February 4th - Northern Arizona University

Date: February 9, 2016
Date of Senate Meeting: February 4 2016
Number on council: 14
Number present: 11
Prepared by Kyra Johnson
Amanda Dietlin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, called the Senate meeting of the
2015-2016 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at
4:05 pm in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
Absent: Senator Ridge and Mathew
Late: Senator L’Ecuyer
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to approve last weeks’ minutes.
Second: Senator Anderson
Vote: Unanimous, last weeks’ minutes have been approved.
Call to the Audience:
Chair Dietlin: Welcome everyone to the second meeting of this semester. First on the
agenda We have the green fund here today to talk to us about a new green fee.
a. Green Fee
I am the co chair and just to start off I want to thank you guys for hearing us
out about our proposal for the green fund fee that we pay as students. As a
student and leader of the green jack’s club on campus I can’t over state the
importance of this proposal. If you look at the world around us there are
some defining issues that really define us happening right now and one of
those is climate change and other incredibly important environmental issues.
As a large institution as NAU we play a big role in contributing to those
problems in society. We though have an incredible opportunity to be a leader
in a transition to a more powerful and brighter future. I think when we look
around in the state while NAU has done a ton of great things in the past we
can see that ASU and UofA are moving past us and in a way are becoming
nationwide leaders in sustainability. I think this is frustrating as students at
NAU because NAU has a reputation of begin a green school. I know that’s why
I came here and why a lot of other students do as well. It is frustrating as well
because we face the same budgetary issue that ASU and UofA face they do but
they are still doing some really incredible things. I think what this
presentation will show you is that we have the ability to do those things
through the green fund. At both of these schools the students have taken the
opportunity by raising their green fee and that’s why we are here today to
get your support to raise the green fund fee.
I am the chair of green fund. So what exactly does the green fund do? In 2010
a group of 6 students applied to get this position and interviewed so its not
just given to students who want it. Like I said there are 6 students and we can
only hold it for 2 years max. We have 1 faculty, 1 staff, 1 administration and
our manager. They really just give us insides on what is legal and what we
can do with the money and what has been done in the pass. We currently
operate off a five-dollar green fee which as students pay. It goes into a huge
pot of money like the HLC or the 23 fee. We get $200, 000 a year, and
students can submit project proposals and we review them. We review them
off of eight different criteria. It goes with NAU’s carbon neutrality goals, what
impact is it going to have, does it meet student priorities, timeline and
economic feasibility. Anyone can submit a proposal. All proposals are looked
at the same. have accomplished over $750,000 in grant fund projects. The
projects you can see on the slide. Some of our most popular ones are solar
tubes on the international pavilion, the water bottle refund stations, and
tablets that replace paper. The last project is why we are here, the solar
project, last spring we wanted to put solar panels on the San Francisco
parking lot and Native American center. The project is a million and the
green fund will pay that over 10 years. That means our budget is cut in half
which is why we are hear. Our budget will go from $200,000 to $100,000.
Through all of these projects we are able to contribute to campus.
I am the manager of the green fund. I want to get into the specifics of why we
are choosing $25. We have a goal of being climate neutral by 2020 which we
are probably going to have to push back already. Since 2002 we have
continued to have the same amount of admissions and that is amazing with a
growth of students, but we have only picked the low hanging fruit. As we are
trying to get admissions down to zero we are going to have to do some
investment. The blue on this graph shows electricity and heating and to
remove them from here we are going to have to reduce them. The next slide
is what we have identified as the projects to get carbon neutral by 2040. A lot
of these projects are going to have good pay back, but to do that We would
have to spend 63 million to do that and have a $60 green fee. Next slide is our
sustainability goals, we need better recycling across campus and irrigation
and this project will save us more water. We would like at least one water
bottle refill system in every building. The next slide shows their break down.
Those cost about 2 million and have on going cost, so this new green fee
would support big ticket costs. If you add them together we would need an
$83 green fee what a steal you are getting it for $25. We know that the other
school have $12-25, but we don’t want to have to come back to you in 2 years
with another increase. We think it is fair to students and it will keep us
competitive. One thing we hear is wouldn’t NAU be paying for this? No, we
are struggling to do our primary function of teaching you let only all the rest.
This is interconnected. The next slide shows my budget and this is showing
you the amount of money we have gotten from 2008 and what they
recommend the amount we need to maintain these things.
You being student representative, students do support this, they want to see
a green school. Flagstaff campus is a very open and welcoming community.
First of all, it is a student run campaign along with the advisors. Students
want this to happen. The next slide shows another indirect student support is
earth day with over 200 students came and we predict 1000 students this
year. They are going to be showing support for this. Better world seminar
series is also showing student support. Another way is showing support is
petitioning and we have over 25 students asking for student signatures.
Senator Moore-Sharp: Can you tell us about the progress of the petitions so
Presenter: We started 2 weeks ago so not a lot of feed back yet, but we have
meeting in another week to see. I have had students telling us they are happy
about us doing this. We hope to get this to ABOR by March’s agenda. Students
come here to feel this importance and Rita Cheng wants it too and also
athletics department wants it too. We are just not pushing this on people. We
are asking you to support the petition and information about how to go
ahead to earn your endorsement over the next two weeks.
Chair Dietlin: So how we usually go about this is we vote on it in senate then
if it passes you write a letter of support and our president will sign the
bottom of it.
Cindy: I feel like ABOR really would want to see the actually number of votes
before anything happens.
Chair Dietlin: Stay in contact with me and we will bring a bill to senate.
Motion: Senator Roos moves to endorse the green fee petitions.
Second: Senator Beghtol
Student: Can we write to ASNAU saying that we are not in support of it? $25
doesn’t seem like a lot, but some people do not have financial support from
their parents and an increase of $40 a year is too much.
Presenter: I don’t think it matters since you can opt out of all student’s fees if
you want to.
Cindy: No you can’t. I think a petition though it would better if a direct
member of student support and to gage it about the amount of fees students
will not be able to have a say on. Encouraging the students to petition is the
best way to show the student support but is not the only thing you can do.
Kristine: We can put out a vote for the student body but 2 weeks is not
enough time. ABOR is going to take our support of the the fee increase
seriously and you want to make sure the students support it.
Senator Moore-Sharp: So you are saying for us to wait?
Cindy: I am saying that if you support this then you are saying that you are
going to be supporting all petitions and signatures.
Student: When petitioning can we make sure that you are hitting all
department in campus not some? The reason is that some departments are
more biased towards this than others.
Presenter: Yes, we can make sure to get all areas and we hoping that the
senators can help us make sure all students are equally represented.
Senator Davis: I agree that a petition is great, but I think a student vote would
be the best way to see if students support it.
Senator Moore-Sharp: Just asking what number are you looking for? Like
what is the criteria for saying that students support it out of the 20,000 that
go here?
Presenter: We are looking for about 2,000 that would be 10% of the students.
Senator Rosic: I would say the two-week deadline would be a crunch and
working with us to see who supports it and doesn’t with instant feedback is a
good thing to do. I just think the two-week time is not enough.
Senator Carr: It is my understanding the time frame is not enough, but since
we want to get this in at the next ABOR that is coming up we are running out
of time.
Senator Moore-Sharp: The only thing that worries me is it enough time to get
enough students input. I feel that not enough people will be contacted since
they don’t check their email. What if it is so fast that the vote is stifled.
Senator Nunnally: I believe if people can’t vote for a reason, that is a personal
problem. I think combing the petitions with the email would be and show
good numbers. Also we all could help get signatures like taking it to our
classes and colleges.
Student: Will the petitions and vote show that the change if from $5 to $25?
Presenter: Yes, of course.
Cindy: To quickly gage, we can tell you about where students meet, because
of the bias of student’s backgrounds we need to make sure that it is not being
tabled in only certain areas. In the union there is an opportunity to meet and
chat with all students. I would say if you use election software you need to
use the information given and not suppress it if the vote doesn’t support it.
Presenter: Yes of course. I just see that there are always 500 students that
don’t even know what is the green fee and what it pays for. We know it is
dangerous to put the vote out there, but if it didn’t work and we had to put it
off for months, we would at least have a year to explain the importance of it
to the students and gather more support.
Senator Carr: I want to say that this is the only fee we have the power to
increase or change since we aren’t getting a say in the others. This increase is
showing that we are willing to pay more for things that matter over the
things we can’t control.
Chair Dietlin: Would the election software be us or you?
Kristine: Probably through true blue connect, but we can work on it.
Senator Nunnally: Along with the petitions could you send out a bullet point
list so that we have talking points when approaching students
Presenter: Of course.
Kristine: If we use the software we would could also put the bullet points on
Motion: Senator Carr moves to table Item A- Green Fee
Second: Senator Roos
Senator Davis: I thought we were just tabling the bill not our support.
Chair Dietlin: We discussed waiting for the poll before we support it. If you
guys want to petition individually you can.
Vote: Majority rule, opposed Senator Rosic and Nunnally
Chair Dietlin: Okay move along, for all the clubs and organizations here today
for recognition, when I call your name you can come to the podium, tell us
about your club, what you want to do with it, how many members you
predict you will have and how it will benefit the students. For all clubs and
organizations here for funding when I call your name come to the podium,
tell us what the funding is for, how many people, what you hope to gain, and
how it will benefit the students.
Unfinished Business
New Action Business
Item A- Club Recognition: Northern Arizona University Dance Marathon
Motion: Senator Nunnally moves to vote on Item A- Club Recognition:
Northern Arizona University Dance Marathon
Second: Senator Sowerwine
Discussion: Thank you all for allowing us to be here today. We wanted to
create this club for there to be other ways for students to participate in fund
raising. Our biggest focus is a 12-hour dance event that we are hoping to start
up this semester. The funding will go to cancer research and purchasing
equipment for it. We are partners with the children miracle network and
they provide tutoring/schooling programs for students that can’t leave and
free care for those who can’t afford it. We feel strongly about helping them
find a cure for cancer by fundraising thought the year. All money made will a
100% go to them.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A- Club Recognition: Northern Arizona University
Dance Marathon has been approved.
Item B- Club Recognition: Philosophy Club
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item B- Club Recognition:
Philosophy Club
Second: Senator Roos
Discussion: Hi, I am the president of the philosophy club and even though we
are here for club recognition, we have been a club on going for 3 years. I
think we missed the deadline to reapply as a club, like some issue occurred
but we want to reapply. The purpose of the club is increase interest and
knowledge inquiry by having discussions and themes every semester that we
will cover and share opinions about. It is a very safe environment to promote
student sharing their opinions. All majors are welcome, because philosophy
is in every major. We also hope to hold film night and hope you will support
Vote: Unanimous, Item B- Club Recognition: Philosophy Club has been
Item C- SB 28-47: NAU Trail Riders
Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item C- SB 28-47: NAU Trail Riders
Second: Senator Beghtol
Discussion: We are requesting funding for travel and registration costs. We
are hoping to get our name more out there and we have some guys interested
in competing. We have done some fundraising and are providing equipment
that’s our own. I do have a schedule with dates and locations.
Vote: Unanimous, Item C- SB 28-47: NAU Trail Riders has been approved
Item D- SB 28-48: NAU Ice Jacks DII Hockey Team
Motion: Senator Rosic moves to table Item D- SB 28-48: NAU Ice Jacks DII
Hockey Team
Second: Senator Graham
Discussion: We are requesting funding to help with expenses for our
upcoming trip to Colorado to compete in league (American Collegiate Hockey
Association) games against University of Northern Colorado, Colorado State
University (D1), and the University of Denver. Since we are a club, we have to
come up with all the funding ourselves through fundraising, spectator game
ticket fees and player fees. The money will help us lower the cost for hotel
and bus expenses for each player and coach. In Colorado, we hope to win all
three games and go into the last ranking period for our league without any
losses. With the season coming to an end we are looking to be top four seed
in the Western Conference which will allow us to compete in the National
Tournament (top 16 teams in the country out of over 200 teams in our
division) for a National Championship. This event will help NAU as whole,
because we will hopefully be competing at the National level, again. We have
gone to the National Tournament the last two years and have finished as the
#9 team in the whole country. By being nationally competitive, we attract
hockey players from all over the country to come to NAU and try to play
Senator Rosic: Are the coaches’ undergrads?
Chair Dietlin: No, but since 25% of the people going are students and since it
is for stay and registration its okay.
Kristine: I mean you haven’t paid for it before sine they don’t pay the 23 fee.
Senator L’Ecuyer: We have done it before because it is for travel and we all
agreed on it.
Kristine: I am just concerned about the coaches.
Senator Carr: Is there a way to show it was only for the students not the
Senator Roos: They are all going together and are we paying for the whole
amount in full? Does it cost more than $3000? Couldn’t we just reimburse for
Senator Rosic: Down in financials they are only going to re-fund the
undergrad students anyway.
Senator Roos: why?
Chair Dietlin: To research the 2 coaches thing.
Vote: Majority rule, opposed Senator Carr, Item D- SB 28-48: NAU Ice Jacks
DII Hockey Team has been tabled.
Item E&F- SB 28-49&50: Sean Duncan and Nick Piring
Motion: Senator Graham moves to table Item E&F- SB 28-49&50: Sean
Duncan and Nick Piring.
Second: Senator Sowerwine
Discussion: These senate bills are for the individuals that traveled to the
funeral for Colin Brough. The funding covers lodging and transportation. Also
they traveled to other Delta Chi chapters that held a ceremony and candle
lighting for him.
Kristine: Didn’t we reimburse them already?
Senator Rosic: Ali just said we paid for them.
Senator Carr: Can we have clarification if they were different students or the
Chair Dietlin: Then we should table to check on it.
Senator Moore-Sharp: why again?
Chair Dietlin: To make sure this is correct.
Vote: Unanimous, Item E&F- SB 28-49&50: Sean Duncan and Nick Piring has
been tabled.
Item G- SB 28-51: Alyssa Ortiz
Motion: Senator Nunnally moves to vote on Item G- SB 28-51: Alyssa Ortiz
Second: Senator Beghtol
Discussion: I am requesting funding to attend the National Undergraduate
Bioethics Conference this April 7th-10th in order to gain information and
knowledge to bring back to the NAU campus Undergraduate Bioethics
Society in order to form and organize a debate team to compete next spring
at the conference. This experience will be extremely informational and
valuable to building the foundation of the bioethics society here on NAU’s
campus in order to create a present as a collegiate society.
Vote: Unanimous, Item G- SB 28-51: Alyssa Ortiz has been approved.
Item H- SB 28-52: PRISM
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item G- SB 28-52: PRISM
Second: Senator Nunnally
Discussion: So this bill is to fund the twenty undergrad performers who
provided a class on how to do drag show makeup. In addition, they
volunteered to table for the show as well as helped with the open house.
PRISM paid each performer $200 for time, loyalty, and supplies since they
used their own makeup to teach. We are just asking reimbursement for $150
per person.
Vote: Unanimous, Item G- SB 28-52: PRISM has been approved.
Item I- SB 28-53: American Marketing Association
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item I- SB 28-53: American
Marketing Association
Second: Senator Beghtol
Discussion: We are asking for funding to send three undergrads to AMA’s
international colligate conference in New Orleans on March 17th-21st. This is
our second year attending and last year we gained valuable networking with
clubs across the US, learned how to improve our club, discussed new
marketing techniques, and got to interact companies such as Hersey’s,
Vitamin Water, Google, and Target. We hope to continue to bring back
information and plan new marketing pathways for all Franke College of
Business students.
Vote: Unanimous, Item I- SB 28-53: American Marketing Association has
been approved.
Item J- SB 28-54: CIS Club
Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item J- SB 28-54: CIS Club
Second: Senator Graham
Discussion: We are requesting funding for flight to our conference. We
believe that attending this will help benefit our member’s leadership skills
and provide a great professional experience. 13 of us are planning on going.
We did fundraising and already have gotten help from the FCB.
Senator Moore-Sharp: Does CIS stand for computer information systems?
Presenter: Yes
Vote: Unanimous, Item J- SB 28-54: CIS Club has been approved.
Item K- SB 28-55: National Society of Minorities in Hospitality
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item K- 28-55: National Society of
Minorities in Hospitality
Second: Senator Nunnally
Discussion: Hi I am the social media director of our club. We are asking for
funding to send 14 members to DC for our national conference. The money
will cover cost of flights, hotel, and registration fees. We hope to gain
networking, gain knowledge about the hospitality industry and have the
opportunity to interview for jobs. We have fundraised by having give back
nights, running a café and selling pineapple pins which are the sign for
hospitality. We hope to come back and 5share what we have learned with
HRM students.
Vote: Unanimous, Item K- 28-55: National Society of Minorities in Hospitality
has been approved.
Item L- SB 28-56: American Society of Civil Engineers
Motion: Senator Beghtol moves to vote on Item L- SB 28-56: American
Society of Civil Engineers
Second: Senator Graham
Discussion: The funding we are requesting will help to for our conference
that we are attending. It is large competition for tech and non tech fields. It is
a big event for us and we will be taking 45 students with us. We require $200
per student and have done our own fundraising by hosting a golf
Senator L’Ecuyer: 45? The bill says 40 students.
Presenter: We will be taking 45 though. I think that was bad communication
on our part.
Chair Dietlin: Okay we need to a motion to amend.
Senator Davis: I move to amend…
Chair Dietlin: No use proper terminology, strike.
Motion: Senator Graham moves to strike the 3rd whereas, 40 students and to
amend it to 45 students.
Second: Senator Sowerwine
Chair Dietlin: One is grad, 44 are undergrad.
Vote: Unanimous, the senate bill has been amended
Vote: Unanimous, Item L- SB 28-56: American Society of Civil Engineers has
been approved.
Item M- SB 28-57: Silver Wings
Motion: Senator Nunnally moves to vote on Item M- SB 28-57: Silver Wings
Second: Senator Graham
Discussion: Hi I am the president of silver wings. We are civilian leadership
focused organization that strives to understand the professional importance
of first impressions. We are attending the Conclave March 25th to the 29th and
it is basically everyone coming to network and share what has worked well
with them for their club. This something really important to us to support
since we also get awards for the things that we do. The thing that we do that
benefits NAU is all of our community service events that we have done. We
are working on planning an autism run event this year.
Vote: Unanimous, Item M- SB 28-57: Silver Wings has been approved
Item N- SB 28-58: Sabrina Ballard
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item N- SB 28-58: Sabrina Ballard
Second: Senator Nunnally
Discussion: Pretty much I was asked to present my research at the
conference. I am asking for funding so I can attend.
Senator Carr: What is your research on?
Sabrina: Civil engineering, how to assess structures before they fail.
Kristine: I believe this is the same conference as the other ones.
Chair Dietlin: I don’t believe they filed the same information though.
Senator Carr: They are separate but all together and they are not presenting
on the same topic.
Senator Nunnally: I am under the impression that they don’t know each
Sabrina: Sorry but I don’t. It’s a big conference.
Senator Moore-Sharp: My thing is that if we decided to fund them will people
associated us treating them as individuals as a group and then come in at
different times to get the most amount of money.
Senator Roos: I think we are able to set that criteria right now. Saying that 10
or more people presenting at the same place will be considered a group.
Kali: At the first meeting you guys said there should be a grey area for
exceptions, so I think you guys should table and then decided later.
Senator Nunnally: I don’t think this is necessary to table this because there is
a different between the money.
Senator Carr: To go back to what would be the deciding factor for the budget
and they are associated that makes it more like a group.
Reed: Our grey area got brought up last year about if the people don’t know
each other, so its kind of a fine line.
Senator Sowerwine: I think keeping a grey area is a good thing to decide
based on each case.
Senator Rosic: I brought it up because they have the same funding budget
attached it each bill.
Senator L’Ecuyer: I am having trouble understanding what makes these ten
people different from coming in at different senate meetings or is it because
they are coming in together?
Reed: Well its that but I see it as individuals can’t fundraise as much as a
group of their size can and with the amount of time before the attend.
Senator Graham: But what does it all have to do with Sabrina’s bill?
Vote: Unanimous, Item N- SB 28-58: Sabrina Ballard has been approved
Item O to X- SB 28-59 to 68: Pellerin, Robinson, Beaver, Lindsay, Carl, Warte,
Ceniceros, Muente, Richard, Sabel
Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to table Item O to X- SB 28-59 to 68:
Pellerin, Robinson, Beaver, Lindsay, Carl, Warte, Ceniceros, Muente, Richard,
Second: Senator Sowerwine
Discussion: Hi I am Michael, student leader for our capstone group working
towards our competition at the AWEA WINDPOWER conference May 2225th. We will be competing against 12 other colleges at this conference.
Along with that we get the opportunity to sit down with industry leaders
about wind turbine design. All of our bills are for individuals going to cover
flight, housing, and shuttles.
Senator Rosic: My understanding is that 10 people are going and I think we
can treat them as an organization.
Senator Moore: I talked to Ali and Lauren and they said it was fine since they
are going to all be doing different things.
Student: People are going to be presenting on different things.
Senator Moore: That’s why when he sent me the bill, I thought clubs go to the
same place for the same reason, but they just have to bring more people.
Student: We are though working with the FCB to get funding too since the
conference is on topics from business to turbines.
Senator L’Ecuyer: We discussed this at appropriations. They are not a club or
organization through NAU. We can’t just treat people as organizations if they
are not.
Chair Dietlin: Yes, but senators are allowed to alternate or add to bills as they
see fit.
Senator Rosic: Its just that PRISM has a lot of students too and I think we
should look into treating this as club, because other clubs may see this as
Senator Sowerwine: I agree with Stefan; it will set a precedence.
Senator Carr: Since we can’t make them join a club, we could say the max a
club could get take $3000/10 students.
Senator L’Ecuyer: Is there anything in our bylaws that says anything?
Senator Davis: So has your group seen other departments like the green fund
for other funds?
Student: We have to use the conference funding to build the turbine. One of
the things we applied for they turned us down, because it would be after
Senator L’Ecuyer: If is during the summer how would they get reimbursed?
Senator Rosic: We can fund up until June 30th.
Senator Carr: I feel comfortable with $300 per person. There are other ways
for them to meet their goal.
Senator Anderson: I think that is unfair for how much it will costs, because we
have 2 other bills that would cost over the cap. Do we want to do this when
these people will be representing out school?
Student: I knew some people would not be able to go if not funded.
Senator Nunnally: People from different organizations have come in for
funding like this, so if we don’t fund that we might have another story in the
Senator Roos: I think giving them $3000 isn’t turning them away. It is helping
them. They are an organizations and that is the max they can get.
Senator Sowerwine: I believe they haven’t used all their resources.
Senator Davis: Couldn’t we do half like $4000?
Senator Moore-Sharp: If we are going to we need to stick with the cap. The
ceramics department are going, if 8 people came in for the max, are we
willing to fund people for the same things. The way I am writing is for a
group so the funds aren’t depleted so quickly.
Senator Nunnally: My friends went to Africa and they started a go fund me
page. Also I am certain that there are departments on campus that will fund
stuff like this. That is another option for you.
Student: We have gone to our department for funding but they put a cap on
Senator Carr: I rather be able to help them in some way then not at all.
Senator L’Ecuyer: Ceramics club is coming in next week and people got
funding today and they are going to a convention altogether. Where do you
draw the line? I calculated how much it would be .35% if we gave the full
Kristine: My understanding is that it is a team thing not just one goes or not.
Student: There will be different activities for different groups.
Senator Nunnally: I move to amend the senate bill to treat them as a group
and cap them as a group for $3000.
Senator Anderson: Some people wouldn’t be able to go though.
Senator Graham: This is a suggestion but can we table this?
Vote: Majority rule, opposed Senator Rosic, Carr, and Nunnally, Item O to XSB 28-59 to 68: Pellerin, Robinson, Beaver, Lindsay, Carl, Warte, Ceniceros,
Muente, Richard, Sabel has been tabled.
Item Y & Z- SB 28 69&70: Dada Zhang and Kaigi Zhang
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item Y & Z- SB 28 69&70: Dada
Zhang and Kaigi Zhang
Second: Senator Roos
Discussion: I am requesting funding for National Conference of
Undergraduate Research (NCUR) in Asheville, North Carolina. The
conference will be held through April 7th to 9th in 2016. This is an excellent
chance for students to share their research and communicate with other
people who are from different universities and different fields of sturdy.
NCUR accepted my abstract from two weeks ago. It is a good opportunity for
me to join the conference and let people know more about my research and
my university. My topic for the conference is “Smartphone Based Approach
to Detect Modes of Pavement Distress using Fast Fourier Transformation”.
For instance, the project presents an evaluation mechanism using to a fast
Fourier transform (FFT) to review vibration data collect in roadways of
Flagstaff, Arizona. The goal of the project is to provide an analysis model that
can help highway engineers better perform pavement condition assessment
and identify different types of pavement distress modes. I am pleasure to get
the invitation from NCUR. It is an honor for e to present my research to other
people that also represent Northern Arizona University to join this event. I
will try my best to perform well at National Conference of Undergraduate
Research and let more people know my university form this event.
Senator L’Ecuyer: Does this post the same issue?
Senator Nunnally: This is two different numbers and the last one had the
same budget for each.
Senator Roos: I think there is difference between 2 and 10 people.
Senator Rosic: Individual’s receive $1500 and clubs $3000. If we fund that
group $9000 why would they come as a club when they can get just as much.
Kristine: Are both of these people presenting?
Chair Dietlin: They are both presenting, but on different research.
Vote: Unanimous, Item Y & Z- SB 28 69&70: Dada Zhang and Kaigi Zhang has
been approved
Item AA- SB 28-71: NAU Women’s Lacrosse
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item AA- SB 28-71: NAU Women’s
Second: Senator Nunnally
Discussion: Hi I am the President of Lacrosse. In the past 4 year we have
grown from a 10-member team to a 25-member team. We travel twice a year
and are asking for maximum funds. The funds will cover hotel, transportation
and tournament fees. Our club is known for our respect and we even have
referees that ask to be at our games. We are hosting a high school event with
students from phoenix and we will be working with them on techniques and
all aspects of the game. We want to thank you and let you know that every bit
Vote: Majority rule, abstention Senator Beghtol, Item AA- SB 28-71: NAU
Women’s Lacrosse has been approved
Item BB- SB 28-72: NAU Global Medical Brigades
Motion: Senators Sowerwine moves to table Item BB- SB 28-72: NAU Global
Medical Brigades
Second: Senator Nunnally
Discussion: Not Present.
Vote: Unanimous, Item BB- SB 28-72: NAU Global Medical Brigades has been
Item CC- SB 28-73: Club Managers Association of America
Motion: Senator Nunnally moves to vote on Item CC- SB 28-73: Club
Managers Association of America
Second: Senator Davis
Discussion: Hi, I am the treasurer for our club. We focus on clubs such as
country, golf or yacht. Our association assists members with finding job
opportunities and leadership building. Our trip to Boston included 4
members and they paid out of pocket for themselves. So we would take the
funding and divide it equally among ourselves.
Vote: Unanimous, Item CC- SB 28-73: Club Managers Association of America
has been approved
Chair Dietlin: Anyone here for club recognition or funding, thank you for
coming, you are welcome to leave now as we will be moving into reports.
Executive Reports
a. President- Alexandria Buchta
- NR
b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Allison Kelley
- NR
C. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Amanda Dietlin
- Senate bills were atrocious this week. I am not fixing them anymore so I
will be sending them back to you if they don’t look good enough. You have
to use words and you can’t leave things from the template in the senate
bill. I am working on getting the materials for academic standard meeting
together and I will email them to you. If you have any concerns, you will
have a week to contact me about them.
Senator Beghtol: What about quorum for committees?
Chair Dietlin: Oh yes, last week at appropriations we didn’t have enough
people so when Ashley (Senator Beghtol) came for lacrosse, she had to
play both roles of being a club and a senator. We need people to come to
their committees or we will not accomplish anything.
Senator Moore-Sharp: If there is scheduling problems can we count
diversity committee?
Senator Carr: Yeah, these times aren’t working; I am chair of legislative
and I have my capstone class during that time.
Chair Dietlin: Yes, but appropriations has to stay at that time. So if you are
free, we have your class schedule, you have to be at appropriations! That
is the main time we get face time with our clubs and is the only way to get
bills sent here.
D. Vice President of Government Affairs – Vanessa Pomeroy
- NR
e. Chief of Staff- Lauren Stebbins
- NR
Staff Reports
a. Student State Affairs- John Bower, Jake Gavin
b. Public Relations- Reed Emerson, Connor Wandersee, Korrin Snow
- NR
c. Special Events- Amy Edgerton, Taylor Wesner
-We are working on a lot of stuff and we got chocolate bars to pass out for
Valentine’s day. We are setting up tabling time and if you are able to help
we would really appreciate it. We will send an email out with the
d. Information Technologist- Chantz Spears
NSG- Hali Wetzel, Kali Morris
- NR
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator L’Ecuyer
- I have been emailing you guys if your club has not shown up for
appropriations, please make sure they know to come. Senate bills have
been bad; we need complete sentences, to have down how many people
are going, all categories for the funding, dollar signs, make sure put date
at the top, spell out acronyms, please put periods at the end of sentences,
and put location.
B. Legislative: Senator Carr
- NR
C. Diversity: Dallas Diaz
-I am working on re-planning the safe zone training before diversity
week. All events are planned, but I just need to clean up some stuff. I hope
everyone comes. Also I have scheduled a DMECCa training and will send
out the info on that.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Abbey Matthew- NR
b. Stefan Rosic- Aren’t we suppose to vote in Dallas today?
Chair Dietlin: Yes, Jake and Warner too, but since we are out of
time lets table it for next senate.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Brooke Graham- NR
b. Gabriella Nunnally- NR
c. Drake Ridge-NR
College of Health and Human Services
a. Alex Roos- NR
b. Ashley Beghtol- NR
College of Education
a. Alyssa Anderson- NR
b. Kyle Davis- NR
College of Business
a. Lauren L’Ecuyer-NR
b. Senator Sivage-NR
College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences
a. Madi Sowerwine- NR
b. Stella Carr- Every week when someone from exec isn’t here
they say that they will email us their report, but never do.
Chair Dietlin: I will make sure that they do email it to you. All of
them have said they will send it to you, but if they haven’t by
midnight I will text all of them to make sure they do.
University College
a. Marc Moore-Sharp-NR
Advisor Reports (Cindy Anderson and Kristine Heflin)
Cindy Anderson— I yield my time to Kristine.
Kristine Heflin— I still need one person to be the representative for the
residence hall committee.
Chair Dietlin: Senator Moore-Sharp is going.
Kristine: All graduating seniors, gold axe award applications are due by 12th;
so make sure to get that in. For the groups vs individuals’ discussion today, I
just want to tell you that I think there was a problem last year with
individuals’ avoiding becoming clubs so they could make sure they could get
more funding. Just so you are aware with moving forward.
Discussion Items
Important Dates
Motion: Senator L’Ecuyer moves to adjourn meeting at 6:02pm.
Second: Senator Graham
Vote: Unanimous, meeting has been adjourned.