NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) SIM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) STUDENT : CHEW YIN XIAN (J0704167) SUPERVISOR : DR TAN BEE KOON PROJECT CODE : JUL2010/ENG/054 A project report submitted to SIM University In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor (Hons) of Engineering in Electronics July 2010 1|Page ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank a few people that supported me though the period of my final year project. First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my project tutor Dr. Tan Bee Koon. He has been an excellent mentor in guiding me in the right direction. His encouragement was the key factor to the success of this project. His constant feedbacks also helped me to keep trying out new ideas. I would also like to thank my colleague James Yang from the IT department. When I ran into some software problems, he will provide me some valuable lesson on the software development. I would also like to thank my Unisim classmates, Charles Tan, Teo Shi fan, Stanley Chew for giving me encouragement and also they also motivates and support me during the whole duration of my final year project. Last but not least I would like to thank my girlfriend Bebe Chanakran who has been very supportive and also give me the motivation to do better. I am very grateful for all who have helped and supported me during. Thanks again for the feedbacks, support, guidance and reminders. 2|Page ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) ABSTRACT The standard of living compared to the past has greatly improved. With a higher standard of living now, people expect the quality of life enjoyment at the highest level at all time. Driven by the demand of people to enjoy high quality of life and also the ever improving technology, electronic gadgets are now flooding into the scenes of the electronic market aiming at people who had their eyes on these products to improve their quality of life. The aim of my final year project is to scheme, draft, materialize and enhance a PC based intelligent home remote control system integrated with security monitoring system. The home remote control system will allow user to have full control of his or her home appliances with only an infrared transceiver. Security system integrated with the remote can also be controlled by the user with the same infrared transceiver. Home appliances will be able to work with the user-friendly GUI developed. Infrared codes from the home appliances can be transmitted and stored into the computer by the transceiver. User will be able to use the captured infrared codes from the home appliances without having to handle the remote control. Instead user can now do a few clicks on the computer connected with the infrared transceiver to function the home appliances. Security system is also being incorporated into the home remote control system. It will now greatly enhanced the system as user will now be able enjoy a better quality of life and also better safeguard their home. With the help of the internet, user will be able to remotely control the desktop at home without the need to be physically at home and he or she can be in any part of the world to perform this function. A couple of detectors/sensors are used in the project such as the, gas leak detector, water detector, door/window sensor, motion detector, temperature sensor and webcam integrated with motion detection. With this detectors/sensors being used in the security system, it can better safeguard the house and properties, protect lives. Should any of the detectors/sensors trigger the security system, notification SMS will be sent to user’s mobile number and in turn, user can use the remote control function to control the desktop at home and access to the web camera, that act as a security camera, to view the live telecast of the monitored areas of the user’s house. User will then have to assess the areas and decide if immediate assistance is needed. 3|Page ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page Abstract Table of contents Page 1 Page 2 Page 4 CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1– Background 1.2- Project Objectives 1.3– Overall Objective CHAPTER TWO Literature Review 2.1 – Remote Controlling of desktop consideration 2.1.1 – TeamViewer 2.1.2 – LogMeIn 2.1.3 – CrossLoop 2.1.4 – Review of Remote controlling Program 2.2 – Security Camera 2.2.1 – Dome Camera 2.2.2 – Fixed Camera 2.2.3 – IP Camera 2.2.4 – Review of Home Security Camera 2.3 – GSM SMS Messenger for Security 2.3.1 – Review of GSM SMS Messenger for Security 2.4 – Water Sensor 2.4.1 – Water Sensor Plus With Siren 2.4.2 – Water Leak Sensor Detector for Wired Security Alarm NC/NO 2.4.3 – Review of Water Detector 2.5 – Gas Leak Sensor 2.5.1 – Gas Leak Detection History 2.5.2 – Types of Gas leak Detector - Electrochemical Detectors - Infrared Point Detectors - Semiconductor Detectors - Ultrasonic Detectors 2.5.3 – Review of Gas Leak Detectors 2.6 – Door/Window sensor 2.6.1 – Magnetic contact for door/window sensor 2.6.2 – Switch Contacts 2.6.3 – Review of Detector Page 9 Page 10 Page 10 Page 11 Page 11 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 15 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 19 Page 19 Page 20 Page 20 Page 21 Page 21 Page 22 Page 22 Page 23 Page 23 Page 23 Page 23 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 CHAPTER THREE Project Management 3.1 – Project Planning 3.2 – Project Task 4|Page ENG499 Capstone Project Report Page 28 Page 28 Page 28 NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 3.3 – Progress Tracking 3.4 – Resource Management 3.5 – Gantt chart Page 29 Page 29 Page 30 CHAPTER FOUR Hardware Design 4.1 – Security System 4.2 – Aplus Messenger II 4.3 – Door/Window Detector 4.4 – Webcam with motion detection 4.5 – Temperature Sensor 4.6 – Gas Leak Detector 4.6.1 – Functionality of the Gas Leak Detector 4.7 – Water Detector 4.8 - Motion Sensor with light 4.9- Buzzer Page 31 Page 31 Page 32 Page 34 Page 34 Page 35 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 38 CHAPTER FIVE Software Development 5.1 – Windows XP Mode with Virtual PC mode 5.2 – Configuration of Aplus Messenger II 5.3 – Configuring the Digital Inputs 5.3.1 – Digital Inputs > Input description 5.3.2 – Digital Inputs > Input state definition 5.4 – Configuring the Digital Outputs 5.5 – Configuration of Phone Groups 5.6 – Configuration of Repeat SMS function 5.7- Configuration of System Admin 5.8 – Exiting of the Hyper Terminal Program Page 39 Page 39 Page 42 Page 47 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 49 Page 50 Page 50 Page 51 CHAPTER SIX System testing and result 6.1 – Testing of the Door/Window Sensor 6.2 – Testing of Temperature Thermostat Sensor 6.3 – Testing of Motion Sensor with light 6.4 – Testing of Water Detector 6.5 – Testing of Gas Leak Detector 6.6 – Testing of Security Camera with motion detection Page 52 Page 52 Page 54 Page 56 Page 58 Page 59 Page 61 CHAPTER SEVEN Problems and Solutions Page 65 CHAPTER EIGHT Conclusion and Recommendations 5|Page ENG499 Capstone Project Report Page 67 NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 8.1 – Conclusion 8.2 – Recommendations Page 67 Page 68 CHAPTER NINE Critical review and reflection Page 69 References Page 70 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Page 71 Page 72 Page 73 Page 74 Page 75 6|Page ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) LIST OF FIGURES Figure1.1: How a PC Based Intelligent Remote Control works Figure 2.1.1: Team Viewer Remote Control Program Figure 2.1.2: LogMeIn Remote Control Program Figure 2.1.3: CrossLoops Remote Control Program Figure 2.2.1: Dome type camera Figure 2.2.2: Fixed Camera Figure 2.2.3 : IP Camera Figure 2.2.4: D-link Fixed Camera Figure 2.3a: TMAS TMN-1000 Wireless Figure 2.3b: Aplus Messenger II AM910 Figure 2.3c : TAIKO AG800 SMS Alert Gateway Figure 2.4.1 - Water Sensor Plus With Siren Figure 2.4.2 - Water Leak Sensor Detector for Wired Security Alarm NC/NO Figure 2.5.1: Canaries, used as a gas detector in the 19th and early 20th centuries Figure 2.61: Magnetic Contact Sensor Figure 2.6.2a: The concept of normally open (N/O) contact Figure 2.6.2b: The concept of normally open (N/O) contact Figure 2.61: Magnetic Contact Sensor Figure 2.6.2a: The concept of normally open (N/O) contact Figure 2.6.2b: The concept of normally open (N/O) contact Figure 2.6.3a: Wireless door/window sensor Figure 2.6.3b: Wired magnetic reed switch door/window sensor Figure 2.61: Magnetic Contact Sensor Figure 2.6.2a: The concept of normally open (N/O) contact Figure 2.6.2b: The concept of normally open (N/O) contact Figure 2.6.3a: Wireless door/window sensor Figure 2.6.3b: Wired magnetic reed switch door/window sensor Figure 4.1: Aplus Messenger II integrated with detectors/sensors Figure 4.2a: Top view of Aplus Messenger II Figure 4.2b: Front view of Aplus Messenger II Figure 4.2c: Back view of Aplus Messenger II Figure 4.3: Door/Window Detector Figure 4.5: Temperature Sensor Figure 4.6 – Input and output of the Gas Leak Detector Figure 4.6.1: Gas Leak Detector Figure 4.7: Water Sensor and Relay Figure 4.8: Motion Sensor with light connected to a relay Figure 5.1a : Choosing correct windows edition Figure 5.1b: Download Windows Xp Mode Figure 5.1c: Install Windows XP mode Figure 5.1d: Finding Windows Xp Mode Figure 5.1e: Virtual Windows Xp mode Figure 5.2a : Aplus Messenger II connected to my Laptop Figure 5.2b: Finding HyperTerminal Figure 5.2c: Startup Screen of HyperTerminal Figure 5.2d: Connection Description for HyperTerminal 7|Page ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Figure 5.2e: COM port setting Figure 5.2f: Accessing to Aplus Messenger II Figure 5.3 Configuration Digital Inputs Figure 5.3.1: Input Description of Aplus Messenger II Figure 5.3.2: Input state defination of Aplus Messenger II Figure 5.3.4: Configuration of digital output of Aplus Messenger II Figure 5.6: Configuration of repeat SMS function of Aplus Messenger II Figure 5.7: Configuration of system admin of Aplus Messenger II Figure 5.8: Exiting of Hyper Terminal Program Figure 6.1a: Door/Window Sensor Original state Figure 6.1b: Door/Window Sensor Original next state Figure 6.1c: Notification from Aplus Messenger II Figure 6.2a : Testing of Temperature Sensor Figure 6.2b: Notification from Aplus Messenger II Figure 6.3a: Testing of Motion Sensor Figure 6.3b Motion Sensor detected movement Figure 6.3c: Notification from Aplus Messenger II Figure 6.4bNotification from Aplus Messenger II Figure 6.4a : Testing of water detector Figure 6.5c: Notification from Aplus Messenger II Figure 6.5b: Testing of Gas leak detector Figure 6.5a: Normal working state of Gas leak detector Figure 6.6b: Setting up of Motion Detection Figure 6.6a: Setting up of Motion Detection Figure 6.6c: Notification from Aplus Messenger II Figure 6.7a: Security Camera connected locally Figure 6.7b: Overview of the remote pc being remote controlled over the internet LIST OF TABLES Table3. 1: Bluetooth class range .................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Table3. 2: Comparison of Shortlisted Freeware .......... Error! Bookmark not defined. Table A: Bill of Materials ............................................................................................ 71 Table B: Project Gantt Chart........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Table C: Tira 2.1 Specifications (Source [6]) .............. Error! Bookmark not defined. Table D: Glossary ...................................................................................................... 176 8|Page ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 – Background With the ever improving technology and the demand from people to enjoy better quality of life, intelligent home automation has become a very popular application. With this up and coming application, people will be able to control their home appliances by using just a few clicks on the computer. With security also in people’s mind, the electronic market has come up with home automation integrated with security system. For working adults, remote monitoring system as well as security system plays a very important role to provide their children and elderly a layer of protection. Adults will be able to monitor the activities of their young children as well as the elderly. With a connection through the internet, they can use the remote monitoring system to better protect their love one and their home. Figure1. 1: How a PC Based Intelligent Remote Control works 9|Page ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 1.2 - Project Objectives The Objective of my project is to plan, develop and improve an intelligent home remote system at a low cost. The intelligent home remote control system gives user more flexibility to control and monitor their home. With this system, user can control their home appliances on the move. Not only that, they can also use the system to monitor their home or children using the wireless webcam that will be implemented in the project. The system will be linked to a computer and user can remotely control it to control their appliances as well as continuously monitoring their assets/children. 1.3– Overall Objective In Singapore, the price of a PC and internet connection is quite affordable and almost every household owns at least one PC and also internet connection. With Pc based intelligent home remote control, users can now have a choice to control their appliances even when they are not at home and effortlessly enjoy a better quality of life. They can also save time and effort to search for the particular remote to control the appliances. Users can also monitor their children’s activities and can also provide supervision on their maid if they have one. Free remote control program can be readily downloaded from the internet and be installed to the computer without much hassle. Not only user can enjoy a better a quality of life, they can also use the system to protect their properties and also ensure the safety of the elderly and children. The security system is armed with temperature detector, gas/water leak detector, The security system is designed to protect properties and provide home safety for the elderly and children. The security system is to detect alarm from smoke, motion and AC power fail detector, door/window and emergency switch. SMS alert message is sent to the homeowners when alarm is activated. Since mobile phones are popular and a common communicating device for most people, SMS alert message is the fastest way to contact anyone for emergencies. 10 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 – Remote Controlling of desktop consideration There are a couple of freeware over the internet that that allows user to remote control their desktop away from home. Free remote control software must be downloaded first from the internet before user is able to install the software on the computer user intended to use for remote controlling. The primary function of a remote controlling access works in a way, for example, where user is away from home but wish to access their home PC can enable the remote controlling program. When the connection is established, they will be able to access to their home PC to accurately capture the information they needed. Most of the features and functions of remote controlling program are serve the same purpose and therefore I have selected a handful of suitable remote controlling software for my project. We will do a review on each remote control program in the next section. 2.1.1 – TeamViewer The Team Viewer software can be downloaded from the official website of Team View software. For remote controlling of PC, user needs to download and install the program on the computer the user wish to remote control. To have access to the remote controlled computer, user needs to input ID and Password as shown in Figure 2.1.1. Figure 2.1.1: Team Viewer Remote Control Program 11 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 2.1.2 – LogMeIn The LogMeIn software can be downloaded over the Internet. Like the TeamViewer software, user has to download and install the program on the computer the user wish to remote control. After installation on the computer that the user want to remote control, user then needs to register an account over at the LogMeIn website ( After an account was registered, user will now be able to login with the registered ID and Password on the PC the user wish and do configuration. With the configuration done, they can now visit LogMeIn’s website and login with the registered ID and Password to access the remote controlled PC anywhere. Figure 2.1.2: LogMeIn Remote Control Program 12 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 2.1.3 – CrossLoop Unlike TeamViewer and LogMeIn, the CrossLoop application needs to be downloaded and installed in both the remote and local computer. After the installation on both computers, both the remote and local computer will each have their access code. User needs to type in the access code of the remote controlled computer to the local to establish a connection. Therefore in order to use this remote control program, both the computer must be manned. Figure 2.1.3: CrossLoops Remote Control Program 13 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 2.1.4 – Review of Remote controlling Program There are great deals of remote controlling program that are available over the internet for the user to choose from. I had chosen LogMeIn remote control program because it is provides the user the simplest connection method, user friendly and user can choose the processing speed and picture quality. CrossLoop was not chosen because both the local and remote controlled computer needs to be manned before local computer can be able to remote control the other. This means, without the present of two persons, CrossLoop will not be able to work over two places. CrossLoop also has an access code that randomly changes when the program is closed and it is a hassle for the user to get the access code again if they are not within reach of the local and remote computer. The reason TeamViewer was not selected is because user needs to memorise a 9-digit ID number to login.TeamViewer’s ID and password also randomly changes when the program is closed. In a scenario when windows is having an update, computer will auto reboot after the update was done. After the restart, when ID and passwords randomly changes, user will not be able to access to the remote controlled computer. 14 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 2.2 – Security Camera There are a few things user should keep in mind before investing in a security camera. The first thing that comes to mind is how many cameras should be used. Not only that, user also needs to identify out which part of his/her home need to be monitored. The choice of using a wired or wireless camera should also be in mind because sometimes, installing wired camera can somewhat caused a lot of trouble and wireless camera’s picture might not be as higher quality then a wired camera. To be able to identify the questions, they may save up quite a bit of money required to purchase the camera. For home security, the commonly used are either dome or fixed camera. 2.2.1 – Dome Camera Dome camera is widely used not only for home security and we can also see it at almost all lift lobbies in newer HDB flats. This type of camera is used because there is a cover to protect its camera. Some cameras are vandal proof that can help users to protect their asset. Dome camera is suitable to be used to monitor the gate of the user’s home Figure 2.2.1: Dome type camera 2.2.2 – Fixed Camera Fixed camera has a limitation to the viewing angle. Normally when it is fixed to the ceiling or wall, its viewing angle will be only limited to where the camera is facing. Although the viewing angle is limited, there are accessories sold in the market to provide the camera with enhancement to the view. Figure 2.2.2: Fixed Camera 15 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 2.2.3 – IP Camera IP camera stands for Internet protocol camera. It is a digital camera commonly used for surveillance. There are two kinds of IP cameras, Centralized IP cameras and Decentralized IP cameras. For Centralized IP cameras, a central Network Video Recorder (NVR) is needed to process the alarm and video and recording management. Unlike centralized IP cameras, decentralized IP cameras have built in recording function and the recording can be recorded directly to storage drive, such as USB thumb drive, hard disk or network attached storage. IP camera is almost the same as fixed camera. The difference is that IP camera is a digital and can be stand alone and send image via the internet but fixed camera needs to be connected to the computer and send image via the internet. Figure 2.2.3 : IP Camera 16 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 2.2.4 – Review of Home Security Camera I have done a research on a local company selling home security camera and statistically DLink and Cisco cameras are more commonly used locally. In my project, D-Link camera with fixed mounting will be used because of it is user friendly and it is relatively cheap compared with others. Dome type camera was not use because it does not work well in low-lit areas. IP Camera is quite costly compared to normal cameras and therefore was not used. For the D-link camera to be connected to the internet wirelessly, user will just need a pc and a LAN (local area network) cable. Figure 2.2.4: D-link Fixed Camera 17 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 2.3 – GSM SMS Messenger for Security The GSM SMS (Short Message Service) messenger works like a router of a computer. When it received message from a certain source, it will then send out the message to the intended target. In the case of a GSM SMS messenger, it will send notification to the user if the other devices connected to it sends a signal to it. Figure 2.3a: TMAS TMN-1000 Wireless Figure 2.3b: Aplus Messenger II AM910 Figure 2.3c : TAIKO AG800 SMS Alert Gateway 18 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) The 3 types of GSM SMS messengers shown above are the devices with basic standard functions that are required for out security system.All three of the above mentioned devices have built in microprocessor which enables them to operate on a real-time basis. The configuration of user’s mobile numbers can be setup and inputted into the GSM SMS messenger easily and not only that, configuration of output messages and alarm conditions can be configured based on user’s preferences. Upon configuring the alarm conditions and output messages, alarm devices can be connected to the output of the GSM SMS messengers. Should any of the sensing devices sent a signal to the GSM SMS messenger, the microprocessor will then transmit the signal to the GSM modem that is built-in.For the SIM card that is needed for the GSM SMS messengers, are of the same SIM card we are using for our mobile phone. User will be able to purchase them from any telecom operator (ie. M1 , Singtel or Starhub). 2.3.1 – Review of GSM SMS Messenger for Security We can see that all three of the GSM Messenger that are listed has the basic features needed for out security system. Aplus Messenger II was chosen because it can be installed, operated and maintained easily. Not only that Aplus Messenger II is the cheapest among the three listed GSM SMS Messenger. Company TCAM Technology Linkwise Technology Taiko Network Communications Product of SMS system TMAS Aplus Messenger II Taiko Model TMN-1000 AM910 AG800 Alert Gateway Input/Output ports 8 inputs/8 outputs 8 inputs/4 outputs 8 inputs/4 outputs Bands GSM 900/1800/1900MHZ GSM 900/1800MHZ GSM 900/1800MHZ Price $820 $550 $579 Table 2.3.1: Comparison of GSM SMS systems 19 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 2.4 – Water Sensor Water Sensors are a small device that can be connected to the security system to keep user out of big trouble. in the event of a water leakage. Signal will be sent from the water sensor alarm to the Aplus messenger in the event of water leakage. The water sensor can be place in household area where water leakage is most common. When water sensor is placed under a sink, near washing machine, behind refrigerator or even water heater; usage of water sensor can prevent expensive and costly repairing bills to user’s business or home due to leakage of water or pipe bursts. For most household, the most common water leakage is from the washing machine because of the daily usage. Before the washing machine’s hose give way and dump water over the floor; water sensor can be handy for user as it will notify user before hand of this potential disaster. Water sensor can also be a great tool to allow user to have a great peace of mind and possibly saving thousands of dollars in damage and repairs. 2.4.1 – Water Sensor Plus With Siren Figure 2.4.1 - Water Sensor Plus With Siren The Water Alarm Plus with siren comes with the function of calling one phone number when water is detected. It is equipped with a water alarm dialler and powered by a single 9-volt battery. The water alarm dialler must be connected to a phone line before it can make an outgoing call. If user was to attach multiple water sensors, it can be a hassle to connect many phone lines to the phone line port. Specification: Power: 9V alkaline battery Buzzer Volume: 90 db within 3 metres Operating Temperature: -7° to 60° C Cost : $ 65 USD 20 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 2.4.2 – Water Leak Sensor Detector for Wired Security Alarm NC/NO Figure 2.4.2 - Water Leak Sensor Detector for Wired Security Alarm NC/NO This is a water leak sensor detector suitable for Wired Security Alarm. This water leak sensor is the ideal sensor to be integrated with Aplus messenger because of the NC/NO output. There is also a convenient test button and only requires minimal water to activated the alarm. Specification: Power: 12V DC / 220V AC depends Buzzer Volume: 90 db within 3 metres Output: NC or NO Dimension: 115 x 70 x 40 mm Weight: 300g Cost : $ 61 SGD ( Price from ebay which includes shipping charges) 2.4.3 – Review of Water Detector After checking out the price of the water sensor, I have decided to make my own water sensor. There are multiple websites on the internet that teaches us on how to multiple simple water sensor. Based on my research, simple water sensor can be made with the cost of less than twenty Singapore dollars. We will touch on the self-made water sensor in the next chapter. 21 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 2.5 – Gas Leak Sensor Having a Gas Leak Sensor is very important because it can identify potential hazardous gas leaks from our household. There are different kinds of sensors that are available to enable us to detect hazardous gas leaks. Most gases are colourless and make it difficult for humans to detect. Carbon monoxide is an odourless and colourless gas that robs the lungs of human from oxygen and killing hundreds of people worldwide each year. Natural gas can become a widespread of energy source because it is highly combustible. By burning a small amount, large amount of heat can be produced. The leakage of natural gas can increase the risk of fire and explosion as it spreads through the air and combusts easily. Should there be a gas leak in the house, an electrical spark or any fire source can cause fire hazard. 2.5.1 – Gas Leak Detection History Before the invention of modern gas leak detector, people in the 19th and early 20th centuries had to depend on less precise gas leak detectors. For instance, coal miners had to bring canaries (small passerine bird) with them to act as a hazardous gas detector. As the birds are more sensitive, after coming in contact with hazardous gas, they would eventually become sick and eventually die. This will signal to the miners the presence of hazardous gas and they will have to leave the mine quickly. Household electronic carbon monoxide detectors was being developed during the 1980s and 90s. Before the development of carbon monoxide detectors, the detection method used was to soak the paper with chemical and once it is in contact with the gas, the paper will turn brown. Thereafter technologies had been greatly improved and there are now devices to detect and alert us on the leakage of a wide coverage of gases. Figure 2.5.1: Canaries, used as a gas detector in the 19th and early 20th centuries 22 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 2.5.2 – Types of Gas leak Detector - Electrochemical Detectors It works in a way where gases will penetrate through a porous membrane to a conductor, an electrode where it will then go through a chemical process and it will be either oxidized or reduced. Depending on how much the gas is oxidized at the conductor, it will result in the amount of current being produced. Due to corrosive elements, the sensors may have a lifespan of 1-2 years before it is required to be replaced. - Infrared Point Detectors It uses radiation that was directed into a volume of gas to perform detection of gas leaks. As the radiation passes through the gas, the radiation energy will be consumed of a certain wavelengths. Different types of gas may affect the range of wavelengths being absorbed due to the properties of the gas. The differences of the energy before and after the radiation passes through the gas will be used to determine the concentration of gas present. The sensor need not be placed in the gas itself to detect it can proved to be advantageous. - Semiconductor Detectors To build the semiconductor detectors, tin dioxide is a widely used material. Semiconductor detectors works in a way that when gas comes in contact with the sensor, it will produce a chemical reaction. In the sensor, there is an electrical resistance and when it is to be in contact with the gas, the resistance will decrease. Tin dioxide has a typical resistance value of 50kΩ in the air but with the presence of 1% of methane, the resistance can drop to around 3.5kΩ. With the change in resistance, it can be used to calculate the gas concentration. Semiconductor sensors can be used to detect a small range of gas such as oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide. - Ultrasonic Detectors Audio sensor is being used in the ultrasonic detector. The detector will come up with the change of background noise in an environment and thus able to detect gas leakage. Most gas leakage happen in an ultrasonic range of 25kHz to 10MHz. Background noises normally happen in the range of 20Hz to 20KHz and this enable the ultrasonic detectors to pinpoint the differences between the gas leak and background noise. Ultrasonic detectors will not be able to measure gas concentration but is able to work out the leakage rate of a getaway gas. The detector is able to work out the leakage rate by having the ultrasonic sound level measured. 23 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) The leakage rate is dependent on the size of the leak and on the gas pressure. The higher the ultrasonic sound level, the bigger the leakage will be. 2.5.3 – Review of Gas Leak Detectors I did a comparison on the price of the commonly used gas leak sensor and found that the semiconductor detector cost the cheapest. A gas leak detector was bought from ebay which adopted the concept of advanced gas-sensitive semiconductor sensor. The gas leak detector can be used to detect leakage of gases, such as LNG, LPG and natural. It is suitable because the sensor is cheap and most importantly; LPG is commonly used in Singapore. 24 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 2.6 – Door/Window sensor With the ever improving technology, there are more sophisticated security alarm systems on sale in the market. However in the system, they are most of the time made up of sensors and detectors. No matter how sophisticated a security alarm may be, the most important factor is that the system must be able to respond and trigger the main alarm panel to send out a warning or notification. 2.6.1 – Magnetic contact for door/window sensor In the current market today, the more commonly used types of door/windows sensors is magnetic sensors. Magnetic sensor is a composition of two parts, of which one will be installed on the frame head of the door or window and the other on the door or window itself. The two pieces of magnetic sensor are adjacent to one another when the door or windows is closed. The alarm will be triggered in the event of the door or window has been opened. Figure 2.61: Magnetic Contact Sensor 25 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 2.6.2 – Switch Contacts In the case of a switch contact, the contacts are either normally open (N/O) or normally close (N/C). It works in a way, for example; a closed door was attached with a switch contact with a (N/C) state and in the event when the door was opened, the switch contact will changed from a (N/C) state to a (N/O) state. The changing of state from (N/C) to (N/O) will then trigger the alarm of a security system. The (N/C) contact behaves in a way, when a contact is closed; there will be a continuous loop current circulating the armed security system. Whenever a (N/C) contact changes its state to (N/O), the continuous loop current that is circulating the armed security system will be cut off; resulting in a trigger of the security system. In figure 2.6.2a is an example used to illustrate the concept of (N/C) contact. Figure 2.6.2a: The concept of normally open (N/O) contact The concept of (N/O) is, when during its normal state, a circuit is not complete as the contact is in a open state when it changes to the (N/C) state; the circuit is now complete and there is now power to trigger the alarm system. In figure 2.6.2b is an example used to illustrate the concept of (N/O) contact. Figure 2.6.2b: The concept of normally open (N/O) contact 26 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 2.6.3 – Review of Detector We will be using a switch that is controlled by a magnet or magnetic field. One piece of the switch detector will be fixed on the door/window frame and the other pieces will be mounted on the door/window itself. We will discuss in detail on Chapter 4 which will be the hardware design. Figure 2.6.3a: Wireless door/window sensor Figure 2.6.3b: Wired magnetic reed switch door/window sensor 27 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) CHAPTER THREE PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3.1 – Project Planning To be able to successfully complete the project, the time allocated to work on the project must be carefully planned. Gantt chart was used to help me plan out the schedule to work on my project. With the Gantt chart the progress of my project can be monitored and it also helps to keep me on track to finish my project within the timeline given by the university. 3.2 – Project Task In this section, I will discuss on the project task and there are 3 phases in which the project is being carried out. I will breakdown and illustrate the tasks to be done on each phase. These following tasks had been done on Phrase 1: Brainstorming and discussion for ideas on the project Literature review done by researching on the internet and library Analyze and assess on the findings Begin the writing on project proposal The primary objective of phase 1 is to brainstorm for more ideas relating to the project. Literature review of the current technologies and its capabilities was done to help me better understand it. I do not always brainstorm for ideas. Sometimes at work, I will ask a random colleague on something related to my project and sometimes they give inspiring ideas. All ideas were written down regardless if they are relevant to my project. I will assess my findings every few days and filter away those inappropriate or redundant findings. Project proposal was written based on the filtered findings. These following tasks had been done on Phrase 2: Research and assess the finding of chosen technology thoroughly Hands-on and at the same time learn more about the chosen software on the internet Collocate records for interim report Purchasing of necessary equipment was done Testing of purchased equipment was done to ensure its functionality Hardware and software troubleshooting to fix minor problems 28 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Phrase 2 of the project takes us deeper down into understanding more of the project. Research was done on sourcing the necessary equipment locally and in the event of the equipment is unavailable locally; online market place such as eBay would be used. The testing of home remote control and the security system was conducted and everything was done smoothly but there are some minor problems and troubleshooting has to be done. These following tasks had been done on Phrase 3: Begin the writing on thesis Submission of thesis before deadline Preparation for presentation poster Preparation for presentation The last phase will comprehend all of the tests result, problems faced and amendments of minor problems faced during the course of the project. With this information, I can start to commence the writing of thesis for my project. After submission of thesis, I will need to design a reader friendly presentation poster and also prepare the presentation slides. 3.3 – Progress Tracking To ensure that the implementation of my project is on track, continuous monitoring of the Gantt chart was done every 3-5 days. Should the implementation of my project fall behind schedule; I will stop working overtime and put more effort into my project to ensure I am back on schedule. 3.4 – Resource Management Identify and list out the necessary resources and thus we can save on the unnecessary loss of time and money. 29 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 3.5 – Gantt chart Month Aug-10 Sept-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Week No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Activities Duration Project discussion Research and Brainstorming for ideas Evaluate ideas Commencing writing of proposal report Familiarize with hardware and software Familiarize with the Home Security System Purchase required components Commencing of writing Interim report Implementing, Testing and Troubleshooting Discussion of Improvement Commencing writing of Thesis Prepare A1 sizes poster 30 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) CHAPTER FOUR HARDWARE DESIGN 4.1 – Security System The building of this security system is made up of a GSM sms messenger and 6 sensors/detectors. The Aplus Messenger II has 8 input ports as well as 4 output ports. The 6 sensors/detectors will be connected to the Aplus Messenger II using the input ports. A buzzer will also be connected to the output port to serve as an alarm. One of the detectors I am implementing into my project is a gas leak detector. Upon detecting a gas leak, the gas leak detector will then send a signal to the Aplus Messenger. The Aplus Messenger will then send out a notification SMS to the user. The numbers and message is pre set by the user. After receiving the notification SMS, user will have the capability to turn on the buzzer that is attached to the output of the Aplus Messenger II. By sending a SMS to the Aplus Messenger II, user will be able to either on or off the buzzer, which acts as an alarm. These are the following detectors/sensors that will be implemented in my project and will be connected to the Aplus Messenger II through the input port. Door/Window detector Light Motion sensor Temperature sensor Webcam with motion detection Water detector Gas leak detector A buzzer will also be included to the security system as it will act as an alarm and thus will be connected to the Aplus Messenger II through the output port. The below block diagram will illustrate the security system of my project. Inputs Output s Figure 4.1: Aplus Messenger II integrated with detectors/sensors 31 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 4.2 – Aplus Messenger II Aplus Messenger II is the most important device that is implemented in the security system. It provides uninterrupted monitoring of the surrounding environment until the detection of signal prompted by detectors/sensors. When the Aplus Messenger II receives signal from any detectors/sensors connected to it, it will then send out SMS notification message to the user. One important note is that notification message and the user’s mobile number must first be preset into the Aplus Messenger II using the Hyper Terminal software. We can, in total preset 6 sets of mobile numbers into the Aplus Messenger II. And so if we are to preset 6 sets of mobile numbers, that would mean; upon receiving signals triggered by any detectors/sensors, all 6 users will receive SMS notification from Aplus Messenger II simultaneously. There is a function within the messenger to send repeated notification SMS to the user. When the repeated notification SMS is activated, the only way to stop the messenger from sending more notification SMS; user has to send an acknowledgement SMS to the messenger device. There are a total of 8 input ports for the messenger device and I will be using 6 of them to connect up with the detectors/sensors. One of the output ports will be connected to a buzzer to act as an alarm for the security system. Figure 4.2a shows the top view of the messenger device. SIM Card Holder Antenna 9 Pins serial port; for connection to PC 8 input / 4 output ports Figure 4.2a: Top view of Aplus Messenger II 32 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Figure 4.2b shows a clearer picture of the front view of Aplus Messenger II. The 9 pins serial port can be used to establish connection to the PC with the help of a RS232-USB cable. SIM card can be purchased locally in any M1, Singtel or Starhub shop. Antenna will come together with the purchase of the messenger device. 9 Pins serial port; for connection to PC SIM Card Holder Antenna Figure 4.2b: Front view of Aplus Messenger II Figure 4.2c shows the back view of Aplus Messenger II. This is where the detectors/sensors will be connected to the messenger device. The buzzer will be connected to the output ports of the device 8 input ports 4 output ports Figure 4.2c: Back view of Aplus Messenger II 33 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 4.3 – Door/Window Detector The door/window detector used in this project is based on a magnetic detector. The magnetic detector comes with two pieces and one of which will be attached on the door/window frame while the other piece will be attached to the door/window. Both pieces of detector will be in contact with each other when the door/window is closed. When the door is being opened, both pieces of detector will be separated and thus the switch contact will be goes from a closed state to an open state. With this change, the detector will prompt the messenger device and in turn; it will send notification SMS to user. Figure 4.3: Door/Window Detector 4.4 – Webcam with motion detection The webcam used was a D-Link web camera and it comes with an in-built motion sensor. The camera must be connected to the PC and from there configuration can be done to enable some security features of the device. After enabling the motion detection feature, we will be able to set the camera to record on its own when motion is detected and not only that, we can also enable a feature of the camera to send email notification with snapshot. When motion detected was by the webcam, signal will also be sent to the Aplus Messenger II and thus user will be able to receive notification SMS from it. However the primary function of the webcam is not to be a motion detector. It is mainly to be used as an “eye” of the security system. In the event of; for example door/window detector triggered a notification SMS to the user. User will be able to login to the computer that is connected to the webcam through the Logmein website and have access to the real-time live telecast of their home. 34 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 4.5 – Temperature Sensor There is a tolerance temperature point that needs to be set for this sensor. If the temperature rise above the tolerance level or below the tolerance point, signal will be sent out from the sensor to Aplus Messenger II and in turn; user will receive a notification SMS from the messenger device. Figure 4.5: Temperature Sensor 4.6 – Gas Leak Detector The introduction to Gas Leak Detector to the security system is to better protect the user’s home. The detector is mainly used to detect leakage of gases, such as the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), liquefied natural gas (LNG) and natural gas. The detector uses advanced gassensitive semiconductor sensor to warrant high stability and long life. Main Feature of the Gas Leak Detector: High reliable semiconductor sensor Automatic resetting after alarming MCU processor control Automatic sensor fault detection INDUCE GAS- NATURALGAS / LPG SMT production technology Figure 4.6 – Input and output of the Gas Leak Detector 35 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 4.6.1 – Functionality of the Gas Leak Detector Working Independently as a Gas Leak Detector The detector can work independently or be connected to a wired security system. To allow it to work independently, it will need a power supply of AC220V. With AC220V of power supply, the green LED on the gas leak detector will flash every second for about 3 minutes and this is to warm-up the sensor. Thereafter, the detector will be in a normal working state. Working in a wired security system as a Gas Leak Detector The detector will be connected to the input ports of the Aplus Messenger II with the N/C or N/O contact. It will still need AC220V to power up the device. With AC220V of power supply, the green LED on the gas leak detector will flash every second for about 3 minutes and this is to warm-up the sensor. Thereafter, the detector will be in a normal working state.h AC220V of power Figure 4.6.1: Gas Leak Detector 36 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 4.7 – Water Detector The purpose of integrating a water detector is to allow user to safeguard their property and not only that; prevent troublesome events related to water leakage from happening. I had encounter leakage from my washing machine many times and I have to waste my time to clearing up the mess the water leakage created. Basically we will place the water detector nearest to where water leakage will most likely occurred and if there is water leakage, the water detector will prompt the Aplus Messenger II and user will then receive notification message from the messenger device. Figure 4.7: Water Sensor and Relay Figure 4.7 shows the picture of the water sensor and relay attached to it. A relay was used in place of a buzzer because we will need to connect the water sensor to our security system. In the event of a buzzer was used instead of a relay, the water detector will just sound off the alarm attached to it. The water detector uses a simple mechanism; the circuit is open before coming in contact with water. When water gets in contact with the carbon strips, as we know water is a conductor of electricity, it will close the circuit and thus there is current flow to the buzzer and it will sound. As on why are we using the relay instead of the buzzer, it is because the Aplus Messenger II‘s input ports can only take in dry contact (no current / voltage input). The relay is connected in place of the buzzer and when the detector comes in contact with water and closes the circuit, the current will be sent to the relay and the relay job is to change it into a dry output signal that will act as an input signal for the messenger device. 37 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 4.8 - Motion Sensor with light The motion sensor with light is attached up to a 230V AC Relay before the connection to the Aplus Messenger II. The reason of attaching a relay to the sensor is because the output of the motion sensor has current / voltage and we will need the relay to perform a step down of current / voltage at the output of the motion sensor. As stated earlier the messenger device can only accept dry contact (no current / no voltage) to its input. Once the output of the light motion was stepped down and changed into signals, it will now be able to prompt the Aplus Messenger II. When motion is detected by the sensor, the motion sensor will light up and also send a signal to the messenger device; thereafter user will be able to receive notification SMS from the messenger device. Figure 4.8: Motion Sensor with light connected to a relay 4.9- Buzzer The buzzer is used as an alarm of the security system. To activate this alarm, user need to send SMS to the Aplus Messenger II. If notification SMS from the messenger was received by the user, he or she can either login using the logmein software and access to the webcam to check out his or her home. He or she will need to decide if they should sound the alarm after checking the live video from home. 38 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) CHAPTER FIVE SOFTWARE DEVELEOPMENT 5.1 – Windows XP Mode with Virtual PC mode Before I proceed to talk about the setting up of the Aplus Messenger II, I will first talk about the need to install a program name called the Windows XP Mode on my computer (Operating System : Windows 7 Ultimate). I am installing this Windows XP mode because I will need the function in the Windows XP mode to configure the Aplus Messenger II. The program needed to configure the Aplus Messenger II is called the Hyper Terminal. The license for Hyper Terminal is free on Microsoft Windows XP and cost about $60 for the later version of Microsoft Windows. Downloading the Windows XP mode from the Microsoft website and then setting it up can help us in saving $60. Step 1 : Access to the Windows XP Mode page from Microsoft website. ( Step 2: Choose the correct windows edition of windows 7 and also the language. Figure 5.1a : Choosing correct windows edition 39 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Step 3: The procedure of downloading and installing of Windows XP Mode will appear upon choosing the edition and language of your Windows. Follow the instructions and download the required files. Figure 5.1b: Download Windows Xp Mode Step 4: Installing the files for Windows XP Mode and restart your computer after installing. Figure 5.1c: Install Windows XP mode 40 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Step 5: Windows XP mode can be found by clicking the Start\All Program\Windows Virtual PC Figure 5.1d: Finding Windows Xp Mode Step 6: This is the Virtual Windows XP mode in Windows 7. Figure 5.1e: Virtual Windows Xp mode 41 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 5.2 – Configuration Of Aplus Messenger II After Installing the Windows XP mode on my laptop, I will be able to gain access to the Hyper Terminal program. To setup and configure the Aplus Messenger II, we will first need a RS232 serial port connector to link the Aplus Messenger II to a computer/laptop. As we are setting up using my laptop and because newer laptop does not come with RS232 serial port, I will have to buy a RS232 to USB converter cable. Luckily for me the IT department from my company had such a cable and I am able to loan the cable for use. Step 1: Connecting the Aplus Messenger II to my laptop Figure 5.2a : Aplus Messenger II connected to my Laptop 42 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Step 2: Finding and starting the Hyper Terminal Software from Windows XP mode in Windows 7 We will be able to locate the Hyper Terminal software under [All Program\Accessories\Communications\HyperTerminal] For operating system such as Microsoft Windows XP or Vista, the Hyper Terminal software can be found under [Start\All Program\Accessories\Communications\HyperTerminal] Figure 5.2b: Finding HyperTerminal After Choosing the Hyper Terminal Software, we will be able to see the starting screen of Hyper Terminal Software and will be able to configure the Aplus Messenger II soon. Figure 5.2c: Startup Screen of HyperTerminal 43 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Step 3: Connection Description To allow us to find existing connection easily, we can choose and type in a name for the connection. Figure 5.2d: Connection Description for HyperTerminal Step 4: COM port Selection We have to select the correct COM port that the laptop connects with the Aplus Messenger II. If wrong COM port was selected we will not be able to configure the Aplus Messenger II. We can find the port number in the Device Manager under the section of “COM & LPT”. 44 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Step 5: Setting the properties of COM port for Aplus Messenger II The Value for Aplus Messenger COM port is as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Bits Per Second : 57600 Data bits : 8 Parity : None Stop bits : 1 Row control : None Figure 5.2e: COM port setting 45 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Step 6: Accessing the Aplus Messenger II Key in the following default Login ID : admin and password : Admin to gain control access to the Aplus Messenger II. Figure 5.2f: Accessing to Aplus Messenger II When the correct ID and password is entered, the main menu of the Aplus Messenger II will be showed on the Hyper Terminal. In the main menu, there will be 7 options for the user to choose. As we can see, there is a 1 beside Digital Inputs. This indicates that if we press 1 and then press enter, the program will take us to the Digital Inputs menu. I will touch on the functions of each options later on. 46 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 5.3 – Configuring the Digital Inputs Under the Digital Inputs, there are 2 more sub menu, which is the input description and input state definition. Figure 5.3 Configuration Digital Inputs 5.3.1 – Digital Inputs > Input description Under this menu, there are a total of 8 input descriptions for user to pre set into the Aplus Messenger II. The 8 input represent each input ports for the Aplus Messenger II on the device. For example if the input 1 description is Door/Windows, the Door/Windows detector will be connected to the Aplus messenger II’s port 1 physically. Under this Menu there will be a total of 6 Input that I will pre set into the Aplus Messenger II. Current Input Description Options: 1. Door/Window 2. Temperature 3. Motion Sensor 4. Security Camera 5. Water Sensor 6. Gas Leak Sensor 47 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Figure 5.3.1: Input Description of Aplus Messenger II 5.3.2 – Digital Inputs > Input state definition The input state definition is to define the state of each input. A dry – contact (digital input) can assume 2 states. The two states are the NC/NO (normally close / normally open) contact. For different equipments, the initial states definition is sometimes different and we will need to do a research on the equipment before defining it. Figure 5.3.2: Input state defination of Aplus Messenger II 48 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 5.4 – Configuring the Digital Outputs As we can see from the Aplus Messenger II Digital output menu, there are 4 outputs that can be connected to the device. I have selected a siren to be connected to the output port 1 of the Aplus messenger II. Figure 5.3.4: Configuration of digital output of Aplus Messenger II 5.5 – Configuration of Phone Groups There are a total of 6 mobile numbers that can be pre set into the Aplus Messenger II . Depends on the numbers of mobile numbers that you pre set into the device, if the sensor notifies the Aplus Messenger II to send out warning message, all the pre set numbers from the phone groups will all receive warning notifications from the device. Figure 5.3.5: Configuration of phone group of Aplus Messenger II 49 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 5.6 – Configuration of Repeat SMS function The repeat SMS function is to send repeat SMS to the users. This option can be turned on and off. The minimum repeat interval time is 2 mintues and the maximum repeat interval time is 30 mintues. Aplus Messenger II will only stop sending SMS to the user until they receive confimation sms from the user. Figure 5.6: Configuration of repeat SMS function of Aplus Messenger II 5.7- Configuration of System Admin For this section of the Aplus Messenger II menu, it will allow user to change the device id , set the date and time, mobile pin , login id and the login password of the device. Figure 5.7: Configuration of system admin of Aplus Messenger II 50 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 5.8 – Exiting of the Hyper Terminal Program Press Q to exit the Hyper Terminal Program. Figure 5.8: Exiting of Hyper Terminal Program 51 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) CHAPTER SIX SYSTEM TESTING AND RESULTS 6.1 – Testing of the Door/Window Sensor Step 1: Place the moveable sensor parallel to the fixed sensor and this will be the original state of the Door/Window sensor before doing a test. Figure 6.1a: Door/Window Sensor Original state Step 2: Push away the movable sensor from the fixed sensor to activate the sensing function Figure 6.1b: Door/Window Sensor Original next state 52 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Step 3: If the door/window sensor is working, it will send a signal to the Aplus Messenger II and in turn, Aplus Messenger II will send a notification sms to the user that door/window sensor had detected that the door/window is open and the house maybe intruded. Step 4: Received notification sms from Aplus Messenger II. Figure 6.1c: Notification from Aplus Messenger II The test result of Door/Window Sensor: Passed 53 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 6.2 – Testing of Temperature Thermostat Sensor The testing was done at my work place and because the room temperature for my office needed to be 18 Degree Celsius, I had set the tolerance temperature of the temperature sensor to suit my office temperature requirement. For testing purposes, I have to use a hairdryer to generate some heat and direct it at the sensor to complete the testing. Step 1: Set the tolerance temperature of the sensor to 18 Degree Celsius. Figure 6.2a : Testing of Temperature Sensor Step 2: Hairdryer was switched on and the heat was directed at the temperature sensor for a few moments. Figure 6.2a : Testing of Temperature Sensor 54 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Step 3: If the temperature thermostat sensor is working, it will send a signal to the Aplus Messenger II and in turn, Aplus Messenger II will send a notification sms to the user that temperature sensor had detected in a change of temperature. Step 4: Received notification sms from Aplus Messenger II. Figure 6.2b: Notification from Aplus Messenger II The test result of Temperature Thermostat Sensor: Passed 55 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 6.3 – Testing of Motion Sensor with light The motion sensor integrated with light is to detect motion and upon detection of motion, the security light integrated with the detector will light up. Step 1: Move away from the motion sensor and power on the switch. When powered on the sensor, the bulb will light up for around 30 seconds for initialization before turning off automatically. Please take note not to stare into the bulb as it may cause discomfort to your eyes. Step 2: Make any movement in any direction from the motion sensor. Figure 6.3a: Testing of Motion Sensor Step 3: The motion sensor will detect movement and will light up. Figure 6.3b Motion Sensor detected movement 56 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Step 4: Received notification SMS from Aplus Messenger II. Figure 6.3c: Notification from Aplus Messenger II The test result of Motion Detector with light: Passed 57 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 6.4 – Testing of Water Detector For testing purposes, I cut a plastic bottle into half and filled it with water. The water detector was then placed into the plastic to ensure the carbon strips comes into contact with the water. Step 1: Take procession of an empty plastic bottle and cut it into half. Any container with a big enough opening that can dip the water detector in is acceptable. Fill the container with water. Step 2: Dipped the water detector into a container containing water. Figure 6.4a : Testing of water detector Step 3: Received notification SMS from Aplus Messenger II. Figure 6.4b: Notification from Aplus Messenger II The test result of Water Detector: Passed 58 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 6.5 – Testing of Gas Leak Detector There is a test button on the gas leak detector itself. I will not try and fill my kitchen with LPG as it is too dangerous. So for this test, I will only use the test button to demonstrate on the gas leak detector. Step 1: Ensure that the gas leak detector is powered on. After powering on the device, wait for around 3 minutes for the device to warm-up. After the warm-up state, it can be used normally. Figure 6.5a: Normal working state of Gas leak detector Step 2: Press the button on top of the green led light for more than 3 seconds to perform a self test. The alarm will be sounded for a few seconds thereafter the self test is done. Figure 6.5b: Testing of Gas leak detector 59 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Step 3: Received notification SMS from Aplus Messenger II. Figure 6.5c: Notification from Aplus Messenger II The test result of Gas Leak Detector: Passed 60 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 6.6 – Testing of Security Camera with motion detection Step 1: Power up the security camera and access the security camera by typing in the IP address assigned to the security camera in the Internet explorer and configure the setting to enable motion detection. Figure 6.6a: Setting up of Motion Detection Step 2: Next, we will need to ensure the digital output signal is enabled upon the event of motion detected by the security camera. Figure 6.6b: Setting up of Motion Detection 61 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Step 3: Move around the coverage area of the security camera to test the functionality. Step 4: Received notification SMS from Aplus Messenger II. Figure 6.6c: Notification from Aplus Messenger II The test result of Motion Detection using Security Camera: Passed 62 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 6.7 – Testing of Security Camera locally using wireless connection and the internet Step 1: To test the security camera locally, we will have to key in the IP address assigned to the security camera in the Internet Explorer. As you can see, the security camera is directed at my position and it is also a distance from me. This shows that we are able to connect the computer wirelessly to the camera as long as both devices are connected in the same network. Figure 6.7a: Security Camera connected locally The test result of the security camera connected locally using wireless connection: Passed 63 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Step 2: Choose a network that is not connected with the remote pc and security camera. By doing so it can ensure that the test we did has correctly captured the result we wanted. As both the remote pc and security camera are connected to my home network, I had no choice but to connect my home PC to a stand-alone mobile broadband. Open up the internet explorer and access the logmein website ( Login using your ID and Password and do a remote control to the remote pc. In the remote pc, open up the internet explorer and key in the IP address assigned to the security camera. From there we will be able to access to the live video. Figure 6.7b: Overview of the remote pc being remote controlled over the internet The test result of the security camera using the internet connection: Passed 64 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) CHAPTER SEVEN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS In this chapter, problems faced during the implementation of the project will be shared and discussed here. Problem 1: New laptop does not come with serial COM port. For us to configuration of Aplus SMS messenger requires a serial COM port. Solution 1: Purchased a USB to RS232 cable. The other method is to connect the Aplus Messenger II to a desktop and do its configurations there. Most desktop will have a serial COM port. Problem 2: Had a few problems with the water sensor. Followed the circuit diagram to build but was unable to correctly allow it to trigger the Aplus Messenger II device. Solution 2: The output of the water sensor is supposed to be connected to a buzzer. Using a multi-meter, I found out that when the water sensor was triggered, there will be current passing to the output. The input to Aplus Messenger device requires a dry contact (no current / no voltage) and wet contact to it will not trigger the function of the device. To solve this problem, the output was connected with a relay and from the relay we connect it to the messenger device. 65 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Problem 3: The configuration software of Aplus Messenger II, HyperTerminal software was not offered in the Windows 7 operating system and with luck not so much on my side, my laptop is installed with Windows 7. Solution 3: Windows 7 offers a downloadable content named Windows XP mode. I went on to download and installed on my laptop. After installation, I access the XP mode on my laptop and I managed to find the HyperTerminal software. I did not download the 30 days trial HyperTerminal because I will still need to pay to use after the end of the trial period. This method was suggested by a colleague of the IT department in my company. Problem 4: The GUI for the home remote will prompt error if I try to run it on my laptop which is running the Windows 7 operating system. Solution 4: I tried the program on a pc using the Windows XP operating system and it works without any problem. I decided to try it on Windows XP operating system because it is the most stable operating system I had used before. 66 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) CHAPTER EIGHT Conclusion and Recommendations 8.1 - Conclusion The first valuable lesson I have learnt from this project is about time management. Without good time management, I may not be able to complete the tasks I needed to do. Moving onto the project itself, I have learnt how to make a water detector from sketch. With only simple and cheap components like the resister, capacitor, battery and some hardwire, we are able to produce a working detector that are selling like 30-50 Singapore dollars. Because most schematic diagrams use a buzzer as their output, I have to put in some effort to try to change their output to suit the input of the Aplus Messenger Device. The setting of the security system may not seem as easy as they are, just connecting their output to the input of the messenger device. Because some of the devices does not support dry contact as their output and thus this does not fulfil the requirement of the Aplus Messenger Device. For example, the output of one of the sensor is 220V and if we are to just simply pug in to the messenger device, we may spoil it and may need to purchase a new set of messenger device. Relay is the mechanism that we had to turn to in bid to help the connections with our devices goes smoothly. Remote PC is something new to me. With the technology now we are able to connect to our computer at home even though we are not physically at home. With the emergences of smartphone, such as Iphone, we are able to download the remote PC program in our phone. As we are on the move we are also able to connect and remote control our computer at home. Tests were done between computer and computer and computer to smart-phone and found that the remote controlling experience to be good. Tests were conducted for the detectors/sensors after being connected to the Aplus Messenger. It is found that the messenger is able to send out notification SMS to the user within 10 seconds. I feel that the respond time is good and will recommend the messenger device to people. To conclude, I am able to complete the project on schedule and meet the objectives. I feel that from this project I had built up my technical knowledge and skills and not only that, learnt the importance of home protection and safety measures to prevent accidents from happening. 67 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) 8.2 - Recommendations Fully implement the security system to be wireless Additional relays can be added to devices with no dry contact. With the correct relay connected, almost all devices can be connected to the Aplus messenger. Powerful sirens can be added to the output of the Aplus messenger. High speed mobile broadband or broadband hotspot can be used to reduce the lag time of viewing the live video. More detectors can be added into the security system Expend the input ports of the Aplus messenger. 68 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) CHAPTER NINE CRITICAL REVIEW AND REFLECTION Although I am working in the electronic field, I have not handle home remote and security system before. As I was constantly working overtime in my company I actually have very little time to do research during the day. I normally did my research very late at night. During the progress of the project, I had a quite a few meet up and phone sessions with my project supervisor, Dr. Tan Bee Koon. He had given me encouragement and ideas on my project. If I am not working during the weekends, my time spent was to do research on the project. Most of my research was done through the internet because normally after my work, the library was already closed. After weeks of research, I had got to know that messenger device could be used as a security system panel. Further research was done and with the supplier of the messenger device. The software compatibility has wasted some of my time and luckily, I can consult my colleague from the IT department and managed to get the problem solved. I managed to find out that using a relay can solve the problem for Aplus messenger for not taking wet contact. I was lucky that most of the problems I had encountered can be solved without much problem. Through the process of resolving these problems, I had realise that if you put in effort you will overcome difficulties you faced. 69 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) References Reference Books Title: Home Remote Control and Automation Projects Author: Delton T. Horn Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies Date Published: August 1991 Reference Websites Article on How to Understand Video Surveillance Cameras IP Camera Gas Leak Detection Water Sensor product &utm_campaign=V9124&utm_term=SmartHome Normally Open contact / Normally Close contact Teamviewer Crosslop Wireless security panel 70 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Appendix A: Material Cost No. Description Quantity Unit Price Extended Price 1 S$500 S$500 Security System 1 Aplus Messenger II Model: AM910 2 Door/Window Detector 1 S$5 S$5 3 Security Light 1 S$40 S$40 4 Temperature Detector 1 S$35 S$35 5 Security Camera 1 S$150 S$150 6 Buzzer 1 S$2.50 S$2.50 7 Relay 1 S$8 S$8 8 Gas Leak Sensor 1 S$50 S$50 9 Components for water detector 5 S$4 S$4 Total Cost $814.50 Table of Material Cost The total spending for this project is SGD$814.50 net. 71 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Appendix B : Guide to use LogMeIn Remote Control desktop Enter Email and password to login Select the pc to remote control Successfully remote control pc 72 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Appendix C: Aplus Messenger II Specifications 73 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Appendix D: Gas Leak Detector Specifications 74 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report NAME: CHEW YIN XIAN PI: J0704167 TITLE: IMPROVEMENT OF LOW COST INTELLIGENT HOME REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM (INTEGRATED WITH WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM) Appendix D: DCS-2121 Security Camera Specifications 75 | P a g e ENG499 Capstone Project Report