File - Nutrition Unit

Your Name: Christine Wang
Title of Lesson: Over Nutrition on college campuses
Grade: 3rd
NOTE: Please list at least two complete standards your lesson plan covers. [Common Core State Standards (math and
language arts), Next Generation Science Standards (science), Arizona State Social Studies Standards (social studies)].
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3.1a Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create
an organizational structure that lists reasons.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.6 Distinguish their own point of view from that of the author of a text
Provide an overview/synopsis of the lesson and the topics that it will cover.
The unit is going to be about nutrition and we are going to be focusing on over nutrition on college campuses. On the first
day we are discussing what nutrition is and what exactly does it mean to be healthy and to have a healthy nutrition; what does
having a good nutrition do for us and what it looks like. Throughout the rest of the week we are moving onto the topic of over
nutrition and students will be introduced to what over nutrition is, what can be the causes; we are especially looking into
college students. Towards the middle and the end of the week we will look into over nutrition on college campuses. As a
class we will discuss and write about why it happens, what the students’ opinions are (concern or not) and why. We are going
to take a look at the food choices that are offered, pricing, and the “freshman 15.” As a class we are also going to talk about
why over nutrition is happening so quickly in college and the factors that contribute and find or have the students come up
with solutions to help solve this issue.
Describe what you want students to know/be able to do as a result of the lesson.
For example, “Students will be able to…”
 Write two paragraphs, introducing their topic, their opinion on the topic and reasons to support.
 Distinguish their point of view from the author’s point of view
What measures will you use to know if you students met the objectives?
 Students will accurately write two paragraphs, in the paragraphs students need to include their topic introduction (over
nutrition on college campuses), their opinion (if it is a concern or not), why they believe that and give at least two reason of
 In their two paragraphs the students need to mention one article that we have looked at in class. Students need to write what
the author’s point of view was, what their point of view is and whether they agree or disagree with the author.
What will students need to know prior to completing this lesson and how will you access their prior knowledge?
 Since we are talking about nutrition and food it would help if the students know about food and the different categories food
can fall under for example protein, sugar, carbohydrates, etc. To activate prior knowledge I will use a KWL (know, want to
know, and learned) chart. Students will fill out that chart individually answering what they already know about nutrition,
what they want to know about nutrition, and at the end of the lesson they will fill out what they learned about nutrition.
Before actually going into the lesson and teaching the students about nutrition have a small discussion and ask students what
they know about nutrition (no wrong answers).
List of required materials.
Smart board
Access to internet
Food pyramid
Food samples ( apple, water, chips, French fries, carrots )
List of key vocabulary terms.
 Nutrition:
 Over nutrition:
 Food pyramid:
Procedural Steps (Step by step instructions for teaching the lesson):
1. Start by writing the objectives on the board
2. Read objectives to students and tell them that by the end of the lesson they will be able to write two paragraphs and in those
paragraphs they can introduce their topic, give their opinion on it and gives reasons to support
3. Review with students what they have learned so far about nutrition
4. Ask students what is nutrition
5. Refer to charts on the board that have nutrition definition and facts on it
6. Review the facts that we have learned about nutrition
7. Move onto a review on over nutrition
8. Ask students to tell you what over nutrition is
9. Have students give a definition of over nutrition
10. After review separate students into groups of 4 or 5
11. Have students go into centers
12. Before starting gather students attention
13. Tell students that today they will be applying the knowledge that they have learned so far
14. In the groups students will be given 2-3 articles
15. Students are required to read them
16. After reading them in the groups discuss with the other group members about the article, what was the main idea, what is the
author trying to say? Is there a problem? How does it relate to over nutrition?
17. Give students about 15-20 minutes to read their articles and discuss, however if they need more time give them more time
18. After students are finished reading their articles give them about 10 minutes to discuss in groups
19. Then come back as a whole group
20. After coming back as a whole have students give a brief overview of the article that they have read
21. Have each of the groups share with the class what their article was about, and how it relates to over nutrition, also have them
share any interesting facts that they found
22. Then redirect the group back to you
23. Tell the students that from these articles we can see that over nutrition is very relevant on college campuses
24. Pick out some of the articles and go over what are the causes and why does this happen show using smart board
25. Have students pull out a sheet of paper
26. Each student will write two paragraphs on that paper
27. In the paragraphs they need to include the topic of over nutrition on college campuses that they read about
28. They need to include their opinion if they believe it to be a concern why or why not and use facts from the articles to support
29. Collect the write up when students are finished
30. Wrap up the day by reviewing the main points. Howe over nutrition is relevant and why it happens, what some of the factors
List any references you used to create this lesson. If you borrowed ideas from any lesson plans please note them here. Use APA
Provide a complete explanation of how your lesson plan connects to futures, system, strategic, or values thinking. Define the
way of thinking you selected and used in this lesson plan. Remember, this should be included meaningfully in the lesson plan.
 In this lesson I mostly talked about systems thinking, however the whole unit itself is more futures thinking. In this lesson I
have students research and read about how over nutrition happens on college campuses. Students read about why that
happens and what are the factors that contribute to that for example stress, some people relieve stress by eating, or the price
of food. Good nutritional food is expensive and since students are already paying so much tuition it makes sense that they
want to spend less money on food and since fast food is the most inexpensive that’s what they spend their money on. This
lesson ties everything in from what we learned about healthy nutrition to over nutrition and how we are seeing over nutrition
in college and the reasons why it is happening. This is an example of systems thinking because it shows how all these
different factors are contributing to one problem.