The Birth of a Republic

The Birth of a
The Birth of a Republic
Main Idea…
The Romans created a republic and conquered Italy by
treating people fairly…
The Birth of a Republic
Have you heard the phrase “winning hearts and minds”? It means convincing
people to support you rather than just forcing them to obey…
Now lets look at how the Romans not only conquered other people in Italy but
also won their hearts and minds.
The Birth of a Republic
The Etruscans ruled Rome for more than 100 years.
Under the Etruscans, Rome became wealthy and very powerful.
The Birth of a Republic
The problem one there was a ruling family that had
complete control over Rome called the Tarquins.
They grew cruel and treated the people of Rome very badly.
The Birth of a Republic
Finally in 509 B.C.E. the Romans rebelled
The Birth of a Republic
They over threw the Tarquins and established a Republic.
A Republic – is a form of government in which the leader is freely
elected into office by the citizens, who have the right to vote.
The Birth of a Republic
The rise of the Roman Republic marked the beginning of a new chapter
in Rome’s history.
At the time Rome became of republic the city was still very small and
surrounded by enemies.
The Birth of a Republic
Over the next two hundred years, the Romans fought war after
war against their neighbors.
They branched out and defeated the other Etruscans in the
north and conquering the Greeks in southern Italy.
The Birth of a Republic
With these victories the Romans became the supreme
masters of Italy and issued in a new era for the small country.
The Birth of a Republic
1) What was the name of the ruling family that treated
the citizens of Rome cruelly?
2) What was the name of the Government that the
Romans set up?
3) What makes this government different for the people
that live under it?
4) What were the names of the two different rulers in
Italy that Rome had to defeat in order to control the
The Birth of a Republic
1) What was the name of the ruling family that treated the citizens of
Rome cruelly?
2) What was the name of the Government that the Romans set up?
3) What makes this government different for the people that live under
People have the power to vote
4) What were the names of the two different rulers in Italy that Rome
had to defeat in order to control the country?
The Greeks and the Etruscans
Why was Rome so Strong
Rome was able to conquer Italy due to their excellent military and
strength in combat.
In the Republics early days, every male citizen who owned land had to
serve in the military…sometimes their families were forced to join as well
Why was Rome so Strong
Discipline was harsh, and deserters were punished by death.
The tough discipline helped mold Roman soldiers into fighters
who fought brutally during combat…
Why was Rome so Strong
Roman armies at first fought like Greek armies…
Rows upon rows of soldiers marched shoulder to shoulder
keeping their shields together holding long spears.
Why was Rome so Strong
Roman generals soon realized that this way of fighting
was slow and hard to control.
They reorganized their soldiers into smaller groups
called legions.
Why was Rome so Strong
Each legion had about 6,000 men and was further
divided into groups of 60 to 120 soldiers.
These smaller groups could quickly cut through enemy
lines …Rome had mastered the art of war.
Why was Rome so Strong
Roman soldiers or Legionaries were armed with a short sword
called a Gladius and a spear called a Pilum.
Why was Rome so Strong
Why was Rome so Strong
Why was Rome so Strong
Each unit also carried its own Standard…a tall pole topped with a
specialized symbol.
In battle, Standards helped keep units together during hectic battles
where troops could get confused and lost on the battlefield.
Why was Rome so Strong
 The
Weapons of the
Roman Legion
soldiers armor was
mode of iron strips
joined together with
leather ties.
 The
military issued
Gladius hung at their
Why was Rome so Strong
 The
iron point on the
Pilum was made to
bend after the spear
was thrown…preventing
an enemy from using it.
 Shields
were made from
sheets of wood glued
together and covered
with leather.
Why was Rome so Strong
Why was Rome so Strong
S.P.Q.R. is an Latin phrase used by the Roman military, Senātus
Populusque Rōmānus (For the Senate and People of Rome)
Referring to the government and people of the ancient
Roman Republic,
Why was Rome so Strong
5) Who had to by law serve in the Roman Republic’s
6)What were the famous Roman Legions?
7)What Specific weapons did the Roman Legionaries use?
8)What does S.P.Q.R. stand for? (Bonus points for the Latin
Why was Rome so Strong
5) Who had to by law serve in the Roman Republic’s military?
6)What were the famous Roman Legions?
Soldiers divided into smaller troops, 60 to 120 men per legion.
7)What Specific weapons did the Roman Legionaries use?
Male, land owners
Gladuis, Pilum, Shields…
8) What does S.P.Q.R. stand for? (Bonus points for the Latin translation)
Senātus Populusque Rōmānus (For the Senate and People of Rome)
Shrewd Rulers
The Romans were not only great in battle but also extremely talented planners.
As they expanded throughout Italy, they built permanent military settlements in
areas they conquered…to protect their new land
Shrewd Rulers
Next the Romans would build roads between the towns that
their armies held.
These roads allowed troops to travel swiftly to anyplace within
Rome’s growing territory.
Shrewd Rulers
To rule their new conquest, the Romans created the Roman
This law gave full citizenship to some people, especially other Latin's that
were defeated by Rome.
Shrewd Rulers
These new citizens could vote and serve in the government and they
were treated the same as other citizens under the law.
Not everyone was granted citizenship…some were only granted the
status of Allies.
Shrewd Rulers
Allies were free to run their own local affairs, but they had to pay taxes
to the Republic and provide soldiers for the Roman Army.
The Romans made it very clear that loyal allies could improve their position
in Rome and even become citizens eventually.
Shrewd Rulers
With these policies, the Romans proved themselves clever leaders and fair rulers.
They knew that conquered peoples would be more loyal to the government if
they were treated well.
Shrewd Rulers
Rome's generosity paid off and as a result the Republic grew
stronger and more unified.
Shrewd Rulers
All the same, Rome was not afraid to use force if necessary.
If the conquered peoples revolted against Roman rule…their
resistance was swiftly put down by Rome's superior military.
What did you learn ???
Expository Writing:
Write a two paragraph essay discussing the reasons
Rome was so successful in its conquest of Italy.