Apply First Aid

First Aid
My Online Facilitators Contact Details
Please add your facilitators name and contact details below:
My Online Facilitators Name:
My Online Facilitators Phone Number:
My Online Facilitators Email:
My log in details
Please add your log in details below:
My DET portal username:
My DET portal password:
Date/s for practical training & assessment:
Please add your log in details below:
HLTFA301B Apply First Aid
First Aid Online
Orientation Guide
Course Introduction
The aim of this course is to provide you with the knowledge
and skills to deliver immediate emergency care and basic
life support to a casualty prior to the arrival of more
qualified medical personnel.
The online learning topics contained in this course will
take you about 10 hours to complete and following this self
learning process you will be instructed in practical CPR and
practical emergency care by a TAFE First Aid Teacher who
will also assess your knowledge and skills at the end of
this practical instruction. This practical and assessment
session will take from between 5 and 8 hours depending upon
the class size.
Details of the assessment are available in the TAFE First
Aid Student Assessment Guide and will consist of three
A 30 question multiple choice answer theory test.
A practical assessment where you will be required to
perform CPR and demonstrate the DRABCD or initial
assessment of a casualty.
A practical scenario or case study where you will be
required to manage and demonstrate the first aid
requirements of an apparently injured or ill person.
If you successfully complete this course you will receive a
TAFE Statement of Attainment in Apply First Aid (HLTFA301B)
that is the minimum requirement for workplace first aid.
If you require assistance at any stage of this process you
should contact your Online First Aid Facilitator or Head
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Course Outcomes
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
 Understand the priorities in an emergency situation
including safety for yourself and others.
 Implement the Chain of Survival.
 Undertake a primary assessment of an injured person
and provide basic life support.
 Implement management for conditions, injuries and
illnesses following a secondary assessment.
 Provide reassurance and emotional support to a
casualty and bystanders.
 Report to a supervisor or other medical personnel
and document the treatment provided.
 Evaluate your own performance and undertake
debriefing or counselling where appropriate.
What you need to do to complete this course:You will be required to attend an initial meeting with your
Online First Aid Facilitator who will issue you with access
to the secure TAFE first aid website. At this time you will
be guided around the website and given details of how to
proceed through the topics that will include a suggested
completion timetable. You will be able to start your first
aid online course immediately following this initial session
with you facilitator. Then you must complete the following
Step 1. Logging On...Accessing My Course
1. Go to the url:
2. On the right-hand side of the window you will see a
section choose an online service. Use the drop down
menu (arrow) to select Sakai, this is the learning
management system used to complete your online studies.
3. You will then be directed to the Sakai log in page, use
your DET id and password to log in. (This would have
been sent to you in the form of a letter from TAFE. If
you do not have this id, please see your online
4. Click on the ‘my sites’ tab.
5. Choose the Apply First Aid site, this is usually
proceeded by the year and semester of your enrolment
i.e. 10_S1_Apply First Aid. (Please contact your
facilitator immediately if you do not have access to
this site.)
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Step 2. The Outline page
This page provides you with a link to the student assessment
guidelines, please read this document before commencing your
Step 3. The E Classroom.
Follow your program as suggested by your online facilitator.
You must complete all the sections and your TAFE Online
First Aid Facilitator will be monitoring your progress. You
can work ahead of the program and seek out other first aid
resources from the Internet and current first aid textbooks
from quality organisations such as Surf Lifesaving, St John
and Red Cross.
Some sections in the e classroom contain activities for you
to complete. There are PowerPoint presentations to view and
some activities will direct you to videos for you to watch
first aid incidents and some videos will demonstrate first
aid management. The topics that you will study and the
recommended completion times are:
Introduction to first aid
Week 1
Primary assessment
Week 1
Secondary assessment
Week 1
The Body’s Systems
Week 1
Managing illness
Week 1
Week 2
Fractures and soft tissue injury
Week 2
Week 2
Poison / Bites and stings
Week 2
Critical incident stress management
Week 2
Assessment preparation- Compulsory Case
Studies and revision notes
Week 2
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Week 3
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At the end of this document, there are links to the websites
of organisations that provide useful information for
students undertaking first aid instruction. Such sites
include the Asthma Foundation and the Australian
Resuscitation Council and we suggest that you visit these
sites if you require further information on any of the
topics covered in this course.
Furthermore, there are 10 fact sheets for you to use as a
summary of the main elements in the first aid management of
a casualty. There are some practice questions contained at
the end of the fact sheets for you to review your
understanding of each topic.
Fact Sheet #1
Introduction to First Aid
Fact Sheet #2
Fact Sheet #3
Shock and Fainting
Fact Sheet #4
Fact Sheet #5
Fact Sheet #6
Soft Tissue Injury
Fact Sheet #7
Fact Sheet #8
Positioning the Patient
Fact Sheet #9
Medical Emergencies
Fact Sheet #10
Step 4. Tests and Tasks
As you work through each topic you will be required to
complete the section on tests and tasks that relate to the
topic of study. Once you have completed the activity and
have submitted the answer you may receive feedback. Remember
that you can contact your online facilitator if you require
further assistance or clarification of the elements in the
Step 5. Case Studies
There are 10 Case Studies for you to complete. These can be
found in the Tests and Tasks section. These are learning
tools designed to prepare you for your practical assessment.
The case studies must be submitted and their completion is
mandatory in order for you to be invited to attend the
practical and theory assessment process. Once submitted
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there are sample answers for you to review.
Step 6. Practical Day and Final Assessment
The date, place and time for this face-to-face session will
be provided by your Online First Aid Facilitator and is
usually 3 to 4 weeks following the initial meeting.
Step 7. Complete the online feedback form
When you have completed the course including the practical
assessment day then you can complete the online feedback
form and offer suggestions as to how the course could be
improved or provide feedback on those aspects that you found
worthwhile. Feedback is important to TAFE so that we can
further develop our learning programs.
What software will I need to do the units online?
To undertake this method of learning, you will need access
to a computer with the following capacity:
Microsoft Windows® platform
Platform such as Apple Macintosh® and Linux ® and other may
be suitable.
Web Browser:
Internet Explorer 5.5 or later
Mozilla Firefox 2 or later
Operating system:
Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, Vista
Other essential requirements
Internet access, ideally broadband with a download speed >
256 kbps
Enabled audio devices (speakers and/or headphones)
Video monitor (15" or larger) and graphics adapter capable
of 1024 x 768 pixels resolution
Adobe® Flash Player 9, Adobe® PDF Reader 6.0, Adobe®
Shockwave Player
Microsoft® Word and Excel 2000 or newer, or a compatible
word processing program
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Glossary of Terms
Chain of
Action Plan
Signs of Life
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Automated External Defibrillator
A sudden and severe allergic reaction
that can be life threatening
People in close proximity to the first
aid scene
Relating to the heart
Early Access, Early CPR, Early
Defibrillation, Early Advanced Life
The distribution of blood around the
The application of physical force on
the chest wall to compress the heart in
“Basic Life Support”
A state of being mentally alert, awake
and responding to stimuli
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing,
Compression, Defibrillation
A pad or bandage that is applied to
cover a wound
To raise or heighten (usually above the
Bite or sting from a poisonous animal
Foamy air filled discharge, usually
coming from the mouth
High blood glucose (sugar) levels
High body temperature
Low blood glucose (sugar) levels
Low body temperature
Occupational Health and Safety
Loss of the ability to move all or part
of the body
Personal Protective Equipment
The gesture of providing information
that instils trust and confidence
Relating to the lungs or breathing
A life threatening condition that
results with ineffective circulation to
the vital organs causing their eventual
Includes: responsiveness, normal
breathing, voluntary movement such as
swallowing, blinking and facial
Lacking awareness and unresponsive
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HLTFA301B Apply First Aid
Useful websites
Anaphylaxis Australia
Ambulance Service of NSW
ASCIA (Australian
Society of Clinical
Immunology and Allergy)
Asthma Foundation
Australian Resuscitation
Diabetes Australia
Epilepsy Foundation of
Health A to Z
Health Insite
Health Site
National Heart
Foundation of Australia
National Stroke
NSW Health Department
NSW Multicultural Health
Communication Service
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