredto: Ashish͛sĐapitalA/Đϰ,ϬϬϬ Neha͛sĐapitalA/Đ3,000 Cr. Assets BySundryliabilities: -Creditors -Ashish͛sǁife͛sloaŶ Amount(Rs.) 40,000 25,000 ByBank: -Machinery -Debtors 4,80,000 10,000 BLJ Ashish͛sCapitalA/Đ: -Stock 1,28,000 -typewriter 70,000 1,98,000 BLJNeha͛sCapitalA/Đ -Debtors 40,000 7,000 7,93,000 Dr. ToRealisationA/c ToBalanceb/d 7,93,000 Partner’sCapitalAccounts Cr.Particulars Ashish(Rs.) Particulars Ashish(Rs.) Neha(Rs.) 1,98,000 40,000 ByBalanceb/d 4,00,000 4,50,000 ByRealisationA/c ByRealisationA/c 5,98,000 4,90,000 Dr. ToBalanceb/dToR ealisationA/c ½ markfor eachbla nk x12 = 6marks Neha(Rs.) 5,60,000 34,000 4,000 5,98,000 4,80,000 7,000 3,000 4,90,000 BankA/c 4,04,000 ByRealisationA/c 4,90,000 BLJAshish͛sLoaŶA/ĐBLJA shish͛sCapitalA/ĐBLJNe ha͛sCapitalA/Đ 8,94,000 Cr. 40,000 4,000 4,00,000 4,50,000 8,94,000 16. Dr. REVALUATIONA/c Particulars Tobad debts Cr. Amount(Rs. Particulars ) 1,000 Bylosstransferred to:A͛ s Capital A/c B͛ s Capital A/c Amount(Rs. ) 750 250 1,000 Dr. Particulars ToGoodwill A/c ToRevaluation A/c ToBalance c/d 1,000 Partner’s CapitalAccounts A(Rs.) 30,000 750 39,450 B(Rs.) 10,000 250 30,150 C(Rs.) Particulars ByBalance b/d ByCash A/c - 23,200 2 marks ByInvestment fluctuationfund BLJWoƌkŵeŶ͛s Compensation fund Cr. A(Rs.) 54,000 - B(Rs.) C(Rs.) 35,000 23,200 1,200 400 - 3,000 1,000 - 2 x3 = 6 marks =2 +6 19 Particulars ToMachinery ToProvision for doubtful debts Particulars To Furniture To)͛sCapitalA/Đ ToRevaluation A/c To)͛sLoaŶA/Đ ToY͛sCuƌƌeŶtA/Đ ToBalance c/d Amount(Rs. Particulars ) 3,000 ByFurniture 500 ByLoss transferred to : X͛ sCapitalA/ĐY͛ sCapitalA/Đ )͛sCapitalA/Đ 3,500 X(Rs.) 5,250 Y(Rs.) 1,750 Z(Rs.) 14,000 - 750 45,000 51,000 250 15,000 15,000 32,000 500 24,500 39,000 Particulars ByBalance b/d ByGeneral Reserve BLJX͛ sCapitalA/Đ BLJY͛sCapitalA/Đ BLJX͛ sCuƌƌeŶtA/Đ 20 Amount(Rs. ) 2,000 750 250 500 3,500 X(Rs.) 30,000 Y(Rs.) 30,000 Z(Rs.) 28,000 6,000 2,000 4,000 15,000 - 5,250 1,750 - 51,000 32,000 39,000 17. INTHEBOOKOFAMRITLTD.JO URNAL Date Particulars Bank A/c ToShareApplication A/c (Beingapplication moneyreceivedon75,000,shares@Rs. 3pershare) ShareApplication A/c ToShareCapitalA/c ToShareAllotment A/c (Beingapplication moneyadjusted) ShareAllotmentA/c ToShareCapitalA/c ToSecuritiesPremiumA/c (Beingallotmentmoneydueon50,000sh ares) Bank A/c ToShareAllotment A/c(Beingallotmentmoneyreceive d) OR Bank A/c Calls in ArrearsA/c ToShareAllotment A/c(Beingallotmentmoneyreceive ShareFirstCallA/c d) ToShareCapitalA/c (Beingfirstcall due on50,000shares) Bank A/c ToShareFirstCallA/c(Beingfi rstcallmoneyreceived) OR Bank A/c Calls in arrearsA/c ToShareFirstCallA/c(Beingfi rstcallmoneyreceived) Dr. Dr. Dr. F Dr.(Rs.) 2,25,000 Cr.(Rs.) 2,25,000 ½ mark 1,50,000 75,000 1 mark 2,25,000 2,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 Dr. 1 mark 1,23,000 1,23,000 1 mark Dr. Dr. Dr. 1,23,000 2,000 1,25,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 Dr. ½ mark 98,400 98,400 Dr. Dr. 1 mark 98,400 1,600 1,00,000 1 mark 21 ShareCapitalA/c Dr. SecuritiesPremiumA/c Dr. ToShareForfeitureA/cTo ShareAllotment A/cToShareFirstCallA/c (Being800sharesforfeitedfor nonpaymentof allotmentmoneyandfirstcall) OR ShareCapitalA/c Dr. SecuritiesPremiumA/c Dr. ToShareForfeitureA/cT oCalls in ArrearsA/c (Being800sharesforfeitedfornonpaymentof allotmentmoneyandfirstcall) Bank A/c Dr. ToShareCapitalA/c ToSecuritiesPremiumA/c( Being800sharesreissued ) Dr. ShareForfeiture A/c ToCapitalReserveA/c(Bein g Share amount Forfeituretransferre dto capitalreserve) 5,600 1,600 3,600 2,000 1,600 5,600 1,600 3,600 3,600 9,600 5,600 4,000 1 mark 1 mark = ½ +1+ 1+1+½ + 1+1+ 1 +1 = 8 marks OR 3,600 3,600 ½ mark ½ mark OR ½ mark InTheBooksofVelcoLtd. JOURNAL Date Particulars Bank A/c Dr. ToShareApplication A/c(Beingapplication on moneyreceived40,000Shares@Rs. 3pershare) ShareApplication A/c Dr. ToShareCapitalA/cToSh areAllotment A/c (Beingapplication moneyadjusted) ShareAllotmentA/c Dr. DiscountonIssueof Dr. SharesA/cToShareCapitalA /c (Beingallotmentmoneydue) 22 F Dr.(Rs.) 1,20,000 Cr.(Rs.) 1,20,000 1 mark 1,20,000 90,000 30,000 ½ mark 60,000 30,000 90,000 1 mark Bank A/c Dr. ToShareAllotment (Beingallotmentmoneyreceived) OR Bank A/c Dr. Calls in ArrearsA/c Dr. ToShareAllotment A/c(Beingallotmentmoneyreceive d) ShareFirstCallA/c Dr. ToShareCapitalA/c( Beingfirstcall due) Bank A/c Dr. ToShareFirstCallA/c(B eingfirstcall received ) OR Bank A/c Dr. Calls in ArrearsA/c Dr. ToShareFirstCallA/c(B eing firstcall received) ShareCapitalA/c Dr. ToShareForfeitureA/cT oShareAllotment A/cToShareFirstCallA/c To DiscountonIssueofSharesA/c(Being1,500sh aresforfeited for nonpaymentof allotmentmoneyandfirstcall) ShareSecond andFinalCallA/c Dr. ToShareCapitalA/c (Beingsecond andfinalcall due on28,500shares) Bank A/c Dr. ToShareSecond and FinalCallA/c(Being second andfinalcall received) Bank A/c Dr. Discount onIssueof SharesA/c Dr. ToShareCapitalA/c (Being1,500sharesreissued @Rs.9 persharefullypaid) ShareForfeiture A/c Dr. ToCapitalReserve (Being the balance in ShareForfeiture A/ctransferredto capitalreserve) 23 28,500 28,500 28,500 1,500 1 mark 30,000 60,000 60,000 1 mark 57,000 57,000 ½ mark 57,000 3,000 60,000 1 mark 12,000 6,000 1,500 3,000 1,500 57,000 57,000 57,000 57,000 13,500 1,500 15,000 6,000 6,000 ½ mark = ½ +½+ ½ +1+ ½ +1+ 1+1+½ + 1+½ = 8 marks PARTB ANALYSISOF FINANCIALSTATEMENTS 18. 19. (c)Cash and Cashequivalents Cash flowsfrominvestingactivities-Nil 20. (a) CURRENTLIABILITIES (a) Shorttermborrowings (b) Tradepayables (c) Othercurrent liabilities (d) Shorttermprovisions 21. 1 mark 1mark ½ x4 = 2marks (b) Objectivesof Financial StatementsAnalysis(anytwo) (i) Helps in assessing the earning capacityor profitability (ii) Helps in assessing managerialefficiency (iii) Helps inassessing thelongthemandshorttermsolvencyof theenterprise. (iv) Helps in inter-firmcomparison. (v) Helps in forecasting and preparing budgets. (vi) Helps theusers in understanding complicatedmatterin a simplifiedmanner. (a) Totalrevenuefromoperations=Rs.5,00,000 GrossProfit 1 x2 = 2marks =2+ 2 = 4marks = = =Rs.1,00,000 CostofRevenuefromoperations=NetRevenue fromopeartions-GrossProfit =Rs.5,00,000-Rs.1,00,000 =Rs.4,00,000 CostofRevenuefrom operations= Opening Inventory + NetPurchases– Closing inventory Rs.4,00,000 =Openinginventory+Rs.3,00,000– Rs.60,000Opening inventory =Rs.1,60,000 (b) CurrentRatio = 2.5 = CurrentLiabilities =Rs.6,80,000 QuickRatio = 0.95 = 24 2marks 22.(a) QuickAssets =Rs.6,46,000 Inventory = CurrentAssets-QuickAssets =Rs.17,00,000–Rs.6,46,000 =Rs.10,54,000 23. 1mark =2+1+ 1 = 4marks Ans.CurrentLiabilities= Rs.6,80,000Inventory Calculationof NetProfitRatio: =Rs.10,54,00 0 NetProfitRatio= 2012-13 NetProfitRatio = 2013-14 = 36% NetProfitRatio (b) 1mark 1mark 1mark 1 x2 = 2marks = = = 40% Values thatHimaniLtd. wants to communicateto thesociety: Social responsibility. Welfareofemployees. In the booksofKrishnaLtd. Cash FlowStatement Forthe yearended 31stMarch’14 Rs. Particulars CASH FLOWSFROMOPERATINGACTIVI 1,90,000 TIES Netprofitbeforetax 60,000 (WorkingNote1)Add non 60,000 operating/non cashitems:Depreciationonmachinery 3,10,000 GoodwillWrittenoff Operating profitbeforeworkingcapitalchan ges Add increaseinTrade Payables 1+1+2 = 4marks Rs. 40,000 2marks (50,000) (2,00,000) Less Increasein InventoriesIncrease CashinTradeReceivables flowfromoperatingactivities CASH Cash generated FLOWSFROMINVESTINGACTIVI fromoperationsLess Income TIES Taxpaid Purchaseofmachinery Cash used ininvestingactivities 1,00,000 (70,000) 30,000 ½mark (7,60,000) (7,60,000) 25 CASH FLOWSFROMFINANCING ACTIVITIES Issue ofshares Longtermborrowings Cash flowfromfinancingactivities Netincrease incash and cash equivalents Add opening balanceof cashandcash equivalents Closing balanceofcash andcash equivalents WorkingNote 1: Calculationof NetProfitBeforeTax Surplus i.e.Balance in StatementofProfitandLossAdd provision fortax Dr. Particulars Tocash(taxpaid) ProvisionforTax A/c Amount(Rs.) 70,000 Tobalancec/d 80,000 1,50,000 1mark 4,00,000 3,60,000 Particulars By balanceb/d By provision madeduring the year 7,60,000 30,000 60,000 90,000 1,00,000 90,000 1,90,000 26 ½mark Cr. Amount(Rs.) 60,000 1mark 90,000 1,50,000 18.(c) 19.(b) 1mark