Create-A-DBQ Assignment
Goal: Work cooperatively in groups of 3 to create an original DBQ on a topic of your choosing (within some
limits) & present this DBQ to class. All Steps are due at the start of class.
1. Determine a TOPIC for your DBQ question.
 Students may choose topics. Within each class, topics will be staggered chronologically
and thematically as you can see below.
Women &
1600s and 1700s
Fri 2/3
2. Develop your DBQ ESSAY QUESTION. Make sure this is a question over which there is
disagreement or ambiguity. (Ex: To what extent…, Examine…, Analyze…,Why…?)
Wed 2/8
3. Compile an extensive list of DBQ OUTSIDE INFORMATION (See examples from 1999
“Pre-Revolutionary War Attitudes … and Progress to the year 1776.”)
Fri 2/10
4. Develop two or more OUTLINES that answer your DBQ Question. Your outlines may be
organized around themes/topics (such as Political, Economic, and Social). Alternatively, they
may be organized around the sides of the issue (ex: for and against).
5. Gather 8-10 DOCUMENTS that can be related to specific information from your list that
was compiled in #3. Be certain that you balance the documents so that they can be included in
multiple sub-sections of your Outlines (#4). Include at least:
 1 cartoon
 1 photograph
 4 written documents or transcribed speeches. Edit the documents so that they are an
appropriate length (ex. Don’t include the entire Constitution, only applicable sections).
6. For each of the Documents list “DOCUMENT INFORMATION” and “INFERENCES” (See
examples #6 1996 DBQ). Note: please use the correct bibliographic reference for each of your
sources. If in doubt, consult easybib.com.
7. Gather them all together and put in a binder in the following order:
1. DBQ Question (as cover page)
2. Documents (using “real” DBQ intro and layout)
3. Outside Information
4. Document Information and inferences
5. Outlines
Tues 2/14
Tues 2/21
Friday 3/2
Mon 3/12
Note: Students must also email a copy of the project to your teacher to use during the
presentation. Document title should include your topic and block #. E-mail subject
line should include your block # and group member names.
8. PRESENT to class your DBQ question, documents, information and inferences.
Presentations should be 8-10 minutes.
3/16, 3/19,
Grading Rubric:
Question: Analytical; typed (as cover page)
 Quality & choice of sources (30)
 Sources balanced (allow for multiple interpretations of question) (15)
 Appearance (looks like “real” DBQ – use our template!) (5)
Outside Information – 50-75 bulleted, organized facts
Doc Information & Inferences
Outlines – 2 (one for each side) or more
 Delivery is clear and engaging
 Students show depth of knowledge on the topic
 Students provide the class with multiple ways of understanding the
potential argument for their question
 Students have provided the teacher with an electronic copy to be projected
onto the screen
15 pts
50 pts
Total: 150 pts
Information will be graded in each section for clarity of meaning, accuracy, level of detail, and
sophistication. The first draft of Step 1 and Step 2 will be worth 10 daily points, and the remaining
Steps 20 daily points. Once you have made revisions in accordance with our comments and turned in
the final draft, they will be graded according to the above rubric as Test/Project points.
Recommended Resources:
Sue Pojer has a series of recommended primary source links (as well as some other student created DBQs)
on her APUSH site:
 http://www.historyteacher.net/AHAP/AHAP-DBQMainPage.htm
Our APUSH website has several recommended resources:
 http://www.wayzata.k12.mn.us/Page/9380
The Library has some resources – EBSCO has a history center and reference collection
 http://search.ebscohost.com/Login.aspx?lp=login.asp&ref=&authtype=ip,uid (password access needed
from home)
The Hennepin County Library – has many helpful databases (library card required)
 American Indian Experience - Primary documents, including treaties, speeches, traditional tales, maps
and photos
 American Periodicals Series Online, 1740–1900 - Primary documents, including treaties, speeches,
traditional tales, maps and photos
 CAMIO (Catalog of Art Museum Images Online) - Over 23,000 images of works of art representing a
broad range of fine and decorative arts from well-known collections including the Metropolitan Museum of
Art, the Art Institute of Chicago and the Minneapolis Institute of Art
 Historical Minneapolis Tribune (1867-1922)
 Historical New York Times, 1851–2005
 Historical Statistics of the United States
 History Resource Center: U.S. Primary documents, secondary sources, and journal articles covering all
areas of U.S. history
 Oxford Art Online Classic art reference includes 41,000 articles and 750 maps, diagrams and line
drawings, 5,000 links to color images.