London Borough of Waltham Forest

London Borough of Waltham Forest
Community Ward Forum
Meeting date: Tuesday 16th June 2015
Meeting time: 7.30pm to 9pm
Location: Cann Hall Methodist Church, 296 Cann Hall Road, Leytonstone E11
Councillors in attendance:
Cllr Keith Rayner (Chair)
Cllr Sally Littlejohn
Cllr Clare Coghill-Cabinet Member for Economic Growth and High Streets
Cllr Patrick Edwards
Tricia Edeam- Fit for Fun
Clerk to the Meeting: Amanda Butler
27 Attendees
No Item
1. Welcome &
Cllr Rayner welcomed residents and introduced Ward
Neighbourhood Cllr Littlejohn gave the following overview to attendees:Plans-what are
 Neighbourhood Plans can influence development in
an area.
It enables communities to have a say in Housing
Developments within their area
A positive outcome of a Neighbourhood Plan resulted
in smaller houses being built within a community
instead of bigger houses.
Southwark’s Neighbourhood Forum is an example of
how a community had a say in Housing
Developments. They opposed housing which could
lead to ghettos.
67 communities have developed Neighbourhood
Cann Hall Ward does not have funding for a
Neighbourhood Plan. However, the Council has
allocated funding for development in Cann Hall and
Cllr Coghill has come to talk about that.
Cllr Coghill – Cabinet Member for Economic Growth and
High Streets gave the following update to residents:
We are keen to listen and understand residents’
priorities in particular in the Cann Hall and Cathall
Cann Hall and Cathall Wards have been selected for
investment because of the Westfields Shopping
Centre and Olympic Park close by.
Key Points:
Cann Hall ward needs a transformative impact by way
of investments into shop front uplifts. Shop uplifts
have already been demonstrated in the Leyton and
Wood Street Wards. The transformation would make
a difference to the community.
The Council have secured £500,000 from the Greater
London Assembly (GLA) ,in order to invest in Cann
Hall Ward.
Residents’ views are important, in relation to
influencing where resources should be focused.
The Council have secured £116 million pounds for the
Borough since 2012. This included the investment
into rebuilding Buxton School.
Neighbourhood Plans are a fantastic tool for the
Interested to hear residents views on priorities for the
Neighbourhood Plans
Gordon Turpin –Chair of Highams Park
Neighbourhood Planning Group has 500 volunteers
High Street Ward tried to start a Neighbourhood
Planning Group but found that residents’ time was
limited to make the Group feasible.
A Neighbourhood Planning Group would be an
important tool for the Cann Hall Ward.
A good example of community cohesion is the
success of the Lord Rookwood Pub not being turned
into a Hostel
Ward Councillors carry out fundamental work on
listening to residents priorities for the area.
Observations of Cann Hall Ward
Wanstead Tap is a good example of investment in the
Cann Hall Ward
Cann Hall Ward consists of a lot of residential
Need to look at ways of helping new and old residents
come together within the community
There will be an impact of the Council’s Selective
Licensing Scheme, which will ensure properties in the
private sector are kept in good condition
Focus on Quality of Life which is demonstrated by:-
1. Good sized and quality houses
2. Good places to go e.g. Bakery and Portuguese cafe in
Lord Rookwood is an example of the community’s
infrastructure which helps define the area
Railway Arches- These are owned by Network Rail.
The Council have entered into talks regarding the
issue of empty arches. They could be utilised by
New Planet Fashions situated in Cann Hall Ward.
Victoria Beckham and Roland Mouret’s garments are
being made by New Planet Fashions. The garments
cost in the range of £2500 each.
The voice of the Community is important. This is the
thrust of Neighbourhood Plans
Is Wanstead Tap closed because I saw a ‘To Let’ sign
outside the premises?
Answer: Cllr Rayner
I will look into it. The Wanstead Tap is an important part of
Neighbourhood Planning.
At the time of compiling minutes, it has been confirmed
that the Wanstead tap is still open. It was closed that
evening, because it closes at 6pm on Tuesdays. Full
details of opening times are available on the Wanstead
Tap website:
Question: Shah Ahmed- Resident Leytonstone Ward
The Neighbourhood Plan tool is very good and needs 500
people. However, if you do not have enough people, I
suggest you think of something else for example, another
Community led project.
Answer: Cllr Coghill
I hope I am not putting people off in relation to the numbers
required. It doesn’t have to be formal. It is essentially about
community engagement and can be an informal group.
Comment: Philip Dundon- 49 Cary Rd E11
Good news, there is £10,000 of funding available to provide
money for a Plan. However, the money has to be spent this
financial year. If people are interested, please contact me
after the meeting.
Question: Cllr Littlejohn
Cllr Coghill, how do you plan to consult residents within the
Cann Hall Ward regarding the secured funding?
Answer: Cllr Coghill
Yes, we will engage with Ward Councillors and stakeholders
initially. There is an opportunity to link into informal group
discussions to affect change. For example, the High Street
Ward are linking informal discussions to their formal forums.
I am happy to conduct visits to residents, businesses and
schools. In particular business who are involved in the
I am interested to hear residents’ views tonight regarding
what they would like to see in the Cann Hall Area in
particular the area from Thatched House up to Langthorne
Park. What would make the area look better?
Answer: Resident
The closure of Bet Fred and Betting shops
Answer: Resident
More shops
Answer: Cllr Coghill
The Council is Limited in what they can do. It is hard to turn
down certain Planning Applications. E.g If the premises
already have planning permission in relation to its usage.
Bookmakers are aggressive in pushing forward planning
Answer: Cllr Rayner
The planning applications for betting shops at Thatched
House and Bakers Arms were both turned down by the
Council. However, the Betting Shops won by Appeal
Question: Resident
I have noticed that the Butchers shop- Gallagher’s at
Thatched House has closed down. Will the shop still be a
Answer: Cllr Rayner
I don’t know
Question: Phillip Dundon- 49 Cary Rd E11
That is why it is important for residents to have a say on
business usage.
Question: Cllr Coghill
I am interested to hear what kind of shops residents would
like to see?
Answer: Resident
A Butchers
Answer: Resident
A Greengrocers
Question: Cllr Coghill
From Langthorne Park to Dr Ali’s Surgery (on left hand-side),
there is a furniture shop which is boarded up. What would
you like to see there?
Answer: Resident
A proper Restaurant
Answer: Resident
A fishmongers
Answer: Resident
Bank/Building Society
Answer: Resident
There used to be a Bank on High Road Leytonstone near to
Eve Rd E11
Answer: Cllr Coghill
The Cann Hall Ward has the North Star Restaurant and The
Red Lion Pub is in our neighbouring Leytonstone Ward.
There is a difference in what High Rd Leytonstone looks like
during the day and evening. What would you like to see for
evening attractions?
Answer: Resident
A Pub/ a place to have a drink
Answer: Cllr Rayner
There are a couple of restaurants around, but I would like to
see a real restaurant- not a fast food restaurant. E.g Elche’s
Answer: Resident
I would like to see an Age Concern Advice shop which
provides literature/advice to the elderly because the Citizens
Advice Bureau (CAB) has closed down.
Answer: Cllr Rayner
The old Greater London House are in a state of Austerity
and are having their funding cut. I set up the Greater London
House in 1982 and filled it up with Community Groups. This
is what Austerity means to a local community.
Question: Mrs Joan O’Brien-16 Newcomen Rd E11
The CAB’s are in libraries now, however no-one knows this.
There needs to be communication to residents via WF News.
Answer: Cllr Rayner
A Community Hub in the ward has been suggested to Cllr
Coghill. A Community Hub would provide advice and
support to residents.
Answer: Cllr Coghill
When I was first elected as Councillor, the Library in St
James St was lost due to cuts. We worked hard on
obtaining grants from external bodies such as NESTA who
awarded us £150,000. If residents are interested, I would
recommend they visit The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17. It
is owned and led by the local community and I am proud to
be part of the initiative by helping to obtain the building.
Answer: Cllr Rayner
The Mill in Coppermill Lane is where St James Street library
used to be. Coppermill lane is at the St James St end of
Walthamstow High St.
Question: Resident
Have you worked out how many facilities Cann Hall Ward
has lost? We do not have a Police Station, a Fire Station or
Question: Dolphins Disability Swim Club
The Dolphins Swim Club still have not got into Cathall Pool
Answer: Cllr Rayner
We have lost approximately 42 Organisations. These
include Community Organisations E.g Groups that conduct
home visits
However, there has been a number of Resident Groups start
since we have been talking about Neighbourhood Plans.
They are discussing issues such as GP Access and the Lord
Rookwood Pub.
Action: Cllr Rayner to look into Lead Team: Community
publicising CAB advice in
Development Team
libraries via WF News.
Jaime Walsh- Manager of Healthwatch Waltham Forest gave
the following overview:
Healthwatch is the Consumer Champion for Health &
Social Care.
It is a National Independent Organisation and there
are 152 local organisations.
Healthwatch England is the parent organisation
Healthwatch acts on patients’ behalf. It feeds back
levels of service in the Health & Social Care sector to
the CQC (Care and Quality Commission)
Health and Social Care plays an important role in
people’s lives
People should expect a good quality of care
What does Healthwatch do?
Gathers intelligence on people’s experiences/opinions
Aims to make sure views are listened to
What do we do with Information?
Healthwatch has statutory Powers and is independent
Work with CQC who inspect Health & Social Care
Can Enter & View Health & Social Care Services E.g
GP Practices/Wards
Provide Information & Advice
Helps to find Health and Social Care Services in area
Can be contacted on 0207 473 9519 or e-mail
Update on Local Services
The following summarises comments on Access to GP’s in
Leyton & Leytonstone
Overall positive comments from local patients included:
Getting to the Appointment
Clinical Treatment
Staff Attitudes
Overall negative comments included:
Issues with Appointment Bookings
GP Practices tending to receive Positive Comments
Hampton Medical Centre
Kiyani Medical Centre
SMA Medical Centre
Comment: Resident
I have had to wait an hour for my appointment in the Kiyanni
Medical Centre
Question: Resident
Do you go to A & E if you can’t get an appointment at the
Answer: Jaime Walsh
There are other out of hours services. You can telephone
NHS 111 if you are unsure of what service to access. It’s
best to try this before going to A & E. There is a new service
opening at 3 GPs to provide appointments on Saturdays.
This will also be an option in the future.
Question: Resident
I have never heard of Healthwatch
Answer: Jaime Walsh
We publicise as much as possible and go out into the
community to meet groups. We deliver talks but there is
always more to do.
Question: Resident
What about the Allum Medical Centre?
Answer: Jaime Walsh
The Allum Medical Centre has largely positive comments
Comment: Resident
The Allum Medical Centre is horrible. You have to queue
outside in rain or shine until 8 am.
Answer: Jaime Walsh
Has anyone made a complaint? I you are not happy with the
service; you should always consider making a complaint. If
services do not know where they are going wrong, they will
not know where to make changes.
Answer: Resident
Answer: Cllr Rayner
I have a positive comment about Dr Samuels in Harrow Rd.
They run a very good forum called the Patients Participation
Committee. It invites patients to make comments on forms
displayed in the practice. The forums should be rolling out
into other Practices shortly.
Answer: Resident
The Allum Medical Centre has the Patients Participation
Comment: Resident
There are 3 Community Matrons in the area. I am not sure if
residents are aware of this
Question: Resident- Nick
Health Professionals have said that the mortality rate in
Cann Hall Ward is higher in comparison to other wards. In
terms of statistical analysis, there is no data being
produced/kept anymore about ill health in Cann Hall Ward
and therefore cannot be measured. I suggest that a study be
conducted into Health statistics on a Ward basis.
Answer: Jaime Walsh
I wasn’t aware of that. Healthwatch are about to join a new
JSNA steering group and may be able to raise that as a
Question: Cllr Coghill
Brilliant point! The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
is an important tool. In relation to Child Health, COPD
(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) mortality rate is
higher in Cann Hall Ward. There are issues in GP’s referring
appropriately. It would be a good idea for MP John Cryer to
raise this as an issue.
In relation to statistical analysis, the key route would be to
write to the Chair of the Clinical Commissioning Group
(CCG)- Mr Anwar Khan.
The Council have minuscule money in relation to Health. The
GP’s have more resources.
(The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment can be found on the
Councils’ website under Public
Health Planning)
Question: Resident
Can you improve the appointment bookings at Whipps
Cross? I got cut off on the telephone when trying to book an
appointment. I had to go there personally to make an
Answer: Jaime Walsh
We have heard from other people reporting similar problems.
Appointments at Whipps Cross are a problem. They
recognise the problem, which is a positive start. I advise you
to escalate any issue to the PALS Service.
In relation to Whipps Cross, there are a number of issues
with the hospital which are currently being worked on
through an improvement plan..
Question: Mrs O’Brien-16 Newcomen Rd
Is it going to close down?
Answer: Jaime Walsh
Question: Cllr Rayner
What is the future of Whipps Cross in relation to Austerity?
How has the publicity impacted on the Hospital?
Answer: Jaime Walsh
Healthwatch are involved in several meetings in relation to
the environment of the hospital and other areas of concern.
There are lots of services at Whipps Cross struggling to run
effectively. There are talks about investing money into the
hospital. There are also discussions about where different
services will be best placed across Barts Health Hospital.
However, there will always be a General Hospital at Whipps
Barts have informed Healthwatch that Whipps Cross is not
closing down, but there will be changes in the next few
Question: Resident
What is your role in ensuring that the hospital is safe and
providing a decent service to residents?
Answer: Jaime Walsh
Healthwatch are in regular communication with the CQC
(Care Quality Committee) regarding Whipps Cross.
Healthwatch fedback intelligence to the CQC which fed into
the recent inspection of Whipps Cross.
The result of the inspection was that Whipps Cross was
provided with an inadequate service rating.
Healthwatch ensures the Patients’voice isn’t lost.
Barts is the biggest NHS organisation in Europe. It is a
There is also a lot of good patient experiences at Whipps
Cross and it is important to share this with Healthwatch too.
Comment: Resident
I had a good experience at Whipps Cross
Comment: Resident
Monday to Thursday is a good service. Friday to Sunday is
not a good service.
Comment: Resident
I think they are going to change that.
Answer: Jaime Walsh
They are working to introduce the following:
7 day working
7 day discharge Services
7 day Social Care Services to support discharge
Question: Bev Mattis-345 Cann Hall Rd
I was at Whipps Cross from 7am to 6pm. They could not tell
me which ward my daughter was in. It was not a good
Answer: Jaime Walsh
We have a meeting with Barts on a monthly basis to address
issues. Whipps Cross is often very full. It might be they
didn’t know where a bed would be available for your
daughter after her surgery so they were unable to tell you.
Whipps Cross recognises there are issues.
Question: Resident
There are never GP evening appointments available.
Answer: Cllr Rayner
The issue is that there has to be a reorganisation of the
Healthcare System. The onus is being placed onto GPs E.g.
Dr J Samuels Practice- They keep appointments open to
meet the health needs of the Community. They have had to
move to a bigger Practice.
The Harrow Green Practice now offers Ultra Sound Service.
This alleviates the pressure from the Services being offered
by Whipps Cross.
Local Health Care facilities need to be addressed.
The reality is that there is a lot of pressure on Hospital
Answer: Jaime Walsh
We need to hear residents’ experiences so that we can
continue to talk to Barts to enable them to make changes.
Question: Bev Mattis-345 Cann Hall Rd
A lot more preventative work would be good.
Answer: Jaime Walsh
The healthcare system has been underfunded and there are
no quick fixes. Healthwatch will continue to share patient
experiences of different services to highlight where
improvements need to be made, as well as sharing where
good practice is taking place.
Comment: Resident
There should be a separate Childrens’ Section at Whipps
Comment: Nick
There are differences between NHS Services. The
£500,000 should be spent on an enquiry into the following
provisions:- Healthcare, Police and Fire Brigade.
Answer: Cllr Rayner
The Neighbourhood Plan is the key tool to improve
Healthcare within the community.
A reminder that the Cann Hall Ward Panel’s meeting has
been cancelled and rescheduled for Thursday 9th July 2015
at 7 pm- Buxton School Leytonstone E11.
Date of Next Cann Hall Community Ward Forum: To be