EDUCATION - Tradewind Sports

Christopher Harnish
2614 E. Clay St.
Richmond, VA 23223
Virginia Commonwealth University
Exercise Physiology
Dissertation: Comparison of two different work to rest ratios on the acute metabolic and inflammatory
effects of a single bout of sprint interval training
Ronald Evans, PhD
University of South Carolina
Exercise Physiology
Thesis: Methods for estimating the maximal lactate steady state in trained cyclists
Russell R. Pate, PhD
Ithaca College
Clinical Exercise Science
Senior Project: Non-invasive estimation of the maximal lactate steady state in trained cyclists
Thomas C. Swensen, PhD
Course Instructor, Virginia Commonwealth University, Chronic Disease and Exercise
Management (HPEX 440), Spring 2013.
35 students
Course Instructor, Virginia Commonwealth University, Assessment and Exercise Intervention
(HPEX 441), Spring 2012 - 2013.
20-26 students per semester
Course Instructor, Virginia Commonwealth University, Strength, Endurance and Flexibility
Training (HPEX 200), Spring 2012 - 2013.
30 students per semester
Course Instructor, Virginia Commonwealth University, Exercise Programming and Leadership
(HPEX 470), Spring 2011 – 2013.
30-32 students per semester
Lab Instructor, Virginia Commonwealth University, Physiology of Exercise Lab (HPEZ 375),
Spring 2009.
Two sections 15 students in Spring 2009
Lab Instructor, Ithaca College, Exercise Physiology Lab (440), 1999 – 2002.
Lab Instructor, Ithaca College, Human Physiology Lab (334 & 335), 1999 – 2002.
If you’re not thinking ahead, you’re falling behind.
Christopher Harnish
2614 E. Clay St.
Richmond, VA 23223
Research Associate, Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center, 2009 – 2012.
Implementation of two primary Merit Review Studies, Exercise to Reduce Obesity in Spinal Cord
Injury and Body Composition in Spinal Cord Injured Persons.
Primary Role: Body composition data collection, exercise testing and training session supervision,
administration of evaluation tests and resting metabolic rate, data acquisition, management and
Secondary Role (through 2011): Recruitment Coordinator responsible for developing and
implementing recruitment strategies and community networking for two primary Merit Review
Studies, Exercise to Reduce Obesity in Spinal Cord Injury and Body Composition in Spinal Cord
Injured Persons, as well as several unfunded studies; more 100 subjects recruited during this time
Research Liaison, Non-invasive Assay to Discriminate Between Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
(mTBI) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical
Center, 2010 – 2011.
Doctoral Fellowship, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2008 – 2009.
Faculty Supervisor, Robert Colbert Wellness Clinic, Ithaca College, 2001 – 2002.
Harnish, C.R., and R. Sabo. Effects of sprint interval training in individuals with spinal cord
injury. J. Strength Condit Res. (Revisions in review).
Harnish, C.R., J.A. Daniels, R. Sabo, and T. Lavis. Comparison between prone and supine DXA
measurements in men with chronic spinal cord injury. Int J Body Compos Res. 11 (3 & 4): 97-104,
Gorgey A.S., C.R. Harnish, J.A. Daniels, D.R. Dolbow, A.F. Keeley, J. Moore, and D.R. Gater.
A report of anticipated benefits of functional electrical stimulation after spinal cord injury. J.
Spinal Cord Med. 35(2): 107-112, 2012.
Gorgey A.S., H. Poarch, C. Harnish, J.M. Miller, D. Dolbow, and D.R. Gater. Acute effects of
locomotor training on neuromuscular and metabolic profile in individuals with incomplete spinal
cord injury. Neurorehabilitation. 29(1):79-83, 2011.
Dolbow D.R., J.M. Miller, C.R. Harnish, H. Poarch, A. Gorgey, and D.R. Gater. Arm crank
exercise increases VO2 peak and reduces body fat in older adult with chronic paraplegia. Clin.
Kinesiol. 64(4) : 51-55, 2010.
Harnish, C.R., D. King, & T. C. Swensen. Effect of cycling position on oxygen uptake and
preferred cadence in trained cyclists during hill climbing at various power outputs. Euro. J. Appl.
Phys. 99 (4), 2007.
Harnish, C.R., T.C. Swensen, & R.R. Pate. Methods for estimating the maximal lactate steady
state in trained cyclists. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 33 (5), 2001.
Swensen, T. C., C. R. Harnish, L. Beitman, & B. Keller. Non-invasive estimation of the maximal
lactate steady state in trained cyclists. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 31 (5):742-746, 1999.
If you’re not thinking ahead, you’re falling behind.
Christopher Harnish
2614 E. Clay St.
Richmond, VA 23223
Harnish, C.R., D. Morries, R. Sabo, R.K. Evans, E.O. Acevedo. Comparison of two different
sprint interval training work to rest ratios on insulin sensitivity.
Harnish, C.R., T.C. Swensen, A.F. Keeley, and J.A. Daniels. Case Report: Effects of 12 wk of
high-intensity interval training on a spinal cord injured man.
Bicycling: Harnish, C.R. In: Sports and Recreational Activities (15th ed), D. Mood, F. F. Musker,
& J.E. Rink. (Ed.). St. Louis: Mosby, 2012.
Bicycling: Harnish, C.R. In: Sports and Recreational Activities (14th ed), D. Mood, F. F. Musker,
& J.E. Rink. (Ed.). St. Louis: Mosby, 2006.
Bicycling: Harnish, C.R. & T.C. Swensen. In: Sports and Recreational Activities (13th ed), D.
Mood, F. F. Musker, & J.E. Rink. (Ed.). St. Louis: Mosby, 2002.
Harnish, C.R., D. Morries, R. Sabo, E.O. Acevedo. Effect of work to rest ratio on the metabolic
and inflammatory responses following a single bout of sprint interval training. ACSM Annual
Meeting World Congress on the Role of Inflammation in Exercise, Health and Disease. Orlando,
FL, 2014.
2014 Michael J. Pollack Student Research Award Winner
Harnish C.R., J. Moore, J. Daniels, & D. Gater. Effects of two weeks of arm crank sprint interval
training in spinal cord injured men. ACSM Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, 2012.
Harnish C.R., J. Daniels, A. Keeley, & D. Gater. Impact of 12 weeks of high-intensity interval
training in a spinal cord injured man. Free Communication. 3rd Annual World Congress on
Exercise is Medicine. San Francisco, CA, 2012.
Harnish C.R., J. Daniels, A. Gorgey, J. Miller, & D. Gater. Acute and Chronic Training
Responses In Spinal Cord Injured (SCI) Persons. Free Communication. ACSM Annual Meeting.
Denver, CO, 2011.
2011 Michael J. Pollack Student Research Award Winner
Harnish C.R., J. Moore, J. Daniels, & D. Gater. Metabolic Implications of High Intensity
Training In Spinal Cord Injured (SCI) Persons. Free Communication. 2nd Annual World Congress
on Exercise is Medicine. Denver, CO, 2011.
Harnish C.R., J. Miller, & D.R. Gater. Factors influencing dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
(DXA) in Spinal Cord Injured (SCI) Persons. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Spinal Cord
Injury Professionals, Las Vegas, NV, 2010.
Fallow B.A., G. Lipford, C.R. Harnish, S.L. Hall, R.L. Franco, & R.K. Evans. Evaluation of
Secondary Criteria for Achievement of Maximal Oxygen Consumption in Obese Adolescents.
Free Communication. ACSM Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 2010.
Harnish C.R., J. Miller, & D.R. Gater. Modeling Exercise Training Load in Spinal Cord Injury: A
case study. Free Communication. ACSM Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 2010.
If you’re not thinking ahead, you’re falling behind.
Christopher Harnish
2614 E. Clay St.
Richmond, VA 23223
Miller J., C.R. Harnish, D.R. Gater, & H. Poarch. Supine vs. Prone Positioning DXA Scans In
Individuals With Paraplegia. Free Communication. ACSM Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 2010.
Harnish, C, C. Butts, T. C. Swensen, and K. Brady. Effect of cycling position on economy and
cadence during hill climbing at various power outputs. Thematic Presentation. ACSM Annual
Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 2001.
Harnish, C.R., T.C. Swensen, & R.R. Pate. Methods for estimating the maximal lactate steady
state in trained cyclists. Free Communication. ACSM Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, 2000.
Harnish, C.R., T.C. Swensen, L. Beitman, & B. Keller. Non-invasive estimation of the maximal
lactate steady state in trained cyclists. Free Communication. ACSM Annual Meeting, Denver, CO,
Barnes, B., R. Sargent, W. Drane, S. Corwin, R. Valois, C.R. Harnish, & S.H. Thompson.
Differences in eating behaviors, dieting behaviors, and body size perceptions among 4th, 9th, and
12th grade public school students. APHA 125th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN,
Rogan, T.J., R. Sargent, S. Corwin, & C.R. Harnish. An assessment of diet quality and factors
that influence adolescent food intake behaviors. APHA 125th Annual Meeting and Exposition,
Indianapolis, IN, 1997.
Keller, B.K., M.T. Jones, J.A. Sigg, C.R. Harnish, & J.A. Ferriss. Prediction of submaximal VO2
in collegiate oarsmen using discontinuous and continuous rowing ergometer protocols. ACSM
Annual Meeting Minneapolis, MN. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 27(5):s23, 1995.
Sigg, J.A., B.K. Keller, M.T. Jones, C.R. Harnish, & J.A. Ferriss. Rowing mechanics of preseason collegiate light weight crew during VO2 max test. ACSM Annual Meeting Minneapolis,
MN. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 27(5):s92, 1995.
Harnish C.R., J. Daniels, J. Miller, D. Gater. Acute and Chronic physiologic training responses to
Arm Crank Ergometry (ACE) and Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling (FESC) in Spinal
Cord Injured (SCI) persons. Poster Presentation. SERC ACSM, Greenville, SC, 2011.
Harnish C.R. From theory to practice: Exercise Evaluation and Prescription for Spinal Cord
Injured Persons. Tutorial Session – Understand Spinal Cord Injury. ACSM Mid-Atlantic Regional
Conference, Harrisburg, PA 2011.
Harnish C., J. Daniels, J. Miller, D. Gater. Acute and Chronic physiologic training responses to
Arm Crank Ergometry (ACE) and Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling (FESC) in Spinal
Cord Injured (SCI) persons. Free Communication. ACSM Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference,
Harrisburg, PA, 2010.
Keeley, A., C. Harnish, J. Miller, J. Daniels, A. Gorgey, D. Gater. A comparison of predicted vs.
actual resting metabolic rate (RMR) in Spinal Cord Injured (SCI) persons. Poster Presentation.
MARC ACSM, Harrisburg, PA, 2010.
Harnish, C.R. & H. Poarch. Understanding Spinal Cord Injury: Physiology, Health & the Role of
Physical Activity. NSCA 2nd Annual HBCU Exercise and Sport really is Medicine, Virginia State
University, Petersburg, VA, 2010.
Harnish, C. R., T. C. Swensen, C. Butts, and K. Brady. Effect of cycling position on economy
and cadence during hill climbing at various power outputs. Thematic Presentation. ACSM Mid-
If you’re not thinking ahead, you’re falling behind.
Christopher Harnish
2614 E. Clay St.
Richmond, VA 23223
Atlantic Regional Conference, Split Rock, PA, 2000.
Harnish, C.R., T.C. Swensen, & R.R. Pate. Methods for estimating the maximal lactate steady
state in trained cyclists. Free Communication. ACSM Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, Ithaca,
NY, 1999.
Research support for Doctoral Dissertation to study the effects of two sprint interval work to rest
ratios on metabolic and inflammatory responses. VCU Center for Clinical and Translational
Research, VCU Richmond, VA. February 2013, ~$17,000 in services.
Research support for Doctoral Dissertation to study the effects of two sprint interval work to rest
ratios on metabolic and inflammatory responses. SRM, Colorado Springs, CO. November 2012,
Research grant to validate models for quantifying training load in endurance athletes. Peaksware,
LLC, Lafayette, CO. July 2009; $2000.
Research grant to study the influence of cycling position on economy and cadence in trained
cyclists during hill climbing at various power outputs. Ithaca College Small Grant for Faculty
research, Ithaca, NY. October 1999; $250.
Research grant to study the influence of cycling position on economy and cadence in trained
cyclists during hill climbing at various power outputs. Ithaca College, School of Health Sciences
and Human Performance Research Grant, Ithaca, NY. October 1999; $250.
Research grant to study the influence of cycling position on economy and cadence in trained
cyclists during hill climbing at various power outputs. Tune Corporation, LLC, Cambridge, MA.
October 1999; $400.
Research grant to study methods for estimating maximal lactate steady state in cyclists. YSI
International, SE Region, Yellow Springs, OH. February 1998; $3000.
Research grant to study methods for estimating maximal lactate steady state in cyclists.Kreitler
Roller, Inc., Ottawa, KS. February 1996; $500.
Research grant to study the non-invasive determination of maximal lactate steady state heart rate
in cyclists. Ithaca College Summer Research Grant, Ithaca, NY. April 1996; $3350.
Research grant to study the non-invasive determination of maximal lactate steady state heart rate
in cyclists. Ithaca College Small Grant for Faculty research, Ithaca, NY. February 1996; $500.
Research grant to study the non-invasive determination of maximal lactate steady state heart rate
in cyclists. Kreitler Roller, Inc., Ottawa, KS. February 1996; $500.
Dana Summer Internship to Prediction of submaximal VO2 in collegiate oarsmen using
discontinuous and continuous rowing ergometer protocols. Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY. April
1994; $3000.
If you’re not thinking ahead, you’re falling behind.
Christopher Harnish
2614 E. Clay St.
Richmond, VA 23223
Submitted Unfunded
 Doctoral Research Grant to study the effects of two sprint interval work to rest ratios on metabolic
and inflammatory responses in men. National Strength and Conditioning Association, $7016.
Scored 38/40 pts.
 Research Grant to study the effects of two sprint interval work to rest ratios on metabolic and
inflammatory responses in men. Foundation for Aging Studies and Exercise Science, $5000.
Michael J. Pollack ACSM Student Research Award, 2014.
Chosen from more than 2000 presentations submitted to the 2014 ACSM annual meeting; only
two awards are given each year.
Michael J. Pollack ACSM Student Research Award, 2011.
Chosen from more than 1500 presentations submitted to the 2011 ACSM annual meeting.
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Awarded 2011.
Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, 2011.
Golden Key International Honour Society Membership, 2009.
Cum Laude, Ithaca College, 1996.
Dana Summer Research Internship, 1994.
Arkell Hall Scholarship, 1993 – 1996.
Emerson Scholarship, 1993 – 1996.
Oracle Society of Ithaca College, 1993.
Center for Teaching Excellence Mentorship Program, Virginia Commonwealth University,
Fall 2013.
Undergraduate Advisory Council, Virginia Commonwealth University. 2012 – 2013.
Included several open house events for first year students, and late arrival advising and
Student Advising, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2012-present.
Allocated more 150 advisees in 2012/2013 Academic Year, meeting with approximately
75 students for the year.
Moderator for tutorial: Beyond the Lecture: Active Learning in Exercise Science. ACSM
Southeast Regional Conference, Greenville, SC 2013.
Moderator for tutorial: Understand Spinal Cord Injury Physiology and Exercise Responses.
ACSM Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, Harrisburg, PA 2011.
Health and Human Performance Review Committee, Virginia Commonwealth University. 2011.
Spinal Cord Injury Interest Group, ACSM Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 2011.
Helped organize a new SCI interest group at ACSM. Primary role include fund raising ($1000)
from sponsors to support the initial event and venue reservation.
If you’re not thinking ahead, you’re falling behind.
Christopher Harnish
2614 E. Clay St.
Richmond, VA 23223
 Producer and Host, ESP Podcast, 2007 – present.
About the Podcast: Averaging nearly 2000 downloads per month, the podcast features the latest
research and advice on health, training, and nutrition advice to athletes; we have interviewed
some of the worlds leading experts in the field.
Technical Consultant, VCU Run Lab, 2014.
Owner, Tradewind Sports, Health & Performance Services and Products Company, 2005 –
Health and Fitness Consultant, 1996 – present.
Training Advisor, Richmond Pro Cycling Team, 2006 – 2009.
Team Director, Coast to Coast-Stelvio TEAMWEAR Junior Cycling Team, 2004.
Assistant Team Director, Stelvio TEAMWEAR-Orbis Properties Cycling Team, 2004.
Team Director, Bici Imports-CSN-Rudy Project Cycling Team, 2003 FBD Milk Rás.
Team Director, USA-Clif Bar & USA-PCT Cycling Teams, 2001 & 2002, respectively.
Technical Consultant, SensLab GmbH, 2005 to present.
Technical Consultant, Stelvio TEAMWEAR, 2003 – 2005.
Technical Consultant, ICFD occupational study, June 2002.
Board of Directors, Richmond Road Runners, 2012 – present.
Vice-President, Board of Director, People Cycle, 2008 – 2010.
Director, People Cycle, Inc., 2001 – 2007.
Primary Role: I served in all facets of the organization including managing the day to day
operations, event planning, fund raising, development and community enrichment programs.
Rental Fleet Manager, Best Buddies Challenge Events, 2006 – 2008.
Criterium Director, Best Buddies HP Challenge, 2003 – 2004.
Race Director, Wells Ave. Training Series, 2003 – 2004.
Freelance Writer, Falmouth Enterprise, 2005 – 2008.
American Red Cross CPR Instructor, 1998 – 2002.
Alternative Lifestyles: Bringing Green Energy Home. Harnish, C.R. In: Falmouth Enterprise.
Enterprise Publishing: September, 2005.
Biking the Upper Cape. Harnish, C.R. In: Falmouth Enterprise In-Season. Enterprise
Publishing: May, 2005.
Swim Your Way to Fitness & Health. Harnish, C.R. In: Falmouth Enterprise Head to Toe Insert.
Enterprise Publishing: February, 2005.
If you’re not thinking ahead, you’re falling behind.
Christopher Harnish
2614 E. Clay St.
Richmond, VA 23223
NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, since 2008.
ACSM Health-Fitness Specialist, since 1995.
Certified Function Movement Screen Practitioner, 2009.
USAC Level II Cycling Coach, 1995.
Certified Basic SCUBA & Dry Suit, 2002.
Bod Pod Certification, 2009.
American Red Cross CPR & First-aid Instructor, 1995 – 2008.
More than 1000 hours of VO2 and blood lactate testing experience; experience using Parvo,
Sensormedics, Jaeger and Cosmed Systems.
Extensive (100+ test subjects) testing experience using hydrostatic densitometry, Bod Pod DXA,
skinfold/anthropometrics, and BIA.
American College of Sports Medicine, 1994 – present.
National Strength and Conditioning Association, 2007 – present.
Southeast Regional Chapter American College of Sports Medicine, 2009 – present.
Mid-Atlantic Regional Chapter American College of Sports Medicine, 2010 – present.
New England Regional Chapter American College of Sports Medicine, 2004 – 2008.
USA Triathlon, 2010 – present.
USA Cycling, 1991 – 2008.
Rudy Project Athlete Ambassador
Honey Stinger Athlete Ambassador
Elite XTerra triathlete – World’s Qualifier, XTerra and ITU Cross Championships 2013-2014
National level duathlete.
Elite cyclist with 15 years, national & international racing experience.
Eleven career wins
Four-time FBD Milk Rás finisher
Five-time Empire State Games medalist
If you’re not thinking ahead, you’re falling behind.