potential leaders training material (1)

NCF develops leaders in a number of formal and informal (on-the-job) ways. There has to be a clear
“leadership factory” in place to ensure leaders continue to be released. This process is imperative to the
long term future of the church. Below are a few of the ways we develop leaders at NCF Church.
This course is for leaders that have a gift/desire to lead in the long-term. The subjects covered are more
general in nature and seek to establish a good base off which to release leaders to lead ministries such
as music, children, small groups, Sunday volunteers etc. This set of topics can be expanded to run over a
longer period and many of the sub-points can be covered as sessions on their own. Every week each
person is given a short assignment to do that is handed back in the next week. These would include
sharing their personal testimony, leadership case studies and practical assignments.
A. Biblical Leadership
 Hierarchy vs Democracy
 Women in leadership
 Leadership by example
 Being a good follower
B. Qualifications of a deacon
 1 Tim 3…
C. The Holy Spirit and the gifts
 Baptism of the Holy Spirit
 Facilitating the Holy Spirit
 Understanding the gifts
 Prophecy
D. The personal life of a Christian leader
 Time management
 Dealing with temptation
 Leading through pressure
 Life-giving friendships
 Personal disciplines
 Dealing with offense
E. Leading a small group meeting
 How to “hold” new people
 Growing a group
 Building toward local church
 Facilitating a discussion
 Casting vision
F. Practical shepherding
 Being a shepherd at NCF (fathering/mothering)
 Basic counselling skills
 Bringing people to maturity
 Dealing with difficult people
 Dealing with sin issues
The eldership team invites 30–40 of our young single men aged 15-30 to come away with us for a
weekend of physical and spiritual input. The aim of the weekend is to develop strong, Godly men who
are ready to lead as God designed them. The format of the weekend is broken up to be 50% hard,
physical exertion (including commando courses, team challenges and sport), and 50% spiritual input.
The sessions run alternating between spiritual and physical every hour with breaks for tea and meals.
The camp is run by a camp master and a few of the elders are present to give input and build with the
young men. Topics include:
Finding a Godly wife
Biblical Leadership
Being a team player
Personal finance
How to make Godly decisions
Managing your life – priorities, goals, dreams
These groups of 6-12 people have been designed to train imminent SMALL GROUP leaders with very
specific training. The aim is for the leader of this group to skillfully help the process of releasing small
group leaders in the best possible way and into the best leadership environment.
Topics would include:
How to prepare your home
Hosting people
Gathering people
Growing your group
Facilitation skills
Dealing with difficult people
What is the aim of every small group meeting?
How to use a Homegroup Help
Choosing and releasing the right potential leader
Establishing a plan for your group
Shepherding people wisely
How to handle kids in a small group
Personal preparation
Facilitating the Holy Spirit and the gifts
How to release people in a small group by giving them responsibility
These groups have been designed to look after and further develop EXISTING leaders. These leaders are
placed in groups of 5 or 6 with current homegroup leaders that have capacity and skill in being able to
coach/mentor the existing leaders in their care. These leaders must be leading groups themselves. The
aim of this group weekly is 5-fold:
a. Health - ensure the leader is healthy by having fun, caring for and encouraging them.
b. Problem-solve - To help leaders solve problems with regards to difficult people, theological
issues, unhelpful leadership style and marriage break ups etc.
c. Communication – keep small groups going in the same direction as the church. Feedback to the
eldership team on what is happening within the small groups.
d. Vision – stimulate leaders to focus outward, grow their groups and get involved in the local
e. Training – As each leader sees fit, they would have full license to train their leaders on topical
issues such as facilitating a discussion, worship in a small group, how to handle difficult people,
bringing people to maturity, what the Bible says on an issue etc.