Exhibit 1 - Detailed Scope of Work

Exhibit 1
Detailed Scope of Work including Questions and Required Narrative
Overview ............................................................................................................................. 3
ERP Acronyms ............................................................................................................ 3
ERP Project Background ............................................................................................. 4
Scope of County ERP Solution .................................................................................... 4
Project Phasing ............................................................................................................ 5
Current Technical Environment .................................................................................... 6
Vendor Questions (Responses Required) ..........................................................................12
Evaluation Criteria: Project Specific Criteria ...............................................................12
Application Software ...................................................................................................24
Technical Infrastructure ..............................................................................................25
Software Licensing......................................................................................................36
Application Service Provider (ASP) or Hosted Option .................................................37
Implementation Plan ...................................................................................................45
General Implementation Approach.......................................................................45
Project Management Approach ............................................................................47
Hardware, Software and Storage Design and Installation Consulting ..................49
Data Conversion Plan .........................................................................................49
Report Development ...........................................................................................49
Integrations and Interfaces ..................................................................................50
Change Management Approach ..........................................................................54
Testing ................................................................................................................55
Operational Redesign ..........................................................................................55
System Documentation and Manuals ...................................................................56
Disaster Recovery Plan .......................................................................................57
Knowledge Transfer .............................................................................................57
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Staffing Plan ........................................................................................................58
Staffing Plan (continued) ......................................................................................59
Transition, Ongoing Support and Maintenance ....................................................61
On-Going Operations ..........................................................................................67
Cost Proposal .............................................................................................................68
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1 Overview
Exhibit 1 provides the following information to proposing vendors:
Background information on the County ERP project and current ERP environment
Assumptions regarding the scope of services being requested
Scope of services requested as part of this RLI
Information for which the vendors are requested to provide a response
ERP Acronyms
Automated Clearing House
Application Development, Maintenance and Support
Accounts Payable
Application Protocol Interface
Accounts Receivable
Chart of Accounts
Data Base Administrator
Data Link Layer
Full Time Equivalent
File Transfer Protocol
General Ledger
Human Capital Management
Health Care Organization
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Human Resource Information System
Human Resources Management System
Interactive Voice Response
Local Area Network
Network Address Translation
Project Management Professional
Quality Assurance
Relational Database Management System
Remote Desktop Protocol
Supply Chain Management
Service Level Agreement
Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements
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Single Socket Layer
User Acceptance Testing
Video on Demand
Virtual Private Network
Wide Area Network
ERP Project Background
County government is composed of many disparate and nonintegrated entities. These include
enterprise agencies such as a port, airport, and water wastewater and waste and recycling
facilities as well as regional agencies that operate and/or provide parks, libraries, human
services, a bus transit system, permitting and licensing, and environmental and growth
management services.
Broward County has analyzed its business operations with support from external vendors and
has determined a need to implement an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System. The
County views an ERP project as an enterprise-wide re-engineering initiative that requires ongoing leadership and support from the top of the enterprise. To this end, an ERP Project Office
has been established in County Administration reporting directly to the County Administrator
and a Steering Team of Senior Leaders. The County has selected Plante & Moran, PLLC to
serve as 3rd Party Assurance Provider (3PA) to assist in the implementation of this multi-year
project including project management. The 3PA has assisted the County in developing this RLI
Scope of County ERP Solution
The scope of services include:
1. Implementation of a vendor-hosted, centralized ERP solution encompassing all departments
and offices reporting to the County Administrator (see Exhibit 7).
2. A single proposal, from a Prime Vendor, for a Solution including software, hardware,
implementation, hosting, support and maintenance services to include pre-project training,
application development, change management, training and support and maintenance to
address as many of the functional requirements (see Exhibit 2) as possible for a period of
five (5) years.
a. The Prime Vendor is defined as the sole party to the contract with the County and
the sole point of contact between the County and the Contractor, who is accountable
and responsible for the successful integration of all Solution components being
proposed by the Vendor.
3. The proposed Solution should address the following business areas:
a. Finance: General Ledger, Budget, Performance Management, Treasury
Management (to include Cash Management, Debt Service Management and
Investment Management), Cash Receipting, Accounts Payable, Billing and Accounts
Receivables, Project Accounting, Grant Accounting, Fixed Assets.
b. Supply Chain: Purchasing (to include associated e-Procurement related modules),
Inventory Management.
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c. Human Capital Management: Human Resources (to include associated modules),
Learning Management, Benefits Administration, Payroll Administration.
d. Portal Management
4. The Prime Vendor must propose a vendor-hosted solution which may be either dedicated
hosted or Software as a Service (SaaS).
a. None of the data can be hosted or backed up outside of the Continental United
States and no portion of the hosted solution can be supported outside of the
continental U.S. during East coast business hours.
5. Proposers should have significant experience with ERP implementations in the public sector
in the United States in organizations comparable to the size and complexity of the County.
6. A letter from the software provider(s) must be submitted stating that the Vendor(s) is/are a
certified implementer(s) of the proposed software(s).
7. Proposers should note that the County is in the process of finalizing a separate contract with
a selected Time and Attendance vendor. Initially, the time capture system will interface with
the existing Cyborg payroll system; ultimately it must interface with the various modules of
the selected ERP software.
Project Phasing
In preparation for releasing the RLI, County staff spent time contemplating phasing of the
implementation based on a variety of factors. Through these efforts, the following chart was
developed depicting how the County envisions the modules being phased. Vendors are
requested to review and provide feedback on the proposed approach. It should be noted that a
Time and Attendance solution was solicited separately, and implementation activities are
expected to begin at approximately the same time that this ERP solicitation is issued.
Time and Attendance will fall under the same County governance structure as the ERP
Module Area
* GL, CM, DM, IM, CR, AP, Billing/AR, FA
Project and Grant Accounting:
* Project/Grant Acct
* Base Budgeting
* Performance Management
Supply Chain:
* Purch, eProcurement, Inventory, Supp Conn
* Strat Sourcing, Supp Contract Mgmt
Time and Attendance:
* Time and Labor, Absence Mgmt, Activities
Human Capital Management:
* HR, Ben, Payroll, Succ Plann, Recruit, eDev
* eBen, ePay,ePerf, eProfile
Portal Management
Project Phase
Phase 2
Phase 1
Phase 3
Base Purchasing
ePurchasing/External Connections
(Separate solicitation)
Base Functionality
Initial Base Deployment
Expanded Deployment
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Expanded Deployment
Current Technical Environment
Detailed information regarding County systems is contained in the Government Finance Officers
Association Draft Technology Needs Assessment: An Evaluation of Broward County’s Financial
and Human Resources Management Systems, July 2007. The report and appendices are
located on the County’s website at http://www.broward.org/Administrator/Pages/ERP.aspx.
Also on this website is the Broward County Business Case for an ERP.
The following table includes existing technology standards in the County. In preparing
responses, vendors must remain diligent in referencing this table to assure that responses
clearly identify:
Areas of known or potential conflict between the vendor’s proposed solution and the
County’s defined environments
Recommendation of how best to implement and operate the proposed solution within the
County’s defined environments
Operating System
Windows 7 SP1 Enterprise
Office 2010 Professional Plus
Outlook 2010 SP1
Project Management
Project 2010 SP1
Reporting Tool
Crystal Reports 2011
Reporting Tool
SQL 2008 R2 Reporting
Remote Desktop Mgmt.
System Center Configuration
Manager 2007 R2 SP2
Desktop Data Base – 3
User Max
Access 2010 SP1
Business Diagramming
Visio Professional 2010 SP1
World Wide Web browser
Internet Explorer 8.x – 9.x
Instant Messaging and
Lync 2010
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Web collaboration and
Lync 2010
PDF Reader
Reader X (10.1.1.)
Forefront Endpoint Protection
Network Operating System
Windows Server 64 Bit 2008
R2 Enterprise Edition with
Server Management Tools
Systems Center Operations
Manager 2007 R2
Backup/Restore Mgmt.
Netbackup Version 7.0
Mail Server Software
Exchange Server 2010 SP1
Virtual Platform
VMware ESX 4.1
Mail Archiving Software
Exchange 2010 SP1
Mail Hygiene Software
Async/OS 7.0x
Mail Encryption External
Async/OS 7.0x
Groupware Collaboration
Windows SharePoint 2007
IM, Presence, Voice, Video
Lync Server 2010
Hardware – Model
Minimum Specification –
PowerEdge R710, 2x Quad
Core Xeon X5570, 2.93GHz
8MB Cache, 1.333Ghz Hyper
Transport, 24GB Ram
**5 Year Warranty Required
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Hardware – Model
Sun M5000 Sparc 2X
Quad,2.53GHz, 128GB Ram,
(4) 146GB HD, Quad E-Net,
**1 Year Warranty Required
Voice/ Data
Network Management Tool
Orion Network Performance
Network Database
Cisco Works LMS 3.2
Network Switches /
Switches/Routers – Core
4500 series
Datacenter – Nexus
Access – 2900, 3750,
Concentrators, Wireless
Controllers, etc.
Wireless Management Tool Cisco
Cisco Wireless Control
System (WCS)
Wireless Access point
Cisco AP 3500, AP 1260, AP
1140Access Point
Wireless Bridge
Cisco AP1240, AP1520,
AP1260 wireless bridge
Wireless NIC
802.11G/X/N mobile or
IP Telephony
Telstrat (call
Cisco Unified
Communications Manager v
IPCC – v5.0
Call Recording
Voicemail – Unity Connection
v 8.5.1
Call Recording – Telstrat
Engage v 3.5
Paging – IP Celerate IP
Session v 5.7
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IP Phones
Cisco IP Phones 794x, 796x,
VPN Access
Cisco ASA 55xx, Cisco
AnyConnect (Client)
C20, C40
Video Conferencing High
Video Conferencing
Live Meeting/Communicator
AT&T / Peak
AT&T – 12MB non burstable
Metro Ethernet
Voice Local Calling
1FB, T1, Metro Ethernet
Voice Long Distance
PCS, 3G, 4G
Data Base
Enterprise Licensing 10.2.xx
or Greater, Per Processor
Data Base
SQL Server 64 bit Enterprise
2008 R2 (Clustered)
Active/Passive, Per Processor
Password – application
Active Directory 2008 R2 (AD)
Web Content
Manage the static content
of Broward’s web site
Microsoft Office SharePoint
Server 2007 (2010 Spring
Peak 10 - 500MB Burstable to
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Internet File
Secure file transfer
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Web interfaces
Online via http and Web
Credit Card
Payment protocol
Credit Card on-line
BC Payment Gateway-PCI
Secure Access
Web Server encryption
certificates (SSL)
SSL Machine Certificate
Secure Access
Firewall appliance
upon request
This information will be
shared with awarded vendor.
Secure Access
Firewall software
upon request
This information will be
shared with awarded vendor.
Secure Access
VPN Concentrator
upon request
This information will be
shared with awarded vendor.
Secure Access
Digital certificates (users)
Internal User CA
Secure Access
Web Filtering
TRITON Unified Security 7.6
Secure Access
DataCenter 8.1
Secure Access
Log Management/SIEM
envision 4.0 SP4
Secure Access
OS/Device Vulnerability
Vulnerability Manager 4.0
Secure Access
Web App Vulnerability
WebInspect 9.1
Secure Access
Wireless Vulnerability
upon request
This information will be
shared with awarded vendor.
PGP encrypted (Pretty Good
*Minimum Broward County Hardware: 700Mhz Pentium, 256Mb Ram, 6Gb Hard drive.
ActiveX components are not standard on the desktop.
Application at the desktop must be browser based or have the ability to run with “local user” account rights.
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In addition to the above technology standards, the County has the following inventory of
tools/products that can be leveraged for the implementation:
Testing Tools: MS Team Systems Suite
Project Management Tools, in addition to Microsoft Project (e.g., Issue Management,
Risk Management, Progress Reporting, etc.).
Configuration Mgmt: BMC Express
Development Tools (e.g., Migration tools, Case Management Tools) Batch Applications
(e.g., scheduling tools, TWS, Control-M, AutoSys): Development - MS Team Systems
Suite; Control M.
Additionally, the size of the current production database in GBs is as follows:
Financial System: AMS Advantage production database is 141 GB, the application and
other Advantage files that reside on the UNIX server are 28 GB.
Human Capital Management: Cyborg does not reside in a database. The size of the
Cyborg application and related files is 78 GB. Cyborg has approximately 370 Users.
User counts for the various systems used are as follows:
System Users
Financials & Supply Chain
Reporting – InfoAdvantage(WEBI)
Human Resources/Payroll
Reporting - Cognos
Queries (ad hoc)
Performance Scorecard
30 - 40
Capital Program Management
Central and Technical Development Support
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2 Vendor Questions (Responses Required)
The following sections are required to be completed by vendors.
Evaluation Criteria: Project Specific Criteria
Complete the following table that describes your firm’s experience on projects of similar nature,
scope, and duration along with evidence of satisfactory completion, both on time and within
budget, for the past five (5) years.
Enter responses in the spaces provided
whenever possible. Supplemental information
may be included on separate pages with page
numbers referenced in the spaces provided.
Supplemental material must be provided in the
same order as listed below in the Project-specific
Evaluation Criteria: ProjectSpecific Criteria
Past Performance
1. For the proposed implementation
services provider:
a. Provide three (3) references,
preferably from the public sector
(organization, year services
provided, contact name, title,
role on project, e-mail,
telephone) that meet the
following criteria:
i. Implemented ERP
Financials, Supply Chain,
Capital Project/Grants,
Resources/Payroll and
Portal within the past five
ii. Client references should
be for sites at which the
proposed software has
been fully implemented
and is live.
iii. References must be for
Client Firms of ≥4000
employees and
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Operating Budget ≥ $1B.
iv. Provide evidence of
satisfactory completion,
both on time and within
b. Provide your implementation
cost for each of the three
c. Describe current projects similar
to Broward County’s ERP
Project, and estimated date of
d. List all projects, including project
number, with Broward County
during the past five (5) years.
e. Location- Identify the Office
Location responsible for this
2. For the proposed software:
a. Provide three (3) references,
preferably from the public sector
(organization, year(s) installed,
contact name, title, role on
project, e-mail, telephone) that
meet the following criteria:
i. Provided ERP software
that covered ERP
Financials, Supply Chain,
Capital Project/Grants,
Human Resources/
Payroll, and Portal within
the past five years.
ii. Client references should
be for sites at which the
proposed software has
been fully implemented
and is live.
iii. References must be for
Client Firms of ≥4000
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employees and
Operating Budget ≥ $1B.
iv. If possible, one of the
references should be a
location within the state
of Florida that could be
visited by the evaluation
v. Provide evidence of
satisfactory completion,
both on time and within
b. Describe current projects similar
to Broward County’s ERP
Project, and estimated date of
c. List all projects, including project
number, with Broward County
during the past five (5) years.
3. For the proposed hosting entity:
a. Provide three (3) references,
preferably from the public sector
(organization, contact name,
title, role on project, e-mail,
telephone, year(s) installed,
application(s) hosted, hosting
dates) that meet the following
i. References must have
used the hosting entity’s
service for a minimum of
one (1) year to
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demonstrate entity’s
ability to deliver the
performance and
services listed.
References must have
involved fully
implemented, live use of
the proposed software.
References where
system implementation is
not complete will not
suffice for the County’s
evaluation purposes.
Provide evidence of
satisfactory completion of
implementation, both on
time and within budget.
References must be for
services that were
performed within the past
five years.
References must be for
Client Firms of ≥4000
employees and
Operating Budget ≥ $1B.
Provide for each
reference, documentation
of downtime
performance, technical
support complaint
history, and hosting
traffic throughput speed.
Provide evidence of
previous customer
satisfaction with work on
similar ERP hosting
projects and any
performance history.
With satisfactory delivery
against Service Level
b. Describe current projects similar
to Broward County’s ERP
Project, and estimated date of
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c. List all projects, including project
number, with Broward County
during the past five (5) years.
4. For each sub-consultant firm:
a. Provide the responses specified
in #1, #2 and #3.
Ability of Professional Personnel
Project Manager Requirements
(include full resume in proposal
1. Identify Project Manager.
2. Provide three (3) full-life cycle
references, preferably from the
public sector, (organization, year
services provided, contact name,
title, role on project, e-mail,
telephone) as a Project Manager.
Full-Life Cycle is defined as
planning to post implementation
support for one or more phases for
more than one module.
3. Number of years working as an
employee of your firm
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4. Number of years working as a
Project Manager for implementing
the software package proposed.
5. Confirm that Project Manager will
participate through the entire
project, start to finish, as proposed,
as Project Manager.
6. If your proposal is short-listed for
presentations, the Project Manager
must be a key presenter and will be
interviewed at the Selection
Committee Presentation/Ranking
Team Lead Requirements
Financial Lead (include full resume in
proposal document)
1. Identify the Financial Team Lead.
2. For the Financial Team Lead,
provide two (2) full-life cycle
references, preferably from the
public sector (organization, year
services provided, contact name,
title, role on project, e-mail,
telephone). Full-Life Cycle is defined
as planning to post implementation
support for one or more phases.
3. Number of years working as an
employee of your firm.
4. Number of years working as a
Financial Team Lead for
implementing the software package
5. Confirm that the Financial Team
Lead will participate through the
entire Financial Phase
implementation, start to finish, as
proposed, as Financial Team Lead.
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Supply Chain Lead (include full
resume in proposal document)
1. Identify the Supply Chain Team
2. For the Supply Chain Team Lead,
provide two (2) full-life cycle
references, preferably from the
public sector (organization, year
services provided, contact name,
title, role on project, e-mail,
telephone). Full-Life Cycle is defined
as planning to post implementation
support for one or more phases.
3. Number of years working as an
employee of your firm.
4. Number of years working as a
Supply Chain Team Lead for
implementing the software package
5. Confirm that the Supply Chain Team
Lead will participate through the
entire Supply Chain implementation
phases, start to finish, as proposed,
as Supply Chain Team Lead.
HR / Payroll Team Lead (include full
resume in proposal document)
1. Identify the HR / Payroll Team Lead.
2. For the HR / Payroll Team Lead,
provide two (2) full-life cycle
references, preferably from the
public sector (organization, year
services provided, contact name,
title, role on project, e-mail,
telephone). Full-Life Cycle is defined
as planning to post implementation
support for one or more phases.
3. Number of years working as an
employee of your firm.
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4. Number of years working as a
HR/Payroll Team Lead for
implementing the software package
5. Confirm that the HR / Payroll Team
Lead will participate through the
entire HR/Payroll implementation
phase, start to finish, as proposed,
as HR/Payroll Team Lead.
Technical Team Lead (include full
resume in proposal document)
1. Identify the Technical Team Lead.
2. For the Technical Team Lead,
provide two (2) full-life cycle
references, preferably from the
public sector (organization, year
services provided, contact name,
title, role on project, e-mail,
telephone). Full-Life Cycle is defined
as planning to post implementation
support for one or more phases.
3. Number of years working as an
employee of your firm.
4. Number of years working as a
Hosting Provider / Technical Team
Lead for implementing the software
package proposed.
5. Confirm that the Technical Team
Lead will participate through the
entire project, start to finish, as
proposed, as Technical Team Lead.
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Portal Team Lead (include full
resume in proposal document)
1. Identify the Portal Team Lead.
2. For the Portal Team Lead, provide
two (2) full-life cycle references,
preferably from the public sector
(organization, year services
provided, contact name, title, role on
project, e-mail, telephone). Full-Life
Cycle is defined as planning to post
implementation support for one or
more phases.
3. Number of years working as an
employee of your firm.
4. Number of years working as a Portal
Team Lead for implementing the
software package proposed.
5. Confirm that the Portal Team Lead
will participate through the entire
project, start to finish, as proposed,
as Portal Team Lead.
Training Lead (include full resume in
proposal document)
1. Identify the Training Team Lead.
2. For the Training Team Lead, provide
two (2) full-life cycle references,
preferably from the public sector
(organization, year services
provided, contact name, title, role on
project, e-mail, telephone). Full-Life
Cycle is defined as planning to post
implementation support for one or
more phases.
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3. Number of years working as an
employee of your firm.
4. Number of years working as a
Training Team Lead for
implementing the software package
5. Confirm that the Training Team
Lead will participate through the
entire project, start to finish, as
proposed, as Training Team Lead.
Change Management Lead (include
full resume in proposal document)
1. Identify the Change Management
Team Lead.
2. For the Change Management Team
Lead, provide two (2) full-life cycle
references, preferably from the
public sector (organization, year
services provided, contact name,
title, role on project, e-mail,
telephone). Full-Life Cycle is defined
as planning to post implementation
support for one or more phases.
3. Number of years working as an
employee of your firm.
4. Number of years working as a
Change Management Team Lead
for implementing the software
package proposed.
5. Confirm that the Change
Management Team Lead will
participate through the entire
project, start to finish, as proposed,
as Change Management Team
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Pre-Project Training Services
1. Provide 3 references, preferably
from the public sector, (organization,
year training services provided,
contact name and title, role on
project, e-mail, telephone) for the
firm or persons proposed to provide
pre-project training services.
a. Indicate whether training was
delivered on-site or at an
external site. If external,
identify training location(s).
b. Specify software and
modules that apply to the
referenced pre-project
2. Provide the cost for Pre-Project
Training, aligned to the 5 Year
Projected Cost Model Response
(Exhibit 5).
3. Indicate whether you are willing to
provide training on site at Broward
Training Services
1. Provide 3 references, preferably
from the public sector, (organization,
year training services provided,
contact name and title, role on
project, e-mail, telephone) for the
firm or persons proposed to provide
training services
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2. Provide the cost for Training,
aligned to the 5 Year Projected Cost
Model Response (Exhibit 5).
3. Indicate whether you are willing to
provide training on site at Broward
Change Management Services
1. Provide 3 references, preferably
from the public sector, (organization,
year training services provided,
contact name and title, role on
project, e-mail, telephone) for the
firm or persons proposed to provide
Change Management services.
2. Provide the cost for Change
Management, aligned to the 5 Year
Projected Cost Model Response
(Exhibit 5).
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Application Software
The Vendor is required to provide a general description of the application program product and
how it will meet requirements of this SOLICITATION. This section must address, at a minimum,
the following items:
2.2 Application Software
1. Provide a list of the software modules
required to implement the Functional
Requirements that you propose to address
per your Exhibit 2 response.
2. Describe your overall proposed
technology solution.
3. Describe the product direction for the
company, including time frames.
4. Describe unique aspects of the Vendor's
solution in the marketplace.
5. Describe components of the solution that
are industry standards versus being
proprietary to the Vendor.
6. Describe the extent to which the various
modules are integrated together versus
being purchased separately and interfaced.
7. Describe the contents of major new
releases within the next 12 months that
would be of interest to the County.
8. Describe your portal strategy.
9. Does your proposed solution use
Microsoft Exchange/Outlook e-mail and/or
instant messaging as part of its core
functionality? If yes, please describe
including compatible version of
Exchange/Outlook that is required.
10. For third party products proposed that
are integrated with the vendor’s solution
provide the following for each product:
a. Nature of relationship with the
third-party vendor,
b. Reason that this product is a
third-party product versus being part
of the software vendor’s solution,
c. Reason why this particular
solution was chosen over other
solutions in the marketplace,
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d. Length of the existing
relationship; and
e. Extent to which this third-party
product is integrated with the
vendor’s solution.
Technical Infrastructure
The Vendor is required to provide the following information that will be used in the evaluation
process. Additionally, Vendors should identify where conflicts may exist between their solution
and current technologies being used as well as areas where there are strong synergies between
the County’s computing environment and the Vendor’s solution.
2.3.1 Hardware and Storage
1. Describe the proposed computer
hardware and storage environment to
support the proposed solution. In the
event that there are multiple computer
systems available, list all options.
Indicate which is the preferred
hardware platform and why. List the
conditions in which the preferred
hardware platform would change. A
hardware configuration, which takes
into account the size of the County,
application modules, database size,
and anticipated growth, must be
2. What system architecture do you
propose? Describe number and type
of application servers, database
server(s) and test environment during
the implementation phase of the
project as well as for on-going
operations. Describe your proposal’s
technical architecture (preferably using
a PowerPoint or Visio diagram). This
should show components such as the
database server, applications server,
reporting server, test/training server,
firewall(s), web server(s), web browser,
minimum workstation requirements,
remote access, wireless connectivity,
network connectivity to LANs and
WAN, etc. Describe any potential use
of virtual server technologies (e.g.
Microsoft Hyper-V, VMWare) and
application accelerators and note what
vendors you partner with or
recommend and/or support.
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3. Describe your proposal’s information
architecture/model (preferably using a
PowerPoint or Visio diagram). This
should depict data models, taxonomy,
data elements, coding structures, a
process for standardizing on a
particular coding structure, data
definitions (employees, vendors,
invoices, etc.)
2.3.2 Database Environment:
1. What database
administration/management tools do
you recommend?
2. Does your proposal contain or envision
the use of a data warehouse? If yes,
describe your data warehousing
capabilities and architecture.
2.3.3 System Administration Tools:
1. Vendors should describe the system
administration tools that are used to
manage the application including any
data archival tools, tools for managing
application updates, online help
management tools, etc.
2.3.4 Remote Access:
1. Identify how your solution supports
mobility needs including field use and
remote-access use.
2. What are the remote access
capabilities of your proposed system?
Describe the methods supported (MS
Terminal Services, web-access, SSL
VPN, etc.).
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3. Remote access to your proposed
system through the internet will
generate additional traffic to/from the
County’s internet infrastructure,
including internet access lines.
Provide information that will help
ensure the County will have capacity to
handle the additional traffic. What
internet services provider bandwidth
will be consumed by a typical remote
user of your system? What other
information can you provide to enable
us to size our lines?
2.3.5 Directory Services and User
1. Describe how your system
interoperates with Active Directory.
2.3.6 Network & Application
1. Please describe the network
management systems that either your
system uses, interoperates/integrates
with, or you recommend. Please
2.3.7 Search:
1. Describe the search capabilities of your
system. What search engine do you
2.3.8 FTP:
1. Describe how your system
uses/interacts with FTP daemons,
a. An FTP daemon that installs and
operates under Windows 2008 R2
Server? (If no, describe what FTP
daemon is utilized),
b. data encryption during transfer,
c. encrypted transfer of user
authentication credentials (secure
d. user authentication for FTP
transfers, and
e. scheduled FTP transfers.
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2.3.9 Desktop:
1. Please describe what, if any, footprint
(e.g. local software artifacts such as
DLLs) exists on the user’s desktop
2.3.10 Address Management:
1. The system should have the ability to
directly interface to a 3rd party address
database for address validations via
supplied vendor API. If no API exists,
describe how an interface could be
2.3.11 Error Processing:
1. Describe the resources available to
system users to research and/or lookup error messages and appropriate
resolutions. This should include
resources that would be appropriate for
multiple levels, such as end users,
super users, system administrators,
and IT Support staff.
2.3.12 Help System:
1. To what extent is the County able to
configure the Help System to support
County specific processes and
procedures? To what extent are Help
System services and/or configuration
functions available to support userdefined fields and/or configurable
2.3.13 Workflow:
1. Provide a general explanation of the
workflow capabilities within your
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2.3.14 Archiving:
1. The system should provide an
archiving solution for all data elements,
which provides configuration options
for archiving schedules. Also, the
system should provide methods to
identify older data and move it to an
archival storage solution. Archive
records in any solution should be easily
searchable and retrievable. The
system should also provide methods to
identify and delete data that no longer
needs to be retained, based on County
provided criteria.
2. Describe how the proposed system
meets these expectations.
3. Describe any limits for data archiving or
recommendation for archiving
2.3.15 User Interface:
1. Screen Magnification - The system’s
user interfaces should be compatible
with third party industry standard
screen magnification products (i.e.
Lunar, Supernova, Zoom Text, Magic)
to enlarge print on the computer
screen, configure print size, contrast
and color selection for blind users.
a. Describe the system’s compatibility
with third party screen
magnification products
b. Provide a list of the products the
system has been certified to work
c. Note any products that are not
compatible with the system
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2. Screen Reading – The system’s user
interfaces should be compatible with
third party industry standard screen
reading software (i.e. Hal, JAWS for
Windows, Windows Eyes, etc.) for blind
a. Describe the system’s compatibility
with third party screen reading
b. Provide a list of the products the
system has been certified to work
c. Note any products that are not
compatible with the system
2.3.16 Data Entry:
1. Describe the ability to configure
screens within the application without
requiring programming customizations
(i.e., change tab order, hide fields, etc.)
2.3.17 System Installation and
Hardware and Software Installation:
1. Provide information on how server and
client side software updates are
received, processed and distributed to
either the server and/or client
environment, including but not limited
a. Backward version compatibility and
support of back versions
b. Timeframe to move to new versions
c. Automatic product upgrades or on
d. Ability for County staff to implement
versus need to contract for services
e. County Infrastructure required to
receive system updates and
release patches, such as FTP.
f. Ability to use Microsoft Systems
Management Server (SMS) 2003
and/or Microsoft Software Update
Services (SUS) to deploy new
versions and patches to servers
and clients
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2. All hardware and software that is
installed at the County site should be
installed with County staff involved for
knowledge transfer purposes. What
steps do you take in your
implementation approach to achieve
this objective?
3. How will the County obtain the
materials needed to install future fixes,
updates, and releases?
4. Are system updates, release patches,
release notes, and any other required
software and/or documentation
downloadable from the Vendor’s Web
site? If not, please describe the
process for obtaining these materials.
5. Are patches provided in an
accumulation process, so that each
does not have to be individually
Release Cycle:
1. Describe the product release cycle
including, but not limited to:
a. Frequency of
upgrades/enhancements or new
versions (major and minor version
b. Contents of a release
c. How long release takes to
implement each release
d. The availability of release notes
e. What information is contained in
release notes
1. Describe the process for managing
local customizations to include:
2. How does the vendor define
customization versus configuration?
3. How can the County customize or
configure the software directly without
vendor involvement?
4. How are local customizations or
configurations maintained when
installing new releases of the vendor’s
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5. Describe the process for regression
testing, to check functions,
configuration, security settings, user
configurable fields, reports (standard
and user built), County applied look
and feel, etc. in conjunction with the
installation of a new system fix, update
and/or release.
6. Describe what types of County applied
configuration, security settings, user
configuration fields, reports (standard
and user built), County applied look
and feel, etc. will carry forward (vs.
having to be manually reapplied)
during installation of a new system fix,
update, and/or release?
Configuration Management:
1. Describe any configuration
management system that is
incorporated with the Vendor solution.
2.3.18 Compatibility with County’s
Website and Web Application
1. Web-Enabled – The County highly
prefers a system that is fully WebBased or Web-Enabled to allow for
functions to be accessed via a Web
browser. Please describe any
components or modules that are NOT
web-based or web-enabled (aka
browser-based). Are these
components delivered via Microsoft
Internet Explorer (IE 8 or later) without
using intermediary deployment (i.e.
Microsoft Terminal Services Gateway
2. Web Infrastructure - Describe the web
infrastructure used or required (i.e.
asp, html, java, .net). In what
programming language is your source
code written? Will your modules
interface well with County created
systems that are written/supported in
this environment?
3. SSL Encryption – Are all web pages
for all components, both internal and
external to the County, able to support
SSL encryption? If yes, specify the
SSL type, strength, and certificate
requirements in Comments.
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2.3.19 Compatibility with County’s
Server Environment:
1. Virtual Servers – The County strives
to use Virtual rather than physical
servers whenever possible. Please
describe how your system could
optimize the use of virtual servers.
2. Storage Requirements - State
estimated system disk space required
(all system data/databases - initial,
plus expected annual growth) for the
County’s Storage Area Network
(SAN). Also, specify any additional
storage requirements that cannot be
met by the centralized SAN storage.
2.3.20 Compatibility with County’s
Network Environment:
1. Port Security - Any solution should
minimize the number of ports required
for accessing the system external to
the County’s firewall. Please indicate
what port number(s) and protocols
your system uses to communicate
a. clients and web server
b. between web server and
application server
c. between application server and
database server
2.3.21 Compatibility with County’s
Electronic Commerce (ECOM)
1. Describe credit card information that is
stored in the system, including, but not
limited to:
a. Purpose of the data
b. Type and the level of encryption
that is supported
c. Masking of credit card numbers
d. Payment processing methods
(walk-up, IVR, Web, etc.)
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2. Merchant Account - To what extent
will the system be able to integrate
with the County's existing merchant
account provider for the Ecommerce
components implemented (currently
Wells Fargo Merchant Services)? If
another provider must be used, please
3. Card Authorization - To what extent
will the system be able to integrate
with CyberSource SOAP Toolkit API
for credit card authorization
processing? If not supported,
describe what credit card
authorization interfaces are available.
4. Third Party Products - To what extent
will the vendor support third-party
Ecommerce products used in system,
at no added charge? If Ecommerce
products must be supported by the
third-party only, specify how this is
5. Restricted Access - How do
Ecommerce components restrict
(deny) all remote external
administration connection requests?
6. Support Access - Describe any
remote administrative access
requirements that vendor may need to
have in place to support the
Ecommerce components utilized in
the system.
2.3.22 Compatibility with County’s
Remote Access & Thin Client
Environment (Only respond to this
section if system has components that
are NOT web-based):
1. Test Process - Describe your process
for testing/certifying client components
for operability in the Microsoft
Terminal Services Gateway 2008 R2.
2. Licensing – Detail any additional
license fees that may be required to
run the system in a Microsoft Terminal
Services Gateway 2008 R2.
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3. Other – If Microsoft Terminal Services
Gateway 2008 R2. is not supported,
please describe other remote access
and/or thin client technologies your
system is compatible with.
Describe the following with respect to security:
2.4 Security
Describe the identification and
authorization capabilities of your
proposed solution:
a. For users
b. For system administrators and
2. Describe the security audit
capabilities of your proposed
3. The time between when a software
vendor announces a security flaw
and the time the first exploit appears
is becoming shorter.
a. Will you commit to having critical
security vulnerabilities patched on
the system you are proposing
within 10 business days after the
public announcement by the
vendor (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server,
b. Will you commit to revising your
software to interoperate with
operating system critical security
patches (e.g. Microsoft) within 10
business days after public
announcement (typically posting
on web page) by Microsoft (e.g.
XP Service Pack 3, Windows 7
Service Pack 1 & other critical
security vulnerabilities)?
4. What functions does your proposed
system have to protect the privacy of
information (e.g. personally
identifiable, SSN, credit card, ACH,
HIPAA, etc.) that it processes or
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Describe type and strength of
encryption supported.
Software Licensing
Describe the following with respect to software licensing:
2.5 Software Licensing
Describe your licensing scheme
(enterprise, module versus system,
concurrent versus named, external
Internet user(s), query versus user,
etc.) and
a. how that works in a Disaster
Recovery situation.
Describe how licensing is structured
(alternatives, base software + per
user licenses, license costs, licensepacks, incentives, etc.).
a. Identify how costs are determined
for adding additional users after
the initial purchase.
b. Identify any licensing distinctions
for County users and business
partners to access the system
remotely through the internet
(e.g. employee self-service,
vendor checking on status).
From time to time consultants,
business partners or other nonemployee type personnel need to
access the licensed software. Under
your licensing agreement, will these
types of users have access?
The County has a desire to establish
a test and training (same server) and
production environment (separate
server). Are you able to structure an
environment that will allow the
County to run additional
development, test and training
instances without the need for
additional product licensing fees?
a. Describe licensing options
available for a development/test
5. Are there any additional licensing
costs for loading non-ERP data into
any data warehousing solution you
are proposing?
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Application Service Provider (ASP) or Hosted Option
2.6 Application Service Provider (ASP)
or Hosted Option
1. Will your company host the solution
or will this be hosted by a third party?
a. Who will provide the hosting and
at what facility?
2. Identify where on the system
responsibility changes from the
hosting provider to your company
(the physical computer, the operating
system, the application).
3. Please describe your service level
a. Power and cooling
b. Network
c. Storage
d. Virtual Machine
e. Operating environment
f. Application and database
4. Please describe your support model.
5. Are support calls included in annual
maintenance fees, or charged on a
per call basis? If on a per-call basis,
please specify rates and billing
6. Where would local support be located
for a client in Ft. Lauderdale, FL?
7. Please provide the total number of
clients and corresponding number of
end-users of hosted solutions
currently supported by your
8. Does the system interfaces support a
browser interface with or without the
help of additional components?
9. Will the host be virtual?
a. Will any migration of data or virtual
machine remain in the country?
b. Where can data or virtual
machines migrate to?
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10. Have you supplied a copy of your
Independent Service Auditor’s
Opinion Letter from your most recent
SSAE 16?
a. What other certifications does the
hosing facility have (HIPAA, PCI)?
11. How are hosted software applications
deployed for use by numerous
customers (dedicated servers for
each hosted customer, or is a single
set of applications utilized for all
12. What tier in the Uptime Institute data
center tier model most closely
represents this facility?
a. Is it certified at that tier?
13. Describe your systems
capabilities including monitoring of
performance measures, intrusion
detection, and error resolution.
14. Please describe your firewall security
(technology, failover) and data
encryption capabilities.
15. Please describe your data back-up,
restore and disaster recovery
16. What steps are taken to ensure
uptime per SLA for the application in
the event of a hardware, system or
power failure?
17. Please provide detailed information
on communications provider for
Internet connection service, including
ownership of lines and performance
guarantee of the bandwidth
18. Please explain how monthly billing
statements are generated.
19. Provide a “real” copy of your bill.
20. Can billing be handled electronically?
If yes, describe.
21. Include your hosting, backup,
integration, help desk, provisioning
and desktop management
22. If you propose a tiered level of
services, describe the model.
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23. Do you provide all services directly?
If no, please identify your partners
and describe their role(s) and
24. Describe your operational
25. Describe your company culture.
26. What do you propose to ensure
vendor accountability?
27. Please list the connectivity options
and carriers available at your hosting
28. Estimate the bandwidth that your
solution will add to the County’s WAN
backbone and site access lines.
29. What system/application availability
and response time will your proposed
system meet? What are the County’s
responsibilities to ensure this level of
30. What metrics do you propose that
demonstrate performance including:
availability, response time, quality,
customer service, and customer
31. Please provide a back-out plan in
which your hosting services would be
transitioned to an alternate hosting
provider or be insourced back to the
32. What is included and excluded in the
monthly price?
33. How do you track monthly usage for
subscription-based services?
34. How are usage fees determined?
35. What happens if volumes decrease
or if bandwidth or other commodity
prices go down?
36. Can the ASP provide metered billing?
37. Where is the data located and will it
always remain at that location
38. How many data centers do you have,
and where are they located? Who
operates them?
39. Which data centers will be used to
serve my application?
40. Do you own your data centers or
lease them? If leased, from whom?
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41. Are the data centers staffed 24 hours
a day, seven days a week (24x7)?
What staff is on-site?
42. Is there redundant power?
Batteries? Generators? How often
are they tested?
43. What cooling and fire suppression
systems are in place?
44. How many internet service providers
(ISPs) do you buy connectivity from?
Are they on separate telephone
company entrances to the facility?
45. Do you have a disaster recovery plan
if a data center becomes
unavailable? If yes, provide a copy
or describe the ASP’s Disaster
Recovery plan.
46. What are the hardware and software
components of the solution?
47. Are servers dedicated to each
customer, or do multiple customers
share a single server?
48. If shared, by what means (virtual
partitioning, one application instance
per customer or a single shared
49. How much redundancy is there in the
50. Do you use load balancing, failover
or both?
51. Is there database replication?
52. Can you switch operations over to
another data center, and if so, how
long does that take?
53. What do you back up and how often?
How long do you keep backups?
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54. Do you store backups off-site?
55. How long does it take to recover data
from a backup?
56. What kind of operations monitoring
do you do?
57. What support is available and during
what hours?
58. What are your change management,
upgrade and patch management
policies & practices?
59. How much notification will you give
the County in advance of any
scheduled downtime?
60. Will you have a staging server
available to test any changes to my
software prior to its deployment into
61. What are your plans for permitting
access to the applications for devices
with IP v4 and IP v6 addresses
62. What is the time line for this solution?
63. ? If NAT will be used, describe how
performance and a sufficient
translation pool will be addressed.
2.6.1 ASP Security - Physical
1. What physical security measures are
in the data center?
2. Describe the security you provide for
County information stored on media
(e.g. backup media, data in transit)?
Do you encrypt it? If yes, describe
the encryption used.
3. Are all employees who are allowed
access to infrastructure housed in the
data center screened and bonded?
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2.6.2 ASP Security - Network
1. Does the ASP:
a. Require the use of two-factor
authentication for administrative
control of all routers and firewalls?
b. Support 128-bit encryption and
two-factor authentication for the
connection between the customer
LAN and the ASP production
c. Provide redundancy and loadbalancing services for firewalls and
other security-critical elements?
d. Perform (or have an experienced
consulting company perform)
external penetration tests on at
least a quarterly basis, and internal
network security audits at least
e. Show documented requirements
for customer network security (with
audit functions) to ensure that other
ASP customers will not
compromise the ASP backbone?
2.6.3 ASP Security - Platform
1. Can the ASP provide a documented
policy for hardening the OS on its
Web and other servers? Hardening
an OS entails: Eliminating any
unnecessary OS services (e.g.,
Telnet or FTP), disabling all
communications paths that are not
needed (e.g., TCP/IP ports), installing
all required security patches, and
minimizing system administration
accounts and access to system
2. If the ASP co-locates customer
applications on physical servers,
does it have a documented set of
controls that it uses to ensure the
separation of data and security
information between customer
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2.6.4 ASP Security - Operations
1. What are your security policies and
2. How do you handle security alerts?
3. Do you perform background checks
on personnel who will have
administrative access to servers and
applications? If yes, describe.
4. Provide your documented process for
evaluating operating system and
application vendor security alerts,
and installing security patches and
service packs?
5. Do you use write-once technology for
storing audit trails and security logs?
6. Provide your documented procedures
for intrusion detection, incident
response and incident
7. Do you use a managed security
service provider? If yes, who?
8. Use "hot site" failover services that
have the same security operations
and procedures?
9. Provide authentication services for
system users?
10. Have documented processes for
adding, removing and validating
security keys for all users?
11. When using outsourced
authentication services, does the
outsourcer have a documented
process for managing and validating
member security keys?
2.6.5 ASP Security - Applications
1. Does the ASP:
a. Review the security of scripts and
integration code that are added to
the commercial applications it
provides? How is this done?
b. Provide application- or transactionbased intrusion-detection
c. Document the security standards
and processes used for creating
interfaces to other systems within
the HCO environment?
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d. Provide contractual commitments
for HIPAA compliance for security
and confidentiality?
2.6.6 ASP Security - End Services
1. Does the ASP security staff average
more than three years of experience
in information/network security? If no,
please explain.
2. Does more than 75 percent of the
ASP's security staff have Certified
Information Systems Security
Professional (CISSP) or other
security industry certification? If no,
please explain.
3. Can the ASP show documented help
desk procedures for authenticating
callers and resetting access controls?
If no, please explain.
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2.7 Implementation Plan
The Vendor is to provide an implementation plan in narrative format supported by an activitylevel project plan using Microsoft Project 2007 that details how the proposed solution is to be
implemented. This implementation plan should include the following elements:
1. General Implementation Approach
2. Project Management Approach
3. Hardware, Software & Storage Design and Installation Consulting
4. Data Conversion Plan
5. Report Development
6. Integrations and Interfaces
7. Pre-project and User Training
8. Change Management Approach
9. Testing
10. Operational Redesign Approach
11. System Documentation and Manuals
12. Disaster Recovery Plan
13. Knowledge Transfer
14. Transition, On-Going Support and Maintenance
The Vendor should not be constrained to include only the above items in the Vendor’s proposal
response if the Vendor feels that their proposed plan can add value to the overall
implementation in additional ways.
It is expected that the Vendor will lead the efforts in ALL of the implementation areas
described below unless stated otherwise. Further details on what is to be provided as part of
the Vendor’s proposed implementation plan are included in the following subsections.
General Implementation Approach
Provide a general overview of the implementation approach you plan to use for the County that
includes addressing the following items:
2.7.1 General Implementation Approach
1. Describe how you transition from the
sales cycle to the implementation
phase of the project.
2. Describe the key factors for success in
this type of project.
3. Describe key differentiators of the
approach as it relates to implementing
a solution on time, within budget and
with the ability to meet the needs of a
diverse client like the County of
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4. Describe how you conclude on a
preferred implementation phasing of
software modules. Please review the
proposed Broward phasing and provide
feedback including any alternative
options that you believe would be more
5. Describe the proposed nature of the
transition period in moving from the
current system to your solution.
6. Describe your approach towards
running parallel systems for a period of
7. Provide a list of all deliverables to be
developed on the project with their
name and description.
8. Describe each environment that you
propose to implement and the intent of
each environment (e.g., test,
development, QA, etc.).
9. Any unique tools, techniques or
methods that you use should be
described in this section.
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Project Management Approach
The County expects the Vendor to provide project management resources leading to the
successful deployment of the system. The Vendor’s project manager will work as a team
member with the County’s Project Management Office (PMO). It is expected that this project
manager will be “on the ground” in Broward County as appropriate to team with the County
As part of any significant engagement, the County employs a project management approach
that is based on the Project Management Institute’s Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK). The County would expect responding vendors to adhere to such standards as part of
the project.
2.7.2 Project Management Approach
1. Provide an overall description of the Vendor project management approach towards
this type of engagement. This would include a description of the Vendor methods for
support of each of the five project management phases of this project (initiating,
planning, executing, controlling and closing).
a. Initiating
b. Planning
c. Executing
d. Controlling
e. Closing
2. Indicate any tools, templates and methods that the Vendor plans to use to manage
this project in the following areas:
a. Project charter development
b. Risk assessment and
c. Communication management
d. Issues and action item
e. Meeting management
f. Change order management
3. The County requests that the Vendors
respond to each of the following items
related to project management:
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a. Based on information provided in
experience in working with other
large municipal entities, what is
the Vendor's perspective on the
most significant risks to this project
and how do you plan to mitigate
these risks?
b. How does the Vendor plan to
manage the vast amount of
material that is produced during
the project through potential
solutions such as a collaboration
c. To what degree does the County
have access to Vendor’s work
papers developed during the
course of the project?
d. What is your process for
monitoring, escalating and
resolving issues that will arise
during the project?
e. How do you propose to keep the
project on task?
f. Provide a clear delineation of
project management
responsibilities between the
County and the Vendor.
g. Provide specific information on
project close-out activities to
transition support to the County.
h. How will project management be
i. Provide an activity-level Work
Plan, using MS Project, for
achieving the successful
deployment of your proposed
Solution assuming a project start
date of March 1, 2013. The Work
Plan Response must identify the
specific tasks that will be required
to create deliverables. The Work
Plan Response must be resource
loaded. A resource assigned is
allowed a maximum of 100% of
their time available to be worked.
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Hardware, Software and Storage Design and Installation Consulting
The County is expecting the Vendor to install the required hardware and
communications equipment for applications. The Vendor is expected to specify, furnish,
deliver, install and support all application and system software that may include preinstalling or equipment staging.
1. What do you propose for the most
effective deployment of hardware,
Additionally, the County expects the selected vendor to conduct a test of the system
backup and recovery solution prior to go-live.
Data Conversion Plan
Data conversion is expected to occur when migrating to the new application. The
County would anticipate the Vendor to take the lead role in managing data conversion
1. Describe your general approach
towards data conversion and how you
would work with the County to agree
on what should be converted.
2. Describe the roles and responsibilities
between your team and the County
related to data conversion activities.
3. Do you foresee any issues in migrating
data from the current County
databases (SQL, Oracle, sequential
file, etc.) into your system?
4. Provide your assumption for level
support and pricing for assisting the
County with data conversion activity.
Report Development
For specific reporting requirements, the Vendor will take the lead on developing any
reports required as part of the initial deployment of the system. The Vendor is expected
to provide knowledge transfer to the County staff during the development of needed
reports, via technical training on the tools used for report development, database
schema and architecture, etc.
1. Provide information on your reporting
approach including:
a. Description of various methods of
b. What query tool is being proposed
c. What report writer is being proposed,
including any Business Intelligence
d. Method for "certifying" developed
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2. What reports are available out-of-thebox? Provide a list and samples.
3. Are these standard reports and is their
implementation included in the base
software cost? Or is there an additional
4. Describe your pricing model for reports
that are not included in the base
software cost.
5. Describe your process for determining
additional reports that will have to be
developed (not out-of-the-box) and the
effort needed to develop and test
6. Describe your pricing model custom
report development.
7. It is expected that the system will
provide the ability for end-user
querying and reporting to be performed
without impacting the performance of
the transactional system. It is also
expected that the system will provide
the ability to upload and download
information ensuring integrity of
uploaded information.
Does your
proposal meet this expectation?
Integrations and Interfaces
It is expected that information generally would need to be entered only once into the
system. Modules within the system should be integrated in real-time with each other
such that batch processes are not required to transfer information from one area of the
system to another unless that is the preference of the County. A listing of existing
interfaces has been defined in Exhibit 4.
1. What technologies has the Vendor
interfaced with and in what manner
(e.g., IVR, Imaging, etc.)? Please list.
2. Describe your approach towards
interfacing and integration with other
solutions including use of specific tools,
methods and standards.
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3. As it pertains to the County’s current
previously, identify potential issues for
integrating with specific technologies
that are used within the County.
4. Describe opportunities for making local
customizations or development of
interfaces without compromising the
integrity of the base system. If local
customizations are made, do you
provide any tools or assistance to
easily incorporate customizations into
new version/releases of your software?
5. Your proposed system must be able to
export data to Microsoft Office 2010
products and report files in .pdf format
and viewable via Adobe Acrobat
Reader. Do you comply?
6. Does your proposed solution interface
with or integrate with Microsoft Office
PowerPoint)? If yes, describe and note
areas of integration and versions
7. Does your proposed solution interface
with or integrate with Microsoft
Exchange/Outlook 2010 and Active
Directory? If yes, describe and note
areas of integration and function and
versions supported.
The County has an expectation that:
1. Pre-project training will be performed for project team members to assist them in
understanding how the new software will be able to support their business processes.
We would assume that the Lead Consultants from your team would participate in these
sessions to gain an understanding of the County business processes.
2. All end-user and technical training will be performed onsite through implementation and
be performed by the Vendor. Exceptions to on-site training will be considered with the
pros/cons of such an approach articulated to the County.
3. End user Implementation Training will use a train-the-trainer approach.
4. Technical Implementation Training will include training for County staff who will be
trained on the technologies required to support the proposed solution. Training will be
sufficient to enable personnel who will operate and maintain the software/system to
achieve the level of proficiency required to support the County’s use of the
software/system. The training must provide adequate instruction for individuals who will
be managing the overall system.
5. Training should address the varied stakeholders who will have specific roles in using and
supporting the system including, at a minimum, the following:
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a. Decentralized end-users
b. Core users in the process owning departments
c. Technical staff including business analysts, system administrators, security staff,
system administrators, etc.
d. Executive level staff who need to understand how to review/approved workflows
and extract information from the system
e. Help desk support staff
f. Staff responsible for user permissions and workflow development and
2.7.7 Training
The Vendor should provide an overall
description of their Training strategy that
addresses the following:
1. Describe your overall approach to
training. Your strategy should take into
consideration the specific solution you
are proposing, the intent to use a train
the trainer approach and the
requirements related to implementation
of the solution. The overall strategy
should include the nature, level and
amount of training to be provided, by
2. In addition:
a. Provide specific detail related to the
approach towards training of County
IT staff on the application and tools.
b. Provide specific detail related to the
approach towards training of County
staff on the solution.
c. Detail the foundational skills that will
be required to support your solution.
Include any required or suggested
outside training that may be
Training Types and Documentation
1. Detail the types of training to be
provided (classroom, online, VOD,
2. Detail the types of documentation that
will be developed and provided to the
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3. Provide, by role, standard training
information such as outlines,
description of content, format,
guaranteed outcomes or any other
information that would assist the
County evaluators in understanding the
depth of the training provided.
4. Describe the tools that will be used in
developing the training material and
any technical requirements needed to
support the training materials by the
5. Post implementation; describe ongoing
training opportunities for your solution.
6. Indicate whether or not there is an
ability for staff to take and be tested on
7. Provide a general schedule which
defines when training is typically
delivered in context to the overall
implementation schedule (distinguish
by role).
Training Logistics
1. Define the physical and technical
training requirements, by role, needed
to effectively deliver your proposed
training approach.
2. Any training that cannot be easily
accommodated or is not practical to be
performed onsite should be specifically
identified. Alternatively, the County is
open to conducting remote training via
the Internet but wishes to understand
the pros and cons of such an
Balance of page left blank intentionally.
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Change Management Approach
The County recognizes that moving from the current environment to a new solution is a
significant undertaking and effective Change Management will be a crucial element to overall
project success. As part of its current project governance structure, the County will be creating a
Readiness Team that encompasses Communications, Change Management and Training
requirements of the project. The Vendor should clearly explain their approach to Change
Management and include specific information related to the following:
Change Management Approach
1. Describe your overall approach and
strategy to the Change Management
process. In your overview, include
information on how you plan for and
manage through the following:
a. Organizational readiness and
b. Staff readiness
c. Skills transition
d. Training
e. Identifying and mitigating change
2. Provide an overview of your Change
Management plan and/or methodology.
The plan description should identify
roles and responsibilities clearly
defining role ownership by Vendor
and/or County resources. The County
would be interested in understanding
approaches to Change Management
that would leverage a County staff
member in the lead role as well as an
alternate approach where the Vendor
takes the lead role.
3. Provide examples of any typical tools
or forms that may be used to support
your Change Management approach.
4. Explain how Change Management will
be resourced. If external resources are
used, include a description to the
Vendors relationship with the external
resource addressing such topics as
length, frequency and past experience
with external resource.
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1. The vendor should describe their
recommended approach to the
following types of testing to be
performed on the project and the type
of assistance they propose to provide
to the County related to testing:
a. System Testing
b. Integration Testing
c. Stress / Performance Testing
d. User Acceptance Testing
e. Interface Testing
f. Conversion Testing
g. Testing of Configuration Decisions
h. Workflow and Security Testing
2. Describe your process for ensuring that
your software is at a state of quality
such that User Acceptance Testing
(UAT) goes smoothly versus
discovering data conversion and
software bugs during the UAT process.
3. Describe your process for transitioning
from UAT to go-live considering the
possibility of open issues that may
require resolution.
4. Describe what approach is used to
insure that UAT covers all critical
components of the system, such as
Month End, Quarter End, Year End, in
the production environment.
2.7.10 Operational Redesign
With the deployment of a new application, the County must incorporate significant
operational process redesign to leverage best practices and maximize the capabilities of the
proposed solution. Vendors are requested to describe their approach towards operational
redesign including, at a minimum, the following:
1. Detail your approach to operational
process redesign. Describe who (by
role) from your team facilitates the
2. Define the optimal timeline to conduct
redesign as it relates to implementation
of the new software. Provide sufficient
detail to identify where there may be
likely overlap of resources supporting
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the implementation effort as well as
needing to participate in operational
process redesign.
3. Description of deliverables that will be
developed as part of operational
4. Describe the optimal model for County
participation in the operational redesign
process to best maximize your
proposed solution.
5. Unique methods or techniques that are
2.7.11 System Documentation and Manuals
The Vendor is expected to provide user manuals and online help for use by the County as
part of the initial training and on-going operational support. Additionally, the Vendor is
expected to provide technical documentation.
1. Describe what documentation (user
guide, technical guide, training
materials, etc.) is provided on the
system proposed.
2. Describe what types of documentation
you will be developing during the
course of the project including
technical documentation, core user
documentation, end-user
documentation, etc.
3. Describe what documentation is
available for on-going operations, such
as troubleshooting guides, etc.
4. Describe what documentation will be
available to IT Staff for the installation
of future fixes, versions, and/or
upgrades, such as release notes, etc.
5. What service level does the vendor
offer as to the accuracy of the system
documentation? What process does
the vendor use to insure the
documentation is updated on a regular
6. Describe what efforts are made to
provide documentation that is easy to
use. Does the vendor make any
investment in usability testing?
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2.7.12 Disaster Recovery Plan
1. Describe the functions/features of your
proposed system that enable effective
business continuity and disaster
recovery processes.
2. How do you propose to achieve
effective data backup and recovery for
your proposed system?
3. Does your system have any native
capabilities to encrypt data being
moved to portable storage media
(tapes, CD, etc.)?
4. Describe any specific services you
provide related to Disaster Recovery.
5. Additionally, the County expects the
selected vendor to conduct a test of the
system backup and recovery solution
prior to go-live. Will you comply with
this requirement?
2.7.13 Knowledge Transfer
The Vendor should describe their process
for ensuring that knowledge transfer
occurs back to County staff such that staff
is capable of supporting and maintaining
the application in the most proficient
manner once the Vendor implementation
engagement is complete.
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2.7.14 Staffing Plan
The County has developed a proposed project governance structure for the project that is
pictured below.
In developing this plan, the County assumes that there will be a 50/50 split between the level of
effort provided by the County versus the Vendor as part of the implementation.
1. Resources will be required to be present on-site in Broward County all day Monday
through Friday during each design, testing and training phase to ensure availability of
the consultants to meet with SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) and other county staff.
2. Provide a Project Organization Chart augmenting the depicted Broward governance
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3. Confirm the project governance provided and identify proposed changes to the
governance structure.
4. The Vendor must detail the type and amount of implementation support to be provided
(e.g., number of personnel, level of personnel, time commitment, etc.) (see Exhibit 6)
Include resumes for all personnel that will be assigned to the project including the
following information:
a. Role on the project
b. Educational background
c. Number of years employed at your company
d. Number of year conducting their proposed role on the project
e. Certifications that are appropriate to the role they will be fulfilling on the project
(e.g., PMP certification)
f. Relevant previous experiences
5. Identify the number of Vendor staff expected to be committed to the project, by role, and
their estimated time commitment in terms of FTE time during the implementation (see
Exhibit 6)
6. Provide a Vendor Rate Schedule including the role, name, years of experience, and
hourly cost for each resource you are proposing (see Exhibit 6).
7. If the Vendor is using a subcontractor, please include the information requested in #6 for
subcontracting staff being used and their specific role on the project.
2.7.14 Staffing Plan (continued)
8. Identify the degree to
which Vendor staff will be
on-site versus off-site
during the project.
9. Demonstrate your ability to
provide continuity of skilled
consultant resources
throughout the duration of
the project.
10. Describe the degree to
which activities will be
performed during normal
business hours versus offhours. Note that normal
County business hours are
currently Monday through
Friday 8:00 or 8:30 am to
4:30 or 5:00 pm.
11. In addition, the County
requests that the Vendor
provide a description of the
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resource requirements for
the Vendor's staff and
configuration needed
during the implementation
to include the following:
a. Number of
b. Number and size of
dedicated rooms
for the project
c. Number of desks
d. Parking
e. Telephones
accessibility needs
g. White boards
h. Flip charts
Other resource
12. Likewise, the County requests that the Vendor provide the following with respect to
expectations on County staff involvement during the project for a Vendor-hosted
solution including the following:
a. Identification of the number of County staff expected to be committed to the project,
by role, and their estimated time commitment in terms of FTE time during the
implementation including technical and business staff within the County. Initial
identification of project roles has been provided but should be supplemented or
revised by vendors based on their experience in implementing their product in similar
environments. (see Exhibit 6)
b. For technology resources required during the implementation include the following
for each position:
a. Skill sets required for each position
b. Training required and whether the vendor provides this training
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2.7.15 Transition, Ongoing Support and Maintenance
The County has the following assumptions regarding the provision of on-going maintenance and
Application Maintenance
Application Maintenance (AM) is all activities required to keep the software package up to date
or current. AM is the integration of vendor issued systems patches & fixes for the Broward
County ERP Solution. Patches & Fixes can be delivered as individual Patches, Bundles,
Maintenance Packs, and Service Packs. The standard operations components for AM are
infrastructure and applications. Broward County must identify its target metrics for capacity,
availability and response, as well as backup and recovery. Whether managed internally or
externally, these services levels must be met to achieve a level of support and user satisfaction
that leads to user adoption. The skills required to perform these services will depend on the
system selected and the resources assigned to provide these services must be up to the task.
The environment should be more simple than complex.
Expected components of a
comprehensive maintenance plan include the following:
Business continuity including data and system back-ups
Service monitoring including:
Hardware/network infrastructure
Patch management
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Application Support
Technical Support is typically provided through a 3-tiered support model as depicted below:
Tier 1 Support
The first step is to consolidate all help desks into one single point of contact with a
corresponding email address and phone number. All requests that come into the Help Desk will
be managed by Broward County employees, who in turn log requests into a Case Management
Tool. This tool will be the central repository for all support requests and their resolution. These
employees will perform the Tier 1 Support for Broward County. They will assign the request to
taxonomy of potential impact areas by application. They will also track and finalize the
resolution with the business user making the request. Upon logging the request, if the
knowledge base used by the Help Desk does not provide the resolution to the request, the Help
Desk escalates the request to the Technical Lead for the application. These systems are
already in existence at Broward County.
Technical Lead Support
Once the Technical Lead receives a request, he/she must determine if the request is a Tier 2 or
Tier 3 request. It is critical that the Technical Lead document the type of support request as well
as monitor the appropriate response outlined in either the internal or external Service Level
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Tier 2 Support
All Tier 2 requests are for corrections to the existing production environment due to a
configuration, data or development object failure. Tier 2 requests must be evaluated with the
corresponding support team: functional or technical. Once the evaluation determines the
problem, the request will be scheduled and resolved or will become a Tier 3 request. All Tier 2
requests are corrections to the tested and approved production environment and as such are
warranted. The Technical Lead shall assign the Tier 2 Request its highest priority classification
and ensure that the required resources are available to resolve the request in a timely manner.
The Technical Lead shall also provide status updates on a daily basis until the Event is resolved
and signed off by the Business User. The generally accepted prioritization of Tier 2 Request
Types, their description, response and resolution time and penalties will be negotiated post
Tier 3 Support
Tier 3 requests are for new functionality or enhancements to the existing production system and
must be designed and assigned a cost and priority. A budget will be established for Tier 3
requests on an annual basis.
Functional Support
A critical part of designing and developing the ERP Solution is functional configuration. The
experts who configure the solution from the integration team will be leaving the project after the
solution is in production (live). To provide ongoing support for configuration changes, an
agreement is established with the integration provider either directly if ADM for the solution is
managed internally or through the ADM provider if the ADM is managed externally.
1. For purposes of this RLI, the County is assuming that the Vendor will provide complete turnkey support and maintenance services for a Vendor-hosted solution, for the full five years.
This includes all of the activities noted above to include on-going support and maintenance
of all interfaces developed and/or implemented as part of the project as well as on-going
functional support of the application.
2. The County requests a period of 3 months on-site post go-live support for each phase to
monitor and assist in resolving post go-live issues.
3. The County requests the Vendor to provide on-site support staff during the first time
processing for all critical components of the system including, at a minimum, Month End,
Quarter End and Year End in the production environment. Please indicate in your proposal
response what process components will be.
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2.7.15 Transition, Ongoing Support and
Maintenance (continued)
4. Specify the nature and conditions of
any post-implementation support
options including:
a. Transition support services as the
County migrates from
implementation to an on-going
operational environment.
b. Onsite support (e.g. system tuning,
application configuration, interface
issues, report development, network
optimization, user training and tips
to optimize the user experience).
c. Telephone support, including the
minimum, maximum, and average
response times (hours) provided as
part of the basic support agreement
and average response time for the
past twelve (12) months.
d. Help Desk services for technical
support and end users. Specify
days and hours and any escalation
options and procedures. If there is a
Service Level Agreement for your
Help Desk, please provide a copy
with your response.
e. Toll-free support line.
f. Users Group (i.e. - information about
it, where it is held and when.) If no,
are you planning one?
g. Online knowledgebase (i.e. – how it
is accessed, who updates it, etc.).
h. Online Problem Ticket system that
the County can view via the Internet.
i. Online documentation to retrieve
most current versions of
documentation, including such
things as Release Notes, etc.
j. Identify the Vendor’s business unit
that is responsible for the support
options provided above. In your
response, please identify any part of
your support structure that is located
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5. The County requests that the Vendor
provide the following with respect to
expectations on County staff
involvement to provide on-going
support of the application. This
includes installing/applying any vendor
supplied fixes, versions and/or
upgrades, as well as maintaining
interfaces, reports, and any other
customizations or specialized code
developed during the initial
implementation. Please include the
following information:
a. Identification of an appropriate
governance in which to manage the
application going forward
b. Identification of the number of staff
expected to be committed to
providing on-going application
support, including the following (see
Exhibit 6):
i. Role
ii. Responsibility
iii. Estimated time commitment in
terms of FTE time including
technical and business staff
within the County
c. For IT staff resources, provide the
following additional information as
i. Type of positions required
(e.g., help desk, trainer, DBA,
report developer, application
support, system administrator,
security administration, etc.)
ii. Number of FTEs within each
iii. Skill sets required for each
iv. Training required and whether
the vendor provides this
6. Will your support staff require remote
access to the County’s network and/or
systems in order to maintain and
troubleshoot the system using remote
access? If yes, describe the method(s)
and security used.
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a. Can this remote access be achieved
through County's Microsoft Terminal
Services Access Gateway
Advanced environment, with RDP
access to a County-maintained
workstation that contains all required
maintenance tools, and/or RDP
access to application servers?
b. If an alternate remote access
methodology must be used,
describe what type of access is
required and what the technology
7. Do you limit the number of County
people who can call in for support? If
yes, explain your model and how
additional people can be included. If
there is no limitation, the maintenance
agreement should clearly state this
fact. Are you agreeable to include
such language in our contract?
8. Describe the types of support needed
to keep the product under current
support and to keep the product
enhanced. Describe your maintenance
programs and options.
9. Describe your process for notifying the
customer and fixing bugs once they
have been identified?
a. What do you do to improve defect
detection and correction in your
application development processes?
b. Provide information on known
outstanding bugs in your software
and how they are being addressed.
c. Before software is released into
general use, describe the security
testing performed. Who performs
the testing? Describe the process.
d. What will you do to address
vulnerabilities in your product
discovered subsequent to us
deploying your code? In what time
interval will they be fixed (Critical &
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e. Is the software organization that
developed the software you are
proposing rated using the Software
Engineering Institute’s Capability
Maturity Model (CMM)? If yes, what
is the current rating for the
organization that developed the
proposed software? What
organization performed the rating?
2.7.16 On-Going Operations
Operational aspects for managing the
application in an on-going manner should
be described to include, at a minimum, the
1. Description of desired configuration in
terms of test, development, training,
and production.
2. Description of mechanism to determine
number of users simultaneously logged
into the system.
3. Information on the batch window
typically required for the application.
4. Information on the options for requiring
password resets to be configured into
the vendor’s solution.
5. Information on the specific procedures
that will need to be instituted with the
system that are the responsibility of the
County versus the vendor in the
Vendor-hosted environment.
6. How do you propose to achieve
effective data backup and recovery for
your proposed system?
7. Does your system have any native
capabilities to encrypt data being
moved to portable storage media
(tapes, CD, etc.)?
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Cost Proposal
The County reserves the right to pursue direct purchase of all items and services proposed, as
well as to obtain independent financing. Costs for the Vendor’s proposed solution must be
submitted on the Proposal Pricing Forms provided in the Excel document, Exhibit 5.
Vendors shall consider the following as assumptions to be used when developing their Cost
1. The County is seeking a project Agreement that is fixed-price and/or not-to-exceed, with
payment for software and services on a milestone basis. Be very specific as to which
components of your pricing are considered fixed-price versus not-to-exceed in
your response.
2. There are no additional charges for new releases or new versions of the proposed
software as they are assumed to be covered as part of the software maintenance
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