Milefy API v2.1 Table of Contents 1. 2. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1. Authentication............................................................................................................................... 4 1.2. Environments ................................................................................................................................ 4 Web methods ........................................................................................................................................ 5 2.1. 2.1.1. Url .......................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.2. Method .................................................................................................................................. 5 2.1.3. Arguments ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.1.4. Description ............................................................................................................................ 5 2.1.5. Request structure .................................................................................................................. 5 2.1.6. Request example ................................................................................................................... 7 2.1.7. Response structure .............................................................................................................10 2.1.8. Response example...............................................................................................................12 2.2. CalculateOne ...............................................................................................................................16 2.2.1. Url ........................................................................................................................................16 2.2.2. Method ................................................................................................................................16 2.2.3. Arguments ...........................................................................................................................16 2.2.4. Description ..........................................................................................................................16 2.2.5. Request structure ................................................................................................................16 2.2.6. Request example .................................................................................................................17 2.2.7. Response structure .............................................................................................................19 2.3. 3. Calculate ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Programs .....................................................................................................................................20 2.3.1. Url ........................................................................................................................................20 2.3.2. Method ................................................................................................................................20 2.3.3. Arguments ...........................................................................................................................20 2.3.5. Description ..........................................................................................................................20 2.3.6. Request structure ................................................................................................................20 2.3.7. Response structure .............................................................................................................20 2.3.8. Response example...............................................................................................................21 Ways of improvements .......................................................................................................................24 Appendix A. Supported programs and codes..............................................................................................25 Appendix B. Tiers.........................................................................................................................................26 Appendix C. Response codes.......................................................................................................................27 Appendix D. Accrual types. .........................................................................................................................28 Appendix E. Alliances. .................................................................................................................................29 Appendix F. Errors codes and descriptions. ................................................................................................30 Change history.............................................................................................................................................31 1. Introduction The 30K MilesEngine exports a REST based web service over HTTPS, using JSON to encode service request and response data. 1.1. Authentication 30K uses an SSL secured channel to transmit data from client to the service. The customer is authenticated using HTTP Basic Authentication (over HTTPS) via a customer login and password that is provided when the customer registers for the service. The sample of the C# code responsible for adding essential http header below: var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( string.Format("{0}:{1}", _configuration.UserName, _configuration.Password)); var base64AutorizationData = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); var webRequest = WebRequest.Create(url); webRequest.Method = httpVerb; webRequest.ContentType = "application/json"; webRequest.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.AcceptEncoding, "gzip"); webRequest.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentEncoding, "utf-8"); webRequest.Headers.Add( HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, string.Format("Basic {0}", base64AutorizationData)); 1.2. Environments There are two environments available for the customer: a) The TESTING environment is to be used for integration and testing purposes. It’s usually slower than the LIVE environment (see further below). b) The LIVE environment is to be used after successful integration and receipt of LIVE service credentials (different from the TESTING environment credentials). The LIVE environment guarantees the most accurate calculations and up to date loyalty programs and their rules configuration. NB: above endpoints will be later referred to as “base service URL” and web methods urls will assume usage of the base service URL at the beginning. This applies to both TESTING or LIVE environments. 2. Web methods 2.1. Calculate 2.1.1. Url The URL of the web method is “api/miles/calculate”. 2.1.2. Method The HTTP verb to be used is POST. 2.1.3. Arguments Data is to be supplied in the body of the request as JSON encoded value. 2.1.4. Description The Calculate web method uses provided flight information to calculate accruals for every given flight taking into consideration each loyalty program that applies or specified target program from the request (will depend on the chosen calculation strategy as configured for the service and customer). 2.1.5. Request structure Level 1. Request 1.1. RequestFlight Facet Key Type Flights flts Array TargetPrograms tgp Array FlightId fid String Price pri Object Legs lg Array Description Required Collection of RequestFlight objects accruals need to be calculated for. Collection of TargetProgram objects used to set specific loyalty programs and elite statuses that are requested for computing accruals. YES UniqueId of the flight. Used to link entries from request and response. PriceInfo object. Generally is required only for the revenue based programs. Collection of the FlightLeg objects reflecting the legs of a flight. A leg is a one-way direction from point A to point Z via any number of intermediate points or YES NO NO YES direct route. Round trip flights have 2 legs, oneway flights have one, multi-city flights have 3 or more. 1.1.1. PriceInfo CurrencyCode cc String The ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency The total fare price The base fare price The taxes amount The carrier surcharges amount YES TotalPrice BaseFare Taxes CarrierSurcharges tp bf tx cx Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal 1.1.2. FlightLeg Segments sg Array Collection of the FlightSegment objects that describe the sequence of sector flights within a leg. It basically represents one takeoff-landing pair. YES FlightSegment MarketingAirlineCode mac String YES OperatingAirlineCode oac String DepartureAirportCode dac String DestinationAirportCode aac String DepartureDate dd DateTime FareCode fc String FlightNumber fn Integer IATA code of the marketing (selling) airline. 2 letters code: LH, UA etc. IATA code of the operating (owner of the plane) airline. 2 letters code: LH, UA etc. IATA code of the departure airport. 3 letters code: LHR, JFK etc. IATA code of the destination (arrival) airport. 3 letters code: LHR, JFK etc. Date in the “mm/dd/yyyy” or ISO8601 compliant format. E.g. “02/29/2014” or “2014-02-29” or “201402-29T09:35:00”. NB: Time is optional. One-letter code describing fare code or RBD (reservation booking designator) of the fare. M, S, N etc.. Flight number without the marketing airline code. If the flight number is LH345 the value to be sent is simply 345. Similarly, 1, 12, 443, 7683 are correct formats of flight numbers. YES NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES 1.2. TargetProgram Distance dn Integer Flown distance in miles. Rounded. If not specified could cause flight to be skipped or miles calculated wrong by internal mechanism and thus wrong accruals computed. For utmost accuracy, this should be included in the request. NO ProgramCode pc String YES UserTier ut Integer Program Code as known by MilesAPI. See Appendix A for the entire list of available values. Code of the tier with given program. See Appendix B for the entire list of available values. If not set the basic tier of the program will be used. 2.1.6. Request example { "flts": [{ "fid":"SK1674-SK0503|SK0502-SK0679", "pri":{ "cc":"USD", “tp”:150.0, "bf":128.5 }, "lg":[{ "sg":[{ "mac":"SK", "oac":"SK", "dac":"TXL", "aac":"CPH", "dd":"2013-07-02T09:35:00", "fc":"A", "fn":1674, "dn":213 NO },{ "mac":"SK", "oac":"SK", "dac":"CPH", "aac":"LHR", "dd":"2013-07-02T12:05:00", "fc":"A", "fn":503, "dn":610}] },{ "sg":[{ "mac":"SK", "oac":"SK", "dac":"LHR", "aac":"CPH", "dd":"2013-07-16T09:50:00", "fc":"A", "fn":502, "dn":610 },{ "mac":"SK", "oac":"SK", "dac":"CPH", "aac":"TXL", "dd":"2013-07-16T15:05:00", "fc":"A", "fn":679, "dn":213}] }]},{ "fid":"SK1674-SK0505|SK0502-SK0679", "pri":{ "cc":"USD", “tp”:750.0, "bf":677.3 }, "lg":[{ "sg":[{ "mac":"SK", "oac":"SK", "dac":"TXL", "aac":"CPH", "dd":"2013-07-02T09:35:00", "fc":"A", "fn":1674, "dn":213 },{ "mac":"SK", "oac":"SK", "dac":"CPH", "aac":"LHR", "dd":"2013-07-02T14:50:00", "fc":"A", "fn":505, "dn":610}] },{ "sg":[{ "mac":"SK", "oac":"SK", "dac":"LHR", "aac":"CPH", "dd":"2013-07-16T09:50:00", "fc":"A", "fn":502, "dn":610 },{ "mac":"SK", "oac":"SK", "dac":"CPH", "aac":"TXL", "dd":"2013-07-16T15:05:00", "fc":"A", "fn":679, "dn":213}] }] }], "tgp":[{ "tc":"MAM", "ut":8 },{ "tc":"QFF", "ut":8 } ] } 2.1.7. Response structure Level 1. Response 1.1. Status 1.2. MilesResponse Success Facet Key Success Type Boolean Status Status Object Value Value Object Code Code Integer Message Message String UniqueId uid String Description Indicates if request executed successfully. Either true or false. Status object contains code and message describing performed operation. MilesResponse object containing information about accruals for each flight in the request as well as detailed information about each program that produced accruals for any flight from the request. It won’t be populated in case of error. Required YES Status code of the response assigned by the system. See Appendix C for all values available. User friendly message which explains response’s status. YES Unique id of the request as assigned by the Milefy API. Keep it YES YES NO YES 1.2.1. ResponseFlight MilesInfo 1.2.2. ProgramInfo Flights flts Array Programs prg Array Errors err Array FlightId fid String Programs aprg Array ProgramCode pc String UserTier ut Integer Miles mi Array AccrualType at Integer val Double ProgramCode pc String ProgramName HelpUrl pn hu String String WebSiteUrl wu String SignupUrl su String Alliance al Integer MilesTypeCon figuration mtc Array for further reference in regards to the performed request and received responses Collection of ResponseFlight objects containing information about calculated accruals Collection of ProgramInfo objects containing summary for every program applied to the request flights. Empty if none of the programs apply. Collection of Error objects used to indicate errors, if any YES NO Unique identifier of the flight as it’s been received within request. Used to link entries from request and response. Collection of ProgramMilesInfo objects containing information about accruals from each applicable loyalty program. Can be empty if none of the programs apply to the given flight. YES Code of the program the Miles calculated for. See Appendix A for the entire list of available values. Code of the status tier following Miles calculated for. See Appendix B for the entire list of available values. Collection of MilesInfo objects that contain detailed accrual information. YES Code of the accrual type metric. See Appendix D for more details. Value of specific accrual type that the user earns with given program. YES Program Code as known by MilesAPI. See Appendix A for the entire list of available values. The name of the loyalty program URL to the program’s help page (a password recovery page usually) if any specified. URL to the program’s official page if any set URL to the program’s signup page if any specified. Code of the alliance as known by MIlesAPI. See Appendix E for more details. Collection of AccrualTypeInfo objects containing information about all accrual types configured YES NO YES YES YES YES NO NO NO YES YES AccrualTypeInfo TierConfiguration 1.2.3. Error TiersConfigura tion tc Array Airlines arl Array AccrualType at Integer Name atn String Tier ta Integer Name tn String Code ec String Message em String 2.1.8. Response example { "Success": true, "Status":{ "Code": 0, "Message": "OK" }, "Value": { "uid": "78e9dc6f-510c-4d11-9c3f-8cae6fb62a69", "flts":[{ "fid": "SK1674-SK0503|SK0502-SK0679", "aprg":[{ "pc": "ALM", “ut”: 1, "mi":[{ (available) for the given program. Collection of TierConfiguration objects describing all status tiers configured (available) with the given program. Collection of owning and affiliated airlines IATA codes for the given program. Code of the accrual type metric. See Appendix D for more details. User friendly name of the accrual type metric as configured in the system. YES YES YES YES Code of the status tier of given program as set in request. See Appendix B for the entire list of available values. If not set, the basic tier of the program will be used. User friendly name of the tier as configured in the system. YES Error code which references specific problem handled whilst processing request. See Appendix F for full list of codes. Default user friendly message explaining error. YES YES YES "at": "1", "val": 8228 },{ "at": "2", "val": 8228 },{ "at": "3", "val": 24 },{ "at": "4", "val": 0 }] },{ "pc": "ALM", “ut”: 8, "mi":[{ "at": "1", "val": 8228 },{ "at": "2", "val": 8228 },{ "at": "3", "val": 24 },{ "at": "4", "val": 0 }]}] },{ "fid": "SK1674-SK0505|SK0502-SK0679", "aprg":[{ "pc": "ALM", “ut”: 1, "mi":[{ "at": "1", "val": 8228 },{ "at": "2", "val": 8228 },{ "at": "3", "val": 24 },{ "at": "4", "val": 0 }] },{ "pc": "ALM", “ut”: 8, "mi":[{ "at": "1", "val": 8228 },{ "at": "2", "val": 8228 },{ "at": "3", "val": 24 },{ "at": "4", "val": 0 }] }] } ], "prg": [{ "pc": "ALM", "pn": "Avianca LifeMiles", "hu": "", "su": "", "al": "4", "mtc":[{ "at": "1", "atn": "Award Miles" },{ "at": "2", "atn": "Qualifying Miles" },{ "at": "3", "atn": "Qualifying Flights" },{ "at": "4", "atn": "" }], "tc":[{ "ta": "1", "tn": "Basic" },{ "ta": "8", "tn": "Silver" },{ "ta": "16", "tn": "Gold" },{ "ta": "32", "tn": "Diamond" }], “arl”:[“AV”,”TK”,”2K”] }] }} 2.2. CalculateOne 2.2.1. Url The URL of the web method is “api/miles/calculateone”. 2.2.2. Method The HTTP verb to be used is POST. 2.2.3. Arguments Data is to be supplied in the body of the request as JSON encoded value. 2.2.4. Description The CalculateOne web method uses provided flight information to calculate accruals for all supported frequent flyer programs and their tiers that apply. 2.2.5. Request structure Level 1. Request 1.1. PriceInfo 1.2. FlightLeg Facet Key Type FlightId fid String Price pri Object Legs lg Array CurrencyCode cc String TotalPrice BaseFare Taxes CarrierSurcharges tp bf tx cx Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Segments sg Array Description Required UniqueId of the flight. Used to link entries from request and response. PriceInfo object. Generally is required only for the revenue based programs. Collection of the FlightLeg objects reflecting the legs of a flight. A leg is a one-way direction from point A to point Z via any number of intermediate points or direct route. Round trip flights have 2 legs, oneway flights have one, multi-city flights have 3 or more. YES The ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency The total fare price The base fare price The taxes amount The carrier surcharges amount YES Collection of the FlightSegment objects that describe the sequence of sector flights within a leg. It basically represents one YES NO YES YES NO NO NO takeoff-landing pair. 1.2.1. FlightSegment MarketingAirlineCode mac String OperatingAirlineCode oac String DepartureAirportCode dac String DestinationAirportCode aac String DepartureDate dd DateTime FareCode fc String FlightNumber fn Integer Distance dn Integer 2.2.6. Request example { "fid":"SK1674-SK0503|SK0502-SK0679", "pri":{ "cc":"USD", IATA code of the marketing (selling) airline. 2 letters code: LH, UA etc. IATA code of the operating (owner of the plane) airline. 2 letters code: LH, UA etc. IATA code of the departure airport. 3 letters code: LHR, JFK etc. IATA code of the destination (arrival) airport. 3 letters code: LHR, JFK etc. Date in the “mm/dd/yyyy” or ISO8601 compliant format. E.g. “02/29/2014” or “2014-02-29” or “201402-29T09:35:00”. NB: Time is optional. One-letter code describing fare code or RBD (reservation booking designator) of the fare. M, S, N etc.. Flight number without the marketing airline code. If the flight number is LH345 the value to be sent is simply 345. Similarly, 1, 12, 443, 7683 are correct formats of flight numbers. Flown distance in miles. Rounded. If not specified could cause flight to be skipped or miles calculated wrong by internal mechanism and thus wrong accruals computed. For utmost accuracy, this should be included in the request. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO “tp”:150.0, "bf":128.5 }, "lg":[{ "sg":[{ "mac":"SK", "oac":"SK", "dac":"TXL", "aac":"CPH", "dd":"2013-07-02T09:35:00", "fc":"A", "fn":1674, "dn":213 },{ "mac":"SK", "oac":"SK", "dac":"CPH", "aac":"LHR", "dd":"2013-07-02T12:05:00", "fc":"A", "fn":503, "dn":610}] },{ "sg":[{ "mac":"SK", "oac":"SK", "dac":"LHR", "aac":"CPH", "dd":"2013-07-16T09:50:00", "fc":"A", "fn":502, "dn":610 },{ "mac":"SK", "oac":"SK", "dac":"CPH", "aac":"TXL", "dd":"2013-07-16T15:05:00", "fc":"A", "fn":679, "dn":213}] }] } 2.2.7. Response structure The structure of the response is exactly the same as described within 2.1.7. 2.3. Programs 2.3.1. Url The URL of the web method is “api/miles/programs” 2.3.2. Method The HTTP verb to be used is GET. 2.3.3. Arguments 2.3.4. No data needs to be passed to the method. 2.3.5. Description The Programs web method should be used to retrieve detailed information about all supported frequent flyer programs. This data could be later on linked to the accruals calculated using Calculate web method and program code as a cross reference. 2.3.6. Request structure Request is just a plain GET request without any parameters involved. 2.3.7. Response structure Level 1. Response 1.1. Status 1.1.1. ProgramInfo Success Facet Key Success Type Boolean Status Status Object Value Value Object Code Code Integer Message Message String ProgramCode pc String ProgramName HelpUrl pn hu String String WebSiteUrl wu String SignupUrl Su String Alliance al Integer Description Indicates if request executed successfully. Either true or false. Status object contains code and message describing performed operation. Collection of ProgramInfo objects containing detailed information for every frequent flyer program the Milefy API supports. Won’t be populated in case of any server error. Required YES Status code of the response assigned by the system. See Appendix C for all values available. User friendly message which explains response’s status. YES Program Code as known by MilesAPI. See Appendix A for the entire list of available values. The name of the loyalty program URL to the program’s help page (a password recovery page usually) if any specified. URL to the program’s official page if any set URL to the program’s signup page if any specified. Code of the alliance as known by YES YES NO YES YES NO NO NO NO AccrualTypeInfo TierConfiguration MilesTypeCon figuration mtc Array TiersConfigura tion tc Array Airlines arl Array AccrualType at Integer Name atn String Tier ta Integer Name tn String MIlesAPI. See Appendix E for more details. Collection of AccrualTypeInfo objects containing information about all accrual types configured (available) for the given program. Collection of TierConfiguration objects describing all status tiers configured (available) with the given program. Collection of owning and affiliated airlines IATA codes for the given program. YES YES YES Code of the accrual type metric. See Appendix D for more details. User friendly name of the accrual type metric as configured in the system. YES Code of the status tier of given program as set in request. See Appendix B for the entire list of available values. If not set, the basic tier of the program will be used. User friendly name of the tier as configured in the system. YES YES YES 2.3.8. Response example { "Success": true, "Status":{ "Code": 0, "Message": "OK" }, "Value":[{ "pc": "UMP", "pn": "United MileagePlus", "hu": "", "su": "", "al": "StarAlliance", "mtc":[{ "at": "1", "atn": "Redeemable miles" },{ "at": "2", "atn": "Status Miles" }], "tc":[{ "ta": "1", "tn": "Member" },{ "ta": "8", "tn": "Premier Silver" },{ "ta": "16", "tn": "Premier Gold" },{ "ta": "24", "tn": "Premier Platinum" },{ "ta": "32", "tn": "Premier 1K" }], “arl”:[“UA”] },{ "pc": "MAS", "pn": "Miles and Smiles", "hu": "", "su": "", "al": "StarAlliance", "mtc":[{ "at": "1", "atn": "Redeemable Miles" },{ "at": "2", "atn": "Status miles" }], "tc":[{ "ta": "1", "tn": "Classic" },{ "ta": "8", "tn": "Classic Plus" },{ "ta": "16", "tn": "Elite" },{ "ta": "24", "tn": "Elite Plus" } ], “arl”:[“TK”] }] } 3. Ways of improvements 1. Currently applied programs summary is being sent as a part of the response to the Calculate method. However, there is a Programs method (detailed in section 2.2) which allows all program details to be downloaded once, cached locally and then being used to reference programs data from the Calculate method. 2. It’s been confirmed that it’s more efficient to split big results sets to the smaller chunks to achieve best performance. In other words rather than send one request of 1000 flights it’s quicker to split that into 5 requests of 200 flights, send them simultaneously, combine responses back to one single response once all sub requests completed. We recommend this approach. 3. To decrease the size of responses and thus reduce response time we’d strictly recommend adding “Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate” header to the request to force response being compressed. Appendix A. Supported programs and codes. Code (three letter codes) ARP AMB LGC AFL MCP TPB ACA ACP AKF IFR NZA AMP AMM AAA AMC ASC ALM BAC CXA CDF CEM SPC CCM OKP DSM EAM EKS EYG IML FPL GFF GOS FWC IBP JMB JJP JTB KSP Name Aerolineas Plus Aegean Airlines Miles&Bonus Aer Lingus Gold Circle Aeroflot Bonus Aeromexico Club Premier Air Berlin topbonus Air Canada Altitude/Aeroplan Air China Phoenix Miles Air France/KLM Flying Blue Air India Flying Returns Air New Zealand AirPoints Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan Alitalia MilleMiglia American Airlines AAdvantage ANA Mileage Club Asiana Club Avianca LifeMiles British Airways Executive Club Cathay Pacific AsiaMiles China Airlines Dynasty Flyer China Eastern Eastern Miles China Southern Sky Pearl Club Copa Airlines ConnectMiles Czech Airlines OK Plus Delta SkyMiles El Al Matmid Emirates Skywards Etihad Airways Guest EVA Air Inifinity MileageLands Finnair Plus Garuda Frequent Flyer GOL Smiles Hainan Airlines Fortune Wings Club Iberia Plus JAL Mileage Bank Jet Airways JetPrivilege JetBlue TrueBlue Korean Air Skypass KOC LAP LMM MHE MEA PMM QFF QAP SPR SEB SVA SKF SAV TMF TPV ROP MAS UMP GLP VAE VFC VAV Kuwait Airways Oasis Club LAN LANPass Lufthansa Miles & More Malaysia Airlines Enrich Middle East Airlines Cedar Miles Philippine Airlines Mabuhay Miles Qantas Frequent Flyer Qatar Airways Privilege Club S7 Priority Club SAS EuroBonus Saudi Arabian Airlines Alfursan Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer South African Airways Voyager TAM Fidelidade TAP Victoria Thai Airways Royal Orchid Plus Turkish Airlines Miles&Smiles United Airlines MileagePlus Vietnam Airlines Golden Lotus Plus Virgin America Elevate Virgin Atlantic Flying Club Virgin Australia Velocity Frequent Flyer Appendix B. Tiers. Code Name 0 Unknown 1 Basic 8 Tier1 (for instance, “Silver”) 16 Tier2 (for instance, “Gold”) 24 Tier3 (for instance, “Platinum”) 32 Tier4 (for instance, “Diamond”) 33 Tier5 34 Tier6 35 Tier7 NB: Naming conventions and applications vary across programs. Appendix C. Response codes. Code 0 -1 Description Indicates successful operation. General error code. Indicates that error occurred whilst processing request. Appendix D. Accrual types. Code 1 2 3 4 5 Name RDM. Redeemable miles usually by default. EQM. Elite qualifying miles by default. EQS. Elite qualifying segments by default. EQP. Elite qualifying points by default. EQD. Elite qualifying dollars by default. Appendix E. Alliances. Code 0 1 2 3 4 Name Unknown Independent OneWorld SkyTeam StarAlliance Appendix F. Errors codes and descriptions. Code FLEMP FLIDE FLTPE FLLGE FLSGE FLSGDAE FLSGAAE FLSGMKE FLSGOPE FLSGFCE FLSGDDE FLSGFNE PCUKNW PTUKNW Description Flights collection is empty. The FlightId field is not set for some flight(s). Flight doesn’t have total price specified in the price block. Legs are not set for some flight(s). Segment are not set for some flight(s). Departure airport code is either not set or has been provided in non-IATA format. Arrival airport code is either not set or has been provided in non-IATA format. Marketing airline code is either not set or has been provided in non-IATA format. Operating airline code is either not set or has been provided in non-IATA format. The fare code is not set for some flight(s). Departure date is either not populated or set in the wrong format which was not parsed. The flight number is not set for some flight(s). Unknown program code detected. Unknown program tier code detected for the certain program. Change history Change Date 03/13/2014 06/23/2014 Author(s) Alex Jawad, Vitali Pukhalski Vitali Pukhalski Description V1 document created a) The “UserTier” field added to the ProgramMilesInfo section. 07/10/2014 Vitali Pukhalski 07/11/2014 Vitali Pukhalski 07/25/2014 Vitali Pukhalski 10/23/2014 10/21/2015 Vitali Pukhalski Vitali Pukhalski b) The “CalculateOne” method description added. v2.0 document created to reflect revenue based programs related changes in API. a) The “PriceInfo” property description added to the Calculate and CalculateOne requests and requests samples. b) The “EarningBase” property added a) The “DepartureDate” field added support for the ISO-8601 date formats (YYYY-MM-DD generally). b) Appendix F updated with new error codes. The Airlines field added to the ProgramInfo structure. The “PriceInfo” added “TotalPrice” property. Appendix A - “Programs codes and names” updated. Appendix D - “AccrualTypes” updated with EQD metric. Appendix F - added FLTPE error code to indicate empty TotalPrice