The main function of a business is to produce goods and services which are desired by their customers What is the main function of a business organisation? ◦ Think about – What a business is? Why do businesses open? What is the reason for the existence of a business? ◦ The main function of a business organisation is to produce goods or services which are desired by their customers Eg Why did apply bring out the iPhone 5 – because that is what the customers desired! To achieve this goal, oragnisations must develop facilities and systems which produce the products or services in the most efficient and effective manner – whilst still ensuring high quality Copy diagram from page 229 and 230 into work books ◦ This diagram represents the 3 different elements of Operations Management Production Systems Ethics and social responsibility Concepts of Operations Management Goods V Services operations Operations Management Decisions Actual production of goods and services are known as operations Operations – Part of the organisation that “gets the job done” – the “engine room” that supports the organisations objectives Operations are the core activity of an organisation ◦ Core activities describe an organisations main areas of production or reasons for being in business. For example – McDonalds core activities are customer service, provide customers with quality burgers Think of a popular fast food business – what are the core activities of this business? As a class discuss: ◦ What are objectives? Explain the relationship between an organisation’s operations and objectives? The production system is the part of the organisation that produces its goods and services by transforming inputs into desired outputs Three key elements of production systems: ◦ Inputs (Resources – raw materials, labor, electricity, tools) ◦ Processes (Steps taken to produce a good or service) ◦ Outputs (Actual unit that is produced) Main priority of an organisations operations managers is productivity Productivity is measured as the output from a quantity of inputs. Read p231, 232 Service industries are different to manufacturing. ◦ What has improved productivity in the past 50 Years? ◦ List some service industries. ◦ Identify 3 areas of productivity improvements in service industries. • To create desired products or services from a series of raw materials • Transformation is possible through the implementation of the operations system • Operations system – part of the organisation that produces goods or services • 1. 2. 3. 3 KEY ELEMENTS Inputs Processes Outputs Typical inputs in an operations system ◦ Human skill/effort (Labour) ◦ Raw Material (water, trees, electricity, oil, timber, plastic) ◦ Facilities (factories, office buildings) Typical outputs in an operations system ◦ All those different goods and services that we see for sale ◦ Eg. Blackberry, iPhone, iPad, water bottle, text book, pencil, hairdresser, beautician, dentist, doctor INPUTS • • • • • • • Plant Facility Equipment Plastic Electrical Parts Paper Power/Fuel Labour PROCESSES • Assesmbly • Testing • Design • Production of instructions, warranty OUTPUTS • Washing Machine Two important aspects of operations management are ◦ Strategic planning ◦ Operational planning and control Operations managers role to ensure that the production processes achieve the organisational goals Strategic Planning ◦ Operations managers have to make – or be involved in decisions at the strategic level of a business Planning Decisions ◦ Made at an operational level about day to day operations of the business STRATEGIC DECISION Marketing of what is produced Actual mix of goods and services Design of production facilities Maintaining quality PLANNING DECISION What are the stock levels Type of maintenance Layout of processes Scheduling of production processes To coordinate the transformation of inputs into desired goods and services Titles Factory Manager Materials Manager Production Manager Quality Manager Supply Manager P233 1-5 P235 questions 1 and 2 Expert jigsaw poster activity HOMEWORK: page 235 question 1 (a-d) Must look at ◦ Productivity ◦ Transformations (Inputs and Outputs) ◦ Plus your own research from the text book and the internet ◦ Include pictures, diagrams anything you think that will make your poster a useful resource for revision Must look at ◦ Strategic V Planning Decisions ◦ Roles of the operation manager ◦ Plus your own research from the text book and the internet ◦ Include pictures, diagrams anything you think that will make your poster a useful resource for revision