Spirituality: The Key between Life Satisfaction and Body Satisfaction Jennifer L. Faulkner & Sara E. Harding Life Satisfaction An overall enjoyable life, which meets one’s needs and wants and fulfills a high quality of existence. Implies the satisfaction of individual factors Body Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction Psychological issues related to eating and weight can affect global aspects of wellbeing (Greeno et al, 1998). Entire sample of college-aged women report relationship between body satisfaction and self-concept (Webster & Tiggemann, 2001). Spirituality “A state of being reflecting positive feelings, behaviors, and cognitions of relationships with oneself, others, the transcendent and nature, that in turn provide the individual with a sense of identity, wholeness, satisfaction, joy, contentment, beauty, love, respect, positive attitudes, inner peace and harmony, and purpose and direction in life.” –Gomez and Fisher, 2002 Spirituality and Life Satisfaction More spiritual life parallel to greater life satisfaction (Kinnier et al, 2001) Personal spirituality reliably predicts greater satisfaction with life and helps college students cope with stressors (Fabricatore, 2000) Hypothesis High Body Satisfaction Low Body Satisfaction High Spirituality High Life Satisfaction Moderate Life Satisfaction Low Spirituality Moderate Life Satisfaction Low Life Satisfaction Method Participants 67 women from a liberal arts college Ages range from 18-22 52 sorority members; 15 independents Mostly Midwestern 65 white; 2 Hispanic Instruments Life Satisfaction Survey (Diener, 1993) Likert scale 1-7 ___ The conditions of my life are excellent. ___ In most ways my life is close to my ideal. ___ I am satisfied with my life. ___ So far I have gotten the important things I want in life. ___ If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. alpha = .7802 Eating Disorders Inventory -subscale measuring body satisfaction (Vohs et al, 2000) alpha = . 8238 “I like the size of my hips.” Always, Usually, Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never Spiritual Well-Being Questionnaire (Fisher, 1998) alpha = .9008 Examples: “Developing a personal relationship with God.” “Developing a connection with nature.” Results Relationship between body satisfaction and life satisfaction: r = .291, p = .017 Relationship between spirituality and life satisfaction: r = .399, p = .001 No significant relationship between body satisfaction and spirituality. Analysis High Body Satisfaction High Spirituality Low Spirituality Low Body Satisfaction Main Effects Spirituality: F = 4.55, df = 1, p = .039 Body Satisfaction: F = 7.54, df = 1, p = .009 No significant interaction between spirituality and body satisfaction. 2 x 2 ANOVA High Spirituality Low Spirituality High Body Satisfaction Low Body Satisfaction Mean = 29.54 Mean = 26.60 “Life Satisfaction” “Life Satisfaction” Mean = 26.50 Mean = 23.18 “Life Satisfaction” “Life Satisfaction” Life Satisfaction Main Effects 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 Lo Body Hi Body Lo Spirituality Hi Curious Findings Relationship between year in college and life satisfaction: r = .326; p = .007 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 or Se ni ni or Ju or e ho m op Fr es hm an 22 Curious Findings Relationship between body satisfaction and G.P.A.: r = .274; p = .025 Discussion Reviewing Research: - Body satisfaction is a component of life satisfaction. - Spirituality is also a component. Can spirituality compensate for low body image? YES! Implications If the effects of body satisfaction can be offset by spirituality, then the same may be true for other self-perceptions, and… Perhaps we should strive to make spirituality a more important aspect of our daily lives. Future Research Larger, more diverse sample Test other self-perceptions and look for spirituality’s effects. Is there really a link between body satisfaction and G.P.A.? If so, why? Does age play a part in overall life satisfaction?