Ensuring Our Relevance to Business BEST + NEXT PRACTICES Sue Todd President & CEO Corporate University Xchange The CorpU Member Network Topic Framework Human Capital Challenges Strengthen Leadership Bench Achieve L&D Excellence • • • • Align learning with key business priorities Organize L&D to support continuous business change Execute learning program design and delivery efficiently Measure learning impact • Speed pipeline throughput • Improve HiPo identification & development • Meet generational needs • Engage leaders as teachers • Ensure managerled development • Develop strong succession plans Become Employer of Choice • • Attract the best talent in the industry Achieve top quartile retention of key people Drive Business Impact • Support top line growth • Reduce cost • Increase profit per employee • Improve overall employee engagement & loyalty • Accelerate success of mergers & acquisitions • Become a great place to work • Support global growth • Improve performance management Projects With CARE April 2006 July 2008 Does The Peter Bell Fellowship Program… Are CARE Academy Leadership courses … • Delivering value to the CARE organization? • Develop potential, future leaders through practical learning experiences? • Delivering benefits we can’t yet see? • Bring new talent and perspectives into the organization? Current Models Center of Excellence Enterprise Strategy, Governance Funding Decentralized Learning Product Management Voice of the Customer, Functional/Technical Needs, Learning Delivery, Localization Shared Service Center Infrastructure Common Technology, Standards, & Process Corporate Initiatives Work Process, Business Strategy, ERP, Customers Corporate Citizenship – Our Fundamentals Mission, Culture, Values, History Competency-Centered Approaches • Assumes there’s one right model Formal Learning • Focus is on people, not results • Can’t reflect rapid pace of change • Subjective determination about achievement • Rotations hard to coordinate Self Development Leadership Competencies Coaching Action Learning Rotational Assignments And Now … New Business Drivers • Speed – Rapid commoditization - easy to copy others, find suppliers anywhere in the world – Competing on very low margins – New competitors: innovate without overhead • Growth – New markets, new regions • Innovation – Finding new ideas, solutions in the global community • P&G Connect & Develop • Brand Loyalty – Communities perhaps more effective than traditional methods employing PR and Marketing • L’Oreal learns from Lexus The Future of Competition 8 Not Just Speed – But Constant Change Disgusting Virus Cheetah • • Fastest Land Animal on Earth Nearing extinction due to genetic bottleneck • • • One purpose: to change Eludes hosts and anyone who hopes to destroy it Reinvents itself over and over “You are about to see the most fundamental change in businesses and government on a global basis that you’ve ever seen. Moving from command and control to collaboration and teamwork, enabled by technology, it will allow for a generation of productivity and new models.” Cisco CEO John Chambers speaking at MIT, Winter, 2008 Cisco Yesterday 10 Sr. Executives Driving 2 Major initiatives Cisco Today 500 Leaders Engaged 26 Cross-functional teams NETWORKS GALORE 7X Increase in the number of WIKIS 2 Years 2X Increase in BLOGS 7 Months 7X increase in DISCUSSION FORUMS 8 Months 10X increase in video uploads to C-VISION 8 Months 25X increase in use of collaborative workspace 9 Months Context of Work Solutions Emerge Multiple Right Answers Establish Order, Move to Complex Stage Existing Solutions Surprising Science of Motivation AUTONOMY MASTERY PURPOSE Daniel Pink, Author of A Whole New Mind FEDEX DAYS – Atlassian 20 PERCENT TIME – Google ROWE - Best Buy, Netflix 16 Growing Complexity Help you help leaders make sense of… • Advanced technology • Globalization • Intricate markets • Cultural change • Regulatory environments • And much more. The science of complexity can help us address the challenges and opportunities we face in a new epoch of human history. So Fast We Can’t Keep Up • In the past… – Technological changes were followed by a long period of stabilization • Steam engine • Printing press • Now… – Disruption – No time for stabilization due to speed of change Steam Engine Highly Uncertain Future CONVERGENCE • New connections, new patterns New Staring Position INTERNET EVOLUTION • Transparency, Information, Communities Industries? customers? DIGITAL ECONOMICS • Time, space, methods collaborators? products? competitors? innovation? GLOBAL DYNAMICS • Outsourcing, Protectionism, Emerging markets? sustainability? value chains? DEREGULATION • New global controls?, Access to Capital New Mental Models Ambiguity – Volatility - Complexity A New Challenge New Games – New Rules Change Adds New Demands Increased Demands • Middle-level leaders are collapsing under the weight of new accountabilities 91% of leaders agree business complexity is increasing* Changing Behaviors More Technical Knowledge Default Solutions • Pace of change leaves leaders without new frameworks to solve new problems 40% of CEOs are failing within 2 years** * Source: Center for Creative Leadership ** Source: Recruiter Challenger, Gray and Christmas 25 Scholars and Business Leaders Eliminate the pathologies of formal hierarchy. Reinvent strategy making as an emergent process. Redefine the work of leadership The Management Lab • Modern Management has reached the limits of improvement • 25 ambitious challenges as a roadmap for improvement. • Volatile world unless innovators tackle these challenges. Create internal markets for ideas, talent, and resources. Reconstruct management’s philosophical foundations. Expand and exploit diversity.. Depoliticize decision making. Hamel, Gary. “Moonshots for Management.” Harvard Business Review. February, 2009 Pressure on Learning Leaders Learning and Leadership Executives Decision Making Moves To Lower Levels Seek New Models To Give More People Access To Critical Learning Without Spending More Money Executive Education - Expensive - Requires Time away Learning Programs Challenged to Keep Pace With Business Change Embedding Learning In Research and Work • Flawless execution is no guarantee for success anymore • All execution becomes a corporate learning experience LEADERSHIP CULTURE BUSINESS PROCESS Source: Amy C. Edmonson. “The Competitive Imperative”. Harvard Business Review. July-August, 2008 New Focus Around Business Challenges Cost Spee d Risk Business Challenge Knowledge Immersion Active Mentoring Global Finance GROWTH Emergent competencies Ecofriendly Leaders Develop Customized Set of Competencies Tied to Their Jobs Supply Chain Brand Networ k The Rise of Social Learning eLearning Social Learning No collaboration or peerto-peer learning Supports collaboration among practitioners and experts Weak design led to minimal learning Applies learning discipline of Ivy League Significant technical challenges (Integration, Interaction, Multi-media) Assessments check Self-directed and isolated Offers rapid deep dives on urgent topics Disappointing experience alienated target audience Embeds learning in work Time-consuming process to update content CoPs provide feedback to improve learning Shifting The Approach in Corporate Learning TEACHER Sage On The Stage Critical Thinker & Collaborator Lecture Demonstration Hands on Self Study Passive Listening Information Repository STUDENT Peer and Thought Leader Interaction Cohort-based Projects Rich Course Resources and Assets Organized Discussions Learning Guide Characteristics of Social Learning Environment Support At the Point of Need Always On: - Tools, Video Lectures, Discussions, Reading Lists Class Project Examples Web 2.0 Built In - Collaboration - Networking - Peer Reviews - Blogging, Journaling CoPs - Follow-up after the course - Best practices for implementation and action New Focus Around Business Challenges Explore Diverse Approaches With Cohort Frame The Challenge; Acquire New Knowledge Develop A Strategy or Plan My Current Challenge Get Peer and Expert Feedback Implement & Share Practices With CoP Academy Social Learning Theory to Practice Our Future BREAK OUT DISCUSSIONS AND FEEDBACK Recreate The IBM Jam Session 5 Teams of 4 Q. With evidence that workplaces are transforming to become dynamic marketplaces, at an ever increasing level of granularity, what are the implications for team work? Q. In terms of teamwork, a key challenge is how to create the right environment (mix of culture and the right people) to maximize the potential of new tools and new generation's practices. What kind of leadership is needed to support this future environment? How will we identify and create the new kind of leadership? Q. Knowledge work is changing and we are not adapting fast enought. The pace of this change will increase. Organizations won't be able to sit back and wait - they will need to retool their workforce constantly. What are the key skills for knowledge workers in the future? Knowledge Work and Teams Q. With evidence that workplaces are transforming to become dynamic marketplaces, at an ever increasing level of granularity, what are the implications for team work? Q. In terms of teamwork, a key challenge is how to create the right environment (mix of culture and the right people) to maximize the potential of new tools and new practices. What kind of leadership is needed to support this future environment? Q. Knowledge work is changing and organizations may not be adapting fast enough. It’s certain the pace of change will only increase. What are the key skills for knowledge workers in the future? Q. If work becomes increasingly complex, and knowledge workers become more and more specialized, what are the implications for training professionals and how do we support this model? Innovation and Performance Q. Innovation may be the key to survival for many organizations. How will training teams teach leaders to apply a healthy tension on systems to drive their evolution? Q. What ideas can you offer to improve your organization’s ability to learn collaboratively? Consider tools, processes, how you will determine who should be involved to create a diverse and rich environment for inquiry. Q. Daniel Pink said performance improves when employees have autonomy, are motivated and have purpose. Many people in your organizations may feel there is a sense of purpose. How will you help to change your organizations to support the other two variables? Q. Is it your job to help people break old paradigms and stretch their perspectives? Which groups of people most need to change mindsets? How could you approach this? 35 Organization Learning Q. Is it time to move our focus from jobs, competency models and even performance challenges and begin to focus teaching and training solutions at the organization level – to pursue Senge’s notion of the Learning Organization. What conditions indicate this may or may not be true? Q. If you were to begin to focus on organization learning, what are some of the new skills your team will need? What tools are missing from your current arsenal? Q. Define core organization capabilities that are common to many of the groups in this room. How could these organizations work together to improve their solutions and avoid redundant work? Q. New academic research suggests organizations should improve how they learn as they are executing; not to lay out and document the perfect plan, but to iterate, improve and document as they proceed and learn. Managers must learn how to conduct safe experiments. How might you support the notion of embedding learning into the work of your organizations? Mars Leadership 37 38 “Strategy” dictates the Organization, People, Process and Systems Models FROM: 1990s2000s2015 Strategy SingularFocus STORAGE (hw, sw) TO: TO: Broader Focus: INFORMATION (hw, sw, svcs, solutions) Global Ecosystem Focus: INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE Organization People skill set People mindset Process Systems 1. Singular Command & control 2. Single skill 1.Matrixed Command & Control 1. 2.Broad business knowledge 2.CollaborativeKnowledge Broker 3. Functional focus Vertical / Silo 3.Cross-functional focus Horizontal & Vertical 3.Holistic focus Customer-viewpoint 4. Hero behavior “Whatever it takes” 4. Strategic, cooperative Response; TCE; Six Sigma 4.Predictive 5. Basic, regional Silo-centric 5. On-line, Increasingly Global; Service Centers 5. Global, on-line self service “True Matrix:”Influence and Empowerment Results 39 Integrated Talent Management & Employee Life Cycle -Branding insures quality candidates -Talent Acquisition for right price and fit -Transparency of internal job openings -Employee aspiration and skills marketing -Internal Resume / CV -TMS, ATS -Assimilate and Engage - Individual Development Planning -OTJ stretch assignments -Essentials Curriculum - Function/Role specific learning - ESMS, Faststart, Ed Services Employee & Org Development EMC Strategic Planning Process Performance Management -Measure performance outcomes -Goal setting -Reward and Recognize -EPAS, GOL, ACR, DSOP, TMS Org Talent Review -Strategic Workforce Planning -Talent Assessment -Leadership & Succession Identification -Identify development initiatives - TMS 41 42 Expectations of Senior Leaders at Pfizer Lead Our Path Forward Think, act and decide as general managers Manage paradox Breadth of competence AND depth of expertise Independence AND alignment Agility of small AND power of scale Inspire AND execute Lead through vision AND operational excellence Navigate ambiguity AND drive clarity Continue to grow and adapt Leadership Excellence is our greatest driver of growth! 44 44 45 46