Don’t believe everything you hear
and only half of what you see!
By: Jessica Meneray & Kelsey Leeson
Did you know…
Advertising began with newspapers in the 17th
century up until the late 19th century when
technological advances made it so illustrations
could be added along with color.
An early advertising success story, Thomas
Barratt married into the famous soap making
factory and realized they needed to become more
aggressive selling their products or else their
products would not survive. So he launched a
series of Ads featuring the Cherubic Children
which firmly bonded the brand to its values it still
holds today. He is often referred to today as the
father of modern advertising.
It was not until the late nineteenth century that
advertising became a fully fledged institution,
with its own ways of working, and with its own
creative values.
These agencies were a response to an
increasingly crowded marketplace, manufacturers
were realizing that promotion of their products
was vital they were to survive.
World War I saw some important advances in advertising as governments on all sides
used ads as propaganda. The British used advertising as propaganda to convince its
own citizens to fight, and also to persuade the Americans to join.
The increase of industry and “well off” consumers in the 1920’s created a need for
Advertising. Advertising really took off and began to dominate consumers from the
1920s onward.
Advertising quickly took advantage of the new mass media of the first part of the
twentieth century, using cinema, and to a much greater extent, radio, to transmit
commercial messages.
With this link you can hear some of the older radio commercials first introduced.
This was beginning to show signs of working effectively in the 1920s but the Wall St
crash put an end to widespread affluence, and the Great Depression and World War
Two meant that it was not really until the 1950s that consumers had enough disposable
income to really respond to the need creation message of advertisers.
After WW2 the television set became the biggest in consumer products," no home
could be without one”, and with television came television advertisements.
Several different advertisers could buy time within one show, and therefore the content
of the show would move out of the control of a single advertiser like a print magazine.
This became known as the magazine concept, or participation advertising, as it
allowed a whole variety of advertisers to access the audience of a single TV show.
Thus the 'commercial break' as we know it was born.
Advertising TODAYYYYY!
Advertising can come in many
forms as well as promote many
different messages.
Some Advertisements are
promoted in humor of a product
such as this one to the left. “They
have had this tagline for a long
time now. So there’s somebody
Just Doing It.”
Advertising is also used by
anyone looking to sell their
product from media such as
movies and music to food and
One of the newest ways to
advertise your product is over the
internet, with ads, pop-ups and
even websites promoting your
The Many types of Ads
Magazine Ads,
Commercial Ads,
Marketing Ads,
Pop-Ups, (internet)
On-line Advertising
The 12 Steps To Create an Ad!
the demo - “stain remover”
show the problem - “i’ve fallen and I can’t get up”
symbolize the problem - cold symptoms turn person into ogre
symbolize the benefit - laxative and old faithful
comparison - sh
exemplary story - the vw crashing ad
benefit causes story - Axe effect
testimonial - real people losing weight
ongoing characters or celebs - Taco bell dog, or cavemen
associated user imagery - people you want to hang out with, nike
unique personality property - apple genius commercials, or dyson for
the vacuum
parody or borrowed format - geico small house ad
So Now you know Why
advertising’s so Great! 
Every where you look you see advertisements for just about every kind of product and service you can
Advertisements we see influence the products we by because the products message sounds amazing
and people by it because of the positive words used and the radiant look as well as the catchy jingle
when looking at TV Commercials for example herbal essences.
Image: Pretty woman, soft, shiny luxurious hair.
Words: citrus essences, glaze, body and bounce
The Catchy Jingle
Some other influences to by a product because advertisement can be:
Appearance in the Add, on the box, in the magazine on the internet or in a commercial,
Name of a product~ usually popular or catchy Pantiene Pro-V (Brand names)
Ratings of the product, consumer ratings
Benefits~ what will you as the consumer get out of buying this product? What does it have to offer?
Catchy colors, words, songs, slogans, whatever it takes to sell the product
Advertising is EVERYWHERE! We see it on billboards, vehicles, posters and much more. It
hasn't just been around for the last century...
Advertising has been dated back to 4000 BCE!
The 1960's saw advertising transform into a modern approach where creativity had its time
to shine, producing messages that made advertisements more appealing to the consumers
In 2006, spending on advertising has been estimated at $155 billion in the United States and
$385 billion worldwide, and is expected to exceed $500 billion by 2010.
Okay so who HATES Ads?
There are those against the "normal" advertising you see such as Adbusters. They are
not only environmentalists, animal-rights activists or anti-technology activists, they are
all of these things and more! Their preferred way of social
change is "culture jamming." Naomi Klein defines culture jamming as "the practice of
parodying advertisements and hijacking billboards in order to drastically alter their
messages." Adbusters has a page online, but their most common piece is a magazine.
It is the top-selling Canadian title in the U.S. and can be found at mainstream outlets
like barnes & Noble and Borders.
So you thought Calvin Klien was
some hot underwear model!?
Advertisements tend to exaggerate
the facts and color up the truth.
To your right you get the real picture
of Calvin Klien who is not some young
Hot underwear model but rather a
hairy fat old man!
To the Bottom right …guess its pretty
small by his expression…he must stuff
People in Advertisements are not
what they look like in real life they
tend to be fixed perfect by a computer
which creates softer smoother skin a
younger look and erases some of
those ungodly unattractive wrinkles,
marks and possibly moles we all have
to achieve a younger, hotter, more
attractive look…and that’s how you
will look if you by this product!
Degrading Products Through Ads
The pictures to the right explain it all!
The Absolute vodka is looking a little
on the weak side
And McDonalds food is definitely
fattening and is not recommended for
children to live off of!
Many Big businesses and companies
get hard advertising blows against
them because, most of these
companies such as McDonalds do
more harm then good.
They may advertise there products as
very beneficial but in retrospect they
are only lying or exaggerating to sell
the product or the product may be
whatever it sais it is but the side
effects are appalling, and not all that
great or you or your body or anyone
And To conclude
So now you know that Advertisements are extremely necessary
for people in business to make money, but they don’t necessarily
give you all the details and they can be fairly exaggerated.
Advertising is important, it is a business in itself, by means that
anyone can get a job working in the advertising industry if they so
The Company selling a product or service is looking to make
money and sell their product while the Advertising service is
looking to make money and sell here advertising skills so other
companies will hire them!
And a little exaggeration can go a long way to the young,
wealthy, ignorant, consumers always looking for something
better., and never completely satisfied with what they’ve got.