Welcome to Third Grade! Mrs. Juravic Ms. Battle Daily Schedule 8:10-8:30 a.m. Warm-up/Spelling 8:30-9:30 a.m. Language Arts (Spelling, Reading, Language, Writing) 9:30-10:00 a.m. Spanish (Wed. 9:10-10:00 Computer) 10:00-10:20 a.m. Recess 10:20-11:15 a.m. Science (Mon. & Wed.) Math (Tues., Thur., Fri.) 11:15-11:45 a.m. Religion (Th.- Art) 11:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Handwriting (Religion- Wed. 11:45-12:20) 12:00-12:40 p.m. Lunch 1:00-2:00 p.m. Mon.- Math/Library, Tues. & Fri.- Social Studies, Thur. P.E. 2:15-2:50 p.m. (M. & F. -Music, Tue.-Computer, Th.-Religion) Other Subjects and Teachers Spanish- Mrs. Flores emflores@cathedralchapel.org Art- Ms. Elburg ielburg@cathedralchapel.org Library/Computer- Ms. Seanez sseanez@cathedralchapel.org Health/PE- Mr. Gonzalez dannyyankee02@gmail.com Music- TBD Folders/Notebooks/Workbooks /Textbooks Folders - Behavior Homework Writer’s Workshop Notebooks - R.L.M. S.S.R. Spanish Composition Warm-up Workbooks - Reading - Language - Math - Spanish - Handwriting Textbooks - Language Reading Spelling/Voc abulary Math Science Social Studies Religion TEAM of S.C.H.O.L.A.R.S We are a TEAM of SCHOLARS! A learning community where each scholar has a responsibility to: S- Show respect for each other and your teachers with your words and actions C- Collaborate (work together) H- Help others O- Only do your best L- Listen to your teachers and classmates A- Always follow directions the first time R- Raise our hand S- Share your ideas TEAM of S.C.H.O.L.A.R.S cont. A scholar who disrupts the learning community/team will receive the following consequences in order: T- Receive a verbal warning E- Move stick, lose a Scholar Dollar for the day and receive a G behavior grade for the day. A- Complete a Behavior Reflection Sheet, sign-up for Classroom Service and receive an S behavior grade for the day. M- Receive a Conduct Referral and a NI behavior grade for the day. Behavior Grade Classroom with all teachers Morning assembly Playground Hallways/bathroom The weekly classroom behavior grades will be considered, along with behavior in the above school environments for each students’ behavior grade on report cards. Behavior Folder Sent home every Friday Daily/weekly behavior/work habits grade Signature Return signed sheet and folder on Monday Completed Work Sent home every two weeks Review papers Assignments at or below a 69% will need parent signature and need to be re-done. Sign cover page and return Grading System/Gradelink 97-100 % A 75-79% C 93-96% A- 70-74% C- 90-92% B+ 67-69% D+ 87-89% B 64-66% D 85-86% B- 60-63% D- 80-84% C+ 60 -Below F “A” Honor Roll- 3.5 GPA “B” Honor Roll- 3.0-3.4 GPA To receive honors, students must earn a B or higher in Work Habits and Behavior. No more than 13 tardies per trimester. Religion, Reading, Math, English, Spelling, Social Studies and Science Principal’s List- no less than an “A” in Behavior and Work Habits Perfect Attendance Gradelink www.gradelink.com Log-in to view student grades Unique Email username and password address Homework Archdiocesan recommendation for third grade: 1 hour per night, Monday through Thursday Projects/Studying occasional weekends Proper heading: full name, date and subject on right side of paper. Student number in left corner. Title of assignment in the center. Lined paper for Spelling and textbook work. Agenda/Website Keep workbook pages in the workbook Turn in on assigned date/Missing homework folder Work Standards/Expectations Proper heading: full name, date and subject on right side of paper. Student number in left corner. Title of assignment in the center. Pencil Book only. Pens for correcting papers only. work in notebook or on lined paper Textbooks covered at all times Student of the Month & Chapel Stars • Student of the Month Two students are chosen each month who exhibit the character trait of that month. Students names will be displayed in the school building and their award will be given at the honors assembly. • Chapel Stars Two students’ excellent work will be chosen each month and displayed in the school building. They will be given an award at the honors assembly. Mathletics Unique Log-in taped in Agenda mathletics.com Homework/Classwork Skills Tutor myskillstutor.com Homework/Classwork Catholic Telemedia Network www.ctnba.org Access to BrainpopJr. and Mathletics Communication Email- aintagliata@cathedralchapel.org Weekly Newsletter Website- www.mrsjuravic.com Behavior Folder/Behavior Sheets Conferences Important Dates STAR Testing August 26, 2015 MATH September 2, 2015 READING Back to School Night Thursday, September 24th 7:00 p.m. Third Grade Masses Sunday, September 20th 10:00 a.m. (Catechetical Sunday) Sunday, September 27th 10:00 a.m. (Blessing of the Backpacks) Tuesday, November 24th 9:00 a.m. (3rd grade school Mass) Sunday, March 13th 10:00 a.m. (3rd grade Mass) Thank you! Questions?