Syllabus: Retaining Identity

Retaining Identity: Exploring the role of creativity in healthcare
Professor Anne Mondro
Registration Information:
ARTDES 310 sec.2
Tues/Thurs 12:30-3:30
Office Hours:
School of Art & Design 1010
Tuesday/Thursday after class or by appointment
This community engagement course will explore the benefits of creativity and the potential of art to aid
the human spirit during times of illness and disease. Partnering with the UM Geriatric Center’s Silver
Club and Elderberry Memory Loss Programs, students will create art with older adults with memory loss.
The course will explore various aspects of illness as well as creativity to enable students to research and
develop art experiences intended to maintain one’s identity within the healthcare setting.
Students will also be asked to reflect on several topics related to working with older adults with memory
loss including the caregiver experience, stigma surrounding old age and illness, creativity and aging, and
dementia research. This will include written responses, creative expression, and guided discussions
based on reading material.
The course will also introduce students an overview of art programs established in hospitals, the role of
the art therapist, and community art and music programs.
Questions of exploration will include:
How our health impacts our sense of identity
How creativity helps maintain one’s sense of self
How to overcome stigma surrounding illness and old age
Topics of study will include:
Understanding creativity and its benefits
The human spirit during times of pain and illness
Dementia and Alzheimer’s research
Caregiver experience
Intergenerational learning
Art programs within the health care setting & Art Therapy overview
Students will be creating and facilitating art making experiences with the Silver Club and Elderberry
members at the Turner Senior Resource Center for 10 weeks of the course. The theme for the semester
is “Lessons Learned”. The first part of the semester will be devoted to the students introducing art
making skills and techniques to the members. The remainder of the semester will involve the students
working hand-in-hand with the members to create a collaborative in-depth art piece stemming from
lessons shared by the members. The final result will be an exhibition for the Silver Club members and
their caregivers.
On days we are not at the Turner Senior Resource Center class time will consist of discussions, working
on group and individual projects, guest lectures and critiques. Students are expected to be in class on
time and to remain in class the entire period.
The coursework requirements include:
 Written responses to reading material
 Journal entries
 Blog entries
 Team project for members
 Collaborative project with member
 Creative reflection pieces
Grading for this class will be based on class participation, attendance, and student projects. Since this
class involves several group projects, student participation will be pertinent to one’s grade. Students
are expected to help prepare for all workshops.
A grade of “A” is given to projects that excel in idea, ambition, design, and research. A grade of “B” is
given to projects that excel in idea, ambition, design and/or research, but falls short in the other areas.
The grade of “C” means that the project is average. The grade of “D” is given to completed projects that
show minimal investment of time, thought, and energy. An “F” is given to incomplete projects that
show minimal effort
Attendance is mandatory. Students that miss two or more classes will fail the course. Lateness (15
minutes or more) will be counted as partial absences.
Students are expected to participate in all workshops and discussions.
If you have a severe illness or emergency, please notify the instructor at least three hours before class.
This is especially important on days we travel to the Turner Senior Resource Center.
Silver Club workshops require the class to meet at 12:30 sharp. If you miss the bus, it is your
responsibility to call Professor Mondro and make alternative plans to arrive as soon as possible to the
The course will utilize the cTool site to post announcements, reading material, video clips, and other
pertinent course information. Students are expected to check the site regularly for updates.
A blog has been created for this course. Students are expected to be active members and add
thoughtful comments throughout the semester. Specific requirements for participation will be
The following books will be used in class:
 Still Alice by Lisa Genova
 An Anthropologist on Mars by Oliver Sacks
Additional reading material will be photocopied for the students.
Three ring binder
Three ring hole punch
Spiral notebook
Various art supplies
Digital camera
o This schedule lists the key deadlines for papers and projects.
o Posts for all links to online videos are on listed below and are posted on the ctool site.
o Blog entries are not on this schedule. Instructions and deadlines for those will be discussed in
1-10-13 Course introduction
o Readings and written responses: Benefits for creativity, A Dignified Life Chapter 1 & 2
o Online viewing and written response: Understanding and Attacking Alzheimer’s
1-15-13 Discussion, introduce working with members, student questionnaire
Guest Speaker: Carolyn Rose Stone, UM Silver Club
o Reading and written response: OMA handout
o Online viewing and written response: OMA website, HBO The role of genetics
1-17-13 Art experience, discussion, lesson plan development overview
Guest Speaker: Elaine Reed, UM Elderberry Club
o Reading and written response: Another Country Chp.1, A Dignified Life Chapter 7 & 8
o Connect with assign team and start brainstorming and playing with materials
1-22-13 Discussion
2:30-3:30pm Turner Senior Resource Center: meet with staff, see space, meet members
o Reading and written response: Another Country Chapter 2
o Online viewing: Meet me at MoMa
o Brainstorm with team
1-24-13 Discussion, introduce and prep for Silver Club/Elderberry member visit, work with team on project ideas
o Review project instructions for Tuesday
o Develop project with team
o Readings and written responses for Thursday 1-31-13: Creativity of the demented elderly,
Artful aging, The Nature of Suffering
1-29-13 Silver Club/Elderberry Visit
Team 1 lesson plan draft due
o Readings and written responses listed on 1-24-13
o Journal entry
o Develop team project
1-31-13 Discussion, review and practice Team 1 Project for Tuesday, prep materials, address concerns
o Read Still Alice pages 1-89
o Develop team project
2-5-13 Silver Club/Elderberry Visit (Team 1 project)
Team 2 lesson plan draft due
o Journal entry 1
o Reading and written response: Sill Alice pages 90-143
o Team 1: response to project
2-7-13 Discussion, review and practice Team 2 Project for Tuesday, prep materials, address concerns
o Review project for Tuesday
o Reading and written response: Still Alice 143-226
o Develop team projects
2-12-13 Silver Club/Elderberry Visit (Team 2 project)
Team 3 lesson plan draft due
o Journal Entry 2
o Read and written response: Still Alice 227-292
o Team 2: response to project
2-14-13 Discussion, review and practice Team 3 Project for Tuesday, prep materials, address concerns
o Still Alice creative response piece
o Review project for Tuesday
o Develop team projects
2-19-13 Silver Club/Elderberry Visit (Team 3 project)
Team 4 lesson plan draft due
o Journal Entry 3
o Team 3: response to project
o Still Alice creative response piece
2-21-13 Discussion, review and practice Team 4 Project for Tuesday, prep materials, address concerns
o Still Alice creative response piece
o Review project for Tuesday
o Develop team projects
2-26-13 Silver Club/Elderberry (Team 4 project) , introduce collaborative art experience with member
Team 5 lesson plan draft due
o Journal Entry 4
Still Alice creative response piece
Team 4: response to project
2-28-13 Discussion, review and practice Team 5 Project for Tuesday, prep materials, address concerns
o Still Alice creative response piece
o Response Paper Assignment on HBO caregiver (online video), StoryCorps stories (online audio), The
Arts and Healing (article)
o Review project for Tuesday 3-12-13
o Brainstorming exercise for collaborative project “Lessons Learned” with Silver Club/Elderberry
3-5-13 Spring Break
3-7-13 Spring Break
3-12-13 Silver Club/Elderberry (Team 5 project)
o Journal Entry 5
o Still Alice creative response piece
o Team 5: response to project
o Written summary of collaborative project topics, materials, and questions to ask members
o Gather materials for collaborative project with Silver Club/Elderberry member
3-14-13 Still Alice creative response piece due
Discuss pieces in class
Review and prep for collaborative projects starting with member on Tuesday
o Gather materials for collaborative project with Silver Club/Elderberry member
o Prep and plan for Tuesday
o Response Paper Assignment
3-19-13 Silver Club/Elderberry (collaborative project day 1)
o Journal Entry 6
o Refine, rethink collaborative project
o Response Paper Assignment
3-21-13 Response Paper Assignment Due, Guest Speaker: Margaret Nowak, Art Therapist, UM Hospital
Discuss collaborative project and prep for Tuesday
Assign reflection piece
o Reading and written response: An Anthropologist on Mars: Preface, The Case of the Colorblind
Painter & A Surgeon’s Life for 3-28-13
o Reflection piece
o Prep and plan for Tuesday
3-26-13 Silver Club/Elderberry (collaborative project day 2)
o Journal Entry 7
o Work on collaborative project
o Reflection piece
3-28-13 Discussion, prep collaborative project, reflection piece
o Prep and plan for Tuesday
o Reflection piece
o Reading and written response: An Anthropologist on Mars: The Landscape of His Dreams
4-2-13 Silver Club/Elderberry (collaborative project day 3) ---Final week for collaborative piece
o Journal Entry 8
o Reflection piece
4-4-13 Discussion, Guest Speaker: Elaine Sims, reflection piece, prep for Tuesday’s group project and exhibition
o Reflection piece
o Online film and written response: Diving Bell and the Butterfly
4-9-13 Silver Club/Elderberry Exhibition
o Journal Entry 9
o Reflection piece
4-11-13 Discussion, reflection piece
o Reflection piece
4-16-13 Last Day of Class
o Discuss final pieces
o Collect Written responses from readings
The Arts in Healing. Edited by Marianne Nissen and William E. Mullane. Youngstown: The Butler Institute of
American Art, 1995. Catalogue of an exhibition at The Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown,
September 24 through October 15, 1995.
Bell, Virgina, M.S.W, and David Troxel, M.P.H. A Dignified Life: The Best Friends Approach to Alzheimer’s Care.
Deerfield Beach: Health Communications, Inc., 2002.
Cassell, Eric J. “The Nature of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine.”
Genova, Lisa. Still Alice. New York: Pocket Books, 2007.
Kurokawa, Yukiko. “The Creativity of the Demented Elderly: The use of psychological approaches in a Japanese
outpatient clinic.”
Pipher, Mary. Another Country: Navigating the Emotional Terrain of Our Elders. New York: Berkley Publishing
Group, 1999.
Sacks, Oliver. An Anthropologist On Mars. New York: Vintage Books, 1995.
Springen, Karen, and Sam Seibert. “Artful Aging.” Newsweek 17 Mar. 2005: 57-65.
Alive Inside Clip of Henry
Battling Dementia with Creativity
Creative expression helpful to those with dementia
By Angela Lunde
Meet Me At MoMa
Opening Minds Through Art
StoryCorps (stories on Alzheimer’s & memory loss page)
The Role of Genetics in Alzheimer’s (The Supplementary Series)
Understanding and Attacking Alzheimer’s (The Supplementary Series)