SSE HRAS SS1617_SAS_Approved

Somerset Services to Education Providers 2016-2017
(Service Summary Web Page Text)
Service Provider:
Support Services for Education
Service Summary:
The HR Advisory Service is part of Support Services for Education, which provides a wide
range of services to schools and other educational providers promoting educational
excellence for all the children and young people of Somerset and beyond.
The HR Advisory Service has expertise in supporting Academies, schools and other
providers in the wide and complex area of human resource management, combined with
the up-to-the-minute knowledge of our fully qualified and experienced HR Officers, ensures
our service to Academies is unique, specialised and guaranteed to provide you with
reassurance that your requirements are met whilst delivering true value for money.
Approximately 80% of most schools’ revenue budget is spent on staffing and our aim is to
ensure this most valuable resource is being used effectively, that organisations are well
informed and protected in the rapidly changing world of employment law and that you meet
your contractual responsibilities in respect of Pay and Conditions.
Chargeable Service for Somerset Academy Schools
General Enquiries
8.30 am–5.00 pm
01823 355992
Service Description
Our Package
Generic Support
HR Consultancy Advice and Support
Pay, Benefits and Performance Management
Illness and Injury Provision
Maternity, Paternity, Adoption Provision and Shared Parental Leave
Employee Relations
Staff Recruitment
Contracts of Employment
Termination of Employment
Additional Services
Consultancy Service
Pay and Grading Scheme – Job Descriptions
Bespoke Training
Purchasing Options
HR Advisory Traded Service for Academies
Buy our services here [[Note to service provider from web editor: on the web
page this will link direct to the COS page on the Catalogue site]]
Note: For any ‘Pay As You Use’ options described in the Service Detail please
contact the provider direct.
[[Note from web editor: The following two sections are standard text and should NOT be
edited by anyone other than the web editor.]]
Service Detail
Download [[link]] SSE HR Advisory Service Chargeable Service for Somerset
Academy Schools
How to Order
Click on the basket above to access the SSTEP Customer Ordering System (COS).
Authorised COS users can log in to the COS to place their establishment’s order for
this and any other services they require.
[[Note from web editor:
 All other information other than the above Summary should be included on the
Service Detail text, supplied as a separate document which will be converted to PDF
after editing is completed.]]
SSTEP/SSTEP 2016-2017/02 Academy 1617/02a Chargeable/SSE HR Advisory Service/
05 Approved/SSE HRAS SS1617_SAS_Approved.docx