NATIONAL AGENCY OF PETROLEUM, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS - ANP TENDER PROTOCOL FOR GRANTING CONCESSION CONTRACTS FOR EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION OF OIL AND NATURAL GAS ELEVENTH BIDDING ROUND RIO DE JANEIRO, 11 March 2013. 1 WARNING: I - Tender Protocol This Tender Protocol contains the provisions applicable to the activities of Exploration and Production of Oil and Natural Gas in Blocks with exploratory risk. II - The official versions This Tender Protocol was prepared in Portuguese which is the only official version. Versions in English of some annexes may be included for guidance only. ANP may make available, for reference, an English version of the complete Tender Protocol. 2 Content 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................ 6 1.1 Current Legislation ............................................................................................................................................. 6 1.2 Areas Available in the Eleventh Bidding Round ................................................................................................. 6 1.3 Procedures for Participation in the Eleventh Bidding Round .............................................................................. 7 1.4 Schedule ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 2 MATTER OF THE BID ....................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Exploratory Models ............................................................................................................................................ 8 3 CONDITIONS FOR PARTICIPATION IN A BID ................................................................................................11 3.1 Requirements for qualification ...........................................................................................................................11 3.2 Qualification of foreign companies ....................................................................................................................12 3.3 Expression of Interest .......................................................................................................................................12 3.3.1 Declaration of Conformity - List of Documents for Qualification ........................................................................12 3.3.2 Introduction Letter for the Submission of the Expressions of Interest ...............................................................12 3.3.3 Attorney for the Appointment of the Accredited Representative ........................................................................13 3.3.4 Confidentiality Agreement .................................................................................................................................13 3.3.5 Corporate Documents .......................................................................................................................................13 3.4 Technical Qualification ......................................................................................................................................14 3.4.1 Technical Qualification as Non-Operator ..........................................................................................................14 3.4.2 Technical Qualification as Operator ..................................................................................................................15 3.5 Financial Qualification .......................................................................................................................................19 3.5.1 Financial Statements of the Last Three Years ..................................................................................................20 3.5.2 Opinion from Independent Auditor ....................................................................................................................20 3.5.3 Financial Statements and Strategic Planning ....................................................................................................20 3.5.4 Minimum Net Asset ...........................................................................................................................................20 3.6 Legal Qualification.............................................................................................................................................21 3.7 Labor and Tax Regularity ..................................................................................................................................22 3.8 Location, schedule and deadline for submission of documents ........................................................................23 3.9 Technical Data ..................................................................................................................................................27 3.9.1 Available Information.........................................................................................................................................27 3.9.2 Access and Withdrawal of Data Packages ........................................................................................................28 3.9.3 Assistance to Companies..................................................................................................................................29 3.10 Participation Fees .............................................................................................................................................29 3.10.1 Payments ..........................................................................................................................................................29 3.10.2 Payments made abroad ....................................................................................................................................30 3.11 Return of Participation Fees ..............................................................................................................................32 3.12 Information Disclosure and Confidentiality by ANP ...........................................................................................32 3.13 Capacity ............................................................................................................................................................32 3.14 Cancellation of the Qualification ........................................................................................................................32 3.15 Companies holding an office in specific countries .............................................................................................33 3 4 SUBMISSION OF BIDS ....................................................................................................................................34 4.1 Schedule and Venue of the Bidding ..................................................................................................................34 4.2 Bidding Sequence .............................................................................................................................................34 4.3 Bid Guarantee ...................................................................................................................................................36 4.3.1 Purpose.............................................................................................................................................................36 4.3.2 Term of delivery ................................................................................................................................................36 4.3.3 Submission of Guarantees ................................................................................................................................36 4.3.4 Validity of the Bid Guarantees ...........................................................................................................................38 4.3.5 Modalities and Issuer of Bid Guarantees ..........................................................................................................38 4.3.6 Application of Guarantees .................................................................................................................................38 4.3.7 Return of Guarantees........................................................................................................................................39 4.4 Composition of the Bids ....................................................................................................................................39 4.4.1 Signature Bonus ...............................................................................................................................................39 4.4.2 Minimum Exploratory Program ..........................................................................................................................39 4.4.3 Commitment to Local Content ...........................................................................................................................40 4.5 Submission of Bids............................................................................................................................................43 4.5.1 Criterion for determination of bids .....................................................................................................................45 4.5.2 Details on the calculation of the Final Score .....................................................................................................45 4.6 Submission of Bids in Consortium.....................................................................................................................46 5 APPROVAL OF THE JUDGMENT ....................................................................................................................47 6 REQUIREMENTS FOR SIGNING THE CONCESSION CONTRACT ...............................................................48 6.1 Requirements for the winning companies to sign the Concession Contract ......................................................48 6.2 Signature of an Affiliate Company Contract ......................................................................................................51 6.3 Cases of Waiver ................................................................................................................................................53 6.3.1 In the case of consortium, manifested by one of the participant companies .....................................................53 6.3.2 Of a company or consortium as a whole ...........................................................................................................54 6.4 Contract per Block.............................................................................................................................................54 7 PENALTIES ......................................................................................................................................................55 8 ADDITIONAL CLARIFICATIONS ON THE BID ................................................................................................56 8.1 Forum................................................................................................................................................................56 8.2 Information and Consultations ..........................................................................................................................56 9 ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS ...........................................................................................................................58 10 RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF ANP ...............................................................................................................59 10.1 Revocation and Cancelling of the Bidding .........................................................................................................59 10.2 Revision of Terms, Conditions and Procedures ................................................................................................59 10.3 Omitted Cases ..................................................................................................................................................59 ANEXO I - DETAILING OF THE BLOCKS ON BID ......................................................................................................60 ANEXO II - PAYMENT OF THE PARTICIPATION FEES ..........................................................................................138 ANEXO III - DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY - LIST OF DOCUMENTS FOR QUALIFICATION ..........................139 ANNEX IV - NTRODUCTION LETTER OF DEMONSTRATION OF INTEREST .......................................................141 ANNEX V- ATTORNEY FOR APPOINTMENT OF THE ACCREDITED REPRESENTATIVE ...................................143 4 ANNEX VI - Confidentiality Agreement ......................................................................................................................144 ANNEX VII- COMMITMENT AGREEMENT OF ADEQUACY OF THE CORPORATE PURPOSE ...........................146 ANNEX VIII- COMMITMENT AGREEMENT OF INCORPORATION ACCORDING TO THE BRAZILIAN LAWS OR INDICATE AN ALREADY INCORPORATED CONTROLLED BRAZILIAN COMPANY TO SIGN THE CONCESSION CONTRACT ...............................................................................................................................................................147 ANNEX IX- AUTHORIZATION FOR DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON THE COMPANY ................................148 ANNEX X- INFORMATION ON THE SIGNATORY ....................................................................................................149 ANNEX XI- MINIMUM SIGNATURE BONUS AND MINIMUM EXPLORATORY PROGRAM FOR BLOCKS ON BID IN THE ELEVENTH BIDDING ROUND ..........................................................................................................................150 ANNEX XII- EQUIVALENCE OF UNITS OF WORK ..................................................................................................157 ANNEX XIV- BID GUARANTEEY MODEL .................................................................................................................167 PART 1 - MODEL OF LETTER OF CREDIT FOR BID GUARANTEE .......................................................................167 AnNEX XIV - BID GUARANTEEY MODEL ................................................................................................................173 PART 2 - MODEL OF GUARANTEE INSURANCE FOR BID GUARANTEE .............................................................173 ANNEX XVI- MODEL OF GUARANTEE-INSURANCE FOR COMPLETION OF THE MINIMUM EXPLORATÓRIO PROGRAM .................................................................................................................................................................190 ANNEX XVII - PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE MODEL ...........................................................................................202 ANEXO XVIII - SUMMARY OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ..............................................................................205 ANNEX XIX- MODEL OF ATTORNEY FOR APPOINTMENT OF THE ACCREDITED REPRESENTATIVE TO SIGN THE CONCESSION CONTRACT ..............................................................................................................................207 ANNEX XX- MODEL OF A PLEDGE CONTRACT OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS AND OTHER AGREEMENTS FOR COMPLETION OF THE MINIMUM EXPLORATORY PROGRAM ...........................................208 ANNEX XXI - TECHNICAL SUMMARY 01: TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION AS NON-OPERATOR ..........................214 ANNEX XXII - TECHNICAL SUMMARY 02: QUALIFICATION AS OPERATOR BY PRIOR OPERATIONAL EXPERIENCE OF THE COMPANY IN BRAZIL AND ABROAD ................................................................................215 ANNEX XXIII- TECHNICAL SUMMARY 03: TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION AS OPERATOR BY EXPERIENCE OF THE STAFF IN BRAZIL AND ABROAD .....................................................................................................................218 ANNEX XXIV- DECLARATION OF RELEVANT OBLIGATIONS AND STRATEGIC PLANNING .............................221 ANNEX XXV- DRAFT OF THE CONCESSION CONTRACT .....................................................................................222 5 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION Current Legislation On August 6, 1997, the National Congress approved the Law no. 9,478/97, which addressed the national energy policy and implemented other measures, in line with the Constitutional Amendment No 9 of 1995, which eases the way for the implementation of the Federal Government monopoly for the Exploration and Production of Oil and Natural Gas. Law no. 9,478 /97 created the National Council on Energy Policy - CNPE with the allocation of formulating policies and guidelines for energy designed to promote the rational use of energy resources of the country, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation and having as principles the preservation of national interest, the promotion of sustainable development, the expansion of the labor market, the exploitation of energy resources, the protection of the environment and promotion of the conservation of energy, increasing the use of natural gas, the promotion of free competition, the attraction of investment in the production of energy and the expansion of the country's competitiveness in the international market. Law no. 9,478 /97 also instituted the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel (ANP) as the body responsible for regulating, hiring and supervising of the economic activities of the Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuel industry, and it is responsible, among other functions, for the preparation of the bidding notices and the completion of bidding for the granting of the rights for the exercise of Exploration and Production of Oil and Natural Gas, signing the Concession Contracts resulting from them and supervise their implementation. This Tender Protocol defines the rules to be obeyed by all companies interested in participating in the Eleventh Bidding Round and it was prepared in accordance with the relevant provisions, among which Law no. 9,478/97; Law no. 12,351/2010; ANP Resolution no. 27, of June 02 2011; and the resolutions of CNPE no. 8, of July 21, 2003, no. 3, 2012, no. 2, 2013 which should be consulted and observed by interested company companies. A Special Bidding Commission (CEL) will be set up exclusively for the Eleventh Bidding Round competition. It will be composed of representatives of ANP and civil society, duly designated by ANP Board of Directors through an Ordinance. 1.2 Areas Available in the Eleventh Bidding Round The blocks available in the Eleventh Bidding Round were selected in frontier exploration and mature basins of with the goals of expanding the Brazilian reserves, expanding the knowledge of the sedimentary basins, decentralizing the exploratory investment in the country, developing 6 the small oil industry and securing national and foreign companies in the country, giving continuity to the demand for local goods and services, the generation of jobs and the income distribution. 1.3 Procedures for Participation in the Eleventh Bidding Round If a company expresses interest for the Eleventh Bidding Round, it should apply for the qualification in accordance with Section 3 of this Tender Protocol, which describes the details of the process. 1.4 Schedule The schedule for the Eleventh Bidding Round is presented in Table 1. This schedule is only indicative. ANP reserves the right to modify or suspend it, provided appropriate notice is given. Table 1 1 - Schedule of the Eleventh Bidding Round Event Opening of the period for delivery of documents relating to the expression of interest and documents for Qualification and Capacity¹ Availability of Data Packages2 Initiation of Public Consultation Final Deadline for contributions to the Tender Protocol and termination of Public Consultation Public Hearing (City of Rio de Janeiro) Publication of the Bidding Notice and Concession Contract Technical-Environmental Seminar Legal-Tax Seminar Final deadline for delivery of documents relating to the Expression of Interest and documents for Qualification and Capacity³ Final deadline for payment of Participation Fees Final Deadline for submission of Bid Bonds Submission of bids4 Signing of the Concession Contracts Date 1/24/2013 1/25/2013 1/25/2013 2/4/2013 2/19/2013 3/11/2013 3/18/2013 3/19/2013 3/26/2013 3/26/2013 4/26/2013 14 and 15/05/2013 August/2013 Notes: 1 The interested company should submit, as of that date, all documents required for qualification and capacity. ² The release of the data package is subject to proof of payment of the Participation Fee and approval of the documentation on the Expression of Interest. 3 The interested company should submit, by this date, all documents required for the qualification. After this date the submission of documents will be accepted only if requested by ANP in replacement of the document presented previously. 4 Accreditation for the event for the presentation of bids as of May 13, 2013 . 7 2 MATTER OF THE BID The purpose of the bidding process is to grant Concession Contracts for the activities of Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production in 289 blocks with exploratory risk, located in 23 sectors of 11 Brazilian sedimentary basins: Barreirinhas, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Foz do Amazonas, Pará-Maranhão, Parnaíba, Pernambuco-Paraíba, Potiguar, Recôncavo, SergipeAlagoas and Tucano. Table Table 2 22 of this Tender Protocol details the sectors and the number of blocks on demand in each sector, as well as the duration of the exploitation phase and periods of exploration, the amounts to be paid for the Retention of Area and the minimum qualification required for the Operator of the Blocks in each Sector. For technical and substantiated reasons, ANP reserves the right to remove Blocks or Sectors from the Eleventh Bidding Round up to the date of submission of bids, provided appropriate notice is given. ANP may include new blocks or sectors in the Eleventh Bidding Round, provided it is duly authorized by CNPE, provided appropriate notice is given. For the activities of Exploration and Production of Oil and Natural Gas in the blocks targeted by the Eleventh Bidding Round, the successful parties must sign Concession Contracts, whose draft is in ANNEX XXV of this Tender Protocol. 2.1 Exploratory Models This Tender Protocol includes the following exploratory models: I - Blocks in Basins of new technological or knowledge frontiers, with the aim of attracting investments to regions still little geologically known or with technological barriers to be overcome, in the search for the identification of new producing basins. II - Blocks in Mature Basins, with the goal of providing opportunities and increase the participation of small and medium-sized businesses in exploration and production of oil and natural gas in heavily exploited basins, thus allowing the continuity of these activities in these regions in which they play an important socioeconomic role. 8 Table 2 2 - Overview of the Sectors Basin Sector Exploratory Model Number of Blocks1 Area on Demand (km2) Phase2 Exploration (years) Exploratory Period (years) Amount to be paid for the Retention of Area Minimum Qualification 3 Required4 (R$/km2/year) SBAR-AP1 Nova Fronteira 6 4,614.85 8 5+3 483.60 A SBAR-AP2 Nova Fronteira 8 6,151.77 8 5+3 322.40 A SBAR-AR2 Nova Fronteira 12 2,307.02 8 5+3 214.93 B Ceará SCE-AP3 Nova Fronteira 7,388.32 7 5+2 644.80 A Espírito Santo SES-T6 Madura 6 178.73 5 3+2 34.39 C SES–AP2 Nova Fronteira 6 4,328.40 7 5+2 93.75 A A Barreirinhas 11 SFZA-AP1 Nova Fronteira 9 6,705.63 8 5+3 62.50 SFZA-AP2 Nova Fronteira 6 11,509.72 8 5+3 322.40 A SFZA-AR1 Nova Fronteira 56 10,737.53 8 5+3 93.75 B SFZA-AR2 Nova Fronteira 26 15,547.20 8 5+3 322.40 B SPAMA-AP1 Nova Fronteira 5 3,846.36 8 5+3 214.93 A SPAMA-AP2 Nova Fronteira 769.30 8 5+3 214.93 A SPOT-AP1 Nova Fronteira 7,326.28 7 5+2 214.93 A SPOT-T3 Madura 3 77.16 5 3+2 34.39 C SPOT-T5 Madura 17 510.55 5 3+2 34.39 C SPEPB-AP2 Nova Fronteira 5 2,991.92 7 5+2 31.25 A SPEPB-AP3 Nova Fronteira 5 3,299.37 7 5+2 31.25 A Recôncavo SREC-T1 Madura 16 474.50 5 3+2 34.39 C Sergipe-Alagoas SSEAL-T1 Madura 25 733.16 5 3+2 34.39 C C Foz do Amazonas Pará-Maranhão Potiguar Pernambuco-Paraíba 1 10 Parnaíba SPN-N Nova Fronteira 6 17,716.36 6 4+2 107.47 Parnaíba SPN-O Nova Fronteira 1 3,049.91 6 4+2 107.47 C Parnaíba SPN-SE Nova Fronteira 13 39,093.89 6 4+2 107.47 C Tucano STUC-S Nova Fronteira 6,455.19 5 3+2 125.00 C 36 Notes: 1 The detailed list of the Blocks offered in each basin is found in Annex I Error! Reference source not found.of this Tender Protocol. ANP may, up to the date of submission of bids, change the number of blocks in bidding, provided appropriate notice is given. 9 2 The exploitation phase could be extended according to the provisions of the Concession Contract for the implementation of a previously approved evaluation plan. 3 Amounts to be paid for the Occupation or Area Retention in Real per km², 12/31/2012, applicable to the exploitation phase. These amounts will be paid and readjusted each year from the date of signing of the Concession Contract, by IGP-DI accumulated in the 12 months preceding the date of each readjustment, as provided for in Art. 28 of Decree no 2,705 /98. These amounts will be increased by 100% in case of extension of the exploitation phase, when applicable, and for the Development Phase. For the Production Phase they will be increased by 900%. 10 3 3.1 CONDITIONS FOR PARTICIPATION IN A BID Requirements for qualification Only companies which are individually qualified may participate in the Eleventh Bidding Round for blocks with exploratory risk, in compliance with the following requirements: a) Expression of Interest, from the presentation of the documents required in Section 3.2 of this Tender Protocol; b) Payment of the Participation Fee and delivery of Annex IIANEXO II ; c) Obtain the technical, legal and financial qualifications conferred by ANP, and the evidence of tax and labor compliance. The qualifications shall be obtained concurrently. If a company covers different levels of technical and financial qualifications, the lowest level is to be considered. Once the requirements set out in this Tender Protocol are met, the company will be considered as qualified and may submit bids solely for the Blocks located in the Sector for which it may have made payment of the Participation Fees, in accordance with the provisions of Table 8, Section 3.10 3.10 of this Tender Protocol. Any documentation submitted to ANP will be returned, with the exception of the dismissed Bid Bonds, according to the conditions described in Section 4.3 of this Tender Protocol. All documents must be submitted in a single authenticated copy containing the title on the top of the first page and without binding. The documents issued abroad should be legalized by the Brazilian Consular Authority to be valid in Brazil, from its original copy issued in its consular jurisdiction, either by the acknowledgment of the signature or notarization of the document itself. If the document is not written in Portuguese, the translation must be made in Brazil, translated by a certified translator, after the legalization of the original document by the Brazilian consular authority, as determined by the Consular and Legal Service Manual of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Book I, Chapter 4, Section 7, items 4.7.1 and 4.7.2. If Brazil has cooperation agreements with other countries or are forecast in the Treaty that Brazil is a party on the exemption from legalization of some or all documents referred to herein, the business company interested can request it and justify it in law applicable. The documents that require notarization, consularization and certified translation are shown in Table Table 7 Table 7 5 - Formalization of Documents for Qualification 11 Nature Section in the Tender Protocol, 3.3.1 3.3.2 √ √ √ Follow model √ √ Follow model √ √ Follow model √ √ Follow model Annex IV Confidentiality Agreement √ 3.3.5 Incorporation Acts (Bylaws or Acts of Incorporation √ No √ √ Sworn Translation Mandatory for national companies and if, applicable, equivalent document to the foreign companies No No √ Sworn Translation √ √ Sworn Translation √ √ Follow model No No Follow model 3.10.1 Simplified Certificate Attestation of powers and the name of the Legal Representative Payment of Participation Fees Copy of proof of payment of the Participation Fee 3.4. Technical Summary Technical 3.4.1/3.4.2 Qualification 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.6. Legal Annex III 3.3.4 3.3.5 3.5. Financial Qualification √ Model √ 3.3.5 3.10 Participation Fee Declaration of Conformity List of Documents for Qualification Introduction Letter for the Submission of the Expressions of Interest Enforceability Attorney for appointment of Accredited Representative with additional information 3.3.3 3.3. Expression of Interest Document Foreign Companies Consularization in diplomatic Notarization Demand for institution (only Translation if notarized abroad) 3.6.a) Annex V If applicable √ √ √ Annex VI No Annex II No Annexes XXI , XXII and XXIII Financial Statements √ Summary of Financial Statements Only if applicable Annex XVIII Opinion of the independent auditor Statement of Relevant Obligations and Strategic Planning Legal Opinion or detailed organization chart of the control chain Only if applicable No √ √ No Annex XII No Follow √ √ model √ √ Sworn Translation √ √ Follow model √ √ Sworn Translation √ √ Follow model √ √ Sworn Translation 12 Nature Section in the Tender Protocol, Qualification 3.6.b) 3.6.c) 3.6. Evidence of Tax and Labor Regularity Document Statement regarding any relevant legal or judicial pending issue Commitment Agreement to the adequacy of the corporate purpose of exploration and production of oil and natural gas Enforceability √ If applicable Model No Foreign Companies Consularization in diplomatic Notarization Demand for institution (only Translation if notarized abroad) √ √ Sworn Translation √ √ Follow model √ √ Follow model Annex VII 3.6.1. Commitment Agreement for the incorporation of the company according the Brazilian laws or indication of a controlled Brazilian company already incorporated to sign the Concession Contract in its place, if it is the successful vendor of the bidding. Only for the foreign companies 3.7 a) Proof of enrollment in the Corporate Taxpayer Registry - CNPJ Only for national companies No No No No 3.7 b) Joint Debt Certificate with a Negative effect on Federal Taxes and Federal Debt Roster (PGFN); Only for national companies No No No No 3.7 c) Certificate of Regularity of the Severance Premium Reserve Fund - FGTS Only for national companies No Not applicable Not applicable 3.7 d) Certificate of Pension Contributions and Third Parties - RFB/INSS Only for national companies No Not applicable Not applicable 3.7 e) Labor Debt Certificate with Negative effect Only for national companies No Not applicable Not applicable Annex VIII No No No of this Tender Protocol. Notarization is the recognition of the signature, for original documents, or certification of copies. Consularization is the endorsement of Brazilian diplomatic authority in the country in which a particular document was issued. ANP may request any additional information that gives support to the analysis of the qualification of companies participating in the Eleventh Bidding Round. 13 3.2 Qualification of foreign companies The foreign companies may participate in the Eleventh Bidding Round, and for that they must submit to the qualification in compliance with the requirements outlined in Section 3.1. 3.3 Expression of Interest The process of qualification will be initiated with the Expressions of Interest through the presentation of the documents listed in this Section. 3.3.1 Declaration of Conformity - List of Documents for Qualification The interested companies should send a Declaration of Conformity according to the model in Annex IIIANEXO III , which describes the documents for purposes of qualification of the company for participation in the Eleventh Bidding Round. The company should indicate, in that Declaration, which documents are being submitted to ANP, and it must be signed by a Representative accredited by ANP, constituted as specified in Section 3.3.3 of this Tender Protocol. The company may submit to ANP the set of documents concerning the technical, legal and financial qualifications and the attestation of tax and labor regularity provided in items 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 of this Tender Protocol, after the presentation of the documents corresponding to the expression of interest. 3.3.2 Introduction Letter for the Submission of the Expressions of Interest The interested company should send an Introduction Letter for the submission of the Expressions of Interest, according to the model and instructions set out in ANNEX IV of this Tender Protocol, signed by one of the accredited representatives at ANP, which shall be constituted as provided for in Section 3.3.3 of this Tender Protocol. 3.3.3 Attorney for the Appointment of the Accredited Representative The interested company should appoint one or more accredited representatives to ANP for the Eleventh Bidding Round. The interested company that accredits more than one representative should indicate, among them, the main one, for whom will be sent any official mail of ANP on this Round. The Accredited Representative will be nominated solely by means of Proxy as per the model in ANNEX V 0of this Tender Protocol, settled by Legal Representative of the represented company. 14 When there is a change in the contact information of the Accredited Representative, the represented company should notify ANP within up to 15 (fifteen) days after the date of such change. The interested company may, exceptionally, after the final deadline for submission of the documents for qualification, change names of the Accredited Representatives through the presentation of a new Proxy, in accordance with ANNEX V 0of this Tender Protocol. If it is intended to appoint Legal Representatives of the company as Accredited Representatives at ANP, it will not be required to submit the Proxy for Appointment of the Accredited Representative, provided the powers names of the appointment party may be verified in the acts of incorporation of the company and/or in more recent acts related to election/appointment of such Representatives, as provided in the Acts of Incorporation (By-laws or Articles of Association). In this case, the company should indicate in the Introduction Letter of Expression of Interest the names of the Legal Representatives appointed as Accredited Representatives at ANP. If, after the final deadline for submission of the documents for qualification, there are changes in the acts of incorporation of the company, such contractual changes should be delivered immediately to ANP. 3.3.4 Confidentiality Agreement The interested company should submit the Confidentiality Agreement relating to data and information contained in the Package of Data supplied by ANP, using the exact model of ANNEX VI of this Tender Protocol, duly signed by its Accredited Representative. 3.3.5 Corporate Documents The interested company should submit: a) Full updated certified copy of its acts of incorporation (By-laws or Articles of Incorporation) or full copy of the most recent acts of incorporation and the consolidation of the amendments that may have been made, duly filed with the competent Commercial Registry; b) simplified certificate issued by the competent Commercial Registry with date of issuance of maximum 30 (thirty) days prior to the date on which the documentation for qualification of the company was protocoled at ANP; and c) Attestation of the powers and names of the Legal Representatives with the most recent acts related to election/appointment of such Representatives, as provided in the Acts of Incorporation (By-laws or Articles of Association), as the case may be. 15 If, in the document mentioned in (b), above, it is shown the most recent archived act does not comply with the Articles of Incorporation/By-laws whose copy has been submitted by the company, it should (i) submit a certified copy of the archived acts subsequently to such Articles of Incorporation/By-laws, or (ii) submit a declaration, signed by an accredited representative and duly certified, mentioning what such acts correspond to - so the remainder is proven, unequivocally, that among the documents submitted by the company is the most recent version of its Articles of Incorporation or By-laws (or the consolidation of the amendments that may have been made), as well as the latest information about its legal representative. The documents mentioned in (c), above, shall not be required if, in acts of incorporation (By-laws or Articles of Incorporation) may be substantiated the powers and names of the Legal Representative. 3.4 Technical Qualification The interested company may request its technical qualification as Operator A, B, C or NonOperator. The technical qualification will be based on the production volume, amount of investments in exploration and previous operational experience of the interested company or, alternatively, the experience of the members of its technical personnel in exploration and production of oil and natural gas. In no event it shall be allowed to add the previous operational experience of the company’s experienced technical personnel. If the interested company decides to qualify through the experience of members of its technical personnel, the maximum possible qualification will be in the category of Operator B. 3.4.1 Technical Qualification as Non-Operator For the purpose of technical qualification as a Non-Operator, the interested company should submit a summary of its main activity, as well as its relationship with its headquarter or controller, when applicable. This summary should be prepared according to the model of Technical Summary 01, in Annex 0XXI of this Tender Protocol, signed by an Accredited Representative of the interested company. The company that qualifies as a Non-Operator may only submit bids in the Eleventh Bidding Round in consortium with other companies, provided that the Operator indicated is a company which has obtained the minimum qualification required to operate in the Sector in which the supply targeted Block is located. 16 3.4.2 Technical Qualification as Operator For the purpose of qualification as Operator, under this Tender Protocol, the interested company may fit into one of the following categories: Operator "A” - qualified to operate in blocks located in Ultra-Deep Water, Deep Water, Shallow Water and onshore. Operator "A” - qualified to operate in blocks located in Shallow Water and onshore. Operator "A” - qualified to operate only in blocks located onshore. Required Documentation The technical qualification will be based on the capacity of the interested company or its corporate group. For that, the interested company which pleads qualification as Operator based on its previous operational experience must complete the Technical Summary 02 in accordance with the model in ANNEX XXII 0of this Tender Protocol. The interested company which pleads qualification as Operator based on the previous experience of the members of the technical staff must complete the Technical Summary 03 according to the model of ANNEX XXIII 0of this Tender Protocol. The Technical Summary should be signed by an Accredited Representative of the interested company. Scoring Criteria for Technical Qualification as Operator For the purpose of technical qualification of the company as Operator "A", "B" or "C" the following scoring criteria will be used: a) Qualification by Operational Experience of the company in Brazil or Abroad Production Volume of oil equivalent: One (1) point is assigned for each 1 (one) thousand barrels/day of equivalent oil produced, considering the annual production average operated by the interested company, up to a maximum of fifteen (15) points. It will be considered as the arithmetic average of the production volumes operated for the last 5 (five) years. Amount of investment in exploration activities: The interested company that attests to have made investments as Operator in exploration activities will receive score according to the amount of attested investment and operational environment, in accordance with the content of Table 3Table 3. It will be considered as the amount of investments for the last 5 (five) years. 17 If the amount of the investment is referenced in US dollar (US$), used the average exchange rate for conversion (Ptax-sale) of the year in which it was made. All investments must be brought to present amount by the IGPM rate accumulated until January 2013. Table 3 - Scoring based on the Amount of Investment Operational Environment Amount of Investment - I (in millions of Real) 15 I < 30 30 I < 60 I ≥ 60 onshore 2 3 4 Shallow Water 3 4 5 Deep/Ultra Deep Water 4 5 6 OnShore Exploration and Production Operations: 10 (ten) points will be granted to the company which currently conducts, as an Operator, according to the best practices of the oil industry, as Operator, exploration activities and ten (10) points to the company which currently carries out onshore production activity, also as an Operator. For company that, alternatively, has current activity in technical services to oil companies or that has current activities as Non-Operator, will be granted 5 (five) points for exploration and 5 (five) points for production onshore. Exploration and Production Operations in Shallow Water: 10 (ten) points will be granted company to a company which currently conducts, as Operator, according to the best practices of the oil industry, as Operator, exploration activities and ten (10) points company to a company which currently carries out production activity in shallow water as Operator. For the company that, alternatively, provides technical services to oil companies or that has current activities as Non-Operator, will be granted 5 (five) points for exploration and 5 (five) points for production in Shallow Water. These criteria will be applied to a company which conducts activities of exploration and production in the water depth up to 400 meters. Exploration and Production Operations in Deep or Ultra-Deep Water: 10 (ten) points will be granted company to a company which currently conducts, as Operator, according to the best practices of the oil industry, as Operator, exploration activities and ten (10) points to a company which currently carries out production activity in Deep or Ultra-Deep Water, as Operator. A company that, alternatively, provides technical services to oil companies or that has current activities as Non-Operator, will be granted 5 (five) points for exploration and 5 (five) points for production in Deep or Ultra-Deep Water. These criteria will be applied to a company which develops activities of exploration and production in the water depth up to 400 meters. 18 Exploration and Production Operations in adverse environments: 10 (ten) points will be granted to the company which can demonstrate current active operations in harsh environments according to the best practices of the oil industry. For a company that, alternatively, can demonstrate current activity t in technical services to oil companies or that has current activities as Non-Operator, both in adverse environments, will be granted 5 (five) points. The environments were exploration and production activity takes place are considered harsh when one or more of the following characteristics may occur: strong marine currents, drilling in high pressure and high temperature conditions (wells whose gradient pressure of pores exceeds 2.62 psi/m or the expected pressure in B. O. P - "Blow Out Preventer" - and exceeding 10,000 psi and the static temperature at the bottom of the pit is greater than 150° C), production activities in remote areas (it is understood as remote areas those which impose restricted access, thus making it difficult for the activities of exploration and production of hydrocarbons) and production of heavy oils (from 10° API to 22º API) and/or extra-heavy (below 10° API) and high presence of contaminants such as CO2 (carbon dioxide) and H2S (hydrogen sulfide), which may cause operational risks. Exploration and Production Operations in sensitive environmental areas: 10 (ten) points will be granted to a company which can demonstrate current activity in operations in sensitive environmental areas according to the best practices of the oil industry. A company that, alternatively, can show present activity in technical services to oil companies or that has current activities as Non-Operator, in sensitive environmental areas, will be granted 5 (five) points. The criteria to consider areas as environmentally sensitive are:: rare, endemic or endangered species; aggregation of species (migratory routes, reproduction, growth, feeding); areas defined as priorities for the conservation of biodiversity; natural resources of socio-economic importance to local communities and/or artisanal fishermen; conservation units; indigenous and/or traditional communities; presence of archaeological sites or speleological heritage. Aspects related to HSE: a) 2 (two) points will be granted to a company which holds the certification of an Integrated Management HSE System (Health, Safety, and Environment). The company should submit a copy of the certificate issued by an independent entity, that is, to which it does not possess any bond, stating the deployment of an Integrated Management HSE System in operations for the exploration and production of oil and natural gas. b) 2 (two) points will be granted to a company which attests the existence of specific requirements for HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) in the process of acquisition of goods and services from third parties. The company should submit a copy of its HSE policy or similar corporate procedure that clarifies the commitment in the acquisition of goods and services of third parties to adopt good HSE practices. 19 Length of Operations Experience: The company which certifies previous experience in the condition of Operator in exploration or production of Oil and Natural Gas will receive, due to the time of experience and the place of operation (whether onshore, Shallow or Deep Water), the score established in Table 4 Table 4 4of this Tender Protocol. For a company that, alternatively, can demonstrate present activity in technical services to oil companies or that has activities as Non-Operator, will be granted half of the points granted to the one holding previous experience as Operator. Table 4 4 - Scoring Due to Experience Time and Local of Operation Operational Environment Experience Time – T(years) 2T<5 5 T < 10 10 T < 15 T ≥ 15 Onshore 5 10 15 20 Shallow Water 10 15 20 25 Deep/Ultra Deep Water 15 20 25 30 b) Qualification by Experience of the Technical Personnel The company which wishes to obtain qualification as Operator "B" or "C" and that may not certify previous operational experience may qualify by the experience of the technical staff. To do this, it must submit the resume of the consultants and members of the technical staff with relevant experience in the activities of exploration and production in Brazil or abroad, specifying the type of relationship to the company and the responsibility of each activity to be carried out, according to the model of Technical Summary 03 in ANNEX XXIII 0of this Tender Protocol. Each submitted resume must contain the signature of the professional, according to the requirements of Section 3.1. It is necessary for the company to possess minimum technical personnel that may include, at least, a professional with experience in exploration activities and another different one with experience in production activities. The operational experience of professional members of the technical personnel will be evaluated on the basis of the place of performance in the activities of exploration and production, also considering the experience of operation in harsh and sensitive environments, as specified in Table 5Table 5 . Table 5 - Score of a company on the basis of the qualification of technical personnel: length of experience and type of activity Area of activity Experience Time – T(years) 2T<5 5 T < 10 T ≥ 10 20 Exploration - Onshore 3 5 7 Production - Onshore 3 5 7 Exploration - Shallow Water 3 5 7 Production - Shallow Water 3 5 7 Exploration - Deep/Ultra Deep Water 3 5 7 Production - Deep/Ultra Deep Water 3 5 7 Operation in Harsh Environments 3 5 7 Operation in Environmentally Sensitive Areas 3 5 7 Summary of classification criteria For the purpose of fitting the company into one of the categories of qualification, ANP will use the following criteria for the technical qualification: From 2 to 29 points: Operator "C"; From 30 to 80 points: Operator "B"; 81 points or more: Operator "A" The company which wishes to obtain qualification as Operator "A", regardless of the score gained, must have mandatory experience in offshore exploration and/or production activities in the last 5 years in the condition of Operator. 3.5 Financial Qualification For the purposes of analysis of economic-financial qualification, the interested company should forward the following documents: a) Financial Statements; b) Opinion from an Independent Auditor; and c) Form of ANNEX XXIV 0 3.5.1 Financial Statements of the Last Three Years The financial statements referred to in item "a" of Section 3.5 are those set out in Law No. 6,404 of December 15, 1976, for the last three financial years. If a company has less than three financial years of reporting, it must submit the financial statements for the already closed year. 21 If a company was incorporated in the current fiscal year, it must submit the Partial Financial Statements. The foreign company that requires the qualification should fill out ANNEX XVIII Error! Reference source not found. 3.5.2 Opinion from Independent Auditor The opinion of an independent auditor as referred to in item "b" of Section 3.5 is required in accordance with Law 6.404/76 and Law no. 11,638/2007. The opinion of an independent auditor shall not be required in the following cases: a) The companies that have not been constituted by actions that do not fall as large as defined by Law 6,404/76 and 11,638/2007; or b) The interested company is performing the qualification process by means of a foreign company. 3.5.3 Financial Statements and Strategic Planning Fulfilling item "c" in Section 3.5 of the Tender Protocol, the interested company should fill out ANNEX XXIV 0as shown in the instructions contained in the document. 3.5.4 Minimum Net Asset Qualification as Operator The company must demonstrate, by means of the documents mentioned in Section 3.5 of this Tender Protocol, it has a Net Asset equal to or greater than the minimum Net Asset required for the operational environment where it intends to act as Operator, as established in the following table. Minimum Net Asset for the submission of offer in a consortium and action in the condition of non-operator (investor) The company qualified as non-operator, or the one qualified as operator, when non-operator will be in the condition of non-operator (investor) in a consortium, to submit bids by participating as consortia in blocks situated on onshore, shallow water or deep water should demonstrate its net asset equal to or greater than 50% (fifty percent) of the amount of the minimum net asset required for the category of operator of the operational environment where the block is located, according to 22 Table 6Error! Reference source not found.. Table 6 - Minimum Amounts of Net Asset for Financial Qualification Required Qualification Minimum Net Asset Ultra-Deep, Deep, Shallow Water and Onshore Areas Operator "A" R$ 107,000,000.00 Shallow Water and Onshore Areas Operator "B" R$ 59,000,000.00 Onshore Areas Operator "C" R$ 3,800,000.00 Operational Environment of the Blocks Qualification as Non-Operator The Minimum Net Asset required for a company to be qualified as non-operator is R$ 1,900,000.00 (one million nine hundred thousand real). To submit bids and act in Blocks located Onshore, Shallow Water or Deep Water, the company qualified as non-operator must demonstrate, by means of the documents mentioned in Section 3.5 of this Tender Protocol, that it has a Net Asset equal to or greater than 50% (fifty percent) of the amount of the Minimum Net Asset required for the category of Operational Environment Operator where the Block is located. 3.6 Legal Qualification The legal qualification will be carried out by means of proof of legal regularity. The company should present, in addition to the documents required in Section 3.3, the following documents: a) Organizational chart detailing the whole control chain of the corporate group, signed by an Accredited Representative. All lists of direct and indirect control, covering any possible holdings / controlling individuals and controlled by the company, as well as once the percentage of the shares is indicated with voting rights of such controlling and controlled parties. Enterprises controlled by bearer shares, without explicit identification of control, or whose acts of incorporation or its affiliates prevents or hinders the identification of the controllers will not be qualified. It will not be allowed, under any justification, the allegation of application of the law of the country of origin of the company aiming to maintain secrecy about its stock control; 23 b) express declaration of the Accredited Representative for all relevant legal or judicial pending issues, including those that may cause insolvency, judicial recovery, bankruptcy, or any other event that may affect the financial suitability of the company; and c) If the corporate purpose of the company is not appropriate to the purpose of the bidding process, it will be required to submit an Adequacy Term of Commitment of the Corporate Purpose to the Activities of Exploration and Production of Oil and Natural Gas, according to the model in Annex VII 0of this Tender Protocol, signed by the Accredited Representative, for the signing of the Concession Contract, if it is the successful bidder. Foreign companies must submit, in addition to the documents mentioned above, or, if applicable, equivalent documents, the Term of Commitment as per ANNEX VIII of this Tender Protocol, duly signed by the Accredited Representative of the company, for the incorporation of the company according to the Brazilian laws or indication of a controlled Brazilian company already incorporated to sign the Concession Contract on its behalf, if it is the successful vendor. 3.7 Labor and Tax Regularity For the qualification in the competition, the national companies should submit the following documents: a) Proof of enrollment in the Corporate Taxpayer Registry - CNPJ; b) Joint Debt Certificate with effect on Federal Taxes and Federal Debt Roster, in charge of the Attorney General of the National Treasury (PGFN); c) Certificate of Regularity of the Severance Premium Reserve Fund - FGTS; d) Certificate of Pension Contributions and Third Parties - RFB/INSS; e) Labor Debt Certificate with negative effect, in charge of the Labor Court. The companies who submit enrollment registration and regular position in the Suppliers Unified Registration System (SICAF) will be exempt from submitting the documents listed in lines "a", "b", "c" and "d" above. The existence of registration of the company as a debtor is a barring fact for the qualification, unless the registration shows that: a) a demand has been judged with the objective to discuss the nature of the obligation, or its amount, and the judgment has been provided with sufficient guarantee, as per the Law; or, b) the enforceability of the tax liability has been suspended. 3.8 Location, schedule and deadline for submission of documents All documentation should be sent to the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel Agency, on behalf of the Bidding Superintendence, or delivered at the Protocol Service of ANP, at the following address: 24 Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis Rio de Janeiro – Escritório Central Avenida Rio Branco 65, térreo – Centro CEP: 20090-004 – Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Brasil. All documentation should be delivered to ANP, from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 pm to 18:00 pm, Brasília/DF time, according to the deadlines defined in Table 1 Table 1 1of this Tender Protocol. 25 Table 7 5 - Formalization of Documents for Qualification Foreign Companies Nature Section in the Tender Protocol, Model Consularization in diplomatic institution (only if notarized abroad) Demand for Translation √ √ Follow model √ √ Follow model √ √ Follow model √ √ Follow model Notarization Declaration of Conformity - List of Documents for Qualification √ 3.3.2 Introduction Letter for the Submission of the Expressions of Interest √ Attorney for appointment of Accredited Representative with additional information √ 3.3.4 Confidentiality Agreement √ 3.3.5 Incorporation Acts (By-laws or Acts of Incorporation √ No √ √ Sworn Translation Mandatory for national companies and if, applicable, equivalent document to the foreign companies No No √ Sworn Translation √ √ Sworn Translation √ √ Follow model No No Follow model 3.3.5 Simplified Certificate 3.3.5 Attestation of powers and the name of the Legal Representative 3.10 Participation Fee 3.10.1 3.4. Technical Qualification 3.4.1/3.4.2 3.5. Financial Enforceability 3.3.1 3.3.3 3.3. Expression of Interest Document Annex IV Annex V If applicable Payment of Participation Fees √ Copy of proof of payment of the Participation Fee √ Technical Summary √ Financial Statements Annex III √ Annex VI No Annex II No Annexes XXI , XXII and XXIII No √ √ √ √ Follow model Sworn Translation 26 Foreign Companies Nature Qualification Section in the Tender Protocol, Enforceability Model Consularization in diplomatic institution (only if notarized abroad) Demand for Translation √ √ Follow model √ √ Sworn Translation √ √ Follow model √ √ Sworn Translation √ √ Sworn Translation √ √ Follow model √ √ Follow model Notarization 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.6.a) 3.6.b) 3.6.c) 3.6. Legal Qualification 3.6. Evidence of Tax and Labor Regularity Document Summary of Financial Statements Only if applicable Opinion of the independent auditor Only if applicable Statement of Relevant Obligations and Strategic Planning Legal Opinion or detailed organization chart of the control chain Statement regarding any relevant legal or judicial pending issue Commitment Agreement to the adequacy of the corporate purpose of exploration and production of oil and natural gas √ √ √ If applicable Annex XVIII No Annex XII No No Annex VII 3.6.1. Commitment Agreement for the incorporation of the company according the Brazilian laws or indication of a controlled Brazilian company already incorporated to sign the Concession Contract in its place, if it is the successful vendor of the bidding. 3.7 a) Proof of enrollment in the Corporate Taxpayer Registry - CNPJ Only for national companies No No No No 3.7 b) Joint Debt Certificate with a Negative effect on Federal Taxes and Federal Debt Roster (PGFN); Only for national companies No No No No 3.7 c) Certificate of Regularity of the Severance Premium Reserve Fund FGTS Only for national companies No No Not applicable Not applicable Only for the foreign companies Annex VIII 27 Foreign Companies Nature Section in the Tender Protocol, 3.7 d) 3.7 e) Document Enforceability Certificate of Pension Contributions and Third Parties - RFB/INSS Only for national companies Labor Debt Certificate with Negative effect Only for national companies Model Consularization in diplomatic institution (only if notarized abroad) Demand for Translation No Not applicable Not applicable No Not applicable Not applicable Notarization No No 28 3.9 Technical Data 3.9.1 Available Information For each basin in which the Blocks offered in the Eleventh Bidding Round are located, one or more Data Packets and Digital Information were prepared, as listed in Table 8 Table 8 6of Section 3.10 of this Tender Protocol. Each package consists of a set of regional data, including seismic lines and data from selected wells for each sector or group of sectors. It should be emphasized that the type, quantity and quality of the data contained in Data Packets and Information vary not only between the Basins, but also between Sectors of the same Basin. The generic content of each Data Packet and Information will be governed, when available, by the following structure: General Information: Scenario and geological considerations embodied in the geological summary such as: description of the geology, stratigraphic column, schematic geological sections and other relevant information. When available, studies on geology and geophysics hired by ANP may be included. Thematic Maps: When available, the following maps will be included: Map of the Basin with the location of the Blocks Map of the Basin with the division of Sectors Map of regional structural framework Gravimetric and magnetometric regional maps Geological maps of land-based sectors Public Seismic Data: When available, the following maps will be included: 2D seismic lines, Post-Stack , in SEG-Y standard format 29 3D seismic lines, Post-Stack , in SEG-Y standard format Public Wells Data: When available, the following data will be included: Composite logs. Well logs (LAS format for Pre-ANP data and LIS or ILSD format Post-ANP wells data). Rock-Eval Pyrolysis and % TOC geochemistry data. Folders of wells containing data and geological information (cuttings description, core analysis, sedimentology and geochemistry), drilling (fluids, casing and cementing) and production (completions, tests, type and analysis of samples of fluids) and other relevant information. Public Gravimetry and Magnetometry Data: When available, the following maps will be included: Gravimetry Data (x, y and z), ASCII format. Magnetometry Data (x, y and z), ASCII format. Part of the information in Data and Information Packages may also be provided in English; however, some data, such as the folders of wells, will only be available in Portuguese. 3.9.2 Access and Withdrawal of Data Packages The Data and Information Packages of may be accessed by means of a remote system available in the website identified in Section 8.2 of this Tender Protocol, whose password will be sent by the ANP to the Accredited Representative of the company after the approval of the documentation of Expressions of Interest and the identification of the payment of the Participation Fee. The Data and Information Package of may also be downloaded from the Data Bank of Exploration and Production of ANP (BDEP), provided the same conditions set for sending the password for remote access are followed. The withdrawal of the Data and Information Package should be made by the Accredited Representative of the interested company, properly identified. This withdrawal can be made optionally by an authorized person, also properly identified, by means of specific authorization to withdraw the Data and Information Package, signed by an Accredited Representative of the company and certified. The authorization should be delivered in compliance with the terms of Section 3.8 of this Tender Protocol. 30 3.9.3 Assistance to Companies Formal working meetings may be held on the sectors offered. The seminars of the Eleventh Bidding Round will be held as described in Table 1 Table 1 1of this Tender Protocol. Technical questions may also be sent to the institutional e-mail of the Bidding Superintendence, included in Section 8.2 of this Tender Protocol. 3.10 Participation Fees In addition to obtaining technical, financial and legal qualification and fiscal and labor regulatory attestation to be qualified to submit bids during the Eleventh Bidding Round, the company should pay the Participation Fees for the Sectors it is interested in. The Participation Fees may be paid for a sector or a group of sectors, as detailed in Table 8 Table 8 6of this Tender Protocol. The company may only submit bids for Blocks located in the Sectors for which it has paid the respective Participation Fees. The payment of the Participation Fee can be made even before submitting to technical, financial, legal qualification and attesting the tax and labor legality. 3.10.1 Payments The payment of the Participation Fee is compulsory and individual to each company, even those wishing to submit bids through consortium. The payment can be made the following ways: By bank form, available on the website of ANP specific for the Eleventh Bidding Round; or By bank transfer. Data for transfer: In favor of: Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis Corporate Taxpayer Register: 02.313.673/0002-08 Banco do Brasil Address: Rua Professor Lélio Gama, 105 – Centro/RJ – CEP: 20031-201 31 Account Number: 333008-7 Agency Number: 2234-9 In the case of bank transfer, in order to facilitate the location of the payment of the Participation Fee, the receipt must be sent to the Bidding Superintendence via fax indicated in Section 8.2 of this Tender Protocol, stating the reference number of the Deposit. The company may make the payment of the Participation Fees until the date indicated in Table 1 Table 1 1of this Tender Protocol. The payment of the Participation Fees must be in accordance with the items listed in Table 8 Table 8 6of this Tender Protocol. 3.10.2 Payments made abroad The payments in foreign currency can only be made by bank transfer. If the Participation Fees are paid abroad, the equivalent amount in American dollars should be converted to Real by the official purchase exchange rate (BACEN/Ptax purchase) of the business day immediately preceding the payment, published by the Central Bank. In this case, the company should check with the financial institution responsible for the operation the incidence of fees on the transfer of values, in order to ensure that the exact amount of the paid Participation Fees will become effectively available to ANP after the conversion to Real. ANP requests the company to deliver a copy of the payment receipt. 32 Table 8 6 - Grouping of data packets and Participation Fee Bacia Setor Barreirinhas – Águas Profundas Taxa de Participação¹ SBAR-AP1 R$ 125.000,00 SBAR-AP2 Barreirinhas – Águas Rasas Ceará – Águas Profundas Espírito Santo – Terra Foz do Amazonas² – Águas Profundas Foz do Amazonas ²– Águas Rasas SBAR-AR2 R$ 65.000,00 SCE-AP3 R$ 125.000,00 SES-T6 R$ 30.000,00 SFZA-AP1 R$ 125.000,00 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AR1 R$ 65.000,00 SFZA-AR2 Pará-Maranhão – Águas Profundas SPAMA-AP2 R$ 125.000,00 SPAMA-AP1 Potiguar – Águas Profundas SPOT-AP1 R$ 125.000,00 SPOT-T3 Potiguar – Terra R$ 15.000,00 SPOT-T5 Recôncavo – Terra SREC-T1 R$ 30.000,00 Sergipe-Alagoas – Terra SSEAL-T1 R$ 15.000,00 SPN-SE Parnaíba – Terra SPN-N R$ 30.000,00 SPN-O Espírito Santo – Águas Profundas SES-AP2 R$ 207.000,00 SPEPB-AP2 Pernambuco-Paraíba R$ 125.000,00 SPEPB-AP3 Tucano STUC-S TODOS OS SETORES R$ 15.000,00 R$ 1.222.000,00 Notes: 1. The listed amounts refer only to the Sector or Group of Sectors mentioned in the table. 2. For the purpose of participation, the SFZA-AP1 and SFZA-AIR1 sectors were respectively grouped to the SFZA-AP2 and SFZA-AR2 sectors, not focusing any additional amount 33 3.11 Return of Participation Fees The Participation Fee will not be returned by ANP, even if the company decides not to participate in the bidding competition, receives qualification in a different category or is not qualified. The Participation Fee will only be returned when, for technical and substantiated reasons, ANP withdraws the entire area that corresponds to a given Data Package, as provided for in Section 2 2 of this Tender Protocol. 3.12 Information Disclosure and Confidentiality by ANP During the whole process of qualification to the Eleventh Bidding Round, ANP will disclose the list of the participating companies. The qualification documents and the minutes of CEL will be publicly disclosed, except for information about the Financial Statements, strategic planning and the choice of the selected sectors in accordance with the payment of the participation fee. The company having any objection to the disclosure of any information contained in this item should manifest itself by forwarding ANP a reasoned letter, which shall decide on the agreement, or not, of the exposed arguments. Upon explicit request of the company, the list of basins where it holds interest may be disclosed by ANP in the web page specific to the Eleventh Bidding Round. For that, the company should send a specific authorization for that purpose, according to the model in ANNEX IX of this Tender Protocol. 3.13 Capacity The company which has obtained qualification at ANP and paid the Participation Fee will be allowed to submit bids for the Blocks located in the Sectors for which the Participation Fees have been paid. The company may submit sole interest bids, provided it is qualified as an Operator in the minimum category required for the Sector where the bid Blocks are located, or in a consortium that includes at least one company qualified as an Operator in the minimum category required for the sector where the bid Blocks are located. Decisions about the suitability of any company will be made by ANP by means of CEL, designated by the Board of Directors especially for the Eleventh Bidding Round. 3.14 Cancellation of the Qualification The companies will have their qualification canceled on the following grounds: Declaration of bankruptcy or judicial or extra judicial reorganization, dissolution or liquidation of the company; 34 By request of the interested company; Non-compliance with the standards set for the bidding process; Practice of any unlawful act, proven in the accordance with the law. 3.15 Companies holding an office in specific countries The CEL may request additional documents and information, not listed in this Tender Protocol, from companies based in countries classified as tax havens by the Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil, as well as companies based in countries classified as non-cooperative by the Board of Control of Financial Activities of the Ministry of Finance. On the basis of reasoned technical and/or legal decisions, the capacity of companies from the countries cited in this Section may be rejected if the documentation submitted is not sufficient to guarantee the interests of the Federal Government as holder of the rights on the oil and natural gas exploration and production in Brazil. 35 4 4.1 SUBMISSION OF BIDS Schedule and Venue of the Bidding The presentation of bids will be held on the date in Table 1Table 1 1, Section 1 1 of this Tender Protocol, at a venue to be disclosed by ANP under the terms of Section 8.2, according to the following schedule: 05/13/13 - Accreditation for the event 3:00 p.m. - Assistance to Accredited Representatives of the companies. The accreditation on that day will be open until the 6:00 p.m. 05/14/13 - First day of submission of bid 8:00 a.m. - Assistance to other participants of the bidding. The accreditation will be open until the closing of the bidding. 9:00 a.m. - Opening of the session for the presentation of bids to the Eleventh Bidding Round. 5/15/2013 - Second day of submission of bids, if needed 8:00 a.m. - Assistance to participants of the bidding. The accreditation will be open until the closing of the bidding. 9:00 a.m. - Opening of the bidding area, starting by the sector immediately posterior to the last one on the first day of submission of bids, strictly taking into account the result of the bidding process provided for in Section 4.2 of this Tender Protocol. 4.2 Bidding Sequence The bidding of this Tender Protocol will be performed according to the sequence defined in Table 9Table 7 - Bidding sequence BASINS SECTORS SPN-SE Parnaíba SPN-N SPN-O Foz do Amazonas SFZA-AP1 36 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AR2 SBAR-AP1 Barreirinhas SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AR2 SPOT-T3 Potiguar SPOT-T5 SPOT-AP1 Espírito Santo SES-AP2 SES-T6 SPAMA-AP1 Pará-Maranhão SPAMA-AP2 Ceará SCE-AP3 SPEPB-AP2 Pernambuco-Paraíba SPEPB-AP3 Sergipe-Alagoas SSEAL-T1 Tucano STUC-S Recôncavo SREC-T1 . 37 Table 7 - Bidding sequence BASINS SECTORS SPN-SE Parnaíba SPN-N SPN-O SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AR1 Foz do Amazonas SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AR2 SBAR-AP1 Barreirinhas SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AR2 SPOT-T3 Potiguar SPOT-T5 SPOT-AP1 Espírito Santo SES-AP2 SES-T6 SPAMA-AP1 Pará-Maranhão SPAMA-AP2 Ceará SCE-AP3 SPEPB-AP2 Pernambuco-Paraíba SPEPB-AP3 Sergipe-Alagoas SSEAL-T1 Tucano STUC-S Recôncavo SREC-T1 38 4.3 Bid Guarantee 4.3.1 Purpose The company, or one of the companies member of the consortium, should provide ANP with Bid Guarantees for the blocks of interest as per the amounts indicated in Table 10 Error! Reference source not found.of this Section, taking into account the Sector in which the Block purpose of this bid is located. Bid Guarantees will only be permitted in terms of Letter of Credit or Guarantee Insurance, according to the models listed in the 0of this Tender Protocol. 4.3.2 Term of delivery The Guarantees must be delivered to ANP by 04/26/2013. 4.3.3 Submission of Guarantees According to the provisions in Section 4.3.1, the companies, or one of the companies member of the consortium may submit Bid Bonds in the number and amount they wish. In the course of the Bidding, the amount of the Bid Guarantees presented by the company for the Blocks will be deducted from the total amount of the Guarantees handed over by the company. All offers, except for those that are disqualified during the event, will have the amount of the guarantee deducted from the total amount of the guarantee handed over by the company, because the guarantee will be retained and bound to the offer, being it either winner or valid. If the bid is presented by companies in consortium, the Bid Guarantee may be supplied by any of the members of the consortium. In this case, it must be indicated on the envelope for the submission of the bid, the company which provided the Bid Guarantee that will be bound to the bid in question. Companies or consortia that have the intention to submit bids for more than one Block should ensure they have Bid Guarantees at an amount sufficient to cover the total of their bids, thus avoiding limiting their ability to work during the Eleventh Bidding Round. 39 Table 10 - Amount of the Bid Guarantees (R$) SECTORS GUARANTEE PER BLOCK (R$) SPN-SE 524,000.00 SPN-N 524,000.00 SPN-O 524,000.00 SFZA-AP1 314,000.00 SFZA-AP2 327,000.00 SFZA-AR1 114,000.00 SFZA-AR2 178,000.00 SBAR-AP1 327,000.00 SBAR-AP2 327,000.00 SBAR-AR2 178,000.00 SPPOT-T3 106,000.00 SPOT-T5 106,000.00 SPOT-AP1 327,000.00 SES-T6 106,000.00 SES-AP2 314,000.00 SPAMA-AP1 327,000.00 SPAMA-AP2 327,000.00 SPEPB-AP2 314,000.00 SPEPB-AP3 314,000.00 Ceará SCE-AP3 327,000.00 Sergipe-Alagoas SSEAL-T1 106,000.00 Recôncavo SREC-T1 106,000.00 Tucano STUC-S 208,000.00 BASINS Parnaíba Foz do Amazonas Barreirinhas Potiguar Espírito Santo Pará-Maranhão Pernambuco- Paraíba 40 4.3.4 Validity of the Bid Guarantees The Bid Guarantees should have validity of at least two months after the date specified in this Tender Protocol for the signing of the Concession Contract. 4.3.5 Modalities and Issuer of Bid Guarantees The Bid Guarantees could be delivered by means of letters of credit issued by banks or financial institutions regularly registered in the Central Bank of Brazil and fit to operate. Bid Guarantees in the form of Guarantee-Insurance will also be accepted, issued by insurers authorized in the Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP) and able to operate. These institutions may not be under Fiscal Direction, Intervention, Extra Judicial Liquidation and Extraordinary Surveillance. The following documents proving the condition of legal representatives of the issuer should accompany the Bid Guarantees: certified copy of the acts of incorporation of the institution, the minutes of the election of directors, the attorney for the representative and the documents of the representatives (Individual Taxpayer Register and Identification Card). The Guarantee-Insurance policies must also be accompanied by the reinsurance contract made by a company authorized by SUSEP. 4.3.6 Application of Guarantees The Bid Guarantee must have the city of Rio de Janeiro as its exclusive place of application. If it does not have a subsidiary in that city, the issuer of the security must designate a representative for that purpose, and it is responsible, in addition, for the obligation to communicate ANP immediately if there is any change of that representative. The Bid Guarantee will be applied when: a) the company which has won the bidding alone, or an Affiliate indicated by it, fails to sign the contract within the time limit set by ANP; b) the winning bid has been submitted by companies in consortium, and the Concession Contract will not be signed by any of the companies members of the consortium or by an Affiliate of any of these companies, within the time defined by ANP; c) when the successful vendor gives up, the company or the consortium convened by ANP, as provided in item 6.3.2 of this Tender Protocol, express interest in assuming the winning bid and do not sign the Concession Contract within the time defined by ANP. 41 4.3.7 Return of Guarantees The Bid Guarantees that are not associated to the valid proposals shall be returned together with all the necessary documentation for their cancellation. The Bid Guarantees associated to the valid proposals, even in partial amount, will only to be returned after the signing of the Concession Contract. The Bid Guarantees will be returned within 15 (fifteen) days after scheduling at the Bidding Superintendence of ANP. If the company does not withdraw the guarantees, they will be archived. 4.4 Composition of the Bids The bids will be composed by Signature Bonus, Minimum Exploratory Program and Commitment of Local Content. 4.4.1 Signature Bonus The Signature Bonus corresponds to the bid amount for obtaining the concession of the Block to be bid and must be paid by the successful vendor, in a single payment, within the time limit set by ANP, for the signing of the Concession Contract. The bid Signature Bonus may not be lower than the minimum amount established for each of the Blocks on bid, as related in Table 14, 0of this Tender Protocol. Any bid with a Signature Bonus inferior to the minimum amount set for the Block in question will be disqualified. 4.4.2 Minimum Exploratory Program The Minimum Exploratory Program, expressed in Units of Work (UTs), corresponds to the set of exploratory activities to be performed by the dealer. The Minimum Exploratory Program on bid shall be fulfilled during the first period of the exploitation phase. Locatio n The accepted exploratory activities and the equivalence relationship of the UTs, with the respective amounts of the financial guarantee of the Minimum Exploratory Program, are shown in Table 15 Table 15 - Equivalence of Units of Work for compliance with the Minimum Exploratory Program Offered Basins/Sectors Block Area (size)² Exploratory Well Seismic Seismic Reprocessing Potential Methods Gamaspectro metry 42 Electrom gnetic Deep Water 2D (UT/km) 3D (UT/km²) GRAV (UT/km) MAG (UT/km) (UT/km) (UT/recep or) 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 760 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 3000 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 760 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 760 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 Potiguar – SPOT-AP1 760 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 Barreirinhas – SBARAR2 180 1,000 0.155 0.633 0.011 0.033 - - - 0.592 Foz do Amazonas – SFZA-AR1 190 1,000 0.155 0.633 0.011 0.033 - - - 0.592 Foz do Amazonas – SFZA-AR2 (FZA-M-321, FZA-M-322, FZA-M-324, FZA-M-388, FZA-M-389, FZA-M-391, FZA-M-393, FZA-M-395, FZA-M-397, FZA-M-454, FZA-M-455, FZA-M-457, FZA-M-459, FZA-M-530, FZA-M-531, FZA-M-604) 760 1,000 0.155 0.633 0.011 0.033 - - - 0.592 Foz do Amazonas – SFZA-AR2 ( FZA-M-461, FZA-M-463, FZA-M-465, FZA-M-467, FZA-M-535, FZA-M-537, FZA-M-539, FZA-M-609, FZA-M-641, FZA-M-643) 760 1,000 0.155 0.633 0.011 0.033 - - - 0.592 Espírito Santo – SES-T6 30 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 Potiguar – SPOT-T3 and SPOT-T5 30 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 (UT/well) Barreirinhas – SBARAP1 and SBAR-AP2 760 1,000 0.085 Ceará – SCE-AP3 760 1,000 Espirito Santo – SESAP2 760 Foz do Amazonas – SFZA-AP1 Foz do Amazonas – SFZA-AP2 Shallow Water Pará-Maranhão – SPAMA-AP1 and SPAMA-AP2 Pernambuco-Paraíba SPEPB-AP2 and SPEPB-AP3* Shore Areas 2D 3D (UT/km) (UT/km2) (km²) 43 Location Block Area (size)² Exploratory Well Seismic (km²) (UT/well) 2D 3D (UT/km) (UT/km2) Recôncavo – SREC-T1 (REC-T-86, REC-T-107, REC-T-117, REC-T-118, REC-T-104) 30 1,000 9.849 Recôncavo – SREC-T1 (REC-T-65, REC-T-75, REC-T-76, REC-T-84, REC-T-85, REC-T-94, REC-T-95, REC-T-105, REC-T-106, REC-T-115, REC-T-116) 30 1,000 Sergipe-Alagoas – SSEAL-T1 (SEAL-T-29, SEAL-T-30, SEAL-T-31, SEAL-T-36, SEAL-T-37, SEAL-T-43, SEAL-T-44, SEAL-T-49, SEAL-T-50, SEAL-T-54, SEAL-T-55, SEAL-T-61, SEAL-T-32, SEAL-T-38, SEAL-T-39, SEAL-T-45, SEAL-T-51, SEAL-T-56, SEAL-T-62, SEAL-T-63, SEAL-T-67, SEAL-T-68, SEAL-T-71, SEAL-T-72, SEAL-T-78) 30 Parnaíba – SPN-N, SPNSE and SPN-O Tucano – STUC-S Seismic Reprocessing Potential Methods Gamaspectro metry Electrom gnetic Offered Basins/Sectors 2D (UT/km) 3D (UT/km²) GRAV (UT/km) MAG (UT/km) (UT/km) (UT/recep or) 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 3000 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 190 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 Gr – Group, Fm – Formation, Mb – Member As an exception in sector SPEPB-AP3, only block PEPB-M-894 has a stratigraphic objective in Fm. Cabo (Albian) of 0of this Tender Protocol. Only the bids of Minimum Exploratory Program expressed in whole numbers of Units of Work and amount equal to or greater than the minimum established for each Block will be accepted, as related related in Table 14Table 14 - Minimum Signature Bonus and Minimum Exploratory Program (PEM) BASIN SECTOR BLOCK PEM (UTs) MINIMUM BONUS (R$) Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 BAR-M-213 BAR-M-215 BAR-M-217 225 225 225 7,941,098.66 7,941,098.66 6,744,285.64 44 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Foz do Amazonas SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SFZA-AP1 BAR-M-252 BAR-M-254 BAR-M-256 BAR-M-298 BAR-M-300 BAR-M-302 BAR-M-304 BAR-M-340 BAR-M-342 BAR-M-344 BAR-M-346 BAR-M-250 BAR-M-251 BAR-M-270 BAR-M-271 BAR-M-291 BAR-M-292 BAR-M-293 BAR-M-313 BAR-M-314 BAR-M-387 BAR-M-388 BAR-M-389 CE-M-603 CE-M-661 CE-M-663 CE-M-665 CE-M-667 CE-M-669 CE-M-715 CE-M-717 CE-M-719 CE-M-721 CE-M-745 ES-T-485 ES-T-486 ES-T-495 ES-T-496 ES-T-506 ES-T-516 ES-M-596 ES-M-598 ES-M-669 ES-M-671 ES-M-673 ES-M-743 FZA-M-125 PEM (UTs) 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 257 257 257 257 257 257 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 MINIMUM BONUS (R$) 7,941,098.66 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 7,330,479.77 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 740,554.60 662,069.20 662,069.20 662,069.20 662,069.20 662,069.20 662,069.20 740,554.60 662,069.20 587,978.98 587,978.98 587,978.98 6,221,832.64 8,346,537.15 6,909,277.36 6,909,277.36 6,261,273.64 5,607,724.50 4,569,952.77 7,632,736.13 7,632,736.13 5,607,724.50 6,909,277.36 163,676.37 195,987.72 201,904.00 180,171.57 180,171.57 180,171.57 4,785,258.24 4,636,887.20 5,562,161.74 6,581,287.78 6,380,344.32 8,075,123.28 7,397,377.85 45 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 FZA-M-127 FZA-M-1401 FZA-M-184 FZA-M-57 FZA-M-59 FZA-M-86 FZA-M-88 FZA-M-90 FZA-M-255 FZA-M-257 FZA-M-261 FZA-M-265 FZA-M-399 FZA-M-401 FZA-M-102 FZA-M-103 FZA-M-120 FZA-M-121 FZA-M-122 FZA-M-123 FZA-M-124 FZA-M-1402 FZA-M-1403 FZA-M-1404 FZA-M-147 FZA-M-148 FZA-M-149 FZA-M-150 FZA-M-151 FZA-M-152 FZA-M-177 FZA-M-178 FZA-M-179 FZA-M-180 FZA-M-181 FZA-M-182 FZA-M-183 FZA-M-212 FZA-M-213 FZA-M-214 FZA-M-215 FZA-M-216 FZA-M-247 FZA-M-248 FZA-M-249 FZA-M-250 FZA-M-251 Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas PEM (UTs) 225 169 225 225 225 225 225 225 408 449 449 449 408 408 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 MINIMUM BONUS (R$) 9,020,377.94 7,016,758.74 9,932,775.48 9,020,377.94 7,397,377.85 7,397,377.85 7,788,049.32 8,188,773.16 2,178,330.97 8,230,768.79 13,590,798.02 9,811,274.79 2,452,818.70 3,804,612.61 1,513,647.00 1,513,647.00 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,513,647.00 1,513,647.00 1,513,647.00 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,864,964.47 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,220,012.10 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,743,788.62 46 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 FZA-M-253 FZA-M-254 FZA-M-282 FZA-M-283 FZA-M-284 FZA-M-285 FZA-M-286 FZA-M-287 FZA-M-288 FZA-M-316 FZA-M-317 FZA-M-318 FZA-M-319 FZA-M-320 FZA-M-351 FZA-M-352 FZA-M-353 FZA-M-354 FZA-M-385 FZA-M-386 FZA-M-387 FZA-M-420 FZA-M-85 FZA-M-321 FZA-M-322 FZA-M-324 FZA-M-388 FZA-M-389 FZA-M-391 FZA-M-393 FZA-M-395 FZA-M-397 FZA-M-454 FZA-M-455 FZA-M-457 FZA-M-459 FZA-M-461 FZA-M-463 FZA-M-465 FZA-M-467 FZA-M-530 FZA-M-531 FZA-M-535 FZA-M-537 FZA-M-539 FZA-M-604 FZA-M-609 PEM (UTs) 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 92 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 92 92 92 MINIMUM BONUS (R$) 1,743,788.62 1,864,964.47 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,626,682.79 1,743,788.62 1,864,964.47 1,864,964.47 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,513,647.00 4,127,009.00 4,940,611.08 3,972,415.19 4,127,009.00 4,443,327.59 5,502,678.67 3,972,415.19 3,972,415.19 3,972,415.19 881,968.47 2,645,905.41 3,972,415.19 4,443,327.59 4,443,327.59 4,443,327.59 4,940,611.08 4,443,327.59 993,103.80 4,443,327.59 2,310,632.60 4,443,327.59 1,513,647.00 881,968.47 770,210.87 47 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP2 SPEPB-AP2 SPEPB-AP2 SPEPB-AP2 SPEPB-AP2 SPEPB-AP2 SPEPB-AP3 SPEPB-AP3 SPEPB-AP3 SPEPB-AP3 SPEPB-AP3 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-T3 SPOT-T3 SPOT-T3 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 FZA-M-641 FZA-M-643 PAMA-M-190 PAMA-M-263 PAMA-M-265 PAMA-M-335 PAMA-M-337 PAMA-M-410 Pará-Maranhão Pará-Maranhão Pará-Maranhão Pará-Maranhão Pará-Maranhão Pará-Maranhão Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar PEPB-M-459 PEPB-M-461 PEPB-M-513 PEPB-M-567 PEPB-M-621 PEPB-M-729 PEPB-M-785 PEPB-M-841 PEPB-M-894 PEPB-M-896 POT-M-389 POT-M-391 POT-M-473 POT-M-475 POT-M-477 POT-M-567 POT-M-569 POT-M-762 POT-M-764 POT-M-766 POT-T-442 POT-T-443 POT-T-485 POT-T-523 POT-T-524 POT-T-530 POT-T-568 POT-T-569 POT-T-575 POT-T-576 POT-T-613 POT-T-614 POT-T-617 POT-T-618 POT-T-619 POT-T-620 POT-T-662 POT-T-663 POT-T-664 PEM (UTs) MINIMUM BONUS (R$) 92 92 225 225 225 225 225 225 113 225 225 113 113 113 225 225 113 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 1,763,936.94 1,986,207.59 5,294,065.78 5,294,065.78 4,886,986.52 4,886,986.52 5,294,065.78 5,717,428.21 128,802.42 383,848.74 282,722.78 128,802.42 151,829.14 555,211.46 1,283,826.22 1,870,020.35 795,841.25 2,122,243.34 4,523,564.43 4,523,564.43 1,869,241.50 3,738,483.00 2,803,862.25 4,523,564.43 4,037,561.64 4,523,564.43 3,738,483.00 3,738,483.00 137,943.86 81,838.19 195,987.72 214,371.62 243,506.27 245,514.56 197,781.57 245,514.56 210,627.21 227,736.86 197,781.57 197,781.57 97,092.81 231,629.72 187,092.68 187,092.68 187,092.68 194,185.62 194,185.62 48 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK PEM (UTs) MINIMUM BONUS (R$) Potiguar Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas SPOT-T5 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SPN-N SPN-N SPN-N SPN-N SPN-N POT-T-665 REC-T-104 REC-T-105 REC-T-106 REC-T-107 REC-T-115 REC-T-116 REC-T-117 REC-T-118 REC-T-65 REC-T-75 REC-T-76 REC-T-84 REC-T-85 REC-T-86 REC-T-94 REC-T-95 SEAL-T-29 SEAL-T-30 SEAL-T-31 SEAL-T-32 SEAL-T-36 SEAL-T-37 SEAL-T-38 SEAL-T-39 SEAL-T-43 SEAL-T-44 SEAL-T-45 SEAL-T-49 SEAL-T-50 SEAL-T-51 SEAL-T-54 SEAL-T-55 SEAL-T-56 SEAL-T-61 SEAL-T-62 SEAL-T-63 SEAL-T-67 SEAL-T-68 SEAL-T-71 SEAL-T-72 SEAL-T-78 PN-T-113 PN-T-114 PN-T-46 PN-T-47 PN-T-65 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 164,952.00 130,938.90 108,443.11 84,690.02 118,765.44 76,672.44 69,502.53 79,451.88 87,105.65 99,795.96 99,795.96 99,795.96 95,016.02 92,670.03 108,443.11 92,670.03 92,670.03 48,630.60 48,630.60 38,699.80 38,699.80 48,630.60 36,472.95 38,699.80 38,699.80 51,599.73 42,755.56 42,755.56 42,755.56 42,755.56 47,638.14 38,699.80 45,163.86 47,638.14 38,699.80 42,755.56 47,638.14 42,755.56 25,089.20 42,755.56 47,638.14 47,638.14 1,423,954.83 1,440,657.96 1,318,476.69 1,474,356.43 1,560,306.99 Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba 49 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK PEM (UTs) MINIMUM BONUS (R$) Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano SPN-N SPN-O SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S PN-T-98 PN-T-165 PN-T-136 PN-T-137 PN-T-150 PN-T-151 PN-T-152 PN-T-153 PN-T-166 PN-T-167 PN-T-168 PN-T-169 PN-T-182 PN-T-183 PN-T-184 TUC-T-130 TUC-T-131 TUC-T-132 TUC-T-133 TUC-T-138 TUC-T-139 TUC-T-140 TUC-T-141 TUC-T-142 TUC-T-146 TUC-T-147 TUC-T-148 TUC-T-149 TUC-T-150 TUC-T-151 TUC-T-152 TUC-T-154 TUC-T-155 TUC-T-156 TUC-T-157 TUC-T-158 TUC-T-161 TUC-T-162 TUC-T-163 TUC-T-164 TUC-T-165 TUC-T-166 TUC-T-167 TUC-T-168 TUC-T-169 TUC-T-172 TUC-T-173 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 1,534,266.16 1,223,383.23 1,105,767.32 1,551,602.36 1,341,900.04 1,263,546.25 1,374,575.86 1,693,798.18 1,132,514.26 1,185,095.06 1,297,740.81 1,263,546.25 1,105,767.32 1,767,233.56 1,012,496.96 155,072.06 155,072.06 137,328.73 137,328.73 119,322.92 207,908.25 185,131.82 169,769.29 153,119.44 166,145.23 220,699.67 216,050.77 171,825.00 171,825.00 139,178.25 109,968.00 189,437.06 240,602.73 233,872.92 220,699.67 155,072.06 160,560.92 220,699.67 240,602.73 171,825.00 155,072.06 155,072.06 160,560.92 222,520.94 220,699.67 185,131.82 222,520.94 50 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK PEM (UTs) MINIMUM BONUS (R$) Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S TUC-T-174 TUC-T-176 TUC-T-177 TUC-T-178 258 515 515 103 120,301.36 139,178.25 171,825.00 44,139.93 , ANNEX XI 0of this Tender Protocol. Any bid with an Exploratory Program inferior to the minimum amount set for the Block in question will be disqualified. 4.4.3 Commitment to Local Content It will be considered, for the purpose of score, only the percentage of Local Content understood between the minimum and maximum amounts, as defined in Table 11 Table 11 of this Tender Protocol. ANNEX XIII of this Tender Protocol contains tables with the minimum Local Content percentage per item and sub-item to be bid. The bid will be made after the completion of the commitment of Local Content for each of the items and sub-items related in the tables of ANNEX XIII in amounts equal to or greater than the minimum established. The global percentage of Local Content in the Phase of Exploration and Development Stage of Production, to be considered during the bid, will be generated automatically by the program of information technology supplied by ANP, as provided for in Section 4.5 of this Tender Protocol, and will be calculated from the percentage of Local Content offered for each of the items and sub items related in the tables in the of 0, weighted by the weight of the said item and sub item in the planned investment for the respective activity (exploration or development of production). The weight of each item should be proposed on the basis of the total cost of the company. Table 11 - Minimum and Maximum Local Content to be considered in bids for the Exploitation Phase and Stage of Development of Production Location of the Block Deep Water Exploration Phase Stage of Development Minimum (%) Maximum (%) Minimum (%) Maximum (%) 37 55 55 65 51 P*> 400 m Shallow Water 100 m < P* 400 m Shallow Water P*100 m Shore 37 55 55 65 51 60 63 70 70 80 77 85 * P = depth in meters Local Content Bid in Shallow Water The Blocks located in depth less than 100 meters can be identified in Table 12 Table 12 of this Tender Protocol. In addition to these, Table 12 Table 12 lists the Blocks located on the bathymetric quota of 100 meters in depth, which were considered as Blocks located in depth lower or equal to one hundred meters ( 100 meters) for the purpose of fitting the tracks laid down for the minimum and maximum percentage of the bid of Local Content. Such definition took into account the most representative portion of the Block in relation to depth range. 52 Table 12 - List of Blocks found in Shallow Water lower than 100 m Basin Sector Blocks FZA-M-120 FZA-M-121 FZA-M-147 FZA-M-148 FZA-M-149 FZA-M-150 FZA-M-177 FZA-M-178 FZA-M-179 FZA-M-180 FZA-M-212 FZA-M-213 FZA-M-214 FZA-M-215 FZA-M-250 FZA-M-282 FZA-M-283 FZA-M-284 Foz do Amazonas SFZA-AR1 FZA-M-285 FZA-M-286 FZA-M-316 FZA-M-317 FZA-M-318 FZA-M-319 FZA-M-320 FZA-M-247 FZA-M-248 FZA-M-249 FZA-M-351 FZA-M-352 FZA-M-353 FZA-M-354 FZA-M-385 FZA-M-386 FZA-M-387 FZA-M-420 FZA-M-1403 FZA-M-1404 53 Basin Sector Blocks FZA-M-321 FZA-M-388 FZA-M-389 FZA-M-391 FZA-M-393 FZA-M-454 FZA-M-455 FZA-M-457 Foz do Amazonas FZA-M-459 SFZA-AR2 FZA-M-461 FZA-M-463 FZA-M-530 FZA-M-531 FZA-M-535 FZA-M-537 FZA-M-604 FZA-M-609 FZA-M-641 FZA-M-643 BAR-M-250 Barreirinhas SBAR-AR2 BAR-M-270 BAR-M-291 BAR-M-313 4.5 Submission of Bids The process of submission of bids and determination of the winning bid will be guided by the following rules: The bids should be drawn up in standard forms and submitted in a sealed envelope, with cover and forms generated by specific computer program developed by ANP, which will be available in the Internet on ANP specific web page to the Eleventh Bidding Round, and delivered to CEL, at the time and location of bidding. The envelope should contain the bid forms signed by the Accredited Representative of the company and the version of the forms in digital format. The bid in digital format will be approved with the printed version, which is the only official version. If there is any 54 discrepancy between the written and digital part, or technical problems in the digital version, the written and printed document will go. The bids should be individual to each bid block. No bids will be accepted for groups of Blocks. The bids of a company or consortium of companies to Blocks located in a certain sector should be presented in a single envelope containing the individual bids for each Block of this Sector. If a company submits bids in different consortia for distinct Blocks located in the same sector, the bids must be presented in separate envelopes. No company, as established in article 38, section IV, of Law no. 9,478/97, may make more than one bid to a same Block, either individually or in consortium. This limitation is also extended to companies of the same corporate group. All bids involving the same company or companies of their corporate group, in the same Block, will be contested by CEL. The company or other companies in the same corporate group may participate in other consortia to make bids for different Blocks. The bids may be made by any company, qualified as Operator in the minimum required category for the Sector where the Blocks subject of the bid are located, or by any consortium in which all member companies have been individually qualified and the leader of the consortium has been qualified as Operator in the minimum required category for the Sector where the Blocks subject of the bid are located. The company qualified as non-operator, or the one qualified as operator, when non-operator will be in the condition of non-operator (investor) in a consortium, to submit bids by participating as consortia in blocks situated on onshore, shallow water or deep water should demonstrate its net asset equal to or greater than 50% (fifty percent) of the amount of the minimum net asset required for the category of operator of the operational environment where the block is located, according to Table 6Error! Reference source not found.. The CEL will verify the completion of the envelopes and their documents included, and may, at its sole discretion, request relevant corrections. The envelopes containing the bids will be opened immediately after the closing date for their presentation and will be analyzed by CEL. The winning bids for each Block in a given Sector will be released before the opening of the process of submission of bids for the next Sector. Only the bids made exclusively according to the instructions in this Tender Protocol will be accepted. 55 The proceedings shall be public and performed in a transparent manner. 4.5.1 Criterion for determination of bids The assessment of bids will be done through the allocation of scores and weights, as shown below. The Signature Bonus must weight 40% in the calculation of the final score to be allocated to the company or competitor consortium, as detailed in Section 4.4.1 of this Tender Protocol. The Minimum Exploratory Program must weight 40% in the calculation of the final score to be allocated to the company or competitor consortium, as detailed in Section 4.4.2 of this Tender Protocol. The Local Content must weight 20% in the calculation of the final score of the company or competitor consortium, as detailed in Section 4.4.3 of this Tender Protocol. Of this total, 5% will be allocated to the Local Content offered for the Exploitation Phase and 15% will be allocated to the Local Content offered for the Development Phase of Production. Thus, for a maximum of 100 points, the final score to be allocated to a particular company will consist of 4 (four) parts, calculated as follows: Bônus de Assinatur a ofertado ( R$) NOTA 1 40 x Maior Bônus de Assinatu ra ofertado ( R$) CL(%) ofertado na Fase de Exploração NOTA 2 5 x Maior CL(%) ofertado na Fase de Exploração CL(%) ofertado na Etapa de Desenvolvi mento NOTA 3 15 x Maior CL(%) ofertado na Etapa de Desenvolvi mento PEM ofertado em UTs NOTA 4 40 x Maior PEM ofertado em UTs FINAL SCORE = SCORE 1 + SCORE 2 + SCORE 3 + SCORE 4 4.5.2 Details on the calculation of the Final Score The scores 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be calculated with five (5) decimal places, disregarding the amounts from the sixth decimal place. The Final Score will be calculated by the sum of scores 1, 2, 3 and 4 56 and will be rounded to 4 (four) decimal places. When the fifth decimal place of the Final Score is equal to or greater than 5 (five), the fourth decimal place will be rounded up. The bids will be classified according to the descending order of scores, being declared the winner the competitor whose bid obtains the greatest Final Score. The CEL will carry out the analysis, evaluation and classification of the bids strictly in accordance with the criteria set out in this Tender Protocol and in Law no. 9,478/97, downgrading the bids that do not meet the pre-set requirements. When two or more competitors get the same score and the provisions of article 42 of Law no. 9,478/97 are not applicable, a new deadline will be given so the tied competitors may present new bids. In any case the bids may be lower than the previous bids, both with regards to the Signature Bonus, and as regards the Minimum Exploratory Program and Commitment of Local Content. The timetable for the submission of new bids will be determined by the President of CEL. If these competitors do not present new bids or a new tie is found, the draw will be used as a criterion of umpire, performed in public act, at a time and place designated by CEL. 4.6 Submission of Bids in Consortium To participate in the Eleventh Bidding Round, the company will have to qualify individually. However, the submission of bid by companies in consortia that meet the following requirements will be accepted: Each consortium should count on at least one company qualified as Operator in the minimum required category for the sector where the Blocks object of the bid are located, without prejudice to the joint liability of the other consortia, which should at least meet the requirements of qualification presentation of bids in the condition of non-operator (investor) defined in item The Operator may not have less than 30% share in the consortium. Each of the other companies in the consortium should have a minimum share of 5% in the consortium. The companies must demonstrate a commitment to establish the consortium, subscribed by the consortium system, with indication of the leader company, responsible for the consortium and for the operations, according to the envelope cover model as described in Section 4.5 of this Tender Protocol. 57 5 APPROVAL OF THE JUDGMENT The final result of the bidding of each Block will be part of the Assessment Report in which the CEL will propose the award of the purpose of the bidding to the company or consortium of companies declared as winner. The aforementioned report shall also include information about the bids that were not successful and, possibly, the disqualified or declared ones, in an informed and unenforceable way. The Assessment Report will be submitted to the Board of Directors of ANP. Once the Assessment Report is approved, in whole or in part, ANP will publish the outcome of the judgment of the bidding in the Official Gazette and in large-circulation newspapers. Once the outcome of the judgment of the bidding is published, ANP shall convene the successful companies for the signing of the Concession Contracts in accordance with the schedule in Table 1 Table 1 1of this Tender Protocol. ANP will publish the copies of the Concession Contracts signed in the Official Gazette. 58 6 REQUIREMENTS FOR SIGNING THE CONCESSION CONTRACT For the Blocks of this bidding, Law no. 9,478 /97 establishes the exploration and production of oil and natural gas must be carried out upon Concession Contracts, signed by means of Bidding. 6.1 Contract Requirements for the winning companies to sign the Concession For the signing of the Concession Contract the submission of the documents listed in Table 13 is requiredTable 13 , in the same number of copies as the contracts to be signed by the company, and at least one copy and the other original certified copies should be submitted within the deadline established by ANP: a) Information on the signatory company The company should present, within the deadline defined by ANP, the information contained in ANNEX X of this Tender Protocol. b) Evidence of Tax and Labor Regularity Tax Clearance Certificates concerning the Federal Revenue Service (Federal Debt Roster, Federal Contribution and Taxes, Severance Guarantee Fund - FGTS and Social Welfare) Corporate Taxpayer Register and Unified Suppliers Registration System (SICAF). Labor Debt Certificate with negative effect, in charge of the Labor Court. The existence of registration of the company as a debtor is a barring fact for the signing of the Concession Contract, unless the registration shows that: a) a demand has been judged with the objective to discuss the nature of the obligation, or its amount, and the judgment has been provided with sufficient guarantee, as per the Law; or, b) the enforceability of the tax liability has been suspended. c) Corporate Documents The company should submit: c.1) Full updated certified copy of its acts of incorporation (By-laws or Articles of Incorporation) or full copy of the most recent acts of incorporation and the consolidation of the amendments that may have been made, duly filed with the competent Commercial Registry; c.2) simplified certificate issued by the competent Commercial Registry with date of issuance of maximum 30 (thirty) days prior to the date on which the documentation for qualification of the company was protocoled at ANP; and 59 c.3) proof of the powers of the legal representative, with the most recent acts of election of the officers and the board of directors that elected to the most recent executive board, as the case may be. c.4) proof that the corporate object is suitable for oil and natural gas exploration and production. If, in the document mentioned in (c.2), above, it is shown the most recent archived act does not comply with the Articles of Incorporation/By-laws whose copy has been submitted by the company, it should (i) submit a certified copy of the archived acts subsequently to such Articles of Incorporation/By-laws, or (ii) submit a declaration, signed by an accredited representative and duly certified, mentioning what such acts correspond to - so the remainder is proven, unequivocally, that among the documents submitted by the company is the most recent version of its Articles of Incorporation or By-laws (or the consolidation of the amendments that may have been made), as well as the latest information about its legal representative. The document mentioned in (c.3), above, shall not be required if, in the acts of incorporation (Bylaws or Articles of Incorporation) may be substantiated the powers of the legal representative and that the name of such representative may be identified. The requirement mentioned in (c.4), above, shall appear in the acts of incorporation to be presented by the company. d) Attorney for Appointment of the Accredited Representative to sign the Concession Contract For the signing of the Concession Contract, the company should submit a Proxy, in accordance with ANNEX XIX 0of this Tender Protocol, settled by its Legal Representative, granting powers to a third party, who will sign the contract on behalf of the successful company. If it is intended to appoint Legal Representatives of the company as Accredited Representatives for the signing of the Concession Contract, it will not be required that the company submit the Proxy, provided the powers of the appointment party may be verified in the acts of incorporation of the company and/or in more recent acts of election of the officers and board of directors who chose the most recent executive board. In this case, the company should indicate the name of the Legal Representative appointed for signing the Concession Contract, when the information of the Signatory are sent, in accordance with ANNEX X of this Tender Protocol. e) Financial Guarantee of the Minimum Exploratory Program For the signing of the Concession Contract, the winning company or consortium should submit financial guarantees to support the compliance with the Minimum Exploratory Program bid as per the the models contained in ANNEX XV0, ANNEX XVI 0and ANNEX XX 0of this Tender Protocol in the forms provided for in this Section. The total amount of the presented Guarantees should be equal to to the number of Work Units offered for the Block object of the Concession Contract, multiplied by the amount in Real of the UT for each Block, shown in Table 15 Table 15 - Equivalence of Units of Work for compliance with the Minimum Exploratory Program 60 Location Deep Water Block Area (size)² Exploratory Well Seismic (km²) (UT/well) 2D 3D (UT/km) (UT/km2) Barreirinhas – SBARAP1 and SBAR-AP2 760 1,000 0.085 Ceará – SCE-AP3 760 1,000 Espirito Santo – SESAP2 760 Foz do Amazonas – SFZA-AP1 Foz do Amazonas – SFZA-AP2 Potential Methods Gamaspectro metry Electrom gnetic Offered Basins/Sectors 2D (UT/km) 3D (UT/km²) GRAV (UT/km) MAG (UT/km) (UT/km) (UT/recep or) 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 760 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 3000 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 760 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 760 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 Potiguar – SPOT-AP1 760 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 Barreirinhas – SBARAR2 180 1,000 0.155 0.633 0.011 0.033 - - - 0.592 Foz do Amazonas – SFZA-AR1 190 1,000 0.155 0.633 0.011 0.033 - - - 0.592 Foz do Amazonas – SFZA-AR2 (FZA-M-321, FZA-M-322, FZA-M-324, FZA-M-388, FZA-M-389, FZA-M-391, FZA-M-393, FZA-M-395, FZA-M-397, FZA-M-454, FZA-M-455, FZA-M-457, FZA-M-459, FZA-M-530, FZA-M-531, FZA-M-604) 760 1,000 0.155 0.633 0.011 0.033 - - - 0.592 Foz do Amazonas – SFZA-AR2 ( FZA-M-461, FZA-M-463, FZA-M-465, FZA-M-467, FZA-M-535, FZA-M-537, FZA-M-539, FZA-M-609, FZA-M-641, FZA-M-643) 760 1,000 0.155 0.633 0.011 0.033 - - - 0.592 30 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 Pará-Maranhão – SPAMA-AP1 and SPAMA-AP2 Pernambuco-Paraíba SPEPB-AP2 and SPEPB-AP3* Shor e Area s Shallow Water Seismic Reprocessing Espírito Santo – SES-T6 61 Location Block Area (size)² Exploratory Well Seismic (km²) (UT/well) 2D 3D (UT/km) (UT/km2) Potiguar – SPOT-T3 and SPOT-T5 30 1,000 9.849 Recôncavo – SREC-T1 (REC-T-86, REC-T-107, REC-T-117, REC-T-118, REC-T-104) 30 1,000 Recôncavo – SREC-T1 (REC-T-65, REC-T-75, REC-T-76, REC-T-84, REC-T-85, REC-T-94, REC-T-95, REC-T-105, REC-T-106, REC-T-115, REC-T-116) 30 Sergipe-Alagoas – SSEAL-T1 (SEAL-T-29, SEAL-T-30, SEAL-T-31, SEAL-T-36, SEAL-T-37, SEAL-T-43, SEAL-T-44, SEAL-T-49, SEAL-T-50, SEAL-T-54, SEAL-T-55, SEAL-T-61, SEAL-T-32, SEAL-T-38, SEAL-T-39, SEAL-T-45, SEAL-T-51, SEAL-T-56, SEAL-T-62, SEAL-T-63, SEAL-T-67, SEAL-T-68, SEAL-T-71, SEAL-T-72, SEAL-T-78) Seismic Reprocessing Potential Methods Gamaspectro metry Electrom gnetic Offered Basins/Sectors 2D (UT/km) 3D (UT/km²) GRAV (UT/km) MAG (UT/km) (UT/km) (UT/recep or) 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 30 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 Parnaíba – SPN-N, SPNSE and SPN-O 3000 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 Tucano – STUC-S 190 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 Gr – Group, Fm – Formation, Mb – Member As an exception in sector SPEPB-AP3, only block PEPB-M-894 has a stratigraphic objective in Fm. Cabo (Albian) of this Tender Protocol. The financial guarantees of the Minimum Exploratory Program may be presented in the following ways: e1) Letters of Credit Letters of credit issued by banks or financial institutions regularly registered in the Central Bank of Brazil will be accepted, provided such institutions are not under Tax Direction, Intervention, Extra Judicial Intervention and Extraordinary Surveillance, or fulfilling penalty imposed by their regulating organizations. If the guarantees are issued abroad, a proof of registration of the financial institution 62 in the competent body must be attached stating its regular operations. The letters of credit shall be issued in accordance with the model of ANNEX XV 0and must be accompanied by the following documents proving the condition of legal representatives of the issuer: certified copy of the acts of incorporation, the minutes of the election of directors, the attorney for the representative and the documents of the representatives (Individual Taxpayer Register and Identification Card). e2) Guarantee Insurance Guarantee Insurance Policies issued by insurance companies regularly registered at the Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP), containing reinsurance coverage in accordance with the model in ANNEX XVI of this Tender Protocol. The Guarantee Insurance Policies must be accompanied by the reinsurance contract made by a company authorized by SUSEP and of the following documents proving the condition of legal representatives of the issuer: certified copy of the acts of incorporation, the minutes of the election of directors, the attorney for the representative and the documents of the representatives (Individual Taxpayer Register and Identification Card). e3) Pledge of Petroleum and Natural Gas Pledge Contracts of Petroleum and Natural Gas produced in the national territory will be admitted on the Fields already in Production, subject to prior approval by ANP and the existing law, according to the model in ANNEX XX of this Tender Protocol. So it may be accepted as collateral to the Minimum Exploratory Program offered, the Pledge Contract of Petroleum and Natural Gas must be signed by the parties, registered at the Real Estate Registry Offices of the district where the fields whose Oil and Natural Gas object of the pledge are located, as provided for in the said annex, and delivered to ANP up to the date to be indicated by this. f) Consortium Contract If the successful bid of the bidding has been submitted by companies in consortium, the registration of the consortium constitutive instrument at the relevant Board of Trade, subscribed by the consortium, must be delivered to and by the date indicated by ANP. The consortium contract should contain the indication of the leader company responsible for the consortium and the operations, without prejudice to the joint liability as provided in Article 38 of Law no. 9,478 /97. The company in the condition of Operator must have a minimum share of 30% in the consortium and each company should have a minimum contribution of 5% in the consortium, as established in Section 4.6 4.6 of this Tender Protocol. g) Proof of Payment of the Signature Bonus A certified copy of the Federal Tax Liability Payment Form (GRU) and the payment receipt of the Signature Bonus should be sent to ANP, accompanied by a document detailing the identification of the areas the payment refers to up to the date specified by ANP. h) Performance Guarantee 63 If the successful company has obtained technical qualification by experience of its controlling group, it should submit a Performance Guarantee according to the model in ANNEX XVII 0of this Tender Protocol. The Performance Guarantee and the document where the controller or headquarter of the successful company should fully guarantee the obligations assumed by the signatory company. 6.2 Signature of an Affiliate Company Contract The successful company or consortium may delegate the signing of the Concession Contract for an Affiliate Company of the successful company with headquarters and administration in Brazil. In the case of foreign company which does not have a subsidiary incorporated in Brazil, it must, compulsorily, incorporate a Brazilian company with headquarters and administration in the country to operate as a concessionaire. In the case of consortium, the direct or indirect shares of each company should be identical to the shares defined in the standard envelope for the submission of bids. The company which receives the delegation to sign the Concession Contract should be submitted to the financial and legal qualification for the same category in which the company that won the bidding was qualified, besides proving its tax and labor regularity, taking into account the provisions in Sections 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 of this Tender Protocol. The qualified successful company should fully guarantee the obligations assumed by the signatory company through Performance Guarantee, according to the model in ANNEX XVII 0of this Tender Protocol. In the event of delegation of the signature of the Concession Contract to an Affiliate until the date indicated by ANP, the following documents should be delivered: a) Corporate documents of the signatory company under the terms of Section 3.3.5 of this Tender Protocol; b) Organizational structure, under the terms of Section 3.6 of this Tender Protocol, explaining the relationship between the successful company and the signatory; c) Performance Guarantee according to the model in ANNEX XVII of this Tender Protocol through which the successful company should fully guarantee the obligations assumed by the signatory. 64 Table 13 - List of documents required for signing the Concession Contract 1 Documents Needed Description Observations 1 Documents relating to the financial and legal qualification If applicable Notarization (Portuguese). Consularization/certified translation and notarization (foreign origin). 2 Certificates of tax and labor regularity of the federal public administration The provisions of Section 6.1 are incorporated in this item. If there is any record as a debtor, the company must submit additional documentation as requested by ANP. 3 Attorney for Appointment of the Accredited Representative to sign the Concession Contract Annex XIX Notarization (Portuguese). Consularization/certified translation and notarization (foreign origin). 4 Consortium Contract If applicable Registration at the Trade Office/original/notarized. 5 Proof of payment of the Signature Bonus In accordance with item 6.1 .g) Certified copy 6 Declaration of the successful company for the signing of the Concession Contract through a Brazilian affiliate company. If applicable 7 Financial Guarantee for the Minimum Exploratory Program The provisions of Section 6.1 e) are incorporated in this item. 8 Evidential document of the powers of the signatories of the financial guarantees The acts of incorporation/by-laws of the financial institution and last changes accompanied of the last minutes of the meeting that elected the current directors. Notarization (Portuguese). Consularization/certified translation and notarization (foreign origin). 9 Performance Guarantee According to the model of the Tender Protocol (Annex XVII) - if applicable. If applicable Notarization (Portuguese). Consularization/certified translation and notarization (foreign origin). Notarization (Portuguese). Consularization/certified translation and notarization (foreign origin). Notarization (Portuguese). Consularization/certified translation and notarization (foreign origin). The deadline for the delivery of the financial guarantees is indicated in Table 1. Notes: 1. The documentation must be delivered in numbers of copies identical to the number of Concession Contracts to be signed by the company, being at least one original (the copies must be certified). 6.3 Cases of Waiver 6.3.1 In the case of consortium, manifested by one of the participant companies If the winner of the bidding of a given block has been submitted by companies in a consortium and one of these companies gives up signing the Concession Contract, the other companies members of the consortium may assume the responsibilities of the quitter, without prejudice to the application of administrative penalties, as provided for in Section 7 7 of this Tender Protocol. It is necessary for the companies interested in assuming the responsibilities of the quitter to have been qualified in the minimum required category for the Sector where the Block object of concession contract is located. In no event shall the entry of a new company in the successful consortium before the signing of the Concession Contract be allowed. If none of the companies members of the original consortium take 65 on the responsibilities of the quitter company, the offer will be decommissioned and applied to the provisions in Section 6.3.2 of this Tender Protocol. 6.3.2 Of a company or consortium as a whole If the company or the winning consortium do not sign the Concession Contract by the date specified for its signature, without prejudice to the application of administrative penalties as provided in Section 7 7 of this Tender Protocol, all the remaining competitors will be called by means of a single call. The notice call will be made by CEL and held by ANP by means of an official communication. To express their interest, the remaining competitors should certify they will fulfill the amounts contained in the successful bid within 5 (five) working days after the convening of ANP. The bid guarantee retained in accordance with Section 4.3.4 of this Tender Protocol may be used as a commitment to honor the successful proposal, provided it remains valid. Otherwise, the remaining competitor should submit a new Bid Guarantee. The order of classification of the bids contained in the Assessment Report will be used as the criterion of preference for the signing of the Concession Contracts. The company which expresses interest in assuming the successful bid will have 30 (thirty) calendar days to submit the required documents, from the convening by ANP for the signing of the Concession Contract. If the company interest in signing the Concession Contract becomes non-complying in the course of this process, the retained or renewed Bid Guarantee will be executed. 6.4 Contract per Block Each block should be contracted individually. A Concession Contract will be generated for each settled Block. 66 7 PENALTIES In the case of non-compliance by the participant company in the Eleventh Bidding Round, of any of the obligations laid down in this Tender Protocol or in regulatory standards issued by ANP, the Agency may apply the following penalties: a) fines; b) Temporary suspension of the right to participate in future bidding to obtain new concessions and be hired by ANP. The temporary suspension of the right to participate in future bidding to obtain new concessions and to be hired by ANP will be applied, without prejudice to the other previously listed penalties when the violator practices acts to the detriment of the goals of the bidding. This suspension shall be applied for a minimum period of 6 (six) months and maximum of 5 (five) years, and may be extended to the corporate group of the violating company and extended at the criterion of ANP, if the irregularity that gave rise to the temporary suspension persists. 67 8 8.1 ADDITIONAL CLARIFICATIONS ON THE BID Forum The issues arising from the implementation of this Tender Protocol which cannot be decided administratively will be processed and considered in the Federal Justice Forum, Judicial Section of the State of Rio de Janeiro, with exclusion of any other forum, no matter how privileged it may be. 8.2 Information and Consultations Information on the bidding will be published by ANP in the Official Gazette and will be made available on the web page of ANP specific on the bidding. Clarifications and additional information relating to the Eleventh Bidding Round processes should be directed to ANP by mail, fax or electronic mail, as listed below: Mail: Décima Primeira Rodada de Licitações Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis Superintendência de Promoção de Licitações Avenida Rio Branco 65, 18º andar 20090-004 Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brasil Fax: (21) 2112-8539 (Brazil) +55-21-2112-8539 (abroad) E-mail: ANP also has a specific web page for Bidding Rounds 68 All requests for information and clarifications will be treated preferentially according to their order of arrival at the Bidding Superintendence of ANP and disclosed on the web page of ANP specific to the Eleventh Bidding Round. 69 9 ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS The acts of CEL are subject to administrative appeals to be brought within 5 (five) working days from the date of the notice of the contested act to be received only in the devolution effect. The notice of the contested act will be made by publication in the Official Gazette. The Management of ANP may assign a suspensive effect to the appeal byan argumented decision and if there are public interest reasons. The appeal of the interested company directly to CEL should be made in writing and filed with the documents that prove the reasons alleged and protocoled at ANP. CEL will notify on the appeal to other interested parties, which may present counter-reasons in the same period of 5 (five) working days after the notice. After the proper instruction the appeal will be forwarded to ANP Board of Directors for evaluation and judgment. The competitor maywithdraw the appeal at any time. 70 10 RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF ANP 10.1 Revocation and Cancelling of the Bidding ANP may revoke, in whole or in part, at any time, this bidding process, whenever reasons of public interest arising from supervening fact are realized, provided it is duly established, relevant and sufficient to justify such behavior. It should also cancel the procedure when an insolvable illegality is found through in writing and duly justified opinion, with notice to the competitors. 10.2 Revision of Terms, Conditions and Procedures ANP reserves the right to unilaterally revise schedules, conditions and procedures for the Eleventh Bidding Round, giving appropriate disclosing, and it may even disqualify any company previously qualified in cases of provendeliberate misrepresentation, inappropriate behavior or submission of bids or documents outside of required standards. In these cases the participation rate will not be returned. 10.3 Omitted Cases Cases not provided for in this Tender Protocol related to the Eleventh Bidding Round will be analyzed by CEL and submitted, in administrative or appeal degree to the judgment of ANP Board of Directors. 71 ANEXO I - DETAILING OF THE BLOCKS ON BID For the purposes of bid in this Bidding Round, the Brazilian Sedimentary basins were divided into Sectors, which, in turn, were divided into Exploratory Blocks. For the delimitation of these, ANP adopted the grid map of IBGE, result of the division of the International Map to the Millionth (CIM), in accordance with the following: (i) for Blocks located in Sectors of New Frontier on shore we used a 1:100,000 scale, grid of 30' of longitude and 30' of latitude, with an area of approximately 3,000 km²; (ii) for Blocks located in Sectors of Mature Basins on shore we used a 1:10,000 scale, grid of 3 ' 45" longitude and 2 ' 30" latitude, with an approximate area of 30 km². iii) for Blocks located in Sectors of Deep Water, we used a 1:50,000 scale, grid of 15' longitude 15' latitude, with an area of approximately 720 Km²; (iv) for Blocks located in Sectors of Shallow Water, using a scale 1:25,000, grid of 7 ' 30" longitude and 7 ' 30" latitude, with an area of approximately 180 km². In the case of areas of exclusion in the blocks, the grid that was adopted is formed by cells of 3 ' 45" longitude and 2 ' 30" latitude. Additional Information about the division of the Sedimentary Basins can be obtained in the web page "". In the Eleventh Bidding Round are offered 289 Blocks with exploratory risk located in 23 Sectors of 11 Brazilian Sedimentary Basins: Barreirinhas, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Foz do Amazonas, Pará-Maranhão, Parnaíba, Pernambuco-Paraíba, Potiguar, Recôncavo, Sergipe-Alagoas and Tucano. The basins, sectors, blocks and their respective locations and areas in km² are below in the form of table. The maps and coordinates (Datum DSS-69) are listed below in the form of images and texts. Nº Bacia Setor Bloco Terra / Mar Área do Bloco (km²) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 BAR-M-213 BAR-M-215 BAR-M-217 BAR-M-252 BAR-M-254 BAR-M-256 BAR-M-298 BAR-M-300 BAR-M-302 M M M M M M M M M 769,2 769,2 769,2 769,1 769,1 769,1 769,0 769,0 769,0 72 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Foz do Amazonas SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-T6 SFZA-AP1 BAR-M-304 BAR-M-340 BAR-M-342 BAR-M-344 BAR-M-346 BAR-M-250 BAR-M-251 BAR-M-270 BAR-M-271 BAR-M-291 BAR-M-292 BAR-M-293 BAR-M-313 BAR-M-314 BAR-M-387 BAR-M-388 BAR-M-389 CE-M-603 CE-M-661 CE-M-663 CE-M-665 CE-M-667 CE-M-669 CE-M-715 CE-M-717 CE-M-719 CE-M-721 CE-M-745 ES-M-596 ES-M-598 ES-M-669 ES-M-671 ES-M-673 ES-M-743 ES-T-485 ES-T-486 ES-T-495 ES-T-496 ES-T-506 ES-T-516 FZA-M-125 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M T T T T T T M 769,0 768,9 768,9 768,9 768,9 192,3 192,3 192,3 192,3 192,3 192,3 192,3 192,2 192,2 192,2 192,2 192,2 768,7 768,5 512,4 768,5 768,5 768,5 326,3 497,9 768,4 768,4 672,2 722,4 722,4 721,2 721,2 721,2 720,0 23,1 27,1 44,3 23,6 30,3 30,3 766,6 73 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 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93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 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137 Foz do Amazonas 138 Foz do Amazonas 139 Foz do Amazonas 140 Foz do Amazonas 141 Foz do Amazonas 142 Foz do Amazonas 143 Foz do Amazonas 144 Foz do Amazonas 145 Foz do Amazonas 146 Foz do Amazonas 147 Para_Maranhao 148 Para_Maranhao 149 Para_Maranhao 150 Para_Maranhao 151 Para_Maranhao 152 Para_Maranhao 153 Parnaíba 154 Parnaíba 155 Parnaíba 156 Parnaíba 157 Parnaíba 158 Parnaíba 159 Parnaíba 160 Parnaíba 161 Parnaíba 162 Parnaíba 163 Parnaíba 164 Parnaíba 165 Parnaíba 166 Parnaíba 167 Parnaíba 168 Parnaíba 169 Parnaíba 170 Parnaíba 171 Parnaíba 172 Parnaíba 173 Pernambuco_Paraíba SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP2 SPN-N SPN-N SPN-N SPN-N SPN-N SPN-N SPN-O SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPEPB-AP2 FZA-M-459 FZA-M-461 FZA-M-463 FZA-M-465 FZA-M-467 FZA-M-530 FZA-M-531 FZA-M-535 FZA-M-537 FZA-M-539 FZA-M-604 FZA-M-609 FZA-M-641 FZA-M-643 PAMA-M-190 PAMA-M-263 PAMA-M-265 PAMA-M-335 PAMA-M-337 PAMA-M-410 PN-T-113 PN-T-114 PN-T-46 PN-T-47 PN-T-65 PN-T-98 PN-T-165 PN-T-136 PN-T-137 PN-T-150 PN-T-151 PN-T-152 PN-T-153 PN-T-166 PN-T-167 PN-T-168 PN-T-169 PN-T-182 PN-T-183 PN-T-184 PEPB-M-459 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T M 767,8 767,8 767,8 767,8 767,8 192,0 768,0 576,0 768,0 192,0 192,0 192,0 384,1 384,1 769,2 769,3 769,3 769,3 769,3 769,3 2740,7 2995,7 2973,1 3069,0 2907,3 2934,6 3049,9 3056,5 3056,5 3053,3 3053,3 3053,3 3053,3 3049,9 3049,9 3049,9 3049,9 3046,3 3046,3 2475,3 445,9 76 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 Pernambuco_Paraíba Pernambuco_Paraíba Pernambuco_Paraíba Pernambuco_Paraíba Pernambuco_Paraíba Pernambuco_Paraíba Pernambuco_Paraíba Pernambuco_Paraíba Pernambuco_Paraíba 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-3:04:03.750,-38:41:05.625 -3:03:45.000,-38:41:05.625 -3:03:45.000,-38:41:24.375 -3:03:26.250,-38:41:24.375 -3:03:26.250,-38:41:52.500 -3:03:26.250,-38:42:01.875 -3:02:58.125,-38:42:01.875 -3:02:58.125,-38:42:30.000 -3:02:39.375,-38:42:30.000 -3:02:39.375,-38:42:48.750 -3:02:20.625,-38:42:48.750 -3:02:20.625,-38:43:16.875 -3:02:01.875,-38:43:16.875 -3:02:01.875,-38:43:35.625 -3:01:43.125,-38:43:35.625 -3:01:43.125,-38:43:54.375 -3:01:43.125,-38:44:13.125 -3:01:24.375,-38:44:13.125 -3:01:24.375,-38:44:41.250 -3:01:05.625,-38:44:41.250 -3:01:05.625,-38:45:00.000 -2:52:30.000,-38:45:00.000 CE-M-667 -2:30:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -2:30:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -2:45:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -2:45:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -2:30:00.000,-38:30:00.000 CE-M-719 -2:45:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -2:45:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -3:00:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -3:00:00.000,-38:30:00.000 89 -2:45:00.000,-38:30:00.000 CE-M-669 -2:30:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -2:30:00.000,-38:00:00.000 -2:45:00.000,-38:00:00.000 -2:45:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -2:30:00.000,-38:15:00.000 CE-M-721 -2:45:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -2:45:00.000,-38:00:00.000 -3:00:00.000,-38:00:00.000 -3:00:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -2:45:00.000,-38:15:00.000 CE-M-661 -2:30:00.000,-39:15:00.000 -2:30:00.000,-39:00:00.000 -2:45:00.000,-39:00:00.000 -2:45:00.000,-39:15:00.000 -2:30:00.000,-39:15:00.000 CE-M-745 -3:00:00.000,-38:26:15.000 -3:00:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -3:15:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -3:15:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -3:07:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -3:07:30.000,-38:26:15.000 -3:00:00.000,-38:26:15.000 90 91 ES-M-598 -20:15:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -20:15:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -20:30:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -20:30:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -20:15:00.000,-38:30:00.000 ES-M-673 -20:30:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -20:30:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -20:45:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -20:45:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -20:30:00.000,-38:30:00.000 ES-M-596 -20:15:00.000,-38:45:00.000 -20:15:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -20:30:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -20:30:00.000,-38:45:00.000 -20:15:00.000,-38:45:00.000 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-19:15:37.500,-39:51:52.500 -19:15:28.125,-39:51:52.500 -19:15:28.125,-39:52:01.875 -19:15:18.750,-39:52:01.875 -19:15:18.750,-39:52:30.000 -19:15:00.000,-39:52:30.000 ES-T-506 -19:17:30.000,-39:52:30.000 -19:17:30.000,-39:48:45.000 -19:20:00.000,-39:48:45.000 -19:20:00.000,-39:52:30.000 -19:17:30.000,-39:52:30.000 ES-T-516 -19:20:00.000,-39:52:30.000 -19:20:00.000,-39:48:45.000 -19:22:30.000,-39:48:45.000 -19:22:30.000,-39:52:30.000 -19:20:00.000,-39:52:30.000 95 96 FZA-M-255 4:15:00.000,-49:45:00.000 4:30:00.000,-49:45:00.000 4:30:00.000,-49:30:00.000 4:15:00.000,-49:30:00.000 4:15:00.000,-49:45:00.000 FZA-M-257 4:30:00.000,-49:30:00.000 4:30:00.000,-49:00:00.000 4:00:00.000,-49:00:00.000 4:00:00.000,-49:15:00.000 4:15:00.000,-49:15:00.000 4:15:00.000,-49:30:00.000 4:30:00.000,-49:30:00.000 FZA-M-261 4:30:00.000,-49:00:00.000 4:30:00.000,-48:30:00.000 4:00:00.000,-48:30:00.000 4:00:00.000,-49:00:00.000 4:30:00.000,-49:00:00.000 FZA-M-265 4:30:00.000,-48:30:00.000 4:30:00.000,-48:00:00.000 4:00:00.000,-48:00:00.000 4:00:00.000,-48:30:00.000 4:30:00.000,-48:30:00.000 FZA-M-321 4:15:00.000,-49:45:00.000 4:00:00.000,-49:45:00.000 4:00:00.000,-50:00:00.000 4:07:30.000,-50:00:00.000 4:07:30.000,-49:52:30.000 4:15:00.000,-49:52:30.000 4:15:00.000,-49:45:00.000 FZA-M-322 4:15:00.000,-49:45:00.000 4:15:00.000,-49:30:00.000 4:00:00.000,-49:30:00.000 4:00:00.000,-49:45:00.000 4:15:00.000,-49:45:00.000 FZA-M-324 4:15:00.000,-49:30:00.000 4:15:00.000,-49:15:00.000 4:00:00.000,-49:15:00.000 4:00:00.000,-49:30:00.000 4:15:00.000,-49:30:00.000 97 FZA-M-388 3:45:00.000,-50:15:00.000 3:52:30.000,-50:15:00.000 3:52:30.000,-50:07:30.000 4:00:00.000,-50:07:30.000 4:00:00.000,-50:00:00.000 3:45:00.000,-50:00:00.000 3:45:00.000,-50:15:00.000 FZA-M-389 4:00:00.000,-50:00:00.000 4:00:00.000,-49:45:00.000 3:45:00.000,-49:45:00.000 3:45:00.000,-50:00:00.000 4:00:00.000,-50:00:00.000 FZA-M-391 4:00:00.000,-49:45:00.000 4:00:00.000,-49:30:00.000 3:45:00.000,-49:30:00.000 3:45:00.000,-49:45:00.000 4:00:00.000,-49:45:00.000 FZA-M-393 4:00:00.000,-49:30:00.000 4:00:00.000,-49:15:00.000 3:45:00.000,-49:15:00.000 3:45:00.000,-49:30:00.000 4:00:00.000,-49:30:00.000 FZA-M-395 4:00:00.000,-49:15:00.000 4:00:00.000,-49:00:00.000 3:45:00.000,-49:00:00.000 3:45:00.000,-49:15:00.000 4:00:00.000,-49:15:00.000 FZA-M-397 4:00:00.000,-49:00:00.000 4:00:00.000,-48:45:00.000 3:45:00.000,-48:45:00.000 3:45:00.000,-49:00:00.000 4:00:00.000,-49:00:00.000 FZA-M-399 4:00:00.000,-48:45:00.000 4:00:00.000,-48:30:00.000 3:45:00.000,-48:30:00.000 3:45:00.000,-48:45:00.000 4:00:00.000,-48:45:00.000 FZA-M-401 4:00:00.000,-48:30:00.000 98 4:00:00.000,-48:00:00.000 3:45:00.000,-48:00:00.000 3:45:00.000,-48:30:00.000 4:00:00.000,-48:30:00.000 FZA-M-454 3:37:30.000,-50:15:00.000 3:37:30.000,-50:22:30.000 3:45:00.000,-50:22:30.000 3:45:00.000,-50:15:00.000 3:37:30.000,-50:15:00.000 FZA-M-455 3:45:00.000,-50:15:00.000 3:45:00.000,-50:00:00.000 3:30:00.000,-50:00:00.000 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3:30:00.000,-49:45:00.000 3:22:30.000,-49:45:00.000 3:22:30.000,-49:52:30.000 3:30:00.000,-49:52:30.000 FZA-M-531 3:30:00.000,-49:45:00.000 3:30:00.000,-49:30:00.000 3:15:00.000,-49:30:00.000 3:15:00.000,-49:45:00.000 3:30:00.000,-49:45:00.000 FZA-M-535 3:30:00.000,-49:15:00.000 3:30:00.000,-49:00:00.000 3:15:00.000,-49:00:00.000 3:15:00.000,-49:07:30.000 3:22:30.000,-49:07:30.000 3:22:30.000,-49:15:00.000 3:30:00.000,-49:15:00.000 FZA-M-537 3:30:00.000,-49:00:00.000 3:30:00.000,-48:45:00.000 3:15:00.000,-48:45:00.000 3:15:00.000,-49:00:00.000 3:30:00.000,-49:00:00.000 FZA-M-539 3:30:00.000,-48:45:00.000 3:30:00.000,-48:37:30.000 3:22:30.000,-48:37:30.000 3:22:30.000,-48:45:00.000 3:30:00.000,-48:45:00.000 FZA-M-604 3:15:00.000,-49:30:00.000 3:07:30.000,-49:30:00.000 3:07:30.000,-49:37:30.000 3:15:00.000,-49:37:30.000 3:15:00.000,-49:30:00.000 100 FZA-M-609 3:15:00.000,-49:00:00.000 3:15:00.000,-48:52:30.000 3:07:30.000,-48:52:30.000 3:07:30.000,-49:00:00.000 3:15:00.000,-49:00:00.000 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4:52:30.000,-50:30:00.000 102 4:52:30.000,-50:22:30.000 4:45:00.000,-50:22:30.000 4:45:00.000,-50:30:00.000 4:52:30.000,-50:30:00.000 FZA-M-152 4:52:30.000,-50:22:30.000 4:52:30.000,-50:15:00.000 4:45:00.000,-50:15:00.000 4:45:00.000,-50:22:30.000 4:52:30.000,-50:22:30.000 FZA-M-177 4:45:00.000,-50:52:30.000 4:45:00.000,-50:45:00.000 4:37:30.000,-50:45:00.000 4:37:30.000,-50:52:30.000 4:45:00.000,-50:52:30.000 FZA-M-178 4:45:00.000,-50:45:00.000 4:45:00.000,-50:37:30.000 4:37:30.000,-50:37:30.000 4:37:30.000,-50:45:00.000 4:45:00.000,-50:45:00.000 FZA-M-179 4:45:00.000,-50:37:30.000 4:45:00.000,-50:30:00.000 4:37:30.000,-50:30:00.000 4:37:30.000,-50:37:30.000 4:45:00.000,-50:37:30.000 FZA-M-180 4:45:00.000,-50:30:00.000 4:45:00.000,-50:22:30.000 4:37:30.000,-50:22:30.000 4:37:30.000,-50:30:00.000 4:45:00.000,-50:30:00.000 FZA-M-181 4:45:00.000,-50:22:30.000 4:45:00.000,-50:15:00.000 4:37:30.000,-50:15:00.000 4:37:30.000,-50:22:30.000 4:45:00.000,-50:22:30.000 FZA-M-182 4:45:00.000,-50:15:00.000 4:45:00.000,-50:07:30.000 4:37:30.000,-50:07:30.000 4:37:30.000,-50:15:00.000 4:45:00.000,-50:15:00.000 103 FZA-M-183 4:45:00.000,-50:07:30.000 4:45:00.000,-50:00:00.000 4:37:30.000,-50:00:00.000 4:37:30.000,-50:07:30.000 4:45:00.000,-50:07:30.000 FZA-M-212 4:37:30.000,-50:45:00.000 4:37:30.000,-50:37:30.000 4:30:00.000,-50:37:30.000 4:30:00.000,-50:45:00.000 4:37:30.000,-50:45:00.000 FZA-M-213 4:37:30.000,-50:37:30.000 4:37:30.000,-50:30:00.000 4:30:00.000,-50:30:00.000 4:30:00.000,-50:37:30.000 4:37:30.000,-50:37:30.000 FZA-M-214 4:37:30.000,-50:30:00.000 4:37:30.000,-50:22:30.000 4:30:00.000,-50:22:30.000 4:30:00.000,-50:30:00.000 4:37:30.000,-50:30:00.000 FZA-M-215 4:37:30.000,-50:22:30.000 4:37:30.000,-50:15:00.000 4:30:00.000,-50:15:00.000 4:30:00.000,-50:22:30.000 4:37:30.000,-50:22:30.000 FZA-M-216 4:37:30.000,-50:15:00.000 4:37:30.000,-50:07:30.000 4:30:00.000,-50:07:30.000 4:30:00.000,-50:15:00.000 4:37:30.000,-50:15:00.000 FZA-M-250 4:30:00.000,-50:22:30.000 4:30:00.000,-50:15:00.000 4:22:30.000,-50:15:00.000 4:22:30.000,-50:22:30.000 4:30:00.000,-50:22:30.000 FZA-M-251 4:30:00.000,-50:15:00.000 4:30:00.000,-50:07:30.000 4:22:30.000,-50:07:30.000 104 4:22:30.000,-50:15:00.000 4:30:00.000,-50:15:00.000 FZA-M-253 4:30:00.000,-50:00:00.000 4:30:00.000,-49:52:30.000 4:22:30.000,-49:52:30.000 4:22:30.000,-50:00:00.000 4:30:00.000,-50:00:00.000 FZA-M-254 4:30:00.000,-49:52:30.000 4:30:00.000,-49:45:00.000 4:22:30.000,-49:45:00.000 4:22:30.000,-49:52:30.000 4:30:00.000,-49:52:30.000 FZA-M-282 4:22:30.000,-50:37:30.000 4:22:30.000,-50:30:00.000 4:15:00.000,-50:30:00.000 4:15:00.000,-50:37:30.000 4:22:30.000,-50:37:30.000 FZA-M-283 4:22:30.000,-50:30:00.000 4:22:30.000,-50:22:30.000 4:15:00.000,-50:22:30.000 4:15:00.000,-50:30:00.000 4:22:30.000,-50:30:00.000 FZA-M-284 4:22:30.000,-50:22:30.000 4:22:30.000,-50:15:00.000 4:15:00.000,-50:15:00.000 4:15:00.000,-50:22:30.000 4:22:30.000,-50:22:30.000 FZA-M-285 4:22:30.000,-50:15:00.000 4:22:30.000,-50:07:30.000 4:15:00.000,-50:07:30.000 4:15:00.000,-50:15:00.000 4:22:30.000,-50:15:00.000 FZA-M-286 4:22:30.000,-50:07:30.000 4:22:30.000,-50:00:00.000 4:15:00.000,-50:00:00.000 4:15:00.000,-50:07:30.000 4:22:30.000,-50:07:30.000 FZA-M-287 4:22:30.000,-50:00:00.000 105 4:22:30.000,-49:52:30.000 4:15:00.000,-49:52:30.000 4:15:00.000,-50:00:00.000 4:22:30.000,-50:00:00.000 FZA-M-288 4:22:30.000,-49:52:30.000 4:22:30.000,-49:45:00.000 4:15:00.000,-49:45:00.000 4:15:00.000,-49:52:30.000 4:22:30.000,-49:52:30.000 FZA-M-316 4:15:00.000,-50:30:00.000 4:15:00.000,-50:22:30.000 4:07:30.000,-50:22:30.000 4:07:30.000,-50:30:00.000 4:15:00.000,-50:30:00.000 FZA-M-317 4:15:00.000,-50:22:30.000 4:15:00.000,-50:15:00.000 4:07:30.000,-50:15:00.000 4:07:30.000,-50:22:30.000 4:15:00.000,-50:22:30.000 FZA-M-318 4:15:00.000,-50:15:00.000 4:15:00.000,-50:07:30.000 4:07:30.000,-50:07:30.000 4:07:30.000,-50:15:00.000 4:15:00.000,-50:15:00.000 FZA-M-319 4:15:00.000,-50:07:30.000 4:15:00.000,-50:00:00.000 4:07:30.000,-50:00:00.000 4:07:30.000,-50:07:30.000 4:15:00.000,-50:07:30.000 FZA-M-320 4:15:00.000,-50:00:00.000 4:15:00.000,-49:52:30.000 4:07:30.000,-49:52:30.000 4:07:30.000,-50:00:00.000 4:15:00.000,-50:00:00.000 FZA-M-247 4:30:00.000,-50:45:00.000 4:30:00.000,-50:37:30.000 4:22:30.000,-50:37:30.000 4:22:30.000,-50:45:00.000 4:30:00.000,-50:45:00.000 106 FZA-M-248 4:30:00.000,-50:37:30.000 4:30:00.000,-50:30:00.000 4:22:30.000,-50:30:00.000 4:22:30.000,-50:37:30.000 4:30:00.000,-50:37:30.000 FZA-M-249 4:30:00.000,-50:30:00.000 4:30:00.000,-50:22:30.000 4:22:30.000,-50:22:30.000 4:22:30.000,-50:30:00.000 4:30:00.000,-50:30:00.000 FZA-M-351 4:07:30.000,-50:30:00.000 4:07:30.000,-50:22:30.000 4:00:00.000,-50:22:30.000 4:00:00.000,-50:30:00.000 4:07:30.000,-50:30:00.000 FZA-M-352 4:07:30.000,-50:22:30.000 4:07:30.000,-50:15:00.000 4:00:00.000,-50:15:00.000 4:00:00.000,-50:22:30.000 4:07:30.000,-50:22:30.000 FZA-M-353 4:07:30.000,-50:15:00.000 4:07:30.000,-50:07:30.000 4:00:00.000,-50:07:30.000 4:00:00.000,-50:15:00.000 4:07:30.000,-50:15:00.000 FZA-M-354 4:07:30.000,-50:07:30.000 4:07:30.000,-50:00:00.000 4:00:00.000,-50:00:00.000 4:00:00.000,-50:07:30.000 4:07:30.000,-50:07:30.000 FZA-M-385 4:00:00.000,-50:30:00.000 4:00:00.000,-50:22:30.000 3:52:30.000,-50:22:30.000 3:52:30.000,-50:30:00.000 4:00:00.000,-50:30:00.000 FZA-M-386 4:00:00.000,-50:22:30.000 4:00:00.000,-50:15:00.000 3:52:30.000,-50:15:00.000 107 3:52:30.000,-50:22:30.000 4:00:00.000,-50:22:30.000 FZA-M-387 4:00:00.000,-50:15:00.000 4:00:00.000,-50:07:30.000 3:52:30.000,-50:07:30.000 3:52:30.000,-50:15:00.000 4:00:00.000,-50:15:00.000 FZA-M-420 3:52:30.000,-50:22:30.000 3:52:30.000,-50:15:00.000 3:45:00.000,-50:15:00.000 3:45:00.000,-50:22:30.000 3:52:30.000,-50:22:30.000 FZA-M-57 5:15:00.000,-50:30:00.000 5:30:00.000,-50:30:00.000 5:30:00.000,-50:15:00.000 5:15:00.000,-50:15:00.000 5:15:00.000,-50:30:00.000 FZA-M-86 5:15:00.000,-50:30:00.000 5:15:00.000,-50:15:00.000 5:00:00.000,-50:15:00.000 5:00:00.000,-50:30:00.000 5:15:00.000,-50:30:00.000 FZA-M-59 5:30:00.000,-50:15:00.000 5:30:00.000,-50:00:00.000 5:15:00.000,-50:00:00.000 5:15:00.000,-50:15:00.000 5:30:00.000,-50:15:00.000 FZA-M-88 5:15:00.000,-50:15:00.000 5:15:00.000,-50:00:00.000 5:00:00.000,-50:00:00.000 5:00:00.000,-50:15:00.000 5:15:00.000,-50:15:00.000 FZA-M-125 5:00:00.000,-50:15:00.000 5:00:00.000,-50:00:00.000 4:45:00.000,-50:00:00.000 4:45:00.000,-50:15:00.000 5:00:00.000,-50:15:00.000 FZA-M-90 5:15:00.000,-50:00:00.000 108 5:15:00.000,-49:45:00.000 5:00:00.000,-49:45:00.000 5:00:00.000,-50:00:00.000 5:15:00.000,-50:00:00.000 FZA-M-127 5:00:00.000,-50:00:00.000 5:00:00.000,-49:45:00.000 4:45:00.000,-49:45:00.000 4:45:00.000,-50:00:00.000 5:00:00.000,-50:00:00.000 FZA-M-184 4:45:00.000,-50:00:00.000 4:45:00.000,-49:45:00.000 4:30:00.000,-49:45:00.000 4:30:00.000,-50:00:00.000 4:45:00.000,-50:00:00.000 FZA-M-1401 5:15:00.000,-50:30:00.000 5:15:00.000,-50:45:00.000 5:22:30.000,-50:45:00.000 5:22:30.000,-50:37:30.000 5:30:00.000,-50:37:30.000 5:30:00.000,-50:30:00.000 5:15:00.000,-50:30:00.000 FZA-M-1402 5:07:30.000,-50:37:30.000 5:07:30.000,-50:45:00.000 5:15:00.000,-50:45:00.000 5:15:00.000,-50:37:30.000 5:07:30.000,-50:37:30.000 FZA-M-1403 5:00:00.000,-50:45:00.000 5:00:00.000,-50:52:30.000 5:07:30.000,-50:52:30.000 5:07:30.000,-50:45:00.000 5:00:00.000,-50:45:00.000 FZA-M-1404 4:52:30.000,-50:52:30.000 4:52:30.000,-51:00:00.000 5:00:00.000,-51:00:00.000 5:00:00.000,-50:52:30.000 4:52:30.000,-50:52:30.000 109 110 PAMA-M-410 +0:15:00.000,-44:30:00.000 +0:15:00.000,-44:15:00.000 +0:00:00.000,-44:15:00.000 +0:00:00.000,-44:30:00.000 +0:15:00.000,-44:30:00.000 PAMA-M-190 +1:00:00.000,-46:00:00.000 +1:00:00.000,-45:45:00.000 +0:45:00.000,-45:45:00.000 +0:45:00.000,-46:00:00.000 +1:00:00.000,-46:00:00.000 PAMA-M-263 +0:45:00.000,-45:30:00.000 +0:45:00.000,-45:15:00.000 +0:30:00.000,-45:15:00.000 +0:30:00.000,-45:30:00.000 +0:45:00.000,-45:30:00.000 PAMA-M-265 +0:45:00.000,-45:15:00.000 +0:45:00.000,-45:00:00.000 +0:30:00.000,-45:00:00.000 +0:30:00.000,-45:15:00.000 +0:45:00.000,-45:15:00.000 PAMA-M-335 +0:30:00.000,-45:00:00.000 +0:30:00.000,-44:45:00.000 +0:15:00.000,-44:45:00.000 +0:15:00.000,-45:00:00.000 +0:30:00.000,-45:00:00.000 PAMA-M-337 +0:30:00.000,-44:45:00.000 +0:30:00.000,-44:30:00.000 +0:15:00.000,-44:30:00.000 +0:15:00.000,-44:45:00.000 +0:30:00.000,-44:45:00.000 111 112 PN-T-182 -8:00:00.000,-45:00:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-44:30:00.000 -8:30:00.000,-44:30:00.000 -8:30:00.000,-45:00:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-45:00:00.000 PN-T-183 -8:00:00.000,-44:30:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-44:00:00.000 -8:30:00.000,-44:00:00.000 -8:30:00.000,-44:30:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-44:30:00.000 PN-T-184 -8:00:00.000,-44:00:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-43:30:00.000 -8:20:00.000,-43:30:00.000 -8:20:00.000,-43:45:00.000 -8:27:30.000,-43:45:00.000 -8:27:30.000,-43:52:30.000 -8:30:00.000,-43:52:30.000 -8:30:00.000,-44:00:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-44:00:00.000 PN-T-47 -4:00:00.000,-46:00:00.000 -4:00:00.000,-45:30:00.000 -4:30:00.000,-45:30:00.000 -4:30:00.000,-46:00:00.000 -4:00:00.000,-46:00:00.000 PN-T-165 -7:30:00.000,-45:30:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-45:00:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-45:00:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-45:30:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-45:30:00.000 PN-T-166 -7:30:00.000,-45:00:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-44:30:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-44:30:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-45:00:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-45:00:00.000 PN-T-150 -7:00:00.000,-44:30:00.000 -7:00:00.000,-44:00:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-44:00:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-44:30:00.000 -7:00:00.000,-44:30:00.000 113 PN-T-167 -7:30:00.000,-44:30:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-44:00:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-44:00:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-44:30:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-44:30:00.000 PN-T-151 -7:00:00.000,-44:00:00.000 -7:00:00.000,-43:30:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-43:30:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-44:00:00.000 -7:00:00.000,-44:00:00.000 PN-T-113 -6:05:00.000,-47:00:00.000 -6:05:00.000,-46:41:15.000 -6:00:00.000,-46:41:15.000 -6:00:00.000,-46:30:00.000 -6:30:00.000,-46:30:00.000 -6:30:00.000,-47:00:00.000 -6:05:00.000,-47:00:00.000 PN-T-114 -6:00:00.000,-46:30:00.000 -6:00:00.000,-46:03:45.000 -6:05:00.000,-46:03:45.000 -6:05:00.000,-46:00:00.000 -6:30:00.000,-46:00:00.000 -6:30:00.000,-46:30:00.000 -6:00:00.000,-46:30:00.000 PN-T-65 -4:30:00.000,-46:00:00.000 -4:30:00.000,-45:30:00.000 -5:00:00.000,-45:30:00.000 -5:00:00.000,-45:37:30.000 -4:55:00.000,-45:37:30.000 -4:55:00.000,-45:45:00.000 -4:57:30.000,-45:45:00.000 -4:57:30.000,-45:48:45.000 -5:00:00.000,-45:48:45.000 -5:00:00.000,-46:00:00.000 -4:30:00.000,-46:00:00.000 PN-T-98 -5:30:00.000,-46:26:15.000 -5:30:00.000,-46:00:00.000 -5:57:30.000,-46:00:00.000 -5:57:30.000,-46:03:45.000 -6:00:00.000,-46:03:45.000 114 -6:00:00.000,-46:30:00.000 -5:35:00.000,-46:30:00.000 -5:35:00.000,-46:26:15.000 -5:30:00.000,-46:26:15.000 -5:47:30.000,-46:07:30.000 -5:50:00.000,-46:07:30.000 -5:50:00.000,-46:03:45.000 -5:47:30.000,-46:03:45.000 -5:47:30.000,-46:07:30.000 PN-T-168 -7:30:00.000,-44:00:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-43:30:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-43:30:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-44:00:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-44:00:00.000 PN-T-136 -6:30:00.000,-43:30:00.000 -6:30:00.000,-43:00:00.000 -7:00:00.000,-43:00:00.000 -7:00:00.000,-43:30:00.000 -6:30:00.000,-43:30:00.000 PN-T-152 -7:00:00.000,-43:30:00.000 -7:00:00.000,-43:00:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-43:00:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-43:30:00.000 -7:00:00.000,-43:30:00.000 PN-T-169 -7:30:00.000,-43:30:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-43:00:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-43:00:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-43:30:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-43:30:00.000 PN-T-137 -6:30:00.000,-43:00:00.000 -6:30:00.000,-42:30:00.000 -7:00:00.000,-42:30:00.000 -7:00:00.000,-43:00:00.000 -6:30:00.000,-43:00:00.000 PN-T-153 -7:00:00.000,-43:00:00.000 -7:00:00.000,-42:30:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-42:30:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-43:00:00.000 -7:00:00.000,-43:00:00.000 PN-T-46 115 -4:07:30.000,-46:30:00.000 -4:07:30.000,-46:26:15.000 -4:00:00.000,-46:26:15.000 -4:00:00.000,-46:00:00.000 -4:30:00.000,-46:00:00.000 -4:30:00.000,-46:30:00.000 -4:07:30.000,-46:30:00.000 116 117 PEPB-M-729 -7:45:00.000,-34:22:30.000 -7:45:00.000,-34:15:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-34:15:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-34:26:15.000 -7:50:00.000,-34:26:15.000 -7:50:00.000,-34:22:30.000 -7:45:00.000,-34:22:30.000 PEPB-M-894 -8:30:00.000,-34:30:00.000 -8:45:00.000,-34:30:00.000 -8:45:00.000,-34:41:15.000 -8:35:00.000,-34:41:15.000 -8:35:00.000,-34:37:30.000 -8:30:00.000,-34:37:30.000 -8:30:00.000,-34:30:00.000 PEPB-M-896 -8:30:00.000,-34:30:00.000 -8:30:00.000,-34:15:00.000 -8:45:00.000,-34:15:00.000 -8:45:00.000,-34:30:00.000 -8:30:00.000,-34:30:00.000 PEPB-M-785 -8:00:00.000,-34:15:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-34:00:00.000 -8:15:00.000,-34:00:00.000 -8:15:00.000,-34:15:00.000 -8:00:00.000,-34:15:00.000 PEPB-M-841 -8:15:00.000,-34:15:00.000 -8:15:00.000,-34:00:00.000 -8:30:00.000,-34:00:00.000 -8:30:00.000,-34:15:00.000 -8:15:00.000,-34:15:00.000 PEPB-M-459 -6:30:00.000,-34:41:15.000 -6:30:00.000,-34:30:00.000 -6:45:00.000,-34:30:00.000 -6:45:00.000,-34:37:30.000 -6:35:00.000,-34:37:30.000 -6:35:00.000,-34:41:15.000 -6:30:00.000,-34:41:15.000 PEPB-M-461 -6:30:00.000,-34:30:00.000 -6:30:00.000,-34:15:00.000 -6:45:00.000,-34:15:00.000 118 -6:45:00.000,-34:30:00.000 -6:30:00.000,-34:30:00.000 PEPB-M-513 -6:45:00.000,-34:30:00.000 -6:45:00.000,-34:15:00.000 -7:00:00.000,-34:15:00.000 -7:00:00.000,-34:30:00.000 -6:45:00.000,-34:30:00.000 PEPB-M-567 -7:00:00.000,-34:26:15.000 -7:00:00.000,-34:15:00.000 -7:15:00.000,-34:15:00.000 -7:15:00.000,-34:22:30.000 -7:12:30.000,-34:22:30.000 -7:12:30.000,-34:26:15.000 -7:02:30.000,-34:26:15.000 -7:00:00.000,-34:26:15.000 PEPB-M-621 -7:15:00.000,-34:22:30.000 -7:15:00.000,-34:15:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-34:15:00.000 -7:30:00.000,-34:22:30.000 -7:27:30.000,-34:22:30.000 -7:27:30.000,-34:26:15.000 -7:22:30.000,-34:26:15.000 -7:22:30.000,-34:22:30.000 -7:20:00.000,-34:22:30.000 -7:20:00.000,-34:26:15.000 -7:17:30.000,-34:26:15.000 -7:17:30.000,-34:22:30.000 -7:15:00.000,-34:22:30.000 119 120 POT-M-389 -3:00:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -3:00:00.000,-38:00:00.000 -3:15:00.000,-38:00:00.000 -3:15:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -3:00:00.000,-38:15:00.000 POT-M-473 -3:15:00.000,-38:11:15.000 -3:15:00.000,-38:00:00.000 -3:30:00.000,-38:00:00.000 -3:30:00.000,-38:03:45.000 -3:27:30.000,-38:03:45.000 -3:27:30.000,-38:07:30.000 -3:20:00.000,-38:07:30.000 -3:20:00.000,-38:11:15.000 -3:15:00.000,-38:11:15.000 POT-M-391 -3:00:00.000,-38:00:00.000 -3:00:00.000,-37:45:00.000 -3:15:00.000,-37:45:00.000 -3:15:00.000,-38:00:00.000 -3:00:00.000,-38:00:00.000 POT-M-475 -3:15:00.000,-38:00:00.000 -3:15:00.000,-37:45:00.000 -3:30:00.000,-37:45:00.000 -3:30:00.000,-38:00:00.000 -3:15:00.000,-38:00:00.000 POT-M-477 -3:15:00.000,-37:45:00.000 -3:15:00.000,-37:30:00.000 -3:30:00.000,-37:30:00.000 -3:30:00.000,-37:45:00.000 -3:15:00.000,-37:45:00.000 POT-M-567 -3:30:00.000,-37:45:00.000 -3:30:00.000,-37:30:00.000 -3:45:00.000,-37:30:00.000 -3:45:00.000,-37:45:00.000 -3:30:00.000,-37:45:00.000 POT-M-569 -3:30:00.000,-37:30:00.000 -3:30:00.000,-37:15:00.000 -3:45:00.000,-37:15:00.000 -3:45:00.000,-37:30:00.000 -3:30:00.000,-37:30:00.000 121 POT-M-762 -4:00:00.000,-37:00:00.000 -4:00:00.000,-36:45:00.000 -4:15:00.000,-36:45:00.000 -4:15:00.000,-37:00:00.000 -4:00:00.000,-37:00:00.000 POT-M-764 -4:00:00.000,-36:45:00.000 -4:00:00.000,-36:30:00.000 -4:15:00.000,-36:30:00.000 -4:15:00.000,-36:45:00.000 -4:00:00.000,-36:45:00.000 POT-M-766 -4:00:00.000,-36:30:00.000 -4:00:00.000,-36:15:00.000 -4:15:00.000,-36:15:00.000 -4:15:00.000,-36:30:00.000 -4:00:00.000,-36:30:00.000 122 123 POT-T-662 -5:22:30.000,-36:45:00.000 -5:22:30.000,-36:41:15.000 -5:25:00.000,-36:41:15.000 -5:25:00.000,-36:45:00.000 -5:22:30.000,-36:45:00.000 POT-T-663 -5:22:30.000,-36:41:15.000 -5:22:30.000,-36:37:30.000 -5:25:00.000,-36:37:30.000 -5:25:00.000,-36:41:15.000 -5:22:30.000,-36:41:15.000 POT-T-618 -5:20:00.000,-36:37:30.000 -5:22:30.000,-36:37:30.000 -5:22:30.000,-36:41:15.000 -5:20:00.000,-36:41:15.000 -5:20:00.000,-36:37:30.000 POT-T-664 -5:22:30.000,-36:37:30.000 -5:22:30.000,-36:33:45.000 -5:25:00.000,-36:33:45.000 -5:25:00.000,-36:37:30.000 -5:22:30.000,-36:37:30.000 POT-T-665 -5:22:30.000,-36:33:45.000 -5:22:30.000,-36:30:00.000 -5:25:00.000,-36:30:00.000 -5:25:00.000,-36:33:45.000 -5:22:30.000,-36:33:45.000 POT-T-523 -5:15:00.000,-37:00:00.000 -5:15:00.000,-36:56:15.000 -5:17:30.000,-36:56:15.000 -5:17:30.000,-36:59:50.625 -5:17:01.875,-36:59:50.625 -5:17:01.875,-36:59:13.125 -5:15:46.875,-36:59:13.125 -5:15:46.875,-37:00:00.000 -5:15:00.000,-37:00:00.000 POT-T-568 -5:17:30.000,-36:59:50.625 -5:17:30.000,-36:56:15.000 -5:20:00.000,-36:56:15.000 -5:20:00.000,-37:00:00.000 -5:17:39.375,-37:00:00.000 124 -5:17:39.375,-36:59:50.625 -5:17:30.000,-36:59:50.625 POT-T-613 -5:20:00.000,-37:00:00.000 -5:20:00.000,-36:56:15.000 -5:22:30.000,-36:56:15.000 -5:22:30.000,-37:00:00.000 -5:20:00.000,-37:00:00.000 POT-T-524 -5:15:00.000,-36:56:15.000 -5:15:00.000,-36:52:30.000 -5:17:30.000,-36:52:30.000 -5:17:30.000,-36:56:15.000 -5:15:00.000,-36:56:15.000 POT-T-569 -5:17:30.000,-36:56:15.000 -5:17:30.000,-36:52:30.000 -5:20:00.000,-36:52:30.000 -5:20:00.000,-36:56:15.000 -5:17:30.000,-36:56:15.000 POT-T-614 -5:20:00.000,-36:56:15.000 -5:20:00.000,-36:52:30.000 -5:21:52.500,-36:52:30.000 -5:21:52.500,-36:54:22.500 -5:22:30.000,-36:54:22.500 -5:22:30.000,-36:56:15.000 -5:20:00.000,-36:56:15.000 POT-T-617 -5:20:00.000,-36:41:52.500 -5:20:00.000,-36:41:15.000 -5:22:30.000,-36:41:15.000 -5:22:30.000,-36:45:00.000 -5:21:52.500,-36:45:00.000 -5:21:52.500,-36:44:13.125 -5:21:33.750,-36:44:13.125 -5:21:33.750,-36:43:26.250 -5:20:37.500,-36:43:26.250 -5:20:37.500,-36:41:52.500 -5:20:00.000,-36:41:52.500 POT-T-442 -5:10:00.000,-36:33:45.000 -5:10:00.000,-36:30:00.000 -5:12:30.000,-36:30:00.000 -5:12:30.000,-36:33:45.000 -5:10:00.000,-36:33:45.000 125 POT-T-443 -5:10:00.000,-36:30:00.000 -5:10:00.000,-36:26:52.500 -5:10:37.500,-36:26:52.500 -5:10:37.500,-36:27:30.000 -5:11:52.500,-36:27:30.000 -5:11:52.500,-36:30:00.000 -5:10:00.000,-36:30:00.000 POT-T-485 -5:12:30.000,-36:37:30.000 -5:12:30.000,-36:33:45.000 -5:13:45.000,-36:33:45.000 -5:13:45.000,-36:34:22.500 -5:14:22.500,-36:34:22.500 -5:14:22.500,-36:35:00.000 -5:15:00.000,-36:35:00.000 -5:15:00.000,-36:37:30.000 -5:12:30.000,-36:37:30.000 POT-T-530 -5:15:00.000,-36:30:37.500 -5:15:00.000,-36:30:00.000 -5:17:30.000,-36:30:00.000 -5:17:30.000,-36:33:45.000 -5:16:52.500,-36:33:45.000 -5:16:52.500,-36:33:07.500 -5:16:15.000,-36:33:07.500 -5:16:15.000,-36:31:52.500 -5:15:37.500,-36:31:52.500 -5:15:37.500,-36:30:37.500 -5:15:00.000,-36:30:37.500 POT-T-576 -5:17:30.000,-36:30:00.000 -5:17:30.000,-36:26:15.000 -5:20:00.000,-36:26:15.000 -5:20:00.000,-36:30:00.000 -5:17:30.000,-36:30:00.000 POT-T-575 -5:17:30.000,-36:33:45.000 -5:17:30.000,-36:30:00.000 -5:20:00.000,-36:30:00.000 -5:20:00.000,-36:33:45.000 -5:17:30.000,-36:33:45.000 POT-T-619 -5:20:00.000,-36:37:30.000 -5:20:00.000,-36:33:45.000 -5:22:30.000,-36:33:45.000 126 -5:22:30.000,-36:37:30.000 -5:20:00.000,-36:37:30.000 POT-T-620 -5:20:00.000,-36:33:45.000 -5:20:00.000,-36:30:00.000 -5:22:30.000,-36:30:00.000 -5:22:30.000,-36:33:45.000 -5:20:00.000,-36:33:45.000 127 128 REC-T-65 -12:00:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -12:00:00.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:02:30.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:02:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -12:00:00.000,-38:22:30.000 REC-T-75 -12:02:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -12:02:30.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:05:00.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:05:00.000,-38:20:28.125 -12:04:22.500,-38:20:28.125 -12:04:22.500,-38:21:15.000 -12:05:00.000,-38:21:15.000 -12:05:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -12:02:30.000,-38:22:30.000 REC-T-76 -12:02:30.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:02:30.000,-38:15:00.000 -12:05:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -12:05:00.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:02:30.000,-38:18:45.000 REC-T-84 -12:05:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -12:05:00.000,-38:21:15.000 -12:05:09.375,-38:21:15.000 -12:05:09.375,-38:21:43.125 -12:05:46.875,-38:21:43.125 -12:05:46.875,-38:21:33.750 -12:05:56.250,-38:21:33.750 -12:05:56.250,-38:21:05.625 -12:05:37.500,-38:21:05.625 -12:05:37.500,-38:20:56.250 -12:05:28.125,-38:20:56.250 -12:05:28.125,-38:20:46.875 -12:05:09.375,-38:20:46.875 -12:05:09.375,-38:20:28.125 -12:05:00.000,-38:20:28.125 -12:05:00.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:07:30.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:07:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -12:05:00.000,-38:22:30.000 REC-T-85 -12:05:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -12:07:30.000,-38:15:00.000 -12:07:30.000,-38:18:45.000 129 -12:05:00.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:05:00.000,-38:15:00.000 REC-T-86 -12:05:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -12:05:00.000,-38:11:15.000 -12:05:37.500,-38:11:15.000 -12:05:37.500,-38:12:01.875 -12:07:11.250,-38:12:01.875 -12:07:11.250,-38:13:35.625 -12:07:30.000,-38:13:35.625 -12:07:30.000,-38:15:00.000 -12:05:00.000,-38:15:00.000 REC-T-94 -12:07:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -12:07:30.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:10:00.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:10:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -12:07:30.000,-38:22:30.000 REC-T-95 -12:07:30.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:07:30.000,-38:15:00.000 -12:10:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -12:10:00.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:07:30.000,-38:18:45.000 REC-T-105 -12:10:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -12:10:00.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:12:30.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:12:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -12:12:11.250,-38:22:30.000 -12:12:11.250,-38:21:24.375 -12:11:33.750,-38:21:24.375 -12:11:33.750,-38:20:56.250 -12:10:37.500,-38:20:56.250 -12:10:37.500,-38:21:15.000 -12:10:18.750,-38:21:15.000 -12:10:18.750,-38:22:30.000 -12:10:00.000,-38:22:30.000 REC-T-106 -12:10:00.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:10:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -12:12:30.000,-38:15:00.000 -12:12:30.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:10:00.000,-38:18:45.000 REC-T-107 -12:07:30.000,-38:15:00.000 130 -12:07:30.000,-38:13:35.625 -12:10:18.750,-38:13:35.625 -12:10:18.750,-38:11:43.125 -12:10:56.250,-38:11:43.125 -12:10:56.250,-38:11:15.000 -12:12:30.000,-38:11:15.000 -12:12:30.000,-38:15:00.000 -12:07:30.000,-38:15:00.000 -12:11:05.625,-38:14:31.875 -12:12:11.250,-38:14:31.875 -12:12:11.250,-38:13:07.500 -12:11:24.375,-38:13:07.500 -12:11:24.375,-38:11:52.500 -12:10:28.125,-38:11:52.500 -12:10:28.125,-38:13:07.500 -12:11:05.625,-38:13:07.500 -12:11:05.625,-38:14:31.875 REC-T-115 -12:12:30.000,-38:26:15.000 -12:12:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -12:15:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -12:15:00.000,-38:24:50.625 -12:14:22.500,-38:24:50.625 -12:14:22.500,-38:25:56.250 -12:14:41.250,-38:25:56.250 -12:14:41.250,-38:26:15.000 -12:12:30.000,-38:26:15.000 REC-T-116 -12:12:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -12:12:30.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:15:00.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:15:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -12:12:30.000,-38:22:30.000 REC-T-117 -12:12:30.000,-38:18:45.000 -12:12:30.000,-38:15:00.000 -12:15:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -12:15:00.000,-38:15:09.375 -12:14:03.750,-38:15:09.375 -12:14:03.750,-38:15:28.125 -12:13:35.625,-38:15:28.125 -12:13:35.625,-38:16:05.625 -12:14:50.625,-38:16:05.625 -12:14:50.625,-38:15:56.250 -12:15:00.000,-38:15:56.250 -12:15:00.000,-38:18:45.000 131 -12:12:30.000,-38:18:45.000 REC-T-118 -12:12:30.000,-38:15:00.000 -12:12:30.000,-38:11:15.000 -12:15:00.000,-38:11:15.000 -12:15:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -12:12:30.000,-38:15:00.000 REC-T-104 -12:10:00.000,-38:26:15.000 -12:10:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -12:10:18.750,-38:22:30.000 -12:10:18.750,-38:22:39.375 -12:12:11.250,-38:22:39.375 -12:12:11.250,-38:22:30.000 -12:12:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -12:12:30.000,-38:26:15.000 -12:10:00.000,-38:26:15.000 132 133 SEAL-T-51 -9:10:00.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:10:00.000,-35:18:45.000 -9:11:24.375,-35:18:45.000 -9:11:24.375,-35:20:09.375 -9:12:30.000,-35:20:09.375 -9:12:30.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:10:00.000,-35:22:30.000 SEAL-T-61 -9:15:00.000,-35:33:45.000 -9:15:00.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:17:30.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:17:30.000,-35:33:45.000 -9:15:00.000,-35:33:45.000 SEAL-T-67 -9:17:30.000,-35:33:45.000 -9:17:30.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:20:00.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:20:00.000,-35:33:45.000 -9:17:30.000,-35:33:45.000 SEAL-T-71 -9:20:00.000,-35:37:30.000 -9:20:00.000,-35:33:45.000 -9:22:30.000,-35:33:45.000 -9:22:30.000,-35:37:30.000 -9:20:00.000,-35:37:30.000 SEAL-T-72 -9:20:00.000,-35:33:45.000 -9:20:00.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:21:52.500,-35:30:00.000 -9:21:52.500,-35:30:18.750 -9:21:33.750,-35:30:18.750 -9:21:33.750,-35:30:28.125 -9:21:24.375,-35:30:28.125 -9:21:24.375,-35:30:46.875 -9:21:15.000,-35:30:46.875 -9:21:15.000,-35:30:56.250 -9:21:05.625,-35:30:56.250 -9:21:05.625,-35:31:15.000 -9:20:56.250,-35:31:15.000 -9:20:56.250,-35:31:24.375 -9:20:56.250,-35:31:33.750 -9:20:46.875,-35:31:33.750 -9:20:46.875,-35:31:43.125 -9:21:15.000,-35:31:43.125 -9:21:15.000,-35:31:33.750 134 -9:21:24.375,-35:31:33.750 -9:21:24.375,-35:31:24.375 -9:21:33.750,-35:31:24.375 -9:21:33.750,-35:31:15.000 -9:21:43.125,-35:31:15.000 -9:21:43.125,-35:31:05.625 -9:22:30.000,-35:31:05.625 -9:22:30.000,-35:33:45.000 -9:20:00.000,-35:33:45.000 SEAL-T-62 -9:15:00.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:15:00.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:17:30.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:17:30.000,-35:27:01.875 -9:16:52.500,-35:27:01.875 -9:16:52.500,-35:29:22.500 -9:17:30.000,-35:29:22.500 -9:17:30.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:15:00.000,-35:30:00.000 SEAL-T-63 -9:15:00.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:15:00.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:16:24.375,-35:22:30.000 -9:16:24.375,-35:22:48.750 -9:16:43.125,-35:22:48.750 -9:16:43.125,-35:23:07.500 -9:16:52.500,-35:23:07.500 -9:16:52.500,-35:23:16.875 -9:17:01.875,-35:23:16.875 -9:17:01.875,-35:23:26.250 -9:17:11.250,-35:23:26.250 -9:17:11.250,-35:23:35.625 -9:17:20.625,-35:23:35.625 -9:17:20.625,-35:23:45.000 -9:17:30.000,-35:23:45.000 -9:17:30.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:15:00.000,-35:26:15.000 SEAL-T-30 -9:02:30.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:02:30.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:05:00.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:05:00.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:02:30.000,-35:26:15.000 SEAL-T-36 -9:05:00.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:05:00.000,-35:26:15.000 135 -9:07:30.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:07:30.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:05:00.000,-35:30:00.000 SEAL-T-37 -9:05:00.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:05:00.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:07:30.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:07:30.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:05:00.000,-35:26:15.000 SEAL-T-31 -9:02:30.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:02:30.000,-35:18:45.000 -9:05:00.000,-35:18:45.000 -9:05:00.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:02:30.000,-35:22:30.000 SEAL-T-32 -9:02:30.000,-35:18:45.000 -9:02:30.000,-35:15:00.000 -9:04:41.250,-35:15:00.000 -9:04:41.250,-35:15:18.750 -9:05:00.000,-35:15:18.750 -9:05:00.000,-35:18:45.000 -9:02:30.000,-35:18:45.000 SEAL-T-38 -9:05:00.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:05:00.000,-35:18:45.000 -9:07:30.000,-35:18:45.000 -9:07:30.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:05:00.000,-35:22:30.000 SEAL-T-39 -9:05:00.000,-35:18:45.000 -9:05:00.000,-35:15:28.125 -9:05:09.375,-35:15:28.125 -9:05:09.375,-35:15:37.500 -9:05:46.875,-35:15:37.500 -9:05:46.875,-35:15:46.875 -9:06:05.625,-35:15:46.875 -9:06:05.625,-35:15:56.250 -9:06:24.375,-35:15:56.250 -9:06:24.375,-35:16:05.625 -9:06:33.750,-35:16:05.625 -9:06:33.750,-35:16:15.000 -9:06:52.500,-35:16:15.000 -9:06:52.500,-35:16:24.375 -9:07:01.875,-35:16:24.375 -9:07:11.250,-35:16:24.375 136 -9:07:11.250,-35:16:33.750 -9:07:20.625,-35:16:33.750 -9:07:20.625,-35:17:01.875 -9:07:30.000,-35:17:01.875 -9:07:30.000,-35:18:45.000 -9:05:00.000,-35:18:45.000 SEAL-T-54 -9:12:30.000,-35:33:45.000 -9:12:30.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:15:00.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:15:00.000,-35:33:45.000 -9:12:30.000,-35:33:45.000 SEAL-T-43 -9:07:30.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:07:30.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:10:00.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:10:00.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:07:30.000,-35:30:00.000 SEAL-T-44 -9:07:30.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:07:30.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:10:00.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:10:00.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:07:30.000,-35:26:15.000 SEAL-T-49 -9:10:00.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:10:00.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:12:30.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:12:30.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:10:00.000,-35:30:00.000 SEAL-T-50 -9:10:00.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:10:00.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:12:30.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:12:30.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:10:00.000,-35:26:15.000 SEAL-T-55 -9:12:30.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:12:30.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:15:00.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:15:00.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:12:30.000,-35:30:00.000 SEAL-T-56 -9:12:30.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:12:30.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:15:00.000,-35:22:30.000 137 -9:15:00.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:12:30.000,-35:26:15.000 SEAL-T-45 -9:07:30.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:07:30.000,-35:18:45.000 -9:08:07.500,-35:18:45.000 -9:08:07.500,-35:20:00.000 -9:09:03.750,-35:20:00.000 -9:09:03.750,-35:18:45.000 -9:10:00.000,-35:18:45.000 -9:10:00.000,-35:22:30.000 -9:07:30.000,-35:22:30.000 SEAL-T-68 -9:17:30.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:17:30.000,-35:29:22.500 -9:17:58.125,-35:29:22.500 -9:17:58.125,-35:28:35.625 -9:18:54.375,-35:28:35.625 -9:18:54.375,-35:27:20.625 -9:19:31.875,-35:27:20.625 -9:19:31.875,-35:26:33.750 -9:20:00.000,-35:26:33.750 -9:20:00.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:17:30.000,-35:30:00.000 SEAL-T-78 -9:22:30.000,-35:33:45.000 -9:22:30.000,-35:31:05.625 -9:22:39.375,-35:31:05.625 -9:22:39.375,-35:30:46.875 -9:22:48.750,-35:30:46.875 -9:22:48.750,-35:30:37.500 -9:23:07.500,-35:30:37.500 -9:23:07.500,-35:30:28.125 -9:23:16.875,-35:30:28.125 -9:23:16.875,-35:30:18.750 -9:24:03.750,-35:30:18.750 -9:24:03.750,-35:30:28.125 -9:24:22.500,-35:30:28.125 -9:24:22.500,-35:30:37.500 -9:25:00.000,-35:30:37.500 -9:25:00.000,-35:31:15.000 -9:24:50.625,-35:31:15.000 -9:24:50.625,-35:31:24.375 -9:24:41.250,-35:31:24.375 -9:24:41.250,-35:31:33.750 -9:24:31.875,-35:31:33.750 138 -9:24:31.875,-35:31:52.500 -9:24:22.500,-35:31:52.500 -9:24:22.500,-35:32:01.875 -9:24:13.125,-35:32:01.875 -9:24:13.125,-35:32:20.625 -9:24:03.750,-35:32:20.625 -9:24:03.750,-35:32:30.000 -9:23:54.375,-35:32:30.000 -9:23:54.375,-35:32:48.750 -9:23:45.000,-35:32:48.750 -9:23:45.000,-35:33:16.875 -9:23:35.625,-35:33:16.875 -9:23:35.625,-35:33:45.000 -9:22:30.000,-35:33:45.000 SEAL-T-29 -9:02:30.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:02:30.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:05:00.000,-35:26:15.000 -9:05:00.000,-35:30:00.000 -9:02:30.000,-35:30:00.000 139 140 TUC-T-178 -12:00:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -12:00:00.000,-38:26:15.000 -12:02:30.000,-38:26:15.000 -12:02:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -12:00:00.000,-38:30:00.000 TUC-T-164 -11:37:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:30:00.000 TUC-T-169 -11:45:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:50:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:52:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:52:30.000,-38:25:18.750 -11:52:11.250,-38:25:18.750 -11:52:11.250,-38:25:56.250 -11:52:30.000,-38:25:56.250 -11:52:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:30:00.000 TUC-T-176 -12:00:00.000,-38:45:00.000 -12:00:00.000,-38:37:30.000 -12:07:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -12:07:30.000,-38:45:00.000 -12:00:00.000,-38:45:00.000 TUC-T-177 -12:00:00.000,-38:37:30.000 -12:00:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -12:02:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -12:05:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -12:07:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -12:07:30.000,-38:33:45.000 -12:07:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -12:00:00.000,-38:37:30.000 TUC-T-161 -11:37:30.000,-38:52:30.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:52:30.000 141 -11:37:30.000,-38:52:30.000 TUC-T-163 -11:37:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:40:00.000,-38:36:52.500 -11:41:15.000,-38:36:52.500 -11:41:15.000,-38:33:45.000 -11:40:00.000,-38:33:45.000 -11:40:00.000,-38:36:52.500 TUC-T-166 -11:45:00.000,-38:52:30.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:52:30.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:52:30.000,-38:52:30.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:52:30.000 TUC-T-167 -11:45:00.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:52:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:52:30.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:45:00.000 TUC-T-168 -11:45:00.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:52:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:52:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:37:30.000 TUC-T-173 -11:52:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:52:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -12:00:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -12:00:00.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:58:35.625,-38:37:30.000 -11:58:35.625,-38:37:01.875 -11:56:24.375,-38:37:01.875 -11:56:24.375,-38:36:43.125 -11:55:09.375,-38:36:43.125 -11:55:09.375,-38:37:30.000 -11:52:30.000,-38:37:30.000 TUC-T-172 142 -11:52:30.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:52:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:55:09.375,-38:37:30.000 -11:55:56.250,-38:37:30.000 -11:55:56.250,-38:38:07.500 -11:58:35.625,-38:38:07.500 -11:58:35.625,-38:37:30.000 -12:00:00.000,-38:37:30.000 -12:00:00.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:52:30.000,-38:45:00.000 TUC-T-165 -11:37:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:15:00.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:22:30.000 TUC-T-130 -11:07:30.000,-38:52:30.000 -11:07:30.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:52:30.000 -11:07:30.000,-38:52:30.000 TUC-T-131 -11:07:30.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:07:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:07:30.000,-38:45:00.000 TUC-T-132 -11:07:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:07:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:07:30.000,-38:37:30.000 TUC-T-133 -11:07:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:07:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:07:30.000,-38:30:00.000 TUC-T-138 -11:15:00.000,-38:52:30.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:45:00.000 143 -11:22:30.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:52:30.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:52:30.000 TUC-T-139 -11:15:00.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:45:00.000 TUC-T-140 -11:15:00.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:37:30.000 TUC-T-141 -11:15:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:30:00.000 TUC-T-142 -11:15:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:15:00.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:15:00.000,-38:22:30.000 TUC-T-146 -11:22:30.000,-38:52:30.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:52:30.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:52:30.000 TUC-T-147 -11:22:30.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:38:54.375 -11:29:13.125,-38:38:54.375 -11:29:13.125,-38:38:16.875 -11:28:54.375,-38:38:16.875 -11:28:54.375,-38:37:58.125 -11:27:11.250,-38:37:58.125 144 -11:27:11.250,-38:38:16.875 -11:26:43.125,-38:38:16.875 -11:26:43.125,-38:38:26.250 -11:26:33.750,-38:38:26.250 -11:26:33.750,-38:38:35.625 -11:26:24.375,-38:38:35.625 -11:26:24.375,-38:39:13.125 -11:26:43.125,-38:39:13.125 -11:26:43.125,-38:39:22.500 -11:27:01.875,-38:39:22.500 -11:27:01.875,-38:39:31.875 -11:28:07.500,-38:39:31.875 -11:28:07.500,-38:39:41.250 -11:28:35.625,-38:39:41.250 -11:28:35.625,-38:40:00.000 -11:29:03.750,-38:40:00.000 -11:29:03.750,-38:40:18.750 -11:29:22.500,-38:40:18.750 -11:29:22.500,-38:40:28.125 -11:29:41.250,-38:40:28.125 -11:29:41.250,-38:40:37.500 -11:30:00.000,-38:40:37.500 -11:30:00.000,-38:40:46.875 -11:30:00.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:45:00.000 TUC-T-148 -11:22:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:37:30.000 TUC-T-149 -11:22:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:30:00.000 TUC-T-150 -11:22:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:15:00.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:22:30.000 145 TUC-T-151 -11:22:30.000,-38:15:00.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:07:30.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:07:30.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:15:00.000 TUC-T-152 -11:22:30.000,-38:00:00.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:00:00.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:07:30.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:07:30.000 -11:22:30.000,-38:00:00.000 TUC-T-154 -11:30:00.000,-38:52:30.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:52:30.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:52:30.000 TUC-T-155 -11:30:00.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:40:46.875 -11:30:18.750,-38:40:46.875 -11:30:18.750,-38:41:05.625 -11:30:56.250,-38:41:05.625 -11:30:56.250,-38:41:24.375 -11:31:43.125,-38:41:24.375 -11:31:43.125,-38:42:01.875 -11:32:30.000,-38:42:01.875 -11:32:30.000,-38:42:39.375 -11:34:13.125,-38:42:39.375 -11:34:13.125,-38:43:07.500 -11:35:00.000,-38:43:07.500 -11:35:00.000,-38:42:20.625 -11:34:50.625,-38:42:20.625 -11:34:50.625,-38:41:52.500 -11:34:31.875,-38:41:52.500 -11:34:31.875,-38:40:46.875 -11:33:07.500,-38:40:46.875 -11:33:07.500,-38:40:28.125 -11:32:39.375,-38:40:28.125 -11:32:39.375,-38:40:09.375 -11:32:01.875,-38:40:09.375 -11:32:01.875,-38:39:41.250 146 -11:30:18.750,-38:39:41.250 -11:30:18.750,-38:39:13.125 -11:30:00.000,-38:39:13.125 -11:30:00.000,-38:38:54.375 -11:30:00.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:45:00.000 TUC-T-156 -11:30:00.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:37:30.000 TUC-T-157 -11:30:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:30:00.000 TUC-T-158 -11:30:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:15:00.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:15:00.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:30:00.000,-38:22:30.000 TUC-T-162 -11:37:30.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:37:30.000 -11:45:00.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:37:30.000,-38:45:00.000 -11:39:50.625,-38:40:56.250 -11:41:24.375,-38:40:56.250 -11:41:24.375,-38:39:50.625 -11:39:50.625,-38:39:50.625 -11:39:50.625,-38:40:56.250 TUC-T-174 -11:52:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:52:30.000,-38:25:56.250 -11:52:48.750,-38:25:56.250 -11:52:48.750,-38:26:05.625 -11:53:35.625,-38:26:05.625 147 -11:53:35.625,-38:25:00.000 -11:52:39.375,-38:25:00.000 -11:52:39.375,-38:25:18.750 -11:52:30.000,-38:25:18.750 -11:52:30.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:55:00.000,-38:22:30.000 -11:55:00.000,-38:26:15.000 -11:57:01.875,-38:26:15.000 -11:57:01.875,-38:26:24.375 -11:56:33.750,-38:26:24.375 -11:56:33.750,-38:27:01.875 -11:56:24.375,-38:27:01.875 -11:56:24.375,-38:28:07.500 -11:56:52.500,-38:28:07.500 -11:56:52.500,-38:28:26.250 -11:58:54.375,-38:28:26.250 -11:58:54.375,-38:28:35.625 -11:59:31.875,-38:28:35.625 -11:59:31.875,-38:27:48.750 -11:59:13.125,-38:27:48.750 -11:59:13.125,-38:27:20.625 -11:58:54.375,-38:27:20.625 -11:58:54.375,-38:27:01.875 -11:58:35.625,-38:27:01.875 -11:58:35.625,-38:26:43.125 -11:57:58.125,-38:26:43.125 -11:57:58.125,-38:26:24.375 -11:57:20.625,-38:26:24.375 -11:57:20.625,-38:26:15.000 -11:57:30.000,-38:26:15.000 -12:00:00.000,-38:26:15.000 -12:00:00.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:52:30.000,-38:30:00.000 -11:57:20.625,-38:29:22.500 -11:57:39.375,-38:29:22.500 -11:57:39.375,-38:29:31.875 -11:57:48.750,-38:29:31.875 -11:57:48.750,-38:29:50.625 -11:58:16.875,-38:29:50.625 -11:58:16.875,-38:29:31.875 -11:58:26.250,-38:29:31.875 -11:58:26.250,-38:29:13.125 -11:58:16.875,-38:29:13.125 148 -11:58:16.875,-38:29:03.750 -11:57:58.125,-38:29:03.750 -11:57:58.125,-38:28:45.000 -11:57:20.625,-38:28:45.000 -11:57:20.625,-38:29:22.500 -11:54:13.125,-38:28:45.000 -11:54:41.250,-38:28:45.000 -11:54:41.250,-38:28:54.375 -11:56:15.000,-38:28:54.375 -11:56:15.000,-38:27:58.125 -11:56:05.625,-38:27:58.125 -11:56:05.625,-38:27:39.375 -11:54:31.875,-38:27:39.375 -11:54:31.875,-38:27:48.750 -11:54:13.125,-38:27:48.750 -11:54:13.125,-38:28:45.000 149 ANEXO II - PAYMENT OF THE PARTICIPATION FEES The undersigned declares, on behalf of the company [insert the name of the [insert the name of the company], it will pay the Participation Fee corresponding to the Sector marked below and is aware of the amounts of the Participation Fees, as well as all other provisions of the Tender Protocol of the Eleventh Bidding Round and the rules of behavior that govern the entire process of the Eleventh Bidding Round established in bidding document. The undersigned also declares, on behalf of the company [insert the name of the company], it is aware that ANP will not receive any request for reimbursement of Participation Fees if it is disqualified or does not get the desired qualification. Foz do Amazonas, deep water (SFZA-AP1, SFZA-AP2) Espírito Santo, onshore (SES-T6) Potiguar, deep water (SPOT-AP1) Potiguar, onshore (SPOT-T3, SPOT-T5) Ceará, deep water (SCE-AP3) Recôncavo, onshore (SREC-T1) Pará-Maranhão, deep water (SPAMA-AP1, SPAMA-AP2) Sergipe-Alagoas, onshore (SSEAL-T1) Barreirinhas, deep water (SBAR-AP1, SBAR-AP2) Parnaíba, onshore (SPN-N, SPN-O e SPN-SE) Foz do Amazonas, shallow water (SFZA-AR1, SFZA-AR2) Barreirinhas, shallow water (SBAR-AR2) Espírito Santo, deep water (SES-AP2) Pernambuco-Paraíba, deep water (SPEPB-AP2, SPEPB-AP3) Tucano, onshore (STUC-S) ------- TODOS OS SETORES ___________________________ [signature] Signed by: [insert the names of the Accredited Representatives of the Company] Job title: [insert the job titles of the Accredited Representatives of the Company] Venue and Date [insert venue and date] 150 ANEXO III - DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY - LIST OF DOCUMENTS FOR QUALIFICATION By means of this document I certify that [insert the name of company], incorporated and existing under the laws of Brazil, with headquarters in [insert the address of the company], through its Accredited Representative [insert the name of the Accredited Representative of the company] delivers to ANP all documents listed below, aiming for the qualification of this company for participation in the Eleventh Bidding Round. Instructions: a) In the list below, mark an X beside each document sent. b) Fill out, at the end, the fields relating to the venue, date, name and position of the Accredited Representative, sign and notarize this Declaration. c) The documents marked with the symbol (*) must be notarized (notarization is the recognition of the name - for original documents -, or authentication of copies of documents) and, if applicable, consularized. Documento 1. Carta de Apresentação de Manifestação de Interesse(*) 2. Procuração para Nomeação do Representante Credenciado (*) 3. Termo de Confidencialidade (*) 4. Atos Constitutivos – Contrato Social ou Estatuto Social (*) 5. Certidão simplificada expedida pela Junta Comercial competente 6. Comprovação dos poderes dos representantes legais e os últimos atos de eleição dos diretores e do Conselho de Administrção que elegeu a diretoria mais recente, se aplicável (*) 7. Sumário Técnico (*) 8. Demonstrações Financeiras dos três últimos anos (*) 9. Pareceres dos auditores independentes (obrigatório apenas para para companhias abertas que se enquadrarem no §3º do artigo 177 da Lei n.º 6.404/76 ou classificadas como sociedade de grande porte, assim definida no artigo 3º da Lei n.º 11.638/07) (*) 10. Declaração de Obrigações Relevantes e Planejamento Estratégico (*) 11. Resumo das Demonstrações Financeiras (não obrigatório) (*) 12. Organograma (*) 13. Declaração sobre pendências legais ou judiciais relevantes (*) 14. Certidões Negativas de Débito (PGFN) 15. Certidões Negativas de Débito (INSS) 16. Certidões Negativas de Débito (FGTS) 17. Certidões Negativas de Débito (CNDT) 18. Prova de inscrição no CNPJ 19. Termo de Compromisso de adequação do objeto social da sociedade empresária às atividades de exploração e produção de petróleo e gás natural - Anexo VII, se aplicável (*) 20. Termo de Compromisso para constituição de sociedade empresária segundo as Leis Brasileiras ou indicação de sociedade empresária brasileira controlada já constituída para assinar o contrato em seu lugar, caso vencedora da licitação - Anexo VIII, se aplicável (*) 21. Pagamento das Taxas de Participação - Anexo II (*) 22. Cópia do comprovante de pagamento da Taxa de Participação (*) 23. Outros I hereby certify under the penalties provided in the applicable legislation, the truthfulness, accuracy and fidelity of the information submitted in this form. Yours Truly, ___________________________ [signature] Signed by: [insert the names of the Accredited Representatives of the Company] Job title: [insert the job titles of the Accredited Representatives of the Company] Venue and Date: [insert venue and date] ANNEX IV - NTRODUCTION LETTER OF DEMONSTRATION OF INTEREST The company [insert the name of the company], by means of this letter, expresses its interest in participating in the Eleventh Bidding Round, certifies, under the penalties provided in applicable legislation, the truthfulness, accuracy and fidelity of all information provided to the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel Agency - ANP, declares it knows the set of Brazilian standards which prohibit and punish detrimental conduct to competition, striving not to undertake such conduct, presents information regarding the individuals or companies holding control or more than 20% of the voting capital, to the main members of its executive body, and the required documents in the aforesaid bidding of the Round, aiming for qualifying in the category [insert the name of the category for qualification: Operator A, Operator B, Operator C, or Non-Operator]. [Free space for the company to, optionally, present information about it] Individual or company holding the control or more than 20% of the voting capital: NAME(S): PARTICIPATION IN THE VOTING CAPITAL: Data of the main members of the executive body: [The data below should be provided for each of the main members of the executive body] NAME: JOB TITLE: ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: FAX: E-MAIL: Legal Representatives to be considered Accredited Representatives at ANP: [Submit the information below if the company wishes the Legal Representatives to be considered Accredited Representatives at ANP and, therefore, it is not necessary to submit a Proxy for the Appointment of the Accredited Representative for such Legal Representatives] NAME(S): JOB TITLE(S): ADDRESS: PHONE, FAX and E-MAIL: ___________________________ Signed by: [insert the name of the Accredited Representative of the company] Job Title: Venue and Date: ANNEX V- ATTORNEY FOR APPOINTMENT OF THE ACCREDITED REPRESENTATIVE By this instrument of mandate, [insert the name of the company], incorporated and existing under the laws of [insert the name of the country of the company], with headquarters at [insert address of the headquarters of the company], through its [insert the name of the Legal Representative of the company], in this act shall appoint [insert the name and full qualification (nationality, ethnicity, marital status, occupation, civil registry, address, phone, e-mail, etc.) of the Attorney-in-Fact Accredited Representative], with the powers represent it before the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel - ANP in matters related to the Eleventh Bidding Round, with special powers for the practice of acts and assumption of responsibility for the bidding and the proposal to be submitted, and may, for that, receive, submit and sign documents, remove the packets of data and information, authorize third parties to withdraw them, pay fees, propose, appeal, agree, and also perform all other acts necessary for the full compliance with this mandate. ___________________________ Signed by: [insert the name of the Accredited Representative of the company] Job Title: Venue and Date ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE ACCREDITED REPRESENTATIVE MAIN ACCREDITED REPRESENTATIVE: NAME: JOB TITLE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE, FAX and E-MAIL: [insert telephone, fax and e-mail of the main Accredited Representative] OTHER ACCREDITED REPRESENTATIVES: NAME: JOB TITLE: ADDRESS: PHONE, FAX and E-MAIL: ANNEX VI - CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT The undersigned declares on behalf of the company [insert the name of the company] his interest in participating in the Eleventh Bidding Round for the granting of the Concession Contracts for the Exploration and Production of Oil and Natural Gas in Brazil, and recognizes the procedures and rules for qualification to participate in the bidding and for the signing of the Concession AGREEMENT with the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel (ANP). The undersigned also declares he is aware that: a) He will receive, on behalf of the company [insert the name of the company], the package of technical data on the Eleventh Bidding Round, to be delivered by ANP. This may contain: geological data, geophysical and geochemical studies, environmental studies, reports, analyzes or other material based upon them (depending on the sectors to which you are participating); b) he may make the package of technical data available for any of his directors, officers, employees, affiliate companies and their employees, agents and consultants, which (i) have the need to know such data for the implementation of services related to the Eleventh Bidding Round and (ii) have been informed and agree to comply with the restrictions in this Confidentiality Agreement, as if they were the undersigned; c) if, because of existing law, ordinance, regulation, rule or order of any competent authority, the undersigned is requested to make available something constant in the package of technical data under confidential use, the undersigned shall promptly notify ANP, in writing, so it may take proper measures; and d) If requested by ANP, the undersigned shall destroy or return the entire package of technical data. The undersigned declares he is also aware it rests solely with ANP to "collect, maintain and administrate data and information on the Brazilian sedimentary basins" (Article 22 of Law no. 9,478, 6 August 1997), and that "these data and information on the Brazilian sedimentary basins are included in the national petroleum resources and, therefore, they public and federal assets" (Resolution ANP no 11, 17 February 2011). Thus, any form of selling, trading, disposal or similar, to third parties, for all or part of the package of technical data is expressly prohibited. The processing of data to be acquired in area of exploration and/or production under the concession AGREEMENT should follow existing standards, in particular ANP Resolution 11, February 17, 2011 and ANP Resolution 29, August 31, 2010. This Confidentiality Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the place of jurisdiction shall be the City of Rio de Janeiro. ___________________________ Signed by: Job Title: Venue and Date ANNEX VII- COMMITMENT AGREEMENT OF ADEQUACY OF THE CORPORATE PURPOSE The undersigned declares, on behalf of the company [insert the name of the company], its interest in participating in the Eleventh Bidding Round, whose purpose is the granting of the Concession Contracts for Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production in Brazil, and recognizes the procedures and rules for qualification, bidding in general and for the signing of the Concession Contract with the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel (ANP). The undersigned also declares that he, in the name of the mentioned company, it is committing itself to, if it is the winner of the bidding process, and for the purposes of signing the concession contract, to adequate its corporate object, or the corporate object of its affiliate (existing or to be incorporated) that may be indicated to sign such contract, for the oil and natural gas exploration and production. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the place of jurisdiction shall be the City of Rio de Janeiro. ___________________________ Signed by: Job Title: Venue and Date ANNEX VIII- COMMITMENT AGREEMENT OF INCORPORATION ACCORDING TO THE BRAZILIAN LAWS OR INDICATE AN ALREADY INCORPORATED CONTROLLED BRAZILIAN COMPANY TO SIGN THE CONCESSION CONTRACT The undersigned declares, on behalf of the company [insert the name of the company], its interest in participating in the Eleventh Bidding Round, whose purpose is the granting of the Concession Contracts for Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production in Brazil, and recognizes the procedures and rules for qualification, bidding in general and for the signing of the Concession Contract with the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel (ANP). The undersigned also declares, on behalf of the mentioned company, it is committed to incorporate a company according the Brazilian laws, with head office and management in Brazil, or indicate an already incorporated controlled Brazilian company to sign the Concession Contract on its behalf. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the place of jurisdiction shall be the City of Rio de Janeiro. ___________________________ Signed by: Job Title: Venue and Date ANNEX IX- AUTHORIZATION FOR DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON THE COMPANY The undersigned authorizes, on behalf of the company [insert the name of the company], the publication, on the web page of ANP in the Internet specific to the Eleventh Bidding Round, the following information: - Company: - Contact information: Name: Job Title: Phone: Fax: E-mail: - Basins of interest: - Observations: The undersigned also declares, on behalf of the aforesaid company, he is aware that: a) ANP cannot guarantee the authenticity of the information described above and it is not responsible for any mistakes in the transcription of such information; b) The company shall be fully responsible for any contacts it may establish, or by any agreements it may sign arising from the publication of the information above, evading, therefore, from the responsibility for any consequences, costs or damages resulting from them; c) As a result of the contacts the companies may establish no confidential information related to the data contained in the Package of Data supplied by ANP may be disclosed, except for those permitted by the Confidentiality Agreement of the Eleventh Bidding Round; d) The company should make sure, prior to the discussion of any confidential information with a possible partner, it has paid the Participation Fee and forwarded the Confidentiality Agreement in accordance with ANNEX VI 0 to ANP; e) The request for modification of the above information must be performed by the presentation of new authorization to ANP, in accordance with this Annex, and its eventual publication will be made in accordance with the establishments by this Agency; f) ANP reserves the right not to publish any comments or information it deems inappropriate or incorrect. ___________________________ Signed by: Job Title: Venue and Date ANNEX X- INFORMATION ON THE SIGNATORY The undersigned presents on behalf of the company [insert the name of the company] the following information, as a requirement for the signing of the Concession Contract: Block(s): Name of the company which won the bidding: Name of the company signatory of the Concession Contracts: Enrollment in the Corporate Taxpayer Register: Information on the Signatory Company Address: City: Province: ZIP: Representatives who will sign the Concession Contract Name: Job Title: [insert the job title (this information will be in the Concession Contract)] E-mail: Name: Job Title: [insert the job title (this information will be in the Concession Contract)] E-mail: ___________________________ Signed by: Job Title: Venue and Date ANNEX XI- MINIMUM SIGNATURE BONUS AND MINIMUM EXPLORATORY PROGRAM FOR BLOCKS ON BID IN THE ELEVENTH BIDDING ROUND Only bids whose number of Work Units (UT) for the Minimum Exploratory Program (PEM) and the amount of the Signature Bonus bid meet the minimum amounts set out in this Annex, as shown in 14Table 14 - Minimum Signature Bonus and Minimum Exploratory Program (PEM) BASIN SECTOR BLOCK PEM (UTs) MINIMUM BONUS (R$) Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-T6 BAR-M-213 BAR-M-215 BAR-M-217 BAR-M-252 BAR-M-254 BAR-M-256 BAR-M-298 BAR-M-300 BAR-M-302 BAR-M-304 BAR-M-340 BAR-M-342 BAR-M-344 BAR-M-346 BAR-M-250 BAR-M-251 BAR-M-270 BAR-M-271 BAR-M-291 BAR-M-292 BAR-M-293 BAR-M-313 BAR-M-314 BAR-M-387 BAR-M-388 BAR-M-389 CE-M-603 CE-M-661 CE-M-663 CE-M-665 CE-M-667 CE-M-669 CE-M-715 CE-M-717 CE-M-719 CE-M-721 CE-M-745 ES-T-485 ES-T-486 ES-T-495 ES-T-496 ES-T-506 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 257 257 257 257 257 7,941,098.66 7,941,098.66 6,744,285.64 7,941,098.66 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 7,330,479.77 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 740,554.60 662,069.20 662,069.20 662,069.20 662,069.20 662,069.20 662,069.20 740,554.60 662,069.20 587,978.98 587,978.98 587,978.98 6,221,832.64 8,346,537.15 6,909,277.36 6,909,277.36 6,261,273.64 5,607,724.50 4,569,952.77 7,632,736.13 7,632,736.13 5,607,724.50 6,909,277.36 163,676.37 195,987.72 201,904.00 180,171.57 180,171.57 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas SES-T6 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 ES-T-516 ES-M-596 ES-M-598 ES-M-669 ES-M-671 ES-M-673 ES-M-743 FZA-M-125 FZA-M-127 FZA-M-1401 FZA-M-184 FZA-M-57 FZA-M-59 FZA-M-86 FZA-M-88 FZA-M-90 FZA-M-255 FZA-M-257 FZA-M-261 FZA-M-265 FZA-M-399 FZA-M-401 FZA-M-102 FZA-M-103 FZA-M-120 FZA-M-121 FZA-M-122 FZA-M-123 FZA-M-124 FZA-M-1402 FZA-M-1403 FZA-M-1404 FZA-M-147 FZA-M-148 FZA-M-149 FZA-M-150 FZA-M-151 FZA-M-152 FZA-M-177 FZA-M-178 FZA-M-179 FZA-M-180 FZA-M-181 FZA-M-182 FZA-M-183 FZA-M-212 FZA-M-213 FZA-M-214 FZA-M-215 Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas PEM (UTs) 257 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 169 225 225 225 225 225 225 408 449 449 449 408 408 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 MINIMUM BONUS (R$) 180,171.57 4,785,258.24 4,636,887.20 5,562,161.74 6,581,287.78 6,380,344.32 8,075,123.28 7,397,377.85 9,020,377.94 7,016,758.74 9,932,775.48 9,020,377.94 7,397,377.85 7,397,377.85 7,788,049.32 8,188,773.16 2,178,330.97 8,230,768.79 13,590,798.02 9,811,274.79 2,452,818.70 3,804,612.61 1,513,647.00 1,513,647.00 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,513,647.00 1,513,647.00 1,513,647.00 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,864,964.47 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 FZA-M-216 FZA-M-247 FZA-M-248 FZA-M-249 FZA-M-250 FZA-M-251 FZA-M-253 FZA-M-254 FZA-M-282 FZA-M-283 FZA-M-284 FZA-M-285 FZA-M-286 FZA-M-287 FZA-M-288 FZA-M-316 FZA-M-317 FZA-M-318 FZA-M-319 FZA-M-320 FZA-M-351 FZA-M-352 FZA-M-353 FZA-M-354 FZA-M-385 FZA-M-386 FZA-M-387 FZA-M-420 FZA-M-85 FZA-M-321 FZA-M-322 FZA-M-324 FZA-M-388 FZA-M-389 FZA-M-391 FZA-M-393 FZA-M-395 FZA-M-397 FZA-M-454 FZA-M-455 FZA-M-457 FZA-M-459 FZA-M-461 FZA-M-463 FZA-M-465 FZA-M-467 FZA-M-530 FZA-M-531 FZA-M-535 PEM (UTs) 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 92 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 MINIMUM BONUS (R$) 1,626,682.79 1,220,012.10 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,864,964.47 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,626,682.79 1,743,788.62 1,864,964.47 1,864,964.47 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,513,647.00 4,127,009.00 4,940,611.08 3,972,415.19 4,127,009.00 4,443,327.59 5,502,678.67 3,972,415.19 3,972,415.19 3,972,415.19 881,968.47 2,645,905.41 3,972,415.19 4,443,327.59 4,443,327.59 4,443,327.59 4,940,611.08 4,443,327.59 993,103.80 4,443,327.59 2,310,632.60 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP2 SPEPB-AP2 SPEPB-AP2 SPEPB-AP2 SPEPB-AP2 SPEPB-AP2 SPEPB-AP3 SPEPB-AP3 SPEPB-AP3 SPEPB-AP3 SPEPB-AP3 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-T3 SPOT-T3 SPOT-T3 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 FZA-M-537 FZA-M-539 FZA-M-604 FZA-M-609 FZA-M-641 FZA-M-643 PAMA-M-190 PAMA-M-263 PAMA-M-265 PAMA-M-335 PAMA-M-337 PAMA-M-410 Pará-Maranhão Pará-Maranhão Pará-Maranhão Pará-Maranhão Pará-Maranhão Pará-Maranhão Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar PEPB-M-459 PEPB-M-461 PEPB-M-513 PEPB-M-567 PEPB-M-621 PEPB-M-729 PEPB-M-785 PEPB-M-841 PEPB-M-894 PEPB-M-896 POT-M-389 POT-M-391 POT-M-473 POT-M-475 POT-M-477 POT-M-567 POT-M-569 POT-M-762 POT-M-764 POT-M-766 POT-T-442 POT-T-443 POT-T-485 POT-T-523 POT-T-524 POT-T-530 POT-T-568 POT-T-569 POT-T-575 POT-T-576 POT-T-613 POT-T-614 POT-T-617 POT-T-618 POT-T-619 POT-T-620 POT-T-662 PEM (UTs) MINIMUM BONUS (R$) 408 92 92 92 92 92 225 225 225 225 225 225 113 225 225 113 113 113 225 225 113 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 4,443,327.59 1,513,647.00 881,968.47 770,210.87 1,763,936.94 1,986,207.59 5,294,065.78 5,294,065.78 4,886,986.52 4,886,986.52 5,294,065.78 5,717,428.21 128,802.42 383,848.74 282,722.78 128,802.42 151,829.14 555,211.46 1,283,826.22 1,870,020.35 795,841.25 2,122,243.34 4,523,564.43 4,523,564.43 1,869,241.50 3,738,483.00 2,803,862.25 4,523,564.43 4,037,561.64 4,523,564.43 3,738,483.00 3,738,483.00 137,943.86 81,838.19 195,987.72 214,371.62 243,506.27 245,514.56 197,781.57 245,514.56 210,627.21 227,736.86 197,781.57 197,781.57 97,092.81 231,629.72 187,092.68 187,092.68 187,092.68 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK PEM (UTs) MINIMUM BONUS (R$) Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SPN-N SPN-N SPN-N SPN-N SPN-N POT-T-663 POT-T-664 POT-T-665 REC-T-104 REC-T-105 REC-T-106 REC-T-107 REC-T-115 REC-T-116 REC-T-117 REC-T-118 REC-T-65 REC-T-75 REC-T-76 REC-T-84 REC-T-85 REC-T-86 REC-T-94 REC-T-95 SEAL-T-29 SEAL-T-30 SEAL-T-31 SEAL-T-32 SEAL-T-36 SEAL-T-37 SEAL-T-38 SEAL-T-39 SEAL-T-43 SEAL-T-44 SEAL-T-45 SEAL-T-49 SEAL-T-50 SEAL-T-51 SEAL-T-54 SEAL-T-55 SEAL-T-56 SEAL-T-61 SEAL-T-62 SEAL-T-63 SEAL-T-67 SEAL-T-68 SEAL-T-71 SEAL-T-72 SEAL-T-78 PN-T-113 PN-T-114 PN-T-46 PN-T-47 PN-T-65 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 194,185.62 194,185.62 164,952.00 130,938.90 108,443.11 84,690.02 118,765.44 76,672.44 69,502.53 79,451.88 87,105.65 99,795.96 99,795.96 99,795.96 95,016.02 92,670.03 108,443.11 92,670.03 92,670.03 48,630.60 48,630.60 38,699.80 38,699.80 48,630.60 36,472.95 38,699.80 38,699.80 51,599.73 42,755.56 42,755.56 42,755.56 42,755.56 47,638.14 38,699.80 45,163.86 47,638.14 38,699.80 42,755.56 47,638.14 42,755.56 25,089.20 42,755.56 47,638.14 47,638.14 1,423,954.83 1,440,657.96 1,318,476.69 1,474,356.43 1,560,306.99 Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba BASIN SECTOR BLOCK PEM (UTs) MINIMUM BONUS (R$) Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano SPN-N SPN-O SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S PN-T-98 PN-T-165 PN-T-136 PN-T-137 PN-T-150 PN-T-151 PN-T-152 PN-T-153 PN-T-166 PN-T-167 PN-T-168 PN-T-169 PN-T-182 PN-T-183 PN-T-184 TUC-T-130 TUC-T-131 TUC-T-132 TUC-T-133 TUC-T-138 TUC-T-139 TUC-T-140 TUC-T-141 TUC-T-142 TUC-T-146 TUC-T-147 TUC-T-148 TUC-T-149 TUC-T-150 TUC-T-151 TUC-T-152 TUC-T-154 TUC-T-155 TUC-T-156 TUC-T-157 TUC-T-158 TUC-T-161 TUC-T-162 TUC-T-163 TUC-T-164 TUC-T-165 TUC-T-166 TUC-T-167 TUC-T-168 TUC-T-169 TUC-T-172 TUC-T-173 TUC-T-174 TUC-T-176 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 258 515 1,534,266.16 1,223,383.23 1,105,767.32 1,551,602.36 1,341,900.04 1,263,546.25 1,374,575.86 1,693,798.18 1,132,514.26 1,185,095.06 1,297,740.81 1,263,546.25 1,105,767.32 1,767,233.56 1,012,496.96 155,072.06 155,072.06 137,328.73 137,328.73 119,322.92 207,908.25 185,131.82 169,769.29 153,119.44 166,145.23 220,699.67 216,050.77 171,825.00 171,825.00 139,178.25 109,968.00 189,437.06 240,602.73 233,872.92 220,699.67 155,072.06 160,560.92 220,699.67 240,602.73 171,825.00 155,072.06 155,072.06 160,560.92 222,520.94 220,699.67 185,131.82 222,520.94 120,301.36 139,178.25 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK PEM (UTs) MINIMUM BONUS (R$) Tucano Tucano STUC-S STUC-S TUC-T-177 TUC-T-178 515 103 171,825.00 44,139.93 , below, will be taken into account. Table 14 - Minimum Signature Bonus and Minimum Exploratory Program (PEM) BASIN SECTOR BLOCK PEM (UTs) MINIMUM BONUS (R$) Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Barreirinhas Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP1 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AP2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SBAR-AR2 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 BAR-M-213 BAR-M-215 BAR-M-217 BAR-M-252 BAR-M-254 BAR-M-256 BAR-M-298 BAR-M-300 BAR-M-302 BAR-M-304 BAR-M-340 BAR-M-342 BAR-M-344 BAR-M-346 BAR-M-250 BAR-M-251 BAR-M-270 BAR-M-271 BAR-M-291 BAR-M-292 BAR-M-293 BAR-M-313 BAR-M-314 BAR-M-387 BAR-M-388 BAR-M-389 CE-M-603 CE-M-661 CE-M-663 CE-M-665 CE-M-667 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 225 225 225 225 225 7,941,098.66 7,941,098.66 6,744,285.64 7,941,098.66 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 7,330,479.77 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 6,744,285.64 740,554.60 662,069.20 662,069.20 662,069.20 662,069.20 662,069.20 662,069.20 740,554.60 662,069.20 587,978.98 587,978.98 587,978.98 6,221,832.64 8,346,537.15 6,909,277.36 6,909,277.36 6,261,273.64 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SCE-AP3 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-T6 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SES-AP2 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP1 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AP2 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 CE-M-669 CE-M-715 CE-M-717 CE-M-719 CE-M-721 CE-M-745 ES-T-485 ES-T-486 ES-T-495 ES-T-496 ES-T-506 ES-T-516 ES-M-596 ES-M-598 ES-M-669 ES-M-671 ES-M-673 ES-M-743 FZA-M-125 FZA-M-127 FZA-M-1401 FZA-M-184 FZA-M-57 FZA-M-59 FZA-M-86 FZA-M-88 FZA-M-90 FZA-M-255 FZA-M-257 FZA-M-261 FZA-M-265 FZA-M-399 FZA-M-401 FZA-M-102 FZA-M-103 FZA-M-120 FZA-M-121 FZA-M-122 FZA-M-123 FZA-M-124 FZA-M-1402 FZA-M-1403 FZA-M-1404 FZA-M-147 FZA-M-148 FZA-M-149 FZA-M-150 FZA-M-151 FZA-M-152 Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas PEM (UTs) 225 225 225 225 225 225 257 257 257 257 257 257 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 169 225 225 225 225 225 225 408 449 449 449 408 408 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 MINIMUM BONUS (R$) 5,607,724.50 4,569,952.77 7,632,736.13 7,632,736.13 5,607,724.50 6,909,277.36 163,676.37 195,987.72 201,904.00 180,171.57 180,171.57 180,171.57 4,785,258.24 4,636,887.20 5,562,161.74 6,581,287.78 6,380,344.32 8,075,123.28 7,397,377.85 9,020,377.94 7,016,758.74 9,932,775.48 9,020,377.94 7,397,377.85 7,397,377.85 7,788,049.32 8,188,773.16 2,178,330.97 8,230,768.79 13,590,798.02 9,811,274.79 2,452,818.70 3,804,612.61 1,513,647.00 1,513,647.00 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,513,647.00 1,513,647.00 1,513,647.00 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR1 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 FZA-M-177 FZA-M-178 FZA-M-179 FZA-M-180 FZA-M-181 FZA-M-182 FZA-M-183 FZA-M-212 FZA-M-213 FZA-M-214 FZA-M-215 FZA-M-216 FZA-M-247 FZA-M-248 FZA-M-249 FZA-M-250 FZA-M-251 FZA-M-253 FZA-M-254 FZA-M-282 FZA-M-283 FZA-M-284 FZA-M-285 FZA-M-286 FZA-M-287 FZA-M-288 FZA-M-316 FZA-M-317 FZA-M-318 FZA-M-319 FZA-M-320 FZA-M-351 FZA-M-352 FZA-M-353 FZA-M-354 FZA-M-385 FZA-M-386 FZA-M-387 FZA-M-420 FZA-M-85 FZA-M-321 FZA-M-322 FZA-M-324 FZA-M-388 FZA-M-389 FZA-M-391 FZA-M-393 FZA-M-395 FZA-M-397 PEM (UTs) 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 MINIMUM BONUS (R$) 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,616,238.63 1,864,964.47 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,220,012.10 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,864,964.47 1,626,682.79 1,626,682.79 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,626,682.79 1,743,788.62 1,864,964.47 1,864,964.47 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,743,788.62 1,513,647.00 4,127,009.00 4,940,611.08 3,972,415.19 4,127,009.00 4,443,327.59 5,502,678.67 3,972,415.19 3,972,415.19 3,972,415.19 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas Foz do Amazonas SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SFZA-AR2 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP1 SPAMA-AP2 SPEPB-AP2 SPEPB-AP2 SPEPB-AP2 SPEPB-AP2 SPEPB-AP2 SPEPB-AP3 SPEPB-AP3 SPEPB-AP3 SPEPB-AP3 SPEPB-AP3 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-AP1 SPOT-T3 SPOT-T3 SPOT-T3 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 FZA-M-454 FZA-M-455 FZA-M-457 FZA-M-459 FZA-M-461 FZA-M-463 FZA-M-465 FZA-M-467 FZA-M-530 FZA-M-531 FZA-M-535 FZA-M-537 FZA-M-539 FZA-M-604 FZA-M-609 FZA-M-641 FZA-M-643 PAMA-M-190 PAMA-M-263 PAMA-M-265 PAMA-M-335 PAMA-M-337 PAMA-M-410 Pará-Maranhão Pará-Maranhão Pará-Maranhão Pará-Maranhão Pará-Maranhão Pará-Maranhão Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Pernambuco-Paraíba Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar PEPB-M-459 PEPB-M-461 PEPB-M-513 PEPB-M-567 PEPB-M-621 PEPB-M-729 PEPB-M-785 PEPB-M-841 PEPB-M-894 PEPB-M-896 POT-M-389 POT-M-391 POT-M-473 POT-M-475 POT-M-477 POT-M-567 POT-M-569 POT-M-762 POT-M-764 POT-M-766 POT-T-442 POT-T-443 POT-T-485 POT-T-523 POT-T-524 POT-T-530 PEM (UTs) MINIMUM BONUS (R$) 92 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 92 92 92 92 92 225 225 225 225 225 225 113 225 225 113 113 113 225 225 113 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 257 257 257 257 257 257 881,968.47 2,645,905.41 3,972,415.19 4,443,327.59 4,443,327.59 4,443,327.59 4,940,611.08 4,443,327.59 993,103.80 4,443,327.59 2,310,632.60 4,443,327.59 1,513,647.00 881,968.47 770,210.87 1,763,936.94 1,986,207.59 5,294,065.78 5,294,065.78 4,886,986.52 4,886,986.52 5,294,065.78 5,717,428.21 128,802.42 383,848.74 282,722.78 128,802.42 151,829.14 555,211.46 1,283,826.22 1,870,020.35 795,841.25 2,122,243.34 4,523,564.43 4,523,564.43 1,869,241.50 3,738,483.00 2,803,862.25 4,523,564.43 4,037,561.64 4,523,564.43 3,738,483.00 3,738,483.00 137,943.86 81,838.19 195,987.72 214,371.62 243,506.27 245,514.56 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK PEM (UTs) MINIMUM BONUS (R$) Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Potiguar Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Recôncavo Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SPOT-T5 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SREC-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 POT-T-568 POT-T-569 POT-T-575 POT-T-576 POT-T-613 POT-T-614 POT-T-617 POT-T-618 POT-T-619 POT-T-620 POT-T-662 POT-T-663 POT-T-664 POT-T-665 REC-T-104 REC-T-105 REC-T-106 REC-T-107 REC-T-115 REC-T-116 REC-T-117 REC-T-118 REC-T-65 REC-T-75 REC-T-76 REC-T-84 REC-T-85 REC-T-86 REC-T-94 REC-T-95 SEAL-T-29 SEAL-T-30 SEAL-T-31 SEAL-T-32 SEAL-T-36 SEAL-T-37 SEAL-T-38 SEAL-T-39 SEAL-T-43 SEAL-T-44 SEAL-T-45 SEAL-T-49 SEAL-T-50 SEAL-T-51 SEAL-T-54 SEAL-T-55 SEAL-T-56 SEAL-T-61 SEAL-T-62 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 197,781.57 245,514.56 210,627.21 227,736.86 197,781.57 197,781.57 97,092.81 231,629.72 187,092.68 187,092.68 187,092.68 194,185.62 194,185.62 164,952.00 130,938.90 108,443.11 84,690.02 118,765.44 76,672.44 69,502.53 79,451.88 87,105.65 99,795.96 99,795.96 99,795.96 95,016.02 92,670.03 108,443.11 92,670.03 92,670.03 48,630.60 48,630.60 38,699.80 38,699.80 48,630.60 36,472.95 38,699.80 38,699.80 51,599.73 42,755.56 42,755.56 42,755.56 42,755.56 47,638.14 38,699.80 45,163.86 47,638.14 38,699.80 42,755.56 Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas BASIN SECTOR BLOCK PEM (UTs) MINIMUM BONUS (R$) Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Sergipe-Alagoas Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Parnaíba Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SSEAL-T1 SPN-N SPN-N SPN-N SPN-N SPN-N SPN-N SPN-O SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE SPN-SE STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S SEAL-T-63 SEAL-T-67 SEAL-T-68 SEAL-T-71 SEAL-T-72 SEAL-T-78 PN-T-113 PN-T-114 PN-T-46 PN-T-47 PN-T-65 PN-T-98 PN-T-165 PN-T-136 PN-T-137 PN-T-150 PN-T-151 PN-T-152 PN-T-153 PN-T-166 PN-T-167 PN-T-168 PN-T-169 PN-T-182 PN-T-183 PN-T-184 TUC-T-130 TUC-T-131 TUC-T-132 TUC-T-133 TUC-T-138 TUC-T-139 TUC-T-140 TUC-T-141 TUC-T-142 TUC-T-146 TUC-T-147 TUC-T-148 TUC-T-149 TUC-T-150 TUC-T-151 TUC-T-152 TUC-T-154 TUC-T-155 TUC-T-156 TUC-T-157 TUC-T-158 TUC-T-161 TUC-T-162 257 257 257 257 257 257 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 47,638.14 42,755.56 25,089.20 42,755.56 47,638.14 47,638.14 1,423,954.83 1,440,657.96 1,318,476.69 1,474,356.43 1,560,306.99 1,534,266.16 1,223,383.23 1,105,767.32 1,551,602.36 1,341,900.04 1,263,546.25 1,374,575.86 1,693,798.18 1,132,514.26 1,185,095.06 1,297,740.81 1,263,546.25 1,105,767.32 1,767,233.56 1,012,496.96 155,072.06 155,072.06 137,328.73 137,328.73 119,322.92 207,908.25 185,131.82 169,769.29 153,119.44 166,145.23 220,699.67 216,050.77 171,825.00 171,825.00 139,178.25 109,968.00 189,437.06 240,602.73 233,872.92 220,699.67 155,072.06 160,560.92 220,699.67 BASIN SECTOR BLOCK PEM (UTs) MINIMUM BONUS (R$) Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano Tucano STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S STUC-S TUC-T-163 TUC-T-164 TUC-T-165 TUC-T-166 TUC-T-167 TUC-T-168 TUC-T-169 TUC-T-172 TUC-T-173 TUC-T-174 TUC-T-176 TUC-T-177 TUC-T-178 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 258 515 515 103 240,602.73 171,825.00 155,072.06 155,072.06 160,560.92 222,520.94 220,699.67 185,131.82 222,520.94 120,301.36 139,178.25 171,825.00 44,139.93 ANNEX XII- EQUIVALENCE OF UNITS OF WORK For the purposes of compliance with the Minimum Exploratory Program, the following provisions should be observed: a) Exploratory work converted into Units of Work (UTs) will be accepted, thus multiplying physical numbers (unit of exploratory well, km of 2D seismic, km² of 3D seismic, km of 2D seismic, km² of 3D seismic reprocessing, magnetometric, gravimetric and gama-spectrometric surveys, as well as geochemical and electromagnetic surveys) performed by the number of their equivalence. The non-exclusive surveys authorized by ANP will only be accepted in accordance with the conditions detailed in Table 16 of the Tender Protocol of the Eleventh Bidding Round. With the objective of rebating the Work Units, the surveys exclusively limited to inside the block area will be accepted. b) The wells should be drilled until the minimum stratigraphic objective required in Table 15 of the Tender Protocolof the Eleventh Bidding Round, within at least 30 (thirty) meters, to evaluate their potential for oil and natural gas. However, ANP may approve other stratigraphic objectives with identified prospectuses through technical justification. The wells of extension - those which aim to delimit the accumulation of Oil and Natural Gas in a reservoir, identified with code 3 as per ANP Ordinance no. 75 of 3 May 2000, will not be counted for the purposes of compliance with the Minimum Exploratory Program. c) 2D and 3D seismic surveys exclusively limited to inside the block area will be accepted. The UTs may be counted by type of survey. d) The acquisition of non-exclusive surveys, and reprocessed non-exclusive surveys that have been authorized by ANP will be accepted only in accordance with the conditions detailed in Table 16 of the Tender Protocolof the Eleventh Bidding Round. For the purposes of counting the UTs, the time to be considered is the one elapsed between the date of purchase of the data and the date of completion of the data acquisition campaign. For the acquisition of non-exclusive reprocessed surveys it will be considered as the date of purchase of the reprocessed data and the date of completion of the reprocessing. e) The reprocessing of 2D or 3D seismic data includes the migration of data in time (PSTM) and/or depth (PSDM) pre-stacking phase, also allowing only one reprocessing by survey of the field seismic data. The extension of the reprocessed seismic program to be debated in Units of Work should be limited exclusively to the area inside the block. f) Gravimetric or gradiometric and magnetometric surveys covering the exploratory block area in its totality will be accepted. The UTs will be counted by type of survey. The maximum spacing between lines should be 1,000 m for exploratory blocks with area of up to 1,000 km² and 2000 m for exploratory blocks with an area exceeding 1.000 km². By type of survey, to Mature Basins, will be assigned, at most, 10 UTs per block, and for Onshore Basins in areas of New Frontier will be allocated a maximum of 240 UTs per exploratory block. In case of need to change the maximum spacing between lines of flight, the contractor must send technical justification for review and approval by ANP. g) Gama-spectrometric surveys will be accepted. The maximum spacing between lines should be 1,000 m for exploratory blocks with area of up to 1,000 km² and 2000 m for exploratory blocks with an area exceeding 1.000 km². To Mature Basins will be assigned, at most, 10 UTs per exploratory block, while for Onshore Basins in areas of New Frontier will be allocated a maximum of 240 UTs per exploratory block. In case of need to change the maximum spacing between lines of flight, the contractor must send technical justification for review and approval by ANP. h) Electromagnetic surveys will be accepted (Magnetoteluric - MT, and Electromagnetic Multi Transient - MTEM). The maximum spacing between lines should be 1,000 m for exploratory blocks with area of up to 1,000 km² and 5,000m for exploratory blocks with an area exceeding 1.000 km². To Mature Basins will be assigned, at most, 90 UTs per exploratory block, while for Onshore Basins in areas of New Frontier will be allocated a maximum of 1800 UTs per exploratory block. In Shallow Water Sea Basins will be assigned, at most, 70 UTs per exploratory block, while for Deep Water sectors will be allocated a maximum of 160 UTs per exploratory block. In case of need to change the maximum spacing between receptors, the contractor must send technical justification for review and approval by ANP. i) The geochemical surveys must analyze, at least, free hydrocarbon content, detailing type and concentration of gases and liquids when detected. The same should follow mesh and maximum range of collection of 500m for blocks with areas of up to 1.000km ² and maximum range of 1,000 m for collection of blocks with an area exceeding 1.000km². For the Mature Basins will be assigned, at most, 30 UTs per block; for Onshore Basins of New Frontier will be assigned, at most, 715 UTs per block; for Maritime Basins located in shallow waters will be assigned, at most, 210 UTs per block; for the Sea Basins located in deep waters will be allocated a maximum of 485 UTs per block. In case of need to change the mesh and sampling gap, the contractor must send technical justification for review and approval by ANP. Deep Water Location Table 15 - Equivalence of Units of Work for compliance with the Minimum Exploratory Program Block Area (size)² Exploratory Well Seismic (km²) (UT/well) 2D 3D (UT/km) (UT/km2) Barreirinhas – SBARAP1 and SBAR-AP2 760 1,000 0.085 Ceará – SCE-AP3 760 1,000 Espirito Santo – SESAP2 760 Foz do Amazonas – SFZA-AP1 Foz do Amazonas – SFZA-AP2 Potential Methods Gamaspectro metry Electroma gnetic Geochemistr y Offered Basins/Sectors Minimum Stratigraphic Objective UT amount for calculation of the Financial Guarantee of the First Period (R$/UT) 2D (UT/km) 3D (UT/km²) GRAV (UT/km) MAG (UT/km) (UT/km) (UT/recept or) (UT/Sample) 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 0.160 Fm. Travosas (Cenomanian) 107,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 0.160 107,000 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 0.160 760 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 0.160 Fm. Paracuru (Albian) Fm. Urucutuca (Campanian/ Santonian) Fm. Limoeiro (Cenomanian/ Paleocene) 3000 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 0.160 Fm. Orange (Miocene) 107,000 760 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 0.160 Fm. Travosas (Eocene) 107,000 760 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 0.160 Fm. Calumbi (Tertiary) 107,000 Potiguar – SPOT-AP1 760 1,000 0.085 0.349 0.006 0.018 - - - 0.326 0.160 Fm.Ubarana (Cenomanian) 107,000 Barreirinhas – SBARAR2 180 1,000 0.155 0.633 0.011 0.033 - - - 0.592 0.291 Fm. Bom Gosto (Neoalbian) 59,000 Pará-Maranhão – SPAMA-AP1 and SPAMA-AP2 Pernambuco-Paraíba SPEPB-AP2 and SPEPB-AP3* Shallow Water Seismic Reprocessing 107,000 107,000 Location Shore Areas Block Area (size)² Exploratory Well Seismic (km²) (UT/well) 2D 3D (UT/km) (UT/km2) Foz do Amazonas – SFZA-AR1 190 1,000 0.155 Foz do Amazonas – SFZA-AR2 (FZA-M-321, FZA-M-322, FZA-M-324, FZA-M-388, FZA-M-389, FZA-M-391, FZA-M-393, FZA-M-395, FZA-M-397, FZA-M-454, FZA-M-455, FZA-M-457, FZA-M-459, FZA-M-530, FZA-M-531, FZA-M-604) 760 1,000 Foz do Amazonas – SFZA-AR2 ( FZA-M-461, FZA-M-463, FZA-M-465, FZA-M-467, FZA-M-535, FZA-M-537, FZA-M-539, FZA-M-609, FZA-M-641, FZA-M-643) 760 Espírito Santo – SES-T6 Potiguar – SPOT-T3 and SPOT-T5 Seismic Reprocessing Potential Methods Gamaspectro metry Electroma gnetic Geochemistr y Offered Basins/Sectors Recôncavo – SREC-T1 (REC-T-86, REC-T-107, REC-T-117, REC-T-118, REC-T-104) Minimum Stratigraphic Objective UT amount for calculation of the Financial Guarantee of the First Period (R$/UT) 2D (UT/km) 3D (UT/km²) GRAV (UT/km) MAG (UT/km) (UT/km) (UT/recept or) (UT/Sample) 0.633 0.011 0.033 - - - 0.592 0.291 Fm.Caciporé (Neocomian) 59,000 0.155 0.633 0.011 0.033 - - - 0.592 0.291 Fm.Caciporé (Aptian) 59,000 1,000 0.155 0.633 0.011 0.033 - - - 0.592 0.291 Fm. Pirarucu (Miocene) 59,000 30 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 0.238 Mb. Mucuri – Fm. Mariricu (Aptian) 3,800 30 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 0.238 Fm.Pendência (Neocomian) 3,800 0.238 Camadas Caruaçú/Mb. Gomo/Fm. Candeias (Neocomian) 3,800 30 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 Location Block Area (size)² Exploratory Well Seismic (km²) (UT/well) 2D 3D (UT/km) (UT/km2) Seismic Reprocessing Potential Methods Gamaspectro metry Electroma gnetic Geochemistr y (UT/km) (UT/recept or) (UT/Sample) Offered Basins/Sectors 2D (UT/km) 3D (UT/km²) GRAV (UT/km) MAG (UT/km) Recôncavo – SREC-T1 (REC-T-65, REC-T-75, REC-T-76, REC-T-84, REC-T-85, REC-T-94, REC-T-95, REC-T-105, REC-T-106, REC-T-115, REC-T-116) 30 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 5.760 Sergipe-Alagoas – SSEAL-T1 (SEAL-T-29, SEAL-T-30, SEAL-T-31, SEAL-T-36, SEAL-T-37, SEAL-T-43, SEAL-T-44, SEAL-T-49, SEAL-T-50, SEAL-T-54, SEAL-T-55, SEAL-T-61, SEAL-T-32, SEAL-T-38, SEAL-T-39, SEAL-T-45, SEAL-T-51, SEAL-T-56, SEAL-T-62, SEAL-T-63, SEAL-T-67, SEAL-T-68, SEAL-T-71, SEAL-T-72, SEAL-T-78) 30 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.128 Parnaíba – SPN-N, SPNSE and SPN-O 3000 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 Tucano – STUC-S 190 1,000 9.849 28.436 0.284 0.707 0.128 0.128 0.238 Fm.Sergi/ A. Grande (Jurassic/ Neocomian) 3,800 5.760 0.238 Fm.Coqueiro Seco (Aptian) 3,800 0.128 5.760 0.238 Fm. Cabeças (Devonian) 3,800 0.128 5.760 0.238 Fm. Sergi (Jurassic) 3,800 Gr – Group, Fm – Formation, Mb – Member Minimum Stratigraphic Objective UT amount for calculation of the Financial Guarantee of the First Period (R$/UT) As an exception in sector SPEPB-AP3, only block PEPB-M-894 has a stratigraphic objective in Fm. Cabo (Albian) Table 8 - Reduction factor of non-exclusive surveys for the purposes of fulfilling the Minimum Exploratory Program of the First Exploratory Period For deduction of the Minimum Exploratory Program: Time to be considered between the date of purchase of the data and the date of completion of the data acquisition campaign. For the acquisition of non-exclusive reprocessed surveys it will be considered as the date of purchase of the reprocessed data and the date of completion of the reprocessing. Reducing Factor* 0 – 1 year 1.0 1 – 2 years 0.9 2 – 3 years 0.8 3 – 4 years 0.7 4 – 5 years 0.6 5 – 6 years 0.5 6 – 7 years 0.4 7 – 8 years 0.3 8 – 9 years 0.2 9-10 years 0.1 > 10 years 0 Note: * Only the non-exclusive surveys authorized by the ANP will be accepted, provided the data acquisition companies have met all the data delivery requirements to the Exploration and Production Data Base (BDEP). For the purpose of counting the amount to be considered for compliance with the Minimum Exploratory Program of the first exploratory period, the amount of the UTs corresponding to the exploratory work performed shall be multiplied by the amount of the table, according to the time elapsed between the date of purchase of the data and the date of completion of the data acquisition campaign. For the acquisition of non-exclusive reprocessed surveys it will be considered as the date of purchase of the reprocessed data and the date of completion of the reprocessing. 180 ANNEX XIII- ITEM TABLES WITH MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL CONTENT PLANILHA 1 - Águas Profundas > 400 metros Sistemas CL sistema (%) Exploração Mínimo Setor: Subsistemas Item Máximo Geologia e Geofísica 37 Bloco: 55 Interpretação e Processamento Aquisição Afretamento Sonda Perfuração, Avaliação Perfuração + Completação (obs 1) e Completação Sistemas Auxiliares (obs 2) Apoio Operacional Apoio Logístico (Marítimo/Aéreo/Base) Desenvolvimento Afretamento Sonda Perfuração + Completação (obs 1) 55 65 Perfuração, Avaliação Sistemas Auxiliares (obs 2) e Completação Apoio Logístico Árvore de Natal Umbilicais Manifolds Linhas de Produção/Injeção Flexíveis (Flowlines, Risers) Linhas de Produção/Injeção Rígidas Sistema de Coleta da Dutos de Escoamento Produção Sistema de Controle Submarino Engenharia Básica Engenharia de Detalhamento Gerenciamento, Construção e Montagem Engenharia Básica Engenharia de Detalhamento Gerenciamento, Construção e Montagem Casco Sistemas Navais Sistema Multiplo de Ancoragem Sistema simples de ancoragem UEP Instalação e Integração dos Módulos Pré-Instalação e Hook-up das Linhas de Ancoragem Plantas (obs 4) Engenharia Básica Engenharia de Detalhamento Gerenciamento de Serviço Materiais (obs 3) Construção & Montagem CL minimo item (%) 40 5 10 30 55 15 10 30 55 15 85 40 80 80 100 100 50 50 95 60 50 95 60 80 50 70 30 95 85 50 95 90 75 95 Obs 1: Na composição do CL médio para Perfuração, Avaliação e Completação, devem ser considerados os seguintes sub-itens: Equipamentos Cabeça de Poço Revestimento Coluna de Produção Equipamentos do Poço Brocas CL (%) 45 80 80 30 5 Obs 2: Na composição dos sistemas auxiliares devem ser considerados os seguintes sub-itens: Equipamentos Sistema Elétrico Sistema de Automação Sistema de Telecomunicações Sistema de Medição Fiscal Instrumentação de Campo CL (%) 60 60 40 60 40 Obs 3: Na composição do CL médio para os equipamentos da UEP devem ser considerados os seguintes sub-itens: Tipos Equipamentos Vasos de Pressão Calderaria Fornos Tanques De Processo Torres De Resfriamento Trocadores de Calor Mecânicos Rotativos Bombas Turbinas a Vapor Compressores Parafuso Compressores Alternativos Motores a Diesel (até 600 hp) Válvulas (até 24") Filtros Queimadores Proteção Catódica Sistema Elétrico Sistema de Automação Sistema de Telecomunicações Sistema de Medição Fiscal Instrumentação de Campo Mecânicos Estáticos CL (%) 85 80 90 85 85 80 70 90 70 70 90 90 85 80 90 60 60 40 60 40 Obs 4: Este item é composto por: Planta de Processo, Planta de Movimentação de Gás e Planta de Injeção de Água Obs 5: No caso de serviços executados por empregados da empresa concessionária, contratados segundo as leis brasileiras, o valor em reais correspondente à execução da atividade (calculado com base no número de homens/hora) poderá ser considerado para efeito de cálculo do Conteúdo Local, desde que os valores sejam compatíveis com os de mercado. 181 PLANILHA 2 - ÁGUAS RASAS 100-400 metros Sistemas CL sistema (%) Exploração Mínimo Item Subsistemas Máximo Geologia e Geofísica 37 Bloco: Setor: Perfuração, Avaliação e Completação 55 Interpretação e Processamento Desenvolvimento 65 40 Aquisição 5 Afretamento Sonda 10 Perfuração + Completação (obs 1) 30 Sistemas Auxiliares (obs 2) Apoio Operacional Apoio Logístico (Marítimo/Aéreo/Base) 55 Afretamento Sonda Perfuração + Completação (obs 1) Sistemas Auxiliares (obs 2) Apoio Logístico Árvore de Natal Umbilicais Manifolds Linhas de Produção/Injeção Flexíveis (Flowlines, Risers) Linhas de Produção/Injeção Rígidas Sistema de Coleta Dutos de Escoamento da Produção Sistema de Controle Submarino Engenharia Básica Engenharia de Detalhamento Gerenciamento, Construção e Montagem Engenharia Básica Engenharia de Detalhamento Gerenciamento, Construção e Montagem Casco Sistemas Navais Sistema multiplo de ancoragem Sistema smples de ancoragem UEP Instalação e Integração dos Módulos Pré-Instalação e Hook-up das Linhas de Ancoragem Engenharia Básica Engenharia de Detalhamento Plantas (obs 4) Gerenciamento de Serviço Materiais (obs 3) Construção & Montagem 10 30 55 15 85 40 80 80 100 100 50 50 95 60 50 95 60 80 50 70 30 95 85 50 95 90 75 95 Perfuração, Avaliação e Completação 55 CL mínimo item (%) 15 Obs 1: Na composição do CL médio para Perfuração, Avaliação e Completação, devem ser considerados os seguintes subitens: Equipamentos Cabeça de Poço Revestimento Coluna de Produção Equipamentos do Poço Brocas CL (%) 45 80 80 30 5 Obs 2: Na composição dos sistemas auxiliares devem ser considerados os seguintes subitens: Equipamentos Sistema Elétrico Sistema de Automação Sistema de Telecomunicações Sistema de Medição Fiscal Instrumentação de Campo CL (%) 60 60 40 60 40 Obs 3: Na composição do CL médio para os equipamentos da UEP devem ser considerados os seguintes subitens: Tipos Equipamentos Vasos de Pressão Fornos Tanques De Processo Torres De Resfriamento Trocadores de Calor Bombas Turbinas a Vapor Mecânicos Compressores Parafuso Rotativos Compressores Alternativos Motores a Diesel (até 600 hp) Válvulas (até 24") Mecânicos Filtros Estáticos Queimadores Proteção Catódica Sistema Elétrico Sistema de Automação Sistema de Telecomunicações Sistema de Medição Fiscal Instrumentação de Campo Calderaria CL (%) 85 80 90 85 85 80 70 90 70 70 90 90 85 80 90 60 60 40 60 40 Obs 4: Este item é composto por: Planta de Processo, Planta de Movimentação de Gás e Planta de Injeção de Água Obs 5: No caso de serviços executados por empregados da empresa concessionária, contratados segundo as leis brasileiras, o valor em reais correspondente à execução da atividade (calculado com base no número de homens/hora) poderá ser considerado para efeito de cálculo do Conteúdo Local, desde que os valores sejam compatíveis com os de mercado. 182 Setor: PLANILHA 3 - ÁGUAS RASAS <100 metros Sistemas CL sistema (%) Exploração Mínimo Bloco: Item Subsistemas Máximo Interpretação e Processamento Aquisição Afretamento Sonda Perfuração, Avaliação e Perfuração + Completação (obs 1) Completação Sistemas Auxiliares (obs 2) Apoio Operacional Apoio Logístico (Marítimo/Aéreo/Base) Afretamento Sonda Perfuração, Perfuração + Completação (obs 1) Avaliação e Sistemas Auxiliares (obs 2) Completação Apoio Logístico Árvore de Natal Umbilicais Manifolds sem controle Geologia e Geofísica 51 60 Desenvolvimento Linhas de Produção/Injeção Flexíveis (Flowlines, Risers) 63 70 Sistema de Coleta Linhas de Produção/Injeção Rígidas da Produção Dutos de Escoamento Sistema de Controle Submarino Engenharia Básica Engenharia de Detalhamento Gerenciamento, Construção e Montagem Engenharia Básica Engenharia de Detalhamento Gerenciamento, Construção e Montagem Jaqueta Módulos UEP Interligações Engenharia Básica Engenharia de Detalhamento Planta de Gerenciamento de Serviço Processo Materiais (obs 3) Construção & Montagem CL mínimo item (%) 40 5 20 30 55 15 20 50 55 15 85 40 80 80 100 100 50 50 95 95 50 95 95 20 85 90 50 95 95 75 95 Obs 1: Na composição do CL médio para Perfuração, Avaliação e Completação devem ser considerados os seguintes subitens: Equipamentos Cabeça de Poço Revestimento Coluna de Produção Equipamentos do Poço Brocas CL (%) 45 80 80 30 5 Obs 2: Na composição dos sistemas auxiliares devem ser considerados os seguintes sub-itens: Equipamentos CL (%) Sistema Elétrico Sistema de Automação Sistema de Telecomunicações Sistema de Medição Fiscal Instrumentação de Campo 60 60 40 60 40 Obs 3: Na composição do CL médio para os equipamentos da UEP devem ser considerados os seguintes sub-itens: Equipamentos Vasos de Pressão Calderaria Fornos Tanques De Processo Torres De Resfriamento Trocadores de Calor Bombas Turbinas a Vapor Mecânicos Compressores Parafuso Rotativos Compressores Alternativos Motores a Diesel (até 600 hp) Válvulas (até 24") Mecânicos Filtros Estáticos Queimadores Proteção Catódica Sistema Elétrico Sistema de Automação Sistema de Telecomunicações Sistema de Medição Fiscal Instrumentação de Campo Tipos CL (%) 85 80 90 85 85 80 70 90 70 70 90 90 85 80 90 60 60 40 60 40 Obs 4: No caso de serviços executados por empregados da empresa concessionária, contratados segundo as leis brasileiras, o valor em reais correspondente à execução da atividade (calculado com base no número de homens/hora) poderá ser considerado para efeito de cálculo do Conteúdo Local, desde que os valores sejam compatíveis com os de mercado. 183 Planilha 4 - TERRA Desenvolvimento Exploração Sistemas SETOR: CL sistema (%) Mínimo Máximo Subsistemas BLOCO: Item Interpretação e Processamento Aquisição Afretamento Sonda Perfuração, Avaliação Perfuração + Completação (obs 1) e Completação Sistemas Auxiliares (obs 2) Apoio Operacional Apoio Logístico (Marítimo/Aéreo/Base) Afretamento Sonda Perfuração + Completação (obs 1) Perfuração, Avaliação Sistemas Auxiliares (obs 2) e Completação Apoio Logístico Árvore de Natal Sistemas de Bombeio Manifolds Sistema de Coleta da Dutos de Escoamento da Produção Engenharia Básica Produção Engenharia de Detalhamento Gerenciamento, Construção e Montagem Engenharia Básica Engenharia de Detalhamento Planta de Processo Gerenciamento de Serviço Materiais (obs 3) Construção & Montagem Geologia e Geofísica 70 77 80 85 CL mínimo item (%) 40 20 90 30 55 90 90 50 55 90 90 80 90 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 75 95 Obs 1: Na composição do CL médio para Perfuração, Avaliação e Completação, devem ser considerados os seguintes sub-itens: Equipamentos Cabeça de Poço Revestimento Coluna de Produção Equipamentos do Poço Brocas CL (%) 80 100 97 40 5 Obs 2: Na composição dos sistemas auxiliares devem ser considerados os seguintes sub-itens: Equipamentos CL (%) Sistema Elétrico 60 Sistema de Automação 60 Sistema de Telecomunicações 40 Sistema de Medição Fiscal 60 Instrumentação de Campo 40 Obs 3: Na composição do CL médio para os equipamentos da planta de processo devem ser considerados os seguintes sub-itens: Tipos Equipamentos CL (%) Vasos de Pressão 85 Calderaria Fornos 80 Tanques 90 De Processo 85 Torres De Resfriamento 85 Trocadores de Calor 80 Bombas 70 90 Mecânicos Turbinas a Vapor 70 Rotativos Compressores Parafuso Compressores Alternativos 70 Motores a Diesel (até 600 hp) 90 Válvulas (até 24") 90 85 Mecânicos Filtros Estáticos Queimadores 80 Proteção Catódica 90 Sistema Elétrico 60 Sistema de Automação 60 Sistema de Telecomunicações 40 Sistema de Medição Fiscal 60 Instrumentação de Campo 40 Obs 4 : No caso de serviços executados por empregados da empresa concessionária, contratados segundo as leis brasileiras, o valor em reais correspondente à execução da atividade (calculado com base no número de homens/hora) poderá ser considerado para efeito de cálculo do Conteúdo Local, desde que os valores sejam compatíveis com os de mercado. 184 ANNEX XIV- BID GUARANTEEY MODEL PART 1 - MODEL OF LETTER OF CREDIT FOR BID GUARANTEE IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT ISSUED BY [insert bank name] Bidding company: Validity: Starting date: Termination date: Number: Nominal Amount: [R$] National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels - ANP Superintendência de Promoção de Licitações Dear Sirs: 1. [Insert the name of the Bank], incorporated in accordance with the laws of of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Issuer, hereby issues in favor of ANP, organization part of Federal Indirect Administration of the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil, an Irrevocable Letter of Credit no. [insert number of the Letter of Credit], through which the Issuer allows ANP to draw at once, the amount of up to R$ [insert the Nominal Value] , by presenting a Payment Order and a Proof of Drawing, defined below, in the facilities of the Issuer mentioned in Clause 3 of this Letter of Credit. 2. The Nominal Amount of the Letter of Credit may be drawn by ANP in the form set out in clause 3 below, between 10 am and 04 pm, Rio de Janeiro time, in any banking day after the disclosing of the results of the bids presentation and before the maturity of this Letter of Credit. "Banking day" means any day except Saturday, Sunday or another day on which the commercial banks of Rio de Janeiro are authorized or required by law, standard or regulatory decree, to close. 185 3. A draw may only be made on the basis of this document with the presentation by ANP to the Issuer of a draw in cash as per the attached document as Document 1 ("Payment Order"), together with a proof presented by ANP, depending on the model here attached as Document 2 ("Proof of Drawing"). The submission of the Payment Order and the Proof of Drawing should be made in the facilities of the Issuer, in Rio de Janeiro, located [insert the address of the issuer], or at any other address in Rio de Janeiro designated by the Issuer to ANP through notification made under the provisions of Clause 8 of this Letter of Credit. 4. After receiving from ANP the Payment Order and the Proof of Drawing in its facilities, designated in accordance with the provisions of Clause 3 of this Letter of Credit, the Issuer will pay the of Nominal Amount according to the procedure established in the Proof of Drawing. The issuer must make the payment until the day banking immediately subsequent to the presentation of the request. 5. This Letter of Credit will expire on the date the first of the following events take place: (i) presentation of resignation to the Issuer in the model here attached as Document 3 ("Proof of Resignation"), (ii) irrevocable payment made by the issuer to ANP in the form set out in Clause 4 of this Letter of Credit, in nominal amount, through drawing performed under the terms set forth herein, or (iii) in maturity as established in Section 4.3.4 of the Notice of the Eleventh Bidding Round. Despite the above provisions, any drawing made according to the rules set herein, prior to the expiration of this Letter of Credit, will be fulfilled by the issuer. If the facilities of the Issuer designated in Clause 3 of this Letter of Credit is closed on the date mentioned in (iii) of this clause 5, the due date of this Letter of Credit will be extended to the subsequent banking day, on which the said establishment is open. 6. Only ANP may draw this Letter of Credit, as well as exercise any other rights set forth herein. 7. All notifications, requirements, instructions, withdrawals or other information to be provided in this Letter of Credit must be written in English and delivered by a courier staff or by courier, mail or fax, and sent to the address below: For the issuer: [insert the address of the Issuer] For ANP: Décima Primeira Rodada de Licitações Superintendência de Promoção de Licitações – SPL Avenida Rio Branco 65, 18º andar. 20090-004 Rio de Janeiro – RJ Brasil 186 Fax: (21) 2112-8539 8. The addresses and fax numbers to forward information relating to this Letter of Credit may be amended by the issuer or ANP upon notification to the other party at least 15 banking days prior to the date of change. 9. This Letter of Credit sets out, in full, the obligation of the Issuer, and this requirement will not in any way be amended or added on the basis of any document, instrument or agreement mentioned here, except the Payment Order, the Proof of Drawing and any Proof of Resignation. 10. This Letter of Credit, under the terms and conditions presented here and in the order it is intended, is a valid, legal and executable document in the city where it is to be charged, and the issuer may not oppose to ANP claim of any nature that prevents its full and complete execution. Yours Truly, [insert the address of the Bank] ___________________________ Name: Job Title: 187 Document 1 Model of Payment Order Letter of Credit no. [insert number of Letter of Credit] Rio de Janeiro – RJ Date of Drawing: In Cash Pay to the order of the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel - ANP, the nominal amount of R$ [insert the Nominal Amount]. Draw of the Letter of Credit no. [insert number of Letter of Credit] issued by [insert the name of the issuer]. National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel - ANP ___________________________ Name: Job Title: To [insert name of the Issuer] 188 Document 2 Model of Proof of Drawing This document refers to the Letter of Credit, no [insert number of Letter of Credit] from [insert date, in day/month/year format], issued by [insert the name of the Issuer] on behalf of the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel - ANP. The words written in capital letters is not defined here have their respective meanings established or understood, by reference, in the Letter of Credit or in the Tender Protocolof the Eleventh Bidding Round. The undersigned, being duly authorized to sign this proof on behalf of ANP, certifies that, due to the Eleventh Bidding Round, [insert name of the company] was qualified to sign a Concession Contract of the Block called [insert code/name of the block/field object of the Concession Contract] with ANP, and that: 1. One of the Classified bidders (or any Affiliate of said Classified bidder) did not sign the Concession Contract (and provide the necessary guarantees) on [insert day] of [insert month] of [insert the year]; or 2. Some of the financial guarantees needed to safeguard the Minimum Exploratory Program was not delivered to ANP until the signing of the Concession Contract; or 3. The Signature Bonus was not paid until the signing of the Concession Contract, as determined therein; or 4. The classified vendor did not present according to the model and the conditions set forth in the Tender Protocol of the Eleventh Bidding Round, performance guarantee for its Subsidiary that would be the signatory of the contract. The payment of the Nominal Amount contained in the Letter of Credit must be made by the Issuer to the following account: ANP will provide the procedures for payment. __________________________ __________________________ This document was signed by the undersigned on [insert date, in day/month/year format] ___________________________ Name: Job Title: 189 Document 3 Model of Proof of Resignation This refers to the Irrevocable Letter of Credit no [insert number of Letter of Credit] from [insert date, in day/month/year format], issued by [insert the name of the Issuer] on behalf of ANP. The words written in capital letters and not defined here have their respective meanings established or understood, by reference, in the Letter of Credit. The undersigned, being duly authorized to sign this proof on behalf of ANP, hereby certifies that, having been one of the events that allow the dismissal of the Letter of Credit, the date of dismissal shall be the issuing date of this Proof. This proof was signed by the undersigned on [insert the day] of [insert the month] of [insert the year]. ___________________________ Name: Job Title: 190 ANNEX XIV - BID GUARANTEEY MODEL PART 2 - MODEL OF GUARANTEE INSURANCE FOR BID GUARANTEE POLICY NO. [insert the number of the policy] The [insert the name of the insurance company], [insert the Corporate Taxpayer Registry], with headquarters at [insert address of the insurance company] through this Insurance Guarantee POLICY, ensures the POLICYHOLDER, THE NATIONAL AGENCY OF PETROLEUM, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUEL - ANP, CNPJ 02.313.673/0002-08, with its head office in Avenida Rio Branco 65, 12º andar, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, the obligations of the POLICYHOLDER, [insert the name of the company], [insert the Corporate Taxpayer Registry], with headquarters at [insert the address of the insurance company],up to the amount of R$ [insert the amount in written], in the modality and object described below. DESCRIPTION OF THE GUARANTEE (Modality, amount and period provided for in the Concession Contract) Modality1 Insured Amount Bidder R$ [insert the Nominal Amount] Validity Beginning End PURPOSE OF THE GUARANTEE Guarantee of compensation, at the amount set on the Policy, considering the reductions in the guaranteed amount, due to non-fulfillment of the POLICYHOLDER in relation to the signing of the Concession Contract for the acquired Block relating to the TENDER PROTOCOL FOR THE CONCESSION CONTRACTS FOR ACTIVITIES OF EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION OF OIL AND NATURAL GAS in the Eleventh Bidding Round. The amount guaranteed by this policy is R$ [insert the Nominal Amount] (insert the amount in written). The premium of this policy is R$ [insert the Nominal Amount] (insert the amount in written). The following annexes are integral and inseparable part of the policy, which are ratified herein: - Guarantee conditions; - DOCUMENT I of the Policy - Defaults Release Template and Request of Compensation; - DOCUMENT II of the Policy - Model of Proof of Completion; - DOCUMENT III of the Policy - Complement the Special Conditions. 1 Do not change this field. The modality "Bidder" should be chosen on the basis of the classification criteria of the guarantee insurances defined by SUSEP. 191 This policy is issued in accordance with the Conditions of the Ordinance SUSEP no. 232/03. Venue and Date: 192 GUARANTEE CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS The General Conditions of this Guarantee shall be governed by the terms contained in Ordinance SUSEP no. 232, June 03, 2003 " below: SUSEP Ordinance no. 232, of June 03, 2003. 1. Purpose This insurance ensures the faithful compliance with the obligations assumed by the insuree in the main Contract, signed by the policyholder according to the terms of the policy. 2. Definitions I. Guarantee-Insurance: insurance that guarantees the faithful compliance with the obligations assumed by the insuree in the main contract according to the terms of the policy. II. Main Contract: the contract document, its amendments and Annexes, which specify the obligations and rights of the policyholder and the insuree. III. Proposal: formal document of application for the issuance of an insurance policy, signed in accordance with the legislation in force. IV. Policy: document, signed by the insurance company, which formally represents the guarantee-insurance. V. Endorsement: formal document, signed by the insurance company, which introduces changes in the guarantee-insurance policy upon request and expressed consent of the parties. VI. General Conditions: the clauses of the policy of general application to any form of guarantee-insurance. VII. Special Conditions: the terms of the policy that specify the different modalities of coverage of the insurance Contract and alter the provisions laid down in the general conditions. VIII. Particular Conditions: the ones which particularize the policy, describing the policyholder, the insuree, the purpose of insurance, the guaranteed amount and other characteristics applicable to a particular Contract of insurance. IX. Policyholder: creditor of the obligations assumed by the insuree in the main Contract. X. Insuree: debtor of the obligations assumed by it in the main Contract. XI. Insurance Company: the insurance guarantor, in terms of the policy, of the fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the insuree in the main Contract. XII. Premium: amount owed to the insurance company by the insuree to obtain the insurance coverage. XIII. Damage: the default of obligations covered by the insurance. XIV. Compensation: the payment of direct losses resulting from the default of obligations covered by the insurance. 3. Amount of the Guarantee 3.1. The amount of the guarantee of this policy must be understood as the nominal maximum amount guaranteed by it. 193 3.2 When made changes of amounts previously established in the main Contract, the amount of the guarantee should accompany such modifications. 3.3. For subsequent changes made in the main Contract which may require the modification of the contract amount, the amount of the guarantee can also be modified upon request to the insurance company for the issuance of endorsement for recovery or refund of premium related to the increase or decrease in the amount of the guarantee and the term to maturity. 4. Insurance Premium 4.1. The insuree is responsible for the payment of the premium to the insurance company. 4.2. It is understood and agreed that the insurance will continue in force even when the insuree has not paid the premium on the agreed dates. 5. Validity The duration of the coverage of the guarantee-insurance shall be equal to the time limit set out in the main Contract, and the insuree is to pay the premium for this entire period. 6. Expectation and Characterization of the Damage 6.1. Once the default by the insuree related to the obligations covered by this policy is proven by the policyholder, and when the extra-judicial notification made to the insuree results useless, the policyholder shall have the right to demand the due compensation from the insurance company. 6.2. When making the extra-judicial notification to the insuree, the policyholder should, at the same time, communicate the insurance company the expectation of the damage by sending a copy of the extra-judicial notification, as well as documentation clearly indicating the items not complied with the Contract, with the response of the insuree, if any. 7. Compensation 7.1. Once the damage is noticed, the insurance company shall indemnify the policyholder, up to the limit of the guarantee of this policy, according to one of the forms below as agreed between the two parties: I. performing, by means of third parties, the purpose of the main Contract in order to give continuity and conclude, under its full responsibility; or II. paying the damage caused by default of the insuree. 7.2. The payment of the compensation, or the beginning of the fulfillment of the obligation, should occur within a maximum of thirty days from the date of delivery of all related documents by the insurance company as necessary for the realization and adjustment of the damage. 8. Subrogation Once the compensation is paid or the fulfillment of the defaulted obligations by the insuree is initiated, the insurance company is to be subrogated in the rights of the policyholder against the insuree, or against third parties whose acts or facts have caused the damage. 9. Exemption of Liability 9.1. The insurance company shall be exempt from liability in relation to this policy in the occurrence of one or more of the following assumptions: 194 I. Unforeseeable circumstances or in cases of force majeure, in accordance with the Brazilian Civil Code. II. Non-compliance with the obligations of the insuree arising from acts or facts under the liability of the policyholder. III. Amendment of the contractual obligations guaranteed by this policy, which have been agreed between policyholder and insuree, without the prior consent of the insurance company. IV. Intentional illegal acts committed by the policyholder or his legal representative. 9.2. All and every punitive fines, except as otherwise provided in the special conditions, will be specifically excluded from the liability of the insurance company. 10. Competition of Guarantees In the case of there being two or more guarantees, each of them covering the purpose of this insurance, the insurance company shall respond proportionally with the other participants. 11. Expiration of the Guarantee The guarantee given by this insurance shall expire: I. when the purpose of the main Contract guaranteed by the policy is finally performed by agreement or statement signed by the policyholder or return of the policy; II. when policyholder and insurance company so agree; III. with the payment of the compensation; IV. when the end of validity provided for in the policy, unless stated otherwise in the special conditions or when extended by means of endorsement, in the case of a change in the term of the main Contract. 12. Controversies 12.1. The disputes that arise from the application of these conditions may be resolved: I. by arbitration; or II. a measure of judicial nature. 12.2. In the case of arbitration, the commitment clause shall appear on the policy. 13. Expiration The expiration deadlines are those determined by the law. 14. Forum The legal matters between insurance company and policyholder will be processed in the forum of its domicile. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Specific Clause for Biddings and Contracts of Indirect Implementation of Constructions, Services and Purchases of the Public Administration, as well as for Concessions and Permissions of Public Service. 195 1.1 It is understood that this insurance guarantees the faithful fulfillment of the obligations assumed by a company participant of biddings and Contracts of Indirect Implementation of Constructions, Services and Purchases of the Public Administration, as well as in concessions and permissions of public service, up to the amount of the guarantee set in the policy. 1.2 It is to be applied to this insurance the definitions contained in art. 6 of Law n 8,666 of June 21, 1993, and the 2nd article of Law No 8,987 of February 13, 1995. 1.3 It is also defined, for the purpose of this insurance: I. Policyholder: Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis II. Insuree: the bidding, contracted, utility or permissionary company. 1.4 The guarantee of this policy is to be in force: By the period set forth in the policy, expected to end as in Table 1, purpose of this policy; Ratification Fully ratify the provisions of the general conditions that have not been altered by these special conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS This policy does not ensure risks originating from other modalities of the GuaranteeInsurance, does not ensure the payment of any fines or financial charges, contractually established by Contract or amendments, and yet, does not guarantee the obligations regarding the payment of taxes, labor obligations of any kind, social security, severance payments to third parties, as well as risks not covered by other branches of insurance. It is also declared it does not cover damage and/or losses directly or indirectly caused by terrorist act regardless of its purpose, which has been duly recognized as offensive to public order by the competent authorities. This insurance policy has the reinsurance cover by [insert the name of reinsurance company], granted through the process no [insert the number of the process]. 196 DOCUMENT I - Defaults Release Template and Request of Compensation Policy no. [insert the number of the policy] Rio de Janeiro -RJ (insert date of the payment order) In Cash The undersigned, duly authorized to sign the receipt on behalf of ANP, certify here that (i) the successful vendor of the Bidding of the Blocks [insert the codes/names of the settled blocks/fields], Sector [insert the name of the settled sector], in the Eleventh Bidding Round, did not sign the respective Concession Contract. We request pay the NATIONAL AGENCY OF PETROLEUM, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUEL the nominal amount of R$ [insert the amount] (insert the amount in written). DRAW AS PER POLICY no. [Insert the number of the policy] issued by [insert the name of the insurance company]. DEPOSIT AS PER FEDERAL TAX LIABILITY PAYMENT FORM (GRU) OF THE NATIONAL TREASURY ( Unit (UG) no. 323031 and Management no. 32205 - Central Office of ANP; Payment Code no. 98811-1 - Bonds and Various Guarantees. AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DO PETRÓLEO, GÁS NATURAL E BIOCOMBUSTÍVEIS ___________________________ Name: Job Title: To: [insert the name of the insurance company] 197 DOCUMENT II - Proof of Completion This refers to the Policy no [insert the number of the policy], of [insert the date of issuance in the day/month/year format], issued by [insert the name of the insurance company] The undersigned, duly authorized to sign this proof on behalf of ANP, hereby certifies that: a) The company signed the Concession Contract; b) the obligations of the Utility Company that were guaranteed by the Policy cited above have been terminated; c) this proof was effectively performed on [insert date in day/month/year format]. AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DO PETRÓLEO, GÁS NATURAL E BIOCOMBUSTÍVEIS ___________________________ Name: Job Title: 198 DOCUMENT III - Complement of the Special Conditions This document, containing two pages, is an integral and inseparable part of the policy no [insert the number of the policy] THE GENERAL TERMS OF THE POLICY no [insert the number of the policy] ARE CHANGED AND/OR INCREASED IN THE RESPECTIVE CLAUSES AND ITEMS EXPRESSED BELOW: 3. Amount of the Guarantee 3.1 Any updates in the Insured Amount should be requested in writing by the POLICYHOLDER to the INSUREE, which will provide with the INSURANCE COMPANY the updates through Security Strengthening Endorsement, with the respective payment of premium. 3.2. The updates referred to in paragraph 3.2 and 3.3 of the General Conditions may be requested by the POLICYHOLDER when cyclical changes occur which may modify the expected costs for the fulfillment of the obligation secured by this policy, including but not limited to, exchange rate and inflation changes. 6. Expectation and Characterization of the Damage 6.1. Once the default by the INSUREE related to the obligations covered by this policy is proven by the POLICYHOLDER, the POLICYHOLDER shall have the right to demand the due compensation from the INSURANCE COMPANY. 6.2. As he realizes the defaults of the INSUREE, the POLICYHOLDER must notify the INSURANCE COMPANY by sending a notice as per the model of DOCUMENT I of the policy - Notice of Default and Request for Compensation, as well as copy of the administrative process including decision that determines the fulfillment of the guarantee. 7. Compensation 7.1. Once the damage is noticed, the INSURANCE COMPANY is to indemnify the POLICYHOLDER, pay the amount described herein taking into account the reductions provided for in section 3.2, once the damage resulting from the default of the INSUREE, for the purposes of this insurance, is the amount guaranteed by this policy. 7.2. The payment of the compensation shall occur within thirty days from the date of delivery of the documents mentioned in paragraph 6.2. 8. Subrogation 8.1. For the compensation, the INSURANCE COMPANY is to be subrogated to the rights of the POLICYHOLDER against the INSUREE, or against third parties with respect to acts or facts that have caused the damage. 199 8.2. Pursuant to the provisions of articles 347, I, 348 and 349 of the Civil Code, the subrogation is governed by the rules of credit assignment, thus, under Article 290 of the Civil Code, the INSUREE and his guarantors reported herein, declaring themselves aware of the subrogation (Cession) performed by the POLICYHOLDER (ANP) to the INSURANCE COMPANAU (insert the name of the insurance company). 9. Exemption of Liability Item II of Clause 9 - Disclaimer of Liability - is changed by the following: II. Breach of the obligations of the insuree arising from unlawful acts of the policyholder; 10. Forum The litigation between the insurance company and the policyholder will take place in the city of Rio de Janeiro. 11. Notifications All notifications, requirements, instructions, withdrawals or other information to be provided on this Guarantee-Insurance must be written in Portuguese and delivered by a courier staff or by courier, mail or fax, and sent to the following addresses: i) ii) For the INSURANCE COMPANY: For the POLICY HOLDER: Décima Primeira Rodada de Licitações Superintendência de Promoção de Licitações – SPL Avenida Rio Branco 65, 18º andar. 20090-004 Rio de Janeiro – RJ Brasil Fax (21) 2112-8539 The addresses and fax numbers for notices regarding this Guarantee-Insurance may be changed by the issuer or ANP upon notification to the other party at least fifteen (15) banking days before the change. 12. Ratification Fully ratify the provisions of the general conditions that have not been altered by these special conditions. ___________________________ 200 ANNEX XV - MODEL OF LETTER OF CREDIT FOR COMPLETION OF THE MINIMUM EXPLORATÓRIO PROGRAM IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT [insert the name of the bank]. Date: NO: Initial Nominal Amount R$ [insert the Nominal Amount] Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis Avenida Rio Branco 65, 19º andar 20090-004 Rio de Janeiro Brasil Dear Sirs: 1., [insert the name of the bank] incorporated in accordance with the laws of [insert the name of the country, according to the example: Federative Republic of Brazil], the "Issuer", herein issues on behalf of the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel - ANP, organization part of the Federal Indirect Administration of the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil, an Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. [Insert number of Letter of Credit], through which the issuer allows ANP to draw, in a single draw, the nominal amount of R$2[insert the Nominal Amount] by means of the presentation of a Payment Order and a Proof of Draw (defined below) in the facilities of the Issuer mentioned in Clause 5 of this Letter of Credit, during the drawing period (as defined in item 4 below). 2. This letter of credit was drawn up in accordance with the Concession Contract no [insert the number of Concession Contract], on the Block [insert the code/name of the block/field purpose of the Concession Contract], signed on [insert date in day/month/year format], between ANP and the contractor [insert name of the company], incorporated according to the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The terms typed in capital letters (including the attached documents) and not defined here shall have the respective meanings as defined in the contract. 3. The Nominal Amount of the letter of credit shall be initially R$ [insert the Nominal Amount] 7 , which may be reduced by the presentation by ANP, to the Issuer, of a Proof (Proof of Reduction), in the form set out in Document 1, specifying a new lower Nominal Amount. 4. The Nominal Amount of the Letter of Credit may be drawn by ANP according to the provisions of Clause 5 of this Letter of Credit, on any banking day during the drawing period beginning at 10:00 pm and ending at 04:00 pm, Rio de Janeiro time, from [insert date of the signing of the Concession Contract, in day/month/year format], to [insert date in 2 Insert the nominal amount of the Letter of Credit 201 day/month/year format, after 180 days of the last day of the Exploration Period] 3 (the "Drawing Period"). "Banking day" means any day except Saturday, Sunday or another day on which the commercial banks of Rio de Janeiro are authorized or required by law, standard or regulatory decree, to close. 5. A draw may only be made with the presentation by ANP to the Issuer, of the Payment Order as presented in Document 2 (Payment Order), and a Proof of Drawing, fulfilled by ANP, as presented in Document 3 (Proof of Drawing). The submission of the Payment Order and the Proof of Drawing should be made in the facilities of the Issuer, in Rio de Janeiro, located [insert the address of the Issuer], or at any other address in Rio de Janeiro designated by the Issuer to ANP through notification made under the provisions of Clause 9 of this Letter of Credit. 6. On presentation by ANP, during the Drawing Period, of the Payment Order and Proof of Drawing in the facilities designated by the Issuer in Clause 5 of this Letter of Credit, the Issuer must pay, in Real, the Nominal Amount according to the procedure established in the proof of drawing, the issuer must make the payment up to the banking day immediately subsequent to the presentation of the request 7. This Letter of Credit will expire on the date the first of the following events take place: (i) on [insert date in day/month/year format, after the 180 days of the last day of the Exploration Period]4, (ii) the reduction of the Nominal Amount of this Letter of Credit to zero, (iii) the date on which ANP submit the Issuer a Proof fulfilled by ANP on the Document 4 (Proof of Completion), and (iv) the irrevocable payment by the Issuer to ANP as defined in clause 6 of this Letter of Credit of the Nominal Amount through an appropriate drawing. However, any drawing correctly performed before this Letter of Credit expires will be fulfilled by the Issuer. If the facilities designated by the Issuer in Clause 5 of this Letter of Credit is closed on the date mentioned in (i) of this clause 7, the due date of this Letter of Credit and the Drawing Period will be extended to the subsequent banking day, on which the said facilities is open. 8. Only ANP may draw this Letter of Credit, as well as exercise any other rights set forth herein. 9. All notifications, requirements, instructions, withdrawals or other information to be provided on this Letter of Credit must be written in Portuguese and delivered by a courier staff or by courier, mail or fax, and sent to the following addresses: (i) For the Issuer: 3 For each Exploration Period, insert the date on the 180 days after the last day of the Exploration Period in question. 4 For each Exploration Period, insert the date on the 180 days after the last day of the Exploration Period in question. 202 (ii) For ANP: Superintendência de Exploração Avenida Rio Branco 65, 19º andar 20090-004 Rio de Janeiro – RJ Brasil Fax (21) 21128419/ 0102 The addresses and fax numbers to forward information relating to this Letter of Credit may be amended by the issuer or ANP upon notification to the other party at least 15 banking days prior to the date of change. 10. This Letter of Credit sets out, in full and conditional terms, the obligation of the Issuer, and such obligation will not in any way be amended or added on the basis of any document, instrument or agreement mentioned here, except the Payment Order, the Proof of Drawing and any Proof of Completion. 11. This Letter of Credit, under the terms and conditions presented here and for the purpose it is intended to, is a valid, legal and executable document in the city where it is to be charged, and the issuer may not oppose to ANP claim of any nature that prevents its full and complete fulfillment. Yours Truly, ___________________________ Name: Job Title: 203 Document 1 PROOF OF REDUCTION In reference to the Irrevocable Letter of Credit (Letter of Credit), No [insert the number of the Letter of Credit], of [insert date in day/month/year format], issued by [insert name of the Bank] on behalf of ANP. The terms typed in capital letters from this point on and not defined in here, have the respective meanings as defined in the Letter of Credit. The undersigned, duly authorized to sign this Proof on behalf of ANP, hereby certifies that: (i) The amount of Real, specified below (a), corresponds to the amount of the Nominal Amount of the Letter of Credit to the work carried out by Contractors in respect of the Minimum Exploratory Program until the date of receipt; and (ii) The Nominal Amount of the Letter of Credit will be reduced to an amount equal to the Remaining Nominal Amount specified below (b), effective from the date of this Proof. (a) Amount in Real for works in the Minimum Exploratory R$ [insert Program Amount] the Nominal (b) Remaining Nominal Amount the Nominal R$ [insert Amount] This Proof was signed by the undersigned on [insert date in day/month/year format] AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DO PETRÓLEO, GÁS NATURAL E BIOCOMBUSTÍVEIS ___________________________ Name: Job Title: 204 Document 2 PAYMENT ORDER Letter of Credit No. Rio de Janeiro -RJ Date: In Cash Pay the BRAZILIAN NATIONAL AGENCY OF PETROLEUM, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUEL the nominal amount of R$ [insert Nominal Amount] (insert the amount in written). Draw as per irrevocable letter of credit no. [Insert the number of the Letter of Credit] issued by [insert the name of the bank]. AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DO PETRÓLEO, GÁS NATURAL E BIOCOMBUSTÍVEIS ___________________________ Name: Job Title: To: Address: 205 Document 3 PROOF OF DRAWING This document refers to the Irrevocable Letter of Credit (Letter of Credit) No [insert number of the Letter of Credit], of [insert date in day/month/year format], issued by [insert name of the Issuer] on behalf of the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel (ANP). The terms typed in capital letters and not defined in here, will have the respective meanings as defined in the Letter of Credit. The undersigned, being duly authorized to sign this Proof on behalf of ANP, hereby certify that (i) the Concession ended without compliance with the Minimum Exploratory Program or (ii) the Minimum Exploratory Program was not fulfilled by the Contractors from [insert a date in day/month/year format, of the last day set for the Exploration Period]5. The payment of the Nominal Amount updated in Real, on this date of the Letter of Credit no [insert number of Letter of Credit] must be made by the issuer to the following account: [Insert details of the account of ANP in Rio de Janeiro] This Proof was signed by the undersigned on [insert date in day/month/year format] AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DO PETRÓLEO, GÁS NATURAL E BIOCOMBUSTÍVEIS ___________________________ Name: Job Title: 5 Insert the last day of the Operation Period for which the Letter of Credit was issued 206 Document 4 PROOF OF COMPLETION It refers to the Irrevocable Letter of Credit (Letter of Credit) No. [Insert number of Letter of Credit], of [insert date in day/month/year format], issued by [insert the name of the Issuer] on behalf of the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel (ANP). The terms typed in capital letters and not defined in here, will have the respective meanings as defined in the Letter of Credit. The undersigned duly authorized to sign this Proof on behalf of ANP, hereby certify that: (i) The amount of the Letter of Credit, on the full implementation of the Minimum Exploratory Program was completed by the Contractor, or the Letter of Credit was duly replaced by another guarantee document accepted by ANP; and (ii) The Letter of Credit expires on the date of this Proof. This Proof was signed by the undersigned on [insert date in day/month/year format] AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DO PETRÓLEO, GÁS NATURAL E BIOCOMBUSTÍVEIS ___________________________ Name: Job Title: 207 ANNEX XVI- MODEL OF GUARANTEE-INSURANCE FOR COMPLETION OF THE MINIMUM EXPLORATÓRIO PROGRAM POLICY NO. [insert the number of the policy] The [insert the name of the insurance company] through this policy of Guarantee-Insurance, ensures the POLICYHOLDER NATIONAL AGENCY OF PETROLEUM, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUEL - ANP, the fulfillment of the obligations of the INSUREE, [name of the utility company], assumed through the CONCESSION CONTRACT FOR ACTIVITIES OF EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION OF OIL AND NATURAL GAS no. 48610. [insert process number]/ (the “CONCESSION CONTRACT”), signed on [insert day] of [insert month] of [insert year], as defined in the purpose of this Policy, concerning the Blocks [insert the codes/names of the blocks/fields purpose of the Concession Contract], signed between ANP and [insert name of the utility company], on the TENDER PROTOCOL FOR CONCESSION CONTRACTS GRANTED FOR ACTIVITIES OF EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS –BIDDING ROUND [insert year] /, purpose of this Policy, at the amount of R$ [insert Nominal Amount (insert amount in written), as disposed of in the clauses and general conditions: DESCRIPTION OF THE GUARANTEE (Modality, amount and period provided for in the Concession Contract) Modality6 Insured Amount7 Performer R$ [insert the Nominal Amount] Validity Beginning8 End9 PURPOSE OF THE GUARANTEE Guarantee of compensation at the amount set on the policy considering the reductions in the guaranteed amount, by non-fulfillment of the INSUREE in relation to its obligation to fully implement, within the [insert number of the Period] Period of the Exploration Phase, the Minimum Schedule for such Exploration Period as defined in Annex II - a Schedule of Work and Investment of the Concession Contract, and must therefore spend the amounts that may be necessary, taking into account the provisions in paragraphs 5.16, 5.17, 5.19 and 5.21 of the Concession Contract no. 48610. [insert process number/ [insert year]. The amount guaranteed by this policy is R$ [insert the Nominal Amount] (insert the amount in written). The premium of this policy is R$ [insert the Nominal Amount] (insert the amount in written). The following ANNEXES, that we now ratify, are an integral and inseparable part of the Policy: 6 Do not change this field. The modality "Performer" should be chosen on the basis of the classification criteria of the guarantee insurances defined by SUSEP. 7 Insert the nominal amount of the Policy 8 Insert the date on the day preceding the date of signing of the Concession Contract 9 For each Exploration Period, insert the date on the 180 days after the last day of the Exploration Period in question as per item 1.4 of the Special Conditions, infra. 208 General Conditions Ordinance SUSEP no. 232, of June 03 2003; Annex I of the Policy - Model of Proof of Reduction; Annex II of the Policy - Release Template Defaults and Request of Compensation; Annex I of the Policy - Model of Proof of Completion; Annex IV of the Policy - Complement of the General Conditions; TENDER PROTOCOL TO HIRE ACTIVITIES OF EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION OF OIL AND NATURAL GAS - 11th BIDDING ROUND OF/2011; - Concession Contract for Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production no. 48610. [insert process number]/ This policy is issued in accordance with the Conditions of the Ordinance SUSEP no. 232/03. The guarantee conditions listed on the back are an integral part of this policy. [insert the printing place], of [insert the month of issuance] of [insert the year of issuance]. 209 GENERAL CONDITIONS The General Conditions of this Guarantee shall be governed by the terms contained in Ordinance SUSEP no. 232, June 03, 2003 " below: SUSEP Ordinance no. 232, of June 03, 2003. 1. Purpose This insurance ensures the faithful compliance with the obligations assumed by the insuree in the main Contract, signed by the policyholder according to the terms of the policy. 2. Definitions I. Guarantee-Insurance: insurance that guarantees the faithful compliance with the obligations assumed by the insuree in the main contract according to the terms of the policy. II. Main Contract: the contract document, its amendments and Annexes, which specify the obligations and rights of the policyholder and the insuree. III. Proposal: formal document of application for the issuance of an insurance policy, signed in accordance with the legislation in force. IV. Policy: document, signed by the insurance company, which formally represents the guarantee-insurance. V. Endorsement: formal document, signed by the insurance company, which introduces changes in the guarantee-insurance policy upon request and expressed consent of the parties. VI. General Conditions: the clauses of the policy of general application to any form of guarantee-insurance. VII. Special Conditions: the terms of the policy that specify the different modalities of coverage of the insurance Contract and alter the provisions laid down in the general conditions. VIII. Particular Conditions: the ones which particularize the policy, describing the policyholder, the insuree, the purpose of insurance, the guaranteed amount and other characteristics applicable to a particular Contract of insurance. IX. Policyholder: creditor of the obligations assumed by the insuree in the main Contract. X. Insuree: debtor of the obligations assumed by it in the main Contract. XI. Insurance Company: the insurance guarantor, in terms of the policy, of the fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the insuree in the main Contract. XII. Premium: amount owed to the insurance company by the insuree to obtain the insurance coverage. XIII. Damage: the default of obligations covered by the insurance. XIV. Compensation: the payment of direct losses resulting from the default of obligations covered by the insurance. 3. Amount of the Guarantee 3.1. The amount of the guarantee of this policy must be understood as the nominal maximum amount guaranteed by it. 3.2 When made changes of amounts previously established in the main Contract, the amount of the guarantee should accompany such modifications. 210 3.3. For subsequent changes made in the main Contract which may require the modification of the contract amount, the amount of the guarantee can also be modified upon request to the insurance company for the issuance of endorsement for recovery or refund of premium related to the increase or decrease in the amount of the guarantee and the term to maturity. 4. Insurance Premium 4.1. The insuree is responsible for the payment of the premium to the insurance company. 4.2. It is understood and agreed that the insurance will continue in force even when the insuree has not paid the premium on the agreed dates. 5. Validity The duration of the coverage of the guarantee-insurance shall be equal to the time limit set out in the main Contract, and the insuree is to pay the premium for this entire period. 6. Expectation and Characterization of the Damage 6.1. Once the default by the insuree related to the obligations covered by this policy is proven by the policyholder, and when the extra-judicial notification made to the insuree results useless, the policyholder shall have the right to demand the due compensation from the insurance company. 6.2. When making the extra-judicial notification to the insuree, the policyholder should, at the same time, communicate the insurance company the expectation of the damage by sending a copy of the extra-judicial notification, as well as documentation clearly indicating the items not complied with the Contract, with the response of the insuree, if any. 7. Compensation 7.1. Once the damage is noticed, the insurance company shall indemnify the policyholder, up to the limit of the guarantee of this policy, according to one of the forms below as agreed between the two parties: I. performing, by means of third parties, the purpose of the main Contract in order to give continuity and conclude, under its full responsibility; or II. paying the damage caused by default of the insuree. 7.2. The payment of the compensation, or the beginning of the fulfillment of the obligation, should occur within a maximum of thirty days from the date of delivery of all related documents by the insurance company as necessary for the realization and adjustment of the damage. 8. Subrogation Once the compensation is paid or the fulfillment of the defaulted obligations by the insuree is initiated, the insurance company is to be subrogated in the rights of the policyholder against the insuree, or against third parties whose acts or facts have caused the damage. 9. Exemption of Liability 9.1. The insurance company shall be exempt from liability in relation to this policy in the occurrence of one or more of the following assumptions: I. Unforeseeable circumstances or in cases of force majeure, in accordance with the Brazilian Civil Code. 211 II. Non-compliance with the obligations of the insuree arising from acts or facts under the liability of the policyholder. III. Amendment of the contractual obligations guaranteed by this policy, which have been agreed between policyholder and insuree, without the prior consent of the insurance company. IV. Intentional illegal acts committed by the policyholder or his legal representative. 9.2. All and every punitive fines, except as otherwise provided in the special conditions, will be specifically excluded from the liability of the insurance company. 10. Competition of Guarantees In the case of there being two or more guarantees, each of them covering the purpose of this insurance, the insurance company shall respond proportionally with the other participants. 11. Expiration of the Guarantee The guarantee given by this insurance shall expire: I. when the purpose of the main Contract guaranteed by the policy is finally performed by agreement or statement signed by the policyholder or return of the policy; II. when policyholder and insurance company so agree; III. with the payment of the compensation; IV. when the end of validity provided for in the policy, unless stated otherwise in the special conditions or when extended by means of endorsement, in the case of a change in the term of the main Contract. 12. Controversies 12.1. The disputes that arise from the application of these conditions may be resolved: I. by arbitration; or II. a measure of judicial nature. 12.2. In the case of arbitration, the commitment clause shall appear on the policy. 13. Expiration The expiration deadlines are those determined by the law. 14. Forum The legal matters between insurance company and policyholder will be processed in the forum of its domicile. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Specific Clause for Biddings and Contracts of Indirect Implementation of Constructions, Services and Purchases of the Public Administration, as well as for Concessions and Permissions of Public Service. 1.1 It is understood that this insurance guarantees the faithful fulfillment of the obligations assumed by a company participant of biddings and Contracts of Indirect Implementation of Constructions, Services and Purchases of the Public Administration, as well as in 212 concessions and permissions of public service, up to the amount of the guarantee set in the policy. 1.2 It is to be applied to this insurance the definitions contained in art. 6 of Law n 8,666 of June 21, 1993, and the 2nd article of Law No 8,987 of February 13, 1995. 1.3 It is also defined, for the purpose of this insurance: I. Policyholder: National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels; II. Insuree: the bidding, contracted, utility or permissionary company. 1.4 The guarantee of this policy is to be in force: By the period set forth in the policy, expected to end 180 days after the end of the Exploration Period purpose of this policy; 1.5 The renewals are not presumed: will be formalized by the issuance of new policies preceded by written notification from the insurance company to the policyholder up to ninety days before the date of expiration of the policy in force, stating his explicit interest in keeping the guarantee. 1.6 In addition to the assumptions set out in clause 11 of the general conditions of the policy, the guarantee given by this insurance will also be extinguished with the full implementation of the MINIMUM EXPLORATORY PROGRAM defined in ANNEX II - Schedule of Work and Investment of the CONCESSION CONTRACT mentioned in the policy. 2. In addition to Clause 6 - Expectation and Characterization of Damage, it is understood and agreed that, when the Policyholder realizes the default of the Utility Company in relation to the contractual obligations of the Concession, the Policyholder should incontinent communicate this fact to the Insurance Company, as per the model set out in ANNEX II of the policy - Notice of Default and Request for Compensation - so it to take the necessary steps for their compensation to the Policyholder. Ratification Fully ratify the provisions of the general conditions that have not been altered by these special conditions. 213 SPECIAL CONDITIONS This policy does not ensure risks originating from other modalities of the GuaranteeInsurance, does not ensure the payment of any fines or financial charges, contractually established by Contract or amendments, and yet, does not guarantee the obligations regarding the payment of taxes, labor obligations of any kind, social security, severance payments to third parties, as well as risks not covered by other branches of insurance. It is also declared it does not cover damage and/or losses directly or indirectly caused by terrorist act regardless of its purpose, which has been duly recognized as offensive to public order by the competent authorities. This insurance policy has the reinsurance cover by [insert the name of reinsurance company], granted through the Process no [insert the number of the process]. 214 Annex I - Proof of Reduction In reference to the Guarantee-Insurance of the Performer (Guarantee-Insurance), in [insert name of city], on [insert date in day/month/year format], issued by [insert the name of the Issuer] The undersigned duly authorized to sign this Proof on behalf of ANP, hereby certify that: (i) The amount in Real specified below (a) corresponds to the amount of the Nominal Amount of the Guarantees to the work carried out by Contractors in respect of the Minimum Exploratory Program until the date of this Proof; and (ii) The Nominal Amount of the Policy will be reduced to an amount equal to the Remaining Nominal Amount specified below (b) effective from the date of this Proof on. Amount in Real for works in the Minimum Exploratory Program R$ [insert Nominal Amount] (b) Remaining Nominal Amount R$ [insert Nominal Amount] This Proof was signed by the undersigned on [insert date in day/month/year format] AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DO PETRÓLEO, GÁS NATURAL E BIOCOMBUSTÍVEIS ___________________________ Name: Job Title: 215 Annex II - Defaults Release Template and Request of Compensation Policy no. [insert the number of the policy] Rio de Janeiro -RJ (insert date of payment order in day/month/year format) In Cash The undersigned, being duly authorized to sign this Proof on behalf of ANP, hereby certify that (i) the Concession ended without compliance with the Minimum Exploratory Program or (ii) the Minimum Exploratory Program was not fulfilled by the Contractors from [insert a date in day/month/year format, of the last day set for the Exploration Period]. We request pay the NATIONAL AGENCY OF PETROLEUM, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUEL the nominal amount of R$ [insert the amount] (insert the amount in written). Draw as per POLICY no. [Insert the number of the Policy] issued by [insert the name of the insurance company]. AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DO PETRÓLEO, GÁS NATURAL E BIOCOMBUSTÍVEIS ___________________________ Name: Job Title: To: 216 Annex I - Proof of Completion This refers to the Policy no [insert the number of the policy], of [insert the date of issuance in the day/month/year format], issued by [insert the name of the insurance company] The undersigned duly authorized to sign this Proof on behalf of ANP, hereby certify that: The Minimum Exploratory Program was fully completed by the Contractors; and the obligations of the Utility Company that were guaranteed by the Policy cited above have been terminated; This Proof was signed by the undersigned on [insert date in day/month/year format] AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DO PETRÓLEO, GÁS NATURAL E BIOCOMBUSTÍVEIS ___________________________ Name: Job Title: 217 Annex IV - Complement of the General Conditions This document, containing two pages, is an integral and inseparable part of the policy no [insert the number of the policy] THE GENERAL TERMS OF THE POLICY no [insert the number of the policy] ARE CHANGED AND/OR INCREASED IN THE RESPECTIVE CLAUSES AND ITEMS EXPRESSED BELOW: 3. Amount of the Guarantee 3.4 The amount of this policy may be reduced as provided for in the Fifteenth Clause of the Concession Contract through the issuance of Reduction Endorsement for the Insured Amount, issued by the Insurance Company after submission of Proof of Reduction as per model of ANNEX I - Proof of Reduction, signed by the Policyholder. 3.5 Any updates in the Insured Amount should be requested in writing by the POLICYHOLDER to the INSUREE, which will provide with the INSURANCE COMPANY the updates through Security Strengthening Endorsement, with the respective charge of premium. 3.6. The updates referred to in paragraph 3.5 may be requested by the INSUREE when changes are cyclical, including but not limited to exchange rate and inflationary fluctuations that would change the expected costs for compliance with the Exploratory Program guaranteed by this policy. 6. Expectation and Characterization of the Damage 6.1. Once the default by the INSUREE related to the obligations covered by this policy is proven by the POLICYHOLDER, the POLICYHOLDER shall have the right to demand the due compensation from the INSURANCE COMPANY. 6.2. As he realizes the defaults of the INSUREE, the POLICYHOLDER must notify the INSURANCE COMPANY by sending a notice as per the model of ANNEX II of the policy Notice of Default and Request for Compensation, as well as copy of the administrative process including decision that determines the fulfillment of the guarantee. 7. Compensation 7.1. Once the damage is noticed, the INSURANCE COMPANY is to indemnify the POLICYHOLDER, pay the amount described in this policy into account the reductions provided for in section 3.4, once the damage resulting from the default of the INSUREE, for the purposes of this insurance, is the amount guaranteed by this policy. 7.2. The payment of the compensation shall occur within thirty days from the date of delivery of the documents mentioned in paragraph 6.2. 8. Subrogation For the compensation, the INSURANCE COMPANY is to be subrogated to the rights of the POLICYHOLDER against the INSUREE, or against third parties with respect to acts or facts that have caused the damage. Pursuant to the provisions of articles 347, I, 348 and 349 of the Civil Code, the subrogation is governed by the rules of credit assignment, thus, under Article 290 of the Civil Code, the INSUREE and his guarantors reported herein, declaring themselves aware of the 218 subrogation (Cession) performed by the POLICYHOLDER (ANP) to the INSURANCE COMPANAU (insert the name of the insurance company). 9. Exemption of Liability Section II of Clause 9. Liability Exemption is hereby amended by the following: II. Breach of the obligations of the insuree arising from unlawful acts of the policyholder; 10. Forum The judicial matters between the insurance company and the policyholder will take place in the city of Rio de Janeiro. 11. Notifications All notifications, requirements, instructions, withdrawals or other information to be provided on this Guarantee-Insurance must be written in Portuguese and delivered by a courier staff or by courier, mail or fax, and sent to the following addresses: i) For the INSURANCE COMPANY: ii) For the POLICY HOLDER: Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis Superintendência de Exploração Avenida Rio Branco 65, 19º andar 20090-004 Rio de Janeiro – RJ The addresses and fax numbers for notices regarding this Guarantee-Insurance policy may be changed by the issuer or ANP upon notification to the other party at least fifteen (15) banking days before the change. 12. Ratification Fully ratify the provisions of the general conditions that have not been altered by these special conditions. _________________________________________________ (insert date of the payment order) () 219 ANNEX XVII - PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE MODEL This Guarantee of Performance refers to the Concession Contract no. [insert the number of Concession Contract], Block [insert the name/initials of block], signed between the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel -ANP and [insert the name of the utility company] ("Guaranteed"), [insert the type of company regulated in art. 1,039 to 1,092 of the Civil Code] incorporated in accordance with the Brazilian laws. With reference to the obligations arising from the Contract, or related to it, assumed by the Guaranteed, or that may be imposed to it, [insert the name of the society businesswoman guarantor] ("Guarantor"), a [insert the type of company regulated in art. 1,039 to 1,092 of the Civil Code] incorporated in accordance with the laws of [insert country of the Guarantor], an Affiliate of the Guaranteed, fully agrees with the provisions numbered below: 1. The terms written in capital letters and not defined here shall have their meanings established in the Contract. 2. The Guarantor declares to ANP that: (i) it is incorporated in accordance with the laws of its jurisdiction; (ii) it has all the shareholding powers and legal representation to sign, submit and fulfill this Guarantee; (iii) this Guarantee represents the legal obligations validly assumed by the Guarantor and performed against it in accordance with its terms; (iv) governmental approvals for the fulfillment, presentation and compliance of this Guarantee are not necessary, except those that have already been obtained and are now in force; and (v) the fulfillment, presentation and compliance with this Guarantee by the Guarantor does not breach any device of existing law or regulation to which it is subject, as well as any provision of corporate documents of the Guarantor or of any agreements or contracts it is part of. 3. The Guarantor herein ensures ANP, in unconditional nature, as main debtor, the due and timely compliance of all guaranteed obligations because of the Contract or any related to it. 4. If the Guaranteed does not fulfill, in any aspect, its obligations in the Contract or breach, somehow, the provisions contained in it, the Guarantor commits itself, upon official notification, in writing, to achieve any measure necessary for the faithful compliance with the obligations assumed in the above mentioned contractual document, assuming the responsibility for any losses, damages, claims, costs and expenses resulting from the failure in the operations carried out by the Guaranteed or by the breach of the Contract by it. Any initiatives of ANP for direct accountability of the Guaranteed, at any time, do not invalidate the obligations of the Guarantor under this Guarantee. 5. This Guarantee is unconditional and will have the force and effect until all obligations of the Guaranteed in the contract, or in connection with it, are totally and irrevocably met and extinct, notwithstanding (a) any amendment or termination of the Contract, (b) any term extension, another tolerance or concession made by ANP, or (c) any delay or failure by ANP in obtaining available solutions against the Guaranteed company. 6. It will be allowed to replace this Performance Guarantee in the case of transfer of the total participation undivided in rights and obligations relating to the concession, provided the assignee company expressly assumes responsibility for all previous and subsequent rights to its inclusion in the Contract. 7. ANP will not be obligated to use any other guarantee or initiate any action against, or with respect to the Guarantee, before performing its rights under this Guarantee directly against the Guarantor. The Guarantor, moreover, will not be permitted to claim ANP could have prevented or tolerated in any way, or by any action, the damage resulting from the nonfulfillment of the contract by the Guaranteed, or that the Agency could use any other existing guarantee at any time in its favor, before acting against the Guarantor in connection with its obligations, depending on this Guarantee. The obligations of the Guarantor under this 220 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Guarantee shall be independent and undivided and it will not be entitled to compensation or opposition with respect to any claims it might have against ANP or any other person. All the obligations of the Guarantor laid down here will oblige the Guarantor and its successors. The Guarantor shall not assign or delegate its duties and obligations without the prior consent, in writing, of ANP, and any purported Assignment or delegation without such consent will be void and without any value. The Guarantor confirms this Guarantee will be valid with respect to any assignee company that is an Affiliate of the Guaranteed, under this Contract. If the aforementioned Assignment occurs, the assignee company shall be considered as the Guaranteed for all purposes herein, in the extension of the assigned obligations. This Guarantee shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil. Any failure, delay or tolerance of ANP in exercising any right, in whole or in part, by reason of this instrument, will not be construed as a waiver of the said right or any other. Any change or amendment of this guarantee shall be valid only if officially made and signed by the Guarantor and ANP. Any dispute concerning the interpretation of this Guarantee will be resolved in exclusive and definitive terms through arbitration held depending on the Rules of the International Chamber of Commerce. The costs and expenses actually incurred by ANP due to the implementation of this Guarantee, including and without limitation, the costs and attorney's fees will be paid by the Guarantor, against the submission of invoices. Any and all notices, requests, instructions, disclaimers or other communications relating to this Guarantee, as well as any consents provided herein, will be written in English and shall be considered valid only after the receipt and must be delivered personally or sent by courier, mail or fax to the address below: For the Guarantor: For ANP: Superintendência de Exploração Avenida Rio Branco 65, 19º andar 20090-004 Rio de Janeiro -- RJ Brasil Fax (+55 21) 2112 8419 The addresses and fax numbers above any of the Parties may be amended, by means of official notification, in writing, from one to another, with a minimum notice of 15 (fifteen) days prior to the effective date of change. This warranty will be presented in [insert the number of copies] (insert the quantity of copies in written), being any one of these copies considered as original. This Guarantee was duly signed by the Guarantor on [insert day] of [insert month] of [insert year], and it is to go into force from the date it is approved by ANP. 221 (insert the name of the Guarantor) ___________________________ Name: Name: Received and Accepted. Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis ___________________________ Name: Name: 222 ANEXO XVIII - SUMMARY OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS This form must be completed with the information summarized here in the Financial Statements of the aforesaid company Date: Date: Date: _____ ___ _______ _______ _ _ (a) Current (a) Current _______ _______ _______ Liabilities _____ Assets _ _ _ ___ _______ _______ _ _ ASSETS Fixed Assets Date: Date: _______ _______ _______ LIABILITIES _ _ _ Long-Term _______ _______ _______ Liabilities (b) _ _ _ Date: _____ ___ _______ _______ _ _ _____ ___ _______ _______ _ _ TOTAL (g = a TOTAL (d=a _______ _______ _______ +b+c) _____ + b) _ _ _ ___ _______ _______ _ _ (b= c+d+e+f) Long Term Receivables (c) Shareholder’s Equity (c) Investments (d) (e) Tangible (and) Intangible (f) Consolidated Income Statement Year: Year: Year: ________ ________ ________ GROSS SALES REVENUE _________ _________ _________ EBT (Earnings before taxes) _________ _________ _________ NET INCOME _________ _________ _________ Observations / Explanatory Notes /10. 10 Issued by an independent auditor or accountant in charge, if applicable. 223 Accountant in Charge: Name: State Regional Accounting Council-CRC Registration: Signature: Date: Administrator of the company: Name: Identification Card: Signature: Date: Signed by: Job Title: Venue and Date 224 ANNEX XIX- MODEL OF ATTORNEY FOR APPOINTMENT OF THE ACCREDITED REPRESENTATIVE TO SIGN THE CONCESSION CONTRACT By means of this document, [insert the name of the signatory company], a company incorporated in accordance with the Brazilian laws with headquarters in [insert the address of the headquarters of the signatory company, containing street, no., ZIP CODE, city and state], through its Legal Representative, [insert the name of the Legal Representative of the company], in this act shall appoint [insert the name of the Accredited Representative authorized by the attorney], [insert the full qualification (nationality, ethnicity, marital status, occupation, address, phone, e-mail, etc.], its attorney in fact with the powers to represent it before the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel - ANP, in the Eleventh Bidding Round, with special powers to perform acts and assumption of responsibility for the signing of the Concession Contracts identified as [insert the name of the Concession Contracts], and may also perform all other acts necessary for the faithful compliance with this mandate, being its transfer utterly denied. ___________________________ Signed by: Job Title: Venue and Date ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE ACCREDITED REPRESENTATIVE ___________________________________________________ 225 ANNEX XX- MODEL OF A PLEDGE CONTRACT OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS AND OTHER AGREEMENTS FOR COMPLETION OF THE MINIMUM EXPLORATORY PROGRAM [Insert the name of the company] legally represented by its partner [insert the name of partner], enrolled in the Corporate Taxpayer Register under no. [insert number], with address at [insert the full address] (called PLEDGING DEBTOR or [insert the COMPANY]). NATIONAL AGENCY OF PETROLEUM, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUEL - ANP, special authority under the Ministry of Mines and Energy, created by Law no. 9,478, of August 6, 1997, with headquarters in SGAN Quadra 603, Módulo I, 3º andar, in the city of Brasília, Distrito Federal (ANP), duly represented by its General Director, Mr. Haroldo Borges Rodrigues Lima, as per art 11, II, of its Internal Rules, approved by ANP Ordinance no. 160, of August 02, 2004, and the scope of competence provided by art 11, IV, of the same Internal Rules. (Called PLEDGING DEBTOR or ANP). Whereas: a) in accordance with articles 36 and 42 of Law no. 9,478/97, the [insert the name of the company] participated in a bidding for the granting of Concession Contracts, having been approved as winner, as published in the Official Gazette of [insert date in day/month/year format], section [insert number], page [insert the number of the page], of the Blocks called [insert the code/name of block]; b) In the form of article 26, caput, of Law no. 9,478 /97, the [insert the name of the company] holds the ownership of the Oil and Natural Gas extracted from the fields listed in Annex I; c) The [insert the name of the company] has acquired Contractor rights from of the Eleventh Bidding Round and that the Minimum Exploratory Program regarding the respective Concession Areas should be the object of guarantee, as per item 6.1 of the Tender Protocol of the Eleventh Bidding Round, whose sum to the commitments relating to the Minimum Exploratory Program and the amount of R$ [insert the amount numbers] ([insert the amount in written] ), which will be guaranteed [insert "in part" or "completely", as the case may be] by means of this document, in the amount of R$ [Insert the amount in numbers] ([insert the amount in written]). The PARTIES agree to enter into this Pledge Contract of Oil, which is governed by the terms and conditions below: FIRST CLAUSE - PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this Contract is the pledge of the Petroleum and Natural Gas extracted from the Fields listed in Annex I, already in Production Phase, as a way to ensure the Minimum Exploratory Program defined in the Concession Contract listed in Annex II of this Pledge Contract of Oil and/or Natural Gas, purchased from the Eleventh Bidding Round of ANP, which took place on [insert date in day/month/year format]. SECOND CLAUSE - FORMALIZATION OF PLEDGE 2.1 The [insert the name of the company], in this act, grants in first and exclusive pledge to ANP, in accordance with the articles 1,431 to 1,435 and 1,447 to 1,450 of Law no. 10,406, of January 226 10, 2002 (Brazilian Civil Code), to ensure [insert "partially" or "completely", as the case may be] the obligations in the Concession Contracts listed in Annex II, for the Minimum Exploratory Program contained in it, the Oil and Natural Gas extracted from the field, from the Point of Measurement, as defined in the aforesaid Concession Contract, the field in the production phase listed in Annex I of this Pledge Contract of Oil, in a quantity equivalent to [insert "part" or "total", as the case may be] the amount committed in the Minimum Exploratory Program as listed in Annex II of this Contract. 2.2 The [insert the name of the company] will confirm, by means of Monthly Measurement Bulletins, the Production of Oil and Natural Gas, so as to always maintain committed the quantity needed for the full satisfaction of the obligations assumed under this Contract in relation to the Minimum Exploratory Program. THIRD CLAUSE - TRADITION AND DEPOSIT 3.1 In accordance with art. 1,431, Sole Paragraph, of the Brazilian Civil Code, the pledged petroleum continues in the possessions of the debtor, the [insert the name of the company], which the must keep and conserve it, while not started the implementation of a pledge or any other case provided for in article 1,436, V of the Brazilian Civil Code. The [insert the name of the company] is responsible for ensuring the proper maintenance of the Fields whose production of Oil and/or Gas is now offered as collateral, aiming for the permanence or increasing the levels of production that were presented for the measurement of the purpose of this document. 3.2 As depository of fungible goods, the [insert the name of the company] is obliged to deliver, when demanded by ANP, goods in equal quantity and quality as the pledged goods. FOURTH CLAUSE - REGISTRATION 4.1 Immediately after the signing of this Contract, the [insert the name of the company] should promote its registration with the Real Estate Registry of the jurisdiction where the fields listed in Annex I of this Petroleum Pledge Contract are located, as provided for in article 1,448 of the Brazilian Civil Code, declaring it, if necessary, with the Trade Office of [insert the name of the Province], leaving to the [insert the name of the company] all the procedures and costs. FIFTH CLAUSE - DECLARATIONS AND GUARANTEES 5.1 The [insert the name of the company] declares and guarantees to the pledging creditor that: (a) It has full power, authority and capacity to enter into this Agreement and comply with the obligations assumed, and for such it has obtained the authorization from its [insert "partners" or "shareholders", as the case may be]; (b) This Contract constitutes a legal obligation, valid and binding of [insert the name of the company], and may be performed against it in accordance with its terms; (c) The signing of this Contract is not, nor will be, a violation of its [insert "By-Law" or "Acts of Incorporation", as the case may be] or any other corporate documents, nor other contracts or obligations to third parties; (d) It is not necessary to obtain any other consents, approvals or notifications regarding: (i) the creation and maintenance of the pledge on the assets of its purpose; (ii) the validity or enforceability of the this Contract; 227 (e) There is no dispute, investigation or proceedings before any court of law or arbitration, or administrative bodies taking relevant proportions on property and rights affected in this Contract; (f) It is legitimate, sole and exclusive owner of the pledged goods, in the terms of the Concession Contract related in Annex II of this Petroleum Pledge Contract, which are free and cleansed of all and any encumbrances or liens; (g) Declares it has signed, prior to the signing of this document, a Sales Contract of Oil and/or Natural Gas with [insert the name of the other company], and that there is no penalty in case it does not deliver the buyer the portion of its Production required to fulfill the commitment agreed in this Contract; (CLAUSE APPLICABLE ONLY IF THE COMPANY HAS A PRIOR CONTRACT OF PRODUCTION SALE WITH ANOTHER COMPANY) (h) Ensures that, in the case of performance of this pledge, ANP will have guaranteed the preference for the ownership of the outputs arising from the sale of Oil and Natural Gas now committed; (i) Abstains from establishing any other lien on the goods now committed. 5.2 ANP declares the pledging debtor that: (a) The largesses authorized by ANP, under any circumstance, imply its resignation to some right guaranteed by the law, nor constitute termination of the pledge now concluded in accordance with article 1,436 of the Civil Code. 5.3 Mutual declarations: (a) The PARTIES state the present Contract will be signed prior to the signing of the Concession Contract described in Annex II of this Petroleum Pledge Contract, whose Minimum Exploratory Program is here guaranteed, which is to take place up to [insert date of signing of the Concession Contract in day/month/year format], according to the Tender Protocol of the Eleventh Bidding Round. (b) ANP consents the [insert the name of the company] to remain fulfilling its Sale Contract of Oil and Natural Gas to [insert the name of the other company] for the sale of part of its production in the fields mentioned in Annex I, provided the other clauses and provisions of this Contract are respected. (CLAUSE APPLICABLE ONLY IF THE COMPANY HAS A CONTRACT FOR THE SALE OF THE PRODUCTION WITH ANOTHER COMPANY) SIXTH CLAUSE - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GUARANTEE 6.1 In the case of defaults, in terms of the Concession Contracts described in Annex II of this Pledge Contract of Petroleum and Natural Gas, ANP may enforce the guarantee committed to determine its alienation, in whole or in part, to cover the amounts corresponding to the obligations assumed by [insert name of company] in the said Minimum Exploratory Program, being forbidden its retention for any other reason, before the prohibition expressed in article 1,428 of the Brazilian Civil Code. 6.2 For the purposes of the provisions of sub-clause 6.1 , the [insert the name of the company], on their account and risk, it is already properly authorized, on behalf of ANP, to perform all the acts necessary to promote the sale and transfer to a third party of the committed Oil and Natural 228 Gas in sufficient quantity to cover the amount corresponding to the non-fulfillment, and immediately transfer the corresponding amount to the account to be designated by ANP, under penalty of the beginning of the judicial execution of this document. 6.3 In addition to the rights related in the legislation regarding the matter, ANP may require the strengthening of the guarantee if the goods deteriorate or perish without fault of [insert the name of the company]; obtain compensation for any damage that could be incurred; have the preference in receiving the assigned amount if there is the authorized transfer of the rights. 6.4 If ANP has to use legal means for the implementation of the guarantee now constituted and consequently receive its credit, the [insert the name of the company] will be obliged to pay, in addition to the main amount, interest and contractual obligations, court fees, legal expenses and attorneys' fees already set in 20% (twenty percent) on the amount of the execution. SEVENTH CLAUSE - ADDITIONS AND NOTIFICATIONS 7.1 Any and every addition to the provisions of this Pledge Contract of Petroleum and Natural Gas will be valid only if made in writing and signed by the Parties. 7.2 Any notice, instruction or other communication required under the terms of the Pledge Contract of Petroleum will be made in writing and sent by any reliable means to the addresses below: For [insert name of the company]: ZIP [insert ZIP] - [insert the name of the city], [insert the acronym of the Province] Fax: (insert area code) [insert phone number] For ANP: Superintendência de Exploração – SEP Av. Rio Branco, 65 – 19º andar 20090-004 Rio de Janeiro – RJ Brasil Fax (21) 2112-8129 e (21) 2112-8139 EIGHTH CLAUSE - TOTAL OF DEBT 8.1 The total of the guarantee offered on the date of signature of this Contract is R$ [insert the amount in numbers] ([insert the amount in written]), which can be reduced to the extent the commitments concerning the Minimum Exploratory Program included in the Concession Contracts of [insert the name of the company] are fulfilled, listed in Annex II by amendment to this Petroleum Pledge Contract. 8.2 Once it is realized by ANP the non-fulfillment of [insert the name of the company] in the Concession Contracts described in Annex II of these, for the Minimum Exploratory Program, the debt will be considered as expired and this Guarantee will be carried out according to the provisions of Clause Six of this document. 229 8.3 The extinction of this pledge is in accordance with article of 1,436 of the Brazilian Civil Code in force. NINTH CLAUSE - JURISDICTION AND APPLICABLE LAW 9.1 The Parties elect the court of the Federal Justice - Judicial Section of Rio de Janeiro as competent to resolve any dispute arising from this Pledge Contract of Petroleum, renouncing to any other, no matter how privileged it may be. 9.2 This Pledge Contract of Petroleum and Natural Gas and its Annexes will be governed by and construed in accordance with the Brazilian laws. 9.3 All the obligations contained in this document shall be met and complied with by the Parties and their successors for any reason. The Parties agree to sign the present document in 3 (three) copies of equal content and form, together with the witnesses who also undersign. Rio de Janeiro, [insert day] [insert month], [insert year]. ___________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________________ MAGDA MARIA DE REGINA CHAMBRIARD GENERAL DIRECTOR OF ANP AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DO PETRÓLEO, GÁS NATURAL E BIOCOMBUSTÍVEIS – ANP Witnesses: _________________________________ Name: Identification Card: Individual Taxpayer Register _________________________________ Name: Identification Card: Individual Taxpayer Register 230 Contrato de Penhor de Petróleo e/ou Gás Natural e Outras Avenças Anexo I - Campos em Fase de Produção com Produção de Petróleo Empenhada Campo Item Produção(bbl/dia) Campo 1 Valor (R$)* Produção(bbl/dia) Campo 2 Valor (R$)* Produção(bbl/dia) Campo 3 Valor (R$)* Produção(bbl/dia) Campo 4 Valor (R$)* Produção Total dos Campos (bbl/dia) Valor Total doa Campos (R$) * 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 * Preço de Referência = Preço a ser dicutido com a ANP na época da assinatura do contrato. Para os contratos da 11ª rodada utilizamos uma estimativa de preço de US$ 35,00. * Taxa de Câmbio = Utilizaremos a taxa da época da assinatura do contrato. OBS: O quadro do Anexo I deverá refletir a produção anual correspondente ao período do Programa Exploratório Mínimo a ser empenhado. Contrato de Penhor de Petróleo e Outras Avenças Anexo II - Contrato de Concessão da 11ª Rodada de Licitações Garantidos por este Instrumento Blocos em Parceria Contrato Nº do Processo Bloco Garantia (R$/UT) PEM (Uts) Garantia Finaceira (R$) 1º Período (anos) 231 ANNEX XXI - TECHNICAL SUMMARY 01: TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION AS NON-OPERATOR Interested company Requested qualification Non-Operator Information for Technical Qualification I. Summary of the main activity of the company and its relationship with its headquarter or controlling company, where applicable I hereby certify under the penalties provided in the applicable legislation, the truthfulness, accuracy and fidelity of the information submitted in this form. Yours Truly, ___________________________ Signed by: Job Title: Venue and Date 232 ANNEX XXII - TECHNICAL SUMMARY 02: QUALIFICATION AS OPERATOR BY PRIOR OPERATIONAL EXPERIENCE OF THE COMPANY IN BRAZIL AND ABROAD Filling instructions The filling of this template must be made in accordance with the instructions for completing the Technical Summary 02 contained in this Annex. Interested company Requested qualification Information for Technical Qualification I. Main activity of the company and corporate control Summary of the main activity of the company and its relationship with its headquarter or controlling company, where applicable II. Production Volume of equivalent oil in the condition of operator in the last 5 (five) years (in barrels/day of equivalent oil): III. Amount of investment in exploratory activities in the condition of operator in the last 5 (five) years IV. Exploration activities onshore V. Production activities onshore VI. Exploration activities in shallow waters (water line up to 400m) VII. Production activities in shallow waters (water line up to 400m) VIII. Exploration activities in deep and ultra-deep waters (water line superior to 400m) IX. Production activities in deep and ultra-deep waters (water line superior to 400m) 233 X. Exploration and production activities in harsh environments XI. Exploration and production activities in sensitive environmental areas XII. Aspects Related to SMS XIII. Time of experience in onshore operations (in years) XIV. Time of experience in operations in shallow waters, water line up to 400m (in years) XV. Time of experience in operations in deep and ultra-deep waters, water line superior to 400m (in years) XVI. Additional information I hereby certify under the penalties provided in the applicable legislation, the truthfulness, accuracy and fidelity of the information submitted in this form. Yours Truly, ___________________________ Signed by: Job Title: Venue and Date INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF TECHNICAL SUMMARY 02: "TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION AS OPERATOR BY PRIOR OPERATING EXPERIENCE OF THE COMPANY IN BRAZIL AND ABROAD" 1. General Instructions 234 1.1 The Technical Summary 02 should be delivered in the cases provided in this Tender Protocol of the Eleventh Bidding Round, as per the template in ANNEX XXII, entitled "TECHNICAL SUMMARY 02: TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION AS OPERATOR BY PRIOR OPERATING EXPERIENCE OF THE COMPANY IN BRAZIL AND ABROAD Only the Technical Summaries presented in the form of the model mentioned above will be analyzed 1.2 For the completion of the Technical Summary 02, the text should be appropriate to the requested for the technical qualification as operator in accordance with the requirements of Section 3.4.2 3.4.2 of this Tender Protocol, allowing ANP to identify the elements that will be scored. 1.3 The items that should be included in the technical summary are: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. Main activity of the company and corporate control Production Volume of equivalent oil in the condition of operator in the last 5 (five) years Amount of investment in exploratory activities in the last 5 years Exploration activities onshore Production activities onshore Exploration activities in shallow waters (water line up to 400m) Production activities in shallow waters (water line up to 400m) Exploration activities in deep and ultra-deep waters (water line superior to 400m) Production activities in deep and ultra-deep waters (water line superior to 400m) Exploration and production activities in harsh environments Exploration and production activities in sensitive environmental areas: Aspects Related to SMS Time of experience in onshore operations Time of experience in operations in shallow water, water line up to 400m Time of experience in operations in deep and ultra-deep water, water line superior to 400m 2. Completion of the items of Technical Summary 02 2.1 Item I: the main activity of the company and its relationship with its headquarter or controlling company, where applicable. must be informed in a brief way. 2.2 Item II: the average volume produced in the last 5 (five) years by the company, in the condition of operator, in the unity boe/day, must be informed. 2.3 Item III: the amount of investment spent by the company in exploratory activities in each type of operational environment in the last 5 (five) years must be informed. Only the investments in the condition of Operator should be informed. 2.4 Items IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XI: the company should list the projects in which it operates, informing whether these activities are performed in the condition of Operator, Non-operator or Service Provider to oil companies. 2.5 Item XII: the information regarding the environmental aspects (use and certification of an Integrated System of SMS) will only be scored by delivery of the documents requested by item of the Tender Protocol of the Eleventh Bidding Round. 2.6 Items XIII, XIV and XV: the company should correlate the activities performed in the condition of Operator, Non-operator or Service Provider to oil companies and their respective locations with the time of experience (in years). This item may not contain only the time of experience in years. 235 ANNEX XXIII- TECHNICAL SUMMARY 03: TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION AS OPERATOR BY EXPERIENCE OF THE STAFF IN BRAZIL AND ABROAD Filling instructions The filling of this template must be made in accordance with the instructions for completing the Technical Summary 03 contained in this Annex. Interested company Requested qualification Information for Technical Qualification I. Main activity of the company and corporate control Summary of the main activity of the company and its relationship with its headquarter or controlling company, where applicable II. Professional member of the technical staff of the company: a. Name b. Identification Document (Individual Taxpayer Registry, ID, passport or suchlike) c. Professional qualification d. Professional link e. Area of Activity and Time of Experience Area of Activity f. Time of Experience Resume g. Signature of the Professional 236 III. Additional information I hereby certify under the penalties provided in the applicable legislation, the truthfulness, accuracy and fidelity of the information submitted in this form. Yours Truly, ___________________________ Signed by: Job Title: Venue and Date INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF TECHNICAL SUMMARY 03: TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION AS OPERATOR BY EXPERIENCE OF THE STAFF IN BRAZIL AND ABROAD 1. General Instructions 1.1 The Technical Summary 03 should be delivered in the cases provided in this Tender Protocol of the Eleventh Bidding Round, as per the template in Annex XXIII, entitled "TECHNICAL SUMMARY 03: TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION AS OPERATOR BY EXPERIENCE OF THE STAFF IN BRAZIL AND ABROAD Only the Technical Summaries presented in the form of the model mentioned above will be analyzed. 1.2 On completion of the Technical Summary 03, the text should be appropriate to the requested for the technical qualification as Operator, according to the provisions in item 3.4.2 of this Tender Protocol, allowing ANP to identify the elements that will be scored. 1.3 The items that should be included in the technical summary are: I. II. 2. Information on the main activity of the company and corporate control Information about the professional member of the technical staff of the company, his area of activity, time of experience and resume. Completion of the items of Technical Summary 03 2.1 Item I: the main activity of the company and its relationship with its headquarter or controlling company, where applicable. must be informed in a brief way. 2.2 Item II: the company should list the professionals members of the technical staff of the company, indicating areas of activities and respective times of experience. This item should be replicated for each professional informed by the company. An indication of a professional for each Area of Activity will only be considered for Table 5 Table 5 of this Tender Protocol, provided the criteria established in Section 237 Table 5 - Score of the company due to the qualification of the technical staff: time of experience and type of activity Time of Experience T(years) Area of Activity 2T<5 5 T < 10 10 T < 15 Exploration - Onshore 3 5 7 Production - Onshore 3 5 7 Exploration - Shallow Waters 3 5 7 Production - Shallow Water s 3 5 7 Exploration - Deep / Ultra Deep Waters 3 5 7 Production - Deep / Ultra Deep Water s 3 5 7 Operation in Harsh Environments 3 5 7 Operation in Sensitive Environmental Areas 3 5 7 2.3 Item III: the company should list in detail the activities performed by each member of its technical staff, attesting they have the experience of the Activity Area and the time indicated. 238 ANEXO XXIV- DECLARATION OF RELEVANT OBLIGATIONS AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Interested company Information for Economic-Financial Qualification I. Identification of the main assets subject to financial guarantees that could affect the future activities of the company: II. Description of the entire contingent liability formed by materially relevant and identifiable obligations, not computed in the Balance Sheet: III. Medium and long term strategic financial planning of exploration and production of oil and natural gas and, among others, the commitments made that may cause decrease of the operational capacity or absorption of financial availability: I hereby certify the truthfulness, accuracy and fidelity of the information submitted in this form. Yours Truly, Signed by: Job Title: Venue and Date 239 ANNEX XXV- DRAFT OF THE CONCESSION CONTRACT Insert Draft of the Concession Contract 240