Envelope Activity

Collaborative Note Taking
Step 1: Begin with your Act of Hamlet. You should have multiple index cards. On each of
the index cards you will be writing elements of the chapter that are vital to understanding
your act.
Index card 1 (largest): Label each scene as indoors or outdoors and public or
private. Also classify each scene by kind of action (ghost scene, court scene, mad
scene, etc). In addition, list all the characters in each of the scenes
Index card 2: examples of significant words spoken by major characters
Index card 3: examples motifs with textual evidence (spying, eavesdropping,
questioning, interrogation, madness, acting, playing, ears/hearing, drunkenness, the
celestial, alliances formed, alliances broken, seeing/not seeing, flattery,
plans/conspiracies, baiting.
Index card 4: examples of organization and syntax
Index card 5:examples of specific language uses (look at annotation sheet for entire
play for terms)
Index card 6: examples of notable dramatic techniques and devices
Index card 7: any notable connections from this act to another act.
Step 2: Pass your envelope to the next group
Step 3: When you get your new envelope (new next Act) do the following:
Read index card 1of the Act and add any significant details that were left out
Read through each of the other index cards
Out of the six remaining index cards, pick four cards (2-7) that your group wants to
add any notable information, make sure to cite textual evidence
Step 4: Pass your envelope to the next group
Step 5: When you get your new envelope (new next Act) do the following:
Read index card 1of the Act and add any significant details that were left out
Read through each of the other index cards
Out of the six remaining index cards, pick four cards (2-7) that your group wants to
add any notable information, make sure to cite textual evidence
Step 6: Pass your envelope to the next group
Step 7: When you get your new envelope (new Act) do the following:
Read index card 1of the Act and add any significant details that were left out
Read through each of the index cards
Out of the five index cards add any textual reference that your group thinks is
significant that may have been left out
Put a star next to 10 textual references that your group feels is important to
understanding the Act
Repeat steps 6 and 7 two times
When you get your original envelope, go through the material in your group. Create
two pages of notes for that Act (using the comments and contributions to your
classmates) that makes most sense to your group.
Each set of notes will be scanned and uploaded to the school website for your use.
Everyone in the class is responsible for taking quality notes.