
A Frame for this afternoon
“To be playful and serious at the same time is
possible, and it defines the ideal mental condition”
“Methods which are permanently successful in formal education … go
back to the types of situation which causes reflection out of school in
ordinary life. They give pupils something to do, not something to learn;
and the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking, or the
intentional noting of connections; learning naturally results”.
(John Dewey, 1916)
Active Learning Methods in a
Small Group Context
• Compare & contrast active and experiential learning
(just a warm up test for you, lah)
• Evaluate a range of active learning methods for small
group learning
• analyze the need for variation in the learning
• Use a range of active learning methods as an
integrated pedagogic strategy
Compare and contrast Active and
Experiential learning
In groups of 4/5, identify and share your prior knowledge on what you
understand by active and experiential learning.
From your discussion, identify:
 Similarities between active and experiential learning
 Differences between active and experiential learning
 The importance of the differences in terms of learning effectiveness
(illustrate with at least 2 examples)
Note: all of you must be able to present and answer questions posed by
members of other groups or yours truly
Active & Experiential Learning:
Similarities & Differences
• Experiential learning is by its very nature active, but engages directly with
real world experience (e.g., actually teaching very difficult students)
Kolb’s Experiential
Learning cycle
• Discussing ways to deal with difficult students is active learning, but is
limited experientially
• Both can promote student’s thinking (e.g., analyzing, comparing and
contrasting, making inferences and interpretations, evaluating, generating
possibilities, etc) and create interest in the learning experience.
What do we mean by Cooperative Learning
A Structure is a content free way (method/tool) for organising
interaction in the classroom. Content is placed into a
structure to create a Activity which necessitates cooperative
Activities are then designed into lessons to meet specific
learning outcomes (e.g., activating prior learning, promoting
types of thinking, reinforcing key content understanding,
developing communication skills, etc)
Numbered Heads Together
Basic Theme:
Students are presented with a question or problemthey “put their heads together”, generate and explore
possible answers/solution
1 The teacher has students numbered off
within groups, so that each student has
a number: 1, 2, 3, 4.
2 The teacher asks a question or presents
a problem and gives ‘think time’ for
students individually
3 The teacher tells the students to “put their
heads together”, discuss their possible answers,
agree their best answer and make sure that all
group members know the ‘correct’ answer
4 After a defined period of time (or when the
students indicate they are ready) the teacher
calls a number (1, 2, 3, or 4), and all students
with that number can raise their hands to
What is Cooperative Learning?
Any classroom learning situation in which students of all levels
of performance work together in structured groups to achieve a
common learning goal.
Key Principles:
• Positive Interdependence (e.g., ‘your gain is my gain’)
• Individual Accountability (the individual is tested)
• Equal Participation (as far as is possible)
Why use Cooperative Learning?
Research has shown that cooperative learning techniques (when
used effectively):
• Promote student learning and academic achievement
• Increase retention of the subject content
• Enhance student motivation
• Help develop skills in oral communication & teamwork
• Promote student self-esteem
(Kagan 2004)
Building Cooperative Learning into Lessons
• Use Cooperative Learning as an addition to the lecture,
tutorial or other method, not in place of these methods (Use
for between 10-30% of the lesson time)
• Use Structures that facilitate the specific learning you want
within the lesson design (For example, after a period of lecturing, it is
useful to provide a means for students to digest the information, identify
points for further clarity and generate questions. Therefore, select a
structure(s) that facilitates this learning)
• Adjust Methods for maximum benefit (Less content can be covered
in cooperative learning, which may necessitate covering some material
through e-learning, homework, etc). Balance the benefits of cooperative
learning with other methods of teaching and learning support.
Preparation and Management
• Group formation (teacher selected, heterogeneous, 2-6 students)
• Duration of a group (long enough to be successful. Groups that stay
together for longer periods can tackle more complex tasks. Don’t quickly
break groups up because they are not working – this failure often transfers
to new groups)
• Focus on a learning goal to be mastered by all (require students
to learn something, not just to do something. If the group is simply asked
to complete a task, one or two students will work and the others will
• Make the learning meaningful (connect to the learning objectives.
Students must see the learning as relevant, not activity for its own sake or
the teacher avoiding work)
• Make the Structure Explicit (show, don’t simply tell instructions -have
a group model the step. Circulate, observe, listen and intervene where
necessary. Develop and practice a Quiet or Zero-Noise signal)
The principles of good small group management apply
Timed Pair Share
Basic Theme:
In pairs, students share with a partner for a
predetermined time while the partner listens
carefully. Then partners switch roles
1 Teacher announces a topic and states
4 Partner B acknowledges what was
the question/problem each student will
learned (e.g., “One thing I learned as I
have to share on
listened to you was…”)
2 Teacher provides instructions on how to 5 Pairs switch roles: Partner B speaks;
select partner and allocates time for task
Partner A listens
3 In pairs, Partner A speaks; Partner B
6 Partner A acknowledges learning
A useful adaptation of this is to allow a THINK time before the sharing –
known as Think-Pair-Share)
Basic Theme:
In teams, student take turns responding orally
1 Teacher assigns a topic or question
with multiple possible answers
2 In teams, students respond orally,
each in turn, taking the same amount of time
Circle the Sage
Basic Theme:
Each teammate gathers around a different “Sage” to learn
the content; they then return to compare notes
1 Teacher identifies “Sages.”
2 “Sages” spread out around the
room and stand
4 Sages teach; disciples take notes
3 Each member of each team
gathers around a different sage,
to become a “Disciple.”
5 Disciples return to their teams, and
compare notes with teammates.
How to teach students who absolutely dislike the subject matter – even course?
What are other active learning strategies that can be used in large classes?
How to align the 3 demands on cognitive capacity to autonomy learning?
Saljo’s 5 learning conceptions – all correct, different levels of learning – right?
What is the difference between facilitation and lecturing in the context of active
How to teach less, get students to learn more and push the boundaries of their
How to adopt active learning to psychomotor based modules?
Should we use active learning sparingly – otherwise students will be thinking the
whole day – can be tiring?
How do we assess active learning?
How to use role play to teach first year fundamental concepts in engineering –
Now what Active - indeed Experiential - Learning Experiences
could I weave in here?
Active Learning Methods and Tools
• Questioning
• Small group activities (e.g., cooperative learning structures,
buzz groups, poster tours, etc)
• Case studies, Scenario-Based Learning, Projects and PBL
• Games, Role Play & Simulations
• Discussion/Debates
• Other Performance Tasks (experiments, troubleshooting, etc)
• Thinking Tools (e.g., Mind mapping, Plus-Minus-Interesting,
Force-Field Analysis, Thinking Hats, etc)
Big Point...
A method is typically only a part of the overall instructional strategy –
it’s how a number of them are weaved together to create an experience
that results in student engagement and effective learning
Pedagogic Design
A systematic approach, using evidence-based principles and
practices, for creating learning experiences (strategies
incorporating instructional methods, activities and resources)
to facilitate desired learning outcomes for a group of learners
Good pedagogic design is both systematic and creative –
skillfully utilizing available resources and being responsive
to the situated context (adaptable to what actually happens
in real learning situations)
A metaphor for Good Learning Design
Variety & Novelty - Stories, Humour, Activities,
Examples – Woven through good Presentation Style
What is SHAPE ?
A Heuristic for the design of creative learning experiences
The Power of SHAPE
“We understand everything in human life through stories”
(Jean-Paul Sartre)
“Humour is by far the most significant behaviour of the brain”
(Edward De Bono)
“Learning activities are the best and most productive way
to learn”
(Lambert and Coombs)
“The meaning of your communication is the response
that you get”
(Bandler & Grinder)
“A fine example nurtures learners, enhancing their
concentration and effort”
Using SHAPE to Shape the learning experience
• Stories told to provide context, understanding and emotional
• Humour used to achieve rapport and provide novelty
• Activities provided to integrate, apply and consolidate
• Presentation style employed (e.g., words, tone, body language
– as well as observation and listening) to provide clarity,
meaning and influence student attention, beliefs and
psychological states
• Examples used to illustrate facts, concepts, principles,
use these Resources Creatively
SHAPE as a Metaphor for Expert Teaching
“ teachers use a repertoire of strategies, selecting the most
appropriate for use in a particular context and adapting it if
necessary for a group of learners
A pedagogic repertoire consists of two aspects: approaches,
activities, examples, analogies and illustrations for representing facts,
skills, concepts, beliefs and attitudes to others; and the skills and
strategies used as an integral part of these approaches “
(Turner-Bisset, 2001, p.69)
“Against boredom even the gods themselves
struggle in vain”
Friedrich Nietzsche
Locally Known as the “Chilli Crab Syndrome”
Typical Attention Span
Minimize Forgetting through Review
Probability of recall
Recall without reviews
Recall with reviews at intervals
with continuous periodic reviews
Noted Gen Y characteristics - how do they play
out in the classroom – what challenges are
Have been referred to as a generation that has been ‘treasured’, considered
special since birth, and generally been more sheltered than its predecessors.
Product of a child-centred philosophy
(Howe and Strauss, 2009)
Everything is Experience (& Perception)
As human being we are stuck in a process of
continuous Experience – even when sleeping
Given a choice, people seek experiences that are perceived as
pleasurable, novel, and pain reducing – because they satisfy
needs (Survive, Belong, Power, Freedom, Fun – from the work of William Glasser)
The Serial Position Curve
Primacy Effect
Recency Effect
von Restorff Effect
Position on List
15 16
Psychological Effects
• Primacy Effect (the tendency for the first items
presented in a series to be remembered better or
more easily)
• Recency Effect (the tendency for the most recently
presented items or experiences to be remembered
• Von Restorff Effect (the tendency to remember
distinct or novel items and experiences)
The Need for a Motivational Strategy?
“..if something can be learned, it can be
learned in a motivating manner” (p.23)
“..every instructional plan also needs to be
a motivational plan” (p.24)
(Wlodkowski, R. J., 1999, Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn)
Reasons for Active Learning
Learning is not a spectator sport. Students do not learn much just
by sitting in class listening to teachers, memorizing pre-packaged
assignments, and spitting out answers. They must talk about what
they are learning, write about it, relate it to past experiences, apply
it to their daily lives. They must make what they learn part of
Arthur W. Chickering and Zelda F. Gamson, "Seven Principles for
Good Practice," AAHE Bulletin 39: 3-7, March 1987
Active Learning is NOT
Activity for Activity Sake
Thinking Tools and Techniques
Mind-mapping (A useful all round learning & thinking tool)
Thinking Hats (A thought management tool)
Plus-Minus-Interesting (A simple practical tool for identifying positives, negatives and unsure
elements in a situation)
Five W’s & H (A questioning format to promote critical thinking)
Force-Field Analysis (A critical and creative thinking tool for managing change)
Forced Associations (A creative thinking technique to break out of traditional patterns of
perception and thinking)
PO (A creative thinking technique)
SCAMPER (A creating thinking tool)
Morphological Matrix (A creative thinking tool for creating multiple combinations)
Note: thinking tools and techniques don’t do the thinking, they only provide a means
for organizing your thinking
Mind Map of Edward De Bono’s Thinking Hats
White Hat
Blue Hat
Facts only
No opinions
Red Hat
Green Hat
Own view
New ideas
Black Hat
Yellow Hat
Mind Maps can promote all
types of thinking as well as
aid memory and learning
5 W’s and an H
Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?
Who -
identifies the people involved
What -
identifies things, resources, etc
Where - identifies places or locations
When - identifies time-frames or situations
Why -
identifies reasons
How -
identifies steps, activities or actions
Force-Field Analysis
Potency: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 :Potency
Forces driving change
Forces resisting change
The objective is to move the balance to the right which can be achieved by:
• identifying forces, their causes and strength
• planning and acting to assist the driving forces
• planning and acting to reduce the resisting forces
• using some of the resisting forces against each other if possible
Forced Associations (Random Triggers)
Forced Associations is a technique for linking another thinking pattern into
the one we are presently using. We do this by selecting a random concrete noun
from a different field and combining it with the problem under consideration.
For example, we might be looking at ways to make lifts quicker.
Force Associate
with ‘Mirror’
By choosing a random word ‘Mirror’ could lead to installing mirrors by lifts.
As we know this is a popular solution for ‘slow lifts’. The lift doesn’t go faster,
but people waiting don’t notice this as they look in the mirror.
PO (Provocative Operation)
PO involves making deliberately provocative statements, which seek to
force thinking out of established patterns.
“Everybody should go to prison”
“Lets abolish schools”
Having made a provocative statement, it is then necessary to suspend judgement
and use the statement to generate ideas. For example, you can generate ideas
by examining:
The consequences of the statement
What the benefits could be?
What would need to change in order to make it a sensible statement?
What would happen if a sequence of events changed?
SCAMPER is a checklist that helps to
think of ways to improve existing products
or create new ones
Magnify, Minify, Modify
Put to other use
Morphological Matrix
This tool encourages new possibilities through combining options
Deciding on Methods 1
• One method is not inherently superior to another. All methods have
strengths and limitations, which need to be borne in mind when planning
sessions. The following are important questions to ask yourself concerning
your choice of methods for a given session will they:
 facilitate the content you want to deal with and the types of learning
required (e.g., knowledge, skills, and attitudes) and meet the
objectives effectively
 suit the nature of the learning group and the individual’s who
comprise it (e.g., age, ethnic background, prior experience, etc)?
 utilize the resources you have available and ‘fit’ the environment?
 fit into your style or range of teaching skills - are you comfortable and
competent in using it?
Deciding on Methods 2
• All methods (including explanation and demonstration) need to be
systematically and creatively ‘weaved’ into an effective and efficient
instructional strategy, based on sound principles of learning
• Also, it is to be noted that a good learning design, while of key importance,
requires the expertise of delivery and management - which includes the
ability of good observation and thinking on one’s feet
• Finally, all methods will result in students experiencing the “chilli crab
syndrome” over time