Basic Firewall o ACLs
Stateful Firewall o ACLs with “established” option
Reflexive Firewall
Implicit Deny applies to all ACLs created
Add ‘log’ to the end of an ACL to log packets (use sparingly)
ACLs numbered 1 to 99
Are created using: o Router(config)# access-list acl-number [permit/deny ] source address [wildcard]
Filter solely based on a source IP (layer 3)
ACLs numbered 100 to 199 or 2000 to 2699
Are created using: o Router(config)#access-list acl-number [permit/deny] protocol source address
[source wildcard] destination address[destination wildcard] established o A protocol must be specified o If destination address is set, the port parameter must also be set to allow any traffic to flow.
Can be used on both standard and extended ACLs
Allows you to reorder and remove specific entries where a numbered entry would delete the entire ACL
After creating an ACL, it must be applied to an interface on either Inbound or Outbound directions. e.g. Router(config-if)#ip access-group List # or name [in/out]
ACLs can also be applied to lines: e.g. Router(config-line)#access-class List # or name [in/out]
Zeros (0) indicate positions that must match in the anding process; ones (1) indicate positions that will be ignored e.g. [included 0.0.0.|ignored[255 ]
Standard ACLs should be placed as close to the destination address as possible to avoid adversely affecting packets by denying all traffic, valid or invalid
Extended ACLs should be as close to the source as possible to avoid unnecessary use of network resources. E.g. a packet traverses the network only to be dropped once it gets there
Configure > Additional Talks > ACL Editor
After configuring, in the ‘Add a Rule’ window, click Associate to assign it to an interface
Add the keyword established to ACLs
Established works only on TCP
Reflexive ACLs check source and destination ports, not just ACK bits
‘Established’ makes the router check if the ACK flag have been set on packets inspected, it permits all TCP traffic with an ACK flag set.
Also known as lock-and-key ACLs
IP traffic only
Dependant on Telnet/SSH
Challenge mechanism to authenticate individual users
Simplified management in larger networks
Reduced router processing
Less opportunities for hackers
Step One: Make a username/password
Two: Add an ACL that allows telnet access/ Add the dynamic ACL entry
Three: Apply the entry to inbound interface
Four: Configure autocommand on the vty lines
As a general rule, ACLs should be made, by default, to prevent access to private addressing ranges that do not exist in the companies’ topology.
Typically, a router that has the ability to filter using L3 and L4
Uses ACLs
Also known as ‘static filter’
Stateful Firewall
Monitors the state of connections and checks whether it’s in initiation, transfer or termination states
Most common and versatile
Layers 3,4,5 – Primarily Layer 3
Improved performance
More log information is generated by Stateful than by packet filtering
Every time a connection is established, the information is added to the session flow table (src IP, dest IP, port, ACK, RST) for that session
Application gateway firewall (proxy firewall)
Filters information based on Layers 3,4,5 and 7
Usually configured in software
Address-Translation firewall
Expands the amount of IP addresses and hides the network topology
Layers 3 and 4
Host-based firewall
A PC or server running firewall software
Transparent Firewall
Filters traffic between a pair
Hybrid Firewall
Combination of 2 or more firewall technologies
Context based Access Control
Intelligently filters packets based on Application layers session information
Can block P2P
Can block IM
Can detect different types of network attacks including SYN flooding
Has 4 main functions o Traffic Filtering o Traffic Inspection o Intrusion Detection o Generation of Audits/Alerts
Not Dependant on ACLs
Set by default to block unless specifically allowed
Allows modular approach
To allow traffic flow using ZBF, all interfaces must belong to a zone
Traffic is allowed implicitly to flow between interfaces of the same zone
Configured using :
Create Zone:
zone security nameofzone
Define traffic type:
class-map type inspect nameofclassmap match access-group 101 (an ACL)
Specify policies: policy-map type inspect
To assign zone to interface: zone-pair security