SKILLS AND COMPETENCES SILVIA LOZEVA ESSENTIAL 1. A RELEVANT POSTGRADUATE QUALIFICATION OR PROGRESS TOWARDS POSTGRADUATE QUALIFICATIONS AND EXTENSIVE RELEVANT EXPERIENCE ; OR EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE AND MANAGEMENT EXPERTISE ; OR AN EQUIVALENT COMBINATION OF RELEVANT EXPERIENCE AND/OR EDUCATION / TRAINING I have been studying in working in the academia over 10-15 years. I have experience not only in Australia, but also overseas. Some of my educational qualifications are listed below: Achieved Bachelor of Arts in Economics (Labour Studies), Master of Philosophy in Gender Studies and a PhD in Sustainability studies at the Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute. My multi-disciplinary PhD combined economic, environmental and economic aspects of sustainable development and it builds on my previous educational experience in Economics, Philosophy and Environmentalism. It examines the multiple dimensions of the human-environment relationship in the light of people who have recently arrived in Australia and who are engaged with the environmental movement. It discusses the notion of trans-global activism and it introduces the idea of global environmental citizenship. In my further career, I am interested in linking my educational achievements with more managerial-focused career. In my experience as a project co-ordinator and unit-coordinator in various projects and units, I gained interest and confidence in managing my own projects. 2. D E M ON S TR A TE D E X P E RI E N C E I N E D U C A T I ONA L C U R RI C U LU M D E V E L O PME NT I have experience in unit co-ordinating and teaching for a range of different undergraduate students: from preentry to University (UniReady) and a second year students (International Political Economy to students in their third or final year (Asian Studies at University of Notre Dame Australia). I enjoy being able to shape the unit I am teaching in, and I consider that it was highly beneficial for me to be able to develop the unit outlines of most of the units, I have been teaching. As a lecturer in International Political Economy (IPE), I have re-developed a unit outline using my own judgements and initiative; included topics, which have not been traditionally associated with IPE, such as 1 Feminist Political Ecology and Mobility and Globalisation, and which were received very well by the students (see teaching evaluation comments in teaching portfolio). As a lecturer for an online unit on “Introduction to Humanities” I learnt to be flexible with my time and to adapt working at different locations: from home, public spaces as well as different universities campuses and State Library. I also learnt how to work in a fully online environment and acquired a lot of technical skills, required for online learning and teaching. As a lecturer for the unit “Asia: Culture, Environment and Development”, I had to demonstrate a willingness to learn how to work with a different system, which required actual paperwork, rather than online evaluations. The lectures were carried out in Notre Dame University, which provided a different environment to Curtin Environment. After being exposed to the two opposite sides of the spectrum, I believe that I now have the skills to work across traditional and modern methods of teaching and learning environments. Teaching English as a second language required also development of my own teaching curriculum. To suit the needs of various age groups, genders and cultural and linguistic backgrounds. 3. P R OV E N H I G H LE V E L O RA L , W RI TTE N C OM MU NI C A TI O N A ND I NT E RPE R S ON A L S KI L LS , INC LU D IN G TH E A BI L IT Y TO W O RK E FFE C TI V E L Y A C R O S S TH E U NIV E R SI T Y W ITH STA F F A T A L L LE V E LS As my referees will attest, I get along with people from diverse backgrounds. I establish good professional relationships with my students and colleagues. Throughout my tertiary education and consequent work experience I have demonstrated research excellence and the capacity to communicate clearly for different audiences. The readership interest expressed in the journal articles, which I have authored are evidence of my written communication skills, as well as preparing my thesis for examination. In particular, the articles ‘Negotiating Gender’ and ‘Questioning the Theory and Practice of Biomimcry” has generated a wide interest since they were published in December 2010. A list of some of my publications is listed in my Curriculum Vitae. Experience as a radio producer and radio presenter (BBC World Service, Wellington Access Radio). I am the recipient of an international Silver Mark Time Award (best science fiction audionovel). The sequel was also widely broadcasted in North America (including satellite radio) and was well received by a variety of different audiences. While I was employed full time, I was working at the radio station in my spare time, which is also evident of my time management skills and self-motivation. During this time, I developed the ability to write for different audiences. 2 Presenting at a number of national and international conferences (see CV for a sample of conferences with oral presentations) and facilitating conferences and workshops provides great opportunities to improve communication skills and inter-personal skills. Working with other co-writers and researchers across Universities. For example, the project with ‘Desert Knowledge’ on sustainable settlements required working with partners from around Australia. I have built number research collaborations across different faculties, such as the projects on Biomimcry. During the period 2006-2009 I have worked as a leading researcher on a project on Biomimcry (or later referred to as ‘Ecomimcry’). This research was an experiment in design, and brought together scientists, communities and academic in a collaborative research in comparative studies of two geographically distinct regions: the Greater Southern West of Australia and The Carpathian mountain range extending in four countries in Eastern Europe. This project required very good organisational and time management skills as well as ability to communicate effectively ad co-ordinate a team of researchers from academics and practitioners. Working with external organisations was an essential part of the project. I have had positive feedback for my teaching from students from various cultural backgrounds. 4. D E M ON S TR A TE D A BI LI T Y T O W O R K E F FE C TIV E LY B O TH I N A TE A M E NV I R ON ME N T A ND IND E PE ND E NT L Y As my referees will attest I establish friendly and professional relationship with my colleagues. I have also very good record of establishing collaborative relationships with colleagues and other staff members, which I believe is essential for the success of any organization. Below I list some examples of individual and team work. Facilitated partnerships in social enterprising as a Consultant for Social Suite on social aspects of community development. Values individual differences and diversity: my biggest contribution lies in conducting social research with multi-cultural groups and people from culturally and language diverse communities. As the origion of continues from which people migrate, continues to grow, so is the multicultural mosaic of society changes and develops. Hence lays the importance of the ability to conduct a social research including a wide range of society. During the period 2006-2009 I have worked as a leading researcher on a project on Biomimcry (or later referred to as ‘Ecomimcry’). This research was an experiment in design, and brought together scientists, communities and academic in a collaborative research in comparative studies of two 3 geographically distinct regions: the Greater Southern West of Australia and The Carpathian mountain range extending in four countries in Eastern Europe. This project required very good organisational and time management skills as well as ability to communicate effectively ad co-ordinate a team of researchers from academics and practitioners. Working with external organisations was an essential part of the project. Working as a Partnership Biodiversity Officer for an international environmental NGO, Earthwatch (Oxford). My approach in working with stakeholders and external partners is that this is the most essential skills to have in any one discipline or area. I have seen large corporations (such as BMW) change their behaviour and adopting environmental practices contrary to common beliefs due to working in partnerships with environmental organisations. One should never underestimate the power of working in collaborations with other organisations and people. In fact it is the only, that a social and environmental change can occur. While working for the Social Sciences department, I became the captain of the faculty’s soccer team, and we played on the quarter-finals. Through the soccer club, I acquired the skills of organising and motivating a small team and work towards a common goal. I often played in different positions in the soccer game, depending on the need of the team. As an editor for movie subtitles for Bulgarian audience, I work on a daily basis with translators from overseas and I have developed the ability to give and constructive criticism; to work with a team of 4 people to translate a series of Japanese movies where we have to come an agreement to the equivalent of specific terms, historical titles and use of slang as a group. As a result, there is a great interest to the subtitles which resulted in the translation being downloaded over 150 times for a period of a week. I have translated numerous of movies, dramas and documentaries. 5. D E M ON S TR A TE D A BI LI TY T O I NI TI A TE A ND E M B R A C E C H A N GE A ND NE W D E V E L OP ME N T S I have lived in over seven countries for the last 12 years and have also lived through all the spectrums of political and economic regimes (from socialist regime to nationalism and neo-liberal and combinations of them). I believe that an integral part of humans is their ability to adapt constantly to changes in their personal, professional and political environments. I believe in change and development as the only constant in our ever-globalised world. Furthermore, they can be turned into advantages to all parties involved through a proper dialogue and communication. Below are some examples of my ability to adapt to a changing environment. Focused on strategic planning as a member of the Migration Resource Network and developed a vision for the future expansion of Migration studies, both in curriculum level, as well as a practical 4 level by working towards the creating of a History of Migration Experience centre together with Dr. Nonja Peters. Use the best opportunities and resources available in different situations; developed a strategic plan for Oxford University Migration Centre by utilising available research as well as consultations across different universities. Showed appropriate judgment, intelligence and common sense: I have been elected to be a representative of the WA academic staff and as such have already initiatives to promote the work by women academics not only at Curtin University, but also nation-wide. Delivers Intended Results: completing a PhD in strict timeframes and changing physical environments and countries; delivering and managing a pilot programme directed towards international students on raising awareness of environmental sustainability at Curtin University through semesters. Manages financial and physical resources is an essential part of my PhD project, as well as international research on Biomimcry (Biological Mimicry) across Western Australia and Eastern Europe. As a result, I published a book and educated students across the world on innovative designs. 6. D E M ON S TR A TE D A BI L IT Y T O M A N A GE A H I GH V O L U ME OF TA S K S W I TH C O MPE T IN G P RI O R IT IE S IN A N O R GA NI SE D M A N N E R A ND W IT H I N ST R IC T D E A D L INE S Managing high volumes of tasks in strict deadlines is part of my everyday experience as an academic, researcher and a project co-ordinator. Below I list some examples from my past and present experience: Managing over 1000 clients as a financial consultant on salary packaging for Paradigm Salary Packaging (1 year) Having completed a PhD within the original given timeframes (3.5 years) Developing a number of research proposals, publications and on strict timeframes (ongoing) Preparing and delivering lectures and tutorials, marking assignments within strict deadlines (ongoing) Acting as an editor for Black Swan Press (ongoing) 7. D E M ON S TR A TE D A BI L IT Y T O W O RK A T A N A D V A NC E D LE V E L W I TH M OD E RN I NF O R MA TI ON TE C H N O L O GY , OF FI C E SY STE M S , D E SK T OP A P P LIC A TI O NS SU C H A S TH E M I C R O S OF T SU I TE A ND B L A C K B OA RD I am familiar with both Mac and PC. I use Microsoft Office 2010 and earlier versions on a daily basis, including MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Publisher, Outlook and One Note. In addition I also use Prezi for some presentations. 5 I have been using Blackboard for already two and half years now as an academic staff member at Curtin University to design a unit, to deliver lectures, to post notices and to assess students through the Grade centre. Although the features of Blackboard are changing slightly with each version, I am familiar with most of its operations and quickly adjust to any new developments. I also have working knowledge of other software, which is commonly used by Curtin University, such as Student One, Employee Kiosk, eAcademic, iPortfolio and so on. In addition, I also have good knowledge of other IT, related to creative media, radio and arts, such as Photoshop, Cool Edit Pro and Corel Paint Pro. 8. D E M ON S TR A TE D C O M M I TM E N T TO A P P LYI N G RE LE V A NT A ND A PP LIC A B LE P O LI C IE S , PR OC E D U RE S A ND LE GI S LA TI ON IN TH E D A Y - T O - D A Y PE R F O RMA NC E O F T H E FU NC TI ON S OF TH I S P OS IT I ON I am committed to following policies and procedures as outlined by Curtin University. Some specific policies that I am familiar with are the Health and Safety standards, plagiarism policies and staff confidentiality and compliances agreements. I have attended formal training provided for Curtin University staff in relations to the most applicable policies and I am willing to undertake any other necessary seminars on applicable policies and procedures, which may be relevant to the position. 6 D ESIRABLE : 9. U N IT C OO R D I NA T I ON E X P E R IE NC E I N A TE RT IA R Y E D U C A T I ON E NV I R O NM E NT Please refer to section 2 “Demonstrated experience in educational curriculum development” on p. 1-2. In addition: I have international experience in working with both undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as academics while I was employed as a unit co-coordinator in the Czech Republic and in Western Australia (Curtin University and University of Notre Dame). I have developed ability to working with people from culturally and linguistically diverse background. 10. T E A C H IN G E X P E RIE N C E I N A TE RT IA RY E D U C A TI O N E NV I R ON ME N T I have been teaching in a tertiary education environment for over 2 years now. Please refer to section 2 on p.1-2. Additionally, below I enclose some of the feedback I have received on my teaching: “Silvia always has important and useful things to contribute to class discussions." "Very enthusiastic, was easy to stay interested in content of the units which gives us an insight to what happens overseas as well as in Australia and she allowed the structure of the class to go however the discussion went which was good.” “For the first time teaching...her teaching skills are very good and I learnt a lot” Teaching Evaluation Report for Silvia Lozeva, Introduction to Humanities 013, 2013 (Summer)” “Silvia was enthusiastic about the topic itself and was well prepared. She also put in the effort to find other helpful information related to the topic, such as videos and pictures." A DDITIONAL 11. L A N GU A GE S KI L L S . I am fluent in Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian and I possess working knowledge of French, Slovak, and Czech as well as I am currently learning Korean on my own initiative. I have a passion about learning (and teaching languages). I am also a semi-professional senior translator of Korean and Japanese movies to Bulgarian (for the Korean embassy in Bulgaria). I was involved in organizing the cultural days of Korea in Sofia, Bulgaria in May this year with the sponsorship of the Korean Embassy and an NGO group of linguists and students, called “Eastern Spirit”. If appointed for the position, I would welcome the opportunity to study Japanese language at Asian Languages department in my spare time. 7