Click here for a list of slides used in this course

Lab 2 – Eubacteria and Cyanobacteria
Prepared bacterial slides
-bacteria – 3 types
-bacillus – Mycobacterium tuberculosis – gram-ve or gram +ve
-Salmonella typhus (gram –ve)
-E.coli (gram –ve)
-coccus – Neisseria gonnorhea (gram –ve)
-Staphlyococcus aureus (gram +ve) & Micrococcus luteus (gram +ve)
-spirillum – Treponema pallidum (syphilis) or Spirillum voluntans
-colonial – Corynebacterium diptheriae (gram +ve)
- Cyanobacterial slides
Cyanobacteria wet mounts – Anabaena, Spirulina, Oscillatoria, Fisherella
Lab 3 – Protists
Lab Study A – Euglenozoans
-prepared slides -Trypanosoma cruzi (kinetoplastid)
-Typanosoma lewisi
-Trypanosoma gambiense
-Leishmania donovani (kinetoplastid)
-Euglenoid (euglenid)
-wet mounts – Euglena
Lab Study B – Alveolates
-prepared slides - Toxoplasma gondii (apicomplexan)
-Plasmodium (apicomplexan)
-Paramecium conjugation (ciliate)
-Paramecium fission
-Balantidium - tropozoites (ciliate)
-Stentor (ciliate)
-Vorticella (ciliate)
-Ceratium (dinoflagellate)
Lab Study C – Stramenophiles
-prepared slides – diatoms
Lab Study D – Rhizaria
-prepared slides – Radiolaria
-Globigerina (foram)
Lab Study E – Amoebozoans
-prepared slides – Amoeba (gymnamoeba)
-Amoeba proteus
-physarum polycephalum (plasmodial slime mold)
-wet mounts – Amoeba proteus, Physarum polycephalum (plasmodial),
Lab Study F – Green Algae
-prepared slides – Spirogyra conjugation (demo slide)
-wet mounts – Ulva, Volvox, Spirogyra, Chlamydomonas
Lab Study G – Diplomonads & Parabasilids
– prepared slides: Trichomonas vaginalis (parabasalid)
-Giardia lambia (diplomonad)
Lab 4 – Fungus
Lab Study A – Zygomycota
-prepared slides – Rhizopus Stolonifer mycelium & zygosporangia
-Mucor sporangia and zygotes
-3 mold types
Lab Study B – Ascomycota (Sac Fungus & Yeasts)
-prepared slides -Penicillium conidiophores
-Penicillium mycelium
-Aspergillus conidiophores
-Pezizia ascospores
-mold types – Rhizopus, Aspergillus, Penicillium
Lab Study C – Basidiomycota (Club Fungus)
-prepared slides – Coprinus pileus and gills (cs and ls)
Lab Study D - Lichens
-prepared slides: Physcia lichen
Demo slides: budding yeast–Saccharomyces cerevisiae
-Candida albicans yeast
-Aspergillus cleistothecia
-Morel gill wet mount
-Mushroom gill wet mount
Lab 5 – Non –vascular plants (Mosses & Liverworts) and Seedless vascular
plants (Ferns)
Lab Study A: Bryophytes (Moss)
-moss life cycle with archegonia and antheridia
-Mnium archegonium
-Mnium antheridium
-moss protonema
Lab Study B: Hepatophytes (Liverworts) – Marchantia sp.
-liverwort sporocyte
-liverwort life cycle with archegonium and antheridium
Demo slides-liverwort antheridium
-liverwort archegonium
-liverwort gemmae cup
Lab Study C: Seedless Vascular Plants (Ferns, Clubmosses and Quillworts)
-Lycopodium strobilus with sporangia (quillwort) – cross-section and longitudinal
-Selaginella strobilus – cross section and longitudinal section
Lab Study D: Ferns, Horsetails and Whiskferns
-fern life cycle
-fern sporangium with indusium
-Cyrtomium (holly fern) sorus with indusium
-fern prothallium with archegonia
-Psilotum (whisk fern) sporangia longitudinal section (l.s.)
-Equisetum (horsetail fern) sporangia – cross section and longitudinal
-Equisetum spores
Demo slides-fern archegonium
Lab 6 – Seed plants - Gymnosperms
Prepared slides – Pine archegonia/ovule l.s
-Pine pollen grains
-Pine ovulate cone l.s.
-Pine staminate cone l.s
-Male pine with developing staminate cones
-Pine leaf in cross section
-Pine ovule with immature embryo
-Pine embryo with elongating suspensor
-Pine young leaf with needles
-Pine young stem and 1 yr stem (secondary growth)
Lab 7 – Angiosperms
Lab Study A: Flower & Fruit morphology
Prepared slides: –floral bud
-pollen tube
Demo slides – germinating pollen
-Lily ovary megaspore mother cell
-double fertilization
Demo dissection scopes
-Mum ray flower with carpel and stamens
-Mum disc flower with carpel and stamens
-perfect flower – rose anthers
-perfect flower - lily carpels
-perfect flower – lily anthers & carpel
-perfect flower – lily ovary with ovules
Lab Study C: Angiosperm Life Cycle
Prepared slides – lily anthers – 1st division and tetrads
-monocot pollen – typical pollen grains
-capsella mature embryo
-lily ovary embryo sac
-lily floral bud
-zea kernel and embryo
Demo slides – germinating pollen grains
-double fertilization
-megaspore mother cell
Lab 8 – Plant Anatomy
Prepared slides – monocot leaf section – Zea mays
-monocot stem section – Zea mays
-monocot root section – Zea mays
-monocot root tip – Zea mays
-dicot leaf section – Syringa
-dicot leaf section – shade and sun
-dicot leaf bud with abcission zone
-dicot stem section
-dicot root section – Ranunculus
-dicot root tip - Ranunculus
-apical meristem – Coleus stem tip
-dicot stems – annual and mature secondary growth –Quercus rubra (Oak)
-dicot stems – woody growth 1,2,3 yrs – Tilia
-secondary growth – pine stem
-plant tissues: pine needle (c. s)
-psilotum shoot cross section
-equisetum shoot cross section
Demo slides- Pine stem - xylem and tracheids & phloem (green) and sieve cells
-secondary xylem from Oak wood – xylem rays
-Rubinia wood – tracheids and vessel elements (c.s)
-Quercus rubra – earlywood, latewood
-section through a woody stem (Tilia) – growth rings
-Zea mays – monocot leaf vascular bundle
-Ranunculus - dicot root - endodermis
-Medicago (alfalfa) – dicot stem – vascular cambium
-dicot stem – fasicular cambium
-dicot leaf Syringa (lilac) leaf
-air, water and soil roots
-primary and secondary roots
-root nodules
Lab 9 – Animal Diversity I
Sponges & Cnidarians
Lab Study A – Sponges
Prepared slides – Scypha (c.s)
-commercial sponge fibers - Leucoselenia
-Grantia choanocytes
-Grantia spicules
Demo slides – sponge gemmules
-scypha/Grantia – incurrent canals
Lab 9 cont…. – Animal Diversity I
Lab Study B – Cnidarians
Prepared slides – Hydra whole mount
-hydra with bud (l.s.)
-hydra (l.s.)
-hydra cross section
-Aurelia medusoid form
-Obelia young medusa
-Obelia hydroids
Demo slides – Metridium (c.s)
Lab 10: Worms
Lab Study A – Platyhelminthes
Prepared slides – planaria whole mount
-planaria digestive tract
-taenia pisiformis (tapeworm)
-dwarf tapeworm – hymenolepsis nana
-liver fluke (Clonorchis sinensis)
-giant liver fluke (Fasciola gigantica)
-Fasciola hepatica – miracidium and cercaria stages
Demo slides – tapeworm scolex
-tapeworm proglottids
-schistosoma male vs. femal
Lab Study B – Nematodes
Prepared slides – trichenella spiralis (roundworm)
-ascaris (c.s) – male and female
-pin worm (enterobius vernicularis)
Demo slides - hook worm (Necator americanus)
Lab Study C – Annelids
Prepared slides – earthworm (c.s) – anterior to clitellum
-earthworm (c.s.) posterior to clitellum
-earthworm nephridium
-earthworm – three sections
Demo slides – Nereis sandworm – parapodia & setae
-Lumbricus sections