Meeting minutes from 21.4.15

JM (Chair), Lesley Hampson (Practice Manager)(LH), JW, RT, MV, ED, SD
Wendy Marsh(WM)
Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes from the meeting held on 20th January 2015 were agreed.
Matters arising not on the agenda
There were no matters arising.
Update on last year’s Action Plan 2014/15
There were 3 items on the Action Plan:
Practice Website. MV has re-written this and it is awaiting further
discussions with the website provider. It still needs proof-reading
and some graphics work, which JW has agreed to help with.
Focus groups – this involves trying to recruit harder-to-reach
patients for the PRG. This is ongoing. JM volunteered to give RB a
telephone call regarding this as he has suggested he would have
some contacts at Briercliffe.
JM & JW are working on designing and putting up some new
noticeboards and these could be used to help with this.
Some members suggested they could sit in the waiting rooms and
talk to other patients about the PRG to encourage them to join.
It was felt important that new members knew it was okay to join
but not attend meetings; they could be virtual members,
corresponding through letter or email.
Appointment system. MV is doing some work for the surgery and
one of the areas he is working on is the appointment system. This
work is still under discussion and there is nothing concrete to share
with the PRG as yet. MV stated he had had discussions with
members of staff, who have been very helpful. The idea is to
increase the patient experience and also improve things for the GP’s
and staff. MV’s work will also encompass looking at the Business as
a whole and write a business plan for the next 3-5 years.
Surgery Update
a) Staffing. We have a new apprentice receptionist called Luke and also a
new bank receptionist – Sharon.
Dr Broadhurst has now left the practice. Because she was our GP Trainer,
the Registrar, Dr Hilson, has also left. This led to discussions about
appointment shortages. Dr Broadhurst was part time and also spent time
training the Registrar so although 2 people have left, they didn’t amount to
2 full time Doctors with regards to appointments.
Dr Bhas is now a full time partner. This has helped fill some of the
appointment gaps left by Dr Broadhurst and Dr Hilson leaving.
Locum cover – we are having regular Locum cover to help also with
This led on to further discussions regarding appointments. As part of his
overall work with the Surgery, MV is looking at the appointment types and
historically how many are used – this will be used to see how we are doing with
appointments and if anything needs re-planning.
The DNA monitoring is ongoing though isn’t advertised in surgery and on the
website any more as requested by the PRG. MV suggested ‘actively managing’
DNA-ing patients.
Waiting times are also being monitored. It was noted that Nurses usually ran
later than Doctors, but also that when you do get in to see the Clinician, you
were given the time you needed, even if you ran over. The average waiting
time for a Nurse is 11mins and for a Doctor is 7mins. This is recorded on the
system as being the time between a patient checking in on reception and their
record being opened by the member of staff they are seeing. These times can
be distorted but it is a good place to start. It was suggested making people
aware that if they came too early for an appointment, then there was a good
chance they would be waiting extra time.
b) CQC Action Plan. After our CQC inspection, LH did an Action Plan to
address the issues raised – the only concern was a Safeguarding
Training issue. All staff have now done the training, a lady from the
MDU (Medical Defence Union) has been and all staff attended this. Dr
Datt has also attended the Reception and Admin team meeting and run
through some examples of safeguarding issues.
LH also ran through the experience of a CQC inspection.
c) Year end with clinical indicators. The last 3 months (January to March)
have been very busy with QOF (Quality Outcome Framework)- these
are clinical areas and are our largest area of income. They comprise
checks on patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood
pressure and asthma. As part of our 2013/14 action plan we have been
tidying up the recalls for chronic diseases (ie when we call people in for
checks) and now these are due in the month of a patient’s birthday.
This is our income but it is based on clinical excellence and is best for
the patient. Patient’s currently receive 3 letters asking them to come
in for a check, each letter increasing in severity, then if there is no
response we can exception report them so we aren’t penalised for
them not turning up. At the moment we are trying to ring people for
May birthdays, then letters will go out to them in June, July and
d) Online access to records. By the end of March 2015 we had to put into
place a system for allowing patients online access to a summary of
their records. An example of this was passed round the group. This
comprises medications, allergies and adverse reactions. LH explained
what this was all about. By next year we will have to provide a more
detailed report for patients to access. If anyone wants to access their
online record they will require identity verification. A question was
raised as to how far back records access would go – this was clarified as
only from the date that access was granted, so no retrospective details
would be visible.
Update of Local Health Priorities
Waiting Lists - We have been notified of large waiting lists for
cataracts, gynaecology and general surgery at the hospital. The
target waiting time is 18 weeks and for these disciplines it is over
this time. The CCG are putting plans into place to tackle this.
Urgent Care – a new facility has opened at the hospital for urgent
care and a leaflet was given out outlining this. Any further
developments are now on hold until after the General Election as
the CCG can’t be seen to be influenced by any particular party.
Things may change if/when we get a new Government but General
Practice is constantly under new pressures at short notice so this
shouldn’t change how we work too much.
Patient feedback, praise, complaints and suggestions
The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is now up and running. This is contractually
required and involves patients giving feedback either through a quick
questionnaire form in surgery or online. We are not doing too well collecting
this feedback. The online method seems onerous as once done, an email is
then received asking for the feedback to be submitted, which may not be being
completed. This appears to be another project we have to respond to but that
doesn’t directly affect patient care, but takes up time and effort.
The NHS choices website also asks for feedback about the surgery. MV
suggested that if people felt happy, they should put a review on this website.
Members of the group commented that they would be happy to put a positive
report on as they felt this was appropriate to the care they had received.
LH updated the meeting on the complaints received since the last meeting.
The main complaints were about not being able to book appointments.
Any other business
RT asked if Judy still collected old medicines etc for sending out to 3 rd world
countries. LH will check with her next time she sees her.
Date and time of next meeting
Tuesday 21st July 2015 at 7pm
Dates of meetings for the next year were not discussed due to time but this
was left to LH and WM to decide and let members know.
These were decided on:
Tuesday 20th October 2015 at 7pm
Tuesday 19th January 2016 at 7pm
Tuesday 19th April 2016 at 7pm
Tuesday 19th July 2016 at 7pm