Brief - Hyip

A brief for development of an investment project
Basic information:
The company's name:
Website address
The area of the company's activity / the company’s
- Forex investments
In what languages the information is to be posted:
Russian, English
Do you want us to develop a marketing strategy?
Yes / no
Do you want us to create your company’s story?
Yes / no
Do you want us to create content for your website?
Yes / no
Do you want us to make a video presentation?
Yes / no
Do you want us to promote your project?
Yes / no
Competitors' projects analysis:
Primary competitors:
Advantages of competitors:
Disadvantages of competitors:
Will drafts (in Photoshop, CorelDRAW, Illustrator
format) be provided?
Before submitting your brief, make sure to attach Yes / no
the materials related to development of your
project if there are any.
Color spectrum of the design:
- Dark-green, black
- #4B9038, #575757
- As the designer will decide
What websites do you like and do not like (from the point of view of design/being user-friendly)
Competitive advantages that we should
necessarily/desirably use in the design:
Will any diagrams be used on your website?
Please specify what kind of statistics will be
displayed in the diagrams and whether you want
to control the diagrams from your website's
control panel. Later will be necessary
For what internal pages of your website do you
want us to develop the design (PSD website
Quality and uniqueness of the interface of your
entire website depend on the number of internal
pages that we design. At the same time, there
can be no internal pages, if the budget for the
project is very limited and the quality of design
and uniqueness of the interface are not very
important to you. In this case, the pages are
designed in the process of coding and, as a rule,
have standard functionality and minimum
silhouette quality (ask our manager to provide
you with examples of such projects).
Minimum content design: 0 pages
Intermediate content design: 4-6 pages
Wide content design: 10 pages
Perfect content design: from 10 pages They
often order page content design for: "Marketing",
«FAQs» "About us" pages, for which the unique
representation of content (text/unique
images/documents/diagrams, etc.) is necessary.
Thus, the design can include over 20 pages.
- The registered firm, the address of the company
- The technical support telephone (working 24/7)
- Unique marketing strategy
- Unique company’s story
–Yes, we need a diagram of floating percent of every last week (the X
axis – day, Y - percent from 2 to 8). Editing should be available in the
control panel (calendar).
Specify the pages you want us to develop content design for, for
An important page containing the company's requisites and a feedback
This page will have a style of forms which can be used in the "login",
"change email", "change password", "reset password", "confirm action"
and "contacts" pages, if it was not drawn.
The style of this page can be used on pages including: "User pages",
“news”, “question-answer” and other pages with content, such as: "to our
partners", "marketing", etc.
Terms of the project
Question-answer (FAQ)
Statistics of an account is displayed on this page. Tables are most often
used in a low-budget version (by default). The style of this page can be
used for tables on pages including: "operations", "deposits", "referral
system", "tickets", "messages", and "your profiles (loginza)". The “office”
page can be unique, have a different background, content, and a style of
the header and footer.
If the development includes development of a unique design for the
office, the “operations” page will be used for development of the table
The style of this page can be used in all forms of the “office” pages that
include: "pay in", "open deposit", "currency exchange", "send message"
pages, etc.
Open deposit
It often contains a description of investment plans, as well as the choice
of the payment system, with help of which the deposit will open. The
uniquely presented choice of the payment system can also be used on
the "pay in", "withdrawal", "currency exchange", "money transfer" pages.
It's a page with the user's settings. For better development of its
interface, it is recommended to include it in the development project
because it contains a lot of settings and it's better to present its
appearance in a unique way, different from a standard layout of forms of
the office page (because usually they are of a smaller size and request
the user to specify minimum of data).
Additional wishes on development of the design
for your website:
In addition to the brief, we suggest that you draft
flow charts for pages of your website. A flow
chart is a work specification for a designer. It
should be drafted at least in text format (ask our
manager to provide you with an example of a
flow chart). If you want us to develop a prototype
for some pages for a schematic representation
of the design structure, please specify this wish
Do you want us to create banners?
please specify the assumed number of banners.
Can we place our studio's copyright on your
In case of placement of our copyright on your
website you receive a 50$ discount on the
development of the project.
Can we place your project in our portfolio after
its finished?
Without coordination of this question the project
is placed in a portfolio one year after the project
is developed / finished
- I need you to make flowcharts in text format
- I need you to make a prototype for the main page
- Please send me an example of flowcharts
Yes, 5 banners / no
Yes / no
Yes / no
Functionality, technical part of the project:
Please specify the necessary improvements of
CMS H-script.
–The user's picture on the “news”, “testimonials” and “office” pages.
- The number of clickthroughs on a partner link
- Connection of a diagram of floating percent to a CMS calendar
- Comments to the news
- A matrix project (please attach a work specification or a description of
changes to be made to a standard functionality)
Do you want us to register your firm or get you
an EV SSL certificate? (Green Bar.)
Yes / no
Do you want us to get you a SSL certificate?
Yes / no
Do you need a foreign telephone number?
You can receive calls on your phone or via
Do you want us to register a domain?
Yes / no
Yes / no
Do you want us to set up hosting?
Yes / no
Do you want us to set up a dedicated server?
Yes / no
Do you need CMS setup?
CMS setup, configuration of payment systems,
investment plans etc.)
Yes / no
Will you use the Tickets CMS functionality?
Yes / no
Will the User messages CMS functionality be
Yes / no
How the user will open a deposit:
1. The user goes to the "replenish
balance" page. He replenishes the
balance. Then he goes to the "open
deposit" page.
2. The user immediately goes to the "open
deposit" page where he selects "open
deposit with the system balance" or
"open deposit with the use of a payment
Option 1
Do you want us to include the cost of a CMS Hscript license in the cost of the project?
Yes / no
Financial part:
Assumed budget of the project:
Additional wishes:
Contact information:
Last, first and middle names:
After filling out the brief, send it to the email – /