Date February 1-5, 2016 TSW = The Student Will Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday O-Objective L- Lesson Biology A-Activity A-Assignment O - TSW Summarize the events of DNA replication. Compare DNA replication in prokaryotes with that of eukaryotes. L- Chapter 12.3 DNA replication A- notes, Video: Crash Course-DNA Structure and Replication: Biology #10; Amoeba Sister: DNA Replication: The Cell's Extreme Team Sport A: Study guide O - TSW Review key concepts and key terms of Chapter 12, Indentifying the substance of genes; the structure of DNA; DNA replication L- Chapter 12: DNA A- CH.12.3 quiz, Review pg.356-357 1-25, A- Chapter review wkst O – TSW review key concept including: Identifying the substances of genes, The structure of DNA, DNA Replication L – Chapter 12 DNA A – PPT review of Chapter 12 A – Study for chapter 12 test O - TSW show that they have mastered Chapter 12 DNA L- Chapter 12 DNA A- Chapter 12 DNA Test A: Chapter 13 Vocab O – TSW contrast RNA and DNA. Explain the process of transcription L – Chapter 13.1 RNA A- NOTES; Video: Crash Course Biology #11: DNA, Hot Pockets, & The Longest Word Ever A- Study Guide Human Anatomy and Physiology O - TSW exploring ideas of problems and solutions for Believe in Ohio commercialization plan. L- Overview the Believe in Ohio commercialized plan A- Work Time A: Believe in Ohio milestone 1-8 O – TSW Describe the location of the heart in the body, and identify its major anatomical areas on an appropriate model or diagram. Trace the pathway of blood through the heart. Compare the pulmonary and systemic circuits. Explain the operation of the heart valves, name the functional blood supply of the heart. L-Ch.11 Cardiovascular system: the Heart heart Valves, Cardiac circulation A- Notes A: Study Guide O – TSW Name the elements of the intrinsic conduction system of the heart, and describe the pathway of impulses through this system. Explain what information can be gained from an electrocardiogram. Define systole, diastole, stroke volume, cardiac cycle, heart sounds, and murmur. L-Ch.11 Cardiovascular system: Intrinsic Conduction system of the Heart: setting the Basic Rhythm; Cardiac Cycle and Heart Sounds A- Notes A: Study Guide O – TSW Explore labquest by testing EKG monitors, Heart rate monitors and heart beat monitors. L-Ch.11 Cardiovascular system: Intrinsic Conduction system of the Heart: setting the Basic Rhythm; Cardiac Cycle and Heart Sounds A- lab, 11.3A quiz A: Study Guide O – TSW Describe the effect of each of the following on heart rate: stimulation by the vagus nerve, excise, epinephrine, and various ions. Compare and contrast the structure and function of arteries, veins, and capillaries. Identify the body’s major arteries and veins, and name the body region supplied by each. L-Ch.11 Cardiovascular system: Cardiac output blood vessels: Gross anatomy of blood vessels A- Notes A: Study Guide