St. George Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church 237 Long Hill Rd Little Falls, NJ 07424 Parish Office: (973)256 8961 Pastor Office (973)256-9475 Church Website: Church Office E-mail: The Icon of the Pentecost The Most Reverend Metropolitan PHILIP SALIBA Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All North America His Grace Bishop NICHOLAS OZONE Bishop of Brooklyn and Resident assistant to the Metropolitan V. Rev. Father Dimitri Darwich Pastor of Saint George Saint George Rev. Father Michael Ibrahim 1 All Saints Sunday Altar Servers Epistle Reader Timothy Sabbagh, Matthew Sabbagh, David Oliver, Ramy Alain, Tony Elias, James Alain. Fadia Juzdan Oliver, Thomas Father Dimitri will be away from the parish to represent our church at the Parish Life Conference from July 4th through July 7, 2013. He will also be attending the Archdiocese Convention in Houston, TX from July 22nd through to July 29, 2013. In case of an emergency please call the office (973) 256 8961. Thank you. TO BE READ AFTER THE LITTLE ENTRANCE APOLYTIKION OF THE RESURRECTION IN TONE EIGHT From the heights Thou didst descend, O compassionate One, and Thou didst submit to the three-day burial, that Thou might deliver us from passion; Thou art our life and our Resurrection, O Lord, glory to Thee. طروبارية القيامة باللحن الثامن ُ اآلالمَ فيا حياتنا َ لكي تعتِقنا ِمن. وقبِ ْلتَ الدَّفنَ ذا الثالث َِة األيام.انحدرتَ ِمنَ العُلُ َِو يا ُمتحنن ِ .وقيامتنا يا ربَ المج َد ُ لك APOLYTIKION OF ALL SAINTS IN TONE FOUR Thy Church, O Christ God, hath regaled herself in the blood of Thy Martyrs throughout the entire world, as in porphyry and purple. Through them she lifteth her voice crying, Turn with Thy compassion toward Thy people, and grant peace to Thy city, and to our souls the Great Mercy. طروبارية القديسين باللحن الرابع 2 ُ بدماء َ كأنهيا ببرفيير،شهدا ِئكَ الذين فيي كي َِ العيالم َِ ك إذ قد تزينت َ إنَ كنيست،أيُها المسي ُحَ اإلله ولنفو ِسيينا،ح السييالمَ لمييدين ِتك َْ واميين، أرسي َْ رأفتييكَ لشييع ِبك: فهييي بهييم تهتي إليييكَ صييار ة،وأرجيوان .الرحمةَ العُظمى TROPARION OF SAINT GEORGE IN TONE 4 As deliverer of captives, as defender of the poor, healer of the infirm, champion of kings, Victorious, Great Martyr George, intercede with Christ our Lord, intercede for the soul’s salvation. طروبارية القديس جاورجيوس باللحن الرابع ، وللمرضى طبيبَ وشا،وناصر َعاضد َِ والمساكين َِ ُ وللف،بما أنَّكَ للمأسورينَ ُمح ِررَ و ُمعتِق قراء ِ ِ ُ أيها العظي َُم في ال. َحارب َ تشفَّ َْع إلى الم. جاورجيوس ال ُمظفَّ َُر َُ شهدا َِء ِ وعن المؤمنينَ ُمكافِحَ و ُم ِسيح .الص نفو ِسنا َِ اإلل َِه في KONTAKION OF THE SAINTS IN TONE EIGHT To You, O Lord, creator of all the world, the universe offers to You the Godbearing Martyrs as nature's first-fruits. Thus, preserve Your Church in the profoundest peace by the prayers of the pure Theotokos, O most merciful One. قنداق للقديسين على اللحن الثامن فبتوسالتهم احفظ. إن المسكونة تقدم لك الشهداء الالبسي هللا كبواكير الطبيعة,أيها الرب البارئ ال ليقة . يا جزي الرحمة, من أج والد اإلله,كنيستك في سالم دائم THE EPISTLE God is wondrous in His saints. Bless God in the congregations. The Reading from Saint Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews (11:33-12:2) Brethren, all the saints through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, received promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched raging fire, escaped the edge of the sword, won strength out of weakness, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight. Women received their dead by resurrection. Some were tortured, refusing to accept release, so that they might rise again to a better life. Others suffered mocking and scourging, and 3 even chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were tempted, they were killed with the sword; they went about in skins of sheep and goats, destitute, afflicted, ill-treated—of whom the world was not worthy—wandering over deserts and mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. And all these, though well attested by their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had foreseen something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect. Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfection of our faith. الرسالة .المجامع باركوا هللا في,عجيب هو هللاُ في قديسيه ِ ٌ ِ ِ الرسول إلى العبرانيين فصل من رسالة بولس ٌ ِ ِ لهيب الممالك وأقاموا باإليمان أخضعوا إن القديسين أجمعين,ُيا إخوة َ العدل ونالوا المو َ َ اعد وسدوا أفو َاه األسود وأخمدوا َ ِ ِ ِ نساء الحروب وهزموا الضعف وصاروا أبطاال في وتغلبوا على,حد السيف َ ّ النيران ونجوا من ٌ واستعاد,جيوش الغرباء ٍ القيود بل,لجلد التعذيب ورفضوا احتمل ومنهم من.أمو َاتهن بالقيامة َ َ وآخرون قاسوا الهزَء وا,النجاة رغب ًة في قيامة أفضل َ َ َ ِ جلود الغنم والماعز محرومين مقهورين لباسهم ّ ونشروا وقتلوا ُ ورجموا.والسجن ُ ُ , وهاموا على وجوههم,بحد السيف ِ ِ ِ فتاهوا في البراري و, ال يستحّقهم العالم,مظلومين ِ الموعد مع يحصل هؤالء على ولم. وكهوف األرض المغاور الجبال و ْ ُ ِ لذلك فنحن.مصيرهم وشاء أن ال يصيروا كاملين إال معنا أفضل من أعد لنا مصي اًر أنهم ٌ ّ الن هللا ّ ,مشهود لهم باإليمان َ ٍ علينا أن ُنلقي عنا كل,الذين تُحيط بهم هذه السحاب ُة الكثيف ُة من الشهود فنجري بعزٍم في,ثقل وما يكتنفنا من خطايا ّ ِ ِ .أس إيماننا ومكمّله يسوع ونجعل ,الم ْم ِتد أمامنا َ نصب أعيننا ر َ ُ ُ ميدان الجهاد THE GOSPEL (Matthew 9:36-10:8) The Reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew The Lord said to His disciples, “Everyone who acknowledges Me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father Who is in heaven; but whoever denies 4 Me before men, I also will deny before My Father Who is in heaven. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who does not take his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me.” Then Peter said in reply, ”?“Lo, we have left everything and followed Thee. What then shall we have Jesus said to them, “Truly, I say to you, in the New World, when the Son of Man shall sit on His glorious throne, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And every one who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My Name’s sake, will receive a hundred fold, and inherit eternal life. But ”many that are first will be last, and the last first. إنجيل األحد األول بعد العنصرة المعروف بأحد جميع القديسين فصلٌ شريف من بشارة القديس متى البشير قال الرب لتالميذه كل من يعترف بي قدام الناس أعترف أنا به قدام أبي الذي في السماوات ،ومن ينكرني قدام الناس أنكرهُ أنا قدام أبي الذي في السماوات ،من أحبُ أباُ أو أ ًّما أكثر مني فال يستحقني ،ومن أحب ابناُ أو بنتاُ أكثر مني فال يستحقني ،ومن ال يأخذ صليبه ويتبعني فال يستحقني ،فأجاب بطرس وقال له هوذا نحن قد تركنا كل شيء وتبعناك فماذا يكون لنا ،فقال لهم يسوع الحق أقول لكم إنكم أنتم الذين تبعتموني في جيل التجديد متى جلس ابن البشر على كرسي مجده تجلسون أنتم أيضاُ على اثني عشر كرسياُ تدينون أسباط إسرائيل االثني عشر ،وكل من ترك بيوتاً أو أخوة أو أخوات أو أباً أو أماً أو امرأة أو أوالداً أو حقوالً من أجل اسمي يأخذ مائة ضعف ويرث الحياة األبدية ،وكثيرون أولون يكونون آخرين وآخرون يكونون أولين. أحد جميع القديسين مقدسة رسولية .القداسة في عيد لجميع القديسين .الكنيسة واحدة جامعة ّ في هذا األحد األول بعد العنصرة ُن ّ يعبر بقوة نعمة الحقيقية .هي غاية الكنيسة ّ التجسد والفداء والخالص والقيامة .القداسة هي الفصح .به اإلنسان ُ ّ الروح القدس مع المسيح من الموت إلى الحياة والقيامة والملكوت .ولهذا وضعت الكنيسة هنا ذكرى جميع ثمار للمسيح أضحوا ًا القديسين بعد أحد العنصرة وحلول الروح القدس .ألن القديسين ّ تقدسوا بفعل الروح القدس و ّ وقوة شفاعتهم .هذا األحد هو يانع ًة يتغ ّذى بها المؤمون ،وبهج ًة للكنيسة ينيرونها ّ بأشعة مواهبهم وشذى فضائلهم ّ قديسيك لتحفظنا في السالم فبشفاعة ختام الدور الخمسيني بإتمام عهد الخالص رجوتُك فادي األنام بطلبات ّ إلهنا ارحمنا .آمين والدتك وجميع قديسيكّ .أيها المسيح ُ 5 Today’s Thoughts “Let us dedicate the spirit to the Father, the soul to the Son and the body to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit which will raise it again from dust." "For me, the only way to truly be an American is to be Orthodox. For only through the power of the Holy Spirit can we truly be one people." "O heavenly King, O Comforter, the Spirit of truth, who art in all places and fillest all things, Treasury of good things and Giver of life: Come, and dwell in us, and cleanse us from every stain, and save our souls, O gracious Lord." On the help we give the deceased through our prayers: "As is happens with wine inside a barrel—that when the vineyard blooms in the field, the wine somehow senses it, and blossoms in fragrance itself – so it is with the souls of sinners. They receive some relief from the Bloodless Sacrifice offered for them in charity." 6 Memorial Services Trisagion Services will be offered today for the repose of the souls of the Servants of God fallen asleep in the Lord : Hafez Juzdan by his wife, Wadia Juzdan, her children and their families. Anna Kamikian by her children and their families. May the Lord God rest the souls of his servants. May their memory be eternal. Today’s coffee hour is being donated by the Juzdan family in memory of Hafez Juzdan. Holy Bread The Holy Bread is offered today by Emmanuel & Ikhlas Munayyer in memory of Afaf Geday. Thank You For Your Donations Blessed are those who give without remembering and receive without forgetting. In memory of HAFEZ JUZDAN: Mr. & Mrs. Richard Abbate, Dr. Alan Matook, Dr. & Mrs. Emad Jacob, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Barsa, Miss Saba Kalyoussef, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Nabba, Mr. & Mrs. Ghassan Bassil, Mr. & Mrs. John Balonze, Dr. & Mrs. Jadan Abbassi, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Balonze, Dr. & mrs. Hani khoury, Mr. & Mrs. Rafi Samaha, Mr. Thomas Elin & family, Mr. Heithan Tatrous, Mr. & Mrs. George Trabousli, Mrs. Lucy Chalet, Mr. & Mrs. Samir Wakim, Dr. & Mrs. Elias Hebeka, Mr. & Mrs. George Nassor, Mr. & Mrs. Michel Kalyoussef, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Conti, Mrs. Christine Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Abuissa, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Salotti, Mr. & Mrs. Ziad Barghash, Mr. & Mrs. William Starke, Mr. & Mrs. Souhel Shehady, Mr. & Mrs. George Hanna, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Aboushanab, Mr. & Mrs. Antoine Zeitoun, Mr. & Mrs. Nasrialla Ardsheed, Mr. & Mrs. Marwan Haddad, Mrs. Mary Shababb, Mr. & Mrs. George Derbaly, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kurzum, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Maloof, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nafash, Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Kalyoussef, Mr. & Mrs. Gary Nafash, Mr. & Mrs. Hohn Srelch, Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Sabbagh, Mr. & Mrs. Steven Khalaf, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kabbash, Dr. & Mrs. Michel Badin, Mr. & Mrs. Farah Munayyer, Mrs. Joyce 7 Serventi, Mrs. Joan Nafash, Mr. & Mrs. Salem Saykali, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nahass, Mr. & Mrs. Zaher Saliby, Mr. & Mrs. John Joubran, Mrs. Doris Nafash, Mrs. Olivia Kabbash, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Oliver, Mr. Thomas Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. George Sarraf, Dr. & Mrs. Issam Mouded, Mrs. Joseph Kalyoussef, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Andalft, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fakes, Mr. & Mrs. Razek Sabbagh, Mr. & Mrs. Aliyas Aboughanam, Mrs. Marie Fadil, Mr. & Mrs. George Nahass, Mr. & Mrs. Herb Kassab, Mr. & Mrs. George Kassab, Mr. & Mrs. Elie Saade, Mr. & Mrs. Gaby Dorkhom, Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hosri, Mr. & Mrs. Assam Hanna, Mr. & Mrs. Abdullah Hindeleh, Mr. Claire Levash, Mr. & Mrs. Farag Ayoub, Mrs. Aspasia Kyrillidis, Mr. & Mrs. Ziad Shehady, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Zamloot, Dr. & Mrs. Christo Klele, Mr. & Mrs. Khalad Klele, Mrs. Talal Kanon, Mrs. & Mrs. Samar Sakakini, Mrs. Gary Holloway, Mr. Michael Bordaghji, Mr. & Mrs. Bassil Barghash, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shackil, Ms. Barbara Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Koroghlian, Mr. Richard Shababb, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hewitt, Mr. & Mrs. Riad Homsi, Mr. & Mrs. Karam Karam, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Czerwinski, Santangelo Funeral Home, Sessine Najjar, Corrine Hamway, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Fakhoury. In memory of GEORGE NAHASS: Mr. & Mrs. Allen Dunstan, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Kasbar Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nahass, Mr. & Mrs. G. Velari, Miss Carol Coscia, Dr. Barbara Nahas, Mrs. Mary Nahas, Sessine Najjar, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sayour, Dr. & Mrs. Albert Gosen, Mr. & Mrs. Gabe Mobayed, Mr. George Gosen, Jr., Mrs. Barbara Ludlum, Wilona family, Westfield School Boosters, Pivot Healthcare, Mr. Johanna Nahass & family, Mr. & Mrs. George Nahass, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Zamloot, Mrs. Christine Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Nabba, Mr. George Karram, Miss Marilyn Atiyeh, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Salotti, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Czerwinski, Miss Olivia Kabbash, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kabbash, Mrs. Janet Homsey, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nahass, Mr. & Mrs. George Nassor, Mr. & Mrs. Don Seeley, Mr. & Mrs. John Joubran, The Bizub family, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Fleischer, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wohlgemuth. In memory of GLORIA SALIBA: Elias Saliba & family, Albert Hajjar & family, Diana Vasilca, Mr. & Mrs. Imad Malouf, Mr. & Mrs. Aliyas Aboughanam, Mr. & Mrs. Fares Sabbagh, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Ghandour, Mrs. Frances Stephan, Naimeh Hannah, Dr. Robert Hanlon. Joseph & Fran Conti for the good health of George Andalft. Edward & Narmin 8 Kurzum for the good health of George & Elsie Nassor.1 The Spirits of the Righteous Made Perfect…” Please remember in your prayers the servants of God fallen asleep in the Lord. James Kabbaz, Tamam Mattar, Nicholas Chalet, Anna Nershey, Edward DeGeyter, Alexander Hakim, Margaret DeGeyter, Ramzi Hakim. May the Lord God rest their souls in peace and grant comfort to their families! Happy Birthday Happy and blessed birthday Nicholas Elmasri, Hadi Kheram, Alex Pitcher. May God grant them good health and length of days. Amen. New Born Baby On behalf of St. George Church, I would like to give our warmest congratulations to Yousef and Deana Munayyer for giving birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy Kareem. May God bless him as he is raised with the love of God in his heart and that he be surrounded by the teaching of His Church. Congratulations and God grant him many years. Happy Anniversary!!! We would joyfully like to wish George & Elsie Nassar a happy 60th Wedding Anniversary. Riyad & Seham Mousa a happy 50th wedding Anniversary. May God grant them many more years. O Lord our God, crown them with glory and honor! Parish Council Meeting Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 17th; at 7:00 pm. The meeting is open to all our beloved parishioners. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 9 Hope all is well! During this past PC Meeting we were informed that one of our members would be stepping down. Our Constitution allows the Parish Council to vote in a new member to finish out the year. The Constitution allows any adult member in the parish to run for this position. The member must be a member in good standing, both spiritually and financially. If you wish to run for the position please send an e-mail to the office to inform us that you wish to be nominated. All emails should be sent to One more important note. Being a member of the Parish Council requires an individual to take into account several important factors. A PC member must: 1) Attend all monthly meetings (in this case from July-December). 2) Attend church services regularly. 3) Be an active member of the community (giving your Time, Talent and Treasure). 4) Be willing to help the PC in any way you can. PC Chairman, Ziad Juzdan Clarification of New Pledge System Please be advised of the following changes to the pledge system; these changes were voted upon at the General Meeting in October. The letter you received several weeks ago may have been unclear so please review this for clarification. Please be advised that the minimum pledge is not what you should give, it is what you must give in order to be a member in good standing and receive certain benefits from the church; the suggested pledge is a more helpful guide in determining what you should give. If you are a FAMILY If you are a SINGLE WORKING ADULT Minimum Pledge: $50/month Minimum Pledge: $50/month ($600/year) ($600/year) Suggested Pledge: $35/week Suggested Pledge: $25/week ($140/month) ($100/month) If you are a COLLEGE STUDENT over 18 Minimum Pledge: $25/month Note: Don’t forget that tithing is offering 10% of your income to the church; 10 this is the traditional way in which Christians give to their church community. Consider this option if you are able. 51 Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese Convention st July 22 - July 28, 2013 The community of Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, TX invites you to join us for this important event. For more information please contact 62 Annual Eastern Diocese Parish Life Conferences The Eastern Region Parish Life Conference will be Hosted by St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church of Emmaus, Pennsylvania from July 3 to July 7, 2013. Combining our collective numbers and ideas from across the country helps to spread our ancient faith into the daily lives of more and more people. Today, competitions such as the Bible Bowl and the Oratorical Contest are essential PLC events, providing opportunities for our youth and adults to fellowship and grow in the one faith. Our church will be actively participating in this blessed event and we encourage everyone in our parish to be part of it. For Registration and Further Information, go to and you can call the office @ Tel: 610 965 2298. ً IS YOUR HUT BURNING? The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements, and to store his few possessions. Then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky. The worst had happened; everything was lost. He was stunned with grief and 11 anger. "God, how could you do this to me?!" he cried. Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. "How did you know I was here?" asked the weary man of his rescuers. "We saw your smoke signal," they replied. It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad. But we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering. Remember, the next time your little hut is burning to the ground --it just may be a smoke signal that summons the Grace of God. Pass this on, you never know who may be in need of this today. Organizations and Committees Contact Information Parish Council Officers Chairman: Ziad Juzdan Vice Chairman: David Tadros Treasurer: Elie Saade Secretary: Rima Bandeli Ladies Society The Ladies Society is considered the foundation organization involved in many spiritual and fundraising activities for the benefit of the church. The society is open to all women who are members of the parish. For more information on how to help, please contact Fadia Juzdan at 973-220-3687. Champion The Champion will be published on a bimonthly basis. If any one wishes to submit an article, please email Michelle Handal at . Building Fund Fundraiser This building fund committee was established to initiate fund raising in order to supplement the costs involved with capital improvements of our church facilities and structures. For more information please contact Rob Maloof or Rich Abbate. Hall Rental Jennifer Zabaneh Jason Chalet 973-259-6684 Teen SOYO Kh. Hend Kevorkian 201-715-4514 12 Fellowship of St. John Michael Kabbash 609-865-9661 m Choir Christine Lynch 973-256-8961 Charity Committee Julie Abboud 973-812-0444 PTA Maryann Saykali 973-200-0520 Sunday School Rima Bandeli 973-872-1382 m Office Hours Monday To Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Saturday By Appointment Only Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday CLOSED Church Services Great Vespers 6:30 pm Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Bible Study 7:30pm All announcements for the Weekly Bulletin must be submitted by Wednesday afternoon Confessions by appointment 13