The Fitzpatrick Building 188-194 York Way London, N7 9AS West Midlands Regional Meeting 11th March 2014 MINUTES Present Tina Swani (TS) CHAIR John Bawden (JB) Beverley Ballinger (BB) Lizzie Chambers (LC) Candy Cooley (CC) Josephine Dorling (JD) Christine Green (CG) Elizabeth Hancock (EH) Peter Holliday (PH) Mark Jackson (MJ) Stevan Jackson (SJ) Pippa Knight (PK) Dr Emer McKenna (EMc) Katie Mitchell (KM) Terry Osborne (TO) Duncan Phimister (DP) David Pratt (DP) Michaela Quinn (MQ) Ann Smallman (AS) Nicky West (NW) John Woodall (JW) CEO Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice Chairman, St Richards Associate Macmillan Development Mgr, Macmillan Exec Director, UK Transition Taskforce, Acorns Chairman, Primrose Hospice Snr Nurse Trainer & Comp Therapist, John Taylor Hospice Marie Curie Cancer Care CEO, Mary Ann Evans Hospice CEO, St Giles Hospice CEO, St Richards CEO, Mary Stevens Hospice Campden Home Nursing Consultant in Palliative Care, Douglas Macmillan Hospice Head of Community Investment, John Taylor Hospice CEO, Kemp Hospice Chairman, Mary Ann Evans Hospice Snr Mgr Development & Influence, Myton Hospice Strategic Planning & Business Mgr, DMH Head of Care Services, Acorns Black Country CEO, St Michaels Hospice Chairman, The Mary Stevens Hospice Apologies Patience Adaimensha Emma Aspinall Teresa Bailey Julie Gander Jackie Kelly Jeremy Kirk Kate Lee June Patel Jean Luc-Priez Sarah Riches Debbie Talbot Fiona Taylor Manager, Arboretum Nursing Home Director of Care Services, Acorns Children’s Hospice End of Life Facilitator, Alexandra Hospital GSF Lead Nurse, Arboretum Nursing Home Director of Care Services, Katharine House Hospice NIHR Clinical Research Network, West Midlands CEO, Myton Hospice Care Director, St Richards Hospice CEO & Company Secretary, Lench’s Trust NCPC WM Regional Representative & St Giles Hospice Medical Director, Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice Macmillan Development Manager (Birmingham & Solihull) 1. 2. Agenda Item Welcome and Apologies TS welcomed all to the meeting and introductions were made. Apologies were noted as above. Minutes of the Last Meeting Held on 10th September 2014 The minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record NCPC West Midlands Regional Meeting/March2015/Minutes Page 1 of 4 Action 3. Matters Arising 3.1 Feedback from Collaboration Event TS discussed the enclosed minutes and summary of the workshop. The group were asked to consider if it would be worthwhile to hold a similar type of event on a regular basis. In general it was felt the event had been a very valuable experience with good opportunities to share experiences and explore issues. All were in agreement to continue to hold this type of event yearly. TS highlighted the possible cost implications involved in holding a larger event and suggested forming a small working group to look at organising an event and costs involved. SJ, CC and MJ offered involvement from their respective hospices. SC was asked to liaise with the NCPC regarding involvement with such an event. The group were asked to for ideas for topics to be discussed at the event and the following suggestions were made: Bereavement Dementia Care Transitional Care and enablement working with patients/families Looking at sustainability to 2020 and beyond Please email any further suggestions for topics or recommendations of speakers to Kate Lee and Donna Godding 3.2 Transition Taskforce Newsletter & Meeting Update Please see LC presentation below: NCPC - Lizzie Chambers - Short_Transition_Taskforce_Presentation.pdf The group acknowledged the importance of all organisations working together to combine skills, knowledge and experience and if was felt organisations should be engaged with adolescents from an earlier age to help to improve the transition experience and build trust between adult services and families. LC stressed the tiniest differences can make a huge difference and encouraged more collaborative working with external organisations e.g. housing orgs. The group discussed personal budgets, the complexities surrounding funding and the potential negative impact of personal budgets on charitable fundraising. LC directed the group to the resources available on the website around personal budgets and advised there was also information available for commissioners. The group also discussed the difference in respite care in an adult setting and how this could impact on younger patients and their families. TS on behalf of the group thanked LC for her informative presentation 3.3 Change in Chair TS reminded the group she was resigning and thanked everyone for their contribution during her term as Chair. Kate Lee will be taking over this role as from today’s meeting. 4. Feedback from the National Council Regional Meeting (Simon Chapman) Please see SC presentation below: NCPC - Simon Chapman - Douglas Macmillan Hospice 2015.pdf NCPC West Midlands Regional Meeting/March2015/Minutes Page 2 of 4 SJ/CC/ MJ SC Key points: The Choice review was explicitly around adults The Public Health Approaches to EoL care toolkit is available via the NCPC website Dying Matters Week – thanks to all for your support. The theme this year is talk, plan, live Palliative Care Currency – NCPC continues to work closely with Hospice UK and Sue Ryder for answers on decisions awaited. The third version of the Developing Palliative Care Funding was published in February and this will be used for the trials in 2015/16 TS thanked SC for his presentation The meeting was adjourned for refreshments from 11:25 – 11:45 5. The New Pathfinder Communities (Simon Chapman) Please see SC presentation contained within agenda item 4 6. Mental Health and End of Life Care (Tina Swani) The group were asked to divide into four groups to share their experiences of working with mental health patients who are at end of life. The groups were then invited to feedback to the whole meeting. Key points included: 7. The needs of dementia patients has been included to some level when developing future strategies Dementia can be the ‘elephant’ in the room when discussing EoL care EoL care may not be necessarily the right models for patients with dementia. Perhaps look at maximising expertise for patients at their place of home and what this model would look like for hospices John Taylor Hospice are looking at maximising H@H care for patients at home and what modifications would be required to the current building for dementia patients Hospices need to recognise they are not experts in dementia however they have a role in training staff in EoL care. It is about sharing hospice care skillset with other organisations Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice held an event on Mental Health day recognising the expertise / experience in the local community. The event brought together many organisations e.g. the community health trust, and local housing groups. 10 recommendations were identified for the group to take forward Dementia was identified as a challenge/priority by the government in 2012 with some EoL care challenges identified in the Prime Minister Challenge for 2020 How Competitive Tendering Processes are Impacting The group were invited to share their experiences of competitive tendering. Mary Stevens Hospice had recently been involved in a tender process through an alliance formed with Compton Hospices. SJ reported the completion of the PQQ had taken some considerable time. The tender was eventually withdrawn by the CCGs for reasons unknown however it has been re-launched today. Representatives from the Hospice Consortium were attending the launch event and SJ would feed back further at the next meeting. It was felt that tendering processes can be very unclear and at times extremely frustrating with the amount of effort involved being disproportionate compared to the minimum amount of funding which may be received. However the group acknowledged Hospices will need to become more involved in competitive tendering processes in the future in particular with local authorities if Hospices are looking to widen their services beyond what Hospices have traditionally offered NCPC West Midlands Regional Meeting/March2015/Minutes Page 3 of 4 8. 9. Any Other Business 8.1 Minimum Data Set – Reminder to forward your responses please asap Meeting closed 12:30pm Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 9th September 2015 at St Giles Hospice NCPC West Midlands Regional Meeting/March2015/Minutes Page 4 of 4