Automated Stock

Technical StockTrading Agent
For the Penn-Lehman
Automated Trading Project
Michael Mallin
The Penn-Lehman Automated
Trading Project (PLAT)
• An investigation of designing and implementing
software-based agents to trade in financial
• Joint effort between the University of
Pennsylvania and the Equity Capital
Management Group of Lehman Brothers, one of
the world’s largest brokerage houses and
investment banks
• Actualized through the Penn Exchange Simular,
a program that can run various types of trading
Penn eXchange Server (PXS)
• PXS – a trading simulation program that runs on a Linux
machine and allows an unbounded number of agents to
trade with each other, placing buy and sell orders on a
single stock for part or all of a simulated single day of
• Each agent is a compiled C program that adheres to a
specified API
• PXS can be executed in one of three modes 
PXS – Execution Modes
• Real-time trading – simulation engine receives
buy and sell orders from agents, and also reads
in orders in real-time from the Island Electronic
Crossing Network (“ECN”)
• Historical trading – simulation engine receives
buy and sell orders from agents, and also reads
in orders from an historical log of a real day’s
• Agent-only – simulation engine receives buy
and sell orders from agents only
PLAT – 2004/5
This year, focus was to run in mode 3, to facilitate more
controlled studies of agent performance
So how is a market created?
(1) Strategy-Based Agents
Agents designed to trade in an effort to maximize their profits
(for an entire single day of trading)
(2) “Background” Agents
Organizers of the project wrote an assortment of
parameterized agents
Technically equivalent to strategy-based agents, but serve
very different purpose
Designed to trade not in an effort to profit, but in an effort to
mimic a certain macro market behavior
PLAT – Background Agents
• Vanilla Background Agent
– Reads in numbers from a normal distribution (normal distribution
data file given as a parameter)
– Numbers represent deltas from top buy/sell order book prices
– Takes these parameters:
• Volume: number of shares for each order it places
• Distance: additional delta to subtract/add to top buy/sell order book
• Frequency: frequency with which agent places orders, in seconds
• Assymetric Background Agent
– Same as Vanilla Background Agent but takes two Distance params
(buy and sell)
What kind of stock-trading
agent can you write for PXS?
• Automated trading:
– A PXS agent is a computer program that makes trading decisions
based on an algorithmic approach to reading in specified types of
inputs and using them to decide how best to maximize its profit.
– This input is the only thing at its disposal, so unlike a human trader,
the agent cannot consult any additional sources of information, and
it cannot act on soft judgement.
• Day trading:
– A PXS simulation runs over the course of at most one day; agents
are expected to liquidate by the end of the simulation. Therefore no
long-term profitability considerations are relevant.
• Parameterized strategies:
– A large part of an agent’s logic can be provided at run-time in the
form of arguments. The shell of the algorithm is hard-coded but
many factors can and should be parameterized.
What kind of stock-trading agent
can you write for PXS? (cont’d)
• Single-stock trading:
– PXS is – at least for the moment – designed to simulate trading
only a single stock.
• Technical trading:
– This is a widely-used term on Wall Street. The meaning that I
intend is that trading decisions are based purely “on the numbers”;
the inputs at the agent’s disposal consist essentially of prices and
volumes of other agents’ (either programs or real traders,
depending on the mode) current and historical orders, and the price
history of the simulated stock for the fictional or real trading day.
– As such, the agent is precluded from using a vast number of
contextual elements that many real-world trading strategies employ,
such as fundamental analysis of the company who’s stock is being
traded, or news releases, or global economic information.
– It is important to note that simply being an automated agent does
not rule out using such inputs (a computer agent could parse AP
news releases, for example).
Real-Time Agent Inputs
• PXS provides rich API for accessing buy and sell limit
order book information
• What is a limit order book?
– Limit Order = trader specifies both volume and price of stock
(e.g. 1000 shares of MSFT @ $24), and order gets queued
in buy or sell book
• Order price will be below last price of stock
– Market Order = trader need only specify volume (or also a
price that is higher/lower than top order in sell/buy book)
– When market order arrives, gets executed with top order(s)
in opposing book
– So: a limit order is guaranteed price but not execution; a
market order is guaranteed execution but not price (because
books could change before execution)
Real-Time Agent Inputs (cont’d)
• What is a limit order book? (cont’d)
– Two order books – buy and sell – each consisting of list of all
limit orders
• Buy book in descending order of price
• Sell book in ascending order of price
• (i.e. by attractiveness to opposing side)
• Relatively recent development on Wall Street is
automation of order book maintenance and order
execution by ECNs
• Even more recent is publication (by ECNs) of realtime order book data – this is at the heart of PXS
• In agent-only mode, PXS order books consist only of
agent orders
Technical Implementation
• Agent implements its strategy in function called
• Function called by engine at regular intervals of
approximately three seconds for the entire course of
the simulation, which runs (at most) from 9:30 to
16:00 – i.e. for 23,400 seconds
• So updateAgentOrder() called ~ 7,800 times
• Therefore agent does not implement any sort of
looping mechanism; each call to updateAgentOrder()
is expected to make a local decision, the result of
which is to place zero to n orders (potentially a mix of
buy and sell) at that moment in time
My Agent – High-Level
Hybrid of two distinct strategies that it switches between
depending on what it considers to be the state of the
At a given time, agent operates in one distinct mode
When it switches from one mode to the other, makes clean
break from former mode before making switch
1) Market-making strategy: aims to profit on consistent and
directionally neutral oscillation of stock’s price
2) Trend-trading strategy: aims to profit on consistent
movement of the stock’s price in one direction, followed by
either a flattening of price behavior or a switch to other
My Agent – Design Motivation
Simple market-making strategies did very well in the host of
simulations that I ran with the technical agents supplied by
PLAT as well as in prior PLAT competitions
Simple market-making also made intuitive sense –
consistently high volatility of stock in single day
Compelling to try and further enhance profit-making potential
by identifying and exploiting actual price trends if and when
they occur
Trend-trading didn’t do that well in some cases (Sherstov and
Stone) but seemed that tweaking parameters and controlling
when it was run could enhance performance
(And thinking about programming different variations on the
market-making theme seemed not as interesting to code )
My Agent –
if (at a designated trading time)
if (in strategy-based trading time)
My Agent –
• If function called at calculated point at which agent makes
trades (based on interval param given to agent), and current
time is still before point at which makes sense to close up its
daily position (hard-coded at 15:30 – the day ends at 16:00),
agent trades/does not trade based on its strategy
• Otherwise, withdraws any of its unmatched orders on the books,
and performs single iteration of liquidation
– The concept of “single iteration of liquidation” based on liquidation
strategy of spreading out liquidation over multiple trades, to avoid
placing orders of very large volumes that can have negative effect
on price and liquidity
– arg remainingLiquidationOpps tells doSingleLiquidation() how many
additional times it expects to call it
– So doSingleLiquidation() makes single decision but from a more
global perspective.
My Agent –
read current price P
add P to list of prices
if (we’ve already built a full list of prices)
calculate the price regression slope PS
add PS to the list of price regression slopes
if (PS is near zero)
if (we’ve already built a full price regression slope list)
calculate second regression PSS
My Agent –
Maintains two lists:
Local price history over (parameterized) specific interval of time
Local history of price regression slopes over (parameterized)
specific interval of time
Adds latest price and price regression slopes to two lists,
shifting out oldest elements in each
If price slope is near zero (the concept of “near” is quantified
by an epsilon argument given to the agent), agent seeks to
profit from “market-neutral” trading via market-making mode
Otherwise, agent concludes there is some price trend, and
seeks to profit on it via trend-trading mode
My Agent –
/* N and mmVolume are user-supplied params */
tradeBasedOnMarketMaking(N, mmVolume)
place buy order just in front of Nth order in buy book
for mmVolume shares
place sell order just in front of Nth order in sell book
for mmVolume shares
My Agent –
• Simple market-making strategy that always places pair of buy
and sell orders
– Buy below last price
– Sell above the last price
• How far below and above is not computed directly from last
price, but by stepping just in front of the Nth order in both books
– Agent steps exactly in middle of the Nth and the (N-1)th orders
– If N = 1, steps in the middle of the 1st order and the last price
– (Any order in buy book is <= last price, and any order in sell book is
>= last price – either can be equal if only part of that order was just
My Agent –
/* pSlope = slope of price regression line
pSlopeSlope = slope of price regression slopes line
tfVolume is user-supplied param */
tradeBasedOnTrend(pSlope, pSlopeSlope, tfVolume)
if (pSlope > 0 and pSlopeSlope >= 0) //price rising
place buy order in front of 1st order in buy book
for tfVolume shares
else if (pSlope < 0 and pSlopeSlope <= 0) //price falling
place sell order in front of 1st order in sell book
for tfVolume shares
else //trend reversal
My Agent –
• Buys if price on the rise and sells if on the decline,
provided that price “acceleration” is monotonic in the
relative direction
• If neither case holds, closes out position that it built
up based on last trend, seeking to collect its profits
• Implicit Assumption (or bug ): Agent never in risk of
going immediately from trend trading mode to market
making mode without first closing out its position –
this is because if the price slope gets to near zero,
there must have first been a trend reversal
My Agent –
/* remainingLiquidationOpps = remaining number of
chances for liquidation */
get current share holdings C
if (C < 0)
get total number of order shares in sell queue SQ
if (-C / remainingLiquidationOpps <= SQ)
place buy market order for –C / remainingLiquidationOpps
place buy market order for SQ shares
else if (C > 0)
get total number of order shares in buy queue BQ
if (C / remainingLiquidationOpps <= BQ)
place sell market order for C / remainingLiquidationOpps
place sell market order for BQ shares
My Agent –
Examines agent’s current share position
• If non-zero, seeks to (wholly or partially) zero it out by
placing trades in the opposite direction
• Volume in which it places these trades determined by
it’s total position vis-à-vis the current size of the
opposing order book
My Agent – User-Defined
Default Value
interval, in seconds, at
place orders
determine what “near
regression slope
length, in seconds, of
which price regression
is computed
3,600 (i.e. one hour)
regression length
length, in seconds, of
which the price slope
regression is computed
My Agent – User-Defined
Parameters (cont’d)
Default Value
strategy volume
volume of all orders
placed when in market
making strategy mode
book index
ahead of when placing
volume of all orders
placed when in market
making strategy mode
strategy volume
Open Issues / Further Work
(besides writing an entirely new agent…)
• Partial Liquidation
– As explained above, when agent is in trend trading
mode and perceives trend reversal, it liquidates,
seeking to actualize its profit
– Current implementation: attempts to do this in only one
order (which is why doSingleLiquidation() called with
value of 1 for remainingLiquidationOpps arg)
– This simple solution could be dangerous if current
position is very long or short
Open Issues / Further Work
Partial Liquidation (cont’d)
– Another implementation would be to spread
liquidation over some interval, similar to way in
which end-of-trading-day liquidation is done
– Design question then becomes one of determing
the length of interval – options include 
Open Issues / Further Work
1) Use “average length of price trend”, as this is
expected amount of time until next trend reversal
Hard to estimate, but more importantly
Inherently flawed, because if your moving from trend A to
trend B, and A and B are the same duration, you will (in
theory) break even! In fact, using an expected value means
that you implicitly “expect” that this will happen!
2) Compute “reasonable” length of time, based on level
of current position and on some expectation of length
of trend you’re entering
Could look at levels of regression slopes, or use order-book
metric like VWAP differentials
Open Issues / Further Work
Residual Effect of Switching Strategy Modes
Two possible mode transitions that can occur unbounded
times during trading day: (1) from market making to trend
trading, or (2) from trend trading to market making
Assumption: (2) is not a problem, because price slope
won’t go to zero w/out first showing trend reversal (so
agent does local liquidation)
But (1) can be dirty because no guarantee that all orders
placed were matched (which is one of the aims of marketmaking)
So if agent does nothing, it can carry non-zero position
into next mode
Open Issues / Further Work
Residual Effect of Switching Strategy Modes (cont’d)
My agent currently allows this – i.e. it does nothing to prevent it
Claim: This is sound
Proof (sort of):
There are two possible cases:
1) Agent is long/short when the switch is about to be made, and the
trend is now up/down. Let’s take the long/up case. So the price is on
the rise, and the agent must have unmatched sell orders. But these
orders should now be matched, as the price is rising! So this seems
an impossible situation.
2) Agent is long/short when the switch is about to be made, and trend is
now down/up. In either of these two logically equivalent cases, the
agent’s unmatched sell/buy orders will remain unmatched. But what
is our alternative to leaving them on the books? We could withdraw
them, but that is akin to accepting defeat. It is better to leave them,
hoping for a future trend reversal that gives us at least a chance of
matching the orders.
Open Issues / Further Work
• Strength/Weakness of Predictive Model
– Agent’s understanding of the market based entirely on
computing linear regressions of prices and price slopes
• Simply an implementation of agent described in Feng, Yu and
• They explain in their article that this model produced premature
trend reversal signals, leading to premature unwinding
– Idea for expanding it:
• Incorporate order book-based metric as well, such as order
book volume differences between buy and sell order books
(see Subramanian) or VWAP
• Given agent’s design, this could be purely additive – i.e. the
strategies remain the same, but the logic of determing which
one to use and when becomes more elaborate
Why you should consider
writing something for PLAT
• The PXS API is very clear and putting new ideas to work
is relatively easy
• PLAT will continue to have competitions (as soon as their
server is replaced)
• Algorithmic trading is hot in financial software (especially
related to hedge funds) and salaries are high
– “Algorithmic Trading Services will even consider sharing all or some
of the downside risk for academics / quants who want to become
involved with developing extremely high level, complex systems for
these markets, and profit from the trading of these systems.”
• Lots of AI techniques (e.g. machine learning) are
• I’ve done a lot of the annoying work 