to pptx F - Natural Health Now

Water, Water Everywhere
 Just as 2/3 of the surface of the planet
Earth is made up of water, the human
body content is 60%, or about 2/3,
 Water is essential to successfully
maintain the human body, as well as
being a key ingredient to all life on
The Percentages of Water in the
Organs of the Human Body
 stated in varying amounts depending on the
source. Body mass, or size, also comes into
account in percentage measurements.
 The chart of percentages is based on
averages calculated from several sources.
The lungs, for instance, are said to be made
up as high as 90% water, or as low as 80%.
Percentage of Water in the Body
Hydration for Life
 Without water, cells cannot grow,
reproduce, or survive, and the entire
organism (in this case the human
body) dies. The human body can
survive for weeks without food, but a
lack of water may put the body in
jeopardy within a few days.
Hydration for Life
 The percent of body water in an
individual expectedly decreases as age
increases, but the majority of this
decrease occurs during the first 10 years
of life growth
Body Water Maintenance
 ** keeps mucosal membranes from
drying out (eyes, mouth, etc.)
 ** stabilises heating and cooling
 **permits optimal digestive and
elimination processes
Body Water Maintenance
 **allows absorption of life essentials
 **delivers body fluids and oxygen
 **provides natural moisture in skin
 **helps blood flow
 ** promotes cellular reproduction
The Importance of Water in
Our Own Bodies
 Water is without a doubt one of the very best diet
aids and fat reducers: look at what it does . . .
 Suppresses your appetite.
 Reduces sodium build up and helps maintain
muscle tone.
 Helps the body eliminate waste and toxins.
 Relieves fluid retention. If you don’t give your body
water, it holds onto water so it wont run out.
The Importance of Water in Our
Own Bodies
 Reduces fat deposits in the body by helping
the body metabolize the fat that is stored in
the body.
 When your kidneys don’t get enough water,
this causes the liver to become overloaded.
Since the liver is the organ that metabolizes
the fat, it can’t do that if it’s doing the
kidneys job.
The Importance of Water in
Our Own Bodies
 The real truth is that water is one of the best cures for
our most common ailments.
 Doctors almost never write a prescription for water
and yet look what all it can treat:
 allergies, asthma, depression, high blood pressure,
diabetes, headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome, colitis,
alcohol dependency, lower back pain, neck pain, and
on and on.
The Importance of Water in Our
Own Bodies
 Now don’t be fooled by considering the coffee, tea or
soft drinks that you drink as part of your water intake,
because if these products are caffeinated (and most of
them are) it has just the opposite effect on our bodies.
 Caffeine acts as a diuretic to our system and actually
results in water reduction to our bodies. The same
applies to drinks with alcohol. If your drinking these
items make sure you don’t count them as part of your
eight glasses of water per day.
Body water
replacement is a
continuous cycle that
must be met for
optimal body
maintenance and
What kind of Water is Natural
 Natural Ionised Water, Mineral Water.
 Magnetisation
 Sterilisation
 Re-mineralising
 Energising
 Alkalising
Mineral Water  Chemicals
 Heavy Metals
 Nitrates
 Fluoride
Natural Ionised Mineral Water
 Waters Co ‘Mineral Pots’ have been
developed by some of the world’s
leading water research scientists with a
specific outcome in mind. This is
simply to replicate nature’s principle
for filtration of water & to produce
from tap water the equivalent of
natural spring mineral water.
Natural Ionised Mineral Water
 To do this, we’ve incorporated our patented
multiple stage filtration components, including
membrane filters, ionised silver carbon, bio
ceramics which produce far infrared, magnets to
restore natural energy & hexagonal micro cluster
water cell structure & somelite which blends
around 60 natural sea based minerals, creating an
alkaline water easily absorbed & used by our cells.
The result is clean, fresh, alkaline,
energised mineral water & a taste
you’ll love.
Highly effective in hydrating cells,
giving you more energy & stronger
immune system.
What is the Purpose of the Mineral
 Activated coconut shell carbon bonded with silver
reduces impurities, chlorine, chemicals, heavy metals,
fluoride & bacteria.
 Quickly re-mineralises tap water – Mineral support
immune & cellular functions increasing vitality.
 Alkaline, Energised & magnetised water – Help to
hydrate you more effectively & stimulate cellular
 Clean, fresh, great tasting water – Drink more water,
less tea, coffee, soft drinks etc save $ & improve your
Health Benefits of the Bio Ceramic
 A fair question right now would be what really is bio
ceramic amplification and what possible good could it
do to us?
 To begin with, ceramics have a tough, crystalline
construction owing to exceedingly high levels of heat.
It’s this crystalline structure of creamics that bring
about the electrical currents essential in the bio
transformation process. The bio ceramic process has
the outcome of completely altering the molecular
structure of the water, generating fundamental
wellness benefits.
Health Benefits of the Bio Ceramic
 These molecular changes result in or include,
increased levels of hydrogen in the water, the
occurrence of antioxidants, electrolytes and increased
alkalinity levels. Each of these changes or additions to
the water has its own benefits and we will explore
them in some detail. Before we discuss them though,
it’s worth noting that we are not talking about some
unnatural genetic transformation process here. The
truth of the matter is that at one stage, all of the fresh
water on earth had such structure, and in some remote
corners, still does.
Health Benefits of the Bio Ceramic
 It’s only pollution and chemicals added to our
water supplies that prevent us from still enjoying
this kind of water naturally. The bio
ceramic permits us to benefit from super
enhanced water. Raised hydrogen levels in water
results in faster rehydration of body cells. To get
the same rehydration benefits of one glass of bio
ceramic water, you would have to drink five glasses
of untreated water, or eight to ten glasses of tap
Health Benefits of the Bio Ceramic
 A further benefit resulting from bio transformation
involves increased alkaline levels.
 High acid levels or PH imbalance can result in acute
health and wellness issues. Our major organs such as
the heart and lungs require a mildly alkaline condition
to be able to function properly. If an overly acidic
environment is detected by these key organs, they will
try to restore the imbalance by seeking alkaline
reserves from other parts of the body.
Health Benefits of the Bio Ceramic
 It’s the bones that are called upon to supply
reserves of alkaline substances such as
calcium and magnesium. The bones
therefore give up some of their significant
ingredients for health.
 So PH imbalance can lead to bone health
related matters as well as other issues such
as fatigue.
Introducing Anions
 Ever wonder why the air smells so fresh after
a thunderstorm? It's because lightning
generates ozone and anions (pronounced
"an-eye-on"); also known as negative ions. A
negatively charged ion has extra electrons.
Anions are great for health, and lots are
present in places like mountains, waterfalls,
and beaches.
 Ozone is a quick-acting decontaminant and
kills bacteria (it's even used by hospitals to
decontaminate operating rooms). Its
antiseptic powers are 3000 times better than
chlorine; it breaks down toxins. An ozone
bath boosts the oxygen utilization rate in
human tissues and activates the cells of the
body (which in turn helps to prevent
Explanation of Anion Benefits
 Anion (Negative ion) is an active
invisible particle with a negative
electrical charge, and its activity (bio
energy) becomes the driving force to
bring back our lives and our health as it
wanders freely in the air.
 Negative ions are odorless, tasteless, and
invisible molecules that we inhale in
abundance in certain environments. . . .
Once they reach our bloodstream, negative
ions are believed to produce biochemical
reactions that increase levels of the mood
chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate
depression, relieve stress, and boost our
daytime energy.
 The ions in the air change according to
weather conditions.
 When a cold front and a low pressure
passes through, positiveions increase.
Benefits of Anions
 Asthma, Allergies, and other Respiratory
Problems and Illnesses,
Migraine Headaches,
Fatigue, Sleep,
Mental Performance and Concentration. Physical
Other Actions of Anions
 Purification of Blood
 Anions increase the top five factors of
blood (nitrogen, oxygen, calcium,
sodium and potassium) and make our
blood become slightly alkali, and thus
purify our blood.
Silica Sand
Silica Sand
 As we age, our bodies continue to deteriorate
naturally. Joint and muscle pains are a
common feature of the effects of age. Joint
and muscle pains are also quite common in
sports as a result of injuries to the specific
area or wear and tear over a long period of
time. Silica offers you the opportunity to heal
your body. Waters mineral pot contains silica,
a common mineral important for healing in
your body.
Silica Sand
 Silica is a common mineral. It is, however, not
well known for its healing properties. Although
it is essential for all healing processes within
the body, it is more commonly sought after for
joint and muscle relief. Silica promotes rapid
healing by enhancing the removal of waste
from your body at cell level. The mineral assists
in the removal of excess oxygen and nutrients
and aids in the reduction of inflammation.
This is important as the healing process tends
to slow down with age.