Transport Canada Road Safety Directorate

Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety
Regulations Enforcement Within
a Self-certification Regime
Transport Canada
Road Safety Directorate
Presentation to 130th
WP29, June 25, 2003
Transport Canada
Road Safety Directorate
To reduce the risk of death, injury and
damage to property and the environment
caused by motor vehicles and motor
vehicle equipment.
Motor Vehicle Safety Act (MVSA).
Motor Vehicle Transport Act (MVTA).
Transport Canada
Road Safety Directorate
Motor Vehicle Safety Act (MVSA).
Regulates the manufacture and importation of motor
vehicles and motor vehicle equipment to reduce the
risk of death, injury and damage to the environment.
Motor Vehicle Transport Act (MVTA).
Regulates the safe operation of extra-provincial bus
and truck transport of passengers and goods from
one province to another.
Motor Vehicle Safety Act (MVSA)
 To regulate and enforce manufacturing and
importation requirements for motor vehicles and
selected motor vehicle equipment.
 To conduct research on the impact of vehicles,
drivers and highways on road safety, energy
consumption and the environment.
 To promote measures that counter the negative
consequences of motor vehicle use.
Motor Vehicle Safety Act (MVSA)
MVSA empowers Transport Canada to issue
and enforce safety regulations for application
to the manufacture and importation of
prescribed classes of motor vehicles and
motor vehicle equipment.
Motor vehicle safety regulations (MVSR).
Children’s restraint systems and booster
cushions safety regulations (RSSR).
Motor vehicle tire safety regulations (MVTSR).
Motor Vehicle Safety Act (MVSA)
Prescribed classes of motor vehicles include:
Motorcycle and its sub-classes.
Multi-purpose Passenger Vehicle.
Passenger Car.
Snowmobile Cutter.
Trailer and Trailer converter dolly.
Vehicle Imported Temporarily for Special Purposes.
Low Speed Vehicle.
Three-wheeled vehicles.
Motor Vehicle Safety Act (MVSA)
Prescribed classes of equipment (original
equipment and new aftermarket) include:
Child restraint systems.
Infant restraint systems.
Booster cushions.
Restraint systems for disabled persons.
Restraint systems for infants with special needs.
Tires for Passenger Cars.
Tires for Other than Passenger Cars.
Motor Vehicle Safety Act (MVSA)
Certification of Compliance:
Manufacturers are required to certify
compliance with all applicable regulations
before offering their new vehicles or
equipment for sale to the public.
Affixing of Compliance Label to a vehicle
or equipment affirms compliance with
applicable regulations.
Motor Vehicle Safety Act (MVSA)
Every vehicle entering the Canadian
market must have a Compliance Label
permanently affixed to it.
In addition, every vehicle and regulated
equipment manufactured in Canada for
the Canadian market must have an
NSM permanently affixed to it.
Motor Vehicle Safety Act (MVSA)
Compliance Label.
Contains required product information
including vehicle identification number.
National Safety Mark (NSM).
National trademark of Canada.
Minister of Transport authorizes use of
NSM and company must make application
to use it.
Self-certification by Manufacturers
A manufacturer’s compliance certification
must be substantiated by records of
testing, where testing is specified ………
Testing can be conducted by manufacturer
or on behalf of manufacturer.
----------------------------------------------------------……... for the purposes of enabling an
inspector to determine whether the vehicle
or equipment conforms to all prescribed
Self-certification by Manufacturers
Certification Documentation:
Records of testing, where specified, as
specified, is the minimum acceptable in law.
Production and Quality Assurance
procedures and records.
Other records in support:
Engineering analysis, mathematical
modelling, computer simulations
recognized as valuable in development
Self-certification by Manufacturers
Certification Documentation:
Engineering analysis etc. are acceptable as:
A supplement to baseline (specified) testing to
rationalize scope and range.
If reasonable.
If practicable.
However, they are not a surrogate for specified
Enforcement Through Selective
Compliance Monitoring
Designated inspectors administer and enforce
regulations to ensure;
 Manufacturers are meeting their responsibilities
under the MVSA.
 Vehicles and equipment conform to applicable
safety performance and fitment requirements, as
-------------------------------------------------------By means of Selective Compliance Monitoring.
Enforcement Through Selective
Compliance Monitoring
 Selective compliance monitoring
is a safety enforcement
programme, targeting and
assessing both company and
product performance to the
applicable provisions of the
MVSA and MVSR, underpinned
by the Criminal Code of Canada.
 It is not a consumer information
programme rating individual
Enforcement Through Selective
Compliance Monitoring
 Transport Canada does not certify, approve rate or
endorse any motor vehicle or motor vehicle product.
 The presence of a particular vehicle or equipment model
in our enforcement programme cannot be construed as
either a concern or an endorsement by Transport
Enforcement Through Selective
Compliance Monitoring
Enforcement Stratagem:
Direct energies towards ensuring correction of noncompliances or safety-related defects, not on punitive
Educate small manufacturers/importers and public on
regulatory requirements.
Adjust surveillance levels depending on safety risk.
Apply administrative sanctions first (NSM
authorization revocation, customs interdiction and
detention, removal of registration plates through
Provinces, etc).
Search and seize in support of prosecution as
Enforcement through Selective
Compliance Monitoring
Independent surveillance programmes comprise:
 Compliance enforcement testing:
A selective sampling of new vehicles and regulated
equipment purchased on the retail market.
 Compliance certification audits and inspections:
A selective sampling of representative test records,
and on-site inspections of test and production
facilities, and QC procedures.
 Defect Investigation and Analysis:
A responsive programme assessing public
complaints, accident and defect reports, and recall
Selective Compliance Monitoring.
Which Vehicle ?
Which Test?
What Company?
What Info?
XRandom Sampling.
XStatistical Sampling.
Selective Sampling.
Selective Compliance Monitoring
Selection Matrix Criteria:
Sales/market size.
Prior history.
Transport Canada.
Public complaints.
New model/new
New company.
Product knowledge.
Selective Compliance Monitoring
Targeted Enforcement:
 Based on selection matrix criteria and
other external factors.
Responsive Enforcement;
 Based on compliance enforcement
testing, audit or inspection issues.
Selective Compliance Monitoring
Enforcement Outcome:
A failure to meet prescribed
requirements may be deemed to be a
non-compliance and a safety-related
defect subject to the Notice of Defect
reporting provisions.
Motor Vehicle Safety Act (MVSA)
Notice of Defect Provisions.
On becoming aware of a defect in the design,
construction or functioning of a vehicle or
regulated equipment that affects or is likely to
affect the safety of any person, the company
responsible for this product must give prescribed
notification to:
The Minister.
The person who has obtained such vehicle or
equipment from the company.
The current owner of record.
Motor Vehicle Safety Act (MVSA)
Notice of Defect Provisions.
 Required Notice of Defect shall contain:
Description of defect.
An evaluation of the safety risk arising from the
Directions for correcting it.
While a product recall is not mandatory, market
pressures and public liability laws would suggest
corrective action is prudent after public notification of
Enforcement Through Selective
Compliance Monitoring
The regulated motor vehicle industry in Canada:
3500+ Companies manufacture or import
vehicles or equipment subject to MVSA.
200+ Vehicle model line variants manufactured
or imported for the Canadian market each year.
1.6 million new vehicles sold in Canada each
year. (95% from 24 major automotive firms).
40k private vehicle importations into Canada.
Transport Canada
Road Safety Directorate