Functional Neuroimaging of Place Learning in a ComputerGenerated Space Ming Hsu & W. Jake Jacobs Introduction Our experiment employed the use of a Computer-Generated (C-G) Arena in conjunction with fMRI to study the neural structures involved in human place learning. The C-G Arena was originally designed after the Morris Water Maze (MWZ), an apparatus instrumental in the development of the cognitive mapping theory. Introduction cont. We have previously shown that the C-G Arena is a good representation of the human place learning in real space. We have also shown that people can learn locations within C-G space by observation. Thus, we took advantage of this close correspondence to mount an fMRI examination of observational place learning. Introduction cont. Following the predictions made by cognitive mapping theory, we expect to find activation in the human hippocampus during observational place learning. Experiment Design Subjects were shown a recording of a target being found from various locations in the CG Arena. Two experimental conditions were used: 1. Searches in a room that contains a visible target. 2. Searches in a room that contains an invisible target (i.e., visible only upon contact). Experiment Design cont. invisible kaleidoscope visible Invisible 1 2 46 90 134 Kaleidoscope 13 22 Kaleidoscope 57 66 Kaleidoscope 101 110 Kaleidoscope 145 154 Visible Kaleidoscope 35 44 Kaleidoscope 79 88 Kaleidoscope 123 132 Kaleidoscope 167 176 177 All trials11can be roughly divided into thirds. First 1/3 of 24 33 Visible the target, second 1/3 theInvisible trial 55 consists of panning 68towards 77 shows the last 1/3 of the trial Invisiblemovement to the target, and Visible 99 112 121 shows turning while on target. Invisible Visible 143 156 165 Activation in Perceptual Model Perceptual Model (1) invisible trials - kaleidoscope (2) visible trials - kaleidoscope Model Subjects MF & RD Precentral Gyrus Activation RD: MF:vis inv.v.v.kal kal MF: vis. v. kal RD: inv v. kal Activation Highest Neutral Low Low Deactivation Highest MF: invisible v. kaleidoscope Because subject RD did not contain any significant clusters of activation, only activation curves from MF will be shown. Intraparietal Sulcus MF: RD:inv visv.v.kal kal MF: vis v. RD: inv v. kal kal Activation Highest Neutral Low Low Deactivation Highest MF: invisible v. kaleidoscope Notice again the 2 “bumps” in the activation curves. RD: invisible v. kaleidoscope RD: inv v. kal Therefore, the latter 1/3 of the trial appears to be crucial for subsequent performance in the CG-Arena Cerebellum Activation RD: MF: visinv_kal v. kal MF: vis_kal RD: inv v. kal Activation Highest Neutral Low Low Deactivation Highest MF: invisible v. kaleidoscope Again, only MF activation curves will be shown. MF: inv_kal Cerebellar activity seems to mirror, albeit roughly, the activity in the precentral and parietal areas. Activation in Learning Model Learning Models (1) first 2 invisible trial - last 2 invisible trials (2) first 2 visible trials - last 2 visible trials Prefrontal Cortex MF: RD: invisible visible RD: MF: invisible visible Activation Highest Neutral Low Low Deactivation Highest Temporal Lobe: Anterior MF: RD: invisible visible MF:invisible visible RD: Activation Highest Neutral Low Low Deactivation Highest Temporal Lobe: Posterior MF: RD: invisible visible MF: visible RD: invisible Activity in temporal lobe appears to be at least an indicator of learning. Activation Highest Neutral Low Low Deactivation Highest MF: MT Activity MF: invisible Recapitulation Activity in the precentral cortex, and around the intraparietal sulcus during the last 1/3 of the invisible trials is associated with learning. Activity in the prefrontal cortex and temporal cortex in the first 2 invisible trials is also associated with learning. Conclusions & Hypotheses “What & Where” System Ungleider & Mishkin 1982. Dorsal/Parietal = Where. Therefore, the time when the relationships between the target and cues are established is the crucial period that determines spatial learning. Ventral/Occipital = What. Both streams end in inferotemporal cortex, called in monkeys polysensory cortex. C&H cont. Parieto-precentral Network: From vision to motion. Evidence in monkey and imaging literature. Unanswered questions within the model. How visual information gets from parietal to precentral cortex, as motor cortex has only access to “blind” areas of parietal lobe. C&H cont. Role of temporal lobe Temporal activity decreases with familiarity in monkey and imaging studies. In this task, temporal lobe activity appears to be associated primarily with knowledge of spatial relationships among cues and target--difference between invisible and visible trials. Possibility of cognitive mapping within MT. C&H cont. Role of cerebellum Abundance of cerebellar activity in imaging studies. Cognition, or fine motor control, or facilitation of cerebral functions? Possibility of cerebellum as pathway between parietal and precentral areas. Future directions/questions How to get hippocampal activation that argues convincingly for (or against) cognitive mapping? What exactly is the role of cerebellum in all this? Further elucidation of the existence and function of these networks. End of Presentation