Hameed Lesson Plan (1)
TS735 Practicum in Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language
Dr. Perez
Name: Hameed Al-Qatabry
Date: April 25 th
, 2011
Subject: That’s Not Junk
Grade: Emporia State IEP Intermediate Reading Class
Time Allotted: 50 minutes
There are 14 students in this class. Students in this classroom are from four different nationalities; ten Saudis, two Koreans, one Iraqi, and one Chinese. All the students are adults. They are here in the United States to pursue their higher education at ESU. Twelve students of them are to join the undergraduate programs and two are to join the graduate programs after they finish the advanced levels in the Intensive English
Program at ESU.
The students were placed in the Intermediate level after they were given a placement test. However, some of the students can be labeled as a low Intermediate. Since there in only Intermediate level they were placed among the Intermediate students, which is a kind of a challenge to them and the instructor.
The fact that recycling is one of the many things that help in keeping the environment clean, a concern that is focused on in the United States, this lesson will help students know about reusing, recycling possessions, waste disposal and learn some vocabulary and grammar point that will be useful for them in their communication and Academic studies.
Hameed Lesson Plan (1)
After teaching and presenting “That’s Not Junk” lesson, TLW will be able to
Correctly match at least four of the six new vocabulary introduced to their correct meaning.
Complete two to three sentences using the correct form of the
Second Conditional form.
After reading “That’s Not Junk” lesson, TLW will be able to
Decide whether some statements are true, false, or the article does not give the information.
Match correctly at least one statement write a paragraph about popular food in the United States.
After teaching, presenting, and reading “That’s Not Junk” lesson, TLW will able to talk in a group work to other people of his/her group to find an item he/she is looking for and find someone looking for an item he/she has.
A computer.
Copies of “That's Not Junk” lesson adapted from www.english-togo.com
website that is actually used by the main instructor of the class.
Whiteboard and colored markers.
An overhead projector.
Blackboard and chalk.
M-W dictionaries.
Online Dictionary: www.merriam-webster.com
Hameed Lesson Plan (1)
Quiz -let Flash Cards: http://quizlet.com/5270518/thats-not-junk-flash-cards/
My Wiki-space: http://ts735.wikispaces.com/
Online Concordancer: http://corpus.byu.edu/coca/
In this lesson, students will understand the meaning of the old saying “One man's garbage is another man's riches”. They will also learn that there are many websites that can allow people to post goods on them for others to take for free.
Language functions:
Students will use their reading skills to match words in bold in the given sentences in the vocabulary part with their meaning.
Students will use their reading skills to decide if some statements are true or false using the article given in the lesson.
Language structures: Structure taught in this lesson is the Second Conditional:
if + past simple, would + infinitive (without to)
Language skills: The focus in this lesson is on reading, grammar, and speaking skills.
Vocabulary to be taught in this lesson: The vocabulary are in the following quiz let : http://quizlet.com/5270518/thats-not-junk-flash-cards/
A. Introduction and Motivation
1. A motivational strategy: while distributing the lesson copies, I will start the lesson by talking to the students that I have a problem finding stuff in my friend’s apartment because it is full of junk. Then, I will ask them to form pairs and discuss the following question:
Hameed Lesson Plan (1)
Do you have any junk in your house - things that are now of no use to you? Make a list of any junk two or three items (e.g. old books, clothes you don't wear any more, broken sports equipment etc.) in your house and share it with your partner. (A small piece of paper will be given to each one of them)
2. A strategy for activating prior knowledge: I will ask some students to answer the following question:
What do you do with things you don't need any more? Do you usually: a. throw them away? b. try to sell them? c. give them to a charity? d. give them to a friend or family member? e. (Put your own idea)
3. Lesson purpose: Give students an idea about green ways they can use to get rid of their junk. Also, make them aware of the American culture and values regarding environment.
B. Lesson Body
I will start by explaining the meaning of some vocabulary using the computer and the quiz-let flash cards and online or paper dictionary. Then ask students to match the bold words with their correct meanings.
Ss will be asked to read the article silently then using the overhead projector and the lesson copies, I will randomly ask students to read the article one sentence each. I will ask students what vocabulary they did not understand their meanings and ask if some of them know the meaning to explain in their own words. For the words they do not know their meaning, I will use the online dictionary to show them the meaning and will also give them examples of the use of the vocabulary by using the concordancer included in the recourses list if necessary.
Hameed Lesson Plan (1)
After that, I will explain the form of the second conditional on either the white or black board by writing the form of it and giving some examples. Then, Ss will be asked to complete the sentences given in the lesson using the Second Conditional form.
C. Lesson Closure
Ss will be asked to work in two groups to move around and find one student who can supply them with the item they are looking for and another student who wants the item they are trying to get rid of. Ss are told that they are not selling the items they are trying to get rid of, but are ready to give them away. Ask them to write the names of both the giver and taker and on the way out of class to put their papers on my desk.
Students will be evaluated for the first objective (language) using a process oriented way by asking them to match the words in bold with their correct meanings while doing the (Vocabulary Part) in the lesson and to complete sentences using the Second
Conditional form while doing the (Language part). Also, the third objective
(Social/Language Learning) will be evaluated the same way, process oriented way, while students are doing their group work (Trash or Treasure Game). However, the second objective (Content) will be evaluated using the product oriented way by asking them to do the (Matching) and (True, False or Not Given) activities on page three of the lesson as Homework.