Project Systems Display Training

Project Systems Display Training
Capital Budget & Project Systems Overview
Projects created in the project systems module will be for Facilities and Site projects
District wide activities will reside in the Funds Management Module with a specified
Functional Area as its cost identifier.
Projects will be created by the Project Scheduling Group when the project is ready to
Planned values will be captured in PS Planning for both Capital and Site Projects.
Capital Budget will be notified when funds are ready to be loaded to a project.
Appropriated funds for projects that have not been created in project systems will
remain in a Non Consumable Funds Center.
SAP does not allow budgetary overrides. Budget must be assigned at the phase level
prior to posting costs.
Availability Control (AVC) at the phase level will allow some flexibility.
Costs are always posted at the sub-phase level.
The BI-IP module will capture the DEFP (five-year capital plan) with Record ID
allowing reconciliation with projects in Project Systems
SAP will be the single source for Project Scope.
Primavera will remain the project scheduling source but will now interface project
milestone date in SAP.
PPO work orders will be posted in SAP’s general ledger via interface with Compass.
Automated settlement of projects to fixed assets (Wave 2)
Project Systems Display Training
Project Definition and WBS Elements
Projects are made up of a Project Definition and WBS Elements
WBS = Work Breakdown Structure (hierarchy structure)
Represents the phases, and sub phases of a project.
Basis for separating and organizing costs
Capital Facilities Projects - “P”
Site Acquisition Projects – “S”
Project Systems Display Training
Capital Project WBS Element Structure
Site Acquisition WBS
Element Structure
Project Systems Display Training
Review of T Codes for Project Systems
CJ20N Project Builder
Organize and collect cost
Assign responsible Cost Center
Assign Responsible Person
Identify funding source
Control the availability of finding resources
(Availability Control / AVC)
View Project Information
Change Project status:
oCreated (CRT)
oReleased (REL)
oTechnically Completed (TECO)
oClosed (CLSD)
Change Funding Status
Post charges, e.g., material, labor, etc…
CN43N – WBS Element Overview
Display Project WBS Element data
Drill into and review WBS Element data
Project Systems Display Training
Review of T Codes for Project Systems
CJ41 – Display Project Plan
Display a Project’s Cost Plan which includes
items such as:
oDistributed Budget
oDistributable Budget
oPlanned Cost
oPrevious Years Cost
S_ALR_87013533 – Report for Plan
vs Actuals, Commitments, and
Remaining Plan
Compare the Project’s allocated budget against
commitments and expenditures
CJI3 – Display Project Actual Line
Report actual expense and revenue line items in
detail within a capital project
Drill down capabilities to review expenditures
source documents
CJI5 – Display Project Commitment
Line Items
Report commitment line item detail within a
capital project
Drill down capabilities to review expenses
placed against a commitment item
Project Systems Display Training
CJ20N- Project Builder
The check “Set Up Funds” should be checked by Facilities
if they are requesting funding to a new project
Project Systems Display Training
The check “Funded” will be changed
by Capital when funds have been loaded.
CN42N – Project Definition Overview
Double Click- Drill into Project Definition
View Details
Project Systems Display Training
CN43N – WBS Element Overview
Select a project range
Select WBS levels
Project Systems Display Training
Double click
CN43N – WBS Element Overview- Continued
Top level of the WBS Element
Customize reports from any of the Basic Data and User Fields
Project Systems Display Training
S_ALR_87013533 Plan/Actual/Commitment/Remaining Plan
Project Systems Display Training
Display Project Systems WBS Elements
T-code: CJ43N WBS Elements
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
Follow the menu path and double click
transaction CJ43N WBS Elements.
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
DB Profile
The Enter profile pop up box appears.
 1. Click the Data prof. search icon.
The Profile for logistical database pop
up box appears.
2. Double click to select DB
Profile 000000000001 from the
The Enter profile pop up box appears.
 3. Click the Enter icon
(green check).
Enter icon
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
Execute icon
The Project info System: WBS Elements Initial Screen appears.
1. Enter the project number, e.g., P000002.
2. Click the Execute icon.
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
Double click the WBS
element number
The Project info System: WBS Elements Overview appears.
The individual elements may be reviewed in greater detail by double clicking
the WBS element number.
1. Enter the project number, e.g., P000002.
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
The Project Builder, Basic Data tab appears.
1. Click the Expand node (triangle next to the WBS elements until the Project
is completely open).
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
Displayed is the level 1 WBS element P.000002 Sunrise MS- 12 Classroom Add.
2400096030 - FAC PROJECT MGMT is the Responsible Cost Center.
3800202510 - SUNRISE M is the Requesting Cost Center.
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
Displayed is the level 2 WBS element P.000002.01 Planning.
2400096030 - FAC PROJECT MGMT is the Responsible Cost Center.
3800202510 - SUNRISE M is the Requesting Cost Center.
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
Displayed is the level 3 WBS element P.000002.01.01 (Planning)-Basic Fees.
2400096030 - FAC PROJECT MGMT is the Responsible Cost Center.
3800202510 - SUNRISE M is the Requesting Cost Center.
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
Click the Back icon
Displayed is the level 1 WBS element P.000002 Sunrise MS- 12 Classroom Add.
FP ID is 5
Dates: Request Date 10/15/2007
Board Mem Dist is 1
Fund Date 10/25/2007
PPO Zone is 4
2007 is the Plan Year
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
Click the CHANGE LAYOUT icon
Review the displayed data columns.
Many times additional information such as, Fund Date, Requested Date and Set up
date is needed or desired. The CHANGE LAYOUT icon function can be used to
add, removed or rearrange the displayed information.
1. Click the Change Layout icon.
2. Select Change layout from the dropdown list.
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
screen appears and allows users to add or
remove columns from the displayed list.
Columns that are not displayed are listed
on the right side of the screen. Columns
that are displayed are listed on the left side
of the screen.
1. While holding down the CTRL key
select Basic Finish Date from the
Displayed Columns list (left side).
2. Continuing to hold down the
CTRL key select Basic start the
Displayed Columns list.
3. Click the HIDE
FIELDS icon.
Notice the selected fields are no
longer displayed in the Displayed
Columns (left side column) list.
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
Columns my be arranged in
alphabetic order by clicking the
Column Header.
1. Click the Column Header “Column
Notice fields in the Column Set list
(right column) are displayed in
alphabetic order.
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
1. While holding down the CTRL key
select Basic Finish Date from the
Displayed Columns list (left side).
2. Continue to hold down the
CTRL key and select Basic start the
Displayed Columns list.
3. Click the Show Selected field
Notice the selected fields have been
brought over to the Displayed
Columns list (left side column).
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
Data columns will be displayed
in the order in which they appear in
the list.
The sequence in which the data
columns are displayed can be
rearranged by identifying a
column and moving it up or down the
list using the Move Column icons.
- Move Column up one position
- Move Column down one position
- Move Column to the top
- Move column to the bottom
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
Layout information can be saved and
easily retrieved for future use.
The following steps demonstrate
how a layout may be saved.
1. Click the CHANGE LAYOUT screen
Save icon.
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
The Save Layout screen appears.
1. Enter a unique identification for the
layout in the Save Layout field.
Note: If this layout is to be used system
wide as a default setting layout the Save
Layout name must start with a back slash
Project Systems Display Training
2. Enter a unique layout Name, e.g.,
TRN 001 Ind WBS Element Overview.
3. Select the User-specific selection.
Click the Continue icon (green check).
CJ43N WBS Element
The Change Layout screen appears. The new display layout has been saved as indicated
by the message, Layout saved displayed at the bottom of the screen.
1. Click the Change Layout screen’s Continue icon (green check).
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
The Change Layout screen appears. The new display layout has been saved as indicated
by the message, Layout saved displayed at the bottom of the screen.
1. Click the Change Layout screen’s Continue icon (green check).
Added Columns
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
1. Click the Layout field’s Search icon.
Project Systems Display Training
CJ43N WBS Element
1. Click the Layout field’s
Search icon.
The Layout Choose
pop up box appears
with the new Layout
option available.
Project Systems Display Training
PS Cost Element Report: Plan vs Actuals and Commitments
T-code: S_ALR_87013542
Project Systems Display Training
Follow the menu path and double click transaction
S_ALR_87013542 PS Cost Element Report: Plan vs
Actuals and Commitments.
Project Systems Display Training
DB Profile
The Enter profile pop up box appears.
1. Click the Data prof. search icon.
The Profile for logistical database pop
up box appears.
2. Double click to select DB
Profile 000000000001 from the list.
The Enter profile pop up box appears.
3. Click the Enter icon (green check).
Enter icon
Project Systems Display Training
Controlling Area, enter SBBC
The Actual/Comm/Total/Plan in COAr Crcy: Selection screen appears.
1. Enter SBBC in the Controlling Area field.
2. Click the Project field.
3. Click the Project field Search icon.
Project Systems Display Training
Enter P* in the Project
Definition field
Start Search icon
The Project Definition search pop up box appears and can be used to locate
for projects using a variety of different search criterion.
1. Enter P* in the Project Definition field.
2. Click Start Search icon.
Note: The system recognizes the asterisk “*” symbol as a wildcard while
processing search information. By entering a P followed by the asterisk “*”
symbol the system will search and locate all projects that start with the letter P.
Project Systems Display Training
Note: The system has
located all projects that
start with the letter P.
Double click to select
project P.000002
Project Systems Display Training
1. Double click to select
a project from the list,
e.g., P.000002.
Execute icon
1. Click the Execute icon.
Project Systems Display Training
WBS elements
The Act/Com/Total/Plan screen appears.
Notice the folders displayed in the left column represent the various WBS elements
under the selected project P.000002. Organized under the WBS element folders
are documents which have been posted (material ordered) against the respective
WBS Element.
Project Systems Display Training
The Header section located above the table contains information under which
all data in the table is organized.
1. More details regarding a particular item may be viewed by double clicking
the item, e.g., double click 34,5000.00
Project Systems Display Training
Double click
The Header section located above the table contains information under which
all data in the table is organized.
1. More details regarding a particular item may be viewed by double clicking the
line item, e.g., P.0000002.01.04.
Project Systems Display Training
Back icon
Additional information regarding
individual cost may be obtained by
double clicking the Purchase
Requisition number.
1. Review the displayed information then click the Back icon.
Project Systems Display Training
Back icon
1. Review the displayed information then click the Back icon.
As previously described in this presentation data fieldssuch as, Posted Date, Doc.
Type and Document Number may be added by using the Change Layout icon
Project Systems Display Training
Click folder WBS P.000002.01
The Header section located above the table contains information under which all data in the
table is organized. In this example information contained in the table roles up from lower WBS
elements into the higher project. Example: $34,500.00 has been posted against Cost Element
56310000. The exact WBS element in which these cost were placed my be identified by
clicking the individual WBS element folders located in the left column.
1. Click folder WBS P.000002.01.
Project Systems Display Training
Click folder WBS P.000002.01
Click folder WBS P.000002.02
Notice WBS P.000002.01 has $25,000.00 cost placed Cost Element 56310000.
1. Click folder WBS P.000002.02.
Project Systems Display Training
Back icon
Notice WBS P.000002.02 has $9,500.00 cost placed Cost Element 56310000.
WBS P.000002.01 has $25,000.00 & WBS P.000002.02 has $9,500.00
25,000.00 + $9,500.00 = $34,500.00 (total cost for Cost Element 56310000 under
project P.000002)
Project Systems Display Training