Strategic Planning Why is Strategic Planning so Important? 1. Limited and increasingly expensive resources 2. Real opportunities and threats? 3. Opportunity costs 4. Diversity of competition 5. Increasing Expectations 6. Responsibility and accountability 7. Internal and External Support -Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning 2. Suggest or are linked to accomplishment benefits 3. Suggest or identify publics, customers or partners 4. Specific and measurable: guidance, evaluation 5. Feasible - Financial Technology, Staff, Marketing, Management 6. Give rise to alternatives: products, services... 7. Acceptable 8. Understandable Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Strategy and Strategic Marketing Plans Strategy = an integrated, feasible and manageable sequence of internally consistent and externally relevant resource allocation decisions. The strategy establishes a framework/direction in which it pursues its objectives. A plan is the explicit documentation, description and communication of vision, mission, and objectives. Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Strategic Management The continuous process of managing an organization and its different functions such that it is consistent with mission and achieves its objectives. 1. Stewardship of the vision 2. Hierarchy of objectives 3. Alignment of organizational structures, policies and functional strategies and tactics with mission and strategic objectives 4. Strategic investment 5. Performance measurement Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Strategic Planning Process 1. Environmental Scanning 2. Internal Analysis and Audits 3. S-W-0-T 4. Mission 5. Objectives 6. Strategies 7. Alignment - FIT 8. Implementation 9. Performance Monitoring Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Mission Strategic Objectives Example: Image Portfolio Marketing Pricing Newsletter Objectives Service Communication Brochure Objectives Display Objectives Ed Mahoney, MSU Relationships Strategic Planning Mission & Objectives Board & Director Financial Mgmt. Human Resource Mgmt. NR/Facility Mgmt. Visitor Mgmt. Marketing Portfolio • Facilities • Services • Events • Programs • Products Evaluation & Control Ed Mahoney, MSU Partnerships Internal External Strategic Planning Opportunities Threats External Envir. Control Vulnerability Strategic Audit Internal Assessment Strengths Weaknesses Objectives & Strategies Management Marketing Implementation -Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Envir.Scanning Internal Analysis Opportunities Threats Strengths Weaknesses S.W.O.T Stewardship Systems Mission Objectives Strategies Marketing, Finance Human Resources Monitoring Performance Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Strategic Planning and Concept of Fit Fit relates to the extent to which: • • • • various organizational objectives facilities, services and products different function: marketing, maintenance, security different activities comprising functions, e.g., marketing mixpricing, service quality, marketing communications work together to: • • • • • accomplish mission and strategic objectives create and deliver customer relevant values enhance relationships with priority publics enhance organizational image build future capability Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Environment Fit Strategic Fit Functional Fit Competency Fit Future Fit Financial Fit Portfolio Fit Market Fit Marketing Mix Fit Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Concept of Future publics image products-services Financing Fund Raising Partnerships Concept of Fit Concept of Management Product-Service Portfolio Marketing Public Relations How products How it will Staffing services, functions fund, organize, activities and evaluate, recruit, partnerships fit motivate... Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Skills Strategy Structure Staff Shared Values Systems Style of Management Seven-S Framework Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Economics Technology Competition Volunteer Contributors Organization Customers Partners Demographics Culture -Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning S-W-O -T Analysis W-O-T- S UP Strength - An attribute, skill or relationship that enhances an organization’s ability to achieve mission and enhance its future position. Weakness - An attribute, skill or relationship that reduces an organization’s ability to achieve mission and limits its future position. Opportunity - A change in the external environment that an organization can capitalize on to achieve mission and/or enhance its future capability. Threat - A change in external environment that inhibits/lessens an organizations ability to achieve mission and/or enhance its future capability. -Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Environmental Scanning Analyzing [trends] in relevant environmental factors that will impact on an organizations ability to accomplish its purpose/mission, objectives, functional strategies, and position itself for future success. The external environment is exogenous to the organization. A primary purpose of environmental scanning: 1. Information to identify and assess opportunities and threats. 2. Determine organizational vulnerabilities. 3. Positioning strategies. 4. Market[publics and partnerships]. -Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Strategic Audits Analysis of performance and whatever seriously affects it. The aim is to enhance relevance, quality and efficiency of activities, programs, products, services. 1. Environment Context that have potential impact on organizational mission, objectives, capabilities, products, relationships. 2. Performance 3. Future contribution, relevance, and feasibility 4. Forum for sharing perspectives and insights. Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Organizational Capabilities Medium Market/Activity Potential High Ed Mahoney, MSU Low Strategic Planning Low Current Revenues High Current and Future Performance of F-P-P-S Low Future Growth Potential Ed Mahoney, MSU High Strategic Planning Events Marketing Traditional Programming Partnerships Fund Raising Strategic Importance Organizational Competencies Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Public Evaluated Public Important Poorer No Difference Maintenance Programming Visitor Security Visitor Services Interpretation Accessibility Marketing Ed Mahoney, MSU More Better Strategic Planning OPPORTUNITIES New generation of folkies THREATS No technology capabilities Finance Fundraising Member Services Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Mission Statement A statement of purpose and vision. It should be future oriented, not a description of current purpose and activities. It should be developed in the context of the “expected future.” The mission statement should frame the objectives, functional strategies and tactics. The mission statement should present a challenge. An organization’s mission statement must communicate, and enlist support for its mission and vision. Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning 2005 Mission Priority publics Beliefs Portfolio Technologies To survive and be successful Desired Image 1998 Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Benefits of Strategic Objectives 1. Defines tangible results - strategic results 2. Enables assessment and marketing of effectiveness 3. Direction and accountability - not just hobbies and activities 4. Stress potential and recruits expertise. 5. Sets stakeholder expectations Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Objective: 1. Increase member awareness of organizational strategies and recruit their expertise and involvement in activities in support of those strategies OR? 2. Develop and distribute a newsletter. Compare and contrast two objectives -Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Culture Strategic Audit Mission Objectives Re-Design Organization Strategic “Team” New Processes & Approaches Management Values Re-Configure Portfolio Capabilities -Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Organizational Strategy(ies) 1. Creation and satisfactions of customers/members/client 2. Creation of important value(s) 3. Identification of market niches and important purposes 4. Development and application of processes and methods 5. Understand and avoid direct competition 6. Motivation of people and focus of resources toward important purposes. -Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Strategy An approach to acquiring and using resources within the context of the environment in order to achieve mission and objectives of an organization. Tactic Means to carry out strategy. Any strategy can be viewed as a tactic for a higher order strategy. Marketing Pricing Organizational Strategy Positioning Ed Mahoney, MSU Fund Raising Strategic Planning Creating and Sustaining Value Added Advantage Advantages Value Added Design Program Facility Elements Management Law Enforcement Maintenance Interpretation Packaging Pricing Promotion •One price to all •Price discourages some market segments •Only publicity •Not packaged with other attractions Disadvantages Value Deleting Ed Mahoney, MSU Visitors & Publics Perceptions Strategic Planning Portfolio Strategy 1998 PORTFOLIO S F F P F F P P S F P P S P P P F S 2005 Portfolio -Ed Mahoney, MSU P F P Strategic Planning Life Cycles Facilities- Events -Products - Services - Organizations Different •Customers •Management Maturity •Marketing TIME Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Future Capacity & Potential Decline Maturity Late Growth Early Intro. Growth -Ed Mahoney, MSU Potential Strategic Planning Facilities-Services-Events Existing New- Related New- Related Market Existing New-Unrelated -Ed Mahoney, MSU New-Unrelated Strategic Planning Alternative Strategies/Tactics Evaluate Potential Strategies Ed Mahoney, MSU Positive Strategic Planning Vulnerable Strategy Tactics • Neutralize Opportunity • Minimize Low High Organization’s Influence Over Factor -Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning High Strategic Importance Mission -Objectives Vulnerable •Monitor •Contingency Plans Strategy •Monitor •Review of Strategies Non-issues Continuous Fine -Tuning Low Low High Organizational Control -Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Strategic Audit 1. Environmental scan 2. Performance analysis/audits including portfolio of products, services, programs…. 3. S-W-O-T 4. Importance and vulnerability analyses 5. Strategic implications -Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Strength Opportunity Threat Weakness Statement of Issue Strategic Implications -Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Plan I. Situation Assessment 1. Environment 2. Audits 3. SWOT II Mission Statement 1. Market-publics 2. F-P-P-Ss 3. Technologies 4. Survival/success 5 Image/identity 6. Philosophies III. Organizational Objectives 1997 2000 External Demographic Life-styles Technology Competition Economic/Fiscal Legal Political Organization Opportunities Threats Strengths 2000 Weaknesses Strategic Plan Marketing 1V. Functional strategies Fund Raising & Financial Management V. Monitoring and Evaluation Organization Board-Staff Conference CURRENT & EXPECTED ENVIRONMENT ECONOMIC DEMOGRAPHICS LIFE STYLES TECHNOLOGY “COMPETITION” STRATEGIC PLANS NEW F-P-P CONCEPTS NEW F-P-Ps OPPORTUNITIES • MISSION • OBJECTIVES • POSITIONING • • • • • MARKET/NEED CHANGES CHANGES IN THE ORGANIZATIONS OBJECTIVES CHANGES IN F-P-P LINES OF OTHER ORGANIZATIONS TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS • • • • • • • • • FIT WITH MISSION DESIRED RESULT/OBJECTIVE MARKETS MARKET NEEDS/DESIRES SIMILAR OFFERINGS F-P-P ATTRIBUTES RESOURCES REQUIRED IMPACTS ON OTHER F-P-Ps FINANCING FEASIBILITY OF PROPOSED CHANGES • RESOURCE CAPABILITY • MARKET FEASIBILITY • ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY • TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY • POLITICAL FEASIBILITY • LEGAL FEASIBILITY • PR FEASIBILITY F-P-P PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS F-P-P AND MARKETING DESCRIPTION & AUDITS F-P-P DESCRIPTION & AUDIT • • • • • • • • • • CUSTOMERS/USERS PERFORMANCE - OBJECTIVES SATISFACTION -”QUALITY” CURRENT CONDITION NEEDED IMPROVEMENTS OPERATING COSTS SUBSTITUTES/COMPLEMENTS STAFFING TECHNOLOGY REVENUES/CONTRIBUTIONS ESTABLISH CRITERIA •FIT WITH MISSION •ORGANIZATIONAL OBJECTIVES •MARKET SIZE & MARKET TRENDS •EXPECTATIONS/NEEDS •CUSTOMER/USER SATISFACTION •CAPABILITIES - RESOURCE, STAFF •COST-OPERATING AND CAPITAL •PARTNERSHIP POTENTIAL •SUBSTITUTES/COMPETITION F-P-P LINE & CONSISTENT MARKETING STRATEGIES ASSESS EXISTING F-P-Ps AND NEW F-P-P CONCEPTS F-P-P LINE • • • • • NEW F-P-Ps F-P-P MODIFICATIONS CLOSINGS F-P-P PARTNERSHIPS PRIVATIZATION MARKETING AUDIT • • • • • • • • • • TARGET MARKETS? AWARENESS/ PERCEPTIONS MARKETING OBJECTIVES FEES/CHARGES COMMUNICATIONS PROMOTIONS ACCESSIBILITY EVALUATION(S) SERVICE STRATEGY COOPERATIVE MARKETING POTENTIAL F-P-P CHANGES • CLOSE • DOWN-SCALE • IMPROVEMENT • RE-POSITIONING • NEW F-P-Ps • PARTNERSHIP • PRIVATIZATION MARKETING STRATEGIES • RE-POSITIONING • DE-MARKETING • NEW F-P-P MARKETING • COOPERATIVE MARKETING Strategic Planning P&R PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT 1. NEW PROGRAMS, FACITIES, EVENTS, SERVICES, 2. ENHANCEMENT/CHANGE EXISITING PROGRAMS, FACILITIES, EVENTS, SERVICES 3. DROP/ABANDON EXISITING PROGRAMS, FACILITIES, EVENTS, SERVICES 4. PARTNER TO PROVIDE EXISITING OR POTENTIAL PROGRAMS, FACILITIES, EVENTS, SERVICES 5. CONTRACT OR SUBCONTRACT EXISITING OR POTENTIAL PRODUCTS, EVENTS, SERVICES, ACTIVITIES 6. PRIVATIZE -Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Factors in Managing Portfolio 1. Revenues and cash flow 2. Risk 3. Sustainability and opportunities for growth 4. Synergy shared resources related knowledge and skill shared image additional market(s) greater perceived market value 5. Contribution vs. cost 6. Desired organizational image -Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning F-P-P-S PORTFOLIO DECISION CRITERIA 1. ORGANIZATIONAL MISSION & OBJECTIVES 2. SYNERGY WITH OTHER PRODUCTS, PROGRAMS, ACTIVITIES 3. CURRENT AND EXPECTED FUTURE CAPACITY TO DEVELOP, MANAGE, MARKET…. 4. RESOURCE GENERATION CAPACITY 5. SUSTAINABLE MARKET FEASIBILITY 6. CURRENTAND LIKELY FUTURE COMPETITION/SUBSTITUTES 7. “RETURN” ON INVESTMENT -Ed Mahoney, MSU Strategic Planning Weights and Evaluations Market Contribution Strategic Competition to Mission Objectives Potential 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 + + + - + + + - 7 + + + + + - 6 Investment Required Weights + + - -Ed Mahoney, MSU Revenues Payback Amount -Flow 6 5 4 - + + + + + - + + + -