Read Isaiah 60:15-22 Session 7 Justice A People for Others

Session 7 Justice
A People for Others
Last session we saw that Christian living is a continual process of bringing everything in
line with the truth of the gospel. It means that all our jobs and gifts and skills are to be
realigned in light of the mission of the kingdom of Christ. We saw that the gospel changes
motivation, ethics, and conception of our work … and that we must take the gospel with
us to work.
Bible Study
Pray as you begin, asking God to be at work in your group.
Read Luke 10:25-37 and then work through the questions below:
1. On the basis of Jesus’ teaching, who is our neighbour?
2. Shouldn’t we help members o our own family and of our own Christian community
3. How does Jesus illustrate what the true motive should be for showing mercy to
our neighbour?
4. Rodney Stark, a historian & sociologist studying the spread of Christianity, cites
the following quotes:
The impious Galileans [Christian] support not only their poor, but ours as well,
everyone can see that our people lack aid from us. (Emperor Julian – 360 AD)
[During the great epidemic] most of our brothers showed unbounded love & loyalty,
never sparing themselves .. Heedless of danger, they took charge of the sick,
attending to their every need & ministering to them in Christ … many, in nursing
and curing others, transferred their death to themselves and died in their stead …
the [pagans] behaved in the very opposite way. At the first onset of the disease,
they pushed the sufferers away and fled even from their dearest, throwing them into
the roads before they were dead. (Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria - 260 AD)
Rodney Stark, The Rose of Christianity (San Francisco, Harper, 1997) pg 84 & 82-83
What is the effect of unselfish service to others? Have you found this to be true in
your own experience? Give examples.
Watch the DVD for this Session. You will be lead in discussion following it.
Confess fears, weaknesses and indifference to all those Jesus would identify as
your neighbours. Pray for the poor and pray as well that you and your community would
help the poor and marginalised, even when it is risky and costly to you.
Home Study:
Read Isaiah 60:15-22
Session 7 Justice
A People for Others
Last session we saw that Christian living is a continual process of bringing everything in
line with the truth of the gospel. It means that all our jobs and gifts and skills are to be
realigned in light of the mission of the kingdom of Christ. We saw that the gospel changes
motivation, ethics, and conception of our work … and that we must take the gospel with
us to work.
Bible Study
Pray as you begin, asking God to be at work in your group.
Read Luke 10:25-37 and then work through the questions below:
1. On the basis of Jesus’ teaching, who is our neighbour?
2. Shouldn’t we help members o our own family and of our own Christian community
3. How does Jesus illustrate what the true motive should be for showing mercy to
our neighbour?
4. Rodney Stark, a historian & sociologist studying the spread of Christianity, cites
the following quotes:
The impious Galileans [Christian] support not only their poor, but ours as well,
everyone can see that our people lack aid from us. (Emperor Julian – 360 AD)
[During the great epidemic] most of our brothers showed unbounded love & loyalty,
never sparing themselves .. Heedless of danger, they took charge of the sick,
attending to their every need & ministering to them in Christ … many, in nursing
and curing others, transferred their death to themselves and died in their stead …
the [pagans] behaved in the very opposite way. At the first onset of the disease,
they pushed the sufferers away and fled even from their dearest, throwing them into
the roads before they were dead. (Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria - 260 AD)
Rodney Stark, The Rose of Christianity (San Francisco, Harper, 1997) pg 84 & 82-83
What is the effect of unselfish service to others? Have you found this to be true in
your own experience? Give examples.
Watch the DVD for this Session. You will be lead in discussion following it.
Confess fears, weaknesses and indifference to all those Jesus would identify as
your neighbours. Pray for the poor and pray as well that you and your community would
help the poor and marginalised, even when it is risky and costly to you.
Home Study:
Read Isaiah 60:15-22