FGB 14.9.15 approved

Kingham Primary School
The Green
The County Primary
Mrs J Kempton
Telephone 01608 658366
Full Governing Body Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting at Kingham Primary School
Held on 14thth September 2015 at 7.00pm
Governors (G)
Associate Members (AM)
In attendance
A Sinclair – Vice Chair/Parent
E Jenkinson
E Davis (Clerk)
M Ferrero - Co-opted
V Barron (SBM)
J Kempton – Headteacher (HT)
K Smith – Staff
D Salter – Co-opted
C Hunt – Parent
S Harris - LA
Start time:
Acting Chair for meeting: A Sinclair (Vice Chair)
1. 1. Apologies and decision whether to accept apologies for absence
2. None.
2.Elect Chair/Vice Chair, Terms of Reference and appoint new Safeguarding governor
Clerk reported no nominations had been received for CofG and gave all governors present the
opportunity to nominate themselves at the meeting. No governors came forward. Governors
discussed that Governor Services/SGOSS had already been approached together with asking
other headteachers within the partnership - both had been unsuccessful. Governors discussed
inviting David Marriott (DM) to return as CofG. DM’s fees were discussed and HT suggested a
number of hours could be agreed with DM to include a visit once every three weeks.
Clerk proposed the following based on the discussion:
David Marriott is approached for the role of CofG with an agreed number of hours per week and
a visit once every three weeks until January FGB meeting or until CofG found, whichever is
sooner. Governors unanimously voted in favour.
A Sinclair was happy to be put forward as Vice Chair and this was seconded by D Salter. A
Sinclair left the room and was voted in by governors. A Sinclair agreed to be Acting Chair for
the meeting.
Governors reviewed the Terms of Reference and agreed to reword the final clause as follows:
‘To remove a governor who, without the consent of the governing body, has failed to attend
their meetings for a continuous period of six months. This period will commence with the date of
the first such meeting the governor fails to attend and on expiry of that period, is disqualified
from continuing to hold office.’
Signed ………………………………………….. Date ………………………
HT said safeguarding was the focus of her presentation and governors may want to consider
the important role, of governor responsible for safeguarding, with more information.
3. Pecuniary Interest Declarations and declare pecuniary interest in any agenda item
None. Pecuniary interest declaration forms for 2015-16 handed out prior to meeting.
4. Approve minutes of last meeting
All approved.
5.Review actions and consider any matters arising from last meeting
c/f ACTION SBM to put PE funding spreadsheet on Hub (Item 10 previous GB minutes)
c/f ACTION SBM to show % of staff who have only worked at KPS/teaching/non-teaching staff
on stress questionnaire (Item 12 previous GB minutes).
c/f ACTION A Sinclair to report back on indemnity clause, in licence, at next meeting
6. Pupil performance data (HT)
HT reminded governors about confidential nature of the information, handed out performance
sheets and collected them in at the end of agenda item.
2014: 76.7% pupils achieved a Good level of Development (GLD)
2015: 81% pupils achieved a Good Level of Development (GLD) – best ever
Y1 Phonics
74% pupils nationally reached required standard
87% pupils at Kingham reached required standard
Y2 (end of KS1 results)
Level 2 or above: 97% in reading and maths, 90% writing
Level 3 or above: 63% reading, 33% writing (16.7% in 2014) and 60% maths
Y6 (end of KS2)
Level 4 or above: 90% in English, Reading, Grammar and 85% in Maths
Level 5 or above: 65% English, 85% Reading, 80% English Grammar, 70% Maths – best ever
in Maths and English Grammar
Level 6: 5% English, 15% English Grammar and 30% Maths – best ever English Grammar
A discussion followed about girls outperforming boys and what could be done to address this.
HT confirmed it was on the SDP.
7. Ann O’Hara visit (item 10), SDP update (item 11) and Policies: Safeguarding, Spiritual,
Moral, Social and Cultural Development and Behaviour (Item 13)
HT said the SEF was nearly ready to share on the Hub. G/AM asked HT for evidence of input
from other parties and HT confirmed she had received input from staff, pupils and parents but
not the governors yet. HT did a Powerpoint presentation to governors clearly showing how the
SDP and SEF link to the Ofsted Handbook sub-headings, focusing on: Effectiveness of
Leadership and Management and detailed the five grade descriptors relating to governors. The
presentation included an update on Ann O’Hara’s visit and the outcomes and areas for further
development. One focus area is EYFS and HT thanked E Jenkinson for spending much of the
summer holiday making improvements to that part of the school.
HT had updated the Safeguarding policy to ensure clear procedures are in place for protecting
children from the risk of radicalisation. HT had also drafted a new Spiritual, Moral, Social and
Signed ………………………………………….. Date ………………………
Cultural Development policy to ensure promotion of fundamental British values are at the heart
of the school’s work. HT said much work had already been done in this area and gave
governors examples. Finally the Behaviour policy had also been updated and governors were
advised to read this in conjunction with the above policies.
ACTION: HT to put the following documents on the Hub following the meeting:
Ofsted school inspection handbook
SEF with gradings
SDP front page
SMSCD, Safeguarding and Behaviour/Anti Bullying policies
ACTION: G/AM to read the above documents and feedback to HT within 2 weeks thereafter, to
ensure documents are adopted at next FGB meeting in November.
ACTION: M Ferrero to co-ordinate learning walks’ schedule
8. Premises update
HT reported no news from OCC on lease. Kay Thomas had visited recently and it had been
made very clear that KPS are anxious get it finalised.
9. Finance update (SBM)
SBM made G/AM aware of the major issues all schools are facing with the new finance system
and that she was unable to provide an accurate financial report. SBM made governors aware,
in detail, of the problems and explained it was all new but no training had been provided by
OCC. HT thanked SBM for all the extra work she had spent on this ongoing issue.
10. Health & Safety update (SBM)
SBM apologised for the reports being put on to the Hub so close to the meeting. SBM said that
the ‘Significant issues’ on the Health & Safety Issues & Tour Report dated 2014-15 were down
from 10 to 6 - the majority of these being routine inspections. Mr Cutting is coming back for a
walk around and report back to governors. COSHH has been reviewed by Mr Cutting with no
issues to report. CofC noted the report had been done on 14th July, a week before school
finished for summer, but asked SBM to update on the actions which SBM did. SBM told
governors that the school’s grounds person is leaving and she had started the process of
finding a replacement. CofG suggested reviewing how governors monitor health & safety at
next GB meeting. SBM said a H&S governor was needed. D Salter said he would be happy to
do the check/walk around with Mr Cutting until the H&S governor issue resolved.
ACTION: D Salter to do H&S walk around with Mr Cutting and report back at next meeting.
11. Ann O’Hara, Governor Services, visit (HT)
Covered in item 6.
12. SDP update (HT/CofG)
Covered in item 6.
13. Strategic plan update: communication, revenue & storage
Communication – Marianne thanked governors for feedback about the Governors’ webpage.
14. Policies: Safeguarding, Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development, Behaviour
Covered in item 6.
Signed ………………………………………….. Date ………………………
D Salter
15. Matters for next agenda
HT report/SEF
Succession planning
There was a brief discussion at the end about the Parent questionnaire at parents’ evening last
year and how the pupils know who governors are. EJ invited governors to come and read with
MF suggested writing a thank you letter to KPSA and all agreed.
ACTION: MF to write to KPSA thanking them for all their work.
Meeting closed: 9.08pm
Next meeting: 16th November 2015
Signed ………………………………………….. Date ………………………