Mutation of Normal Genes

Chapter 9
First Medial Description :Egyptian
Text@ 2500BC-Imhotep
Mastectomy: Johannes Scultetus
(1595-1645)-fire, acid, leather binding
Tumor – 1922
“it is tissue overgrowth that is independent of
the laws governing the remainder of the
“neoplastic overgrowth serves no useful
purpose to the organism”
Modern: “uncontrolled clonal proliferation of cells
that can arise from virtually any cell type in the
Derived from the Greek word for crab karkinoma
– Hippocrates (460 – 370 BC)
Malignant tumors
 Also
referred to as a neoplasm – new growth
Clonal Proliferation of a Single
“Storm Troopers: Star Wars”
Benign vs. Malignant Tumors
Grow slowly
Grow rapidly
Well-defined capsule
Not encapsulated
Not invasive
Well differentiated
Poorly differentiated
Low mitotic index
High mitotic index
Do not metastasize
Can spread distantly
Classification & Nomenclature
 Named
according to the tissue from which
they arise, and includes the suffix - “oma”
Classification & Nomenclature
Malignant tumors
Named according to the cell type from which
they arise
Epithelial tissue – carcinoma
Ductal or glandular epithelium –
Example: mammary adenocarcinoma
Connective tissue – sarcoma
Example: rhabdomyosarcoma
Lymphatics – lymphomas
Blood forming cells – leukemia
Classification & Nomenclature
Carcinoma in situ (CIS)
 Preinvasive
epithelial malignant tumors of glandular or
squamous cell origin that have not broken through the
basement membrane or invaded the surround stroma
 Cervix, skin, oral cavity, esophagus and bronchus
 Stomach, endometrium, breast, large bowel (glandular)
Stages of Cancer Spread
“important component to diagnosis and treatment”
 Physical findings
 Laboratory tests – histological/biochemical/genetic
 Imaging studies
Breast Cancer
Cancer Cells
 Autonomy
cells: independent from normal
cellular controls
 Anaplasia
Loss of differentiation (specialization and
“without form” - pleomorphic
Cancer and Stem Cells
Stem cells self-renew
 Cell
divisions create new stem cells
Stem cells are pluripotent
 Ability
to differentiate into multiple different
cell types
Stem Cell
Cancer…a genetic disease
the cell)
 “normal
 1.
Proteins(workhorse of
regulated growth”
Plasma membrane **
 2. Intracellular enzyme system**
 3. Hormones/Growth factors**
“unregulated growth…colonal proliferation
** multiple mutations- how many?
Cancer…a genetic disease
 EarlyCDT-Lung
(Oncoimmune)-blood test
cancer associated antigens (p53, +5)
 Autoantibodies…against abnormal proteins**
Medscape Medical News Sept 20,2010
Tumor Markers (DNA…RNA…Proteins)
Tumor cell markers (biologic markers) are
substances produced by cancer cells or that are
found on tumor plasma cell membranes, in the
blood, CSF, or urine
 Hormones
 Enzymes
 Genes
 Antigens
 Antibodies
Tumor Markers Table 9-2
 Screen
and identify individuals at high risk
for cancer(CA-125, PSA, CEA, Bense Jones
 Diagnose specific types of tumors
 Observe clinical course of cancer
Types of Genetic Lesions in Cancer
Point mutation
Subtle alterations (insertions, deletions,
Chromosome changes (aneuploidy and loss of
Gene silencing
Exogenous sequences (tumor viruses)
Genetic Basis of Cancer
Cancer-causing mutations
 Disease
of aging (more mutation over time)
 Clonal proliferation or expansion
Mutation leads to a Darwinian
Survival advantage
(↑ growth or ↓ apoptosis)
 Multiple mutations are required before
cancer can develop (how many?)
Oncogenes and Tumor-Suppressor Genes
 Mutant
genes that in their non-mutant state direct
protein synthesis and cellular growth (accelerationpedal to the metal)
Tumor-suppressor genes
 Encoded
proteins that in their normal state negatively
regulate proliferation
 Also referred to as antioncogenes (put the brakes on)
Types of Mutated Gene:” 7 mechanisms”
Secretion of growth factors (autocrine stimulation)
Increased growth factor receptors (HER2/neu)
Signal from cell-surface receptors is mutated to the
“on” position
Mutation in the ras intracellular signaling protein –
(cell growth without growth factors) : “kinase”
“all lead to increase growth”
Types of Mutated Genes
Types of Mutated Genes:”7 mechanisms”
Inactivation of Rb tumor suppressor(tumor
suppression) inherited
Activation of protein kinase* that drive the cell
cycle (oncogene)
Mutation in the p53 gene (# apoptosis)-tumor
suppression gene 17p13.1
 *-PO4: activates and amplifies enzymatic processes over and
Types of Mutated Genes:Bowel
Question: How many mutations
does it take to cause cancer?
“Cancer Genome Atlas”-breast cancer 127
 Driver
mutations: 11-15 (average=13)-directly
cause growth and survival of the cancer; hit
oncogenes/tumor suppression genes; limited number
 Bystander/passenger
mutations: accidental
copying of DNA; no impact on the biology of cancer
Driver Mutations
“Core metabolic pathway leads to dysregulation
of any tumor”
 One
or more proto-oncogene/tumor suppression
gene may skip mutation, but others mutations
activate the core pathway
Angiogenesis (core pathway)
Growth of new blood vessels
Advanced cancers can secrete angiogenic factors
Telomeres and Immortality: core
Body cells are not immortal and can only divide a
limited number of times (double about 50 times Hayflick Limit: 1961)
Telomeres are protective cap on each chromosome
and are held in place by telomerase (germ cells &
stem cells) enzyme
Telomeres become smaller and smaller with each
cell division- “somatic cells” – quit dividing/die
Telomerase enzyme: rebuilds telomeres
Nobel Prize 2009:Blackburn, Greider, Szostak
Telomeres and Immortality
Mutations of Normal Genes → Cancer Genes
Point mutation (most common)
 Change
of one or a few nucleotide base pairs
 ras gene (pancreatic, colon)
Chromosome translocation
piece on one chromosome is transferred to another
 t(8;14) Burkitt Lymphoma
 t(9;22) chronic myeloid leukemia (Philadelphia
chromosome – 1960)
Mutations of Normal Genes → Cancer Genes
Chromosome amplification
 Duplication
of a small piece of chromosome
(DNA) over and over
 Result in ↑ expression of an oncogene
 N-myc oncogene @ 25% amplification
Mutation of Normal Genes
Oncogenes and Tumor-Suppressor Genes
 Mutant
genes that in their non-mutant state direct
protein synthesis and cellular growth (jammed
Tumor-suppressor genes
 Encoded
proteins that in their normal state negatively
regulate proliferation
 Also referred to as antioncogenes (put the brakes on)
Mutations of Normal Genes →Cancer Genes
Tumor-suppression genes(“inherited”)
 Unregulated
cellular growth (put on the brakes) Rb gene
(inactivated) → retinoblastoma, lung, breast, bone
 Two
hits or mutations to inactivate the genes(Rb)
 Childhood
retinoblastomas: 2 forms-inherited(2-6
mo.)/sporadic(2-4 yrs)
 De Gouvea(1872)-Brazilian Ophthmol. :young boy & his 2
daughters= cancer can be inherited
Mutations of Normal Genes → Cancer Genes
Loss of heterozygosity
 Loss
of a chromosome region in one chromosome
 Unmasks mutation in the other locus of a tumor
suppression gene
Mutation of Normal Genes: Tumor
Suppression Genes
Mutations of Normal Genes → Cancer Genes
Gene silencing
 No
mutation or change in DNA sequence
 Whole regions of chromosomes are shut off
while the same regions in other cells remain
 Shuts off critical tumor suppression genes
Mutations of Normal Genes → Cancer Genes
Caretaker genes(“inherited”)
 Encode
for proteins that are involved in repairing
damaged DNA (UV or ionizing radiation, chemicals and
 Loss lead to increase mutation rates
Chromosome instability
 Increase
in malignant cells
 Results in chromosome loss, loss of heterozygosity and
chromosome amplification
 Loss
of tumor suppression genes with
overexpression of oncogenes
Genetics and Cancer-Prone Families
Somatic cells – most cancers
 Exposure
to mutagen
 Defect in DNA repair
 Not inherited
Germ line cells (sperms and eggs)
 Vertical
transmission of cancer causing genes
 Tumor suppression and caretaker genes
 One mutant allele (mom or dad), loss of heterozygosity
in some cells → tumors
Viruses and Cancer
 Hepatitis
B & C viruses*
 Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)
 Kaposi’s Sarcoma Herpes Virus (KSHV)
 Human Papillomavirus (HPV)*
 Human T cell Leukemia – Lymphoma Virus (HTLV)
*80% virus-linked cancers
Bacterial Causes of Cancer
Helicobacter pylori
 Chronic
infections associated with:
Peptic ulcer disease
Stomach carcinoma
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
Immunity and Cancer
Surveillance – “nonself”
 Viral-induced
Immune defect –
HIV /immunosuppressants
↑ viral cancers
Organ transplant – immunosuppression –
little or no ↑ in prevalent cancers
So → ?
Immunity and Cancer
Chronic inflammation – “complex”
 Cytokine
release form inflammatory cells – may
promote growth
 Free radicals
 Mutation promotion
 ↓ response to DNA damage
colitis – 30x ↑
 Liver – HBV/HBC - ↑ risk
 Lung cancer – chronic asthma ↑66%
 Ulcerative
Cancer Progression and Metastasis
Metastasis – “a defining characteristic of cancer”
 Localized
 Breast
5 year survival > 90% - local
5 year survival < 3% - metastatic
Pattern of spread
 Vascular,
may be cured(“in situ”)
lymphatic and natural tissue planes
 Breast
to bone, not kidney or spleen
 Lymphomas to spleen, not bone
Distant Metastasis
Cancer cells must detach(invade) and migrate from its
primary location
 Survive passage through the body
 Attach, invade and multiply while stimulating
#1. Vast majority of cancer cells do not have the
ability to form metastasis
“appropriate cancer “seed” and a permissive “soil”
Therapy for Cancer
Surgery (1800-1900s)
 Halsted
Radical vs simple mastectomy vs local excision
+ radiation
Chemotherapy 3 to 7 drugs (ALL)
 Bone
marrow transplant-maximum chemotherapy
Radiation to tumors(Hodgkin’s lymphoma)
Targeted: mutated gene’s protein
 Breast
cancer +Her-2 membrane receptor:
 CML: kinase signal
inhibitor: Gleevec
Why do the cancer cells become
resistant to chemo/targeted therapy?
A few stem cells of the cancer mutate and
produce a new protein product that specific
chemo/targeted therapy can no longer inhibit and
A new generation of resistant cancer cells
Clinical Manifestations of Cancer
• Pain
Little or no pain is associated with early stages of
Influenced by fear, anxiety, sleep loss, fatigue and
overall physical deterioration
Pressure, obstruction, invasion of sensitive structures,
stretching of visceral surfaces, tissue destruction and
Priorities of treatment
1. Control
– rapid and complete (patient)
2. Prevention – of recurrence
Clinical Manifestations of Cancer
 Fatigue
 Tiredness,
weakness, lack of energy, exhaustion,
lethargy, inability to concentrate, depression, sleepiness,
boredom, lack of motivation and
↓ mental status
 Most frequently reported symptom – cancer/treatment
 Mechanism – poorly understood
Clinical Manifestations of Cancer
• Cachexia
Most severe form of malnutrition
Present in 80% of cancer patients at death
Anorexia, early satiety, weight loss, anemia asthenia, taste
alterations and altered protein, lipid and carbohydrate
Mechanism – multifactoral
Hormones (leptin)
Pro-inflammatory cytokines
Clinical Manifestations of Cancer
 Anemia
 Decreased
amount of hemoglobin in the blood
 Mechanisms
 Chronic
bleeding resulting in Fe deficiency, severe
malnutrition, medial therapies or malignancy in
blood forming organs
 Suppression of erythropoietin on the bone marrow
 rHuEPO
Clinical Manifestations of Cancer
 Leukopenia and thrombocytopenia
 Direct
tumor invasion to the bone marrow
 Chemotherapy toxic to bone marrow
 Risk
increases when the absolute neutrophil and
lymphocyte counts fall
ANC = WBC x (% neurophils + % bands), if < 1000
protective → isolation)
[Table 10-3 Review]
Clinical Manifestations of Cancer
 Paraneoplastic syndromes
 Symptom
complex unexplained by local or distant
spread of the tumor or by the effects of hormones
released by the tissues from which the tumor arose
 10% of individuals
 Earliest
symptoms of an unknown cause
 May represent serious and life threatening problems
 May mimic cancer progression and interfere with
appropriate treatment.
[Table 10-4] Review
Side Effects of Cancer Treatment
“targeting the most rapidly growing cells”
 Gastrointestinal tract
 Oral
ulcers, malabsorption and diarrhea
 Nausea and vomiting → antiemetic therapy
 Supplemental nutrition (enteral or parenteral)
Bone marrow
– ↓RBC with fatigue
 Platelets – bleeding
 White blood cells – infection (ANC)
 Anemia