
MultiMedia Presentation Clarifications
& some paper questions answered too! 
Here are three fantastic examples – remember, I change the requirements a little each year –
but these give you a good idea of where you can go. Be creative though! I don’t want to limit
how you present! You have some great technology in your hands – use it! 
• Selling of Human Organs:
• Sample PSA:
• Full Presentation:
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:Is the PSA a short clip that we make? Do we include
the history, extent, repercussions, and etc. or do we just
choose one?
A:Yes, the PSA is something you create – it is
a minimum of 30 seconds. You are ONLY
focusing on the band aid solution. When you
present you need to share the PSA when you
address the band aid solution.
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:Is there not a speaking portion for the grading
A: Yes, there is Tonal/Presentation Skills
which includes eye contact, voice/flow,
articulation/professionalism. Points can also
be deducted if there are issues when you
present your media – overall effectiveness &
integration into presentation.
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:Can we do a poll before and after the
A: Yes, you can – but be careful that you
build enough time. You could do this by just
asking questions, or you could using a QR
code … there are a lot of optins.
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:Could we get a list of all the requirements
without the tips (a checklist or something similar)
A:It is in the power point overview that is
online. If you would like to, you can print out
the slides that have the key ideas. Slide 2
has the bulk of the requirements.
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:What does it mean by 3 different t types of
A:You have to have three different “things” that
were created electronically. One will be your
PSA, the other two could be a prezi, keynote,
corkboard – anything that you yourself make
electronically. It could actually also be
something you find – like a short clip from a
TED talk or the news.
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:What are the three interactions with
A:Three times you have to interact with
the media via the class. Look at the
example on the planning sheet if you need
more clarification – I will explain verbally
this too….
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:Is there a certain amount of slides we are
supposed to use?
A:If you are using keynote or prezi you
need to have a minimum of seven
slides/focus areas, one each for: intro,
history, extent, repercussion, solution 1,
solution 2, final thought.
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:I just have questions about the class
interactions. If we don't have to speak at all do we
build the interactions into the presentation?
A: You can build the wait time into the video –
you can verbally say in your video: How
many of you have ever unintentionally bullied
someone online? Raise your hand. Then
provide three to four seconds of wait time.
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:I'm just worried that it will be boring and
annoying and the class will be uninterested in it.
A: That is a challenge – you will be surprised,
most of the topics are pretty good and you are
NOT going into too much depth. Think about
how you can keep the class engaged
creatively. I will be having everyone complete
sentence starters as they watch, so I think you
are just over thinking this! 
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:Are we able to put recordings onto the
presentation so we do not have to speak at all?
A: ABSOLUTELY! I recommend this! That
way you know you met the time requirement
and included everything you needed! Be
creative! This is easier than you think!
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:How much wiggle room do we have with
the format of the presentation
A: I am not sure …. You have a lot of wiggle
room – I challenge you to be creative, but
you do have to meet the requirements and
be professional and school appropriate.
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:How to use iMovie for the entire
A:Explore iMovie. I
put up a link to
Apple’s overview
of iMovie on our
web page – it is
really easy to use!
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:Are we only sharing our repercussions? And
is it a power point?
A: Your entire presentation has to cover: intro,
history, extent, repercussion, solution 1, solution
2, and final thought. You are NOT allowed to use
power point. You can try prezi or keynote though.
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:How will we set up the presentation? What
A:I am not sure what you mean – ideally it will be
all on your iPad, so you will mirror your iPad
using my Apple TV. If you do this using a PC or
want to put it all on a jump drive then you will
have one minute to set up on my laptop.
MultiMedia Presentation
1. Can we have a paper up while we present with the questions we're going to ask?
2. Can we organize our presentations however we like if we include all the
3. Is the PSA something we completely make up on our own?
4. Can one of your pieces of media be a picture?
5. Overall you need 6 times you interact with the class right? 3 for yourself and 3
for media?
6. Does the class have to interact with each piece of media you put up somehow?
You can have notecards – but use your technology!
No – you need to follow the organizational path of the paper with the final
thought as your last piece.
No, one picture is not enough. It needs to be dynamic. You could be creative
and create a collage of images and put them on an electronic corkboard or
glogster or in prezi . . .
Yes! 3 with you and 3 with the media.
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:How do we present this if we can't use our
papers to read of from?
A:This presentation should all be electronic. Be
creative – you can have the presentation all put
together and ready to walk through using iMovie
or prezi …. You have a lot of options!
MultiMedia Presentation
Q: How to put it all together and make it look
A: Ahhh, be creative, be dynamic – think
about the professionalism needed. 
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:I'm worried it will be impossible to properly address
my issue with full information in the time permitted.
I'm aware some presentations will be quick, but maybe
extend the max time to nine minutes.
A: Sorry, time won’t be extended. This is a
brief overview. You are only touching on the
information and sharing this with the
audience. Pick the nuts and bolts.
MultiMedia Presentation
Q: Can you use power point at all if you have it on
the iPad or do you have to use prezi or keynote?
A: No, power point is not allowed at all.
That is the only media that is banned.
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:What are alternatives for power point if we
use a jump Drive?
A: Prezi would probably be your best
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:The presentation can be a video of you talking
instead of doing it in front of the class?
A:Yes! Some of the very best
presentations I have ever seen are ones
that were completely packaged.
MultiMedia Presentation
Q:What do you mean by having a "final
A: It is a Jerry Spring thing – he was a crazy
talk show host in the 90s. At the end of the
show he would take 30 seconds and share
his thoughts on the topic …. This is your
shot to take a second and say what you
think about your topic.
MultiMedia Presentation
Q: So you're telling me, that if I want to make a
PowerPoint on the computer, I'm not allowed?
Why? (I ask this because I am much better/familiar
with PowerPoint on the computer and I feel like it
would improve my overall presentation)
A: Yes, I am telling you that. I am purposely
pushing you out of your comfort level and
challenging you to work with new technology.
Power point is old school anyway. You need more
presentation tools for college.
Paper Clarification Questions
Q:Ok so I know the Rio Salado women came and
spoke to us. However, could we come to you to
seek help on finding peer review sources?
A:It is a manner of you choosing the right database
and selecting full text and peer reviewed/juried. On
our Research Information sub page on our web page I
gave you a list of the best places to search within the
Rio database. You need to be patient and keep your
search very open. If you need specific help – talk to
me. This is why I have given so many in class work
days. 
Paper Clarification Questions
Paper Clarification
Q: What is a smart way to write the introduction an
conclusion without including the information already
in our history, extent, etc.? I'm having a difficult time
with writing those paragraphs without being
A: This is tricky – your intro should paint a picture of why
this problem needs attention. Not in a narrative sense,
don’t tell a story, but paint a picture of the intense effect
this has on people today and how bad it will be if it isn’t
corrected. Your intro and conclusion are short. With your
conclusion I would maybe talk about why most people
don’t take action against this, and then persuade that the
reader that this is his/her moment! Remember though –
everything has to be in third person!
Paper Clarification Questions
Paper Clarification
Q: I was wondering if we will be doing a peer review
on turn it for our rough draft ? I think it would
be helpful if we had a peer review or have you look
over our rough drafts. Just an idea! but other than
that, the vocabulary requirements is making my
paper more difficult to write.
A: We have a few peer editing activities we will
do. You can always make an appointment with
me to come in and talk about your paper. Yes, the
vocab is tricky – start by picking those easy
words that are more neutral. I know you hate
adding vocab, but you need to be challenged to
elevate your word choice. Sorry! (Not sorry.)
Paper Clarification Questions
Paper Clarification
Q: For the history paragraph is it solely for the
history of the topic or can we include other ideas
as well?
A:It is only the history – nothing else.
You need to give the reader the
appropriate background info on your
problem. You need your reader on the
same page as you before you move
Paper Clarification Questions
Paper Clarification
Q: I'm good, me and Rachel have a musical
A:Fantastic! Can’t wait! I hope there is a
sing along option. I really love to sing
loudly. 
Paper Clarification Questions
Paper Clarification
Q: Is there a certain page limit ?
A: No, there are required paragraphs and
sentence requirements. Use the planning
sheet for the CI Research paper to help you.
Remember that your intro and conclusion are
5-7 sentences and body paragraphs 7-10
Paper Clarification Questions
Paper Clarification
Q: I don't have a creative source and am not sure if
I will be able to find one, but I will continue to
A:If you can’t find one – it is okay. You can
replace it with something else. But as you
search, consider: Ted Talks, searching
YouTube, and even interviews.
Paper Clarification Questions
Paper Clarification
Q: Will we have any more work days? I feel that I
can get a good amount of things done or squared
away that will help me for my research paper?
A: One more for sure.