PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP MEETING 17th FEBRUARY 2015– 6.30PM THE RIDGEWAY SURGERY EXTRAORDINARY MEETING TO DISCUSS ‘PURSE’ MONIES AND 2014-15 PATIENT SURVEY RESULTS PRESENT: Cicely Thomas (Chair) John Williams (Vice Chair) Maureen Jones Diane Robins Karen Jones Damian Corfield Dr K Dawes Ella Fieldhouse - Practice Manager Helen Codd – Community Engagement Manager, Dudley CCG Christine Bate – Bull Street surgery PPG Elaine Lloyd – Bull Street surgery PPG APOLOGIES: Audrey Heer Mike Edwards Mel Roberts Brenda Matthews Kerry Masefield Barbara Bryan Herbert Whitehouse Adam Aston ACTION 1. Apologies for Absence Apologies were acknowledged. New PPG member, Damian Corfield, was welcome d to the meeting. Helen Codd was introduced and thanked for attending. HC outlined the purpose of the £1000 ‘Purse’ grant for PPGs. The money is to assist PPGs to grow or to help develop the PPG. It was noted that the new EMIS Envisage television screens come with many different templates which can be downloaded. It was hoped that later in the year the PPG can meet with Simon (IT Manager) and Ella to discuss how the PPG might utilise this t o help promote the group etc 2. ‘Purse’ monies Following discussion the following ideas were suggested as potential areas where the Purse money can be spent: Fridge magnets - showing the core surgery opening hours - HC to obtain a quote for this from the company currently used by the CCG HC Mobile notice board – CT to obtain quotes for this CT Macmillan coffee morning / meet and greet – funding for refreshments, it was felt that a meet and greet that encompassed a fund raising event such as Macmillan would encourage people to attend Wi-fi – set up costs, HC to be contacted to see if Purse money could be used for this This matter to be further progressed at March meeting, and application forms completed. 3. PPG Week 1-6 June 2015 Information was sent out about this recently, please could PPG members review it in readiness to discuss at 3 March PPG meeting It was also suggested that the PPG meet with the surgery staff, to enable the PPG to meet everyone and vice versa. 4. Surgery Patient Survey 2014-15 Two surveys were distributed in December/January, one for doctors patients and one for nurses patients. The PPG helped distribute the survey and this helped to ensure the patients selected were random. The surveys were then collated and the information amalgamated in order to analyse the results. The results were then emailed to the PPG and Virtual PPG for consideration and to assist in the formulation of an action plan. Those PPG members who are not contactable by email were posted a copy. The PPG noted that overall the survey findings were very positive. Roy Dore from the Virtual PPG had emailed in his observations which were addressed, in particular it was noted: The numbers of surveys completed does not often add up to the total for each question – EF advised this is often the case because patients do not answer every question. In particular the demographic section often gets missed. The demographic was mostly female (170 female and 95 male) it was felt that that tends to be because mainly women want to fill it in. This was the finding of the PPG members who had helped to distribute the survey. In addition, it often tends to be females who attend the surgery more so than men. There was a much higher percentage of respondents in the 65+ age range – again it was agreed that this is representative. Actions: Telephone access – this was the one area that came up as being an issue for patients. It was agreed that the surgery would start to free up additional EF pre-bookable appointments mid-week. This will be looked at daily by the Office Manager and assessed on an ongoing basis with additional appointments for the next day being offered as and when possible. Dr Dawes suggested that urgent appointments are made available to book online if it is possible to make it clear they are urgent appointments, however at the point of typing these minutes it has been confirmed it is not possible to categorise appointments in this way online. Online access – noted that use of this is increasing which is encouraging, in order to encourage this further the voice message on the answer phone to be changed to advise that patients can book online and online access to be promoted more in the surgery Chairs with arms – to be provided in the waiting room to assist patients who find it difficult to get up from the current armless seating NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 3rd March 2015 – 6.30pm, The Ridgeway Surgery EF EF KRD EF/CT