Psychology 371/372 (MSU Adolescent Program): Course Syllabus

Psychology 371/372 (MSU Adolescent Program): Course Syllabus
Office hours:
Friday 1:00-3:00pm or by Appointment
Phone Number: (517)-355-9519
Location: 236 Psychology Building
Director: Sean Hankins-
Instructor: Nordia Campbell-
Instructor: Ashton Talkovic-
Instructor: Alex Watson-
Welcome to the Adolescent Program!
As a student in this two-term course, it is expected that you will be performing as a student at a
graduate level would be performing. The classes for this program are set up much like graduate
level courses and your involvement within your class should be professional and respectful. It is
fully expected that you will come to every class prepared to: actively participate by listening to
your classmates, openly discussing topics with your classmates, and provide feedback and
suggestions on the case work of your classmates. If you come to class prepared to do the above
you are guaranteed to have an amazing learning experience.
371: COURSE WORK __________________________________________________________
Course Manual will be provided for you online on D2L.
I. Weekly Quizzes:
Weekly quizzes are utilized in order to confirm your understanding of course material. There is a
weekly quiz for units 1-5 and you are required to pass (with at least a 3.0) all 5 quizzes. The
quizzes consist of 4 short answer/ essay questions. Each question is either entirely correct or
entirely incorrect and the grading scale is as follows:
4.0 = All answers correct
3.0 = 3 out of 4 answers correct
2.0 = 2 out of 4 answers correct
1.0 = 1 out of 4 answers correct
0.0 = All answers incorrect or Rewrites not turned in by the next class period
In order to receive a grade for the quiz you must either answer all of the questions correctly on
the first try or if you miss any number of questions on the quiz, you will need to rewrite the
questions and answers correctly in a typed format along with your original quiz and have it turned
in to your instructor by the next scheduled class period. For each correctly answered rewrite
question you will receive an additional 1.0 to your original quiz score. Failure to turn in a rewrite
of questions to your instructor by the next class period will result in a 0.0 for that quiz grade. If
you do not pass each quiz with at least a 3.0 your continued involvement in MSU-AP will be up
to the discretion of the instructor and the program director.
II. Weekly Thought Papers:
A thought paper is required for every unit. Thought papers are based on your opinion, thoughts
and feelings about the readings for each unit. Your papers must be written in APA format (black
ink, 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins). When you refer to articles from the
readings you must cite your references in APA style (refer to the example paper or an APA
manual). Failure to cite your references will earn you a 0.0 for your grade on your paper. Thought
papers are graded on a 4.0 scale. Thought papers are graded on:
Referencing of articles and material
Action Plan/Discussion of next steps—changes
Each section of the thought paper is worth 1.0. This allows you to earn up to a 4.0 on each paper.
III. Community Service Requirement:
Each student is required to do at least 5 hours of community service due at the end of each
semester. The community service placement is the choice of the student, but the student must not
already be involved with the community service placement prior to the start of 371. The
community service placements must be organizations/ agencies that deal with the needs of youth
ranging from the age of 8-17 and that are in the Lansing area. The purpose of this program is so
that students attain field experience and develop a relationship with the local community where
many of the youth reside.
In addition to the community service hours, students are required to write an APA formatted twopage paper that discusses the community experience for each semester. Included in this paper
should be: thoughts about the service provided, feelings around the experience, information about
the services that are available to youth, any concerns that may have surfaced, and questions about
the community activity/ overall experience.
Examples of community service opportunities available, and that meets the above criteria,
include: tutoring centers, Special Olympics, Boys & Girls Clubs, Shelters, Community Centers,
Big Brothers/ Big Sisters, Capital Area Community Services, YMCA, Special Olympics,
Gateway, Lansing School Districts, or local volunteer postings.
Please note that the community service required for PSY 371 cannot coincide with other
class requirements.
IV. Group Presentation:
As an advocate for an Ingham County youth, you will come into contact with a variety of
individuals in different social systems such as education, health, and justice. You will interact
with these systems, and others, as you work with your youth on issues around school grades,
suspension, expulsion, reinstatement, and relationships between school personal and your youth.
You will also work on issues related to sex and sexuality, community-based programming,
abuse/neglect etc…Please note that the philosophy of the Adolescent Program is strength-based
and part of your presentation should focus on this belief. Further, you will work to connect your
youth with employment resources, future educational opportunities, and job shadowing
experiences that will further their success.
In order to better prepare you for these encounters, during the first semester of this course, you
will work in conjunction with your classmates to come up with an issue that will be important to
the interventions that you and your classmates will embark on with your youths. Once you have
identified the issue, and received the approval of your instructor(s), your group with be
responsible for researching the topic thoroughly and developing a short 10-minute Power Point
presentation on the topic.
In addition, your presentation will also incorporate going into the field of your presentation topic,
and interviewing a professional in that field. The presentation includes a 5-minute question and
answer period. Your presentation should fit into the allotted time slot given to you and should not
exceed 15-minutes. Lastly, each group is responsible for creating a brochure that will be passed
out during the presentation. Please see brochure description below for more details.
The information needs to provide a high degree of specificity in describing the resource. The
following questions must be answered in order to develop your presentation:
1) The Purpose of your presentation: Is your topic to bring awareness, prevent, resolve?
2) The connection: how is this connected to ADP, what role does it play in lives of the youth in
3) The Communication: How to assess or make youth aware of your topic of choice?
4) The Professional Support: Interview a professional on your topic and find resources that support it
(videos, songs, etc…)?
5) How to help: What ways can you provide comprehensible knowledge that can be articulated, and
6) What local resources are available?
In addition, to these questions, you will need to answer the following demographic question:
Demographic of your Topic
The unmet need (s) the resource fills,
The name of your resource/agency,
The location of the resource (complete address please- include directions),
The name and title of the contact person,
The phone number/email address, and
A thorough program/resource description.
Additionally, be sure to collect information related to:
Eligibility requirements,
Hours of operation,
Enrollment procedures, and
Transportation options (bus route, provision of transportation, etc.
The grading for these presentations will be based on:
 Content Material: Ability to demonstrate knowledge of topic discussed and use
of proper terminology, along with clear transitions from one sub-topic to the next
throughout the presentation, and a clear and concise overall presentation of
research material found on the groups topic of choice.
 Time Management: Ability to make proper use of time given for presentation,
guest speaker and question and answer section. Presentations in full should not
exceed 15 minutes.
 Appearance: Group members are required to wear “business professional” attire
that coincides with the rest of the group’s attire.
 Knowledge & Use of Technology: Groups ability to demonstrate proper use of
technology for their presentation such as; Power Point, Audio and Visual
equipment, and other technologies that may be used to enhance a groups
presentation (Stereo, video clips, etc.)
 Brochure: A tri-fold brochure designed for other MSU-AP advocates to use for
reference on the topic that was presented. Information provided on the brochure
should include useful information that is relevant to the MSU-AP advocate. The
brochure should be done in a manner that is professional and appealing to others.
The presentation will be in front of Adolescent Program student in all sections, as well as
instructors and program directors. The event will take place on two consecutive evenings. The
dates and times will be assigned at a later date. Attendance at both sessions, for the entire
length of the session is mandatory. Attendance will be taken. You will be given enough notice
to let employers and any other engagements know that you will not be available to work or
participate in those activities for those two evenings.
Critiques: You will be individually responsible for writing a one-page typed critique of
the other group presentations and handing those in to your instructor at the next class
period. You are expected to not say whether you just liked or didn’t like the presentation,
but instead you will be evaluating the presentation as though you were the instructor.
V. Class Participation
Each week you are required to have the Unit read before the start of class. This way you can
contribute to the discussion and offer insights. Your participation in class will be graded.
PSY 371/372: Grading
General Grading Requirements – In each semester the following applies to all students:
1. This is a two semester course. No letter grades will be assigned until both 371 & 372 are
completed. After Psychology 371, students will be given a grade of “ET”. The “ET’s”
will be changed to a letter ONLY after completion of 372.
2. Enrollment in 372 is at the discretion of the Instructor AND contingent upon successful
completion of Psychology 371.
3. Attendance is mandatory – no absences are allowed – any absences will result in the
student being dismissed from the class and a grade of 0.00 will be assigned.
4. All written assignments must be turned in on the date due. Any written assignment not
turned in on the due date will result in a grade of 0.00 for that assignment. All
assignments must be turned in. Any assignment not completed will result in dismissal
from the class and the assignment of a grade of 0.00.
5. Violation of the confidentiality policy of the class will result in dismissal from the class
and the assignment of a grade of 0.00.
6. The principles of truth and honesty are recognized as fundamental to a community of
teachers and scholars. The University expects that both faculty and students will honor
these principles and in so doing protect the validity of University Grades. This means
that all academic work will be done by the student to whom it is assigned, without
unauthorized aid of any kind. If any instance of academic dishonesty is discovered by an
instructor, it is his or her responsibility to take appropriate action. Depending on his or
her judgment of the particular case, he or she may give a failing grade to the student on
the assignment for the course. The student who receives a failing grade based on a
charge of academic dishonesty may appeal a judgment made by a department, school, or
a college. In Psychology 371 & 372, this policy applies to all oral and written work as
well as the community service and field work with youth and families.
371 Grading System
Weekly grades will be assigned according to the following formula. Weekly grades will
constitute 80% of the semester grade. At the end of the semester, weekly grades will be totaled
together with grades for Community Service (10%) and Group Presentations (10%). In other
words, the weekly grades will constitute four fifths of the semester grade and Community Service
and Group Presentations will constitute one fifth.
During Training – Before Case Assigned
Written Quizzes,
Homework and
Assignments (oral
quizzes, role plays, in
class assignments).
Thought Paper
Class Discussion
Percent of weekly grade
During Training – After Case Assigned
Written Quizzes,
Homework and
Assignments (oral
quizzes, role plays, in
class assignments).
Thought Paper
Case Responsibility
Class Discussion
After Training – Before Case Assigned
Percent of weekly grade
Class Discussion
Percent of weekly grade
After Training – After Case Assigned
Case Responsibility
Class Participation
Percent of weekly grade
Group Presentation
Community Service
Percent of semester grade
End of Psychology 371
NOTE: All grades for Psychology 371 will be held until the end of Psychology 372 and then
will be recorded on student’s transcripts. Until that time Psychology 371 grades will be
recorded as “ET” (extension).
PSY 371/372: General Case Grading _____________________________
I. Case Grading
Once the training has been completed, and class begins to be based solely on case responsibility,
weekly grades will be based on the following two criteria:
1. Case Goal Grading: Students must make a diligent effort toward meeting weekly goals
agreed upon in supervision. Each goal will make up a % of your case grade. The % will
vary based off how many goals you have for that week. For example, if you have 4 goals
your grade each goal will be worth 25%. If you have 3 goals each goal will be based off
33.3 %.
2. Participation Grading: Students must spend 6-8 hours with, or on behalf of her/his
youth, for each week of the intervention. The time spent with the youth every week must
be split across at least two meetings throughout the week. Failure to spend the minimum
hours with the youth, or on behalf of the youth, will result in a 0.0 for this portion of your
3. Mandatory Requirements Grading: Students must submit the following throughout the
span of the case work as required for 372
 Weekly Progress Reports,
 Mid-Intervention Report,
 Completion Report
 Completion Packet
 Log Book.
Note: If a student doesn’t complete his/her 6-8 hours a week that week will be repeated. If a
meeting is missed or hours are not completed because of the student, they will be penalized by
starting the scale from a 2.0. If hours are less than 6 hours the week will be repeated. Refer to the
BAMN worksheet given out to you to determine if you will be docked for not meeting hours.
Throughout the intervention each student will have a random check of their case and an evaluation
from MSU-AP staff.
Psychology 372:COURSE WORK__________________________________ ______________
I. Case Responsibility
Case responsibility work accounts for your entire grade for 372. The requirements are the same for 371
and 372 for case responsibilities (see PSY371/PSY 372 General Case Grading criteria above).
II. Mid-Intervention Report
The Mid-Intervention Report is a mandatory requirement of your 372 case responsibilities. This report is
a 2-page document intended for court personnel (see manual for example). This document should be
written in a professional voice. When writing this document, be sure to think about your audience and
remember that you are presenting a case review for a court officer. The report should emphasize the
strengths of the youth and the positive aspects of your intervention without hiding important facts and
The Mid-Intervention Report should accomplish the following:
 Update the court officer of case progress to date
 Outline unmet needs of the youth
 Discuss the efficacy of implemented strategies
 Introduce the youth’s strengths
 Outline goals for the remaining weeks of the intervention
 Include Service Hours, Youth Name and Referee or Probation officer
The due date of the Mid-Intervention Report varies for each student depending on when the student is
assigned a youth and when the 372 semester ends. The entire intervention is 18 weeks, so in a case that
will meet the full 18 weeks the final draft of the Mid-Intervention Report is due on the 9th week of the
intervention. The initial draft is due the week before the final draft is due. The due date of this report
should be assessed at the time when the student is assigned a case. Failure to turn in the MidIntervention Report by the final due date will result in 0.0 grade overall grade for 372.
III. Completion Report
The Completion Report is another mandatory requirement of your 372 case responsibilities. This report is
in the same format as your Mid-Intervention Report and should also be written for court personnel and
written in a professional voice (see manual for example). In addition to all of the elements included in the
Mid-Intervention Report, you need to include projected goals and needs for your youth. These can be
offered as recommendations for the people and systems involved with your youth.
The completion report is due on the last week of your intervention. As is the case with the MidIntervention Report, you will be required to bring an initial draft to class the week prior to its due date.
Failure to turn in the Completion Report by the final due date will result in a 0.0 overall grade for
IV. Completion Packet
The completion packet is another mandatory requirement of your 372 case responsibilities. This packet is
a collection of pieces that both reflects the time you spent with your youth and your projection of your
youth’s future (see manual for example).It can include anything that helps to connect your kid with
everything you’ve done. The final completion packet should combine the appropriate elements of the
agreement pack and the advocacy pack. The termination packet should provide information that allows
your youth to review the varied techniques used throughout the intervention. The pack should reflect your
youth’s current interests and desires. It should also anticipate the youth’s future goals, needs, and skills,
and is given to your youth at the end of the 18 week intervention.
You should build your completion packet as your intervention progresses. Do not wait until the last few
weeks to put this together. One example, offered by a past advocate, is to get a camera (either one you
own or a disposable) and shoot one or two pictures a week. These pictures would eventually be part of
your completion packet.
The completion packet is due the week before your final week with your youth. You need to bring your
termination packet to class in order to receive feedback and ideas from your classmates, and so your
instructor can give you credit for completing it. Failure to turn in the Completion Packet by the week
before your last week with your youth will result in a 0.0 overall grade for 372.
V. Log Book
The Log Book is another mandatory requirement of your 372 case responsibilities. This book will provide
a detailed account of everything you do during your eighteen weeks with your youth. Your log book is
more than a reminder log; it is a record of the intervention. Your log book also is considered a research
tool. The information you provide may be used to conduct research on the Adolescent Program. As such,
you should err on the side of putting too much information rather than too little information. (Refer to the
log book protocol below) All log books must be typed in a Google document. Failure to print out the
Log Book by the last day of class will result in a 0.0 overall grade for 372.
Random log book checks will be conducted throughout the intervention. It is extremely important
to maintain all records and notes weekly.
Log Book Protocol
1. Every student must have a Gmail account. If you have one great if not please create one!
a. To do this go to
b. Click create an account.
c. Fill in your information and click next step. You will be asked to create a profile you do
not have to do this and continue to
d. In the upper right hand corner you will see your email address and a square figure. Click
the figure and then click on Drive.
e. Once you are in the Drive, create a new Google Doc by clicking on the Red New button.
2. First page of your Log Book should have: Log Book, Youth’s Initials, and Class Semester
a. Example- Log Book, A.W., Fall 2015-Spring 2016
3. Next few pages will be the table of content pages.
a. Use the exact table that is on the next page.
b. You may need to have more than one page for this.
c. Example-
Table of Contents
Youth’s house
Page Number
4. Start a new page to begin writing your entries ( you may have more than one entry on a single
a. Be sure to have page numbers except for the cover page.
b. Title the entry with Week Number and the Date. (Each entry should be for every single
face to face interaction, not by the week)
c. Example- Week 2, March 5, 2015
5. Each entry is a chance for you to reflect on the time spent with your youth and your own personal
growth. Your entries should be being strength-based and focus on what you are learning from this
mentorship experience. Answer these questions in each entry.
a. Brief description of what you did with your youth, any conversations, or feelings either of
you had that day.
b. What strengths did you find out about yourself this week?
c. What did your youth do really well this week?
d. Did any conflicts arise? If so how did you handle them?
e. What can I do to prepare for future weeks with the youth?
Psychology 372 COSTS
Students may be assigned to work with a youth anywhere in Ingham County. Each student is responsible
for completing intervention activities, even if the youth lives far from MSU. If a youth lives outside of a
15 miles radius from MSU, the student shall be reimbursed for their mileage to and from the youth’s
residents after the 15mile radius.
Please note that time spent during the intervention can be costly. It is up to the student to determine the
types of activities they will be doing with the youth. Often times many youth do not come from money or
have money so please do not assume that the youth will pay for their own expenses. There are several
free and low-cost activities in the area.
Psychology 372: GRADING
372 Grading System
Weekly grades will be assigned according to the following formula. Weekly grades will constitute 80%
of the semester grade. At the end of the semester, weekly grades will be totaled together with grades for
Mid-Intervention Report (10%) and Termination Report & Termination Packet (10%). In other words,
the weekly grades will constitute four fifths of the semester grade and the Reports & Packet will
constitute one fifth.
Before Case Assigned
Class Discussion
Percent of weekly grade
Case Responsibility
Class Participation
Percent of weekly grade
After Case Assigned
Attendance Policy:
Attendance during Psychology 371/372 is mandatory. These courses will meet during the first week of
classes (even if your section meets before classes actually begin) and during Finals Week. All students
who have been assigned to a youth are expected to work a full 6-8 hours per week with that youth during
these two weeks.
If you do not attend class you will receive a 0.0. If you are late to class this grade will be reduced
depending on the extent of your tardiness. Please note that in the syllabus it says that you may not miss
class at all, for any reason, and doing so will result in a 0.0 for the 372 semester grade. You are allowed
two late arrivals in a semester before receiving a 0.0 for the 372 semester grade. The only excused
absences are listed under the University guidelines on excused absences. If you are excused for an
absence, you must make the time up during the timeline the instructor has given. If you don’t make up the
time, this will be grounds for dismissal and you will receive a 0.0 for both PSY 371 and PSY 372.
0 – 10 (minutes)
10 – 15 (minutes)
15 – 20 (minutes)
>20 (minutes)
Tardiness Policy
No Penalty
3.5 Grade (Starting point for the week)
3.0 Grade (Starting point for the week)
0.0 Grade
Two tardies over 20 minutes= one unexcused absence; this is grounds for dismissal
You will not want to take this class if attendance is a problem for you. Attendance throughout the
entire class period is required.
All Students and Staff must follow the NASW code of ethics as well as Michigan State University
policies on inclusion, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title IX’s Sexual Assault and Sexual
Harassment policies/protocol, Resource Center of person with Disabilities (RCPD) and cooperate with
Religious Holidays.
All students participating in MSU-AP must maintain a professional environment inside and outside the
All students must dress in a peer professional manner while working with youth, agencies, and school
All networking websites (i.e. Facebook, twitter, or any other social media sites) must have a
private/restriction setting on them
Title IX:MSU Statement Regarding Sexual Assault as a form of Sexual Harassment
Michigan State University is committed to maintaining an environment that is safe and that
supports educational and career advancement on the basis of job and academic performance.
Sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking subvert the mission of the University and
offend the integrity of the University community. Sexual assault is not only an act of physical
violence, but an attack on one’s sense of safety, well-being and dignity. It is not tolerated at
Michigan State University.
Sexual assault is a form of sexual harassment. The MSU Sexual Harassment Policy prohibits all
forms of sexual harassment, including sexual assault. The MSU Sexual Harassment Policy
applies to all members of the University community – faculty, staff, and students. The Policy
also prohibits sexual harassment by third parties toward members of the University community.
Relationship violence: Harm or abuse, or threats of harm or abuse, arising out of a personal,
intimate relationship. Relationship violence can be a violation of MSU’s Sexual Harassment
Policy. Relationship violence can also be a crime under the Michigan penal code.
Sexual violence: A term used to refer broadly to a number of different physical sexual acts
including rape, sexual assault, sexual battery and sexual coercion. MSU’s definition of sexual
assault encompasses all of these acts.
Because Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence is a crime against the state, we are
mandated to communicate the information to proper authorities.
In order to participate and successfully complete the MSU Adolescent Program (PSY 371/372), you must
meet the following requirements in addition to all requirements outlined in the general PSY 371/372
course syllabus. Any failure to satisfy these requirements, could result in 0.0 for either PSY 371 or 372
and/or immediate dismissal from PSY 371/372.
You must complete 5 hours of community service within MSU ADP age range and within
Ingham County for each semester (PSY 371 and PSY 372)
Upload All Previous Weekly Progress Reports to Angel by 12:00am before your day of class
Once assigned, prepare and present 3 potential goals for the following week in class
I understand that I am to supervise and I am responsible for any activities my youth or those who
accompany them during our direct time together. If my youth engage in any illegal activity while
in my presence, I will immediately contact my supervisors. Failure to do so is grounds for dismal.
Presentations Topics Due: 4th week of semester
Community Service Organization selection: 5th week of semester
Mock Presentation Due: three weeks before final exams week
Presentation Day 1: Week before final exams week
Presentation Day 2: Week before final exams week if needed.
Community Service 5 hours due: Week before final exams for each semester
Remember You Are Representing A National Award Program For Over 40 Years.
In signing this document, I, ______________________, understand the above comments in this Syllabus
Addendum and agree to accept these conditions.
ADP Student_______________________________