Audit Committee Agenda 7.30pm, Wednesday 11 February 2015 Bulbourne Room, Civic Centre, Hemel Hempstead The Councillors listed below are requested to attend the above meeting, on the day and at the time and place stated, to consider the business set out in this agenda. Adshead Doole Douris Elliot Harris Taylor (Chairman) W Wyatt-Lowe Substitute Members: Councillors Anderson, N Hollinghurst, Marshall, McKay and Townsend. For further information, please contact Jim Doyle on Tel: 01442 228222, Email: Information about the Council can be found on our website: PART I Item Page 1. Apologies for Absence 2 2. Declarations of Interest 2 3. Minutes and Actions 2 4. Public Participation 2 5. CSC – Update response 3 6. 2013/14 Annual Audit Letter 7 7. 2013/14 Annual Report on the Certification of Claims and Returns 7 8. 2014/15 Audit Plan 7 9. Internal Audit Progress Report 7 10. Internal Audit Reports 7 11. Exclusion of the Public 7 Appendix A - Work Programme 2014-15 8 1 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any declarations of interest A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest or a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered (i) must disclose the interest at the start of the meeting or when the interest becomes apparent and, if the interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest, or a personal interest which is also prejudicial (ii) may not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter (and must withdraw to the public seating area) unless they have been granted a dispensation. A member who discloses at a meeting a disclosable pecuniary interest which is not registered in the Members’ Register of Interests, or is not the subject of a pending notification, must notify the Monitoring Officer of the interest within 28 days of the disclosure. Disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and prejudicial interests are defined in Part 2 of the Code of Conduct For Members [If a member is in any doubt as to whether they have an interest which should be declared they should seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer before the start of the meeting] 3. MINUTES AND ACTIONS To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2014 and consider the actions. 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION An opportunity for members of the public to make statements and ask questions in accordance with the rules as to Public Participation 2 5. CSC – UPDATE To consider progress addressing the issues raised by the audit of the Customer Service Centre. Document Description This paper responds to a request by the Audit Committee held on 16 December 2014 for an update on progress addressing the issues raised by the audit of the Customer Service Centre Owner Date Mark Housden, Commercial Contracts and Supplier Relationship Lead Officer 2nd February 2015 Audit Recommendation 2: Exit Plan Completed. The exit plan has been provided and will be reviewed at the second anniversary of the contract. Audit Recommendation 3: Review of KPIs The current KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) within the Contract reporting method for the Customer Service Centre (CSC) have been in place for some time and prior to the contract with Northgate. The KPIs for the contract were based on the existing KPIs reported by the then in-house management team. These were reviewed by Davies Hickman Partners in 2012. A review of these KPIs has identified that they are now not the most appropriate measures to allow the council to drive improvements in the service or measure the effectiveness of channel shift. There is a risk that the level of service provided to customers may be inadequate, and that the Council is unable to take action. The objective of the KPIs is to improve performance and ensure that acceptable levels of service are being provided. They should also drive innovation and inform strategic decision making. The review has identified a number of problems in how the KPIs are calculated and established that they now do not reflect the customers’ experience of waiting to be answered by a CSC adviser. In addition there have also been a number of changes to the system and ways of working that have an impact on the measurement of performance of the CSC. The contract allows for the KPIs, Service Levels and Service Thresholds/KPI weightings to be revised throughout the term of the contract, and allows for new KPIs and Service Levels to be introduced. It is proposed to introduce a number of new KPIs more appropriate to the service being delivered. 3 It is proposed that a new set of KPIs are put in place. These will give a clearer indication of the customer experience. The figures will no longer include the calls being handled through the automated systems and will focus management on ensuring the service is improved over the remainder of the contract. This will reflect more accurately the customers’ experience and will focus management on ensuring the service is improved over the remainder of the contract. This will also act as a driver to reduce the number of calls and visitors to CSC advisers make improvements to automated systems to ensure they are customer friendly, and promote channel shift. Currently we are working with Northgate to verify the data we have and using this to establish a baseline for the new KPIs to establish realistic but achievable targets. A variation to the contract is necessary to implement the new KPIs and link them to the service credits. The other KPIs will not be altered with the exception of a new set of figures focussed on channel shift. This will report on the use of automated systems and will be used to inform channel shift. A full report will be taken to Finance and Resources Scrutiny Committee in March Audit Recommendation 4: Data Verification Completed. This is being used to inform the data review in support of recommendation 3 Audit Recommendation 5: Feedback from Services The quarterly feedback from Group Managers was successfully undertaken and completed in October 2014. The next survey is now underway and due to be completed by end of February. Departments are engaging fully and the exercise to listen to calls and monitor face to face interactions is proving valuable. This allows departmental staff to see how CSC deal with their customers and also to identify how processes in back offices may be improved. Audit Recommendation 6: Customer Feedback We already collect a range of statistics on residents and how they use the website through Google Analytics. This includes unique visits, page views, average time on the page and bounce rate. This gives an overall understanding of how many people access the web as well as an understanding of which pages are more popular and which are 4 more accessible. Through the use of MOSAIC (which we hold a license for) research data we are also able to analyse and assess the communications preferences for residents and to assess who wants to use online services and why. Northgate have also collected some statistics from face to face visits asking about the likelihood that residents may go online. The Future The channel shift of residents away from the CSC and onto a digital platform is a key priority for the DBC. However in order to deliver this vision we need a comprehensive approach that addresses the culture, technological and business issues involved in major change. Over the last three months we have been working to develop a detailed strategy and implementation plan (Digital Dacorum), which sets out how we can deliver this change. The Digital Dacorum plan involves 11 projects covering technical development as well as major re-engineering of business processes and practices. It also includes a project to look at ways to seek feedback and engage and encourage residents online. In December the Digital Dacorum strategy and plan was approved by CMT and we are seeking approval from Members at the Customer Focus Project Board in January. Next Steps Once approved the programme (of 11 projects) would launch in February with detailed time-lines being developed and agreed ready for full implementation in March. As part of strategy we have identified a number of measures and these will be launched in March to enable us to measure the success of the project. This includes regular surveys looking at the resident online experience including: - how satisfied are you with your digital experience how easy to use was the website how would you rate: o the design o the usability o quality of content o having the services you want Audit Recommendation 8: Failure Demand Data This is ongoing. Failure demand has been used by the Customer Focus Project to identify reasons for avoidable contact for improvements. This will be 5 enhanced as the Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) becomes operational across all services and begins to gather in depth data. Revs & Bens is now operational and work is in hand to integrate Flare (regulatory and waste services). Data has also been used to analyse activities during the busiest period at the end of year, to identify possible mitigations. Northgate continue to gathering information from customers on the reason for contact and choice of channel. 6 6. 2013/14 ANNUAL AUDIT LETTER To consider the key issues arising from the audit. See accompanying booklet 7. 2013/14 ANNUAL REPORT ON THE CERTIFICATION OF CLAIMS AND RETURNS To consider a summary of the external audit certification work on Dacorum Borough Council’s 2013/14 claims and returns. See accompanying booklet 8. 2014/15 AUDIT PLAN To consider the External Audit Plan. See accompanying booklet 9. INTERNAL AUDIT PROGRESS REPORT See accompanying booklet 10. INTERNAL AUDIT REPORTS 1. Accounts Receivable Final Report; 2. Treasury Management Final Report; 3. Main Accounting Final Report See accompanying booklet 11. EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC To consider passing a resolution in the following terms: That, under s.100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12A Part 1 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006 the public be excluded during the items in Part 2 of the Agenda for this meeting, because it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that, if members of the public were present during those items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information relating to…... 7 APPENDIX A AUDIT COMMITTEE: Work Programme 2014-15 MEETING DATE 7 April 2015 DEADLINE TO MONITORING OFFICER DEADLINE TO MEMBER SUPPORT 16 March 2015 20 March 2015 ITEMS: 8 WHO RESPONSIBLE