Hwa Chong Institution (High School Section) Scheme of Work 2012 Subject: Cultural Differentiation Level: Secondary 4 Key : Semester 1 Curriculum of Core Strand Curriculum of Connection Curriculum of Practice Short CQ quiz – evaluate CQ competencies and how to improve CQ score Schedule Term 1 Weeks 1-2 1. The Importance of Cultural Intelligence Explain the four different ways to measure Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Explain the importance of CQ in the development of an individual Term 1 Weeks 3-4 2. Analysing the case studies – China’s Me Generation & The American Presidential Election 2008 Characteristics of American society – roles of women, youth, leadership Characteristics of Chinese society – roles of women, youth, leadership 3. The Evolution of the Role Term 1 Reading and Reasoning Comparison between American/Chinese societies and Singapore’s society – roles of youth, women and leadership. Students to conduct research on Chinese and American societies and select a phenomenon which intrigues/fascinates him. The selected articles must be brought to class to discuss the similarities and differences between Chinese and American societies. Use Paul’s Wheel of Reasoning to analyse the case studies provided. (Reading & Reasoning) Debate: The women of Assume role of a human 1 Curriculum of Identity Reflective Journal 1: Reflect on cultural intelligence. Reflective Journal 2: Which society do you deem to be more progressive and why? (Reading & Reasoning) Reflective Journal Hwa Chong Institution (High School Section) Scheme of Work 2012 Subject: Cultural Differentiation Semester 1 Curriculum of Core Weeks 5-7 of Women – Stature of the Chinese Woman Definition of gender equality Status of women in China - in cities and in rural towns Progress of the status of women in China from the collapse of the Qing Dynasty to present 4. The Evolution of the Role of Women - Role of Feminism in America Status of women in America Hillary Clinton as a representation of the progress which women has made in America (Candidacy in 2008 and her position in American government) Term 1 Weeks 8-10 5. Youth Trends – Political Activeness in China in the 20th Century & Political Apathy in Modern China Level: Secondary 4 Strand Curriculum of Connection Curriculum of Practice America have progressed leap and bounds ahead in their fight for gender inequality, as compared to the women in China. To what extent do you agree with this statement? How far do you believe that it is possible for gender equality to be achieved in China? (Reading & Reasoning) Discussion: is youth apathy necessarily an evil? (Reading & Reasoning) Reasons for political apathy among youth in China 2 resource consultant in a MNC. The company is planning to send a female American to China to manage a department. Identify the cultural differences she might encounter and how she could overcome these differences and exercise her leadership effectively over a team of Chinese employees. Curriculum of Identity 3: How have the changing roles of women in society made an impact on you? You may draw on examples from China, the United States and/or Singapore. Assume role of a political analyst: [EXAM]Reflective compare the extent of youth Journal 4: Reflect apathy in China and America. on youth apathy. Propose how the youths can be Also, how far do engaged in the country in which you see yourself youth apathy is more evident as an apathetic youth? Hwa Chong Institution (High School Section) Scheme of Work 2012 Subject: Cultural Differentiation Semester 1 Curriculum of Core Level: Secondary 4 Strand Curriculum of Connection Curriculum of Practice Implications of political apathy among youth in China Extent of youth apathy in China [EXAM]Reflective Journal 5: Reflect on the seminar discussions and course thus far. Youth Trends – The 08 Campaign: Tapping into the power of apathetic American youths Reasons for political apathy among youth in America Role of Obama’s presidential campaign in overturning youth apathy in America Extent of youth apathy in America 6. Term 2 Weeks 1-3 Youth Trends – Education in China Priorities of the Chinese education system Issues and concerns with how education is failing to prepare students with skills to excel in a globalised world (Issues: academicdriven, cheating, competitiveness) 7. Curriculum of Identity Case study: The Tiger Mother’s beliefs are not exclusive to Asian and Chinese beliefs and are reflective of American parents too. How far do you agree? (Reading & Reasoning) 3 Role-play: A classroom scenario where a student from China enters and interacts in an American classroom. Illustrate the cultural difficulties/issues he might face. (Other scenarios can include an American student who enters a classroom in China, a classroom in China with an American teacher, a classroom in America with a teacher from Reflective Journal 6: Reflect on education and your ideals of education. (Reading & Reasoning) Hwa Chong Institution (High School Section) Scheme of Work 2012 Subject: Cultural Differentiation Semester 1 Curriculum of Core Term 2 Weeks 4-6 8. Youth Trends – Education in America Priorities of the American education system Issues and concerns with how education is failing to prepare students with skills to excel in a globalised world (Issues: lack of academic rigour, lack of science/engineering talent for US economic recovery, influx of Chinese university undergraduates) Validity of the anxiety that the Chinese and Asian students have progressed leaps and bounds ahead of American students 9. Leadership Styles – A Chinese Enigma? Chinese political system Traits of Chinese political leadership Chinese attitudes towards political leadership Level: Secondary 4 Strand Curriculum of Connection Curriculum of Practice Curriculum of Identity China) Debate: Only democracies are able to garner support from their citizens. (Reading & Reasoning) 10. Leadership Styles – The Evolving Role of American 4 Compare and contrast the various perspectives of Americans towards American political leadership on google docs/discussion forum: MOSH by Eminem [MTV] (http://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=BPZmu0uuuCQ) American economist Milton Friedman on his ideal society Reflective Journal 7: Reflect on political leadership. Reflective Journal 8: Having examined the relationship between government and society in China Hwa Chong Institution (High School Section) Scheme of Work 2012 Subject: Cultural Differentiation Semester 1 Curriculum of Core Level: Secondary 4 Strand Curriculum of Connection Curriculum of Practice Presidents American political system Traits of American political leadership American attitudes towards political leadership [as demonstrated from the 2011 Debt Crisis] Term 2 Weeks 7 - 8 11. Consultations for Research Paper Term 2 Weeks 9-10 12. Leadership Styles – A Case of Two Countries Historical forces which influenced the American and Chinese styles of international leadership International opinion towards American’s style of international leadership International opinion towards China’s style of international leadership Discussion: China can never hope to become a world leader, insofar as the current leadership remains in power. To what extent is the above statement valid? Discussion: America’s time as a world leader is coming to an end. How far is the above statement valid? (Reading & Reasoning) 5 (http://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=prmggcDVe6w) Video on Lyndon B Johnson, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton (http://www.learner.org/courses /democracyinamerica/dia_7/dia _7_video.html) Curriculum of Identity and America, reflect on and explain which society you would be more comfortable living in. (Reading & Reasoning) Assume role of a leader in the Middle East. Discuss which world leader you prefer and why. Do take into account your country’s historical circumstances, traditional ties with China and America and current economic and political priorities. (Reading & Reasoning) [EXAM]Reflective Journal 9: Reflect on your beliefs and cultural views. Discuss how far history, political leadership and education might have affected your worldview. [EXAM]Reflective Journal 10: Reflect on the course of study, discussions and assessment for Cultural Hwa Chong Institution (High School Section) Scheme of Work 2012 Subject: Cultural Differentiation Semester 1 Curriculum of Core Level: Secondary 4 Strand Curriculum of Connection Curriculum of Practice Curriculum of Identity Differentiation in Year 4, Semester 2. Processes (include pedagogies and indicate infusion of ICT) Compare and contrast Logical sequence of events Cause and effect Predicting consequences Problem solving Reading & Reasoning Collaborative Learning (Google docs) Online forum discussions/comments on reflective journals Products (Assignment s/ Tests/ Practicals) Environment 1. Term Presentation 2. Term Paper 3. Research Paper Seminar Discussions Student Presentations Reflective Journals (blogs & comments) Online forums 10 Reflective Journals & Comments Resources 1. The Importance of Cultural Intelligence Livermore, David. “CQ: The Test of Your Potential for Cross-Cultural Success”. Forbes, 1 June 2010. Retrieved 18 Nov 2011. (http://www.forbes.com/2010/01/06/cq-cultural-intelligence-leadership-managing-globalization.html) Lopis, Glenn. “The Lack of Cultural Intelligence is Damaging Our Enterprises and Our Economy”. Forbes, 30 May 2011. Retrieved 19 Nov 6 Hwa Chong Institution (High School Section) Scheme of Work 2012 Subject: Cultural Differentiation Semester 1 Curriculum of Core Level: Secondary 4 Strand Curriculum of Connection Curriculum of Practice Curriculum of Identity 2011. (http://www.forbes.com/sites/glennllopis/2011/05/30/the-lack-of-cultural-intelligence-is-damaging-our-enterprises-and-our-economy/) 2. Analysing the case studies – China’s Me Generation & The American Presidential Election 2008 Elegant, Simon. “China’s Me Generation”. TIME magazine, 11 July 2007. Retrieved 7 June 2010. (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1647228,00.html) Li, Li. “The 'Me Generation”. Beijing Review, 28 February 2008. Retrieved 7 June 2010. (http://www.bjreview.com/print/txt/200802/03/content_100662.htm) Egan, Timonthy. “Save Us, Millennials”. New York Times, 3 Jun 2010. Retrieved 4 June 2010. (http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/03/save-us-millennials/?scp=4&sq=obama%20youth&st=cse) Hais, Michael & Winograd, Morley. "It's Official: Millennials Realigned American Politics in 2008". Huffington Post. 17 November 2009. Retrieved 4 Jul 2011. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-hais-and-morley-winograd/its-official-millennials_b_144357.html) Pew Research Centre. “The Millenials: Confident. Connected. Open to Change. Pew Research Centre, 24 Feb 2010. Retrieved 4 Jul 2011. (http://pewresearch.org/pubs/1501/millennials-new-survey-generational-personality-upbeat-open-new-ideas-technology-bound) China's 'Me' Generation - CBN.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbkK8_25vwc&feature=player_embedded Generation WE: The Movement Begins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vknHKTy1MLY&feature=player_embedded 3. The Evolution of the Role of Women in the East and in the West – Stature of the Chinese Woman Hornby, Lucy. “China’s women struggle for a foothold in power”. Reuters, 7 Mar 2010. (http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6270FZ20100308). Retrieved 9th June 2010. Hume, Marion. “Not Your Mother’s China”. TIME magazine, 11 July 2008. (http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/article/0,28804,1714683_1714625_1714281,00.html). Retrieved 9th June 2010. Lee, Choo Kiong. (2010, 22 November). That 'single' lie to get a job in China. The Straits Times. (See attachment below) The Straits Times (2010, 18 December). Over 70% of China's women want suitor to own home: Poll. The Straits Times. (See attachment below) Wang, Anyi. One China, Many Paths – Tales of Gender. London: Verson Books, 2003. (pp. 250-256) 7 Hwa Chong Institution (High School Section) Scheme of Work 2012 Subject: Cultural Differentiation Semester 1 Curriculum of Core Level: Secondary 4 Strand Curriculum of Connection Curriculum of Practice Curriculum of Identity 4. The Evolution of the Role of Women - Role of Feminism in America Bunting, Madeleine. "Clinton is proving that a feminist foreign policy is possible - and works". Guardian, 16 January 2011. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2011/jan/16/hillary-clinton-feminist-foreign-policy). Retrieved 1st July 2011. Dowd, Maureen. “A Flawed Feminist Test”. New York Times, 13 February 2008. (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/13/opinion/13dowd.html). Retrieved 10th June 2010. Paglia, Camille. "Hillary Clinton's candidacy has done feminism no favours". The Telegraph, 24 May 2010. Retrieved 19th Nov 2011. (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/personal-view/3558713/Hillary-Clintons-candidacy-has-done-feminism-no-favours.html) Washington Post."The Political Career of Hillary Rodham Clinton". Washington Post. Retrieved 20th Nov 2011. (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/gallery/2007/11/08/GA2007110800889.html) 5. Youth Trends – Political Activeness in China in the 20th Century & Political Apathy in Modern China Moise, Edwin E. Modern China Third Edition. Pearson Longman, 2008. (pp. 223-231) Elegant, Simon. “China’s Me Generation”. TIME magazine, 11 July 2007. Retrieved 7 June 2010. (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1647228,00.html) Li, Li. “The 'Me Generation”. Beijing Review, 28 February 2008. Retrieved 7 June 2010. (http://www.bjreview.com/print/txt/200802/03/content_100662.htm) Spence. Jonathan D. The Search for Modern China. WW. Norton & Co., 1990 (pp718-727, 738-747) FlorCruz, Jamie, Chang, Emily and Saeed, Ahmed. CNN, 4 June 2009. China’s Youth post – Tiananmen: Apathy a Fact or Front? Retrieved 20th Nov 2011. (http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/06/03/china.post.tiananmen.generation/index.html) 6. Youth Trends – The 08 Campaign: Tapping into the power of apathetic American youths Wolf, Naomi. “Hey, Young Americans, Here’s Text for you”. The Washington Post, 25 November 2007. Retrieved 7 June 2010. (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/11/23/AR2007112301302_pf.html). Klein, Jones. “Inspiration vs. Substance”. TIME magazine, 7 February 2008. Retrieved 7 June 2010. 8 Hwa Chong Institution (High School Section) Scheme of Work 2012 Subject: Cultural Differentiation Semester 1 Curriculum of Core Level: Secondary 4 Strand Curriculum of Connection Curriculum of Practice Curriculum of Identity (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1711094,00.html) Toner, Robin & Sussman, Dalia. “Obama’s Support Grows Broader”. New York Times, 26 February 2006. Retrieved 7 June 2010. (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/26/us/politics/26poll.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1) Lang, Susan. "Survey shows college students - often ignored in polls - are engaged in the election". Cornell Chronicle, 28 October 2008. Retrieved 4 July 2011. (http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/Oct08/election.collegesurvey.html) Egan, Timonthy. “Save Us, Millennials”. New York Times, 3 Jun 2010. Retrieved 4 June 2010. 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Do take note of readers’ responses 9 Hwa Chong Institution (High School Section) Scheme of Work 2012 Subject: Cultural Differentiation Semester 1 Curriculum of Core Level: Secondary 4 Strand Curriculum of Connection Curriculum of Practice Curriculum of Identity 8. Youth Trends – Education in America Paul, Annie Murphy. “Tiger Moms: Is Tough Parenting Really The Answer?” Time Magazine, 20 Jan 2011. (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2043477,00.html) Retrieved 21 Nov 2011. Bartlett, Tom & Fischer, Karin. “The China Conundrum”. New York Times, 3 Nov 2011. (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/06/education/edlife/the-china-conundrum.html?pagewanted=all). Retrieved 20 Nov 2011. Rotherham, Andrew J. “Shanghai Surprise: Don’t Sweat Global Test Data”. Time Magazine, 20 Jan 2011. (http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2043312,00.html) Retrieved 22 Nov 2011. Kristof, Nicholas. “China’s Education System”. New York Times, 15 January 2011. 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