Telford Infant School_ Parent Teacher Association_ President: Sian

Telford Infant School_
Parent Teacher Association_
President: Sian Oustayiannis
Chair: Carole Stockman
Co-Secretaries: Nikki Ross & Claire Welti
Co-Treasurer: Lynn Ward & Brenda Bragg
Fair Co-Coordinator: Lorraine Meredith
Minutes 15th April 2015, 7.30pm
Apologies – Rohini Scragg, Brenda Bragg, Sue Penton, Claire Welti, Claire
Ochoa, Caroline Park, Clare Shah
Attendees – Carole Stockman, Lynn Ward, Louise Briggs, Nikki Ross,
Emily Harwood, Val O’Donoghue, Sian Oustayiannis, Lorraine Meredith,
Lisa Jackson, Kate Gadsby
We officially welcome to Sian as the new president.
 Miscellaneous
Shed Tidy
Fri 24th April morning/ afternoon – weather permitting as need to find clickers
for sponsored bounce.
Ice cream van man
Mr. Ice’s is really keen to work at the summer fair and is prepared to give us 15%
of sales. We will still charge him £10 for the pitch and take the 15% of sales too.
 Treasurers Report
Left in the bank at the end of March we had £12,500
Once the cost of the Lego has gone out this will leave us with £10,700.
The new outdoor garden will cost roughly £7,500 so we will be left with £3000
after this has also gone out.
It was questioned why the school doesn’t have internet banking, the conclusion
was it was due to safety and having set log in details that other people may be
able to get hold of. Lynn will look into this though to see if there is a way of
having it online, and set to a certain limit on the amount being transferred.
“Bags to school” was significantly down this year. Last year we raised £450 and
this year we only raised £90. We think this was possibly due to the charity not
accepting bedding, curtains etc this year. Next collection is Friday 24th April.
 Presidents Report
Sian read out a thank you letter from Ali to all at the PTA.
Carole emailed Sian the pictures of what we bought Ali so this was put on the
newsletter so parents could see what their donations went towards.
Fashion Show - shame it didn’t go ahead but we will re-schedule it for next year.
Lego technology – this is now at the school and Val O’Donoghue is to do some
training to learn how to use it.
New garden – Sian is to meet with the builder next week. This will take about 3-4
weeks to be completed.
 Arts Provision
Val would like to invite an artist into the school to come and work with the
children for one day per year group. This work will be in line with the new
outside classroom. Val wants to make sculptures (such as animals etc). Each
child should end up making one model per person and they will then stay
outside in the new garden space. This will happen this term - June 1st 2nd 3rd.
Everyone at the meeting agreed to this going ahead and it will cost about £900 in
 Sponsored Bounce
Bouncy Castle has been booked to be delivered for 8.30am on 1st May.
The sponsored bounce will take place at 9.15am. Each child has 1 minute to
bounce, 4 children on the castle at each time. Parents stand and count each child
bounce with clickers. Children get sponsored for doing this. Carole and Kate
Gadsby have volunteered.
Timetable for classes needs to be looked at and sponsor forms need to be sent
out ASAP.
 Fathers Day present room
Need at least 270 Fathers Day gifts, as Mother’s Day gift room was so popular.
Spend up to £1 and charge £1.50. Present room will be on Friday June 19th so aim
to get presents for the week before.
 New book bags
Discussed that it will be a good idea to send a note to new parents to let them
know they get gifted book bags so they don’t need to purchase one off the
website and end up with two. The book bags need to be ready for July 8th for
children to have when they come in for their story. Luggage tags to be attached
to these bags to say they are from the PTA. Will need to order 90 luggage tags.
Lisa Jackson and Lorraine Meredith have offered to help tag these up.
Order an extra 10 bags to be in reserve for children who start later on in the year
in all year groups – this will help to promote the PTA as well to new parents.
 Second hand uniform sale
Suggested to try a second hand school uniform sale for the summer fair.
 Upcoming events
Evening for new parents
Evening of June 17th - need people to volunteer for teas and coffees at about
7.45pm. Louise Briggs, Lisa Jackson, Carole Stockman, Lorraine Meredith and
Nikki Ross have volunteered to help for this.
Summer Fair
4th July 2015.
Lorraine to co-ordinate, Lisa Jackson has volunteered to help with this and
Rohini Scragg to help alongside too.
Sub committee summer fair meeting to be held before the next PTA meeting.
Afternoon for new children and parents
July 8th
Reception children come in to have story with new teacher.
Leavers Disco
14th July - DJ has been booked. Children don’t need pay for this one event.
 Leaver gifts for the Year 2’s
We will look into the mugs again that we did last year. Sian is going to have a
look for the details from last year.
Next meeting June 11th at 7.30pm